kangbabyGO 开头哦哦哦哦英文歌dj… 这是按我听的打出来的,歌词不对,是首英文歌看lol电视台直播

可爱的女孩可爱的歌,很好听,张娜拉的经典之作.这首是在mbc电视台播放的韩剧《my love pat-g》主题曲.lene marlin-a place nearby温柔醇厚的声音,静静地用心体会,很舒服21的挪威女孩marlin,清丽的声音,合着淳朴的吉他声,伴着悠扬的击鼓…bon jovi-say it isn't so我唯一觉的好听的重摇滚,这是张汇聚bon jovi团员5年来心情写照、不加刻意不添矫情便浑然天成的摇滚专辑.gareth gates-anyone of us这首歌曲实在是非常动听,顺利拿下了冠军宝座,相信很多朋友也都很喜欢!如果你还没听过,那一定要留意这首歌!britney spears-baby one more time小甜甜布兰妮的经典,不多说她的处女作---大碟《baby one more time》刚推出就一举打上美国billboard单曲榜的榜首.helene segara-encore une fois法国当红歌手helene segara专辑,她的音乐和她的人一样别有风情,将法国浓郁的浪漫气息带给你.eminem-stan非常好听的rap曲风,这是当年超红的单曲,dido也是因为这个才红的.这首歌曲也是被非英语国家的孩子们所喜爱的,因为语速不是很快.马修连恩-bressanone可象天籁之声啊,让人如痴如醉,用一个最俗的词儿:百听不厌很难用语言表述听bressanone的感受.突然,想起当年听齐秦《狼》时的情形...celine dion-a new day has come再度演绎《my heart will go on》之经典作品席琳迪翁在暂别歌坛复出后,首支单曲旋即成为全球播歌排行和听众点播冠军!enrique iglesias-hero情歌王子恩里克-伊格里莱斯,好听啊,心灵为之一震全球狂恋至爱 拉丁情人再占流行排行billboard no.3最佳情歌力作.groove coverage-far away from home好久没听到这么好听的歌了,groove coverage带给你全新的感觉,歌声很性感.被众多知名dj誉为当今舞曲最为精华的传世之作.nelly kellyrowland-dilemma由nelly及destiny schild成员kellyrowland合唱,这首虽然风格老套,但仍然在全美电台创下近两个月蝉联冠军宝座的纪录.nana-lonely英文歌曲,大家知道吗,同样很好听哦.phil collins-anotherday in paradise翻译过来就是天堂里的另一天,堪称百听不厌,欧美经典.caron nightingale-promises dont't come easy温暖的中音与蔡琴颇有些相似,舒缓的演唱娓娓道来,使之成为一首百听不厌的好歌.westlife-my love大家太熟悉了吧,没听过的快下.t.a.t.u-stars来自俄国的一对18岁的女孩组合~声音真好近乎呐喊般的狂野歌唱,再加上快速得令人几乎窒息、迷炫的电子节奏...lauren christy-the color of the night夜之色,欧美经典影视名曲.emilia-big big world别说你没听过.george winston-canon《卡农》我的野蛮女友里的插曲,很好听,据说有很多版本,我这个是钢琴的.mariah carey&whitney houston-when you believe玛丽亚.凯莉与惠特尼.休斯敦的携手佳作.beatles-let it be经典经典,kang ta和燕姿也翻唱过,不过感觉原唱的更好听.Sarah Brightman-time to say goodbye太棒的歌声了,是由莎拉和盲人男歌手合唱的,整首歌曲旋律优美,演绎经典,男女声的配合浑然一体,令人神魂颠倒.baby vox-loveless8错8错,日韩歌听得少,好喜欢hot啊,可惜解散的太早,可惜啊.sweetbox-everything gonna be alright强力推荐兰蔻[o*oui]香水电视广告曲(巴哈g弦之歌).sweetbox绝对是与众不同的一道风景!jeanette-porque te vas又一个甜甜的声音,好听哦,超可爱的歌曲,是部电影的音乐《巴黎感觉》片头曲.S.E.S-dreams come true网友推荐的,还不错.在韩国发行的第二张韩文专辑,蝉联全韩流行音乐榜《韩国km-tv排行榜》榜首.donna lewis-i could be the one极力推荐,超可爱声音donna*lewis的声音清纯飘逸,歌曲编排轻灵又不失流行动感,曾经在美国被称为流行的enya.helene rolles-je m appelle helene我的名字是伊莲.清新隽永的曲调,深夜触动你的心灵,蝉联法国榜冠军,特别推荐!dido-life for rent好听,醇厚的声音.enya-only timeenya推出的《onlytime》套装精选专辑,将她的事业再度推向了一个新的顶峰.mltr-you took my heart away舒缓的节奏,简洁的编曲,十足的优美旋律,都展现了mltr最擅长的催情功力,动听程度仍然屡试不爽.Richard Marx-right here waiting理查.