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《国土防线》IGN详细点评 单人模式不给力
&&& 如今的FPS游戏可以说就像电台的真人秀节目一样多如牛毛了。本已接近饱和的市场中充斥着大量毫无新意、不思进取的模仿品。所以,如果一部新作品要想在这个被过度使用的游戏类型中有所斩获,必须要有些特别之处才能引起注意。
&&& 幸好对于开发商Kaos Studios来说,《国土防线》确实有些与众不同的东西。我指的并不是游戏玩法上有什么新意,而是剧情和背景设定。《国土防线》故事发生在2027年,故事讲述遭受经济危机冲击后的美国逐渐衰退,威风不再,被自己曾经踩在脚下的朝鲜如今国力强盛,大举入侵美国本土。此时全体美利坚人民奋起反抗,抗击朝鲜侵略者,保家卫国。
&&&& 这故事是不是有点太邪乎了?也许吧。这完全由你自己判断。重要的是游戏的场景设定非常独特和有趣。《国土防线》是传统意义上的战争,而是完全不同的一款游戏。里面没有像COD那样预先设置好的&场景动画&,也没有大规模的战斗。即将在废弃的死胡同、被占领的仓库等地点与敌人战斗。《国土防线》并没有可以规避这场非人道主义大屠杀中那些明显的暴力恐怖元素,真切地反映了战争中被占领国家的残酷现实。以上所有这些都让《国土防线》的世界无比真实。
&&& 《国土防线》这种对战争的呈现正是该作的最大优点。由于我喜欢历史相关的东西,因此很容易就和本作的情节和主题产生了共鸣。我很喜欢游戏的叙事方式和人物。尤其是本作将各种元素很好地融合了起来,为FPS游戏创造了一个令人信服的环境。 然而就游戏性来说,《国土防线》并没有什么可圈可点之处。这并不是说它不好玩。实际上游戏玩起来很有趣。但尽管《国土防线》想让每一方面都与众不同,然而实质上最还是迎合了当下的潮流。你在玩这款游戏时将会感到很熟悉,不会有任何不适,但它并不是那种能让你对FPS游戏重新审视的产品。你会用冲锋枪或狙击枪瞄准,扔手雷(但动画很糟糕,非常搞笑),杀死一批又一批敌人。这些全是传统射击游戏的老套路。 游戏的单人战役很有趣,但极短的流程是该作的最大败笔。由于该作售价为60美元,而如果你对多人模式不感兴趣,那么可以说钱花得非常不值。单人部分的7章内容5个小时就可以轻松通关。尽管有可以让你重玩的元素(奖杯、成就和可收集内容),但大多数玩家可能玩一遍就腻了。
&&& 多人游戏就完全不同了。尽管多人部分的模式不多,但我仍然玩得乐此不疲。两个主要的模式,即&地面控制&和&团队死亡竞赛&都不是什么新点子,但玩起来却觉得很新鲜也很有趣。这主要是因为比赛的计分方式而致。获得团队经验点比个人杀敌次数等数据统计更加重要。而且游戏的多人地图设计也相当出色,让你深切体会到敌人占领下的美国是多么破败和无望。
&&& 更棒的是,多人游戏有许多可定制内容,比如大量的装备等等。多人游戏中你可以使用大量武器和许多种载具,比如悍马、LAV和武装直升机。你做的每一件事都和一种叫做&战斗点数(BP)&的东西关联起来。战斗点数可以用来升级你的人物以及解锁新武器等等。你甚至可以在战斗中用BP为自己的人物购买防弹衣和RPG等许多装备。所有这些内容都让国土防线的多人部分具有相当的深度。 但这并不是说《国土防线》就是当代FPS游戏中的精英了。
&&& 游戏画面看上去比较落后。而生效和配音尽管非常实用,但没有什么亮点。此外游戏还有一些小技术上的小问题。我在玩单人部分时,游戏没有死机,极少有卡顿现象发生,但在线游戏时崩溃了几次,我不得不重启机器。然而我却不愿意停手,这也说明了《国土防线》的多人游戏是多么有趣和让人上瘾。
&&& 总结性评论: 我还是很喜欢《国土防线》的,不过我所欣赏的游戏部分在决定游戏是否伟大或一般时,确不是最主要的。《国土防线》是我所玩过的最独特的射击游戏之一,被其新颖,独特,充实的剧情所打动,还有那阴沉萧索的逼真设定。但它从操作方面来讲,与典型的射击游戏一样,像是一款老旧的游戏,最重要的是,战役模式极其简短。多人模式则是弥补《国土防线》不足的部分,像我一样期待虚构历史设定的玩家应该尝试它的多人模式。不过,如果你在寻觅一款更高水准的射击游戏的话,那么你得继续探索,因为《国土防线》不是你要找的东西。
&&& 整体感觉9.0分:如果我们仔细探讨游戏剧情,设定,角色的话,《国土防线》是一款大成功的游戏。我也期待欣赏到更多来自这一虚构故事的作品。
&&& 画面表现6.5分:《国土防线》从想象的延伸方面来讲,它的画面一点也不糟糕。但若与像《杀戮地带3》或《孤岛危机2》这样的图形旗舰作相比较,其画面效果非常糟糕。
&&& 上手体验7.0分:《国土防线》感觉和平常的射击游戏没什么区别。虽然很有意思,不过却没什么新的和令人激动的东西。
&&& 耐玩性7.0分:严格来说,《国土防线》的战役模式短地让人有些失望,不过坚实的多人游戏模式弥补了这一不足。
&&& 总评:7.0分
回答问题,赢新手礼包31被浏览13580分享邀请回答87 条评论分享收藏感谢收起toGamesIndustry.biz that the timing of the launch alongside Trump's campaign has actually been a bit fortuitous."One of our taglines is 'America's on its knees,' which plays really well into the current geopolitical landscape of 'Make America Great Again,'" Powers said. "The politicians aren't even shying away from it. No one's saying that America is the greatest country in the world. That's the biggest shift I've seen in this presidential election from every election in the past, where everyone touts, 'We are the greatest country.' [Instead], they're saying 'We need to re-establish and reassert ourselves.' So our messaging is actually aligning really nicely with that."“我们的口号是“美国在下跪,这是出现在我们的面前的”使美国再次变得伟大起来吧“这句口号的真实地缘政治背景”“鲍尔说。“政客们甚至都不回避美国在衰落这件事了。没有人说美国是世界上最伟大的国家。这是我在这次总统选举中见过的最大的转变,在从前历届总统选举时,每个候选人都宣称,“我们是最伟大的国家。”现在,他们的说法换成了:“我们需要重新建立和恢复自己”。所以我们的消息实际上是非常合适的”。As an example, Powers pointed to fake pamphlets the Deep Silver street team has been handing out at gaming events like PAX East, propaganda-styled fliers with taglines like "Wake up America" and "Open your eyes."