
导语Snake是本届LPL的黑马战队,常规赛的排名仅此于超级战舰EDG,但是Snake第二轮拿分是比第一轮少一些的,可以说,Snake有着自己的优势,也有着自己的问题。本文作者:完美WM,《英雄联盟电竞梦》作者,电一超凡大师段位 以专业的写作分析风格深得读者喜爱Snake体系SNAKE战队在之前沙皇被过度削弱的那个版本里面,SNAKE的表现可以说是非常糟糕的,一度丧失了他们联赛初期的统治力,但是如今,随着沙皇被重新BUFF了一次,再次回归职业赛场,使得SNAKE的综合实力又一次地得到了提升,最近的比赛也是赢多输少。SNAKE其实最强的只有俩套体系,一套就是利用泽拉斯和黄金脆皮鸡的POKE体系,SNAKE的中单BAKA在LSPL的时候,就是队伍的短板,但是在进入到了LPL以后,随着版本的变更,在联赛初期,泽拉斯和沙皇无比地强势,而BAKA正好就特别擅长这俩中单,所以当时只要BAKA能够拿到这俩个英雄的其中之一,SNAKE往往都能非常轻松地拿下比赛胜利。但是BAKA这个人的问题也就在于这里,虽然他的泽拉斯和沙皇玩得跟神一样,但是他却只有这俩个英雄是世界级水平的,其他英雄玩得都很一般。再加上后来对沙皇的削弱导致其他队伍在面对SNAKE的时候,只需要BAN掉一个泽拉斯,SNAKE全队的实力都会瞬间下降一个台阶。这也就是为什么SNAKE最近的统治力大不如前的主要原因了。虽然说BAKA的英雄池非常地浅,但是在没有泽拉斯和沙皇的情况下,他却还可以通过使用璐璐这种混子型英雄,进行一套4保1体系,4个人保护一个kRYST4L的大嘴或者德莱文来进行团战,效果还不错,由于kRYST4L在团战里的细节处理做得非常好,所以在没有泽拉斯和沙皇的情况下,SNAKE也可以通过4保1体系偶尔能够赢下一俩盘胜利,但是4保1体系最大的问题就是前期容易崩盘,所以如果BAKA不能够扩张自己的英雄池的话,迟早SNAKE就会彻底跌下王座。真正核心而且其实大众都普遍认为SNAKE是靠ADC来CARRY团队的,但是其实不然,SNAKE的战术有点类似于S4赛季的皇族,会让许多资源给AD位。只不过kRYST4L这个人的性格要更加稳健一点,给人一种巅峰Namei的即视感。其实,SNAKE的真正核心是他们的打野和辅助,其实这非常好解释,因为在LSPL的时候,在没有更换打野和辅助的情况下,SNAKE被KING吊打了一整年,而在更换了打野和辅助以后,SNAKE原本的表现其实只能说是一般,他们的打野Beast更是被黑成一个朝鲜打野,但是在之后的团队磨合彻底完成以后,SNAKE便是实现了在LPL联赛初期的彻底统治,也是目前LPL上唯一一支能够俩盘全胜EDG的战队。表现不知道要比KING强上多少。所以说,SNAKE真正的核心,其实是他们的打野选手,BEAST,没有BEAST,也就不会有如今的SNAKE。而kRYST4L其实原本只能算是一位普通的AD选手,甚至还不如KING战队的无心,但是在有了新的辅助的加盟以后,顿时变得非常厉害,所以说,SNAKE的下路核心其实不是他们的AD,大众普遍看好的kRYST4L,而是他们的新辅助,ELLA。稳健的来源SNAKE这支战队之所以显得很厉害,主要就是靠打野和下路CARRY,就跟S4的皇族一样,而BAKA,则是跟以前的玉米一样,就是个混子。不过SNAKE和S4的皇族最大的不同就在于SNAKE的上单圣枪哥实力非常强,不知道要比S4上躺赢的可乐强上多少倍。可以说是整个LPL里,最有天赋的选手之一。圣枪哥最大的特点,就是他的英雄池深不可测,一开始在全世界都不看好卢锡安的情况下,一人使用卢锡安上了王者,然后卢锡安就在全球范围内火了起来。他一开始加入SNAKE就是打ADC的,最擅长卢锡安和VN。后来转打中路,同样非常CARRY,最终为了团队考虑,转打上路,目前依然是LPL最强上单之一。可以说,圣枪哥是职业选手里面最强的全能王之一,随便一个线上位置,他都能有职业选手的水平。小操作和一些细节处理非常到位,尤其是对于传送的运用,理解非常深刻,完全不像是一位新人选手。BP被针对所以说,在我看来,SNAKE除了中单以外,上野下路全都是CARRY点,而且中单虽然捞了些,但是在拿到泽拉斯和沙皇的情况下,也是不逊色于LPL的任何一位顶级中单选手。由于这个版本沙皇的再度回归,对于SNAKE而言,可以说是一个非常有利的局面。这就迫使得其他战队就不得不需要重新重视沙皇这个点,若其他战队想要赢得比赛,必须要连续BAN掉泽拉斯和沙皇,再BAN掉璐璐,彻底断绝SNAKE的POKE体系与4保1体系。之后再想办法不断针对BEAST的野区发起进攻,限制BEAST在前期带节奏的能力,这样一来,SNAKE就相当于是一个自然崩的局面,只要限制住了SNAKE的中野,SNAKE就会直接输一半。而SNAKE的下路虽然团战很厉害,但是一针对就崩,所以其他战队在前期完全可以不管上路,专注于反野与GANK下路。被针对后Snake的解决之道虽然说SNAKE的辅助前期会经常游去中路帮BAKA做视野,毕竟现在全世界都知道SNAKE的短板是中路,只要针对中单就能拿下比赛,所以说,SNAKE前期会特别照顾BAKA,尤其是SNAKE的那个辅助,没事就去中路帮忙游一波,SNAKE的那个辅助的游走能力确实是强,前期若是SNAKE的打野Beast没能为团队带来优势的话,SNAKE到了10分钟以后,就会转变由辅助的ELLA和上路的圣枪哥进行一个上辅双游的套路,不过这仅仅是局限于前期换线了的情况下。一个游走能力爆表的辅助ELLA,再加上圣枪哥这个支援意识逆天一样的存在,各种绕地球一圈GANK,有点S3的时候的大哥即视感啊!&不过SNAKE最近非常喜欢让上单带传送惩戒,前期通过换线,利用双惩戒的套路在游戏很早的时候便是拿下第一条小龙,不过这也影响不大,小龙这个东西,在第三条以前,基本对游戏造成不了多少实质性的影响。所以即使SNAKE在前期积累了一定的小龙优势,也不是非常容易获得胜利。团战能力是关键SNAKE这支队伍的风格就是这样,前期依靠打野带节奏,辅助做视野保中路发育,前中期的时候转变为上辅双游,而中路和ADC则是稳着猥琐发育,将节奏拖到中期抱团的时候,若SNAKE没有陷入劣势,SNAKE基本依然能够拿下游戏胜利。因为SNAKE非常擅长打团战,尤其是上单和ADC,团战细节操作几乎全都无懈可击,他们的团战实力是和号称团战最强的EDG有一拼的,纵观SNAKE与EDG的几场较量下来,我们可以发现,SNAKE的团战能力完全不亚于EDG,甚至有时候还能够通过团战打垮EDG。这主要是归功于SNAKE的团战输出能力近乎无解的ADCkRYST4L。总而言之,SNAKE战队若是能解决了自身的问题,就依然是LPL最强的战队,若是不能,恐怕他们在LPL上的地位,只会愈加地下降。总结Snake在第一轮要打King,这个在LSPL一直吊打他们的队伍,不知道新Snake面对老King会有怎样的结局,不要看第二与第七的排名差距很大,实际上两支队没多少差距,差距就在于Snake能多点开花,King太依赖麻辣香锅吧。& &&新功能推荐风格特点和标签更新了!赶快去看看你有什么新标签吧~查询方法方法一:点击网站右侧的“关键词查询”栏目方法二:扫描下方二维码,关注“英雄小助手” (转载请注明出处)
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Copyright (C) 2016 LOLDK.All Rights Reserved.2016LPL夏季赛首日:厂长Carry全场 Snake风格大变