马克斯-此情可待,经典啊.Mariah Carey-without you失去你(未来水世界主题曲),太经典了,当时第一次听的时候简直惊呆了,原来世界上还有这种声音,惊为天人!bryan adams-back to you好听的摇滚,感觉很棒,推荐来自加拿大以heaven一举成名的抒情摇滚王子布莱恩亚当斯,有着招牌的感性沙哑嗓音...backstreet boys后街男孩-i want it that way5个大男孩醇厚的声音让你欲罢不能,欧美经典人气组合,创下145家电台播放冠军的纪录,十分好听.莎拉布莱曼-scarboroughfair超经典,原唱.温暖的和声穿梭自如,低吟着美妙的叙事诗.他们不止是歌者,他们是游吟诗人celine dion-the power of love听起来大气,让你体验荡气回肠的感觉,展现其宽广的音域和强劲厚实的该高音单曲享誉全球.Yanni-with an orchid翻译过来就是和兰花一起,超动听旋律,这只曲目也是凤凰卫视“凤凰气象站”的背景音乐.① Mariah Carey (拥有16首Billboard冠军单曲的流行天后,仅次于披头士和猫王,音域可跨5个八度,唱功一流!)We Belong Together(2005年最新Billboard冠军单曲)One Sweet Day(与Boy II Men合作创造了连续16周Billboard冠军的奇迹)Hero(Billboard冠军单曲)With out you(经典代表作)② Whitney Houston (声音饱满雄厚,同样音域可跨5个八度,唱功一流!)When You Believe (与Mariah Carey的经典合唱,奥斯卡最佳电影歌曲)I Will Always Love You (《保镖》经典主题曲)If i told you that③ Christina Aguilera (声音急具爆发力,唱功很棒!)Reflection(迪士尼经典动画《花木兰》主题曲)BeautifulGenie In A BottleFighter④ Shania Twain (加拿大著名乡村天后,不仅外貌美的脱俗,嗓音也很甜美)You're Still the OneI'm Gonna Getcha Good!⑤ Alicia Keys (灵魂乐小天后,创作才华一流,钢琴也弹得不错)You don't know my nameFallin'A Woman's Worth⑥ Dido (英伦美声天后,她的歌很有韵味)White FlagThank you⑦ Madonna (乐坛大姐大!麦当劳的“亲戚”)Die Another Day(007主题曲)You must love me⑧ Beyonce (性感的巧克力美人,有一定创作能力)Crazy In LoveBrown Eyes(S.H.E原曲)⑨ Avril Lavigne (加拿大朋克摇滚歌手,个性十足,有一定创作能力)ComplicatedAnything but ordinaryTomorrow⑩ Lene Marlin (一位创作型女歌手!嗓音很甜美,音乐很纯净!)Sitting down here(林忆莲《我坐在这里》英文原曲)Another dayUnforgivable Sinner⑾ Celine Dion (凭借《泰坦尼克号》主题曲迅速成为流行天后,唱功很棒)Because You Loved MeThe power of Love⑿ Sarah Brightman (跨界天籁美声天后,游走于流行、美声、歌剧艺术之间)Time to say goodbye (与盲人歌手Andrea Bocelli合唱的经典歌曲,张惠妹也曾翻唱过这首歌)There for me(与Josh Groban 现场合唱版)All i ask of youJust show me how to love you欧美男歌手篇[12位]:① Ronan Keating (原Boyzone(男孩地带)主唱,嗓音很有磁性!)First timeShe believes(in me)二 50 Cent (美国当红Hip-Pop/Rap黑人歌手,其2005年新专辑在美国上半年销量第一)In Da ClubCandy ShopJust A Lil Bit③ Robbie Williams (原Take That组合成员,单飞后更加成功,成为欧洲的流行天王)Better Man (林忆莲翻唱过这首歌)Singing For The Lonely④ Craig David (英国R&B小天王,真假声转换自如)Johnny7 DaysWalking Away⑤ Gareth Gates (英国近两年比较红的男歌手,擅长演绎抒情歌曲)nyone of us⑥ Usher (亚瑟小子是美国目前最当红的男艺人,创作才能十分优秀!)YeahU Remind MeU Got It Bad⑦ Paul Simon (与Garfunkel共同演绎出好多经典作品的老将)The sound of silence(《毕业生》的经典原声音乐之一)Scarborough fair (《毕业生》的经典原声音乐之一)Bridge Over Troubled Water⑧ Brian Mcknight (非常优秀的R&B曲风的男歌手!)Back At One⑨ Michael Jackson (创造出一系列奇迹的美国流行天王!)Back At OneYou're not aloneheal the world⑩ Billy Gilman (美国最年轻的少年成名歌手,声音日渐成熟,音乐很纯净)About MemoriesOne Voice⑾ Eminem (美国当红Rap歌手,虽然歌词内容不堪入耳,但的确很有韵律)BuisnessJust Lose itLike toy soldiers⑿ Michael Buble (介于爵士与流行之间的男歌手,我最近非常喜欢的音乐风格)HomeHome① The Beatles (披头士拥有美国Billboard最多的冠军单曲!