作为一个例子,鲍尔举出Deep Silver团队在游戏展上散发的小册子,以及印有“醒醒吧美国”“睁开你的双眼”等宣传口号的传单。?"We've definitely tweaked our messaging to align better, but it's always been the idea of the format, the goal to have this kind of grassroots sort of resonation with what we're saying," Powers said. "Because in the end, whether it's how we're structuring the game, by removing competitive multiplayer and putting in cooperative multiplayer, really everything we're doing about this game from a messaging standpoint to a gameplay standpoint is about coming together. And that should resonate in the messaging as well.While Deep Silver is happy to receive a boost from current events, Powers said the company isn't trying to weigh in too heavily on them."We made very concerted efforts to not be The Interview," he said. "We didn't want to go down that route, because I feel like it cheapens the IP. It's a very cheap shot and we wanted this to be able to stand on its own legs. So what we did when we were looking at creating a narrative and revamping this universe, we definitely took a kind of Watch Dogs approach. We created an alternate future by creating an alternate past... We're not doing a 1-to-1 politically charged comparison of, 'Oh man, because Donald Trump won the election, this is where we're headed.' Which would be hilarious. I'm not condemning hat, I think that definitely has its own merit. But what we're doing is a little bit more serious, and less current events politically charged. ""So when we created Homefront: The Revolution, it was really the only thing we kept from the original Homefront, that it was an occupied America. That's literally the only thing that makes this Homefront..."In fact, the alternate past Powers mentioned is an alternate not just from reality, but from the original Homefront. Whereas the original had the North Korean government mount a campaign of global conquest, The Revolution considers the country taking a different path to world power based on a few key changes in history. (For example, there's no Steve Jobs in The Revolution's history, replaced by a North Korean prodigy who propels the country to prominence as a consumer tech power before transitioning into military industrial interests.)"When we looked at Homefront, we looked at something that conceptually was amazing, and fell short on execution," Powers said. "The IP itself, the backstory and the lore, the premise of an occupied America... that's what we really feel resonated, not the actual execution of the game. That three-to-four hour linear corridor shooter experience, that's not what people remember. They remember, 'This was a really cool premise and I wanted to learn more about this game.' So when we created Homefront: The Revolution, it was really the only thing we kept from the original Homefront, that it was an occupied America. That's literally the only thing that makes this Homefront and ties this back to the first game."As Powers alluded to, even the gameplay in Homefront is considerably different. He described Dambusters' take on the franchise as an open-world first-person shooter with about 30 hours of gameplay in single-player, a narrative tone reminiscent of Half-Life 2, and a focus on guerilla tactics instead of standard military shooter run-and-gun action. So with all that's changed, why keep the Homefront name in the first place?"We believe in the IP because there's something really special there in the mentality of taking a super strong force like the United States and flipping that reality on its head, creating an occupied territory and occupied country in this alternate near-future," Powers said. "It resonated well after 2011 with THQ, and it's something we feel resonates to this day because nobody really does it. I don't know why. People do it in other media, movies, and television, whether its Hightower, the Watchmen, or something as simple as looking at alternate futures or realities with The Butterfly Effect. Those stories resonate with audiences, and I think we identified it as a company as something that clearly has an established position in the realm of video games, and we had the opportunity to take advantage of that."1添加评论分享收藏感谢收起国土防线里的武器怎么按瞄准?_百度知道


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