
  简略介绍一下本人。目前生活还算过得去,儿子五岁,我今年31岁,但是我不甘心现在的生活。不管是用英语能不能改变我的生活状态。至少我努力了,不后悔。半年前就开始张落学英语,选教材,这个也好,那也觉得不错。学习资源收集了一大堆。杂乱无章。不知道从何学起。学了半年也没头绪,今天兴致高了,学两课,明天心情不好。干脆放弃。所以半年来真正根本没学到什么。本来是要从新概念学起的。结果学学停停。呵,,经过这半年的乱撞,我决定在新年伊始,静下心来,每天踏踏实实的学点儿。学英语急不来,关键靠积累,靠坚持。所以我来天涯给自己定个计划。好了,不说了。介绍介绍我的学习目标吧!  教材:新概念一册。 进度:每天一课。学习任务:单词背诵、语法知识、语音知识、听写课文、每天坚持跟读VOA。我大约每天能抽出至少三个小时的时间来学习。所以还是比较紧凑的。我会把每天的自己的学习心得笔记记录下来,供大家一起学习交流!
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  【课文】  Excuse me!  Yes?  Is this your handbag?  Pardon?  Is this your handbag?  Yes, it is.  Thank you very much.  【课文翻译】  对不起  什么事?  这是您的手提包吗?  对不起,请再说一遍。  这是您的手提包吗?  是的,是我的。  非常感谢!  【生词】  excuse    v. 原谅  me    pron.我(宾格)  yes    adv. 是的  is    v. be 动词现在时第三人称单数  this    pron.这  your    adj. 你的,你们的  handbag   n. (女用)手提包  pardon    int. 原谅,请再说一遍  it      pron.它  thank you   感谢你(们)  very much   非常地  单词拓展:  关于包的单词有;背包 backpack.2、公文包 briefacase 3.钱包:wallet  句子口语:  Excuse me 用法小结:1、用于和陌生人搭话。询问一件事。如:Excuse me,what time is it ?  2、礼貌用语。(某人有事要离开或借过一下时要说Excuse me)  3、想让别人把说过的话重复一次,你自己没有听清楚。  4、你对别人说的话感到非常有怀疑或者强烈不满,反对。你可以说Excuse me.(Excuse me 的语气要上扬。比方说有人占了你的座位,你可说:Excuse me,this is my seat.)  英语里语气很重要。不同的语气表达不同的意思。以YES为例。  1、表陈述语气。yes表示是的。  2、加强语气。足球赛,你喜欢的球队进了一个球,你会大声说:yes!  3、上扬语气。表示询问。有人叫你,hey ,man .那你会说:yes?(有什么事吗?)  课文中的句型,this is a ...or this is my ...表示这是什么,这是我的什么。同样我们可以把转化为一般疑问句。将系动词提前即可。如:Is this a ...? Is this your (my 第一人称要变成第二人称)...?  语音方面:  1、handbag 这个词译为手提包。语音方面要注意,中间那个\d\是不发出来的,也就是说只做口型,不发音。  2、thank you!里面的th 是发做\θ\这个音是上下牙齿轻咬舌尖。轻轻吐气,声带不震动。  3、very这个词。首发音V,是咬唇音,是用你的上排牙齿与你的下嘴唇接触,发音。类似与汉语里的“乌”但是需要轻咬下嘴唇  4、长元音\i:\和短元音\i\,前一个发音要点:舌尖抵下齿,嘴巴呈扁平状。声带震动。类似于汉语里的“一”发音要适当拖长。单词有need ,sheep, cheap,bee,tea.........第二个音,\i\这个音是短元音,是介于汉语“一”和“哎”之间,有点像汉语里的“也”。发音部位靠后。单词有it hit ship English。  最后贴上我自己录的音频,课文原音频。请大家交流指正!  /share/link?shareid=&uk=  课文原音音频。(美音)http://image./file/365.mp3
  加油 共勉
  单词:  今天的单词比较简单,介绍一个单词my .(形容词性物主代词)。用在名词前。如my coat my umbrella my dad my name译为我的..不可以单独使用。  ..这样的词还有:your (你的) his (他的) her(她的) its (它的) our (我们的) your (你们的) their (他们的)另外需要注意一个词your,这个词即可以表示你的,也可以表示你们的。具体要看句中的意思。比如说:Is this your pen ?这里面的your 是指你的。如:Are your friends from America ?这里的YOUR是指你们的。注意its 和it's 的区别。前一个的意思是它的,而另一个 是it 和be 动词的缩写。  请有兴趣的朋友们翻译以下几句话:  1、她是我姐姐。  2、汤姆是他哥哥。  3、这是我的。  4、它是我的玩具。  再讲一个sir和Mr 的区别。先说sir,这个词是一般是对你不认识的人的尊称。比较有礼貌的说法。比如说:我们对男性的人打招呼,可以这样说:“good morning,sir。显得比较有礼貌。而Mr 这个词只是用在姓氏的前面。表示某某先生。例如:Mr Brown Mr Obama  语法知识:  一、主系表结构的句子。如:this is my pen.\that is your coat./.\he is tall.\she is pretty.\I amtired.这类型的句子的结构是:主语+联系动词+表语。表示人或事物的性状。属性或特征等。  二、祈使句。(表示祈求,建议,劝告,命令,)一种是名词加please. 如文中出现的My coat and myumbrella please.译为请把我的外套和雨伞给我。这样的句式非常普及。我们日常会话中会经常遇到。如  coffee please.   open the door please.  a newspaper please.  tea please.  另一种是动词形式的。  比如说:come in sit down stand up  语音知识:  please这个词的尾音有些习惯发成\s\,正确应该发成\z\  his 这个词的尾音也是应读作\z\.  suit这个词有两个发音。英式发音为[su:t]而美式发音为[sut]  最后今天顺带讲一个音标[?]与[e]的区分。献上两组单词供大家读:  bad cat apple cabbage   bed let desk pen
  Lesson2(练习拓展)  1、单词拓展:dress这个词译为连裙。但是如果和下面单词组合在一起意思就大不相同。  dress shirt(有别于休闲式的)正式衬衫
  dress pants(西裤)
  dress clothes(正式的衣物的统称)  (dress在里译为正式的,有类似于工装的意思。出席正式场合穿的衣服。)  车类:car 小汽车  Van 面包车  Suv
越野车  Sports car
跑车  Racing car 赛车  Taxi
出租车  Police car
警车  Ambulance
救护车  Subway
地铁  房子类:  House
房子(专指大一点儿的房子,独栋的)  Apartment
(公寓 租来的)
condo (自己拥有的公寓)  Hotel
旅店  Motel
汽车旅馆  Villa
别墅  Hostel
青年旅社  语音:[e?]
[e]  lake
bed  name
desk  face
egg  make
leg  句型练习:Is this a …? Yes,it is.\No, it’s not.  Lesson3  My coat and my umbrella please.  Here is my ticket.  Thank you, sir.  Number five.  Here's your umbrella and your coat.  This is not my umbrella.  Sorry sir.  Is this your umbrella?  No, it isn't.  Is this it?  Yes, it is.  Thank you very much.  New words and Expressions 生词与短语  umbrella  n. 伞  please  int. 请  here  adv. 这里  my  possessive adjective 我的  ticket  n. 票  number  n. 号码  five  num. 五  sorry  adj. 对不起的  sir  n. 先生  cloakroom  n. 衣帽存放处  本文参考译文  请把我的大衣和伞拿给我。  这是我(寄存东西)的牌子。  谢谢,先生。  是5号。  这是您的伞和大衣  这不是我的伞。  对不起,先生。  这把伞是您的吗?  不,不是!  这把是吗?  是,是这把  非常感谢。
  单词:  今天的单词比较简单,介绍一个单词my .(形容词性物主代词)。用在名词前。如my coat my umbrella my dad my name译为我的..不可以单独使用。  ..这样的词还有:your (你的) his (他的) her(她的) its (它的) our (我们的) your (你们的) their (他们的)另外需要注意一个词your,这个词即可以表示你的,也可以表示你们的。具体要看句中的意思。比如说:Is this your pen ?这里面的your 是指你的。如:Are your friends from America ?这里的YOUR是指你们的。注意its 和it's 的区别。前一个的意思是它的,而另一个 是it 和be 动词的缩写。  请有兴趣的朋友们翻译以下几句话:  1、她是我姐姐。  2、汤姆是他哥哥。  3、这是我的。  4、它是我的玩具。  再讲一个sir和Mr 的区别。先说sir,这个词是一般是对你不认识的人的尊称。比较有礼貌的说法。比如说:我们对男性的人打招呼,可以这样说:“good morning,sir。显得比较有礼貌。而Mr 这个词只是用在姓氏的前面。表示某某先生。例如:Mr Brown Mr Obama  语法知识:  一、主系表结构的句子。如:this is my pen.\that is your coat./.\he is tall.\she is pretty.\I amtired.这类型的句子的结构是:主语+联系动词+表语。表示人或事物的性状。属性或特征等。  二、祈使句。(表示祈求,建议,劝告,命令,)一种是名词加please. 如文中出现的My coat and myumbrella please.译为请把我的外套和雨伞给我。这样的句式非常普及。我们日常会话中会经常遇到。如  coffee please.   open the door please.  a newspaper please.  tea please.  另一种是动词形式的。  比如说:come in sit down stand up  语音知识:  please这个词的尾音有些习惯发成\s\,正确应该发成\z\  his 这个词的尾音也是应读作\z\.  suit这个词有两个发音。英式发音为[su:t]而美式发音为[sut]  最后今天顺带讲一个音标[?]与[e]的区分。献上两组单词供大家读:  bad cat apple cabbage   bed let desk pen
  Lesson4  Is? this? your…..?  单词:  Boy男孩
boyfriend 男朋友
girlfriend 女朋友ex-boyfriend 前男友
ex-grilfriend前女友  Professor 教授
classmate 同学
moniter班长  Day-carecenter 托儿所
kindergarten 幼儿园
primary school 小学middleschool 中学highschool 高中 college 学院(一般指民办大学)university 大学   Brother哥哥,弟弟
grandfather / grandpa 祖父,外祖父
grandmother /grandma祖母,外祖母
son 儿子daughter 女儿grandson 孙子
male cousin 表哥
female cousin 表姐  句型:Isthisyour….?  Is
this your….(pen\book\school\son\dress\daugther?  答语:1、提问的对象是物。Yes, it is or No, it's not.  2、提问的对象是男性.Yes, he is or No, he
isn’t  3、提问的对象是女性.Yes, she
or No, she
isn’t.  语音:  [?]