经典得不能再经典的组合!)欧美组合篇[18位]:YesterdayLet it be② The Cranberries (有很多经典歌曲的卡百利乐队,王菲一度模仿其的曲风和唱腔)Dreams (王菲《梦中人》原曲)Dying in the sun (相当美的一首歌!)ZombieWhen You‘re Gone③ Backstreet Boys (后街男孩是世界最著名的偶像团体,就不多说了)How did I fall in love with you (S.H.E的《远方》原曲)The answer to our lifeThe call④ Savage Garden (野人花园是澳大利亚的二人组合,主唱的嗓音非常纯净)Two beds and a coffee machine (一首能让你陶醉的歌)⑤ Westlife (西城男孩是欧洲最受欢迎的流行组合,他们的抒情歌非常好听!)Against all odds(与Mariah Carey合作翻唱的一首经典老歌)[url=http://angel./neweng/UpFile/cshseasons%20in%20the%20sun.mp3]Seasons in the sun(柯达经典广告曲)[/url]My love(成名冠军曲)Dreams come true⑥ ‘N sync (超级男孩是在美国唯一能与后街男孩抗衡的流行组合,曲风以舞曲为主)Bye bye byeIt's gonna be me⑦ t.A.T.u (以同性恋作卖点的一支俄罗斯组合,但她们的音乐还是很棒的)30 minutesShow me loveShow me love⑧ 98 Degrees (98度组合拥有完美的合声)Thank God I Found You(与Mariah Carey& Joe合唱的这首歌同样是Billboard冠军曲)⑨ Blue (蓝色组合是目前欧洲最红的R&B组合)U Make Me Wanna⑩ Michael Learns to Rock (摇滚麦克乐队曲风以抒情歌为主,去年翻唱的《吻别》英文版红遍大江南北)Take Me To Your Heart (《吻别》英文版)The ghost of youThe ghost of you⑾ M2M (美丽的两个挪威女孩,声音甜美动听!)The day you went away (王心凌《第一次爱的人》原曲)Pretty boy⑿ A1 (优格男孩是曾经很红的英国流行组合,可惜已解散!)Let It Out(曾收录在2002世界杯音乐专辑中)Cherish This Love⒀ 911 (我很喜欢的已经解散了的英国组合,很怀念他们的歌声!)Baby come back to me⒁ Coldplay (酷玩乐队是目前红遍欧美的英国摇滚组合,音乐的确很棒!)Yellow (Coldplay的成名曲,很有感觉的一首歌)Speed Of Sound⒂ Maroon 5 (获得今年葛莱美最佳新人奖的流行摇滚组合,下面是乐队和乐队主唱的图片)I Need to Be In Love⒅ Bowling For Soup (一支很不错的朋克摇滚乐队!)Girl All The Bad Guys WantShe will be loved(一首相当有感觉的抒情歌曲)⒃ Boyzone (男孩地带是已经解散的英国流行组合)No matter what⒄ Carpenters (卡朋特是一支拥有很多经典歌曲的兄妹组合)Yesterday once more (无人不知无人不晓的经典歌曲《昨日重现》)Close to you
扫描下载二维码求一首男声英文歌,高潮部分长音to california~~~,是一个lol视频的背景音乐可是视频我找不到了_百度知道
求一首男声英文歌,高潮部分长音to california~~~,是一个lol视频的背景音乐可是视频我找不到了
高潮部分歌词是take the first(还是fast)trip take the first trip to california~~~没听太清
~~看你的歌词大概是滚石的 young for you
Sunday's Coming I Wanna Drive My Car
To Your Apartment With Present Like A Star
Forecaster Said The Weather May Be Rainy Hard
But I Know The Sun Will Shine For Us
Oh Lazy Seagull Fly Me From The Dark
I Dress My Jeans And Feed My Monkey Banana
Then I Think My Age How Old Skyline How Far
Or We Need Each Other In California
You Show Me Your Body Before Night Comes Down
