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Motocross Madness 2 - IGN
You've Come This Far...
More motor and at least 2.3 times the madness makes this sequel a worthy successor.
By IGN Staff
Let's face it: Motocross Madness rocked. It wasn't a perfect simulation, and it wasn't as tight an arcade game as Moto Racer, but it was big and wild, and the crashes alone were worth the price of admission. Now we've got a sequel with even more tracks, a massive Enduro addition, licensed gear and better crashes than ever, just in time for summer.
For more information about what you can expect in the MM2, check out . But to recap, you've got more stunts, a pro-circuit mode that allows you to build up prize money and sponsorship moolah while buying bigger and better bikes, improved graphics, and an Enduro mode which puts you in open environments all over the world.
Except for the Pro-Circuit mode, the game is completely free form in structure. If you're looking for a track-by-track competition on the courses, you won't get it to the extent you'd like in . The game definitely makes up for it with customizability, and once you get your head around the number of options you can tweak, you'll be more than satisfied with the overall experience. Once you get the hang of it, it's easy to set up a race or series of races with other computer riders, pick the number of laps, and the engine limit that you feel comfortable with.
The Baja, Nationals and Supercross races are just as addictive as the original game, but look even better. Nationals are always my favorite, since they tend to have some crazy crossovers, and some very nice looking outdoor scenery, but for those of you that like to work your brakes and accelerators, you'll find that the Supercross track will give you fun and frustration in one neat package. Oh, and in case you were wondering, the Baja course still features the wide open spaces, with the "cannon shot" feature for those of you that want to climb the bordering mountains.
Enduro is by far the most interesting new addition to the Motocross Madness universe. You've got open environments ranging from farmlands and ski resorts to desert tracks and south American jungles, each with their own quirks and features. The farmland features a train track with a scheduled train, while you'll see moving cars on the highway of the South American dirt roads. And the environments aren't just dense -- they're massive. They capture the free form feeling of MM2 better than any other mode, and show off exactly why gamers keep coming back to play quick MM games months after they've beaten the levels.
The Pro-Circuit addition is a lot less impressive. While it tries to add a sense of long-term gameplay to Moto-Madness 2, it feels like just that -- an addition. The computer racers are hard enough to make earning cash a frustrating affair, and while it's fun to be part of a long-term career in the game, having to do a whopping six laps of some of the massive Enduro courses will make you feel like you're trying to run a marathon instead of race a bike. Though it's a good idea, the implementation is such that most gamers will want to pop back into the quick play modes for some instant satisfaction.
As for the multiplayer mode,
has added league, team and ladder competitions to the zone in order to put some big time scoring into your online racing experience. While we didn't have a chance to try out the ranking system for obvious reasons, we did burn up our drives playing this game over LAN. And playing it again. And again. The Tag option has you holding on to a beach ball for as long as possible in order to rack up points -- if another player get near you, it's stolen. Throw in all the Enduro tracks to race on, or on of three special arena tracks, and you have yourself some instant fun. Of course, you're also able to have normal races on any of the tracks, but given that or the option to screw over Steve and Tal, there's really only one choice.
The game itself is very controller friendly, and works well with a keyboard, a mouse, and most surprising of all, a joystick. I found the joystick to be the best option, purely because it gives you a little more control when it comes to cornering, and more importantly, it allows you to feel every crash, engine rev, and whoop-de-doo on the tracks.
The controls are simple, the tricks are a breeze to pull off, and you've got a trailer-full of options -- but where the game truly shines is in the graphics. The first game looked fantastic, but the sequel takes the bar and raises it even higher with high-quality crashes, dense environments, and the smoothest hills you've ever seen in a racing game. They're truly buttery, and since you're going to be spending most of your time racing/jumping/eating them, they're also essential to the game's success. Environments have even more variety with the addition of Enduro tracks that introduce you to trailer park roofs, ski lifts, and the most pain-inducing bales of hay known to man. The Nationals have some eerie realism, and Supercross tracks have the sights and sound of the real thing, only if the crowds actually felt bad for you if you slid on your face for 50 feet.
Speaking of sound, the games keep the music out of the actual races, and focus on the sounds of the bikes themselves. The high-pitch squealing is authentically replicated, but thankfully put through an "annoying non-stop screech kill" filter to ensure that you'll actually enjoy hearing your bikes go through their motions. Supercross crowd sounds are incredible and dynamic, and the Enduro environments have nice details in relation to your environments.
Still, I wish that a game that looks and sounds this real felt the same. Though it's fun as hell to race, you'll find that the bikes turn with a snap around corners with little or no friction, or slide out as if on ice -- but you never get the kick of finally gripping the dirt, or the gratification that comes from using the terrain to your advantage. Racing on icy roads may be different than sand in terms of gameplay, but they're much less than you'd expect when it comes down to actual button-mashing. The game keeps you in check when it comes to hills though, and you'll rarely make a shoddy jump if you don't land just right. The controls are favorable for gamepads and keyboards, basically, but if you use an analog control setup (like I did with a SideWinder), you'll wish you had more control over the subtleties of bike wrangling.
In the end though, it's about fun, and MM2 provides this in piles and piles. The crash animations never (and I mean never) stop being anything less than hilarious, and the action is always as a pretty relentless pace. The eye-candy is constantly impressive, the physics are crazy enough to be fun but real enough to look right, and the multiplayer game is a blast, especially if you've got devious friends. Though I wish there was more technique involved in wrangling the bikes, it's a far cry from saying that it detracts from the overall gameplay.
Motocross Madness 2 is a worthy successor to the original, and with the dearth of dirt bike racing games on the market, it's great to see such a fleshed out, polished racer hit the PC. It definitely dances the dangerous line between arcade and sim, but if you like big heights, fast corners and horrific crashes (and who doesn't?) then you'll be happy you gave this one a drive.
-- Vincent Lopez
Motocross Madness 2
Get ready for world-class dirt-bike racing action with MOTOCROSS MADNESS 2 which features an upgraded physics engine that allows independent rider and biker motion, variable surface friction (slick ice, gravel, mud) and a range of bike handling and performance options.
IGN RecommendsThe Giant List of Classic Game Programmers
the Giant Listof Classic GameProgrammers
since 1992updated December 28, 2017
new information and corrections tojames.
This is a Who's Who of classic game designers and programmers, where classic refers to pre-NES 8-bit systems: home computers (like the Atari 800 and Apple II), consoles (like the Atari 2600 and Intellivision), and arcade coin-ops. Games for later platforms are included to show the history of designers that started with 8-bit systems.
Why the NES line in the sand? Prior to that there was a closer connection between the creator of a game and the finished project. That's an over&simplification, because there were 8-bit computer games developed by teams, but single-person, single-vision games became rarer once the Nintendo-era of consoles took off.
When a game was released for multiple platforms, only the version the programmer originally developed is listed. A port is listed separately under the name of the programmer who did the port.
The list is sorted by author's last name. Games written are listed chronologically in the following format:
Title, coauthors (year, system, publisher)
If this is followed by "from X," it means the game was ported from system X. Question marks indicate things that I am not 100% sure of. Bracketed entries contain biographical notes.
System Codes
Classic Systems
AP2 Apple II series
2600 Atari 2600
800 Atari 400/800/XL/XE
5200 Atari 5200
7800 Atari 7800
PET Commodore PET
C64 Commodore 64
C128 Commodore 128
C16 Commodore C16/Plus 4
INT Intellivision
COL ColecoVision
FCF Fairchild Channel F
O2 Odyssey 2
VEC Vectrex
ASTR Bally Astrocade
SPEC ZX Spectrum
ZX81 Sinclair ZX81
COCO Tandy Color Computer 1, 2
CC3 Tandy Color Computer 3
DRAG Dragon 32, 64
TI99 Texas Instruments TI-99/4A
COIN coin-op arcade game
PIN coin-op pinball
HAND handheld
ATOM Acorn Atom
BBC Acorn BBC A, B, Electron
CPC Amstrad CPC
MSX MSX computer series
MZ Sharp MZ-80K, MZ-700
MBEE MicroBee
EMER Emerson Arcadia 2001
OSI Ohio Scientific Challenger 1P
THOM Thomson MO/TO
Other Systems
ARC Acorn Archimedes
MAC Macintosh
ST Atari ST
JAG Jaguar
NES Nintendo Entertainment System
GB Game Boy, Color Game Boy
GBA Game Boy Advance
N64 Nintendo 64
GC Game Cube
PC IBM PC + compatibles
SMS Sega Master System
GEAR Game Gear
GEN Genesis
SAT Saturn
DC Dreamcast
PSx PlayStation 1-3
TG16 TurboGrafx-16
CDI Phillips CD-i
XBOX Microsoft Xbox
360 Xbox 360
CELL Pre-smartphone
iOS iPhone, iPad
AND Android
Publisher Codes
AI Adventure International
ACT Activision
APX Atari Program Exchange
ASIM Automated Simulations (precursor to Epyx)
BROD Broderbund
EA Electronic Arts
GG Gremlin Graphics
MAST Mastertronic
MB Milton Bradley
PB Parker Brothers
PD Freeware, public domain, or otherwise publisher-free
self Self-published
TI Texas Instruments
Games may be preceded by the following
[P] Programmer only. Used for ports or when a game was designed by someone else.
[D] Designer only.
[G] Group effort. This person had some involvement.
[L] Leader of a group effort. Implies more than management.
[T] Type-in program from a magazine.
[B] Written in BASIC. There's usually a quality gap between 8-bit BASIC games and those written in other languages.
[N] Non-game software.
[U] Unreleased.
Aaron, Robert
[G] The Lion's Share (1983, AP2, Davka)
The Philistine Ploy, with Alan Rosenbaum (1983, AP2, Davka)
Abbott, Mike
Teleport, with Jim Nitchals (1982, AP2, Cavalier)
Hard Hat Mack, with Matt Alexander (1983, AP2, EA)
[G] Kings of the Beach (1988, PC, EA)
Abbott, Shaun D.
Emerald Isle (1984, SPEC, Level 9)
Abelson, Harold
Dazzle Dart, with Andy diSessa, Nat Goodman (1974?, PD)
Abramowitz, Marc
[TB] Red Squares (, Antic) Tetris-like
Beyond Castle Wolfenstein, with Silas Warner, Frank Svoboda III (1984, AP2, Muse)
Ackerman, Mark
[P] Galaxian, with Glen Parker, Tom Calderwood (, Atari) from COIN
[P] Moon Patrol, with Noellie Alito (, Atari) from COIN
Actor, Lee
[N] Advanced Music System (, APX)
Snake Pit (1984, COIN, Bally Sente)
[P] Stocker, with Dennis Koble, Rich Adam (1984, COIN, Bally Sente)
Hat Trick (1984, COIN, Bally Sente)
Street Football (1986, COIN, Bally Sente)
Don't Go Alone, with Dennis Koble (1989, PC, Accolade)
[P] Hard Drivin', with Dennis Koble (1990, GEN, Tengen) from COIN
[P] Pit-Fighter, with Dennis Koble (1991, GEN, Tengen) from COIN
[P] RoadBlasters, with Dennis Koble (1991, GEN, Tengen) from COIN
PGA Tour Golf, with Dennis Koble (1991, GEN, EA)
[P] Steel Talons, with Dennis Koble (1992, GEN, Tengen) from COIN
PGA Tour Golf II, with Dennis Koble (1992, GEN, EA)
PGA Tour Golf III, with Dennis Koble (1994, GEN, EA)
Adam, Rich
[P] Gravitar (1982, COIN, Atari)
[P] Stocker, with Dennis Koble, Lee Actor (1984, COIN, Bally Sente)
Adams, Alexis [cofounder of AI]
[B] Voodoo Castle (1980, many, AI)
Adams, Barry L.