[摘要]LPL夏季赛终于是在5月26日开战啦~揭幕战是由EDG携手Newbee为大家带来精彩的对决,第二组对决是由Snake打GT,一起来看综述吧~大帝首战失利 EDG 2:1 胜Newbee在首场对战中,Scout作为EDG首发中单登场,非常期待他的表现。EDG作为蓝色方先Ban掉豹女、牛头、大树,Newbee则是将艾克、瑞兹、千珏禁选。阵容上,EDG选出一套打团优势的中后期阵容,上单巨魔、打野挖掘机、中单沙皇、皮城和扇子妈双人路。另一边,Newbee拿出一套多点输出阵容,维克托、策士统领、卢锡安都是消耗能力很强的英雄,布隆算是这个阵容的前排和辅助英雄,打野位则是给了前期Carry能力很强的盲僧。比赛开始后,双方正常对线,盲僧在7分钟前两次蹲下路终是将Defr击杀,厂长在此时也是来到中路帮助沙皇击杀维克托,EDG抓到机会推掉NB下路外塔后拿到云端龙,随后EDG开始游走中上,卢锡安趁机推掉EDG下路外塔和二塔。双方在中前期都是抱团推塔,两边的防御塔持有数都差不多,EDG在团灭Newbee后拿到水龙buff。EDG仍旧保持打法——稳的风格,三次抱团推进时将Newbee三路通关,缺乏前排的Newbee没有人能承受EDG的输出,EDG将运营发挥到极致,通过很少的团战取得巨大的收益,换了一个中单对EDG好像没有什么影响。比赛进行到34分钟,EDG抱团打大龙被Swift抢掉,沙皇一个R技能然而让盲僧片叶不沾身的离开,愤怒的EDG战队抱团推下将复活的水晶推掉。拿到大龙buff的Newbee并没有取得什么收益,EDG在与Newbee开战的时候,超级兵已经推掉Newbee门牙。最终比赛定格在43分钟,EDG凭借一波完美的团战拆掉了Newbee基地,恭喜EDG战队赢得本场比赛的胜利,取得了开门红!在第二局对局中,NewBee在Ban掉上场表现不错的沙皇、挖掘机后又将艾克Ban了,一抢消耗能力不错的卢锡安,二三位是给了粘人能力很强的巨魔以及刷野、输出能力不错的男枪,最后两个位置则是给了突进能力很强的卡萨丁和保护与控制能力不错的巴德。EDG战队在禁选豹女、千珏、瑞兹后,拿出一套攻守兼备的中后期阵容,上单大树、打野寡妇、中单维克托、布隆辅助皮城。进入比赛后,EDG主动换线Newbee抓换线成功却是上下两路出现劣势。男枪抢厂长蓝buff,维克托、大树直接闪现来到小龙河道让厂长拿到男枪一血,此后厂长的游走gank都要比男枪先于一步。双方前期一直围绕双人路开战,厂长在4分钟的时间收获六个人头,输出非常高!EDG开始点亮Newbee野区,多次入侵野区取得人头,在EDG拿到土龙buff后推掉Newbee下路外塔,巨魔也拿到峡谷先锋buff。比赛进行到19分钟,Newbee抓到EDG失误快速的形成5V4的对战,巨魔的柱子和巴德大招成功分割战场,Newbee打出1换3的优势,卡萨丁拿到三杀后装备更新输出随之提高。EDG整合装备和阵容后抱团推掉EDG中、下二塔,Deft的夹子非常刁钻,手短的Newbee防守能力很差。EDG埋伏在大龙附近斩杀Newbee两人后决定抱团打大龙,男枪来到大龙圈内被秒,临死前一个Q技能二段抢到大龙buff!拿到大龙buff的Newbee还没找到反击的时机就被EDG推掉所有外塔,比赛进行到38分钟,双方在蓝色方下路高地塔下展开激烈的团战,Newbee竟然团灭EDG,卡萨丁拿到三杀!NewBee快速的打掉大龙buff后开始分推,巨魔单人带线给EDG线上很大压力,Newbee在打掉第三小龙buff后团灭EDG,一波推掉EDG战队基地,恭喜Newbee获得本场比赛的胜利!赛点局中,EDG回到先手方,双方相继将豹女、巨魔、大树、瑞兹、沙皇、皮城Ban掉,之后EDG选择一套强开团阵容,上单小鱼人、打野千珏、中单维克托、ADC复仇之矛、辅助牛头。另一边Newbee战队则是拿出一套攻守兼备的后期阵容,艾克、挖掘机、小法、卢锡安、巴德。比赛开始后,EDG选择主动换线将双人路放在上路,挖掘机来到中路Gank配合小法的伤害击杀维克托。牛头在游走时被挖掘机和卢锡安合力击杀,EDG决定强行越塔击杀塔下带线的艾克,挖掘机随后又一次配合小法的控制和伤害击杀维克托。比赛进行10分钟,Newbee抱团与EDG在上路三角草丛爆发团战,牛头在顶飞挖掘机后,双方交换一套技能后EDG完成1换3的团战。从这波团战后Newbee出现各种操作失误,先是艾克在下路想要杀牛头,各种技能交出后背赶来的复仇之矛、小鱼人击杀!小鱼人下路带线过深被复仇之矛、牛头击杀。EDG在比赛中期后就开始抱团入侵Newbee野区,两次野区游击战中都是以1换3结束团战,团战中复仇之矛大招先丢出牛头,让牛头打出二连控制给小鱼人、千珏、维克托、复仇之矛充分的输出时间,比赛进行到22分钟时,EDG抱团终是将大龙buff拿到手中。双方在这场比赛中频频爆发团战,EDG抱团推塔总要面对Newbee极力抵抗,像红蓝buff、大小龙以及眼位争夺都能引发混战,在你来我往的团战中EDG还是凭借完美的团战配合打出不少优势,在拿到大龙和第三条小龙buff后,开始Newbee兵线压力。比赛进行到40分钟,EDG直接一波团灭Newbee顺势推掉了Newbee基地,恭喜EDG战队获得本场比赛的胜利!GT让1追二完成大逆转 Snake打法太急躁 Snake与GT的第一场比赛中,Snake作为蓝色方先将沙皇、千珏、河流之主Ban掉,掏出一套多点输出阵容,上单小鱼人、打野挖掘机、中单丽桑卓、老鼠和扇子妈双人路。GT在Ban掉瑞兹、卢锡安、豹女后,直接拿出一套消耗能力很强的阵容,大树、男枪、维克托、伊泽瑞尔、巴德。比赛开始后,双方正常对线,游戏前期双方打野都是先来到中路确保中路的发育,丽桑卓、维克托各取得一个人头。在GT推完上二塔后,想去Gank中路,但被反杀一人。Snake顺利拿下第一条小龙(水龙)。Snake中野来到上路强行越塔击杀大树,GT也是抓到机会在中路击杀两人。双方在这场比赛打的有来有回,除了抱团推塔外,围绕小龙爆发的混战更加激烈。双方的团战打的很混乱,老鼠爆炸输出打的GT四散而逃,伊泽瑞尔的输出来的太慢了,Snake根本不给GT消耗的时间,见面就是挖掘机+丽桑卓的硬控组合,强而有力的分割GT阵容,限制GT双核输出,Snake这种完美配合下GT只能步步后撤。比赛进行到33分钟,当Snake拿下第二条小龙buff后,双方围绕大龙河道展开激烈的团战,小鱼人1V3完成三杀,随后Snake团灭GT。老鼠在后期阴人屡试屡爽,巴德、男枪、维克托都是见面一套秒掉,闪现、治疗怎么能确保老鼠偷人后安全撤退。伴随着最后一波团战,老鼠打出成吨的伤害是帮助Snake团灭GT随后将其基地推到,恭喜Snake战队获得本场比赛的胜利。进入第二场对决中,GT先Ban掉丽桑卓、卡牌、豹女,Snake将千珏、瑞兹、卢锡安禁选。阵容上,GT一抢反野和支援非常快的挖掘机,第三位是给了新晋辅助卡尔玛与上场输出爆炸的老鼠,最后两个位置给是续航能力很强的艾克以及消耗、输出能力极强的维克托,整体来说GT选择一套多点输出阵容。Snake的阵容更偏强大招流阵容,沙皇、巴德都具备团控,大树以及蜘蛛还有硬控能力,小炮作为阵容的主力输出。游戏开始后,双方先互两座防御塔,Snake的推塔速度比较快多推了GT下路二塔。双方不约而同转到中路对线,挖掘机闪现顶起小炮,沙皇释放大招相救小炮无奈小炮还是被秒掉。Snake抱团打小龙被GT视野看到,由于Snake众人被消耗很多血量选择撤退,第一条小龙buff被GT拿到。比赛中期,GT抱团入侵Snake红buff,巴德在点视野时被挖掘机、卡尔玛控到,Snake秒掉巴德后收掉第二条小龙buff。Snake一直在避免和GT打战,GT在尝试几次进攻无果的情况下来到大龙河道埋伏。比赛进行到33分钟,双方在大龙附近展开激烈的团战,老鼠在率先被秒的情况的GT打出1换3的优势,GT转身打被Snake小跑和挖掘机多次骚扰,在Snake复活的队员赶来后GT只能让出大龙。Snake这条大龙buff也没有什么收益,仅仅是缓解线上压力。比赛进行到43分钟,双方聚集在中路,巴德大招先手逼走维克托闪现,大树传送落地后与队友撤到左侧,GT直接抱团反打,GT的多点输出阵容在这波团战中打出成吨的伤害,Snake措手手不及就被打成团灭,随后GT踏上Snake基地一波推掉Snake基地,恭喜GT战队获得本场比赛的胜利!来到赛点局中,双方将千珏、沙皇、老鼠、瑞兹、豹女、丽桑卓Ban掉,Snake作为先手方掏出一套攻守兼备的阵容,上单大树、蜘蛛打野、中单维克托、布隆辅助卢锡安。GT战队则是选择一套突进和消耗能力很强的阵容,艾克、卡萨丁、伊泽瑞尔、卡尔玛都有不俗的输出能力,打野给了反野探听能力很强的挖掘机。进入比赛画面后,Snake双人路在逼掉伊泽瑞尔闪现后,预判到伊泽瑞尔和卡尔玛打蛤蟆,直接入侵到GT野区,布隆Q中伊泽瑞尔后直接挂虚弱,没有闪现的伊泽瑞尔被卢锡安拿一血。GT马上还以颜色,挖掘机两次来到中路帮助卡萨丁击杀维克托。GT在做足了视野后选择绕后包夹杀人、推塔,几次入侵Snake野区养猪、反buff。比赛中期后,卡萨丁和艾克的续航能力开始让Snake头疼了,卢锡安一直被艾克、挖掘机、卡萨丁针对的死死的,卡尔玛R技能后的加速和护盾提供不少加成属性。比赛进行到30分钟时,艾克绕后直接控到4人是让Snake措手不及,大树即便是开启大招捆到艾克,卡萨丁补上输出直接击杀卢锡安,一波后GT又拿到三个人头,顺势推掉Snake中路二塔。卡萨丁在后期已经完成大杀特杀成就,Snake再也没有人能在卡萨丁的刀下存活。Snake这场比赛打的非常急躁,开局双人路在被针对的情况下没有找到很好的方法扳回劣势,导致维克托在中后期输出太过匮乏。最终GT整装后抱团越塔击杀Snake两人后直接推掉Snake基地,恭喜GT战队获得本场比赛的胜利!
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> 势均力敌逢敌手 艰苦鏖战Snake先下一城
势均力敌逢敌手 艰苦鏖战Snake先下一城
发布时间:16-07-22 22:20
69738死亡宣告打女友视频 家暴现场太恐怖!