[ɑ]的读音及区别.  black
block  cap
ox  字母组合ar的发音。  Hard
artist   表达好或不好:  好:good
crappy  fx
  Lesson5  Lesson5
Nice to meet you  很高兴见到你。  Listen to the tape then answer this question.Is Chang-woo Chinese?  听录音,然后回答问题。昌宇是中国人吗?  MR.BLAKE:Good morning.  STUDENTS: Good morning,Mr.Blake.  MR.BLAKE:This is Miss Sophie Dupont.  Sophie is a new student.  She is French.  MR.BLAKE:Sophie,this is Hans.  He is German.  HANS:
Nice to meet you.  MR.BLAKE:And this is Naoko.  She's Japanese.  NAOKO:
Nice to meet you.  MR.BLAKE:And this is Chang-woo.  He's Korean.  CHANG-WOO:Nice to meet you.  MR.BLAKE:And this is Luming.  He is Chinese.  LUMNG:
Nice to meet you.  MR.BLAKE:And this is Xiaohui.  She's Chinese,too.  XIAOHUI:
Nice to meet you.  生词与短语  Mr.  先生  good  adj. 好  Miss  小姐  new  adj. 新的  student  n.
学生  French  adj.&n. 法国人  German  adj.&n. 德国人  nice  adj. 美好的  meet  v.
遇见  Japanese  adj.&n. 日本人  Korean  adj.&n. 韩国人  Chinese  adj.&n. 中国人  too  adv. 也  本文参考译文
  布莱克先生:早上好。  学
生:早上好,布莱克先生。  布莱克先生:这位是索菲娅.杜邦小姐。索菲娅是个新学生。她是法国人。  布莱克先生:索菲娅,这位是汉斯。他是德国人。  汉
斯:很高兴见到你。  布莱克先生:这位是直子。她是日本人。  直
子:很高兴见到你。  布莱克先生:这位是昌宇。他是韩国人。  昌
宇:很高兴见到你。  布莱克先生:这位是鲁明。他是中国人。  鲁
明:很高兴见到你。  布莱克先生:这位是晓惠。她也是中国人。  晓
惠:很高兴见到你。  /s/1qWGuiy4课文音频地址.  单词:Mr 先生
Miss 小姐(未婚女子)Mrs 夫人  French法国人,法国的,法语
France法国  German 德国的,德国人,德语
Germany 德国  Japanese 日本人,日本的,日语
Japan 日本  Korean 韩国人,韩国的,韩语
Korea 韩国  Chinese 中国人,中国的,汉语
China 中国  English 英国人,英国的,英语
England 英国  American 美国人,美国的
  America(theUnitedStates)美国  Russiann. 俄国人,俄罗斯人;俄语  Russia 俄国  句型:this is….(介绍别人)  适用场景:介绍两个互不认识的人  Allen,this is Mike.  Mike,this is Allen.  M:nice to meet you.  A:nice to meet you too.  译为:这是…  This is my boss.  This is my teacher.  This is my brother.  This is my friend Jack.  2、He?is?.../She?is?...(详细介绍职业,国籍等基本情况)  He?is?a?doctor.   she?is?a?Ameican.   语法要点:冠词  顾名思义,可以理解为汉语里的帽子。这顶帽子是戴在名词前的。没有特殊情况不可摘帽子。  a nice car a big house a blue shirt   an apple
  (a和an)的意思:一个、一件、一块、一间、一台、....  the 表示这个,那个,这些,那些.  the student(这\那个学生)
the students(这些\那些学生们)  分类:定冠词(the)表示确定知道的。  不定冠词(a\an)表示不确定的,不知道的。  there is a dog.这儿有条狗。(不确定是哪条狗)  the dogisMiMi.那只狗叫咪咪。(确定)  a\an的区别:an是用在以元音发音开头的单词前。其它的用a.   例如:a bag
a cup a hat a desk  an apple
orange an eraser an umbrella  需要注意:an hour\a university student  特殊情况可以摘帽子:国家、国籍、人名、城市名
  lesson6  单词:  make?n.?牌子?制造厂商  sweden?n. 瑞典? swedish?adj.瑞典人?瑞典的。  England?n.英国? ? ? ?English?adj.英国人,英语  America?n.美国
? ? American?adj.?美国人  The?United?States?of?American?美利坚合众国(USA)  Italy?n.意大利
? ? Italian?adj.意大利人,意大利的  Mercedes-Benz?奔驰
  Volovo 沃尔沃  Peugeot?标志  Toyota?丰田  Ford? ?福特   Fiat? ?菲亚特  句型:what?make?is/are?(your)....?  what?make?is?your?car??  你的车是什么牌子的?  what?make?are?your?shoes??  你的鞋是什么牌子的?  what?make?is?it??  它是什么牌子的?  what?make?is?that?car??  那辆车是什么牌子的?  2、This?is?a?Swedish?car.(Volovo)  This?isa French car.(Peugeot?标志)  This?is?a?German?car.(Mercedes-Benz?奔驰)  This?is?an?American?car.(Ford?福特)  This is a Japanese car.(Toyota?丰田)  ?This?ia?an?Italian?car.(Fiat?菲亚特)   (注意冠词的搭配)
  lesson6  单词:  make
n.牌子制造厂商  sweden
n. 瑞典 swedishadj.瑞典人瑞典的。  England
adj.英国人,英语  America
adj.美国人  The
美利坚合众国(USA)  Italyn.意大利
Italianadj.意大利人,意大利的  Mercedes-Benz奔驰
  Volovo 沃尔沃  Peugeot标志  Toyota丰田  Ford 福特   Fiat 菲亚特  句型:what
(your)....?  what
car?  你的车是什么牌子的?  what
shoes?  你的鞋是什么牌子的?  what
it?  它是什么牌子的?  what
car?  那辆车是什么牌子的?  2、This
car.(Volovo)  This
French car.(Peugeot标志)  This
car.(Mercedes-Benz奔驰)  This
Americancar.(Ford福特)  This
a Japanese car.(Toyota丰田)  This
car.(Fiat菲亚特)   (注意冠词的搭配)
  Lesson7  ROBERT:I?am?a?new?student.  My?name's?Robert.  SOPHIE:Nice?to?meet?you.  My?name's?Sophie.  ROBERT:Are?you?French?  SOPHIE:Yes,I?am.  SOPHIE:Are?you?French?too?  ROBERT:No,I?am?not.  SOPHIE:What?nationality are?you?  ROBERT:I'm?Italian.  ROBERT:Are?you?a?teacher?  SOPHIE:No,I'm?not.  ROBERT:What's?your?job?  SOPHIE:I'm?a?keyboard?operator.  SOPHIE:What's?your?job?  ROBERT:I'm?an?engineer  生词与短语  I  pron.我  am  v.
be动词现在时第一人称单数  are  v.
be动词现在时复数  name  n.
名字  what  adj.&pron.什么  nationality  n.
国籍  job  n.
工作  keyboard  n.
电脑键盘  operator  n.
操作人员  engineer  n.