[TB] Encounter in the Near Tholian Sector (1980, TRS, SoftSide)
Adams, Bill
[G] Kick Man (1981, COIN, Bally Midway)
[L] TRON (1982, COIN, Bally Midway)
Satan's Hollow (1982, COIN, Bally Midway)
Adams, Colin
[T] Gantry (1989, C64, Run)
[T] Ketchup Attack (1989, C64, Run)
Adams, Douglas
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, with Steve Meretzky (1984, many, Infocom)
[G] Bureaucracy (1987, many, Infocom)
Adams, Peter
Crazitack (, Artworx)
[P] Blue Max (1983, C64, Synapse) from 800
[P] Survivor (1983, C64, Synapse) from 800
[P] Zaxxon (1984, C64, Synapse) from COIN
[P] Beach-Head II (1985, AP2, Access) from C64
[P] Kik-Start (, MAST) from C64
Panther (1986, C64, MAST)
Adams, Rick
Temple of ROM (1984, COCO, Tandy)
[P] Shanghai (1987, CC3, ACT) from ?
Adams, Scott [cofounder of AI]
[B] Adventureland (1978, TRS, AI)
[B] Pirate Adventure, with Alexis Adams (1978, TRS, AI)
[TB] Awari (1979, TRS, SoftSide)
[B] Secret Mission (1979, TRS, AI) aka Mission Impossible
[TB] Backgammon (1980, TRS, SoftSide)
[B] Voodoo Castle (1980, AI)
The Count (1981, AI)
Strange Odyssey (1981, AI)
Mystery Fun House (1981, AI)
Pyramid of Doom, with Alvin Files (1981, AI)
Ghost Town (1981, AI)
Savage Island, Part I (1982, AI)
Savage Island, Part II, with Russ Wetmore (1982, AI)
Golden Voyage, with William Demas (1982, AI)
Sorcerer of Claymorgue Castle (1982, AI)
Return to Pirate's Isle (1983, TI99, AI)
The Hulk (1984, many, AI)
Spiderman (1984, many, AI)
Fantastic Four (1984, many, AI)
The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai, with Philip Case, Kern McNair (1985, many, AI)
Return to Pirate's Island 2 (2000, many, AI)
Adan, Manolito
[P] Moonsweeper (1984, TI99, Imagic) from 2600
Adcock, Jerry
[P] Shadow Hawk One, with Glenn Clapp (1981, AP2, Horizon)
Adelstein, Bruse
Castle Keeper (, ALA)
[P] Lost Tomb (, Datasoft) from COIN
Adham, Allen
Gunslinger (1986, AP2, Datasoft)
Adkinson, Ted
[TB] Halls of the Leprechaun King (, ANALOG)
Aero, Rita
The Brain Game, with Elliot Weiner (1984, AP2, Millennium)
Ager, Mike
Psycho Pigs UXB (1988, C64, Jaleco)
Aguilar, Esteban V.
[TB] The Hawkmen of Dindrin (, COMPUTE!)
Ahn, Esteban
[P] Technocop (1988, AP2, Gray Matter)
Aitchison, Guy
[TB] Galactic Gloop (, Antic)
Akbiyik, Hakan
Dooly (1987, C16, Falcon)
Helix (1988, C16, Falcon)
Akers, David
[P] Bump 'n' Jump, with Jeff Ratcliff (, M-Network) from COIN
[P] Star Strike (, M-Network) from INT
[G] Escape from the Planet of the Robot Monsters (1989, COIN, Atari Games)
Klax (1989, COIN, Atari Games)
[G] Road Riot 4WD (1991, COIN, Atari Games)
[G] California Speed (1998, COIN, Atari Games)
[G] Pac-Man World 2 (2002, PS2, Namco)
[G] kill.switch (2003, PS2, Namco)
Albanese, James
Jeepers Creepers (, Quality)
Albaugh, Mike
Drag Race (1977, COIN, Kee)
Destroyer (1977, COIN, Atari)
[G] Poolshark (1977, COIN, Atari)
Ultra Tank (1978, COIN, Kee)
[G] Football (1978, COIN, Atari)
Captain Seahawk (1978, COIN, Atari)
[G] Blasteroids (1987, COIN, Atari Games)
Albino, Victor T.
[TB] Volcano (1981, TRS, SoftSide)
Alcorn, Al
Pong (1972, COIN, Atari)
Space Race (1973, COIN, Atari)
Got'cha (1974, COIN, Atari)
Alderton, Nigel
Chuckie Egg (1983, SPEC, A&F)
[P] Commando, with Keith Burkhill (1985, SPEC, Elite) from COIN
Aldrich, Ron
Nightmare Gallery (1982, AP2, Synergistic)
Alexander, Matt
Hard Hat Mack, with Mike Abbot (1983, AP2, EA)
Alito, Noellie
[P] Moon Patrol, with Mark Ackerman (, Atari) from COIN
Allen, Bill
[P] Gauntlet, with Bob Armour (, US Gold) from COIN
[P] Deflektor (1988, AMI, GG) from SPEC
Allen, James R.H.
Mine Madness (1983, VIC, Thorn EMI)
The Mad Doctor (1985, C64, Thorn EMI)
Allen, John
Pinball (1981, TRS, Acorn)
Basketball (1981, TRS, Acorn)
Allen, Mark
[B] Apple Stellar Invaders (1980, AP2, Apple) Space Invaders-like
Sabotage (1981, AP2, On-Line)
Pest Patrol (1983, AP2, Sierra)
Allred, John
[P] Jungle Hunt, with Michael Feinstein (, Atari) from COIN
[P] Pole Position, with Douglas Macrae, Betty Tylko (, Atari) from COIN
Alpert, Dave
Xyphus, with Skip Walker (1984, AP2, Penguin)
Altman, Marcus
Blagger Goes to Hollywood (1985, C64, Alligata)
Shoot Em Up (1985, C64, Alligata)
Alvarez, Fernando
Genesis (, Datasoft)
Amelio, Joseph
Karate (, Ultravision)
Anderson, Bob
[B] Derelict, with Rodger Olsen (1982, OSI Aardvark)
Haunted House (1983, BBC, Aardvark)
Anderson, Charles
[P] Tuesday Morning Quarterback (1980, AP2, ASIM) from TRS
Anderson, Chip
[TB] Connection (1980, AP2, SoftSide)
Anderson, Dave
Hollywood Hijinx, with Liz Cyr-Jones (1986, many, Infocom)
Anderson, David J.
[P] Shark Attack, with Ian Morrison (1982, SPEC, Romik) from VIC
Colour Clash, with Ian Morrison (1983, SPEC, Romik) Amidar-like
Galactic Trooper, with Ian Morrison (1983, SPEC, Romik)
Brain Damage, with Ian Morrison (1983, SPEC, Silversoft)
Deffendar, with Ian Morrison (1984, SPEC, Mikro-Gen) Defender-like
[P] Lode Runner, with Ian Morrison (1984, SPEC, BROD) from AP2
[P] Zaxxon, with Ian Morrison (1985, SPEC, U.S. Gold) from COIN
[P] Tapper, with Ian Morrison (1985, SPEC, U.S. Gold) from COIN
[P] Kung-Fu Master (1985, SPEC, U.S. Gold) from COIN
[P] Beach-Head, with Ian Morrison (1984, SPEC, US Gold) from C64
[P] Beach-Head II, with Ian Morrison (1985, SPEC, US Gold) from C64
[P] Raid Over Moscow, with Ian Morrison (1985, SPEC, U.S. Gold) from C64
[P] World Series Baseball, with Ian Morrison (1985, SPEC, Imagine) from C64
Super Soccer (1986, SPEC, Imagine)
[P] Rambo (1986, SPEC, Ocean) from C64
Anderson, Donovan E. Jr.
[TB] Match Mania (1989, C64, COMPUTE!'s Gazette)
Anderson, Glyn
[P] Megamania (00, ACT) from 2600
[P] Ghostbusters (, ACT) from C64
[G] Aliens (1986, C64, ACT)
[P] Hacker II: The Doomsday Papers (1987, ST, ACT) from C64
[G] The Manhole (1989, PC/NEC9801/Fujitsu Towns, ACT) from MAC
[P] Mutant League Hockey, with Paul Taylor, Lee Powell (1994, GEN, EA)
[L] Xperts, with Paul Taylor (1996, GEN, Sega)
[G] Golden Nugget (1996, PC, Virgin)
Anderson, Greg W.