Copyright © 2002- 版权所有 52PK网? ? [gui1] /variant of 龜|龟[gui1]/
〇 〇 [ling2] /zero (same as 零)/
? ? [kua4] /component in Chinese characters, mirror image of 夂[zhi3]/
? ? [wu3] /archaic variant of 五[wu3]/
? ? [yin3] /component in Chinese character 殷[yin1]/
? ? [ta1] /variant of 它[ta1]/
? ? [Ye4] /see ?毒[Ye4 du2]/
? ? [chou2] /variant of 仇[chou2]/
? ? [nuo4] /archaic variant of 懦[nuo4]/
? ? [qiu2] /archaic variant of 求[qiu2]/
? ? [zhou4] /beautiful/
? ? [zhou4] /beautiful/
? ? [sui4] /archaic variant of 遂[sui4]/
? ? [jie2] /"seal" radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 26)/
? ? [sheng3] /variant of 省[sheng3]/tight-lipped/to examine/to watch/to scour (esp. Cantonese)/
? ? [jia4] /sentence-final particle, contraction of "嘅呀" (Cantonese)/see also 嘅[kai4]/
? ? [ai4] /variant of 礙|碍[ai4]/
? ? [de2] /to obtain/archaic variant of 得[de2]/
? ? [ba3] /(baby talk) poop/see ??[ba3 ba5]/
? ? [xun4] /variant of 巽[xun4]/
? ? [de2] /variant of 德[de2]/
? ? [yin3] /cautious/
? ? [jie2] /variant of 捷[jie2]/quick/nimble/
? ? [xian3] /old variant of 顯|显[xian3]/visible/apparent/
? ? [song4] /variant of 送[song4]/
? ? [xian2] /variant of 涎[xian2]/
? ? [xie2] /(precise meaning unknown, relates to iron)/variant of 協|协[xie2]/
? ? [geng3] /fierce dog/
? ? [jiu2] /black jade/variant of 玖/
? 碗 [wan3] /variant of 碗[wan3]/
? ? [yao2] /(archaic) vase/pitcher/
? ? [zong1] /see 螉?[weng1 zong1]/
? ? [ba4] /plow/
? ? [sui3] /variant of 髓/marrow/essence/quintessence/pith (soft interior of plant stem)/
? 鲃 [ba1] /see ?魚|鲃鱼[ba1 yu2]/
一 一 [yi1] /one/1/single/a (article)/as soon as/entire/whole/all/throughout/"one" radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 1)/
丁 丁 [Ding1] /surname Ding/
丁 丁 [ding1] /fourth of 10 heavenly stems 十天干/fourth in order/letter "D" or roman "IV" in list "A, B, C", or "I, II, III" etc/butyl/cubes (of food)/
丂 丂 [kao3] /"breath" or "sigh" component in Chinese characters/
七 七 [qi1] /seven/7/
丄 丄 [shang4] /variant of 上[shang4]/
丅 丅 [xia4] /old variant of 下, down/
丆 丆 [xx5] /one of the characters used in kwukyel (phonetic "myeon"), an ancient Korean writing system/
万 万 [Mo4] /see 万俟[Mo4 qi2]/
丈 丈 [zhang4] /ten feet/
三 三 [San1] /surname San/
三 三 [san1] /three/3/
上 上 [shang3] /see 上聲|上声[shang3 sheng1]/
上 上 [shang4] /on top/upon/above/upper/previous/first (of multiple parts)/to climb/to get onto/to go up/to attend (class or university)/
下 下 [xia4] /down/downwards/below/lower/later/next (week etc)/second (of two parts)/to decline/to go down/to arrive at (a decision, conclusion etc)/
丌 丌 [Ji1] /surname Ji/
丌 丌 [ji1] /"pedestal" component in Chinese characters/
丌 丌 [qi2] /archaic variant of 其[qi2]/
不 不 [bu4] /(negative prefix)/not/no/
丏 丏 [mian3] /hidden/
丐 丐 [gai4] /to beg for alms/beggar/
丑 丑 [Chou3] /surname Chou/
丑 丑 [chou3] /clown/2nd earthly branch: 1-3 a.m., 12th solar month (6th January to 3rd February), year of the Ox/
丒 丒 [chou3] /variant of 醜|丑[chou3]/
且 且 [qie3] /and/moreover/yet/for the time being/to be about to/both (... and...)/
丕 丕 [pi1] /grand/
世 世 [Shi4] /surname Shi/
世 世 [shi4] /life/age/generation/era/world/lifetime/epoch/descendant/noble/
丗 丗 [shi4] /archaic variant of 世[shi4]/
丘 丘 [Qiu1] /surname Qiu/
丘 丘 [qiu1] /mound/hillock/grave/classifier for fields/
丙 丙 [bing3] /third of 10 heavenly stems 十天干/third in order/letter "C" or roman "III" in list "A, B, C", or "I, II, III" etc/propyl/
丞 丞 [cheng2] /deputy/
丟 丢 [diu1] /to lose/to put aside/to throw/
両 両 [liang3] /Japanese variant of 兩|两/
並 并 [bing4] /and/furthermore/also/together with/(not) at all/simultaneously/to combine/to join/to merge/
丨 丨 [gun3] /radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 2)/
丨 丨 [shu4] /see 豎筆|竖笔[shu4 bi3]/
丩 丩 [jiu1] /archaic variant of 糾|纠[jiu1]/
丫 丫 [ya1] /fork/branch/bifurcation/girl/
中 中 [Zhong1] /China/Chinese/surname Zhong/
中 中 [zhong1] /within/among/in/middle/center/while (doing sth)/during/
中 中 [zhong4] /to hit (the mark)/to be hit by/to suffer/to win (a prize, a lottery)/
丮 丮 [ji3] /to catch/
丰 丰 [feng1] /luxuriant/buxom/variant of 豐|丰[feng1]/variant of 風|风[feng1]/appearance/charm/
丱 丱 [guan4] /two tufts of hair/young/underage/
丱 丱 [kuang4] /archaic variant of 礦|矿[kuang4]/
串 串 [chuan4] /to string together/to mix up/to conspire/to rove/to make a swift or abrupt linear movement (like a bead on an abacus)/to move across/bunch or cluster/string (computing)/classifier for rows or strings/
丳 丳 [chan3] /skewer/
丵 丵 [zhuo2] /thick grass/"bush" component in Chinese characters/
丶 丶 [dian3] /see 點|点[dian3]/
丶 丶 [zhu3] /radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 3)/
丷 丷 [ba1] /"eight" component in Chinese characters/archaic variant of 八[ba1]/
丷 丷 [xx5] /one of the characters used in kwukyel, an ancient Korean writing system/
丸 丸 [wan2] /pill/
丹 丹 [dan1] /red/pellet/powder/cinnabar/
主 主 [zhu3] /owner/master/host/individual or party concerned/God/Lord/main/to indicate or signify/trump card (in card games)/
丼 丼 [jing3] /bowl of food/well/
丿 丿 [pie3] /radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 4)/see 撇[pie3]/
乀 乀 [fu2] /stretch/
乀 乀 [pie3] /variant of 丿[pie3]/
乂 乂 [yi4] /to regulate/to govern/to control/to mow/
乃 乃 [nai3] /to be/thus/so/therefore/then/only/thereupon/
乄 乄 [wu3] /Japanese kokuji pr. shime or shite/to find a place to dwell/sum/measurement of paper/to do/
久 久 [jiu3] /(long) time/(long) duration of time/
乆 乆 [jiu3] /archaic variant of 久[jiu3]/
乇 乇 [tuo1] /archaic variant of 托[tuo1]/
乇 乇 [zhe2] /"blade of grass" component in Chinese characters/
么 幺 [Yao1] /surname Yao/
么 幺 [yao1] /youngest/most junior/tiny/one (unambiguous spoken form when spelling out numbers, esp. on telephone or in military)/one or ace on dice or dominoes/variant of 吆, to shout/
乊 乊 [xx5] /one of the characters used in kwukyel (phonetic "ho"), an ancient Korean writing system/
之 之 [zhi1] /(possessive particle, literary equivalent of 的)/him/her/it/
乍 乍 [zha4] /at first/suddenly/abruptly/to spread/(of hair) to stand on end/bristling/
乎 乎 [hu1] /(classical particle similar to 於|于[yu2]) in/at/from/because/than/(classical final particle similar to 嗎|吗[ma5], 吧[ba5], 呢[ne5], expressing question, doubt or astonishment)/
乏 乏 [fa2] /short of/tired/
乑 乑 [zhong4] /to stand side by side/variant of 眾|众[zhong4]/
乒 乒 [ping1] /onomat. ping/bing/
乓 乓 [pang1] /onomat. bang/
乕 乕 [hu3] /archaic variant of 虎[hu3]/
乖 乖 [guai1] /(of a child) obedient, well-behaved/clever/shrewd/alert/perverse/contrary to reason/irregular/abnormal/
乗 乗 [cheng2] /Japanese variant of 乘[cheng2]/
乘 乘 [Cheng2] /surname Cheng/
乘 乘 [cheng2] /to ride/to mount/to make use of/to avail oneself of/to take advantage of/to multiply (mathematics)/Buddhist sect or creed/
乘 乘 [sheng4] /four horse military chariot (archaic)/four (archaic)/generic term for history books/
乙 乙 [yi3] /second of 10 heavenly stems 十天干/second in order/letter "B" or roman "II" in list "A, B, C", or "I, II, III" etc/second party (in legal contract, usually 乙方[yi3 fang1], as opposed to 甲方[jia3 fang1])/ethyl/bent/winding/radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 5)/
乙 乙 [zhe2] /turning stroke (in Chinese characters)/see also 折[zhe2]/
乚 乚 [ya4] /component in Chinese characters/archaic variant of 毫[hao2]/archaic variant of 乙[yi3]/
乛 乛 [zhe2] /variant of 乙[zhe2]/
乜 乜 [mie1] /to squint/what? (Cantonese)/see also 乜嘢[mie1 ye3]/
九 九 [jiu3] /nine/9/
乞 乞 [qi3] /to beg/
也 也 [Ye3] /surname Ye/
也 也 [ye3] /also/too/(in Classical Chinese) final particle implying affirmation/
乢 乢 [gai4] /ancient variant of 蓋|盖[gai4]/ancient variant of 丐[gai4]/
乣 乣 [jiu3] /archaic variant of 糺[jiu3]/
乤 乤 [xx5] /first character in place name 乤浦 "Halpho" (Korean gugja)/
乥 乥 [xx5] /one of the characters used in kwukyel (phonetic "hol"), an ancient Korean writing system/
乧 乧 [xx5] /archaic Korean hanja pronounced dul, phonetic 斗 du plus 乙 ul/
乨 乨 [shi3] /archaic variant of 始[shi3]/
乩 乩 [ji1] /to divine/
乪 乪 [nang1] /a bend in a river (Cantonese)/
乫 乫 [xx5] /phonetic "gal" used in place names (Korean gugja)/
乭 乭 [shi2] /rock/phonetic "dol" used in names (Korean kugja)/
乳 乳 [ru3] /breast/milk/
乴 乴 [xue2] /to grasp/
乵 乵 [yan3] /archaic variant of 進|进[jin4]/