工程师  本文参考译文  罗伯特:我是个新学生,我的名字叫罗伯特。  索菲娅:很高兴见到你。我的名字叫索菲娅。  罗伯特:你是法国人吗?  索菲娅:是的,我是法国人。  索菲娅:你也是法国人吗?  罗伯特:不,我不是。  索菲娅:你是哪国人?  罗伯特:我是意大利人。  罗伯特:你是教师吗?  索菲娅:不,我不是。  罗伯特:你是做什么工作的?  索菲娅:我是电脑录入员。  索菲娅:你是做什么工作的?  罗伯特:我是工程师。  人称代词:  主格:I he she you we you they   宾格:me him her you us
you them  在陈述句中,主格用在动词前,而宾格用在动词后。  语法知识:  句子的分类:肯定句,否定句,一般疑问句,特殊疑问句,选择疑问句,反意疑问句  一般疑问句和特殊疑问句:前者可以用yes or no来回答,后者不可以。  一般疑问句结构:动词主语+其它成份?  is this your pen?   yes,itis .No,itisn't.  do
like apples?  yes,Ido. No,Idon't.  can
meals?   yes,Ican
  lesson 8  词汇拓展:  警察 policeman
警车 policeman
  警犬police dog   警车 policecar
警方police  女警 policewomen  出租车司机:taxidriver  空中小姐:airhostess  航空: air
女主人,女招待hostess  邮递员 postman
邮局post office
机械师 mechainc  理发师 hairdresser
dress. v. 打扮  家庭主妇
housewife   家庭主夫househusband  送年奶的人milkman
  新一 Lesson9  How are you today?  [词汇]  hello int. 喂(表示问候)  hi int. 喂,嗨  how adv. 怎样  today adv. 今天  well adj. 身体好  fine adj. 美好的  thanks int. 谢谢  goodbye int. 再见  see v. 见  how many后面总是跟一个可数名词的复数  how much后面总是跟不可数名词  tomorrow明天 ,yesterday 昨天.  The day before yesterday 前天  The day after tomorrow. 后天  fine 修饰女性漂亮  look see watch  look 强调动作  see 强调结果  watch 观看移动的一些东西  How are you? 你好吗?  How is she? 她怎么样  How is he? 他好吗?  How is Emma /Jim? 埃玛好吗?  I'm fine, thanks.我很好,谢谢.  She's fine. He's fine.他、她很好.  [课文]  Hello, Helen.  Hi, Steven.  How are you today?  I'm fine/very well, thank you .And you?  I'm fine thanks.  How is Tony?  He's fine ,thank you.  How is Emma?  She is very well ,too.  Goodbye, Helen.  Nice to see you.  Nice to see you, too, Steven.  今天主要句型是如何询问对方近来好吗?这样的句型在生活中有很多口语。  how is your studay?
你的学习怎么样?  how is your job?
你的工作怎么样?  how is your business? 你的生意怎么样?  how is your life?
最近过的可好?  how have you been?
最近过的怎么样  同样答句也有好多种:  1.I am fine .我很好.  2.I am doing great.我很好.  3.I am doing awesome.我很好.  4.same old.老样子  5.as usual 老样子  6.nothing new .老样子.  7.I am doing terrible.最近很糟糕。  8. not bad. 不好不坏。一般般了。
  新一 lesson10  词汇拓展:  fat 肥胖的a fat cat 暴发户a liitle heavy语气委婉的告诉对方:you are a little fat\heavy.你有点发福。  woman 女人  lady 女士(用于正式场合)  there is an old lady.这儿有个老太太。  there ia an old woman.这儿有个老女人.意思完全不同。  thin 同义词 slim   thin指身体瘦弱的。slim 指身体苗条的。you are so slim.你的身材好苗条哦!  tall 高的,tall tree, tall building  short 矮的。  dirty 肮脏的。  hot  it is very hot today.(指天气热)  the girl is very hot.(指人性感)  the ladygaga is hot now.(指人最近很红。)  cold 冷  it is very cold today.(天气冷)  I have cold welcome.(受到冷遇)  old 老的\旧的。  an old man 一个老人  an old book 一本旧书  young 年轻的   new 新的  lazy--懒惰的busy--勤奋的  middle aged 中年人 my father is middle-aged.  用look at....he /she is造句。
  @一丝愍水ivy 18楼
19:40:54  加油,我也在背考研单词  -----------------------------  加油,希望你考试顺利!!
  新一lesson11  【课文】  TEACHER:Whose shirt is that?  TEACHER:Is this your shirt, Dave?  DAVE:No,sir.  It's not my shirt.  DAVE:This is my shirt.  My shirt's blue.  TEACHER:Is this shirt Tim's?  DAVE:Perhaps it is,sir.  Tim's shirt's white.  TEACHER:Tim!  TIM:Yes,sir?  HEACHER:Is this your shirt?  TIM:Yes,sir.  HEACHER:Here you are.  Catch!  TIM:Thank you,sir.  【课文翻译】  老师:那是谁的衬衫?  老师:戴夫,这是你的衬衫吗?  戴夫:不,先生。这不是我的衬衫。  戴夫:这是我的衬衫。我的衬衫是蓝色的。  老师:这件衬衫是蒂姆的吗?  戴夫:也许是,先生。蒂姆的衬衫是白色的。  老师:蒂姆!  蒂姆:什么事,先生?  老师:这是你的衬衫吗?  蒂姆:是的,先生。  老师:给你。接着!  蒂姆:谢谢您,先生。  【生词】  whose pron.谁的  blueadj.蓝色的  perhaps adv.大概  white adj.白色的  catch v.抓住  词汇拓展:  blue心情忧郁的 she feels blue today.  a white lie一个善意地谎言  green嫩的,不成熟的,经验少,阅历浅。 He is green at computer.  red愤怒的
I see red.=I am very angry.我非常愤怒。  black暗淡的
a black future前途暗淡~~a brightfuture前途光明  if you don't study hard, you will have a black future.  perhaps so可能是  perhaps not可能不是  will she come tomorrow?  perhaps so可能是\perhaps not可能不是  snow white白雪公主
the White House白宫  catch the ball接球 catch the fish捕鱼 catch the thief抓小偷  I catch a cold我感冒了。  句型:  whose handbag is it?  whose shirt is that?  whose car is this?  whose coat is this?  whose shoes are these?  whose house is this?  语法知识:  名词所有格:表达东西的归属。  1.'s  2.of  3.双重所有格.  1.Mike's car
Tom's watch
Amy's skirt
bag  特殊情况1:如果所有人的词尾是的S结尾,并且读Z.那么’S就可以把S省略掉。  比如:Tomas's car可以写成:Tomas' car  特殊情况2:如果名词的复数,那么也可以省略掉S,比如:the teachers' office  the students 'desk the boys' teacher  相关练习:  1.the two bags are on the table, they are______  A. the twins'
B. the twin's
D. twin's  2.this is_____bedroom.the twins like it very much.  A. Anne and Jane
Anne's and Jane's
C. Anne and Jane's D. Anne'sand Jane  3.his eyes looks like his______  A .father
C. mothers'
D. father's  4.the PLA man saved three_____lives in the accident.  A children's.
C. child's
D. children
支持你 也许你需要一个老外陪你练习口语
有意向的话 加我qq
  新一Lesson12  词汇:  father父亲
daddy(儿语)  mother母亲 mom(美)妈妈
mum(英)妈妈 mommy(儿语)  brother兄弟
step步,脚步.  stepfather继父
stepmother 继母
stepsister继女  stepbrother继兄弟,异父母兄弟  stepdaughter继姐妹,异父母姐妹
stepson继子  blouse?女衬衫?
tie n.?领带  代词:  主格:I?我?
we我们 he他 she她
they他们,她们,它们 you?你,你们? it?它  用法:主格用在谓语动词前。  例句:I like apples.  we play football on the grass.  he likes basketball very much.  she has some water.  形容词性物主代词:my我的 our我们的 his他的 her她的their他们的,她们的,它们的 your?你的,你们的。it's?它的  用法:用在名词前,表归属。  my teacher is young.  our shirts are white.  his father is a doctor.  her sister is pretty and young.  their parents are Chinese.  宾格:me?我?us?我们?him?他her她?them?他们you?你,你们  it?它  用法:用在谓语动词后。  please give me an orange.  Miss Li teaches us English everyday.  we all like him.  I help her for studying.  please put them in your bag.  名词性物主代词:  mine yours
theirs its  Whose is this coat?  It’s mine.  It’s yours.  it’s hers.  Whose are these books
?  They are ours.