Shark Treasure (1982, COCO, Computerware)
Anderson, John
The Eliminator (1982, AP2, AI) Defender-like
[P] Sea Dragon (1982, AP2, AI) from TRS
[P] Rear Guard (1982, AP2, AI) from 800
Defense Cruiser (AP2, AI)
Rally Speedway (, AI)
[P] AREX (, AI) from TRS
Anderson, Jim
[B] Sub Command (1980?, AP2, Programma)
[B] Laser Turret (1980?, AP2 Programma)
[B] Ack-Ack (1980?, AP2, Programma)
[B] Assist-It (1980?, AP2, Programma)
Anderson, Rhett
[GT] Basketball Sam & Ed (1987, C64, COMPUTE!'s Gazette)
Andreasen, James
Haunted House (, Atari)
Andrews, Bob
[B] Death Race (1979, AP2, Programma)
[B] Sea Wolf, with Bob Flanagan (1980, AP2, Programma)
Anghelo, Python [ RIP 2014]
[D] Bubbles (1983, COIN, Williams)
[D] Star Rider (1983, COIN, Williams)
Anschuetz, Eric and Robert
[B] Alien Assault, with John Weisgerber (, PD)
[B] Kooky Climber, with John Weisgerber (, PD)
[TB] Kooky's Quest, with John Weisgerber (, Antic)
[TB] Overflow, with John Weisgerber (, Antic)
[B] Robot Dungeon, with John Weisgerber (, Antic) disk bonus
Ansell, Doug
Pyromania (AP2)
[P] Roundabout (1983, C64, Datamost) from AP2
Antiochia, Antonio
Transylvania, with Steve Meuse (1982, AP2, Penguin)
The Crimson Crown (1982, AP2, Penguin)
Antonovich, Michael
[TB] Imhotep (1980, AP2, SoftSide)
Aplin, Richard
The Islands of Dr. Destructo (1987, C64, Bulldog)
UCM (1988, C64, MAD)
[P] Double Dragon I (AMI/ST/CPC) from COIN
[P] Double Dragon II (AMI/ST/CPC) from COIN
[P] Shinobi (CPC) from COIN
[P] Block Racer (AMI/ST)
[P] ESWAT (1990, SPEC, US Gold)
[P] Line Of Fire (AMI/ST)
Fly Spy (1986, CPC, MAST)
Archer, Michael
Geoff Capes Strong Man (1986, BBC, Martech)
W.A.R. (1986, BBC, Martech)
[D] Tarzan (1986, BBC/C64, Martech)
Shoot Out (1986, C64, Martech)
Nemesis the Warlock (1987, C64, Martech)
Slaine the Celtic Barbarian (1987, C64, Martech)
[P] Altered Beast (1989, C64, ACT) from COIN
[P] Atomic Robokid (1989, C64, ACT)
[P] On Court Tennis (1984, C64, ACT)
[P] Alien 3 (1993, C64, Acclaim)
[P] Road Riot 4WD (1994, LNX, Atari) from COIN
Archer, Rowland
[TB] Word Wars (1981, TRS, SoftSide)
Archuletta, Michael
Hopper, with John Phillips (1983, TI99, TI) Pengo-like
4A Flyer, with John Phillips (1986, TI99, Triton)
Arima, Toshio
[P] Gyruss (1983, COIN, Konami)
Armour, Bob
[P] Gauntlet, with Bill Allen (, US Gold) from COIN
Basil the Great Mouse Detective (/C64, GG)
[P] Deflektor (, Atari) from SPEC
Armstrong, Kevin
Factactics, with Dorcas Evans (1984, AP2, Daystar)
Arneson, Dave
Malta Strike (1980, AP2/TRS, Discovery)
Arnstein, Robert
8080 Chess (1977, Sol-20, Processor Technology)
Pyramid (1979, TRS)
Project Nebula (1981, COCO, Tandy)
Raaka-Tu (1982, COCO, Tandy)
Xenos (1982, TRS, Tandy)
Bedlam (1982, COCO, Tandy)
Androne (1983, COCO, Tandy)
Reactoid (1983, COCO, Tandy)
Aron, Dave
Alpha Blaster (1983, VIC, LiveWire)
Moonrider (1986, MSX, Eaglesoft) Moon Patrol-like
Panique (1986, MSX, Eaglesoft) Space Panic-like
Aronoff, Stuart
Keyboard Golf (1981, AP2, Avant Garde)
Hi-Res Computer Golf 2 (1983, AP2, Avant Garde)
Beyond Pinball (1986, AP2, Prime-Ware)
Arromdee, Ken
[TB] Black Box (, Antic)
Artwick, Bruce
A2-FS1 Flight Simulator (1980, AP2, Sublogic)
Night Mission Pinball (1982, AP2, Sublogic)
Flight Simulator 2 (1983, AP2, Sublogic)
[D] Jet (1985, PC, Sublogic)
[L] UFO, with Hugo Feugen (1989, PC, Sublogic)
Aspromonte, Bill
Crash Dive (, Fox)
Bank Heist (, Fox)
[P] Stargate (, Atari)
[G] Pigs in Space (, Atari)
Atack, Jon
[B] Lightning Robot (, PD) Berzerk-like
Meteor Storm (, Royal)
Quasimodo (, Synapse)
Trivia Quest (, Royal)
Atkin, Larry
Chess (1983, AP2, Odesta)
Odin, with Peter Frey (1983, AP2, Odesta)
Austin, Mike & Nick & Pete
Colossal Adventure (1983, many, Level 9)
Adventure Quest (1983, many, Level 9)
Dungeon Adventure (1984, many, Level 9)
Snowball (1984, many, Level 9)
Return to Eden (1984, many, Level 9)
The Worm in Paradise (many, Level 9)
The Price of Magik (1986, many, Level 9)
Austin, Mike (see also "Austin, Mike & Nick & Pete")
Lancelot, with Pete Austin (1988, many, Mandarin)
Austin, Pete (see also "Austin, Mike & Nick & Pete")
The Saga of Erik the Viking (1984, many, Level 9)
[L] Red Moon (1985, many, Level 9)
The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole Aged 13 3/4 (1985, many, Mosaic)
The Archers (1986, many, Level 9)
Knight Orc (1987, many, Rainbird)
The Growing Pains of Adrian Mole (1987, many, Virgin)
Gnome Ranger, with Peter McBride (1987, many, Level 9)
[D] Ingrid's Back (1988, many, Level 9)
Lancelot, with Mike Austin (1988, many, Mandarin)
ScapeGhost, with Sandra Sharkey, Pete Gerrard (1989, many Level 9)
Austin, William A.
Sword Point (1983?, 800, PMI)
Averett, Ed
Take the Money and Run (1979, O2, Magnavox)
I've Got Your Number (1979, O2, Magnavox)
Invaders from Hyperspace (1979, O2, Magnavox)
Showdown in 2100 A.D.(1979,O2, Magnavox)
War of Nerves (1979, O2, Magnavox)
Alpine Skiing (1979, O2, Magnavox)
Hockey/Soccer (1979, O2, Magnavox)
Volleyball (1980,O2, Magnavox)
Electronic Table Soccer (1980, O2, Magnavox)
Pocket Billiards (1980, O2, Magnavox)
Pachinko (1980, O2, Magnavox)
Casino Slot Machine (1980, O2, Magnavox)
Blockout/Breakdown (1980, O2, Magnavox)
Alien Invaders Plus (1980, O2, Magnavox)
UFO (1981, O2, Magnavox)
Monkey Shines (1981, O2, Magnavox)
Quest for the Rings (1981, O2, Magnavox)
Conquest of the Worlds (1981, O2, Magnavox)
Great Wall St. Fortune Hunt (1981, O2, Magnavox)
K.C. Munchkin (1981, O2, Magnavox) Pac-Man-like
Freedom Fighters (1981, O2, Magnavox)
Pick Axe Pete (1981, O2, Magnavox)
K.C.'s Crazy Chase (1982, O2, Magnavox)
Attack of the Time Lord, with Linda Averett (1982, O2, Magnavox)
Power Lords (1983, O2, Magnavox)
Avery, Jack T.
Computer Air Combat, with Charles Merrow (1980, AP2, SSI)
Computer Baseball, with Charles Merrow (1981, AP2, SSI)
Fighter Command, with Charles Merrow (1983, AP2, SSI)
Axworthy, Glenn
Midnight Magic (, Atari)
Bachand, Charles
[TB] Motorcycle Maze Rider (, ANALOG)
Race in Space (, ANALOG)
[T] Harvey Wallbanger, with Tom Hudson (, ANALOG)
[T] Planetary Defense, with Tom Hudson (, ANALOG)
Bacher, Eric
Pesco (, Ebivision) Pac-Man-like
Bachrach, Mark
[B] Spin*A*Fortune (1982, TI99, Sunrise)
Bader, Chris
Kangaroy (1985, TI99, T&C Actionware)
Baer, Ralph H. [creator of the Odyssey]
many of the original Odyssey games (1972, Odyssey, Magnavox)
Simon, with Howard Morrison (1978, HAND, MB)
Super Simon (1979, HAND, MB)
Maniac (1979, HAND, Ideal)
Baggs, Scott C.
Dawn Patrol (1985, C64, Mark of the Falcon)
Bagley, Jim
[P] Throne Of Fire (1987, SPEC, Melbourne House)
[P] Road Runner (1987, SPEC, US Gold) from COIN
[P] World Class Leaderboard (1987, SPEC, US Gold) from C64
[P] Street Sports Basketball (1988, SPEC, US Gold) from C64
[P] G.U.T.Z. (1988, SPEC, Ocean)
[P] Batman: The Caped Crusader (1988, CPC, Ocean)
[P] Red Heat (1989, SPEC/CPC, Ocean)
[P] Cabal (1979, SPEC/CPC, Ocean) from COIN
[P] Midnight resistance (1990, SPEC/CPC, Ocean) from COIN
[P] Hudson Hawk (1991, SPEC/CPC/GB)
[P] Ultimate Soccer (GEAR/SMS/GEN)
[P] Arcade Classic 4: Defender/Joust (1995, GB) from COIN; Defender only
[P] Revolution X (PC/SAT) from COIN
[P] DOOM (1997, SAT, GT) from PC
[P] Tommi Makinen Rally (1998, PS1, Europress)
[P] The F.A. Premier League Stars (1999, PS1, RA)
[P] Boarder Zone (1999, GB, Infogrames)
[P] TJ Lavin's Ultimate BMX (2000, GB)
[P] Tiny Toons: Buster Saves The Day (2001, GB)
[P] TechDeck Skateboarding (2001, GB)
[P] Nancy Drew: Message in a Haunted Mansion (2001, GBA)
[P] Strike Force Hydra (2003, PS1)
[P] International Karate+ (GBA) from C64
[P] Super Dropzone (2002, GBA/PS1)
[P] World Tennis Stars (2004, GBA/PS1, Ignition)
Animal Snap (2003, GBA, Nintendo)
[P] King Of Fighters (XBOX) from PS2
Jim Bagley's ZX81 Racing (2013, ZX81, PD)
Bagley, Kevin
Oil-Rig (1981, AP2, CPU)
The Human Fly (1982, AP2, CPU)
Vortex (1982, AP2, Datamost)
[G] Flockland Island Crisis (1982, AP2, Vital)
Mabel's Mansion (1984, AP2, Datamost)
Baguley, Jim
Bogey Men (1984, C64, Solar)
Bizy BeeZZzz (1984, C64, Solar)
Jungle Quest (1984, C64, Solar)
[P] Deathwake (1985, C64, Quicksilva)
[P] Max Headroom (1986, C64, MAST)
[P] Storm (1986, C64, MAST)
Spore (1987, C64, Bulldog)
[P] Jackle & Wide (1987, C64, Bulldog)
[P] Battle Chopper (1989, C64, Irem) from COIN
Dan Dare III (1990, AMI/ST, MAST)
[P] Back to the Future Part III (1991, AMI, Image Works)
[G] Addams Family Values (1995, GEN, Ocean)
[G] Carmageddon (2000, GB, Titus)
Bahr, George
Frog Trek (1982, COCO, Olerich) Frogger-like
Bailey, Dona
Centipede, with Ed Logg (1980, COIN, Atari)
Baizer, Robert
[B] Stunt Cycle, with Harry Tarnoff (1980, AP2, Programma)
Bak, Steve
Cuthbert Goes Walkabout (1983, DRAG, Microdeal) Amidar-like
Cuthbert Goes Digging (1983, DRAG, Microdeal) Space Panic-like
Cuthbert in Space (1984, DRAG, Microdeal) Joust-like
Cuthbert in the Tombs (1984, C64, Microdeal) Tutankham-like
Lands of Havoc (1985, ST, Microdeal)
Hercules (1986, C64, Alpha Omega)
Electronic Pool (1986, ST, Microdeal)
Goldrunner (1986, ST, Microdeal)
Gods & Heroes (1987, C64, Power House)
Jupiter Probe (1987, ST, Microdeal)
[P] The Sentinel (1987, AMI/ST, Firebird) from BBC
Leathernecks (1988, AMI/ST, Microdeal)
Return to Genesis (1988, ST, Microdeal)
Star Ray (1988, ST, Microdeal)
Baker, John
[TB] Bats (1981, TRS, SoftSide)
Baker, Philip
Ennumereight (, APX)
Baker, Scott
[TB] Things in the Dark (, COMPUTE!)