I Touch Your Face And Promise To Stay Ever Young
On This Ivory Beach We Kissed So Long
It Seems That The Passion's Never Gone
You Sing Me Your Melody And I Feel So Please
I Want You To Want...
to calafornia ,不是in
出门在外也不愁1.加州旅馆  2.my love  3.because i love you
楼主发言:3次 发图:0张
  -_-//    好老的歌呀`~~ 早就听腻了
  最近在听50cent  爽啊
  scarborouh fair
  迷恋莎拉布莱曼翻唱的scarborouh fair
  let it be
  butterfly  forever  英文经典好歌太多太多
  Black Eyed Peas  Where is the love
  Right here waiting for you
  太多了~~~  don‘t cry~  smells like a teen spirit   EaglesHotel California  It s My Life
  That‘s Why (You go away)中英版 - Michael Learns To Rock     that‘s why you go 那是为何(你走了)  baby won‘t you tell me why?宝贝不要告诉我为什么  there is sadness in your eyes.你的眼底写着悲咽  i don‘t wanna say goodbey to you.我不想就此与你告别  love is one big illusion!爱是一场幻灭  l should try to forget.我该尽力将其忘却  but there is something left in my head.但我的心中总留存着一种感觉  you‘re the one who set it up.是你带给我这种感觉  now you‘re the one to make it stop.又是你将它浇灭  i‘m the one who‘s feeling lost right now.现在我的心早已迷失方向  now you want me to forget.现在你要我忘却  every little thing you said.你所说的一切  but there is something left in my head.但我心中总留存着一种感觉  i won‘t forget the way you‘re kissing.我忘不了你亲吻的热烈  the felling‘s so strong 这深挚的情感  were lasting for so long!将绵绵不绝  but l‘m not the man ur heart is missing!但我却不是你心中想念的男人  that‘s why you go away l know!那正是为何你不辞而别  you were never satisfied.我知道无论我怎样努力  no matter how l tried.也无法使你满意  now you wanna say goodbye to me.现在你要向我告别  love is one big illusion!爱是一场幻灭  i should try to forget!我该尽力将其忘却  but there is something left in my head!但我心中总留存着一种感觉  i won‘t forget the way you‘re kissing!我忘不了你亲吻的热烈  the felling‘s so strong!这深挚的情感  were lasting for so long!将绵绵不绝  but l‘m not the man ur heart is missing!但我却不是你心中想念的男人  that‘s why you go away l know!那正是为何你不辞而别  yes l know !是的,我知道  sitting here all alone.孤独的坐在这  in the middle of nowhere.不知身在何处  don‘t know which way to go.不知该何去何从  there airn‘t so much 2 say now between us.你我已相对无言  there ain‘t so much for you.你不再意味着什么  there ain‘t so much for me anymore.对你我已冷却了心情对我你也有同感  i won‘t forget the way you‘re kissing!我忘不了你亲吻的热烈  the feeling‘s so strong.这深挚的情感  were lasting for so long!将绵绵不绝  but l‘m not the man ur heart is missing!但我却不是你心中想念的男人  that‘s why you go away l know!那正是为何你不辞而别  that‘s why you go away l know!那正是为何你不辞而别  
  Yesterday from Beatles.