  @cuicuichangabc 21楼
21:26:22  大叔
支持你 也许你需要一个老外陪你练习口语
有意向的话 加我qq
  -----------------------------  谢谢,,过一阵子再说吧。
  新一lesson13  课文听写:  what colour's your new dress?  It's green.  come up stairs and see it.  thank you.  look! here it is.  that's a nice dress. it's very smart.  my hat's new too.  what colour is it?  it's the same colour .it's green too.  that is a lovely hat!  词汇句型:  colour(英式写法) color(美式写法)  here+主语+动词  here it is.它在这儿!  here he is.他在这儿!  here she is.她在这儿!  here we go!我们开始吧.  a green hand新手  green tea绿茶
black tea 红茶  smart时髦的,漂亮的  fashion n.时尚,时装vt.制作,塑造  fashionable. adj.时尚的,时髦的.  n.时尚的人.  反义词:out n.不流行,过时的。  This ipod is very fashionable.  he is also very fashionable.  come and see it.  come and do it.  come and sit down.  and连接表示两个连续的动作。  the same colour 相同的颜色  the same name
相同的名字  the same number相同的数字  we are from the same country.  我们来自己同一个国家.  we have the same name.  我们有同样的名字.  we are the same.  我们都一样!  what colour is\are your.....?  what colour is your coat?  what colour is your hat?  what colour are your shoes?  what colour are these birds?  语法知识:  由what引导的特殊疑问句.特殊疑问词+be+n.  你的工作是什么?what is your job?  你的外套是什么颜色?what colour is your coat?  口语拓展:谈论价格  it is expensive.  it is very expensive.  this...is very expensive.  it is not expensive.=it is inexpensive.  it is cheap.(表示廉价,一般指过时的衣服处理)  it is a good deal.(买的衣服太值了)  deal(经过双方协商达成的交易)  this bag is a rip-off.(买东西被别人宰了)  rip-off.n.偷窃,骗取;敲诈行为;索要高价  it is a rip-off.
  lesson 14  单词句型:  case 箱子
suitcase 手提箱  carpet 地毯
a lucky dog 幸运儿  you are a lucky dog!你真幸运。  句型练习:what colour is your ________?  umbrella  coat  bag  case  carpet  blouse  tie  颜色类单词扩充:white 白色(的) black 黑色(的)  brown 棕色(的)red 红色(的)  green 绿色(的) blue 蓝色(的)  purple 紫色(的) grey 灰色(的)  orange 桔色(的),橙色(的)  yellow 黄色(的) cyan 青色(的)  (注:颜色类单词即可做形容词,译为..色的,也可以做名词讲译为..色)  口语拓展:luck n.运气
lucky adj.好运的  you are very lucdy.=you are a lucky dog.  你真幸运!  good luck.祝你好运!  go break a leg 祝你好运!  I will cross my fingers for you .  祝你好运!
  lesson 15  课文听写:  Are you swedish?  No,we are not,we are Danish.  Are your friends Danish,too ?  No,they are't.they are Norweigain.  Your passports please .  Here they are.  Are these your cases ?  No,they aren't.our cases are brown.here they are.  Are you turists ?  Yes,we are.  Are your friends turists too ?  Yes,they are.  That's fine.  Thank you very much.  单词:旅游者听写错误。应写为:tourist。  【课文翻译】  海关官员:你们是瑞典人吗?  姑娘们:不,我们不是瑞典人。我们是丹麦人。  海关官员:你们的朋友也是丹麦人吗?  姑娘们:不,他们不是丹麦人。他们是挪威人。  海关官员:请出示你们的护照。  姑娘们:给您。  海关官员:这些是你们的箱子吗?  姑娘们:不,不是。  姑娘们:我们的箱子是棕色的。在这儿呢。  海关官员:你们是来旅游的吗?  姑娘们:是的,我们是来旅游的。  海关官员:你们的朋友也是来旅游的吗?  姑娘们:是的,他们也是。  海关官员:好了。  姑 娘们:非常感谢。  词汇句型:  1、custom n.习惯。customs n.习惯的复数  2.customs n.海关。  当我们表达某某人是在海关工作时可以这样说:  he is a customs officer.  officer.n.官员  一般的情况下,机构+officer 表示某某机构的人.  police 警署 police officer 警官  customs 海关 customs officer 海关官员  CEO 首席执行官. 全称是:Cheif Exeutive Officer  girl 女孩子  grilfriend 女朋友
boyfriend 男朋友  ex-girlfriend 前女友
ex-boyfriend 前男友  ex-wife 前妻
ex-husband 前夫  Danish adj. 丹麦人,丹麦的。(表国籍)  Danmark.n,丹麦(表国家)  friend n.朋友.  best friend 最好的朋友 close friend 密友  good friend 好朋友  old friend
老朋友   new friend 新朋友  Norwegian adj.挪威人,挪威的。  Norway .n.挪威。  passport n.护照。  pass 通过。port 港口。visa 签证。  seaport 海港
airport 飞机场  brown adj.棕色的。  红糖--brown suggar
  you look brown after this summer.  (这个夏天之后,你看起来晒黑了。)  tourist 旅游者,游客。  词缀:er
sing唱歌--singer歌星  ist
  novel小说--novelist 小说家
terror恐怖--terrorist 恐怖分子   表达好天气:  it's a fine day.  it's a nice day.  it's a lovely day.  语法知识:名词的数  可数 c
不可数 u  可数:table man
room ...可以数的清  不可数:water
tea coffee
milk  glass 当“玻璃杯”讲是可数名词、当“玻璃”讲是不可数名词。  beauty 当做“美”讲是不可数名词。当“美人”讲是可数名词。  paper u.\
cloud c.\ chocolate u.\ biscuit c.  名词的复数:  1、直接在词尾加S。books teachers
hands cups doors girls  【1】词尾读音:如果在清辅音后读[s]。如果在浊辅音后读[z]. 如果末尾以t结尾,加s后
读[ts],如果末尾以d结尾,加s后读[ds].  2、当词尾的发音以[s],[z],[d?],[t?],[e],[?]加es后读[iz].  boxes
faces horses  3、当词尾是以f或fe结尾。变复数时要把f或fe去掉变为v,加es.读音[vz]  knife-knives
wife-wives  【特殊情况】roof(屋顶)-roofs
chief(首领)-chiefs belief(信心)-beliefs  【两种通用】scarf(头巾)-scarfs\scarves
hoof(蹄)-hoofs\hooves.  4、不规则变化,变化内部的元音。  man-men
woman-women foot-feet tooth-teeth  5、词尾以辅音+y结尾,要把y变为i再加es.读音[iz]  元音字母加y,结尾,不需要变y,直接在后面加S.boy-boys
toy-toys   city-cities family-families
lady-ladies baby-babies party-parties  nationlty-nationalities  6、名词以o结尾,以辅音+o结尾,加es.  【辅音字母+o】 :potato-potatoes
hero(英雄)-heroes   musquito(蚊子)-musquitoes  【元音字母+o】:zoo-zoos bamboo-bamboos
vedio-vedios radio-radios  以元音+o结尾、读[z]  【特殊情况】photo -photos
kilo-kilos(这两个单词本身不是这样写的,是缩写形式)photograph. kilogram
tobcao-tobaccos 这两个属外来词。  7、特殊变化。  child-children
  Lesson 16  词汇拓展:  Russian adj.俄罗斯的,俄罗斯人  Russia 俄罗斯  我是俄罗斯人.  I am Russian.  I am from Russia.  Datch adj.荷兰人,荷兰的  Holland n.荷兰  我是荷兰人。  I am Datch.  I am from Holland.  let's go Datch.(习语)AA制。  it is on me .我来买单吧。  指示代词:  this -复数-these  that-复数-those  gray (美式拼法)灰色的。grey(英式拼法)  还可以表示人的脸色-苍白。  你看起来脸色很苍白,或者你看起来脸色不太好。  you look like grey.  yellow 黄色的  yellow race 黄色人种  我是黄色人种。不能表达为:I am yellow race.  应该表达为:I am Asian.(我的亚洲人)  black 黑色的  红茶:black tea
brown sugar 红糖  句型练习:  what colour is your ...?  what colour are your ...?  口语:  Hang in there .撑住(相信自己,坚持下来)。  Chin up .(chin 下巴) 微笑对面对生活。  It is not the end of the world.还没有一没有办法的时候吧。  Face it .面对它吧。  Get over it.
不要再纠结了/忘掉吧。  Tomrrow is another day.明天会更好。
  lesson 17  课文听写:  Come and meet our employee,Mr Richards.  Thank you .Mr Jackson.  This is Nicola Grey,and this is Claire Taylor.  How do you do ?  Those women are very hardworking .  What are their jobs ?  They are keyboard operaters.  This is Michael Baker.and this is Jeremy Short.  How do you do ?  They aren't busy.what are their jobs ?  They are sales reps.they are very lazy .  Who is this young man ?  This is Jim.  He's our office assistant.  单词听写错误:  employee--employees  hardworking--hard-working  operaters--operators  词汇:  employee n. 雇员  employ v. 雇佣  employer n. 雇佣的人.  train v. 培训.  trainer n.培训者  trainee n.被培训的人  hard-working 勤奋的  good-looking 好看的  easy-going 易相处的人  sales reps (单数:sales rep)销售员.  man n.男人  Hey,man .(嗨,哥儿们)  men (复数)  office 办公室  office buildings 办公楼  office hours 办公时间  assistant 助手  an office assistant
办公室助理  a shop assistant
商场售货员  a classroom assistant 助教  句型:  打招呼.  how do you do ?(正式场合)幸会.  答语:how do you do .  come and see it .  come and sit down.  come and meet my friends.  what are their jobs ?  what is your job ?  单数名变复数句。  this is my name.  these are our names.  that is his car.  those are their cars.  who is the young girl?  who are these young girls ?  he is a tourist.  they are tourists.  名词的单复数:(复习)  一、直接加S的.book-books car-cars  二、末尾读音是以 /s/ /t?/ /?/ /e/ /d?/ /z/ 词尾加es.  box-boxes brash-brashes  bus-buses orange-oranges  三、辅音字母+y.baby-babies
body-bodies  四、元音字母+y. boy-boys
toy-toys.  五、以fe结尾的把fe去掉加ves.  wife-wives
life-lives  六、变化元音字母.  foot-feet tooth-teeth
  man-men woman-women  七、以字母o结尾。  1、以辅音字母+o结尾的:  potato-potatoes tomato-tomatoes  2、以元音字母+o结尾的:  zoo-zoos
bamboo-bamboos   radio-radios
  八、不规则变化.  child-children
  lesson 18  句型操练:  What are their jobs ?  拓展知识:  几百几十几的读法  102-one hundred and one  423-four hundred and twenty-three.  541-five hundred and fouty-one.  几千几百几十几的读法  2000-two thousand?  5000-five thousand  6000-six thousand  1564-one thousand five hundred and sixty-four  9069-nine thousand and sixty-nine.  63152-sixty-three thousand one hundred and fifty-two.  同样关于年份的读法:  1、一般情况下,将年份前后两个数字分为两组。  1990-ninteen ninty  1865-eighteen sixty-five  2、如果前两个数字非零,后两个数字是零。  1900-ninteen hundred  1800-eighteen hundred  3、第三个数字为零的读法.  1908-ninteen o eight.  1805-eightenn o five  4、千年的读法  2000-two thousand  2006-two thousand (and)six.