Baker, Steve A.
Fighter Pilot (1978, AP2, Softape)
Burn-Out (AP2, Softape)
Bubbles (AP2, Softape)
Planetoids (AP2, Softape)
Baker's Trilogy (AP2, Softape) includes Bubbles, Burnout, and Planetoids
Gomoku (, Softape)
Reversi (, Artsci)
Photar (1981, AP2, Softape) aka N Centipede-like
[P] Defender (, Atari) from COIN
Star Mines (1983, AP2, Softape)
[P] Summer Games (, Epyx) from C64
[P] Winter Games (, Epyx) from C64
[P] California Games (, Epyx) from C64
Sporting News Baseball '89 (1989, AP2, Epyx)
Alien Legacy (PC)
Colony Quest (PC)
Pilgrim Quest, with Brooke Boering (1991, PC, Decision)
Bakst, Daren
The Chalice of Mostania (1985, AP2, Coastal)
Balaska, Richard
Tunnel Runner (, CBS)
Baldwin, Mark Lewis
[TB] Starbase 13 (, SoftSide)
Ball, Albert
Jumping Jack (1983, SPEC, Imagine)
Ball, Anthony
Outpost (800)
[P] Cabal (1990, NES, MB) from COIN
[P] Mercs (1991, AMI/ST, US Gold) from COIN
Bacteria Arcade Edition (iOS/AND, Sinister)
Dungeons (iOS/AND, Sinister)
Save the Martians (iOS/AND, Sinister)
What Rhymes With Martians? (iOS/AND, Sinister)
Sinister Slots (AND, Sinister)
Calypso Slots (AND, Sinister)
Sinister Soccer (AND, Sinister)
Ball, Thomas
Falcons, with Eric Varsanyi (1981, AP2) Phoenix-like
Warp Destroyer, with Eric Varsanyi (1981, AP2, Piccadilly)
Ballard, Michael
[TB] Wall Street (1989, C64, Run)
Bana, Bill
Hunchback II, with Tony Pomfret (1983, C64, Ocean)
Banks, Rick
BC's Quest for Tires, with Michael Bate (1983, AP2?, Sierra)
BC's Quest for Tires 2 (1984, Sierra)
Barber, Robert
Halloween, with Tim Martin (, Wizard)
Barger, Jorn
[P] Wizard of Wor (AP2) from COIN
[P] Berzerk (AP2, Microsoft) from COIN
Barnes, Lee
Frog (1980, MZ, Newbear and Kuma)
Fender (1980, MZ, Newbear and Kuma)
Camelot (1980, MZ, Newbear and Kuma)
Head-On (1980, MZ, Newbear and Kuma)
Paqueman (1980, MZ, Newbear and Kuma)
Solitaire (1980, MZ, Newbear and Kuma)
Barnes, Tony
[TB] Escape from Hell (, Antic)
Killing Joke (1988, AMI/ST, Zodiac)
Savior (, PD)
[TB] Doomed (, Antic)
[TB] Shutdown (, Antic)
[G] Blox (AMI)
[NG] GFA Basic 3.0 (1988, AMI, Antic)
[G] Crue Ball (1992, GEN, EA)
[G] Harley's Humoungous Adventure (1992, SNES, EA)
[G] Madden 94 (1994, SNES, EA)
[G] Normy's Beach-Babe-o-Rama (1994, GEN, EA)
[G] Legacy of Kain (1996, PS1, Crystal Dynamics)
[D] Star Trek Deep Space 9: The Fallen (2000, PC/MAC, The Collective)
[G] Bill Walsh College Football (1994, SNES, EA)
[D] Nuclear Strike 64 (1999, N64, THQ)
[L] Buffy the Vampire Slayer (2002, XBOX, The Collective)
[G] Wrath: Unleashed (2003, XBOX/PS2, The Collective)
[G] Star Wars Episode III (2005, XBOX/PS2, The Collective)
[D] Midnight Club: LA (, Rockstar)
Barnes, Wherner
Escape from Pulsar 7, with Brian Howarth (1982, BBC, Channel 8)
Circus, with Brian Howarth (1982, BBC)
The Feasibility Experiment, with Brian Howarth (1983, BBC)
Barnett, Greg
[P] The Hobbit (1982, C64, Melbourne House) from SPEC
[P] Sherlock (1984, C64, Melbourne House) from SPEC
Way of the Exploding Fist (1985, C64, Melbourne House)
Barnett, Uriah
[P] Buzzard Bait (1983, PC, Sirius) from AP2
[P] Turmoil (1983, MSX, ASCII) from 2600
[P] Squish 'em (1984, MSX, ASCII) from C64
Baron, Peter James
[P] Salamander (1988, C64, Imagine) from COIN
Myth (1989, C64, System 3)
Devious Designs (1991, AMI/ST, Image Works)
[P] Spiderman: Return of the Sinister Six (1992, NES, LJN)
[P] Wolverine Adamantium Rage (1994, SNES, LJN)
[P] Maximum Roadkill (1995, PC, Take 2)
[P] Stratego (PC, Hasbro)
[P] Monopoly (N64, Empire)
[P] Sheep (PS1, Empire)
Baronett, Stanley Jr.
Ripper, with John Winnie (1984, C64, Avalon Hill)
Barshack, Leonard
Apple Adventure, with Peter Schmuckal (1980, AP2, Apple)
Bartlett, Peter J.
Enigma, with Mark Moore (1985, C16, Commodore)
Robo Knight (1987, C16, US Gold)
Barton, Anthony
Vortex Raider (1983, C64, Interceptor)
Bandana City (1984, C64, Interceptor)
Basham, Bill
Dogfight (1980, AP2, Micro Lab)
Bass, Daniel
[P] Loco-Motion (1982, INT, Mattel) from COIN
Tower of Doom (1984, INT, INTV)
Bate, Michael
BC's Quest for Tires, with Rick Banks (1983, AP2?, Sierra)
Bates, Bob [founder of Legend]
[D] Sherlock (1988, many, Infocom)
[D] Arthur: The Quest for Excalibur (1989, many, Infocom)
[D] TIMEQUEST (1991, PC, Legend)
[D] Eric The Unready (1993, PC, Legend)
[D] Spycraft (1996, PC, ACT)
[D] Quandaries (1997, PC, US Dept of Justice)
[D] John Saul's Blackstone Chronicles (1998, PC, Mindscape)
Bates, Matthew
Cybertron Mission (1984, BBC, Micro Power)
Battenberg, Rex
Space Dungeon (1981, COIN, Taito America)
Zoo Keeper, with John Morgan, Mark Blazczyk (1982, COIN, Taito America)
Batty, Michael
Earth Shaker (1990, SPEC, Your Sinclair) Boulder Dash-like
Baumrucker, Steven J., MD
Dunzhin: Warrior of Ras Volume 1, with Randall Masteller (1982, TRS, Screenplay)
Warrior of Ras, Volume 2, with Randall Masteller (1982, TRS, Screenplay)
Warrior of Ras, Volume 3, with Randall Masteller (1982, TRS, Screenplay)
Warrior of Ras, Volume 4, with Randall Masteller (1982, TRS, Screenplay)
The Trivia Arcade, with Randall Masteller (1984, C64, Screenplay)
Baxter, Michael A.
[TB] Cubes in Space (, Atari User) Q*bert-like
[TB] Dam Trouble (, Atari User)
Beale, Andrew
Repulsar (1983, SPEC, Softek) Missile Command-like
Robon (1983, SPEC, Softek) Berzerk-like
Megapede (1983, SPEC, Softek) Centipede-like
Microbot, with Jack Wilkes (1983, SPEC, Softek)
Psytraxx, with Jack Wilkes (1984, SPEC, The Edge)
Beck, Steve
[U] Save the Whales (, Fox) self-published in 2002
Becklund, Tom
Thunder Bombs (1982, AP2, Penguin)
Bouncing Kamungas (1983, AP2, Penguin)
Bedrosian, Gary
Close Assault (, Avalon Hill)
Beekhuis, Kees
[P] Into the Eagles Nest (, Atari) from C64
[P] Tanium (, Players) from C64
Behlen, James W.
Mini-Golf (1982, TI99, BeeJay Funware)
Mini-Golf II (1983, TI99, BeeJay Funware)
Behling, B.W.
[TB] Futurewar! (1985, C64, Ahoy!)
Behnke, John
Missile Wars (1987, TI99, Asgard)
The Haunted Mine (1987, TI99, Asgard)
The Volcano Fortress (1987, TI99, Asgard)
Belka, Edgar
Carnival Massacre (, Thorn EMI)
Desmond's Dungeon (, Creative Sparks)
Danger Mouse in the Black Forest Chateau, with Brian Belson, Kevin Buckner (1984, C64, Creative Sparks)
Bell, Bradley J.
Volleyball (, SoftSide)
Free Fall (1983, BBC, Acornsoft)
Elite, with David Braben (1984, BBC, Acornsoft)
Bell, John [founder of Crystalware]
[B] Galactic Quest (1980, AP2, Crystalware)
[B] House of Usher (1980, AP2, Crystalware)
[B] Fantasyland 2041 AD (1980, AP2, Crystalware)
[B] Beneath the Pyramids (1980, AP2, Crystalware)
[B] Clonus, with Mark Benioff (, Crystalware)
[B] Sands of Mars (1981, AP2, Crystalware)
[B] World War III (1981, AP2, Crystalware)
[B] Little Crystal (1981, AP2, Crystalware)
[B] Waterloo II, with Mike Potter (1981, AP2, Crystalware)
[B] Clonus II, with Mark Benioff (, Crystalware)
[B] Glamis Castle (, Crystalware)
[B] The Haunted Palace (, Crystalware)
[B] Zardon (, Crystalware)
Starion (, Romox)
Snooker (1984, SPEC, Visions)
Bellin, Adam
Robot Battle (1982, AP2, United Software of America)
[G] Murder on the Mississippi (1986, C64, ACT)
Belson, Brian
Soccer (, Thorn EMI)
Danger Mouse in the Black Forest Chateau, with Edgar Belka, Kevin Buckner (1984, C64, Creative Sparks)
Benham, Jason
Bengo (1982, VIC, Mr. Micro)
Jogger (1982, VIC, Mr. Micro)
Digger (1982, VIC, Mr. Micro)
Amigo (1982, VIC, Mr. Micro)
Caterpillar (1983, ROMIK)
Megawarz (1983, C64, Paramount Software)
Outback (1983, VIC/C64, Paramount Software)
Roomlord (1984, C64, Paramount Software)
Guzzler (1984, C64, Interceptor)
Bigtop Barney (1984, C64, Interceptor)
Legend of Sinbad (1985, C64, Superior)
Fair Means/Foul (1986, C64, Superior)
Batty (1987, C64, Elite Systems)
Pro Boxing Sim (1988, C64, Codemasters)
Kwik Snax (1989, C64, Codemasters)
[G] Noah's Ark (1991, NES, Konami)
[G] Home Alone 2 (1992, SNES, THQ)
[G] Toys (1993, SNES, Absolute)
[G] Home Improvement (1994, SNES, Absolute)
Benioff, Marc Russell
[B] Clonus, with John Bell (, Crystalware)
[B] Clonus II, with John Bell (, Crystalware)
[B] Quest For Power (, Crystalware)
[B] Forgotten Island (, Crystalware)
[B] Crypt of the Undead (, Epyx)
[B] Gwendolyn (, Artworx)
[B] Escape from Vulcan's Isle (, Epyx)
[B] King Arthur's Heir (, Epyx)
Flapper (, Romox)
Bennett, Andrew
[P] Boulder Dash (1988, BBC, Tynsoft) from 800
Bennett, Tommy
[T] Avalanche (, ANALOG) Q*bert-like
Bentebal, K.