  偶的英语不好。用中文写吧。  卡百利乐队的“无需再争辩”专辑里的每一首歌我都喜欢。  THE CALLING的“卡米洛彭米罗大街”里的第一首歌。
  Yesterday once more
Right here waiting(Kang Ta版的)
  Sealed With A Kiss
  TIGER IN THE RAIN  不好听杀了我~
  take a bow madanona  only love trademark    
  hero  i can be your hero,baby....
  marria carey 的without you ,当时第一次听的时候简直惊呆了,原来世界上还有这种声音,惊为天人!
  Everything I do ----- I do it for you    Right Here Waiting    Smoke Gets in Your Eyes
  Amanda  How deep is your love  Hello  ...........
  thats way
  scarborouh fair  will you still love me tomorrow
  Lene Marlin -- &Sitting Down Here&  
  right here waiting
  I.O.U  the color of night  color of the wind  hero  without you  by myself  when you believe
  more than words   extreme版本的
  Nothing‘s gonna change my love for you
  gregorian 的 so sad , the gift ...  sarah brightman 的 the war is over ...  Loreena McKennitt 的所有的...  暂且先想到这么多
      莎拉布莱曼的&THIS IS LOVE&
  It‘s my life
邦-乔维  Here I am
  Suzan Vegea
  Luka    Don Maclean  American
Pie  Jerusalem
  californication红辣椒的    memory猫中间一首    hotel california    strenger in mosco杰克逊的    我这人不偏心,也不激进  
  promise don‘t come easy 最近才听 的,感觉比较好,印象非常深刻
  only time
  张国荣版的american pie
  作者:银杏蝴蝶 回复日期: 13:48:45     肯尼罗杰斯的 LADY,不好听我送钻钻给你。    -------------    绝对同意!!    
  Scopion &Still loving you&  Eagles&hotel california&  Led Zeppelin &Stairway to heaven&  scarborough fair  colors of the wind  casablanca  ...... 太多了
  tears in heaven  when a men love a woman
  take a bow  
  I knew I love u
  dying in the sun---the Cranberries  7 days---Craig David  cold、disease---matchbox twenty…………这么多,哪点的完,就推荐这几首吧
you   98度的歌  很好听哦
  Up where we belong  The one you love
  Celine Dion的power of love、玛利亚开犁的hero、她们两歌唱的那首名字不记得了、老鹰的加洲旅馆、艾微儿的歌,还有candle in the wind、sound of silence、scarborough fair等等,举不胜举  
  we are the world  还有 Heal the world
  艾薇儿的I‘ am
  dying in the sun
  Bon Jovi: All about loving you  Mr.Big: Wild World  Celine Dion: Immortality
  还有:  Coldplay - Yellow  Extreme - More Than Words  Christina Aguilera-The Voice Within
  太多了 想不起
  dreams  zombie  america life   yesterday oncemore
  Eric Clapton的Tears in Heaven  Pretty Boy  That‘s why you go away  Don‘t cry for me Agentina  
  Have you seen her  hello  how long  what a wonderful world  
  Under The Moonlight
  洛德·史都华/Rod Stewart的《Sailing》(航),怀疑这根本是为我的名字而预制的,后被张国荣用粤语翻唱成《全赖有你》。《I don‘t want to talk about it》(不愿再提起)   西蒙-加丰凯尔重唱组/Simon & Garfunkel的《Scarborough Fair》(斯卡博勒集市),特立尼达-多巴哥民歌,电影《毕业生》的插曲,后被陈百强、陈慧娴英文重唱,张明敏用中文翻唱成《毕业歌》。《The sound of silence》(寂静的声音),电影《毕业生》插曲。《He‘s my brother》(手足情深)或译(他不重,他是我兄弟),电影《第一滴血3》插曲,后被王杰用英文重唱。   威猛乐队/Wham的《Careless whisper》(无心的呢喃),后被蔡国权用粤语翻唱成《无心快语》,梅艳芳用粤语翻唱成《梦幻的拥抱》   贝迪·希金斯/Bertie Higgins的《Casablance》(卡萨布兰卡)   莱昂纳尔·里奇/Lionel Richie的《Say you,Say me》(说你说我),电影《白夜逃亡》主题曲   理查德·马克思/Richard Marx的《Right here waiting》(此情可待)成追忆?   卡伦·卡朋特/Karen Carpenter的《Yesterday once more》(昔日重来),后被陈慧娴用英文重唱   安迪·威廉姆斯/Andy Williams的《Speak softly love》(温柔地倾诉),电影《教父》的主题曲。