  课文听写:  What's the matter ,children ?  We're tired ...and thirsty Mum.  Sit down here.  Are you all right now ?  No,we aren't.  Look,there's an ice-cream man.  Two ice creams please.  here you are ,children.  Thanks mum.  These ice creams are nice.  Are you all right now ?  Yes ,we are .thank you.  单词部分:  matter   what is the matter with you ?  你怎么了?  children(单数:child)孩子们
  kids(口语)  tired 累,疲劳.  I am tired. 我累了.  Are you tired ? 你累吗?  how are you ? 你怎么样?  boy n.男孩  cowboy 牛仔
busboy 饭馆服务生  thirsty adj.  I am drinking thirstily.我大口大口的喝水。(这句话有别于汉语的表达方式,当看到这句话时,我想了好久,究竟该怎么翻译,真的不知道怎么去弄,,看了英文句子,,我感觉我们学英语还是受汉语思维影响。希望对大家有帮助。)  mum.英 妈妈
mom. 美 妈妈  mummy 英 妈妈(儿语)mommy.美 妈妈(儿语)  mummy 木乃伊  sit down please= have a seat please.  right 右边  left
左边  lefthander 左撇子  ice cream n.(c) 冰淇琳  two ice creams
  lesson 20  词汇:  big adj.大的  big money 大钱  big mouth 大舌头(嘴没有把门儿的)  small adj. 小的  small change 面值非常小的零钱  small talk 闲聊  open adj.开着的 营业着的  open v. 打开  close adj.接近,靠近  close v.关闭  shut adj. 关着的  light adj.轻的  light rain 小雨 light snow 小雪  heavy adj. 重的。  heavy rain 大雨 heavy snow 大雪  long adj.长的,  long time no see .好久不见。  shoes n.c 鞋子  grandfather n.祖父,外祖父  grandfather clock 老坐钟。  great-grandfather 曾祖父  granddad 爷爷或姥爷(口语) grandpa  grandmother 祖母或外祖母  grandma 奶奶或姥姥(口语)
  lesson 21  课文听写:  Give me a book,please.Jim.  Which book ?this one ?  No,not that one ,the red one .  This one?  Yes,please.  Here you are.  Thank you.  ________________________________________  语法讲解:  give me a book.  谓+宾+宾(即主谓双宾)  pass me the chopsticks.  知识拓展:  中西文餐具的不同。  中国-碗,筷子。bows and chopsticks  西方-刀叉
knives and forks  lesson 22  词汇:  adj.
n.  empty adj.空着的  The bottle is empty.  The room is empty.  full adj.满的  I'm full.  我吃饱了。  a full stop 句号  a full time job 全职工作  large adj.大的(指面积)  China is a large country.  This room is very large.  little adj.小的(有可爱的意思)  a little girl.小女孩  sharp adj.锋利的  the knife is sharp.  blunt adj. 钝的,不熟练的  the knife is blunt.  my English is blunt.  big adj.大的(指体积)  small adj.小的  small world.世界太小了,我们又见面了。  glass n.玻璃杯  cup n.
茶杯  bottle n.瓶子  tin n.
  课文听写:  Give me some glasses please.Jane.  Which glasses?these glasses ?  No,not those.the ones on the shelf.  These ?  Yes,please.  Here you are .  Thanks.  课文译文:  请给我几只玻璃杯,简。  哪几只?  这几只吗?  不,不是那几只,是架子上的那几只。  这几只?  是的,请给我。  谢谢!  词汇:  on prep.在....之上  on the table   on the floor  shelf n.架子  bookshelf 书架  shelf life 保质期  语法知识:  双宾语  动词的分类:及物动词和不及物动词。  及物动词:可以直接接宾语。  不及物动词:不可以直接跟宾语。(需要借助动词)  give me some glasses.  teach
teach you English.  write
write your name  write his a letter  send
send her an e-mail  offer(提供) offer you a job  read
read me this letter.  post (邮递)post him a letter  sell (卖)sell her a ne w car.  间接宾语(挨动词的代词)
  直接宾语(名词)  口语练习:  1.给她带来一些花儿吧.  Bring her some flowers.  2.给我讲个英语故事吧.  Tell me an English story.  3.把那本书给我拿过来让我瞧一瞧,看一看。  Show me that book.  4.把那本书递经我.  Hand me the book.  5.给我买朵花吧。  Buy me a flower.  (动-代-名)  lesson 24  词汇:  desk n.桌子(指学习办公)  office desk
school desk  table n.桌子(家里用的桌子)  tea table 茶几  plate n.盘子  cupboard n.食橱(中间的p不发音)  cigarette n.香烟  cigar n. 雪茄  television n.电视
缩写:TV  dressing table 梳妆台  floor n.地板  magazine n.杂志  bed n.床  bedroom(中间的dr发一个音)  newspaper n.报纸(中间的s发作z)  news n.u 新闻
paper n.u 纸  stereo n.立体声音响
  lesson 25  课文听写:  Mrs smith's kitchen is small.  There is a refridgerter in the kitchen.  The refridgerter is white.  It is on the right.  There is an electric cooker in the kitchen.  The cooker is blue.  It is on the left.  There is a table in the middle of the room.  There is a bottle on the table.  The bottle is empty.  There is a cup on the table, too.  The cup is clean.  听写错误单词:冰箱:refrigerator (fridge)  课文译文:  史密斯夫人的厨房很小。  厨房里有个电冰箱。  冰箱的颜色是白的。  它位于房间右侧。  厨房里有个电灶。  电灶的颜色是蓝的。  它位于房间左侧。  房间的中央有张桌子。  桌子上有个瓶子。  瓶子是空的。  桌子上还有一只杯子。  杯子很干净。  词汇:  Mrs n.夫人  kitchen n.厨房  refrigerator n.冰箱  fridge n.冰箱  right n.右边  on the right 在右边  the table is on the right.  left n.左边  on the left 在左边  the bed is on the left.  middle n.  in the middle of  the table in the middle of the kitchen.  electric adj.带电的,有电的。  electric cooker 电磁炉,电饭锅  electric shaver 电动剃须刀  room n. 房间  living room 客厅  bedroom 卧室  dining room 餐厅  bathroom 卫生间  classroom 教室  cloakroom 衣帽间  roommate 室友  boxroom 储藏室  restroom 休息室  mushroom 蘑菇  语法讲解:  there be 句型  1.构成--there is \are  2.意思及用法--表示某地有某物。  have 是表示人拥有...  句型练习:  肯定句:  1.单数  there is a table in the room.  there is a frige in the kitchen.  2.复数  there are some trees in the park.  there are many flowers in the garden.  否定句:  1.单数  there (is not\isn't) a table in the room.  2.复数  there (are not \aren't) any trees in the park.  there are no trees in the park.  (以上两个句子表达同一个意思,可作为同意句替换)  there (are not \aren't) many trees in the park.  问句:  1.单数  is there a table in the room ?  答句:yes,there is /no,there isn't.  2.复数  are there any trees in the park?  公园里有树吗?  are there many flowers in the garden ?公园里有好多花吗?  答句:yes,there are./no,there aren't.  这里又涉及到了some\any\many\的用法。  some 修饰可数名词,用在肯定句中、  any 修饰可数或不可数名词,用在否定或疑问句中。  many 修饰可数名词,用在肯定句,否定句,疑问句中。  there be 句型遵循就近原则。如:  there is a desk and two chairs in the room.  there are two chairs and a desk in the room.  Lesson 26  句型操练:  where is the sth ?  it's in/on/under/behind/in front of /in the middle of the ...?
