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娱乐新闻:火影忍者完结了吗It’s never easy to say goodbye to a longtime companion. For fans of Naruto, the ending of the manga on Nov 10 is like a farewell to an old friend from a misplaced youth.相见时难别亦难。11月10日,《火影忍者》完结,很多粉丝终于要和这位陪伴了自己整个青春的“旧友”说再见了。
After 15 years, the plucky teen with blonde hair and an orange jumpsuit grew to be a mainstay in the lives of many readers.十五年来,那个一头金发、身穿橙色外衣的热血青年已经成为无数读者的精神支柱。
“He’s far from perfect. He’s a very picky eater. He’s afraid of ghosts. He’s got the habit of giving nicknames to people. Naruto reminds me a lot of my self. But I admire him for his courage and determination, for the way he faces struggles and difficulties. He would never give up no matter what,” said Wu Xian, 25, a faithful fan who works for Enlight Media in Nanjing.今年25岁的吴娴供职于南京光线传媒,作为《火影》的铁杆粉,她眼中的漩涡鸣人是这样的:“他并不完美――挑食、怕鬼,还喜欢给别人起绰号。鸣人总让我想起自己,但是他的勇气和决心,以及面对挑战和困难的态度都令我折服;无论如何,他从来都不会放弃!”
The anime follows the adventures of leading character Naruto Uzumaki, who wants to be the world’s best ninja. Just like the lead characters in several other young adult comics and cartoons, Naruto wasn’t born to be a hero. Because of a nine-tailed beast sealed within him, Naruto was neglected and ostracized by most people throughout his childhood. But years of scorn and isolation didn’t make him pessimistic or world-weary. On the contrary, he works hard to be a capable ninja and to win the respect and trust of his friends and fellow villagers.《火影》漫画围绕着想要成为世上最强忍者的漩涡鸣人展开。但是,就像其他少年动漫的主人公一样,漩涡鸣人并非生来就是英雄。体内封印了九尾的鸣人在人们的冷漠与不屑中长大,但冷眼和孤立并没有让他悲观厌世。相反,为了成为有实力的忍者,他不断努力,赢得了朋友和村民们的信任。
In this global best-selling manga series, Masashi Kishimoto draws out a mysterious world of ninjas with unprecedented abilities and unique personalities.在这部全球最畅销的连载漫画中,作者岸本齐史为我们描绘了一个神秘莫测的忍者世界,每个人都性格迥异,深不可测。。
Uchiha Sasuke, who later became Naruto’s best friend, was dismissive of him when they first met at the ninja academy, as he was certain he was superior. Naruto never gave up trying to both surpass and befriend Sasuke.鸣人最好的朋友宇智波佐助,在忍者学校第一次见到鸣人时曾一脸不屑,因为他知道自己更强大。但是鸣人从没有放弃超越佐助,同时两人也成了至交好友。
“I felt really touched when Sasuke said to Naruto that for the first time he considered him a comrade. Actually as he grew stronger, Naruto won recognition among his people, but Sasuke was always special to him,” said Shao Shuai, 23, a postgraduate student at Hong Kong Baptist University.23岁的邵帅是香港侵会大学的一名研究生,他说:“佐助对鸣人说他第一次把鸣人当成同伴的时候,我特别动容,虽然鸣人变强后名声大噪,但是佐助对他而言永远是特别的存在。”
Finally, Naruto has achieved his goal of becoming the seventh Hokage. There are a few lingering questions: can Naruto’s master Jiraiya see his success, what’s under Kakashi’s mask… But regardless of these loose ends, the young ninja will remain a fond memory in our minds.最终,鸣人实现了他的目标,成为了第七代火影。然而,依有一些问题依旧挥之不去:鸣人的师父自来还能看见自己徒弟的成功么?揭开面具的卡卡西到底是什么样子……虽然还有如此多的未知之谜,但年轻的火影忍者永远是我们脑海中最欢欣的记忆。
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西方新年习俗New Year Resolutions
baby faceA well-known new year tradition is the making of New Year's resolutions, that is making resolutions on New Year's Day (to improve oneself or do something good) and try to fulfill it. It is believed that the early Babylonians were the first to start this tradition and ever since, people all over the world have been making and breaking New Year Resolutions. Even the early Christians believed that the first day of the year should be spent reflecting on past mistakes and resolving to improve oneself in that year. But most find this hard to stick to. With time, the resolutions have also changed. While the early Babylonian's most popular resolution was to return borrowed farm equipment, people today resolve to lose weight, quit smoking or stop drinking alcohol.
西方新年习俗|New Year CustomsNew Year Fireworks
new year fireworksIt is impossible to imagine a New Year celebration without the usual midnight fireworks. The Chinese are credited with inventing fireworks and it is they who are believed to have used them first in their New Year's celebrations with spectacular effect. As a result, noisemaking and fireworks - which were primitively thought to dispel evil spirits and bring good luck, began to be used on New Year's eve for celebration purposes. Depending on the country, individuals may be allowed to burn fireworks on New Year's Eve, even if it is forbidden the rest of the year.
New Year Foods
New year foodsFeasting is an all important part of New Year celebrations and certain foods are thought to bring good luck if eaten on New Year Eve. Traditional Good Luck foods on New Year are considered to be all those goodies that come in circular or ring-like shapes, for such shapes are believed to symbolize "coming full circle," or a complete year's cycle. It is mainly because of this that the Dutch eat donuts and pretzels on New Year's Day. Legumes with ham is said to bring in luck and prosperity in many regions of US. Black-eyed peas and cabbage have also been supposed to be the potential harbingers of good fortune in many cultures. Cabbage leaves are said to bring in paper currency. In many places, people prepare dishes and put beans and black-eyed peas in it. In the New Year Feast, the person who gets them while dining is supposed to be the luckiest person at the table who will be the ward of Lady Luck and Lady Fortune throughout the year. The tradition originated in southern US. In some regions, rice is thought to be a lucky New Year food.
New Year Parade
Another popular tradition is the New Year Parade. In the United States, one of the most famous parades is the Tournament of Roses held in Pasadena, CA on New Year's Eve. The parade dates back to 1886 when members of the Valley Hunt Club decorated their carriages with flowers to celebrate the ripening of the orange crop in California. Gradually the flower-decked carriages gave way to floats. According to parade rules, the floats can be covered only with fresh flowers.
New Year Baby
new year babyGenerally, Old Year is shown as a very old man in rags, with a white beard and a stick while New Year is represented as a new smiling baby in diapers. The tradition of using a baby to signify the new year began in Greece around 600 BC. The ancient Grecians celebrated their New Year by putting a baby in a basket and showing it to everyone. They believed that this act represented the annual rebirth of their god of wine, Dionysus, as the spirit of fertility. But the Grecians were not the only ones, even the early Egyptians used a newborn as a symbol of rebirth. Later, even Christians took on the practice, though the baby for them symbolized the birth of the baby Jesus. In America, the tradition was brought by the Germans. Today, you can find an image of a baby with a New Year banner being used as a new year symbol in America.
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