《Love Story》(爱情故事),电影《爱情故事》的主题曲   迈克尔·杰克逊/Michael Jackson与莱昂纳尔·里奇共同谱曲填词的《We are the world》(天下一家),百名歌星为非洲灾民合唱的募捐歌曲   斯汀/Sting的《Field of gold》(金色原野)   鲍勃·迪伦/Bob Dylan的《Blowing in the wind》(随风而逝),歌词很有思想,反战、控诉政.府。   玛丽亚·凯莉/Mariah Carey的《Without you》(没有你),后被王杰用英文重唱   埃尔维斯·普莱斯利,即“猫王”/Elvis Presley还是杰逊·多诺文/Donovan的《Rhythm of the rain》(雨的节奏)?   “空气补给者”/Air Supply的《All out of love》(失落的爱)   沙金斯·史蒂文思/Shakin‘Stevens的《Because I love you》(因为我爱你)   布莱恩·亚当斯/Bryan Adams的《Everything I do》(一切为了你),电影《侠盗罗宾汉》主题曲   老鹰乐队/Eagles的《Hotel California》(加州旅馆)   史蒂夫·旺德/Stevie Wonder的《I just called to say I love you》(电话诉衷情),电影《红衣女郎》的插曲   肯尼·罗杰斯/Knney Rogers的《I swear》(我发誓)《Lady》(女士)   惠特尼·休斯顿/Whitney Houston的《I will always love you》(我永远爱你),电影《保镖》插曲   席琳·迪翁/Celine Dion,这个译名不好,女人怎用“翁”字,《My heart will go on》(我心永恒),电影《泰坦尼克号》主题曲   格莱恩·梅德罗斯/Glenn Medeiros的《Nothing‘s gonna change my love for you》(此情永不移)   凡哈伦乐队/Van Halen的《Pretty woman》(漂亮女人),电影《漂亮女人》又名《风月俏佳人》插曲   斯考特·麦肯滋/Scott Mckenzie的《San Francisco》(旧金山)旧译三藩市,音译圣弗朗西斯科,一城三名,嬉皮士的经典歌   皮特·西格的《Where have all the flowers gone?》(花儿们哪里去了)   约翰·丹佛/John Denver的《Take me home,Country roads》(乡村之路带我回家),后被张行用英文重唱   迈克尔·伯顿/Michael Bolton的《When a wan loves a woman》(当男人爱上女人),电影《当男人爱上女人》主题曲   奈特/Natalie的(蒙娜丽莎)   影星芭芭拉·史翠珊/Barbra Streisand的《Memory》(回忆)。《Woman in love》(恋爱中的女人)。《 The way we were》 (我们走过的路)或译(往日情怀),电影《往日情怀》插曲,跟她的《回忆》简直姊妹篇。   菲尔·柯林斯/Phil Collins的《Against all odds》(反对所有的命令),又名《Take a look at me now》,同名电影主题曲。《Another day in paradise》(天堂里的另一天)   保罗·杨/Paul Young的《Every time you go away》(每当你离去)   恩雅/Enya的性灵歌:《Evacuee》(远行人)   甲壳虫乐队又名披头士乐队 约翰·列侬/John Lennon的《Imagine》(幻想),乌托邦式幻想。   Bee Gees三兄弟的 《Massachusetts》(马萨诸塞)。《In the morning》(在早晨),电影《两小无猜》插曲,后者跟《Morning has broken》(破晓时分)很相似   Peabo Bryson & Regina Belle的《A whole new world》(美丽新世界),电影《阿拉丁神灯》的插曲   Brian Hyland的《Sealed with a kiss》(用吻封缄),后被陈百强用英文重唱   The Brother Four的《500 Miles》(500英里)   Johnny Mathis的《A time for us》(难忘好时光)   Lobo 的《I‘d love you to want me》(我希望你爱我)   《Tie yellow ribbon round the old oak tree》(老橡树上的黄丝带)   《I have a dream》(我有个梦想),创意是否来自黑人领袖马丁·路德·金的同名演讲?   《It nover rains in Southern California》(南加州没有雨)   《When a child is born》(当一个孩子出生时),电影《人狼之恋》插曲   《Romeo and Juliet》(罗蜜欧与朱丽叶),1968年美国同名电影插曲   《Kiss me goodbye》(吻别) 《A good place to be》(一个好地方) , 《Butterfly》(蝴蝶),《Sad movies》(伤感电影),《No geting over me》(别离开我)   《Elondor pass》(山鹰之歌),南美民歌,后被Simon & Garfunkel翻唱为《EI Condor Pasa(If I Could)》   《Auld Lang Syne》(友谊天长地久),苏格兰民歌,电影《魂断蓝桥》主题曲     又,象《Unchained melody》(奔放的旋律),电影《人鬼情未了》主题曲;《Moon river》(月亮河),电影《蒂法尼的早餐》插曲;《Do Re Mi》(哆啦咪),电影《音乐之声》插曲等等,虽然很有名,但总觉太煽情,不耐听。
  But I still haven‘t found what I‘m looking for
  强烈推荐Shivaree&Goodnight moon&,特好听,我连续听三个晚上了,无论仅仅是听,还是作背景音乐,都合适,又耐听。
威猛乐队  said I loved you but I lied
  cranberry乐队的dying in the sun  每次听心都能沉下来,静静的没有一丝波澜
  喜欢诺拉琼斯的&Don‘t know why&    还有过去朋友推荐的一些法语歌曲,非常好听
  yesterday once more
Don‘t Cry  阿兰内维尔