[D] Soko-Ban (1984, AP2, Spectrum Holobyte)
Bentley, Forrest
[T] Lava Flow (1988, C64, COMPUTE!'s Gazette)
[T] Bombardment (1989, C64, COMPUTE!'s Gazette)
Bentley, Kevin
Amnesia, with Thomas M. Disch (1986, AP2, EA)
Benton, Charles "Chuck"
Softporn Adventure (1981, AP2, On-Line)
Jump Jet (1982, AP2, Avant Garde)
[P] Frogger (1983, C64, PB) from COIN
BC's Quest For Tires (/C64, Sierra) from AP2?
Benz, Steve
Eggnapper (, shareware)
Berez, Joel
[G] Zork I (1980, many, Infocom)
Berger, Adam
Temple of Darkness, with Andrew Berger (800, Aim)
Star Sentry, with Craig Patchett (, ANALOG)
Berke, Jens
[TB] Oil-Panic (, Computronic)
[TB] Tombstone City (, Computronic) Tombstone City-like
[TB] Atlantic (, Homecomputer) Atlantis-like
[TB] Jack the Digger (, Homecomputer) Anteater-like
Berker, Paul
3-D Space Battle (AP2, Loch Ness)
Adventure in Time (1981, AP2, Phoenix)
Birth of the Phoenix (1981, AP2, Phoenix)
Queen of Phobos, with Bill Crawford (1982, AP2, Phoenix)
Berlyn, Michael [founder of Sentient and Eidetic]
Oo-Topos, with Muffy Berlyn (1981, AP2, Sentient)
Cyborg (1982, Sentient)
Gold Rush (Sentient)
Congo, with Harry Wilker (1982, AP2, Sentient)
Suspended (1983, many, Infocom)
Infidel, with Patricia Fogleman (1983, many, Infocom)
Cutthroats, with Jerry Wolper (1984, Infocom)
[G] Fooblitzky (1985, many, Infocom)
[D] Tass Times in Tonetown, with Muffy Berlyn (1986, Interplay)
Dr. Dumont's Wild P.A.R.T.I. (1987, PC, First Row)
Altered Destiny (1990, AMI, Accolade)
[D] Search for the King, with Steve Cartwright (1990, PC, Accolade)
Snoopy's Game Club, with Gene Smith (1992, Accolade)
[D] Bubsy Bobcat (1993, SNES/GEN, Accolade)
[D] Columbo's Mystery Capers, with Marc Blank (1994, Newton, Starcore)
Motile (1994, Newton, Eidetic)
[D] Live Action Football (1994, PC, Accolade)
[D] All Star Baseball (1995, PC, Accolade)
Berman, Oliver
Sacred Stone (AP2)
Bernor, Gerald
[TB] Dante's Inferno (1980, TRS, SoftSide)
Berns, Eagle I.
The Coveted Mirror (1983, AP2, Penguin)
Pie Man, with Michael Kosaka (1983, AP2, Penguin)
MacMATCH (MAC, Axlon)
Berry, Danielle [formerly Dan B RIP 1998]
Wheeler Dealers (1978, AP2, Speakeasy)
Computer Quarterback (1979, AP2, SSI)
Cartels & Cutthroats, with Bill Bunten (1981, AP2, SSI)
[G] Cytron Masters (1982, AP2, SSI)
[G] M.U.L.E. (, EA)
[G] Seven Cities of Gold (, EA)
[G] Heart of Africa (1985, C64, EA)
Robot Rascals, with Alan Watson (1986, C64, EA)
[G] Modem Wars (1988, PC, EA)
[G] Command HQ (1990, PC, Microprose)
[G] Global Conquest (1992, PC, EA)
[D] Warsport (1997, PC, TimeSink)
Bertoni, Leonard
Alley Oops (1983, C64, Artworx)
[P] Bandits (1983, VIC/C64, Sirius) from AP2
[P] Dino Eggs (1983, C64, Micro Fun) from AP2
[P] Final Orbit (1983, C64, Sirius) from Earth Dies Screaming for 2600
Bertram, Anthony
[T] Tank Ambush (1989, C64, COMPUTE!'s Gazette)
Besnard, John "Bez"
Bezman (AP2) Pac-Man-like
Bez Wars (AP2)
Bez Off (AP2)
Pensate (1983, AP2, Penguin)
Arcade Boot Camp (1984, AP2, Penguin)
First Encounter (1987, AP2)
Bethell, John
Falklands 82 (1985, C64, PSS)
Iwo Jima (1986, C64, PSS)
Betts, Andrew
[P] Warhawk (, Firebird) from C64
I-ball (1987, C64, Firebird)
I-ball 2 (1988, C64, Firebird)
Decision in the Desert, with Sid Meier (, MicroProse)
Conflict In Vietnam, with Sid Meier (, MicroProse)
Crusade in Europe, with Sid Meier (, MicroProse)
Revolution '76 (1989, GS, Britannica)
Great Naval Battles [series] with Roy Gibson (1992-3, PC or AMI?, SSI)
Beveridge, Jim
[P] Empire: Wargame of the Century (1984, PC/DEC Rainbow)
Bevington, Carl
[TB] Hexapawn (1982, TRS, SoftSide)
Biddle, John
The Bermuda Race, with Gordon Mattox (1983, AP2, Sams)
Bies, Bill
Arthropod (1983, TI99, North Hills) Centipede-like
AsTIroids (1983, TI99, North Hills) Asteroids-like
Arcturus (1985, TI99, Exceltec) Zaxxon-like
Biess, W.J.
Bubbles (1983, AP2, Tellus)
Bigelow, Marc
[P] Quasimodo (1984, C64, Synapse) from 800
Biggs, Stephen C.
Slamball (1984, C64, Synapse) originally started for 800 by Dirk Van Horne
Bigham, Dane
Where in the World is Carmen SanDiego? (1985, AP2, BROD)
Bigham, Elrhea
[TB] Word Challenge (, SoftSide)
[B] Adventure on a Boat, with Paul Bigham (, Sublogic)
[B] The Black Forest, with Paul Bigham (, Sublogic)
[B] Ghostly Manor (800, Sublogic)
Robby the Robot Catcher (800, Sublogic)
Sky Rescue (800, Sublogic)
[P] Zendar, with Paul Bigham (1982, AP2, Sublogic)
Bigham, Paul
[B] Adventure on a Boat, with Elrhea Bigham (, Sublogic)
[B] The Black Forest, with Elrhea Bigham (, Sublogic)
[P] Zendar, with Elrhea Bigham (1982, AP2, Sublogic)
Billen, David
[T] Zonx (1985, COCO, Rainbow)
Billett, Tina
Mrs. Mopp (1983, SPEC, Computasolve)
Billings, Joel [founder of SSI]
Computer Bismarck, with John Lyon (1980, AP2, SSI)
Pursuit of the Graf Spee (1982, SSI)
Billyard, Adam Michael
Bellum (, APX) Scramble-like
Henri (, Visions) Mr. Do-like
Chop Suey (, English)
ElectraGlide (, English)
Q-Ball (1985, ST, English)
Binkowski, Ron
Fowl Play (1981, TI99, Futura)
Getcha! (1981, TI99, Futura)
The Hustler (1981, TI99, Futura)
London Blitz (1982, TI99, Futura)
Binns, Hugh
Subterranea (1988, C64, Hewson)
Birn, Jeremy
[TB] Quatro (, Antic)
Bishop, Bob
Rocket Pilot (1977, AP2)
Rocket Lander (1977, AP2, PD)
Star Warriors (1977, AP2, Softape) aka Star Wars?
Saucer Invasion (1977, AP2, Softape)
Space Maze (1977, AP2, Softape)
Bomber (1978, AP2)
Galacticube (1978, AP2)
[T] Li'l Red Bug (1980?, AP2, Creative Computing)
Dung Beetles (1982, AP2, Datasoft)
[N] Micro Painter (1982, AP2, Datasoft)
Money Munchers (1982, AP2, Datamost)
Gobblers (1985, AP2, Interactive Arts)
Bishop, David
Witch's Brew (1989, TI99, Asgard)
Wizard's End (1989, TI99, Asgard)
Bitter, Wendell
Hangman (1977, AP2)
Bittrolff, Steve
[B] Anthill (, APX)
Bixby, Robert
[T] Lincoln Green (1988, C64, COMPUTE!'s Gazette)
[T] Jericho II: The Revenge (1989, C64, COMPUTE!'s Gazette)
[T] Qewb (1990, C64, COMPUTE!'s Gazette)
Bjork, Steve
Space Balls (1979, TRS, Computer Light & Sound)
Galactic Fighter (1979, TRS, Computer Light & Sound)
Space Balls II (1980, TRS, Computer Light & Sound)
Popcorn (1981, COCO, Tandy)
[P] Canyon Climber, with James Garon (1982, COCO) from 800
Mega-Bug (1982, COCO, Tandy)
Sands of Egypt, with James Garon (1982, COCO, Tandy)
Stellar Life Line (1983, COCO, Tandy)
[P] Clowns & Balloons (1983, COCO, Tandy)
[P] Zaxxon (1983, COCO, Datasoft) from COIN
[P] One on One: Julius Erving and Larry Bird (1983, COCO, EA) from AP2
Ghana Bwana (1984, COCO, Tandy)
Desert Rider (1984, COCO, Tandy)
Warp Fighter 3-D (1987, COCO, SRB)
[P] Super Pitfall (1988, COCO, Tandy)
Mine Rescue (1988, COCO, Game Point)
Snake Pit (1989, CC3, Game Point) Blockade-like
Bash (1988, COCO, Game Point) Breakout-like
Z-89 (1989, CC3, Game Point) Zaxxon-like
[P] Arkanoid (1989, COCO, Tandy) from COIN
Marty's Nightmare (1990, CC3, CocoPro)
The Rocketeer (1991, SNES, Disney)
Captain Planet (1992, GEN, Sega)
Bass Masters Classic, with Bob Polaro (1995, SNES, THQ)
Bass Masters Classic Pro, with Bob Polaro (1996, SNES/GEN, THQ)
Blackmer, Bob
[TB] Duck Shoot (1985, C64, Ahoy!)