乶 乶 [Fu3] /phonetic pol, used in Korean place name/see Polha 乶下[Fu3 xia4], Korean place name in former Hamgyeongdo Province 咸鏡道|咸镜道[Xian2 jing4 dao4]/
乷 乷 [xx5] /phonetic "sal" (Korean gugja)/
乸 乸 [na3] /feminine suffix (Cantonese)/postfix indicating feminine/
乹 乹 [gan1] /archaic variant of 乾|干[gan1]/
乹 乹 [qian2] /archaic variant of 乾[qian2]/
乺 乺 [xx5] /phonetic "sol" used in place names (Korean gugja)/
乼 乼 [xx5] /rope (Korean gugja)/
乾 乾 [Qian2] /surname Qian/
乾 乾 [qian2] /one of the Eight Trigrams 八卦[ba1 gua4], symbolizing heaven/male principle/?/
乾 干 [Gan1] /surname Gan/
乾 干 [gan1] /dry/clean/in vain/dried food/foster/adoptive/to ignore/
乿 乿 [luan4] /archaic variant of 亂|乱[luan4]/
乿 乿 [zhi4] /archaic variant of 治[zhi4]/
亀 亀 [gui1] /variant of 龜|龟[gui1]/tortoise/turtle/
亁 亁 [gan1] /variant of 乾|干[gan1]/
亁 亁 [qian2] /variant of 乾[qian2]/
亂 乱 [luan4] /in confusion or disorder/in a confused state of mind/disorder/upheaval/riot/illicit sexual relations/to throw into disorder/to mix up/indiscriminate/random/arbitrary/
亃 亃 [lin2] /mythical animal, said to have yellow body and white tail/
亄 亄 [yi4] /covetous/greedy/stingy/
亅 亅 [jue2] /"vertical stroke with hook" radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 6)/see also 豎鉤|竖钩[shu4 gou1]/
了 了 [le5] /(modal particle intensifying preceding clause)/(completed action marker)/
了 了 [liao3] /to finish/to achieve/to understand/
亇 亇 [ge4] /variant of 個|个[ge4]/
予 予 [yu2] /(archaic) I/me/
予 予 [yu3] /to give/
事 事 [shi4] /matter/thing/item/work/affair/CL:件[jian4],樁|桩[zhuang1]/
二 二 [er4] /two/2/stupid (Beijing dialect)/
亍 亍 [chu4] /step with the right foot/
于 于 [Yu2] /surname Yu/
于 于 [yu2] /to go/to take/sentence-final interrogative particle/variant of 於|于[yu2]/
亐 亐 [yu2] /archaic variant of 于[Yu2]/
云 云 [yun2] /(classical) to say/
互 互 [hu4] /mutual/
亓 亓 [Qi2] /surname Qi/
亓 亓 [qi2] /his/her/its/their/
五 五 [wu3] /five/5/
井 井 [Jing3] /Jing, one of the 28 constellations of Chinese astronomy/surname Jing/
井 井 [jing3] /a well/CL:口[kou3]/neat/orderly/
亙 亘 [gen4] /extending all the way across/running all the way through/
些 些 [xie1] /some/few/several/measure word indicating a small amount or small number (greater than 1)/
亜 亜 [ya4] /Japanese variant of 亞|亚/
亞 亚 [ya4] /Asia/Asian/second/next to/inferior/sub-/Taiwan pr. [ya3]/
亟 亟 [ji2] /urgent/
亟 亟 [qi4] /repeatedly/frequently/
亡 亡 [wang2] /to die/to lose/to be gone/to flee/deceased/
亢 亢 [Kang4] /surname Kang/Kang, one of the 28 constellations/
亢 亢 [kang4] /high/overbearing/excessive/
交 交 [jiao1] /to hand over/to deliver/to pay (money)/to turn over/to make friends/to intersect (lines)/
亥 亥 [hai4] /12th earthly branch: 9-11 p.m., 10th solar month (7th November-6th December), year of the Boar/
亦 亦 [yi4] /also/
亨 亨 [heng1] /prosperous/henry (unit of inductance)/
亪 亪 [xx5] /one of the characters used in kwukyel (phonetic "ye"), an ancient Korean writing system/
享 享 [xiang3] /to enjoy/to benefit/to have the use of/
京 京 [Jing1] /abbr. for Beijing/surname Jing/Jing ethnic minority/
京 京 [jing1] /capital city of a country/big/algebraic term for a large number (old)/artificial mound (old)/
亭 亭 [ting2] /pavilion/booth/kiosk/erect/
亮 亮 [liang4] /bright/clear/resonant/to shine/to show/to reveal/
亳 亳 [Bo2] /name of district in Anhui/capital of Yin/
亶 亶 [Dan3] /surname Dan/
亶 亶 [dan3] /sincere/
亹 亹 [men2] /mountain pass/defile (archaic)/
亹 亹 [wei3] /resolute/
人 人 [ren2] /man/person/people/CL:個|个[ge4],位[wei4]/
亻 亻 [ren2] /"person" radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 9)/
亼 亼 [ji2] /variant of 集[ji2]/
亽 亽 [ji2] /archaic variant of 亼[ji2]/
亽 亽 [xx5] /one of the characters used in kwukyel (phonetic "ra"), an ancient Korean writing system/
什 什 [shi2] /ten (used in fractions, writing checks etc)/assorted/miscellaneous/
仁 仁 [ren2] /humane/kernel/
仂 仂 [le4] /surplus/tithe/
仃 仃 [ding1] /alone/
仄 仄 [ze4] /to tilt/narrow/uneasy/oblique tones (in Chinese poetry)/
仆 仆 [pu1] /to fall forward/to fall prostrate/
仇 仇 [Qiu2] /surname Qiu/
仇 仇 [chou2] /hatred/animosity/enmity/a rival/an enemy/feud/
仇 仇 [qiu2] /spouse/companion/
仈 仈 [Ba1] /surname Ba/
仉 仉 [Zhang3] /surname of Mencius/
仉 仉 [zhang3] /mother/
今 今 [jin1] /today/modern/present/current/this/now/
介 介 [jie4] /to introduce/to lie between/between/
仍 仍 [reng2] /still/yet/to remain/
仏 仏 [fo2] /Japanese variant of 佛/
仒 仒 [xx5] /one of the characters used in kwukyel (phonetic "eo" or "sya"), an ancient Korean writing system/
仔 仔 [zai3] /variant of 崽[zai3]/
仔 仔 [zi1] /see 仔肩[zi1 jian1]/
仔 仔 [zi3] /meticulous/(of domestic animals or fowls) young/
仕 仕 [shi4] /an official/
他 他 [ta1] /he or him/(used for either sex when the sex is unknown or unimportant)/(used before sb's name for emphasis)/(used as a meaningless mock object)/other/another/
仗 仗 [zhang4] /weaponry/to hold (a weapon)/to wield/to rely on/to depend on/war/battle/
付 付 [Fu4] /surname Fu/
付 付 [fu4] /to pay/to hand over to/
仙 仙 [xian1] /immortal/
仚 仚 [xian1] /to fly/
仝 仝 [tong2] /together/same/
仞 仞 [ren4] /(measure)/
仟 仟 [qian1] /thousand (banker's anti-fraud numeral)/
仡 仡 [Ge1] /see 仡佬族[Ge1 lao3 zu2], Gelao or Klau ethnic group of Guizhou/Taiwan pr. [Qi4]/
仡 仡 [yi4] /strong/brave/
代 代 [dai4] /to substitute/to act on behalf of others/to replace/generation/dynasty/age/period/(historical) era/(geological) eon/
令 令 [Ling2] /see 令狐[Ling2 hu2]/
令 令 [ling2] /see 脊令[ji2 ling2]/see 令狐[Ling2 hu2]/
令 令 [ling3] /classifier for a ream of paper/
令 令 [ling4] /to order/to command/an order/warrant/writ/to cause/to make sth happen/virtuous/honorific title/season/government position (old)/
以 以 [Yi3] /abbr. for Israel 以色列[Yi3 se4 lie4]/
以 以 [yi3] /to use/according to/so as to/by means of/in order to/by/with/because/
仨 仨 [sa1] /three (colloquial equivalent of 三個|三个)/
仫 仫 [mu4] /name of tribe/see 仫佬族[Mu4 lao3 zu2], Mulao ethnic group of Guangxi/
仮 仮 [jia3] /Japanese variant of 假/
仰 仰 [Yang3] /surname Yang/
仰 仰 [yang3] /to face upward/to look up/to admire/to rely on/
仲 仲 [Zhong4] /surname Zhong/
仲 仲 [zhong4] /second month of a season/middle/intermediate/second amongst brothers/
仳 仳 [pi3] /to part/
仵 仵 [Wu3] /surname Wu/
仵 仵 [wu3] /equal/well-matched/to violate/
件 件 [jian4] /item/component/classifier for events, things, clothes etc/
任 任 [Ren4] /surname Ren/
任 任 [ren4] /to assign/to appoint/to take up a post/office/responsibility/to let/to allow/to give free rein to/no matter (how, what etc)/
份 份 [fen4] /classifier for gifts, newspaper, magazine, papers, reports, contracts etc/variant of 分[fen4]/
仿 仿 [fang3] /to imitate/to copy/
伀 伀 [zhong1] /restless/agitated/
企 企 [qi3] /to plan a project/to stand on tiptoe/Taiwan pr. [qi4]/abbr. for 企業|企业[qi3 ye4]/
伄 伄 [diao4] /see 伄儅[diao4 dang1]/
伈 伈 [xin3] /nervous/fearful/
伉 伉 [kang4] /husband/wife/
伊 伊 [Yi1] /surname Yi/abbr. for 伊拉克[Yi1 la1 ke4], Iraq/abbr. for 伊朗[Yi1 lang3], Iran/
伊 伊 [yi1] /he/she/
伋 伋 [ji2] /unreal/
伍 伍 [Wu3] /surname Wu/
伍 伍 [wu3] /squad of five soldiers/to associate with/five (banker's anti-fraud numeral)/
伎 伎 [ji4] /craft/
伏 伏 [Fu2] /surname Fu/
伏 伏 [fu2] /to lean over/to fall (go down)/to hide (in ambush)/to conceal oneself/to lie low/hottest days of summer/to submit/to concede defeat/to overcome/to subdue/volt/
伐 伐 [fa2] /to cut down/to fell/to dispatch an expedition against/to attack/to boast/
休 休 [Xiu1] /surname Xiu/
休 休 [xiu1] /to rest/to stop doing sth for a period of time/to cease/(imperative) don't/
伕 伕 [fu1] /variant of 夫[fu1]/
伙 伙 [huo3] /meals (abbr. for 伙食[huo3 shi2])/variant of 夥|伙[huo3]/
伜 伜 [cui4] /variant of 倅, auxiliary/spare/deputy/second/sub-/
伝 伝 [chuan2] /Japanese variant of 傳|传/
伝 伝 [yun2] /to summon/to propagate/to transmit/
伢 伢 [ya2] /child (coll.)/kid/
伯 伯 [ba4] /variant of 霸/
伯 伯 [bai3] /one hundred (old)/
伯 伯 [bo2] /father's elder brother/senior/paternal elder uncle/eldest of brothers/respectful form of address/Count, third of five orders of nobility 五等爵位[wu3 deng3 jue2 wei4]/
估 估 [gu1] /estimate/
估 估 [gu4] /old/second-hand (clothes)/
伱 伱 [ni3] /archaic variant of 你[ni3]/you/
伲 伲 [ni3] /variant of 你/
伲 伲 [ni4] /(dialect) I/my/we/our/
伴 伴 [ban4] /partner/companion/comrade/associate/to accompany/
伶 伶 [ling2] /clever/
伸 伸 [shen1] /to stretch/to extend/