已经记了2轮了 随着记忆遍数增加
  @鲸非鱼 35楼
13:43:57  这些东西
已经记了2轮了 随着记忆遍数增加
720  -----------------------------  适合自己就是最好的,加油~~
  lesson 27  课文听写:  Mrs Smith's living room.  Mrs smith's living room is very large.  There is a television in the room.  The television is near the window.  There are some magazines on the television.  there is a table in the room.  there are some newspapers on the table.  There are some armchairs in the room.  The armchairs are near the table.  There is a stereo in the room.  The stereo is near the door.  There are some books on the stereo.  There are some Pictures in the room.  The pictures are on the wall.  词汇:  livingroom n.c 客厅  near
prep.附近  window
n.c 窗户  widow
n.寡妇  armchair
n.c 扶手椅  door
n.c 门  picture
n.(手绘图或照片)  photo
n.(专指照片)  wall
n.c 墙  The Great Wall 长城  wall street 华尔街  语法讲解:  in
on 的用法区别。  【1】There is a bird in the
tree.树上有只鸟。(鸟不属于树上生长的,用介词in)  There is an apple on the tree.  树上结了一个苹果。(苹果生长在树上,用介词on)  【2】在飞机上,在火车上,在轮船上,在甲板上。  on the airplane  on the train  on the ship  on the deck armour   【3】门,窗户在墙上。用介词 in.画,照片在墙上用介词on.  there is a picture on the wall.  there is a window in the wall.  there is a door in the wall.  lesson 28  词汇句型:trousers n.裤子。   类似的单词还有:shoes socks glaves
pants(美:长裤,英:短裤)  where are they ?  They are in the refrigerator.  There are some bottles in the refrigerator.  操练句型:  Are there any ...on the table ?  No,there aren't any ...s on the table.  There are some ```  where are they ?  they are in the box.
  @malong2123 38楼
01:21:11  我情况和你一样今年30,半年前开始学的,现在看报纸都没问题,一定要让自己能感觉到进步才有动力,有兴趣交个学友吧  -----------------------------  呵,,谢谢你,我的基础确实有点差,,所以先先熟悉熟悉基础。。。。学知识么,,记了再忘,忘了再记很正常。我打算新一过一遍,就算是温习了。重点学习新二。目前我的学习计划,学习新概念只是其中一部分,,像你所说,确实词汇量是非常重要的。我现在正每天有计划的背单词,,每天跟读一小时VOA,录一分钟录音。这几乎成了我每天生活的一部分。可能任何学习方法都不是一成不变的,,在学习的过程中会随时做调整,,,至少现在我认为 样对我来说比较合适。英语本来就是靠积累起来的一门学科。急不得,,,谢谢你的关注。我QQ
  lesson 29  课文听写:come in Amy.  Come in Amy,shut the door please.  This bedroom's very untidy.  What must I do ?Mrs Jones?  Open the window and air the room.  Then put these clothes in the wardrobe.  Then make the bed.  Dust the dressing table.  Then sweep the floor.  课文译文:  进来,艾米。  这卧室也太不整洁了。  我该做什么呢,琼斯夫人?  打开窗户,给房间通通风。  然后把这些衣服放进大衣柜。  把床铺好了。  再把梳妆台的灰尘扫一扫。  最后扫扫地。  词汇:  shut v./adj. 关门,关着的  the door is shut.  shut the door.  bedroom n.  untidy adj. 不干净的  un-前缀。表否定。  clean--unclean  easy--uneasy  happy--unhappy  must aux.v 必须  表示情感态度。  you must do homework now.  can you do something for me ?  open adj./v. 开着的,营业着的。\打开  the door is open.  open the door please.  air n./v.空气/给..通风。  the air is fresh.  air the room.  同时具有动词和名词双重身份的有:  colour n.颜色
what colour is your coat ?  colour v.着色,上色。colour the paper red.  milk n. 牛奶。 I like milk.  milk v.挤奶。 milk the cow.  book n.书。
there is a book on the desk.  book v.预定。 book a seat.  water n. 水。 there is some water in the bottle.  water v. 浇水。water the flowers.  dust n.灰尘
there is some dust on the desk.  dust v.掸灰尘
dust the desk please.  put v.放   put these clothes in the wardrobe.  put the book on the desk.  colthes n.衣服。(单复同形)  people  hair  fish  sheep  wardrobe n.大衣柜  sweep v. 扫地  课文语法讲解:  祈使句:用来表示命令、请求、建议等。  A.表示命令。动词原形。  shut the door!  B.表示请求。please +动词原形  air the room please.  C.表示建议。let's +动词原形。  let's go to the park.  let's play football.  lesson 30  词汇句型讲解:  empty adj./v.  my mind is empty.我的脑袋空空的。  empty the trash bin.倒垃圾。  read v.(阅读书、报纸等)  read a book/read newspaper/read magazine.  sharpen v.削尖  adj+en.=v.  short(短的)+en=shorten v.缩短  weak(软弱的)+en=weaken v.削弱  put on 穿上(衣服、眼镜、围巾、手套等)  take off 脱下  turn on \turn off(打开或关掉带电的东西)  turn up\turp down(调高或调低)  turn on the light.  turn off the radio.  trun on the tap.  句型操练:  what must I do ?  what must I say ?  what must I stay ?  where must I go ?  who must I meet ?
  lesson 31  课文听写:  Where's Sally ,Jack ?  She's in the garden.Jean.  What's she doing ?  She is sitting under the tree.  Is Tim in the garden too ?  Yes,he is ,he's climbing the tree.  I beg your pardon ?  Who's climbing the tree ?  Tim is .  What about the dog ?  The dog's in the garden too.  It's running across the grass.  It's running after a cat.  词汇讲解:  garden n.花园  gardener n. 园丁  gardening n. 园艺  sun n.太阳  in the sun 在太阳底下  family n.家庭  famil tree 家谱  clothes tree 衣帽架  Chrismas tree 圣诞树  climb v. 爬  climb the tree 爬树  climb the mountain 爬山  run v.跑  grass n.草,草地  after prep. 在...之后  the day after tomorrow 后天  before prep.在...之前
  the day before yesterday 前天  语法总结:  现在进行时  时态:即表示动作发生的时间。  事实上,现在进行时有时候表达将来,或者过去发生的动作。  what are
you doing ?  I am sleeping .(错误的,睡觉的时候不可能在说话)  现在进行时,表示目前正在发生的动作。  表达形式:主+ be+动词ing   动词加ing 形式有:  A、动词直接加ing   B、动词以不发音的e结尾,去掉e加ing.  C、动词末尾是以辅元辅结构结尾,并且该元音是处于重读音节,那么要双写最后一个字母加ing.  lesson 32  type v. 打字  肯:she is typing a letter.  疑:is she typing a letter?  答:yes,she is .no,she isn't.  否:she is not typing a letter.  特:what is she doing ?对谓语动词进行提问  who is typing a letter ?对主语进行提问  letter n.c
信  love letter 情书  basket n.c 篮子  basket ball 篮球  eat v. 吃,喝  吃法大全:eat (本身意思表示咀嚼的意思)  eat some bread 吃点面包  eat some soup\porridge  喝点汤或粥  take
medicine 吃药  suck(吸) the breast   吃奶  代替所有的吃喝动作。  have some water  have some bananas  have medicine 吃药  have a cigarette 抽烟  bone n.   clean adj.\v.  tooth n.  cook n.\v.  I am cooking .  he is a cook(厨师).  There is an electric cooker(炊具) in the kitchen.  milk n.  meal n.c 一顿饭  drink v. 喝  drink water\drink tea\drink coffee.  tap n.水龙头  turn on the tap 打开水龙头  turn on the tap 关上水龙头
  lesson 33  课文听写:  it is a fine day today.there are some clouds in the sky.but the sun is shining.Mr Jones is with his family.they are walking over the bridge.there are some boats on the river.Mr Jones and his wife are looking at them.Sally is looking at the big ship.the ship is going under the bridge.Tim is looking at the aeroplane.the aeroplane is flying over the river.  【课文翻译】  今天天气不错。  天空中飘着几朵云,但阳光灿烂。  琼斯先生同他的家人在一起。  他们正在过桥。  河上有几艘船。  琼斯先生和他的妻子正在看这些船。  莎莉正在观看一艘大船。  那船正从桥下驶过。  蒂姆正望着一架飞机。  飞机正从河上飞过。  词汇:  day n. 天,日子  -day  cloud n.c
云  there are some clouds in the sky .  sky n. 天空  in the sky 在天空中  sun n. 太阳  sunhat 遮阳帽  sunglasses 太阳镜,墨镜  sunblock 防晒霜  shine v.照耀  with prep.和...在一起  he is with his new girlfriend.  I am with my new glasses.  the house is with a garden.  family n.家庭,家人  walk v. 走路,步行  over prep. 在..上方,跨越  over the bridge 过桥  the aeroplane is flying over the river.  he is walking over the bridge.  bridge n. 桥   footbridge 天桥  he is going over the bridge .  he is walking over the bridge.  boat n.小船  dream boat 梦中情人  ship n. 轮船  aeroplane n.飞机  fly v.飞  it 做为形式主语,常常表示天气.  it is a fine day .  今天的天气很好。  it is rainy today.  今天是雨天。  it is cold .  今天真冷。  is it warm ?  今天暖和吗?  课文仿写:  今天天气不错。  天空中飘着几朵云,但阳光灿烂。  杰克和他的女朋友在一起。  他们正在散步。  杰克正在看着一只漂亮的小鸟。  小鸟正在从天空中飞过。  一些人从天桥上走过,他们都很忙。  it is a fine day .there are some clouds in the sky,but the sun is shining.  Jack is with his girlfriend .  they are walking.  Jack is looking at the beautiful bird.  it is flying in the sky .  some people are walking over the bridge,they are busy!  语法讲解:  一般现在进行时的复习  时态:即时间和状态。  时间:过去,现在,将来。  状态:一般,进行,完成。  现在进行时,时间是现在,状态是进行。  listen! she is singing .  he is doing homework.  he is running.  lesson 34  sleep n.  shave v.刮  shaver n.刮胡刀  cry v.哭,喊  wash v.洗  wash my face.洗脸  wash my hand 洗手  wait vi.等待  wait for sb 等某人  I will wait for you here .