[T] Scavenger Hunt (1987, C64, Ahoy!)
[T] Island Quest (1988, C64, Ahoy!)
[TB] Tri Words (1988, C128, Ahoy!)
[T] Tubular! (1988, C64, Ahoy!)
[T] Turbo Ski (1988, C64, Ahoy!)
Blakemore, Cleveland M.
[T] Gravinauts (1985, C64, Ahoy!)
[TB] Guardian (1986, C64, Ahoy!)
[TB] Teleporter (1986, C64, Ahoy!)
[TB] Archer (1987, C128, Ahoy!)
[TB] Lost Dutchman's Mine (1988, C64, Ahoy!)
[TB] Phantasy (1988, C128, Ahoy!)
[TB] Phobia (1988, C64, Ahoy!)
[TB] Rashgar (1988, C128, Ahoy!)
[TB] Snap Snake (1988, C64, Ahoy!)
[TB] Vee Kloros (1988, C64, Ahoy!)
Grimoire (2017, PC, Golden Era)
Blank, George
[TB] Round the Horn (1979, TRS, SoftSide)
[TB] Sink 'Um (1979, TRS, SoftSide)
[TB] Dive Bomb! (1979, TRS, SoftSide)
[TB] Pork Barrell (1980, TRS, SoftSide)
[TB] Troll's Gold (1980, TRS/AP2, SoftSide)
Santa Paravia and Fiumaccio (1980, TRS/AP2, Instant)
Blank, Marc [cofounder of Infocom, Eidetic]
[G] Dungeon (1977, DEC PDP-11 and DecSystem-20)
[G] Zork I (1980, many, Infocom)
Zork II, with Dave Lebling (1981, many, Infocom)
Zork III, with Dave Lebling (1982, many, Infocom)
Deadline, with Dave Lebling (1982, many, Infocom)
Enchanter, with Dave Lebling (1983, many, Infocom)
[G] Fooblitzky (, Infocom)
Border Zone (1987, many, Infocom)
Journey (1989, many, Infocom)
Columbo's Mystery Capers, with Mike Berlyn (1994, Newton, Starcore)
Blauschild, Bob
Escape from Rungistan (1982, AP2, Sirius)
Critical Mass (1983, AP2, Sirius)
Blazczyk, Mark
Zoo Keeper, with John Morgan, Rex Battenberg (1982, COIN, Taito America)
Blighe, Graham
Emlyn Hughes International Soccer (1988, C64, Audiogenic)
Blumenthal, Lee
[TB] Draw Poker with Joel Willard (1980, TRS, SoftSide)
Bobbio, Robert
[P] Lost Tomb, with Troy Lyndon, Mark Brodie (1984, C64, Datasoft) from COIN
Bobbitt, Chris [founder of Asgard]
Balloon Wars (1987, TI99, Asgard)
Classic Checkers (1992, TI99, Asgard)
Column Attack (1988, TI99, Asgard)
Bobco, Maxine
Henhouse (1982, TI99, Funware)
Driving Demon (1983, TI99, Funware)
Rabbit Trail (1983, TI99, Funware)
Lobster Bay (1983, TI99, Funware)
St. Nick (1983, TI99, Funware)
Boden, Scott
[P] Star Castle, with Tim Skelly (1980, COIN, Cinematronics)
Solar Quest (1981, COIN, Cinematronics)
Complex X (1982, COIN, Taito)
Trivia Master (1985, COIN, PGD)
Bogenreif, Bill
[P] Galaxian (1983, C64, Atarisoft) from COIN
[P] Jungle Hunt (1983, C64, Atarisoft) from COIN
Bohlke, David
[TB] Engineer (1979, TRS, SoftSide)
[TB] Kiddy Slot Game (1979, TRS, SoftSide)
[TB] Jig Saw (1979, TRS, SoftSide)
[TB] Safari (1979, TRS, SoftSide)
[TB] All Star Baseball (1979, TRS, SoftSide)
[TB] Collision (1979, TRS, SoftSide)
[TB] Protour 80 (1980, TRS, SoftSide)
[TB] Master's Golf (, SoftSide)
[TB] Maze Search (, SoftSide)
[TB] Stratoblaster Outpost (, SoftSide)
[TB] Tycoon (1980, TRS, SoftSide)
[TB] PR Dogfight (1980, TRS, SoftSide)
[TB] World Series (, SoftSide)
[TB] Double Cannon (, SoftSide)
[TB] Engineer (, SoftSide)
[TB] Speedello (, SoftSide)
[TB] Stud Poker (1980, TRS, SoftSide)
[TB] Angle Cannon (, SoftSide)
[TB] Number Battle (, SoftSide)
[TB] Blocked (, ANALOG) Blockade-like
[TB] Cannon Duel (, ANALOG) Artillery-like
[TB] 3-D Maze Escape (, Antic)
[TB] Androton (, Antic)
Engineer (1986, PC)
Bollt, Erik
Trompers (1983, AP2, Avant Garde)
Bonifacio, Robert T.
Meltdown (, Cosmi)
Aztec Challenge (, Cosmi)
The E Factor (, Cosmi)
Caverns of Khafka (, Cosmi)
Richard Petty's Talledega (, Cosmi)
[P] Super Huey (1986, C64, Cosmi) from C64
Delta Man (1987, C64, Cosmi)
Shirley Muldowney's Top Fuel Challenge (1987, C64, Cosmi)
Navcom Six, with Paul Norman (1988, C64, Cosmi)
Chomp! (1989, C64, Cosmi)
Booth, Roger
[P] Q*bert's Qubes (1984, COL/PC, PB) from COIN
Bosson, Ralph
T.A.C. (1983, AP2, Avalon Hill)
Boswell, Colin
Tomahawk, with D.K. Marshall (/C64, Digital Integration)
F-16 Combat Pilot, with Paul Margrave, Rod Swift (1989, ST/AMI, Digital Integration)
Botti, John
Lost Ark of the Covenant (1984, AP2, Microscan)
Bouchard, Rich
[TB] Space Dodge (, SoftSide)
[TB] Miner, with Steve Justus (/AP2, SoftSide)
[TB] Strategy Strike (, SoftSide)
[TB] Code Master (, SoftSide)
[TB] Kidnapped! with Alan Zett(, SoftSide)
[TB] Quest (1981, AP2, SoftSide)
[TB] Miniature Golf (, SoftSide)
[TB] Escape from the Dungeon of the Gods (, SoftSide)
[TB] Hopper, with Alan Zett (, SoftSide) Frogger-like
Boulton, G.
Groovy Garden (1985, C64, Central)
Bowater, Rupert
Java Jim in Square Shaped Trouble (1984, C64, Creative Sparks)
Bowery, Jim
Spasim (1974, PLATO, PD)
Bownman, Paul
[G] Arctic Fox, with Damon Slye (1985, AMI, EA) from AMI
Boyd, Alan M.
Global War (1979, AP2, Muse)
Bozeman, Jim
Moon Base Rynin (1983, TI99, CMS Systems)
Braben, David
Elite, with Ian Bell (1984, BBC, Acornsoft)
Zarch (1988, ARC, Superior) aka Virus
Frontier: Elite II (1993, AMI)
Frontier: First Encounters (1995, PC, GameTek)
Darxside (1995, GEN, Sega)
Virus , PC, Grolier)
Braddick, Judy
[P] Solar Fox (1983, C64, Commodore) from COIN
Bradfield, Andrew [RIP 2001]
Laser Hawk (, Red Rat)
HawkQuest, with Harvey Kong Tin (, Red Rat)
Bradford, Rex
[N] Horoscope Computer (HAND, Mattel)
The Empire Strikes Back (, PB)
Jedi Arena (, PB)
[U] Kabobber (, ACT) freely released in 2000
Bradley, David W.
Parthian Kings (1983, AP2, Avalon Hill)
Bradley, Kathy
[P] Fast Eddie (1982, VIC, Sirius) from 2600
Bradley, Phillip
[P] Baltic , AP2, SSI)
[P] Norway , AP2, SSI)
Bradshaw, Stephen
Block Buster, with Alan Griesemer (, APX) Rubik's Cube
Braine, Lee
[P] Burgertime (1984, C64, Interceptor) from COIN
Where's My Bones (1984, C64, Interceptor)
Front Line (1984, C64, Interceptor)
The Caverns of Eriban (1985, C64, Firebird)
Spirit of the Stones, with Ian Gray (1985, C64, Commodore)
A Fistful of Bucks, with Ian Gray (1985, C64, Ocean)
[P] Doriath, with Ian Gray (1985, C64, Rabbit)
Web, with Ian Gray (1986, C64, Orpheus)
The First Starfighter, with Ian Gray (1986, C64, Orpheus)
Brandenburg, Bryan
Sentinel (1983, C64, Synapse)
Brannon, Charles
[TB] Laser Barrage (, COMPUTE!)
[TB] Sub Attack (, COMPUTE!)
[TB] Air Defense (, COMPUTE!)
Brantner, Tony
[T] Tenpins (1986, C64, Ahoy!)
[T] Knock Out (1987, C64, Ahoy!)
[T] Flash Flood (1987, C64, Ahoy!)
[T] Wall Crawler (1987, C64, Ahoy!) Crazy Climber-like
[T] Steeplechase (1987, C64, Ahoy!)
[TB] Video Poker (1988, C64, Run)
[T] Ram Rod (1990, C64, Run)
Braunstein, Andrew
[TB] Code Master (1981, TRS, SoftSide)
Braybrook, Andrew
3D Luna-Attack (1984, C64, Hewson)
Gribbly's Day Out (1985, C64, Hewson)
Gribbly's Special Day Out (1985, C64, Hewson)
Paradroid (1985, C64, Hewson)
Alleykat (1986, C64, Hewson)
Uridium (1986, C64, Hewson)
Paradroid Competition Edition (1986, C64, Hewson)
Uridium+ (1987, C64, Hewson)
Morpheus (1987, C64, Rainbird)
Intensity (1988, C64, Firebird)
Rainbow Islands (1989, AMI, Ocean)
Heavy Metal Paradroid (1989, C64, Hewson)
Uridium 2 (1990, AMI, Renegade)
[G] Simulcra (1990, ST/AMI, MicroStyle)
Paradroid 90, with Dominic Robinson (1990, AMI, Hewson)
Fire & Ice, with Phil Williams (1991, AMI, Hewson)
[G] Realms (1991, PC, Virgin)
[G] Empire Soccer 94 (1994, AMI, Empire)
[G] Virocop (1995, AMI, Renegade)
Brecher, Jerry
[P] Miner 2049er (1983, VIC, Reston) from 800
Breen, Michael
Buzz Bombers (1983, INT, Mattel)
[G] Battlehawks , PC, Lucasfilm)
Brennan, Kieran
Bitmania (1983, C64, Virgin)
Brennand, Mark
Log Run (1983, VIC, Terminal)
Brewer, Chris
[G] M.A.C.H. III, with Fred Darmstadt, Dave Pfeiffer (1983, COIN, Mylstar)
Brewer, Walter
Galaxy (1983, C64, Avalon Hill)
Brewster, Derek
Velnor's Lair (1983, SPEC, Quicksilva)
Kentilla (1984, SPEC, Micromega)
Haunted Hedges (1984, SPEC, Micromega)
Starclash (1984, SPEC, Micromega)
Codename MAT (1984, SPEC, Micromega)
Codename MAT II (1985, SPEC, Micromega)
Jasper (1984, SPEC, Micromega)
Con-Quest (1986, SPEC, M.A.D.)