Don‘t know much  
  Everything I do ----- I do it for you      Right Here Waiting    We are the world
  作者:sashawoo 回复日期: 4:45:27     Black Eyed Peas    Where is the love    好歌啊  
  People killin’, people dyin’  Children hurt and you hear them cryin’  Can you practice what you preach  And would you turn the other cheek    Father, Father, Father help us  Send us some guidance from above  ‘Cause people got me, got me questionin’  Where is the love (Love)  
  同意,喜欢这首歌  where is the love   what’s wrong with the world, mama  people livin’ like they ain’t got no mamas  i think the whole world addicted to the drama  only attracted to things that’ll bring you trauma  overseas, yeah, we try to stop terrorism  but we still got terrorists here livin’  in the usa, the big cia  the bloods and the crips and the kkk  but if you only have love for your own race  then you only leave space to discriminate  and to discriminate only generates hate  and when you hate then you’re bound to get irate, yeah  badness is what you demonstrate  and that’s exactly how a n**** works and operates  n**, you gotta have love just to set it straight  take control of your mind and meditate  let your soul gravitate to the love, y’all, y’all  people killin’, people dyin’  children hurt and you hear them cryin’  can you practice what you preach  and would you turn the other cheek  father, father, father help us  send us some guidance from above  ‘cause people got me, got me questionin’ me  where is the love (love)  where is the love (the love)  where is the love (the love)  where is the love  the love, the love  it just ain’t the same, always unchanged  new days are strange, is the world insane  if love and peace is so strong  why are there pieces of love that don’t belong  nations droppin’ bombs  chemical gasses fillin’ lungs of little ones  with the ongoin’ sufferin’ as the youth die young  so ask yourself is the lovin’ really gone  so i could ask myself really what is goin’ wrong  in this world that we livin’ in people keep on givin’ in  makin’ wrong decisions, only visions of them dividends  not respectin’ each other, deny thy brother  a war is goin’ on but the reason’s undercover  the truth is kept secret, it’s swept under the rug  if you never know truth then you never know love  where’s the love, y’all, come on (i don’t know)  where’s the truth, y’all, come on (i don’t know)  where’s the love, y’all  people killin’, people dyin’  children hurt and you hear them cryin’  can you practice what you preach  and would you turn the other cheek  father, father, father help us  send us some guidance from above  ‘cause people got me, got me questionin’  where is the love (love)  where is the love (the love)  where is the love (the love)  where is the love  the love, the love  i feel the weight of the world on my shoulder  as i’m gettin’ older, y’all, people gets colder  most of us only care