伹 伹 [qu1] /clumsy and dumb/slow-witted/
伺 伺 [ci4] /to wait on/
伺 伺 [si4] /to watch/to wait/to examine/to spy/
伻 伻 [beng1] /to cause/
似 似 [si4] /to seem/to appear/to resemble/similar/-like/pseudo-/(more) than/
伽 伽 [jia1] /traditionally used as phonetic for ga/also pronounced [ga1]/
伾 伾 [pi1] /multitudinous/powerful/
佃 佃 [dian4] /farmer/
但 但 [dan4] /but/yet/however/only/merely/still/
佇 伫 [zhu4] /wait/look towards/turn one's back on/
佈 布 [bu4] /variant of 布[bu4]/to announce/to spread/
佉 佉 [Qu1] /surname Qu/
佌 佌 [ci3] /petty/wretched/
位 位 [wei4] /position/location/place/seat/classifier for people (honorific)/classifier for binary bits (e.g. 十六位 16-bit or 2 bytes)/
低 低 [di1] /low/beneath/to lower (one's head)/to let droop/to hang down/to incline/
住 住 [zhu4] /to live/to dwell/to stay/to reside/to stop/(suffix indicating firmness, steadiness, or coming to a halt)/
佐 佐 [zuo3] /to assist/assistant/aide/to accompany/
佑 佑 [you4] /to assist/to protect/
佔 占 [zhan4] /variant of 占[zhan4]/
何 何 [He2] /surname He/
何 何 [he2] /what/how/why/which/carry/
佗 佗 [tuo2] /carry on the back/
佘 佘 [She2] /surname She/
余 余 [Yu2] /surname Yu/
余 余 [yu2] /(archaic) I/me/variant of 餘|余, surplus/
佚 佚 [Yi4] /surname Yi/
佚 佚 [yi4] /idle/
佛 佛 [Fo2] /Buddha/Buddhism/
作 作 [zuo4] /to do/to grow/to write or compose/to pretend/to regard as/to feel/writings or works/
佝 佝 [gou1] /see 佝僂|佝偻[gou1 lou2]/
佝 佝 [kou4] /see 佝瞀[kou4 mao4]/
佞 佞 [ning4] /to flatter/flattery/
佟 佟 [Tong2] /surname Tong/
你 你 [ni3] /you (informal, as opposed to courteous 您[nin2])/
佡 佡 [xian1] /variant of 仙, immortal/light (as a feather)/
佢 佢 [qu2] /he (Cantonese)/Mandarin equivalent: 他[ta1]/
佣 佣 [yong4] /commission (for middleman)/brokerage fee/
佤 佤 [wa3] /Wa, Kawa or Va ethnic group of Myanmar, south China and southeast Asia/
佧 佧 [ka3] /ancient name for an ethnic group in China/
佩 佩 [pei4] /to respect/to wear (belt etc)/
佪 佪 [huai2] /irresolute/to move back and forth/
佫 佫 [He4] /surname He/
佬 佬 [lao3] /male/man (Cantonese)/
佯 佯 [yang2] /pretend/
佰 佰 [bai3] /hundred (banker's anti-fraud numeral)/
佱 佱 [fa3] /old variant of 法[fa3]/law/
佳 佳 [jia1] /beautiful/fine/good/
佴 佴 [er4] /assistant/
併 并 [bing4] /to combine/to amalgamate/
佶 佶 [ji2] /difficult to pronounce/
佷 佷 [hen3] /to act contrary to/
佸 佸 [huo2] /meet/
佹 佹 [gui3] /almost succeed/crafty/suddenly/
佺 佺 [quan2] /immortal/
佻 佻 [tiao1] /frivolous/unsteady/delay/
佼 佼 [jiao3] /handsome/
佽 佽 [Ci4] /surname Ci/
佽 佽 [ci4] /nimble/to help/
佾 佾 [yi4] /row of dancers at sacrifices/
使 使 [shi3] /to make/to cause/to enable/to use/to employ/to send/to instruct sb to do sth/envoy/messenger/
侀 侀 [xing2] /shape/statute/
侁 侁 [shen1] /large crowd/
侂 侂 [tuo1] /to commission/to entrust to/to depute/to request/to ask (sb to do sth)/
侃 侃 [kan3] /upright and honest/cheerful/to chat idly/to boast/to talk smoothly/
侄 侄 [zhi2] /variant of 姪|侄[zhi2]/
侅 侅 [gai1] /to give/prepared for included in/embraced in/
來 来 [lai2] /to come/to arrive/to come round/ever since/next/
侇 侇 [yi2] /(old) class/category/corpse/
侈 侈 [chi3] /extravagant/wasteful/exaggerating/
侉 侉 [kua3] /foreign accent/
例 例 [li4] /example/precedent/rule/case/instance/
侍 侍 [shi4] /to serve/to attend upon/
侏 侏 [zhu1] /dwarf/
侐 侐 [xu4] /still/silent/
侑 侑 [you4] /urge to eat/
侔 侔 [mou2] /similar/comparable/equal/
侖 仑 [lun2] /to arrange/
侗 侗 [Dong4] /Dong (ethnic group)/
侗 侗 [dong4] /(ethnic group)/
侗 侗 [tong2] /ignorant/
侘 侘 [cha4] /boast/despondent/
侚 侚 [xun4] /quick/variant of 殉[xun4]/
供 供 [gong1] /to provide/to supply/
供 供 [gong4] /sacrificial offering/to confess/
侜 侜 [zhou1] /to conceal/to cover/
依 依 [yi1] /to depend on/to comply with or listen to sb/according to/in the light of/
価 価 [jia4] /Japanese variant of 價|价/
侮 侮 [wu3] /to insult/to ridicule/to disgrace/
侯 侯 [Hou2] /surname Hou/
侯 侯 [hou2] /marquis, second of the five orders of ancient Chinese nobility 五等爵位[wu3 deng3 jue2 wei4]/nobleman or high official/
侵 侵 [qin1] /to invade/to encroach/to infringe/to approach/
侶 侣 [lu:3] /companion/
侷 局 [ju2] /narrow/
便 便 [bian4] /ordinary/plain/convenient/as convenient/when the chance arises/handy/easy/informal/simple/so/thus/to relieve oneself/to urinate/to defecate/equivalent to 就[jiu4]: then/in that case/even if/soon afterwards/
便 便 [pian2] /advantageous/cheap/
俁 俣 [yu3] /big/
係 系 [xi4] /to connect/to relate to/to tie up/to bind/to be (literary)/
促 促 [cu4] /urgent/hurried/to urge/to promote/to urge haste/close/intimate/
俄 俄 [e2] /suddenly/very soon/Russian (Taiwan pr. [e4])/
俅 俅 [qiu2] /ornamental cap/
俉 俉 [wu2] /see 逢俉[feng2 wu2], to come across sth scary/to have a fright/
俊 俊 [jun4] /smart/eminent/handsome/talented/
俊 俊 [zun4] /(dialectal pronunciation of 俊[jun4])/cool/neat/
俎 俎 [zu3] /a stand for food at sacrifice/
俏 俏 [qiao4] /smart/
俐 俐 [li4] /clever/
俑 俑 [yong3] /wooden figures buried with the dead/
俓 俓 [jing4] /straight/pass/
俔 俔 [xian4] /like/
俗 俗 [su2] /custom/convention/popular/common/coarse/vulgar/secular/
俘 俘 [fu2] /to take prisoner/prisoner of war/
俚 俚 [Li3] /old name for the 黎[Li2] ethnic group/
俚 俚 [li3] /rustic/vulgar/unrefined/abbr. for 俚語|俚语[li3 yu3], slang/
俛 俛 [mian3] /to exhort/
俜 俜 [ping1] /to send/to let go/
保 保 [Bao3] /Bulgaria/Bulgarian/abbr. for 保加利亞|保加利亚[Bao3 jia1 li4 ya4]/
保 保 [bao3] /to defend/to protect/to keep/to guarantee/to ensure/
俞 俞 [Yu2] /surname Yu/
俞 俞 [yu2] /yes (used by Emperor or ruler)/OK/to accede/to assent/
俟 俟 [qi2] /see 万俟[Mo4 qi2]/
俟 俟 [si4] /until/wait for/
俠 侠 [xia2] /knight-errant/brave and chivalrous/hero/heroic/
信 信 [xin4] /letter/mail/CL:封[feng1]/to trust/to believe/to profess faith in/truthful/confidence/trust/at will/at random/
修 修 [Xiu1] /surname Xiu/
修 修 [xiu1] /to decorate/to embellish/to repair/to build/to study/to write/to cultivate/
俯 俯 [fu3] /to look down/to stoop/
俱 俱 [ju4] /entirely/without exception/
俳 俳 [pai2] /not serious/variety show/
俴 俴 [jian4] /short/shallow/thin plate/
俵 俵 [biao3] /to distribute/
俶 俶 [chu4] /to begin/
俷 俷 [fei4] /(meaning unclear)/to renounce/to abandon/
俸 俸 [feng4] /salary/
俺 俺 [an3] /I (northern dialects)/
俾 俾 [bi3] /to cause/to enable/phonetic bi/
倀 伥 [chang1] /ghost of sb devoured by a tiger who helps the tiger devour others/
倂 倂 [bing4] /variant of 併|并/to combine/to amalgamate/
倅 倅 [cui4] /auxiliary/spare/deputy/second/sub-/
倆 俩 [lia3] /two (colloquial equivalent of 兩個|两个)/both/some/
倉 仓 [cang1] /barn/granary/storehouse/cabin/hold (in ship)/
個 个 [ge4] /individual/this/that/size/classifier for people or objects in general/
倌 倌 [guan1] /keeper of domestic animals/herdsman/(old) hired hand in certain trade/
倍 倍 [bei4] /(two, three etc) -fold/times (multiplier)/double/to increase or multiply/
倏 倏 [shu1] /sudden/abrupt/
們 们 [men5] /plural marker for pronouns, and nouns referring to individuals/
倒 倒 [dao3] /to fall/to collapse/to topple/to fail/to go bankrupt/to change (trains or buses)/to move around/to sell/to speculate (buying and selling, also 搗|捣)/profiteer/
倒 倒 [dao4] /to place upside down/to invert/to pour/to throw out/to move backwards/however/actually/as a matter of fact/contrary to expectation/
倓 倓 [tan2] /quiet/peaceful/
倔 倔 [jue2] /crabby/tough/
倖 幸 [xing4] /trusted/intimate/(of the emperor) to visit/variant of 幸[xing4]/
倘 倘 [tang3] /if/supposing/in case/
候 候 [hou4] /to wait/to inquire after/to watch/season/climate/(old) period of five days/
倚 倚 [yi3] /to lean on/to rely upon/
倜 倜 [ti4] /energetic/exalted/magnanimous/
倝 倝 [gan4] /dawn (archaic)/
借 借 [jie4] /to lend/to borrow/by means of/to take (an opportunity)/
倡 倡 [chang4] /to initiate/to instigate/to introduce/to lead/
倢 倢 [jie2] /handsome/
倣 倣 [fang3] /variant of 仿[fang3]/
値 値 [zhi2] /variant of 值[zhi2]/
倥 倥 [kong1] /ignorant/blank-minded/
倥 倥 [kong3] /urgent/pressed/
倦 倦 [juan4] /tired/
倨 倨 [ju4] /stubborn/
倩 倩 [qian4] /pretty/winsome/to ask for sb's help/son-in-law (old)/
倪 倪 [Ni2] /surname Ni/
倫 伦 [lun2] /human relationship/order/coherence/
倬 倬 [zhuo1] /noticeable/large/clear/distinct/
倭 倭 [wo1] /dwarf/Japanese (old derogatory term)/
倮 倮 [luo3] /variant of 裸[luo3]/
倶 倶 [ju1] /Japanese variant of 俱[ju4]/
倷 倷 [nai3] /you (dialect)/
倹 倹 [jian3] /Japanese variant of 儉|俭[jian3]/
