有人玩liberal democracycrime squad吗

Bay 12 Games: Liberal Crime Squad - A Liberal Adventure
Liberal Crime Squad
A Liberal Adventure
v3.09, Copyright (c) 2002-6, Tarn Adams
To some a dream come true, to others an offensive piece of crap.
(Last Updated August 2004, Posted December 2002)
(Last Updated August 2004, Posted June 2004)
Note: Don't burn flags in Linux.
Not only is it unpatriotic, but it will crash your computer.
A group of players is continuing the development of LCS as an open source project over at Source Forge.
You can find their release announcements and download links in .
WARNING: The scope of this game is narrower than that of real life. We have attempted to include foul language, graphic violence, politics, religion, sexual references, adult situations, narcotics, prostitution, bodily functions and bad pickup lines, but Bay 12 Games recognizes that there might be omissions which will make some players uncomfortable.
In light of these facts, use your discretion when making decisions about downloading LCS.
Many thanks to Kevin Sadler for bringing LCS to Linux (and for other coding/bug fixes).
Starting with v3.05, LCS has been released under . See the release notes for some possible issues.
Bay 12 Games would like to thank the maintainers of PDCurses for allowing us to nullify otherwise productive time on 1980s nostalgia.
We'd also like to thank the many contributions of members of the Bay 12 Forum to the quality of the game.The Liberal Crime Squad Wiki
Welcome to Liberal Crime Squad! The Conservatives have taken the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branches of government. Over time, the Liberal laws of this nation will erode and turn the country into a BACKWOODS YET CORPORATE NIGHTMARE. To prevent this from happening, the Liberal Crime Squad was established. The mood of the country is shifting, and we need to turn things around. Go out on the streets and indoctrinate Conservative automatons. That is, let them see their True Liberal Nature. Then arm them and send them forth to Stop Evil. Eventually the public will fall behind us, and we will put more Elite Liberals in government for greater justice.
How to play
Key concepts
Download/Play Online
WARNING: The scope of this game is narrower than that of real life. We have attempted to include foul language, graphic violence, politics, religion, sexual references, adult situations, narcotics, prostitution, bodily functions and bad pickup lines, but Bay 12 Games recognizes that there might be omissions which will make some players uncomfortable. In light of these facts, use your discretion when making decisions about downloading LCS.
Latest stable version (it's what everyone actually plays):
March 2013 (to play it in Linux, Mac OS X, FreeBSD, Solaris, etc. use
or try building from source, and to play it in DOS use )
Source code for 4.07.0 stable release: .
Current development source code:
You can also .
Because of SourceForge and their shady acts recently, there's also an unofficial repository at GitHub, . It also contains other features and bug fixes not present in the SourceForge release.
There is a port to Android available , with source available .
The old version from 2004 by Tarn Adams:
Oubliette, the 1983 game Liberal Crime Squad is inspired by:
(you can run it in
if you don't have DOS or Windows)
Obligatory Conservative disclaimer
Liberal Crime Squad is a game. Any person who attempts to perform the activities described in the game in the real world is silly and will probably go to jail for a very, very long time — assuming they don't die in the process. The designers, developers, and players of Liberal Crime Squad neither advocate nor condone this behavior.
Tarn Adams and Bay 12 Games make no representations or warranties with respect to the contents hereof and disclaim any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for any purpose. Tarn Adams and Bay 12 Games reserve the right to make changes at any time without prior notification.
Author: Tarn Adams of Bay 12 Games
v3.9 Copyright (c) , Tarn Adams
v3.10-4.07 revisions by fans of Liberal Crime Squad in the Open Source Community. We hope you enjoy our changes.
If you have any questions, comments, suggestions, or bug reports, please visit
and participate in the discussions there. Anybody can read whatever is posted there without having to register, but you need to register at the Bay 12 Games forums if you want to post anything.
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