Speed King 2 (1987, SPEC, MAST)
[P] Universal Warrior (1995, PC, Merit) from AMI
[P] Bud Tucker in Double Trouble (1996, PC, TopWare)
Brierley, John
[TB] Bomber (, Computer & Video Games)
Hyperblast (, English)
Xenon Raid (, English)
Briggs, Amy
Plundered Hearts (1987, many, Infocom)
Quarterstaff, with Scott Schmitz, Ken Updike (1988, MAC, Infocom)
Bright, Walter
Empire (1978, DEC System 10) later (1988, PC, Interstel)
Brinson, Jerry
[P] Artillery Duel (1983, VIC, Xonox) from 2600
Brioso, David
[P] Axe of Rage (1988, MSX, Palace)
[P] Hypsys (1989, SPEC, Dro Soft)
Bristow, Steve
Tank, with Lyle Rains (1974, COIN, Kee)
Britto, Arthur
Crypt of Medea, with Allan Lamb (1984, AP2, Sir-Tech)
Rescue Raiders, with Greg Hale (1984, AP2, Sir-Tech)
[P] Strategic Conquest (1986, AP2, PBI Software) from ?
Armor Alley, with Greg Hale (1991, MAC/PC, Three-Sixty)
Broadhurst, David
Metranaut (1986, C64, Bubble Bus)
Brock, Ernie
[P] Type Attack, with Jim Hauser (, Sirius)
Brodersen, Bob
Galactic Glider (1987, AP2, Keypunch)
Sea Hunt (1987, AP2, Keypunch)
Brodie, Mark
[P] Lost Tomb, with Troy Lyndon, Robert Bobbio (1984, C64, Datasoft) from COIN
Brofman, Harvey
Dunkey Munkey (1982, COCO, Intellectronics) Donkey Kong-Like
Brooker, Clive
One Man and His Droid (1985, SPEC, MAST)
One Man and His Droid II (2001, SPEC, PD)
Brooks, John
[P] Tomahawk (1987, AP2, Datasoft) from SPEC
Brors, Keith
[P] Eagles (1983, AP2, SSI) from 800?
Wizard's Crown, with Paul Murray (1986, C64, SSI)
[G] Pool of Radiance (1988, C64, SSI)
Rebel Charge at Chickamauga, with David Landrey, Chuck Kroegel (1987, AP2, SSI)
[G] Curse of the Azure Bonds (1989, AP2, SSI)
Broussard, Michael
[TB] Kalah (1989, C64, Run)
Brown, Austin R.
[TB] Reverse (1980, AP2, SoftSide)
Brown, David
[P] Robotron: , 7800, Atari) from COIN
Brown, Donald
Sword Thrust (1981, AP2, CE Software)
Sword Thrust 2 (1981, AP2, CE Software)
Sword Thrust 3 (1981, AP2, CE Software)
Brown, Trevor
[P] Feud (, Bulldog)
Brown, Wendell
Beauty & the Beast (1982, INT, Imagic)
Brownlee, B.
Nominoes Jigsaw Puzzle, with Charles Minns (1981, AP2, Dynacomp)
Bruette, Jeff
[P] Wizard of Wor (1983, C64, Commodore) from COIN
Bryant, Martin
Colossus Chess (, English)
Brzuszek, Joe
[TB] Monster Match (, Antic)
Buckland, Patrick
[P] Submarine Commander (1983, AP2, Thorn EMI) from 800
Buckley, John
Jeep Command (1986, C64, Bug-Byte)
[P] Iron Horse (1987, C64, Konami) from COIN
[P] Molecule Man (1986, C64, MAST) from SPEC
Rapid Fire (1987, C64, MAST)
Buckner, Kevin
River Rescue (, Thorn EMI)
[P] Java Jim (, Creative Sparks)
Danger Mouse in the Black Forest Chateau, with Edgar Belka, Kevin Buckner (1984, C64, Creative Sparks)
Knights of the Sky, with Andrew Parton, Mark Langerak (1992, ST/AMI, MicroProse)
Budge, Bill
Penny Arcade (1979, AP2, Apple)
Trilogy of Games (1980, AP2, California Pacific)
Space Album (1980, AP2, California Pacific)
[N] 3-D Game Tool (1981, AP2, California Pacific)
Tranquility Base (1981, AP2, Stoneware)
Raster Blaster (1981, AP2, BudgeCo)
Pinball Construction Set (1983, AP2, EA) originally from BudgeCo
[N] MousePaint (1984, AP2, Apple)
Virtual Pinball (1994, GEN, EA)
[G] Bladeforce (1995, 3DO, Studio 3DO)
Bueche, Chuck "Chuckles" [cofounder of Origin]
Pacific Coast Freeway (1982, AP2, California Pacific)
Lunar Leeper (1982, AP2, Sierra)
Laff Pak (1982, AP2, Sierra)
[P] Jawbreaker II (1982, AP2/800, Sierra) semi-from 2600
[P] Ultima II (, Sierra) from AP2
[P] Ultima III (/C64, Origin) from AP2
Caverns of Callisto (1983, AP2/800, Origin)
Autoduel (1985, AP2, Origin)
[P] Ultima IV (1986, C64, Origin) from AP2
2400 A.D. (1988, AP2, Origin)
[P] Omega (1988, C64, Origin)
[G] Cyberia 2 (1998, PC, Xatrix)
[L] Vertical Reality (1997, COIN, Sega Gameworks)
Buehler, David
Typo Attack (, APX)
Impact (, APX)
Wyzle! (, APX)
Buhidar, Mike Jr.
[TB] Chopper Flight, with Kevin Woram (1985, C64, Ahoy!)
Buiter, Karl
EOS: Earth Orbit Stations (1987, AP2, EA)
Sentinel Worlds I (1988, PC, EA)
[L] Hard Nova (1990, PC, EA)
[G] Spellcraft (1992, PC, ASCII)
[G] Shadows of Yserbius (1993, PC, Sierra)
[L] Forced Alliance (1997, PC, Ripcord)
[L] Schwa Pyramid (PC, Worldplay)
[G] Elmo's Alphabet Adventure / Number Journey (1999, PS1/N64, NewKidCo)
[G] Sesame Street Sports (2001, PS1, NewKidCo)
[G] Sex and The City: Big Trouble (2009, CELL, MMJ Games)
Buller, Martin
It's the Wooluf! (1984, SPEC, Crystal)
Bullok, Dan
[T] Demon Birds (, ANALOG)
Bullough, Stewar
[TB] Frank the Fruit Fiend (, Atari User)
Bulwa, Walt
[TB] Helicopter Round-up (, Antic)
Bumgarner, Richard
[B] The Stone of Sisyphus (1980, AP2, AI)
Bunch, David
Electrician (, Synapse)
[L] Breakers (1985, AP2, Synapse)
[P] Brimstone, with Bill Darrah, William Mataga (1985, AP2, Synapse)
Skate or Die!, with Stephen Landrum (1987, C64, EA)
Bunker, Marvin
[TB] Caves of Ice (1983, AP2, COMPUTE!)
Bunten, Bill
Cartels & Cutthroats, with Bill Bunten (1981, AP2, SSI)
[G] Cytron Masters (1982, AP2, SSI)
[G] M.U.L.E. (, EA)
[G] Seven Cities of Gold (, EA)
[G] Heart of Africa (1985, C64, EA)
Burch, Ted
[TB] Cliff-Hanger (1989, C64, Commodore Magazine)
Burck, James
Galaxy (1983, TI99, Avalon Hill)
Burdett, Greg
[TB] Tag (, Antic) Blockade-like
Burek, Mike
Jellyfish (1982, AP2, Sirius)
Burger, Paul
[TB] Jumping Jack (, COMPUTE!)
Burgess, Natalie
ThunderJaws, with Rusty Dawe (1990, COIN, Atari Games)
Burgess, Phillip
[TB] Supereversion (, ANALOG)
Burkhill, Keith
[P] Commando, with Nigel Alderton (1985, SPEC, Elite) from COIN
[P] Ghosts 'n Goblins (1986, SPEC, Elite) from COIN
[P] Space Harrier (1987, SPEC, Elite) from COIN
Burlew, Tom
Stellar Trek (1980, AP2, Rainbow)
Duellin' Droid (, English) Robotron-like
Burnstein, Neil
Q*bert's Qubes (1983, COIN, Mylstar)
Buro, Michael
Collect (1982, AP2)
C.I.A. Adventure (1982, TI99, Futura)
TI Runner, with Scott Emery (1984, TI99, EB Software) aka Star Runner
Bushnell, Nolan [founder of Atari]
Computer Space, with Ted Dabney (1971, COIN, Nutting Associates)
[D] Breakout (1976, COIN, Atari) prototype by Steve Wozniak
Butherus, Martin
Lantern of D'Gamma (1985, AP2, Milliken)
Butler, Chris
Hypercircuit (1985, C64, Alligata)
Z (1985, C64, Rino)
[P] Commando (1985, C64, Elite) from COIN
[P] Ghosts 'n Goblins (1986, C64, Elite) from COIN
[P] Space Harrier (1987, C64, Elite) from COIN
[P] 720 (1987, C64, US Gold) from COIN
[P] Thunderblade (1988, C64, US Gold) from COIN
[P] Powerdrift (1989, C64, ACT) from COIN
Battleships (1990, C64, Elite)
Ninja Spirit (1990, C64, ACT)
Turbocharge (1991, C64, System 3)
Arnie (1992, C64, Zeppelin)
Butler, David H.
[TB] Basic Burger (, ANALOG) BurgerTime-like
[T] Tournament Checkers (, Antic)
Butler, J.
[P] Turtles! (1981, O2, NAP) from COIN
Butler, Stephan L.
[P] Pipe Dream, with Akila Redmer (1990, AP2, Lucasfilm) from PC
Butrovich, John
[P] Moon Shuttle (1983, C64, Datasoft) from COIN
[P] Conan (1984, C64, Datasoft) from AP2
Caballero, M.D.
Batty Builders (, English)
Firefleet (, English)
Cage, Gary
[TB] Melody Dice (1981, AP2/800/TRS, SoftSide)
Cain, John F.