倻 倻 [ye1] /phonetic ya used in Korean names/variant of 伽[jia1]/
值 值 [zhi2] /value/(to be) worth/to happen to/to be on duty/
偁 偁 [cheng1] /to call/
偃 偃 [Yan3] /surname Yan/
偃 偃 [yan3] /to lie supine/to stop/to fall down/
假 假 [jia3] /fake/false/artificial/to borrow/if/suppose/
假 假 [jia4] /vacation/
偈 偈 [ji4] /Buddhist hymn/gatha/Buddhist verse/
偈 偈 [jie2] /forceful/martial/
偉 伟 [wei3] /big/large/great/
偌 偌 [ruo4] /so/such/to such a degree/
偎 偎 [wei1] /to cuddle/
偏 偏 [pian1] /to lean/to slant/oblique/prejudiced/to deviate from average/to stray from the intended line/stubbornly/contrary to expectations/left-hand side of a split Chinese character, often the key or radical/
偓 偓 [wo4] /constrained/
偕 偕 [xie2] /in company with/
做 做 [zuo4] /to do/to make/to produce/to write/to compose/to act as/to engage in/to hold (a party)/to be/to become/to function (in some capacity)/to serve as/to be used for/to form (a bond or relationship)/to pretend/to feign/to act a part/to put on appearance/
停 停 [ting2] /to stop/to halt/to park (a car)/
偝 偝 [bei4] /to disobey/to stand back-to-back/
偟 偟 [huang2] /agitated/alarmed/
偢 偢 [chou3] /to stare at/
健 健 [jian4] /healthy/to invigorate/to strengthen/to be good at/to be strong in/
偨 偨 [ci1] /uneven/
偩 偩 [fu4] /to rely on/to resemble/
偪 偪 [bi1] /variant of 逼, to compel/to pressure/to force/to bother/
偫 偫 [zhi4] /to wait for/to lay in/
偭 偭 [mian3] /to transgress/
偯 偯 [yi3] /to sob/wail/
偰 偰 [xie4] /variant of 契[qi4]/contract/
偱 偱 [xun2] /to tell/
偲 偲 [si1] /talented/urgent/
側 侧 [ce4] /the side/to incline towards/to lean/inclined/lateral/side/
側 侧 [zhai1] /lean on one side/
偵 侦 [zhen1] /to scout/to spy/to detect/
偶 偶 [ou3] /accidental/image/pair/mate/
偷 偷 [tou1] /to steal/to pilfer/to snatch/thief/stealthily/
偸 偸 [tou1] /variant of 偷[tou1]/
偺 偺 [zan2] /variant of 咱[zan2]/
偽 伪 [wei3] /false/fake/forged/bogus/Taiwan pr. [wei4]/
傀 傀 [gui1] /grand/strange/exotic/
傀 傀 [kui3] /puppet/
傅 傅 [Fu4] /surname Fu/
傅 傅 [fu4] /tutor/
傈 傈 [li4] /Lisu ethnic group of Yunnan, see 傈僳/
傌 傌 [ma4] /to curse, to revile, to abuse/to scold/
傍 傍 [bang4] /near/approaching/to depend on/(slang) to have an intimate relationship with sb/Taiwan pr. [pang2], [bang1], [bang4]/
傎 傎 [dian1] /inversion/mistake/
傑 杰 [jie2] /hero/heroic/outstanding person/prominent/distinguished/
傒 傒 [xi1] /(old) native of Jiangxi 江西[Jiang1 xi1]/to wait/servant/path/
傔 傔 [qian4] /servant/
傕 傕 [Jue2] /surname Jue/
傕 傕 [jue2] /used in old names/
傖 伧 [cang1] /low fellow/rustic/rude/rough/
傘 伞 [san3] /umbrella/parasol/CL:把[ba3]/
備 备 [bei4] /to prepare/get ready/to provide or equip/
傚 效 [xiao4] /to imitate/
傜 傜 [yao2] /Yao tribe/
傞 傞 [suo1] /uneven/unsteady (in dancing)/
傢 傢 [jia1] /variant of 家[jia1]/
傣 傣 [Dai3] /Dai (ethnic group)/
催 催 [cui1] /to urge/to press/to prompt/to rush sb/to hasten sth/to expedite/
傭 佣 [yong1] /to hire/to employ/servant/hired laborer/domestic help/
傮 傮 [zao1] /finish, to go around/
傯 偬 [zong3] /busy/hurried/despondent/
傲 傲 [ao4] /proud/arrogant/to despise/unyielding/to defy/
傳 传 [chuan2] /to pass on/to spread/to transmit/to infect/to transfer/to circulate/to conduct (electricity)/
傳 传 [zhuan4] /biography/historical narrative/commentaries/relay station/
傴 伛 [yu3] /hunchbacked/
債 债 [zhai4] /debt/CL:筆|笔[bi3]/
傷 伤 [shang1] /to injure/injury/wound/
傺 傺 [chi4] /to detain/to hinder/
傻 傻 [sha3] /foolish/
傾 倾 [qing1] /to overturn/to collapse/to lean/to tend/to incline/to pour out/
傿 傿 [Yan1] /name of an immortal/ancient place name/surname Yan/
傿 傿 [yan4] /fraudulent price/
僂 偻 [lou2] /hunchback/
僂 偻 [lu:3] /crookbacked/
僄 僄 [piao4] /light/airy/
僅 仅 [jin3] /barely/only/merely/
僇 僇 [lu4] /to despise/to insult/
僉 佥 [qian1] /all/
僊 僊 [xian1] /variant of 仙, immortal/
働 働 [dong4] /Japanese variant of 動|动, to use/to act/to move/to change/
僎 僎 [zhuan4] /collect/
像 像 [xiang4] /to resemble/to be like/to look as if/such as/appearance/image/portrait/image under a mapping (math.)/
僑 侨 [qiao2] /to emigrant/to reside abroad/
僔 僔 [zun3] /to congregate/to crowd/
僕 仆 [pu2] /servant/
僖 僖 [Xi1] /surname Xi/
僖 僖 [xi1] /cautious/merry/joyful/
僚 僚 [Liao2] /surname Liao/
僚 僚 [liao2] /bureaucrat/colleague/
僝 僝 [chan2] /to revile/to abuse/
僞 伪 [wei3] /variant of 偽|伪[wei3], false/fake/forged/bogus/
僣 僣 [jian4] /to overstep one's authority/to usurp/
僤 僤 [dan4] /great/severe/
僥 侥 [jiao3] /by mere luck/
僦 僦 [jiu4] /hire/to rent/
僧 僧 [seng1] /monk/Sangha, the Buddhist monastic order/
僨 偾 [fen4] /to instigate/to ruin/to destroy/
僩 僩 [xian4] /courageous/valiant/
僬 僬 [Jiao1] /see 僬僥|僬侥[Jiao1 Yao2]/
僬 僬 [jiao1] /see 僬僬[jiao1 jiao1]/
僭 僭 [jian4] /to usurp/
僮 僮 [Zhuang4] /old variant of 壯|壮, Zhuang ethnic group of Guangxi/
僮 僮 [tong2] /boy/
僯 僯 [lin3] /ashamed/
僰 僰 [bo2] /name of an ethnic group/
僱 雇 [gu4] /variant of 雇[gu4]/
僳 僳 [Su4] /Lisu ethnic group of Yunnan/
僵 僵 [jiang1] /rigid/deadlock/stiff (corpse)/
價 价 [jia4] /price/value/valence (on an atom)/
價 价 [jie5] /great/good/middleman/servant/
僻 僻 [pi4] /biased/low/rustic/secluded/
僾 僾 [ai4] /indistinct/hazy/misty/to seem/to appear/
僿 僿 [sai4] /small, minute/lacking sincerity/
儀 仪 [yi2] /apparatus/rites/appearance/present/ceremony/
儁 儁 [jun4] /variant of 俊[jun4]/
儂 侬 [nong2] /you (Wu dialect)/I, me (classical)/
儃 儃 [chan2] /indecisive/irresolute/
億 亿 [yi4] /100 million/
儅 儅 [dang1] /stop/
儆 儆 [jing3] /to warn/to admonish/
儇 儇 [xuan1] /ingenious/frivolous/
儈 侩 [kuai4] /broker/
儉 俭 [jian3] /frugal/thrifty/needy/
儊 儊 [chu4] /rough and rugged/
儋 儋 [dan1] /carry/
儌 儌 [jiao3] /by mere luck/
儐 傧 [bin1] /best man/to entertain/
儒 儒 [ru2] /scholar/Confucian/
儓 儓 [tai2] /servant/
儔 俦 [chou2] /comrades/friends/companions/
儕 侪 [chai2] /a class/a company/companion/
儗 儗 [ni3] /doubtful/suspicious/variant of 拟/to emulate/to imitate/
儘 尽 [jin3] /to the greatest extent/(when used before a noun of location) furthest or extreme/to be within the limits of/to give priority to/
儜 儜 [ning2] /weak/wearied/in distress/
償 偿 [chang2] /to repay/to compensate for/to recompense/to fulfill (hopes etc)/
儡 儡 [lei3] /to injure/puppet/
儤 儤 [bao4] /on night duty/
儦 儦 [biao1] /walking to and fro/
儩 儩 [si4] /the end/to finish/
優 优 [you1] /excellent/superior/
儭 儭 [chen4] /to assist/to give alms/
儱 儱 [long3] /rude/barbarous/
儲 储 [Chu3] /surname Chu/Taiwan pr. [Chu2]/
儲 储 [chu3] /to store/to save/to have in reserve/heir/Taiwan pr. [chu2]/
儳 儳 [chan4] /irregular/mixed/
儵 儵 [shu4] /alternate form of 倏/sudden/abrupt/
儷 俪 [li4] /husband and wife/
儸 ? [luo2] /smart/clever/
儹 儹 [zan3] /to accumulate, to hoard, to store up/
儺 傩 [nuo2] /to exorcise demons/
儻 傥 [tang3] /if/unexpectedly/
儼 俨 [yan3] /majestic/dignified/
儽 儽 [lei3] /lazy/tired out, worn fatigued/
兀 兀 [Wu4] /surname Wu/
兀 兀 [wu4] /cut off the feet/rising to a height/towering/bald/
允 允 [yun3] /just/fair/to permit/to allow/
元 元 [Yuan2] /surname Yuan/the Yuan or Mongol dynasty ()/
元 元 [yuan2] /unit of money (in PRC: Chinese yuan, in USA: dollar, etc)/primary/first/
兄 兄 [xiong1] /elder brother/
充 充 [chong1] /to fill/to satisfy/to fulfill/to act in place of/substitute/sufficient/full/
兆 兆 [Zhao4] /surname Zhao/
兆 兆 [zhao4] /omen/to foretell/million/mega-/trillion/tera-/billion (old)/
兇 凶 [xiong1] /terrible/fearful/
先 先 [xian1] /early/prior/former/in advance/first/
光 光 [guang1] /light/ray/CL:道[dao4]/bright/only/merely/to use up/
克 克 [ke4] /to be able to/to subdue/to restrain/to overcome/gram/Tibetan unit of land area, about 6 ares/
兌 兑 [Dui4] /surname Dui/
兌 兑 [dui4] /to cash/to exchange/to add (liquid)/to blend/one of the Eight Trigrams 八卦[ba1 gua4], symbolizing swamp/?/
免 免 [mian3] /to excuse sb/to exempt/to remove or dismiss from office/to avoid/to avert/to escape/to be prohibited/
兎 兎 [tu4] /Japanese variant of 兔/
児 児 [er2] /Japanese variant of 兒|儿/
兒 儿 [er2] /son/
兒 儿 [r5] /non-syllabic diminutive suffix/retroflex final/
兔 兔 [tu4] /rabbit/
兕 兕 [si4] /(meaning uncertain); rhinoceros (possibly female) or bull/
兗 兖 [Yan3] /see 兗州|兖州[Yan3 zhou1]/
兙 兙 [shi2] /decagram/
兛 兛 [qian1] /kilogram/see also 千克[qian1 ke4]/
兜 兜 [dou1] /pocket/bag/to wrap up or hold in a bag/to move in a circle/to canvas or solicit/to take responsibility for/to disclose in detail/combat armor (old)/
