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Slingshot Rush
開發者:BoomBit Inc.
此 App 只在 iOS 裝置的 App Store 提供。
如彈弓一樣左右擺動。輕按發射然後鬆手放開。使用簡單的一鍵式控制盡量前進。與好友一起玩我們經典的BoomBit多人遊戲。 收集鑽石並解封超酷角色! 你能到達多遠?回合制多人對戰多人模式是真正的樂趣所在!跟好友或來自全世界成千上萬的玩家對戰:向他們發送挑戰,一較高下,看看誰是最終的冠軍!在 APPLE TV 上進行內網多人對戰將任何iOS裝置連接至你的Apple TV,就可以在同一個畫面上跟多達8個人一起玩!這個模式非常適合用來做派隊遊戲!REPLAY KIT 錄製你破紀錄的傳奇一刻,並跟所有好友分享影片。3D TOUCH直接從遊戲圖示開始單人、多人或Apple TV模式。iCLOUD SYNC將你的進度同步到 iCloud,之後就可以在任何iOS裝置上繼續遊戲。在地化 現在,我們的遊戲有24種語言版本,包括:阿拉伯語、中文(中國)、中文(臺灣)、丹麥語、荷蘭語、英語、芬蘭語、法語、德語、印地文、印尼語、義大利語、日語、韓語、馬來語、挪威語、波蘭語、葡萄牙語、俄語、西班牙語、瑞典語、泰語、土耳其語及越南語遊戲特色: - 多人線上對戰- 在 Apple TV 上進行內網多人對戰- Replay Kit- 3D Touch- iCloud Sync- 提供24種語言版本- 簡單的一按式控制- 2種難度:容易與一般- 超美的簡約藝術風格- 龍虎榜與成就
1.1 版本的新內容
Small bug fixes.
此 App 專為 iPhone 和 iPad 設計免費類別: 版本: 1.1大小: 130 MB語言: 繁體中文, 丹麥文, 俄文, 印尼文, 土耳其文, 德語, 挪威文, 日語, 法文, 波蘭文, 泰文, 瑞典文, 簡體中文, 義大利文, 芬蘭文, 英語, 荷蘭文, 葡萄牙文, 西班牙文, 越南文, 韓語, 馬來文開發人員: BoomBit, Inc.相容性: 需要 iOS 7.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。Apple TV: 是
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Chilly WillyNT$ 30PippyNT$ 30StickyNT$ 30Remove AdsNT$ 60LarsNT$ 30
更多BoomBit Inc.的作品I AM GAGARIN1991. I'm 20. The USSR collapses and i fly away in the first russian RaveParties. My friend Vanya, organizer of those events and leading figure of this movement, disappeared in 1998. Searching for him, i go back to this breathtakingly time using testimonies, archives and memories. Where is Vanya ? Where has this feeling of freedom gone ?
THE CALLSixty common citizens chosen by lot spend the day in a room at Milan Assizes Court waiting to find out who will be chosen to be a juror and decide on the lives and freedom of other human beings.
MARTYRA young man’s tragic death causes his friends to grapple with loss and to partake in his community’s rites and ceremonies, and exposes the city’s schisms and its society’s fault lines.
STAND IN A film in an identity crisis looking for itself.
DAMNED SUMMERIdling afternoons, drugs, heartbreaks, psychedelic moods immersed in music. An adrenaline rush with Lisbon as the backdrop of a drifting youth.
IVANA rough and thrilling personal drama on the background of a corrupted society. A drama of taking the wrong choices.
1991. I'm 20. The USSR collapses and i fly away in the first russian RaveParties. My friend Vanya, organizer of those events and leading figure of this movement, disappeared in 1998. Searching for him, i go back to this breathtakingly time using testimonies, archives and memories. Where is Vanya ? Where has this feeling of freedom gone ?
Sixty common citizens chosen by lot spend the day in a room at Milan Assizes Court waiting to find out who will be chosen to be a juror and decide on the lives and freedom of other human beings.
A young man’s tragic death causes his friends to grapple with loss and to partake in his community’s rites and ceremonies, and exposes the city’s schisms and its society’s fault lines.
A film in an identity crisis looking for itself.
Idling afternoons, drugs, heartbreaks, psychedelic moods immersed in music. An adrenaline rush with Lisbon as the backdrop of a drifting youth.
A rough and thrilling personal drama on the background of a corrupted society. A drama of taking the wrong choices.}


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