about money makin’  selfishness got us followin’ our own direction  wrong information always shown by the media  negative images is the main criteria  infecting the young minds faster than bacteria  kids act like what they see in the cinema  yo’, whatever happened to the values of humanity  whatever happened to the fairness in equality  instead in spreading love we spreading animosity  lack of understanding, leading lives away from unity  that’s the reason why sometimes i’m feelin’ under  that’s the reason why sometimes i’m feelin’ down  there’s no wonder why sometimes i’m feelin’ under  gotta keep my faith alive til love is found  people killin’, people dyin’  children hurt and you hear them cryin’  can you practice what you preach  and would you turn the other cheek  father, father, father help us  send us some guidance from above  ‘cause people got me, got me questionin’  where is the love (love)  where is the love (the love)  where is the love (the love)  where is the love (the love)  where is the love (the love)  where is the love (the love)  where is the love (the love)    
  Carpenters-Jambalaya  Cardigans-Love fool  Suede-beautiful ones  Enigma-Return to innocence  
  迈克尔·伯顿/Michael Bolton的《When a wan loves a woman》(当男人爱上女人),电影《当男人爱上女人》主题曲   ————————————————————————  我反而觉得他最好的是&SAID I LOVE YOU BUT I LIE&和那首&I AM BACK ON MY FEET&
  安立奎的《hero》  太经典了
  scarborouh fair  shape of my heart
无心快语    yesterday    Beacause i love u    Change The World    Changing partner    Close To You    I will always love u    Imagine    more than i can say    Better Man    somke gets in ur eyes    The one u love    Unchained melody    My love    yesterday once more    san francisco    阿甘正传主题曲(叫什么?)    OVER  
this masquerade  Sting
shape of my heart  Police
fragile  Bon Jovi
everyday  太多太多了……………………
  今天给从前的同事打电话    她说:“好想你啊,梦见你穿条无带的裙子,还非要我也试...”    她说,另一个同事已经到德国    她说,就剩她一个人了        想哭,又要微笑。记得那时年纪小,你爱唱歌我爱笑        我们,International Business Department的五个女孩,大家都称作“White Collar乐队” --虽然我们自己从来没承认这名字        98年,参加文艺会演,选了《I Swear》,没找到伴奏,全部着暖色毛衣,黑色小A字裙,站一排清唱,倒也很轰动        99年扮疯狂修女,唱《I will follow Him》        2000年我换了部门,小合唱从此云散。后来自己跳的什么巴山舞之类还上了电视,却再没了感觉        2001年,领队的女孩远走英国        2003年初,唱高音的女孩走了新加坡        2003年中,我来到瑞典        2004年,唱低音的女孩到德国      来日纵使千千阕歌,飘于远方我路上,  来日纵使千千晚星,亮过今晚月亮,  都比不起这宵美丽,  亦绝不可使我更欣赏,  因你今晚共我唱...    http://www./mp3-All_4_One-I_Swear-2823.asp
  seasons in the sun ...(westlife)  proud of you ...(一个日本女歌手..E问发音有些烂的说..)  thank you (dido)
  说两首新一点的歌  shakira的whenever wherever  Jewel的 Intuition
  eye to eye  heal  skin on skin  i knew i loved you   cry for you   the animal instinct  scarborough fair  致命恋人:勿伤我心  天使多情:天使怎么伤我心  爱情失窃事件:爱你所爱  
  The end-linking park   Back at one-Brain Mcknight  Miss Independent
Yellow  Lene Marlin
Sitting Down Here
Unforgivable Sinner
  你们有没有听过创世纪里面的插曲《诺言来得不容易》  十分动听


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