兝 兝 [fen1] /decigram/see also 分克[fen1 ke4]/
兞 兞 [mao2] /milligram/see also 毫克[hao2 ke4]/
兟 兟 [shen1] /to advance/
兡 兡 [bai3] /hectogram/
兢 兢 [jing1] /to be fearful/apprehensive/
兣 兣 [li3] /centigram/
入 入 [ru4] /to enter/to go into/to join/to become a member of/to confirm or agree with/abbr. for 入聲|入声[ru4 sheng1]/
內 内 [nei4] /inside/inner/internal/within/interior/
全 全 [Quan2] /surname Quan/
全 全 [quan2] /all/whole/entire/every/complete/
兩 两 [liang3] /two/both/some/a few/tael, unit of weight equal to 50 grams (modern) or 1/16 of a catty 斤[jin1] (old)/
兪 兪 [yu2] /variant of 俞/yes (used by Emperor or ruler)/OK/to accede/to assent/
八 八 [ba1] /eight/8/
公 公 [gong1] /public/collectively owned/common/international (e.g. high seas, metric system, calendar)/make public/fair/just/Duke, highest of five orders of nobility 五等爵位[wu3 deng3 jue2 wei4]/honorable (gentlemen)/father-in-law/male (animal)/
六 六 [liu4] /six/6/
兮 兮 [xi1] /(particle in old Chinese similar to 啊)/
共 共 [gong4] /common/general/to share/together/total/altogether/abbr. for 共產黨|共产党[gong4 chan3 dang3], Communist party/
兲 兲 [tian1] /variant of 天, heaven/sky/
兵 兵 [bing1] /soldiers/a force/an army/weapons/arms/military/warlike/CL:個|个[ge4]/
其 其 [qi2] /his/her/its/theirs/that/such/it (refers to sth preceding it)/
具 具 [ju4] /tool/device/utensil/equipment/instrument/talent/ability/to possess/to have/to provide/to furnish/to state/classifier for devices, coffins, dead bodies/
典 典 [dian3] /canon/law/standard work of scholarship/literary quotation or allusion/ceremony/to be in charge of/to mortgage or pawn/
兼 兼 [jian1] /double/twice/simultaneous/holding two or more (official) posts at the same time/
冀 冀 [Ji4] /short name for Hebei 河北 province/surname Ji/
冀 冀 [ji4] /(literary) to hope for/
冂 冂 [jiong1] /radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 13), occurring in 用, 同, 网 etc/see also 同字框[tong2 zi4 kuang4]/
冃 冃 [mao4] /old variant of 帽[mao4]/hat/cap/
円 円 [yuan2] /yen (Japanese currency)/Japanese variant of 圓|圆/
冇 冇 [mao3] /to not have (Cantonese)/Mandarin equivalent: 沒有|没有[mei2 you3]/
冉 冉 [Ran3] /surname Ran/passing (of time)/
冊 册 [ce4] /book/booklet/classifier for books/
再 再 [zai4] /again/once more/re-/second/another/then (after sth, and not until then)/
冏 冏 [jiong3] /velvetleaf (Abutilon avicennae), plant of the jute family/bright/
冑 冑 [zhou4] /variant of 胄[zhou4]/
冒 冒 [Mao4] /surname Mao/
冒 冒 [mao4] /to emit/to give off/to send out (or up, forth)/brave/bold/to cover/to act under false pretences/
冓 冓 [gou4] /inner rooms of palace/ten billions/
冔 冔 [xu3] /cap of Yin dynasty/
冕 冕 [mian3] /crown in the form of a horizontal board with hanging decorations symbolizing the emperor of China/imperial crown/corona (e.g. solar)/
冖 冖 [mi4] /"cover" radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 14), occurring in 军, 写, 冠 etc/see also 禿寶蓋|秃宝盖[tu1 bao3 gai4]/see also 平寶蓋|平宝盖[ping2 bao3 gai4]/
冗 冗 [rong3] /extraneous/redundant/superfluous/busy schedule/
冘 冘 [yin2] /to move on/to go out/
冞 冞 [mi2] /deep/
冠 冠 [Guan4] /surname Guan/
冠 冠 [guan1] /hat/crown/crest/cap/
冠 冠 [guan4] /to put on a hat/to be first/to dub/
冢 冢 [zhong3] /mound/burial mound/senior (i.e. eldest child or senior in rank)/
冤 冤 [yuan1] /injustice/grievance/wrong/
冥 冥 [ming2] /dark/deep/stupid/the underworld/
冪 幂 [mi4] /power/exponent (math.)/to cover with a cloth/cloth cover/veil/
冫 冫 [bing1] /"ice" radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 15), occurring in 冰, 决, 次/see also 兩點水|两点水[liang3 dian3 shui3]/
冬 冬 [dong1] /winter/
冰 冰 [bing1] /ice/CL:塊|块[kuai4]/methamphetamine (slang)/
冱 冱 [hu4] /congealed/frozen/
冶 冶 [ye3] /to smelt/to cast/fig. to mould (into seductive shape)/to dress up (usu. derogatory)/
冷 冷 [Leng3] /surname Leng/
冷 冷 [leng3] /cold/
冼 冼 [Xian3] /surname Xian/
冽 冽 [lie4] /cold and raw/
凃 凃 [tu2] /old variant of 涂[tu2]/
凄 凄 [qi1] /intense cold/frigid/dismal/grim/bleak/sad/mournful/also written 淒|凄[qi1]/
凅 凅 [gu4] /dried up/dry/exhausted/tired/
准 准 [zhun3] /to allow/to grant/in accordance with/in the light of/
凇 凇 [song1] /icicle/
凈 净 [jing4] /variant of 淨|净[jing4]/
凊 凊 [jing4] /cool/fresh/to cool/
凋 凋 [diao1] /withered/
凌 凌 [Ling2] /surname Ling/
凌 凌 [ling2] /to approach/to rise high/thick ice/to insult or maltreat/
凍 冻 [dong4] /to freeze/to feel very cold/aspic or jelly/
凔 凔 [cang1] /cold/
凜 凛 [lin3] /cold/to shiver with cold/to tremble with fear/afraid/apprehensive/strict/stern/severe/austere/awe-inspiring/imposing/majestic/
凝 凝 [ning2] /to congeal/to concentrate attention/to stare/
凞 凞 [xi1] /bright, splendid, glorious/
几 几 [ji1] /small table/
凡 凡 [fan2] /ordinary/commonplace/mundane/temporal/of the material world (as opposed to supernatural or immortal levels)/every/all/whatever/altogether/gist/outline/note of Chinese musical scale/
凢 凢 [fan2] /variant of 凡[fan2]/
処 処 [chu3] /Japanese variant of 處|处/
凰 凰 [huang2] /phoenix/
凱 凯 [Kai3] /surname Kai/
凱 凯 [kai3] /triumphant/victorious/chi (Greek letter Χχ)/
凳 凳 [deng4] /bench/stool/
凵 凵 [qu1] /receptacle/
凶 凶 [xiong1] /vicious/fierce/ominous/inauspicious/famine/variant of 兇|凶[xiong1]/
凸 凸 [tu1] /convex/to stick out/Taiwan pr. [tu2]/
凹 凹 [ao1] /a depression/indentation/concave/hollow/
出 出 [chu1] /to go out/to come out/to occur/to produce/to go beyond/to rise/to put forth/to happen/classifier for dramas, plays, operas etc/
凼 凼 [dang4] /pool/pit/ditch/cesspit/
函 函 [han2] /envelope/case/letter/
刀 刀 [Dao1] /surname Dao/
刀 刀 [dao1] /knife/blade/single-edged sword/cutlass/CL:把[ba3]/classifier for sets of one hundred sheets (of paper)/
刁 刁 [Diao1] /surname Diao/
刁 刁 [diao1] /artful/wicked/
刂 刂 [dao1] /"knife" radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 18)/see also 立刀旁[li4 dao1 pang2]/see also 側刀旁|侧刀旁[ce4 dao1 pang2]/
刃 刃 [ren4] /edge of blade/
分 分 [fen1] /to divide/to separate/to distribute/to allocate/to distinguish (good and bad)/part or subdivision/fraction/one tenth (of certain units)/unit of length equivalent to 0.33 cm/minute/a point (in sports or games)/0.01 yuan (unit of money)/
分 分 [fen4] /part/share/ingredient/component/
切 切 [qie1] /to cut/to slice/tangent (math)/
切 切 [qie4] /definitely/absolutely (not)/(scoffing or dismissive interjection) Yeah, right./Tut!/to grind/close to/eager/to correspond to/see also 反切[fan3 qie4]/
刈 刈 [yi4] /mow/
刊 刊 [kan1] /to print/to publish/publication/periodical/
刎 刎 [wen3] /cut across (throat)/
刑 刑 [Xing2] /surname Xing/
刑 刑 [xing2] /punishment/penalty/sentence/torture/corporal punishment/
划 划 [hua2] /to row/to paddle/to scratch a surface/profitable/worth (the effort)/it pays (to do sth)/
刓 刓 [wan2] /trim/
刖 刖 [yue4] /to amputate one or both feet (punishment in Imperial China)/see also 五刑[wu3 xing2]/
列 列 [lie4] /to arrange/to line up/row/file/series/column/
刜 刜 [fu2] /to chop/strike/
初 初 [chu1] /at first/(at the) beginning/first/junior/basic/
刡 刡 [min3] /to scrape/to pare/
判 判 [pan4] /to judge/to sentence/to discriminate/to discern/obviously (different)/
別 别 [Bie2] /surname Bie/
別 别 [bie2] /to leave/to depart/to separate/to distinguish/to classify/other/another/do not/must not/to pin/
刦 刦 [jie2] /variant of 劫, to rob/to plunder/to seize by force/to coerce/calamity/
刧 刧 [jie2] /variant of 劫, to rob/to plunder/to seize by force/to coerce/calamity/
刨 刨 [bao4] /a carpenter's plane/to plane/to level/to make smooth/
刨 刨 [pao2] /to eliminate/to dig/to question/
利 利 [Li4] /surname Li/
利 利 [li4] /sharp/favorable/advantage/benefit/profit/interest/to do good to/to benefit/
刪 删 [shan1] /to delete/
刮 刮 [gua1] /to scrape/to blow/to shave/to plunder/to extort/
到 到 [dao4] /to (a place)/until (a time)/up to/to go/to arrive/
刱 刱 [chuang4] /establish, create/knife cut/
刲 刲 [kui1] /cut open and clean/
刳 刳 [ku1] /to cut open/rip up/scoop out/
刵 刵 [er4] /cutting off the ears as punishment/
制 制 [zhi4] /system/to control/to regulate/variant of 製|制[zhi4]/
刷 刷 [shua1] /to brush/to paint/to daub/to paste up/to skip class (of students)/to fire from a job/
刷 刷 [shua4] /to select/
券 券 [quan4] /bond (esp. document split in two, with each party holding one half)/contract/deed (i.e. title deeds)/ticket/voucher/certificate/
刺 刺 [ci1] /whoosh (onomatopoeia)/