  @wxs01wxs000 46楼
21:52:28  相信你又放弃了,哈哈  -----------------------------  哈哈,,新年快乐~  常来,有你才不会寂寞。
  @gchl689 49楼
16:08:40  楼主最好把配音放上去,方便大家学习  -----------------------------  实在是不知道怎么上传录音,,求科普。  大家过年好,这两天也偷个懒哈,,昨天熬夜,,通宵麻将。呵,,战果:输三百大洋。
  @gchl689 48楼
16:06:03  你看吧,才几天  -----------------------------  谢谢关注,,正是因为有你们的关注我才不会偷懒。。。放心吧,,坚持到底~~
  lesson 35  课文听写:  This is a photograph of our village.our village is in the valley.it is between two hills,the village is on a river,here is another photograph of the village.my wife and I are walking along the banks of the river.we are on the left.there is a boy in the water.he is swimming acroos the river.here is another photograph,this is the school building,it is beside a park,the park is on the right.some children are
coming out of the building,some of them are going into the park.  课文译文:  这是我们家乡的一张照片,我们家乡座落在山谷里,它在两小山包之间,我的家乡靠近着一条小河,这是我家乡的另一张照片,我妻子和我正在沿着河岸边散步,我们在河岸左边,水里有一个男孩,他正在横渡这条河,这是另一张照片,这是一个学校大楼,它在一个公园的旁边,公园在右边,一些小孩儿正从楼里出来,他们中的一些人正走进公园。  词汇:  photograph n. 照片  photo n.缩写  village n.村庄,家乡  valley n.山谷  between. prep.在...之间。  there is a river betwen two hills.  another 另一个(后接可数名词单数)  wife n. 妻子  along prep. 沿着  band
n. 河岸,银行  water n.水  swim v.游泳  building n.建筑物,大楼  build v.建造  park n.公园  park v. 停车,泊车。  park n. 停车场  into prep .进入  on 的用法小结  1.在...之上。  on the river   2.在左边,在右边  on the right  on the left  3.穿上  put on   4.打开  turn on   5.靠近,在...旁边  the village is on a river  a city on the coast 海滨城市  a filling station on the road 路边的加油站  my wife and I  英文中表达单数人称顺序方式:你二人称,第三人称,我。  you he and I go
there。  如果是复数时,就会这样表达:we you and they clean the classroom today.   在承认错误的时候无论是单数还是复数都遵循:  I he and you is sorry for being late.   we you and they are sorry
for being late.  across prep.  throuth prep.  用法区别  across 从平面穿过  the boy is coming across the street.  throuth 从立体中穿过  the sunshine is throuth the window .  over 翻越  the boy jump over the wall.翻墙  climb over the gate.  翻越大门  beside prep.在...旁边  there is a lamp beside the bed.  out of 从...出来  fish can't live out of
water.  he walk out of the examination room,all smiles.  some of them   整体中的部分(先说部分于再说整体)  three of us are French.  我们中有三个人是法国人。  one of them is a new student.  他们中有一个是新生。  half of the cars are red.  这些汽车中有一半是红色的。  语法讲解:  this is a photograph of our village.  这是我们村庄的一张照片。  ..of..名词所有格的一种表达方式。  Tom's car  Mary's cat  Mike's hat  文中加粗部分是定语。  定语:用来限定,说明名词或代词的品质与特征的。  I want a shirt.  I want a red shirt.  Boy is my friend.  The tall boy is my friend.  father is a doctor.  his father is a doctor.  Room is large.  Mary's room is large.  汉语中表达习惯所有的定语都是放在前面,'s这种英文格式正好和汉语表达方式一样。  This is a photograph of our village.(定语后置)  1.作定语的名词是有生命的时候,往往采用名词所有格,'s的形式。  2.作定语的名词是无生命的时候,往往采用名词所有格,of的形式。  这个房间的窗户是开着的。  the window of this room are open.  这本书的名字很长。  the name of this book is so long.  我喜欢这汽车的颜色。  I like the colour of this car.  这本书的封皮是旧的。  the cover of this book is old.  lesson 36  词汇:  beside prep.在...旁边  off prep. 离开  I am off today.我今天休息。  I am off the hock now.  我解脱了。  I am off to bed now.我要去睡觉了。  50% off 打五折。  20% off 打八折  80% off 打二折。  hock 关节
  lesson 37  课文听写:  you are working hard ,George  what are you doing?  I am making a bookcase.  give me that hammer please,Dan.  whice hammer ?this one ?  no,not that one ,the big one.  here you are .  thanks Dan.  what are you going to do now ?George.  I am going to paint it .  what colour are you going to paint it ?  I am going to paint it pink.  pink ?  this bookcase isn't for me ,it's for my daugther,Susan.pink's her favourite colour.  词汇 :  work v. 工作  hard adv.努力地  副词的功能:副词的位置 :形前动后  1.可以修饰adj。  I am very/so/too/awfully tired .  我非常、很、太、累的要死。  I love you awfully/very much.  我非常爱你/我爱死你了。  I swim well.  I know him well.  2.修饰动词  hard work  3.hard adv. 努力地。 adj.艰苦的,勤奋的。  hard(adj.) work 艰苦的工作  work hard(adv.) 努力地工作  make v./n.制作/牌子  bookcase n.书架(中间的k不发音)  hammer n.锤子  paint v. 涂色  painting n.画  Chinese paintings 中国国画  favourite adj.最喜欢的  favorite adj.(美式书写)  句型:my favourite food/city/colour/is ....  what's your favourite ...?  you are working hard.你正忙着呢。  I am going to paint it pink.  主
补(对宾语的补充和说明)  我发现那屋子是黑的。  I find the room dark.  主 谓
补  we must keep the classroom clean and tidy.  主
补  for的用法小结:  1.for 为了...为了某人的。  it's for my daugther.(这是给我女儿的。)  it's for you .(这是给你的)  2.for 对于某人来说。  math is so difficult for me .  数学对我来说很难。  3.表原因  what are you sorry for ?  你为什么要说抱歉?  what are you busy for ?  你最近忙什么呢?  4.长达的意思  I study Yoga for two years.  我学瑜伽两年了。  语法讲解:  一般将来时  时间:将来。  状态:一般。  结构:be going to +动词原型  用法:当你计划或打算一件事的时候。  我打算周末去逛街。  I am going to go shopping this weekend.  他打算把旧车卖了,买个新车。  he is going to sell the old car, and buy a new one.  I am gonna be happy this year.  gonna=going to 将要,[?g?n?]口语中非正式的表达方式。  I am going to be busy next week.  I am going to be at home this week.  he is going to be a doctor.  句型转换:问,答,肯,否。  he is going to go shoppiing this weekend.  Is he going to go shopping this weekend ?  yes,he is /no,he isn't.  he isn't going to go shopping this weekend.  lesson 38  词汇:  homework n.家庭作业  housework n.家务活  listen vi.听(不极物)  listen to 听  look at 看  wait for 等待  dish n.盘子
  lesson 39  课文听写:  what are you going to do with that vase,Penny?  I'm going to put it on the table,Sam.  Don't do that,give it to me.  what are you going to do with it ?  I'm going to put it here,in front of the window.  be careful,don't drop it.  don't put it there ,Sam.  put it here,on this shelf.  there we are.  it's a lovely vase.  those flowers are lovely too.  词汇:  front n.前面  in front of 在...之前  (相对独立的个体,一个在另一个的前面)  in the front of 在...之前  (在一个空间内部的前端,包括与被包括的关系)  there is a boy in front of the car.  车的前面有个小孩。  there is a boy in the front of the car.  车的前排有个小孩。  careful adj.小心的,仔细的  be careful 小心  vase n. 花瓶  flower n.c
花  vase的读音问题:\US oftenest ?vās; Canada usually & US also ?vāz; British usually, Canada also, & US sometimes ?v?z\  美国人和加拿大人通常读成/ veis / or /veiz/,英,美,加等国人有时读成/va:z/  do with 处理  what are you going to do with this ....?  你打算怎么处理这个...  祈使句:带有建议或命令性的。  don't +动词原形。  don't speak  don't smoke  don't
drop it .  here we are.(好了,就这样吧。)  语法讲解:  双宾语的复习。  动--代--名===动--名--to --代。表示强调人。  give me some glasses  give some glasses to me.  write him a letter  write a letter to him  send her an e-mail  send an e-mail to her  offer you a job  offer a job to you  read me this letter  read this letter to me  post me a letter  post a letter to me  sell her some flowers  sell some flowers to her  tell me an English story  tell an English story to me  show me that book.  show that book to me.  当直接宾语是人称代词时,用for   buy me a flower .  buy a flower for me.  lesson 40  show v.给。。看  take v.带给,拿走  bring v.带来  send v.送给,发送