Trooper Truck (1983, C64, Rabbit) Moon Patrol-like
Potty Painter in the Jungle (1983, C64, Rabbit) Amidar-like
Moonlight Madness (1986, SPEC, Bubble Bus)
Cain, Steven
[D] Frankie Goes to Hollywood, with John Gibson (1985, SPEC, Ocean)
Spaced Out, with John Gibson (1987, SPEC, Firebird)
[D] Badlands Pete, with John Gibson (1990, ST, ARC)
Calabrese, Joe
Jigsaw (1982, AP2, Microlab)
High Rise (1982, AP2, Microlab) from AP2
Caldwell, Mark
[P] King's Bounty (1990, AP2, New World)
Calderwood, Tom
[P] Galaxian, with Mark Ackerman, Glen Parker (, Atari) from COIN
Calfree, Robert
[P] Roadwar 2000, with Jeff Johnson (1986, AP2, SSI)
Callahan, Michael
Alpha Beam with Ernie (, Atari)
Campbell, Ben
[T] Minesweeper (1989, C64, COMPUTE!'s Gazette)
Campbell, Bob
[P] Hard Hat Mack (1983, C64, EA) from AP2
Campbell, John
Gulp! (1982, ZX81, Mindware)
Gulp 2 (1982, ZX81, Micromega)
Campion, Mark C.
Rails West (1983, AP2, SSI)
Campos, Manuel
Spectar (1980, COIN, Exidy)
Canfil, Art
Taipan! (1980, TRS, SoftSide)
Canter, John
Pushy Pig (, Arkin)
Cantwell, Edward C.
Highrollers (1987, TI99, self)
Capener, Chris
Funky Fish (1982, EMER, Emerson)
[P] Jumpman Jr. (1984, COL, Epyx) from C64
Capewell, Gary
Killer Kong (1983, SPEC, Blaby) Donkey Kong-like
Barmy Burgers, with Gary Sewell (1983, SPEC, Blaby) BurgerTime-like
Caprilli, Fred
Elevator Repairman (, ANALOG) Spy's Demise-like
Carbonaro, Greg
Number Crunch (1982, AP2, Unique)
People Pong (1982, AP2, Unique)
Ape Escape, with Mike Riedel (1982, VIC, Spectravideo)
Cave-In (1983, VIC, Spectravision)
Carbone, Thomas R.
Universe (, Omnitrend)
Breach (1987, PC/MAC/AMI/ST, Omnitrend)
Paladin, with William Leslie (1988, AMI/ST, Omnitrend)
[P] Universe 3, with William Leslie (1989, PC/AMI/ST, Omnitrend)
Breach 2 (1990, PC/AMI/ST, Impressions)
[G] Rules of Engagement (1991, PC/AMI, Mindcraft)
[G] Paladin II (1993, PC, Impressions)
[G] Rules of Engagement 2 (1993, PC/AMI, Impressions)
[G] Breach 3 (1995, PC, Impressions)
Card, Orson Scott
[TB] Gypsy Starship (1985, C64, Ahoy!)
Carlson, Craig
[P] $100,000 Pyramid (1987, AP2, Box Office)
Carlston, Doug [cofounder of Broderbund]
Galactic Empire (1980, TRS, SoftSide)
Galactic Trader (1980, TRS, SoftSide)
Galactic Revolution (1980, TRS, SoftSide)
Tawala's Last Redoubt (1981, AP2, Broderbund)
The Arcade Machine, with Chris Jochumson (1982, AP2, BROD)
Labyrinth, with Scott Schram (1982, AP2, BROD)
Carmack, John [cofounder of id]
Shadowforge (1989, AP2, Night Owl)
Wraith (1990, AP2, Night Owl)
Tennis (1990, AP2, Softdisk)
[G] Dark Designs (1990, AP2/PC, Softdisk)
Catacomb (1990, AP2/PC, Softdisk)
[G] Catacomb II (1990, PC, Softdisk)
[G] Slordax (1990, PC, Softdisk)
[G] Commander Keen: Marooned on Mars (1990, PC, Apogee)
[G] Commander Keen: The Earth Explodes (1990, PC, Apogee)
[G] Commander Keen: Keen Must Die! (1990, PC, Apogee)
[G] Shadow Knights (1991, PC, Softdisk)
[G] Dangerous Dave in the Haunted Mansion (1991, PC, Softdisk)
[G] Hovertank One (1991, PC, Softdisk)
[G] Rescue Rover! (1991, PC, Softdisk)
[G] Keen Dreams (1991, PC, Softdisk)
[G] Rescue Rover II (1991, PC, Softdisk)
[G] Commander Keen: Secret of the Oracle (1991, PC, Apogee)
[G] Commander Keen: The Armageddon Machine (1991, PC, Apogee)
[G] Commander Keen: Aliens Ate My Baby Sitter (1991, PC, Apogee)
[G] Catacomb 3-D (1991, PC, Softdisk)
[G] Wolfenstein 3-D (1992, PC, Apogee)
[G] Spear of Destiny (1992, PC, Apogee)
[G] DOOM (1993, PC, id)
[G] DOOM II (1994, PC, id)
[G] Quake (1996, PC, id)
[G] Quake II (1997, PC, id)
[G] Quake III: Arena (2000, PC, id)
[G] DOOM 3 (2004, PC, id)
[G] RAGE (2011, PC/360/PS3, id)
Carnell, Roy [cofounder of Carnell Software]
Alien Intruder (ZX81, Carnell)
Wumpus Adventure (ZX81, Carnell)
Volcanic Dungeon (1983, ZX81, Carnell)
Black Crystal (ZX81, Carnell)
The Wrath of Magra (1985, SPEC, Carnell)
Sinbad and the Golden Ship, with Stuart Galloway (1986, SPEC, MAST)
Caroli, Bengt [RIP 1988]
Soldier One (1986, C64, American Action)
Captured (1986, C64, American Action)
Blood and Guts (1986, C64, American Action)
[P] 1943: One Year After (1987, C64, American Action)
Carpenter, Loren
[G] Rescue on Fractalus! (, Lucasfilm)
Carpenter, Ray
G.I. Joe, with Jeff Johanningman (1985, AP2, Epyx)
Carpenter, Scott
The Great Race (1981, TRS, 80-U.S. Journal)
Carpet, Art
Cribbage II (AP2, Datamost)
Carr, Richard
Survivor (, Synapse)
Air Support (, Synapse)
Carstens, Eddie
[TB] Bumblbee , Antic)
Carter, Bob
Fire and Ice (1984, AP2, Datasoft)
Carter, Dene
[D] Druid (1986, C64, Firebird)
[D] Druid II (1987, C64, Firebird)
Cloud Kingdoms (1990, C64, Electralyte)
[D] Warlock: The Avenger (1991, AMI/ST, Millennium)
[G] Dungeon Keeper (1997, PC, EA)
[G] Fable (2004, XBOX, EA)
Carter, Ted
Galactic Barrier (1983, TI99, Funware)
Shanghai (1983, TI99, Funware)
Cartt, David
[P] Jungle Hunt (1983, COL, Atarisoft)
Cartwright, Steve
Barnstorming (, ACT)
Megamania (, ACT)
Seaquest (, ACT)
Frostbite (, ACT)
Plaque Attack (, ACT)
[L] Hacker (1985, C64, ACT)
[G] Aliens (1986, C64, ACT)
Hacker II (1987, C64, ACT)
[D] Search for the King, with Michael Berlyn (1990, PC, Accolade)
Carver, Bruce [founder of Access]
[N] Spritemaster (1982, C64, self)
Neutral Zone (1983, C64, Access)
Beach-Head (1983, C64, Access)
Raid Over Moscow (1984, C64, Access)
Beach-Head II, with Roger Carver (1985, C64, Access)
Leader Board, with Roger Carver (1986, C64, Access)
Leader Board Executive Class, with Roger Carver (1986, C64, Access)
World Class Leader Board, with Roger Carver (1987, C64, Access)
Echelon, with Roger Carver (1988, C64/AMI, Access)
Carver, Roger
Beach-Head II, with Bruce Carver (1985, C64, Access)
Leader Board, with Bruce Carver (1986, C64, Access)
Leader Board Executive Class, with Bruce Carver (1986, C64, Access)
Echelon, with Bruce Carver (1988, C64/AMI, Access)
Case, Phillip [editor of SoftSide, 1980-82]
[B] Galaxy Combat (1979, TRS, SoftSide)
[B] International Bridge Contractors (1979, TRS, SoftSide)
Star Scout (1980, TRS, AI)
Venture (1981, TRS, Horizons)
[P] Arex (1983, C64, AI) from TRS
[P] Airline (1983, C64, AI) from 800
The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai, with Scott Adams, Kern McNair (1985, many, AI)
Case, William Phillip, Jr.
[TB] Earth-Port II (1980, TRS, SoftSide)
[TB] Applebowler (1980, AP2, SoftSide)
[TB] Miner (1981, TRS, SoftSide)
[TB] International Bridge Contractors (1981, TRS, SoftSide)
[TB] Sonic Torpedoes (1980, TRS, SoftSide)
[TB] Galaxy Combat (1980, TRS, SoftSide)
Casey, Brian
[T] Jewel Grab (1989, C64, COMPUTE!'s Gazette)
Cashen, Michael
Castles of Darkness (1981, AP2, Logical Choice)
Casper, Al P.
Equestrian (, APX)
Castagna, Will
[P] The Chalice of Mostania (1985, AP2, Coastal
Casten, J.D.
[TB] Risky Rescue (, Antic)
[TB] Escape from Epsilon (, Antic)
[TB] Advent X-5 (, Antic)
[TB] Biffdrop (, Antic)
[TB] Box-In (, Antic)
[B] Nemesis (, Antic)
[B] Crazy Harold's Adroit Adventure (, Antic)
[TB] Rebound (, Antic)
[B] Maximillian B. (, Antic) disk bonus
Caswell, Dennis
Phaser Patrol (, Starpath)
Escape from the Mindmaster (, Starpath)
Party Mix (, Starpath)
Impossible Mission (1983, C64, Epyx)
Pitstop II, with Stephen Landrum (1984, C64, Epyx)
Catalano, James
[TB] Sorcerer's Apprentice (, Antic)
[TB] Saucerian Shootdown (, Antic)
Cauldwell, Jonathan
Egghead (1989, SPEC, Crash)
Egghead 2 (1990, SPEC, Crash)
Shove Off! (1990, SPEC) Soko-ban-like
Pipework (1991, SPEC, Your Sinclair)
Haunted House (1991, SPEC, Your Sinclair)
Super Fruit Machine (1991, SPEC, Sinclair User)
Megablast (1992, SPEC, Your Sinclair)
Squamble (1983, SPEC, Your Sinclair)
Egghead 3 (2003, SPEC, Cronosoft)
Gloop! (2003, SPEC, Cronosoft) originally written in 1994
Dead or Alive (2003, SPEC, Cronosoft)
Cavanagh, Damien
Tazz (1984, C64, Bubble Bus) Robotron-like
[P] Hustler (1}


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