刺 刺 [ci4] /thorn/sting/thrust/to prick/to pierce/to stab/to assassinate/to murder/
刻 刻 [ke4] /quarter (hour)/moment/to carve/to engrave/to cut/oppressive/classifier for short time intervals/
刼 刼 [jie2] /variant of 劫, to rob/to plunder/to seize by force/to coerce/calamity/
剁 剁 [duo4] /to chop (meat)/to cut/
剃 剃 [ti4] /to shave/
剄 刭 [jing3] /cut the throat/
則 则 [ze2] /conjunction used to express contrast with a previous sentence or clause/standard/norm/rule/to imitate/to follow/then/principle/classifier for written items (such as an official statement)/
剉 锉 [cuo4] /to file/
削 削 [xiao1] /to scrape/
削 削 [xue1] /to reduce/to pare (away)/to cut (down)/Taiwan pr. [xue4]/
剋 克 [Ke4] /Ke (c. 2000 BC), seventh of the legendary Flame Emperors, 炎帝[Yan2 di4] descended from Shennong 神農|神农[Shen2 nong2] Farmer God/
剋 克 [ke4] /variant of 克[ke4]/to subdue/to overthrow/to restrain/
剋 克 [kei1] /to scold/to beat/
剌 剌 [la2] /to slash/
剌 剌 [la4] /perverse/unreasonable/absurd/
前 前 [qian2] /front/forward/ahead/ago/before/first/former/formerly/future/BC (e.g. 前293年)/
剎 刹 [cha4] /Buddhist monastery, temple or shrine (abbr. for 剎多羅, Sanskrit ksetra)/
剎 刹 [sha1] /to brake/
剒 剒 [cuo4] /to cut/to carve/
剔 剔 [ti1] /pick (as teeth)/
剕 剕 [fei4] /amputation of limbs as corporal punishment/variant of 腓, calf/
剖 剖 [pou1] /to cut open/to analyze/Taiwan pr. [pou3]/
剚 剚 [zi4] /erect/stab/
剛 刚 [gang1] /hard/firm/strong/just/barely/exactly/
剜 剜 [wan1] /to scoop out/to gouge out/
剝 剥 [bao1] /to peel/to skin/to shell/to shuck/
剝 剥 [bo1] /to peel/to skin/to flay/to shuck/
剞 剞 [ji1] /curved wood graver/
剟 剟 [duo1] /to prick/to cut blocks, to engrave/
剡 剡 [shan4] /river in Zhejiang/
剡 剡 [yan3] /sharp/
剣 剣 [jian4] /Japanese variant of 劍|剑/
剤 剤 [ji4] /Japanese variant of 劑|剂/
剩 剩 [sheng4] /to remain/to be left/to have as remainder/
剪 剪 [Jian3] /surname Jian/
剪 剪 [jian3] /scissors/shears/clippers/CL:把[ba3]/to cut with scissors/to trim/to wipe out or exterminate/
剮 剐 [gua3] /cut off the flesh as punishment/
副 副 [fu4] /secondary/auxiliary/deputy/assistant/vice-/abbr. for 副詞|副词 adverb/classifier for pairs, sets of things & facial expressions/
剰 剰 [sheng4] /Japanese variant of 剩/
割 割 [ge1] /to cut/to cut apart/
剴 剀 [kai3] /carefully/moderately/
創 创 [chuang1] /a wound/cut/injury/trauma/
創 创 [chuang4] /to begin/to initiate/to inaugurate/to start/to create/
剷 铲 [chan3] /to level off/to root up/
剸 剸 [tuan2] /slash/
剺 剺 [li2] /mark/
剽 剽 [piao1] /to rob/swift/nimble/Taiwan pr. [piao4]/
剿 剿 [chao1] /to plagiarize/
剿 剿 [jiao3] /to destroy/to extirpate/
劁 劁 [qiao1] /to neuter livestock/
劂 劂 [jue2] /chisel/engrave/
劃 划 [hua2] /to scratch/
劃 划 [hua4] /to delimit/to transfer/to assign/to differentiate/to mark off/to draw (a line)/to delete/stroke of a Chinese character/
劄 札 [zha2] /write down/
劇 剧 [ju4] /drama/play/show/severe/
劈 劈 [pi1] /to hack/to chop/to split open/(of lightning) to strike/
劈 劈 [pi3] /to split in two/to divide/
劉 刘 [Liu2] /surname Liu/
劊 刽 [gui4] /to amputate/to cut off/also pr. [kuai4]/
劌 刿 [gui4] /cut/injure/
劍 剑 [jian4] /double-edged sword/CL:口[kou3],把[ba3]/classifier for blows of a sword/
劑 剂 [ji4] /dose/
劒 劒 [jian4] /variant of 劍|剑[jian4]/
劓 劓 [yi4] /cut off the nose/
劖 劖 [chan2] /bore/cut/polish/
劘 劘 [mo2] /whittle/
劙 劙 [li2] /a divide, to partition/
力 力 [Li4] /surname Li/
力 力 [li4] /power/force/strength/ability/strenuously/
功 功 [gong1] /meritorious deed or service/achievement/result/service/accomplishment/work (physics)/
加 加 [Jia1] /abbr. for Canada 加拿大[Jia1 na2 da4]/
加 加 [jia1] /to add/plus/
劣 劣 [lie4] /inferior/
劦 劦 [lie4] /unending exertion/
劦 劦 [xie2] /variant of 協|协[xie2]/to cooperate/combined labor/
助 助 [zhu4] /to help/to assist/
努 努 [nu3] /to exert/to strive/
劫 劫 [jie2] /to rob/to plunder/to seize by force/to coerce/calamity/abbr. for kalpa 劫波[jie2 bo1]/
劬 劬 [qu2] /labor/
劭 劭 [Shao4] /surname Shao/
劭 劭 [shao4] /stimulate to effort/
労 労 [lao2] /Japanese variant of 勞|劳/
劵 劵 [quan4] /variant of 券/bond (esp. document split in two, with each party holding one half)/contract/deed (i.e. title deeds)/ticket/voucher/certificate/
効 効 [xiao4] /Japanese variant of 效/
劻 劻 [kuang1] /zealous/
劼 劼 [jie2] /careful/diligent/firm/
劾 劾 [he2] /impeach/
勁 劲 [jin4] /strength/energy/enthusiasm/spirit/mood/expression/interest/CL:把[ba3]/
勁 劲 [jing4] /stalwart/sturdy/strong/powerful/
勃 勃 [bo2] /flourishing/prosperous/suddenly/abruptly/
勅 勅 [chi4] /Japanese variant of 敕/imperial decree/
勇 勇 [yong3] /brave/
勉 勉 [mian3] /to exhort/to make an effort/
勍 勍 [qing2] /violent/strong/
勐 勐 [meng3] /variant of 猛/brave/fierce/
勒 勒 [le4] /to rein in/to compel/to force/to carve/to engrave/(literary) to command/to lead/lux (unit of illumination)/(literary) bridle/
勒 勒 [lei1] /to strap tightly/to bind/
動 动 [dong4] /to use/to act/to move/to change/abbr. for 動詞|动词[dong4 ci2], verb/
勖 勖 [xu4] /exhort/stimulate/
勗 勗 [xu4] /exhort/stimulate/
勘 勘 [kan1] /to investigate/to survey/to collate/
務 务 [wu4] /affair/business/matter/
勛 勋 [xun1] /medal/merit/
勝 胜 [sheng4] /victory/success/to beat/to defeat/to surpass/victorious/superior to/to get the better of/better than/surpassing/superb (of vista)/beautiful (scenery)/wonderful (view)/(Taiwan pr. [sheng1]) able to bear/equal to (a task)/
勞 劳 [lao2] /toil/
勞 劳 [lao4] /to console/
募 募 [mu4] /canvass for contributions/to recruit/to collect/to raise/
勢 势 [shi4] /power/influence/potential/momentum/tendency/trend/situation/conditions/outward appearance/sign/gesture/male genitals/
勣 勣 [ji4] /variant of 績|绩/merit/accomplishment/
勤 勤 [qin2] /diligent/industrious/hardworking/frequent/regular/constant/
勦 勦 [chao1] /variant of 剿, to plagiarize/
勦 勦 [jiao3] /variant of 剿, to destroy/to extirpate/
勧 勧 [quan4] /Japanese variant of 勸|劝/
勩 勩 [yi4] /toil/
勯 勯 [dan1] /exhausted/
勰 勰 [xie2] /harmonious/
勱 劢 [mai4] /put forth effort/
勲 勋 [xun1] /variant of 勛|勋[xun1]/
勳 勋 [xun1] /variant of 勛|勋[xun1]/
勵 励 [Li4] /surname Li/
勵 励 [li4] /to encourage/to urge/
勷 勷 [rang2] /haste/
勸 劝 [quan4] /to advise/to urge/to try to persuade/to exhort/
勹 勹 [bao1] /archaic variant of 包[bao1]/
勺 勺 [shao2] /spoon/ladle/CL:把[ba3]/abbr. for 公勺[gong1 shao2], centiliter (unit of volume)/
勻 匀 [yun2] /even/well-distributed/uniform/to distribute evenly/to share/
勾 勾 [Gou1] /surname Gou/
勾 勾 [gou1] /to attract/to arouse/to tick/to strike out/to delineate/to collude/variant of 鉤|钩[gou1], hook/
勾 勾 [gou4] /affair/to reach for (with hand)/
勿 勿 [wu4] /do not/
匁 匁 [xx5] /momme (textiles) (Japanese kokuji)/
包 包 [Bao1] /surname Bao/
包 包 [bao1] /to cover/to wrap/to hold/to include/to take charge of/to contract (to or for)/package/wrapper/container/bag/to hold or embrace/bundle/packet/CL:個|个[ge4],隻|只[zhi1]/
匆 匆 [cong1] /hurried/hasty/
匈 匈 [Xiong1] /Hungary/Hungarian/abbr. for 匈牙利[Xiong1 ya2 li4]/
匈 匈 [xiong1] /old variant of 胸[xiong1]/
匉 匉 [peng1] /noise of waters/
匊 匊 [ju2] /receive with both hands/
匋 匋 [tao2] /pottery/
匍 匍 [pu2] /crawl/lie prostrate/
匏 匏 [pao2] /bottle gourd/Lagenaria vulgaris/
匐 匐 [fu2] /fall prostrate/
匕 匕 [bi3] /dagger/ladle/ancient type of spoon/
化 化 [hua1] /variant of 花/
化 化 [hua4] /to make into/to change into/-ization/to ... -ize/to transform/abbr. for 化學|化学[hua4 xue2]/
北 北 [bei3] /north/to be defeated (classical)/
匙 匙 [chi2] /spoon/
匚 匚 [fang1] /radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 22), occurring in 区, 医, 匹 etc/see also 三框欄|三框栏[san1 kuang4 lan2]/see also 區字框|区字框[qu1 zi4 kuang4]/
匜 匜 [yi2] /washbasin with a tubular handle/
匝 匝 [za1] /go round/
匟 匟 [kang4] /couch for two/
匠 匠 [jiang4] /craftsman/
匡 匡 [Kuang1] /surname Kuang/
匡 匡 [kuang1] /to rectify/
匣 匣 [xia2] /box/
匪 匪 [fei3] /bandit/
匭 匦 [gui3] /small box/
匯 汇 [hui4] /to remit/to converge (of rivers)/to exchange/
匱 匮 [Kui4] /surname Kui/
匱 匮 [gui4] /variant of 櫃|柜[gui4]/
匱 匮 [kui4] /to lack/lacking/empty/exhausted/
匸 匸 [xi4] /"cover" or "conceal" radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 23)/see also 匚[fang1]/
匹 匹 [pi1] /mate/one of a pair/
匹 匹 [pi3] /classifier for horses, mules etc/Taiwan pr. [pi1]/ordinary person/classifier for cloth: bolt/horsepower/
匽 匽 [yan3] /to hide, to secrete, to repress/to bend/
匾 匾 [bian3] /a tablet/a}


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