  @wxs01wxs000 55楼
15:27:01  以你这进度,你得多少年啊?  -----------------------------  哈,,不急,能照这样的速度走下去,,已经很不错了,,,我也没想着一下子学好多,慢慢来吧,,,一个月学40课,,那新一学完也就用不了半年时间,,学完的话是很快的,,但是想学会恐怕没那么容易。。。
  lesson 41  课文听写:  Is that bag heavy ,Penny?  Not very.  Here!  put it on this chair.  what's in it ?  a piece of cheese.  a loaf of bread  a bar of soap  a bar of choclate  a bottle of milk  a pound of sugar  half a pound of sugar  a quarter of pound of tea and a tin of tobacco.  it that a tin of tobacco for me ?  well,it's
certainly not for me.  错误单词:choclate--chocolate  词汇:  cheese n.奶酪  say cheese !(拍照时说的)  bread n. 面包  soap n.肥皂  soup n. 汤  coffee n.咖啡  suggar n.砂糖  candy n.糖果  Can you sugar coat a little?  Sugar vt. 在…加糖;给…裹上(糖衣或类糖物)  你能说的再委婉一点吗?  tea n.茶  tobacco n.烟草  cigarette n.香烟  量词:  a piece of ..一片的  a loaf of
一个的,一条的..  a bottle of
一瓶的  a pound of
一磅的  a tin of
一罐的  a cup of
一杯的  a box of
一盒的  a spoon of
一勺的  pound 英磅  half a pound of 半磅  a puarter pound of 四分之一磅  语法讲解:  名词  【1】可数名词:  【2】不可能名词:  1.所有液体类的  2.物质名词(bread,cheese,bobacco,choclate)  3.抽象名词(love,friendship work)  用法:  1.前不能加数词。  2.前面不能用不定冠词(a,an)  3.词尾不可以加s.  加量词后可表复数  a bar of choclate   two bars of choclate  a cup of coffee  two cups of coffee  a tin of tobacco  two tins of tobacco  a piece of bread  two pieces of bread  lesson 42  bird  any  some  用法区别:都可以加上可数名词复数或不可数名词。都表示一些。  some 用在肯定句中。  any 用在否定或疑问句中。  2.有时在表示请求,建议时,通常会使用some.  cloud you lend me some money?  3.some +单数名词 某一  any +单数名词
任一  some day 某一天  any day 任何一天  some day ,he can be some one.  某一天,他可能会成为某个人。  you can buy it in any supermarket.   你可以在任何一个超市买到它。
  lesson 43  课文听写:  can you make the tea.sam?  yes,of course I can,Penny.  is there any water in this cattle(kettle)?  yes,there is.  where is the tea?  it's over there,behind the teapot.  can you see it?  I can see the teapot.  but I can't see the tea.  there it is .it's in front of you.  ha,yes I can see it now.  where are the cups?  there are some in the cupboard.  can you find them ?  yes,here they are.  hurry up,Sam.  the cattle(kettle) is boiling.  错误单词:水壶-kettle,我写成了cattle.  词汇:  of course 当然  kettle n.c 水壶  electric kettle 电水壶  behind prep.在...后面  there is a kettle behind the table.  in front of 在...前面  behind the times 过时的,落伍的  tom's cellphone is behind the times.  汤姆的手机过时了。  此类似意思的单词有:  stale adj.过时的,不新鲜的  out-of-date 过时的。  teapot n. 茶壶  hotpot n.火锅  flowerpot n.花盆  now adv.(时间状语,用在句末)现在  通常和一般现在时,现在进行时,一般将来时搭配使用。  find vt. 找到,  boil vi.沸腾,水开了  the kettle is boiling.  boil 煮(可接双宾语)  boil me an egg.|给我煮个鸡蛋吧。  boil an egg for me .  oil n.油  oil painting 油画  Chinese paintings 国画  some adj.一些  some pron.某个(代指)  there is some beer in the bottle.  would you like some(代指前文中出现的beer) ?  any adj.一些,若干  any pron.任何  is there any beer in the bottle?  no,there isn't any(代指前文中的beer).  通常情况下,some用在肯定句中,any用在否定、疑问句中。  但是如果是提出建议,请求,反问,并希望得到肯定答复的可用some.  shall I have some coffee?  我能喝点咖啡吗?  what about some tea?  要不要来点茶?  would you like some coffee?  你想来点咖啡吗?  why don't we have some beer ?  are there some students in the classroom?  (提出这个句子的目的是要得到肯定答案,前提是我已经猜测出教室里有学生,我只是想验证一下。)  在表示部分否定的否定句中可以用some.  some of them are not Chinese.  他们中的一些不是中国人。  hurry up 快点  get up 起床  eat up 吃完  speed up
开的快点  speak up 大点声儿  shup up
闭嘴  wait up 等一等  down  slow down 慢点开  calm(镇定) down 冷静点,淡定  come down 过来  sit down 坐下  putit down 放下  语法讲解:  can 情态动词。(表示情感态度)  must 必须 I must go now.  must I go now ?  she must be in the office.  must she be in the office?  she mustn't be in the office?  where must she be ?  can  I can help you .  she can swim.  she can't swim.  can she swim ?  who can swim?  can I help
you ?  can I have your name?  你能告诉我你的名字吗?  can I have your phone number ?  你能告诉我你的电话号码吗?  can I have your e-mail adress?  你能给我你的电子邮件地址吗?  can I use your bike ?  我能用用你的自行车吗?  can I have your order?  你点点儿什么啊?  can I speak to Tom please ?  我能和汤姆说话吗?  can I have a look at your cellphone?  我能看看你的手机吗?  can I have the key to front door please ?  我能用用前门的钥匙吗?  在英文表达中,往往是以第一人称表达。  can 能力  can you speak English?  can you swim ?  can 允许(征求对方意见)  can I come in ?  can I smoke here?  can
请求要求。  can you open the window please ?  can you shut up ?  lesson 44  some any 的练习  some any 后接可数名词的复数或不可数名词。  I can write some English(letters).but I can't read any english(words).  I can make some (tea),but I can't make any (coffee).  I eat some (eggs),but I can't drink any (beer).
  lesson 45  课文听写:  The boss's letter  can you come here a minute please,Pamela?  yes,sir.  where's Pamela?  she is next door.  she is at her office,sir.  can she typ this letter for me ?  ask her please.  yes,sir.  can you tpy this letter for the boss please,Pamela?  yes,of course I can.  here you are ,thank you ,Bob.  Bob?  yes?what's the matter?  I can't typ this letter.  I can't read it.  the boss's handwriting is terrible.  词汇:  can 能,会  boss n.老板  manager n.经理  minute n.分钟,片刻  hour n.小时  second n.秒  ask v.问  ask the way 问路  handwriting n.书写  terrible adj.糟糕的  can you come here a minute please ?  你能进来一下吗?  next door 隔壁  next door to 后接人或物。  she's next door.  她就在隔壁。  she is next door to us.  她住在我们隔壁。  there is a school next door to the park.  公园的隔壁有一所学校。  next-door adj.隔壁的  the next-door girl is very pretty.  邻家的女孩非常漂亮。  the old man next-door is going to leave.  隔壁的老人快要离世了。  语法讲解:  动词:系动词,实义动词,情态动词,助动词  情态动词(表情感态度)  what must I do ?  can you help me ?  can I have your name ?  can must may ....  can 能,会  must 必须  may 可能,可以  情态动词后接动词原形。  he can do/read/write it.  情态动词没有人称和单复数变化。  she can /he can/ I can/they can/you can  否定句,疑问句中,变化规则如下:  he can do it .  he can not do it .  can he do it ?  lesson 46  lift v.举起  can you lift the heavy case?  你能举起这个重的箱子吗?  lift n.电梯(直梯)  cake n.蛋糕
a cake   biscuit n. 饼干 a biscuit
  lesson 47  课文听写:  do you like coffee,Ann?  yes,I do.  do you want a cup?  yes,please.Christine.  do you want any sugar?  yes,please.  do you want any milk ?  no,thank you.I don't like milk in my coffee.  I like black coffee.  do you like biscits?  yes,I do.  do you want one ?  yes,please.  错误单词:饼干 buscuit  课文翻译:  喜欢喝咖啡吗,安?  喜欢。  想要一杯咖啡吗?  好的,请来一杯,克里斯汀。  加糖吗?  好的。  加牛奶吗?  不,谢谢,我不喜欢在咖啡里加牛奶。我喜欢黑咖啡。  喜欢吃饼干吗?  喜欢。  想来来一块吗?  好的,请来一块。  词汇:  like vt.喜欢  I like coffee very much.  dislike vt.不喜欢,讨厌  like prep. 像  you look like your father.  like father like son.  有其父必有其子。  love me love my dog.  爱屋及乌。  want vt.想,想要  I want a cup of coffee.  I want a piece of cake.  do you like coffee Ann?  人称放在后。  do you like books(表泛指) ?  你喜欢书吗?  do you li}


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