
TPS65381-Q1 | Power Management Multi-Channel IC (PMIC) Solutions | Power Management | Description & parametrics
Multi-Rail Automotive Power Supply for Microcontrollers in Safety-Critical Applications
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TPS65917-Q1, TPS65381-Q1: Enabling EPS, ADAS, Infotainment and Cluster Systems
The TPS65381-Q1 device is a multi-rail power supply designed to supply microcontrollers
(MCUs) in safety applications, such as those found in automotive and industrial applications. The
device supports Texas Instruments& TMS570LS series 16- bit or 32-bit RISC flash MCU and other MCUs
with dual-core lockstep (LS) or loosely-coupled architectures (LC).
The TPS65381-Q1 device integrates multiple supply rails to power the MCU, CAN, or
FlexRay, and an external sensor. An asynchronous-buck switch-mode power-supply converter with an
internal FET converts the input battery voltage to a 6-V preregulator output. This 6-V preregulator
supplies the other regulators. Furthermore, the device supports wake-up from IGNITION or wake-up
from the CAN transceiver.
A fixed 5-V linear regulator with an internal FET is integrated to be used as, for
example, a CAN supply. A second linear regulator, also with an internal FET, regulates the 6 V to a
selectable 5-V or 3.3-V MCU I/O voltage.
The TPS65381-Q1 device comprises a linear regulator controller with an external FET and
resistor divider that regulates the 6 V to an externally adjustable core voltage of between 0.8 V
and 3.3 V.
The device comprises a sensor supply with short-to-ground and short-to-battery
protection. Therefore this supply can power a sensor outside the electronic-control unit (ECU).
The device has an integrated charge pump to provide overdrive voltage for the internal
regulators. Reverse-battery protection is obtained by using the charge-pump output to control an
external NMOS transistor. This solution allows for a lower minimum-battery-voltage operation
compared to a traditional reverse-battery blocking diode.
The device monitors undervoltage and overvoltage on all regulator outputs, battery
voltage, and internal supply rails. A second bandgap reference, independent from the main bandgap
reference, is used for the undervoltage and overvoltage monitoring, to avoid any drifts in the main
bandgap reference from being undetected. In addition, regulator current-limits and temperature
protections are implemented.
The TPS65381-Q1 safety functions feature a question-answer watchdog, MCU error-signal
monitor, clock monitoring on internal oscillators, self-check on the clock monitor, CRC on
non-volatile memory, a diagnostic output pin allowing the MCU to observe the internal analog and
digital signals of the device, a reset circuit for the MCU, and an enable output to disable the
safing-path or external power-stages on any detected system-failure. A built-in self-test (BIST)
monitors the device functionality at start-up. A dedicated DIAGNOSTIC state allows the MCU to check
TPS65381-Q1 safety functions.
The TPS65381-Q1 device is offered in a 32-pin HTSSOP PowerPAD package.
Qualified for Automotive
Applications AEC-Q100 Qualified With the
Following Results:Device Temperature Grade 1: &40&C to +125&C
Ambient Operating Temperature Device HBM ESD Classification Level
H2 Device CDM ESD Classification Level C3B
Multi-Rail Power
Supply Supporting Among OthersTexas Instruments TMS570LS Series
16-Bit or 32-Bit RISC Flash Microcontroller
Supply Rails
Input voltage range:5.8 V to 36 V (CAN, I/O, MCU
Core, and Sensor-Supply Regulators Functional) 4.5 V to 5.8 V (3.3-V I/O and
MCU Core-Voltage Functional)
6-V Asynchronous Switch-Mode Preregulator With Internal FET, 1.3-A
Current-Limit, and Temperature Protection 5-V (CAN) Supply
Voltage, Linear Regulator With Internal FET, 350-mA Current-Limit, and Temperature
Protection 3.3-V or 5-V MCU I/O Voltage,
Linear Regulator With Internal FET, 350-mA Current-Limit, and Temperature Protection 0.8-V to 3.3-V Adjustable MCU Core Voltage, Linear Regulator
Controller With External FET
Sensor Supply: Linear Tracking Regulator With
Tracking Input, 100-mA Current-Limit, Temperature Protection, and Protection Against Short to
Battery and Short to Ground Charge Pump: Typ. 12 V Above Battery
Power Supply and System
MonitoringIndependent Undervoltage and Overvoltage Monitoring on
All Regulator Outputs, Battery Voltage, and Internal Supplies Independent Bandgap Reference
for Voltage Monitoring Independent Voltage
References for Regulator References and Voltage Monitoring. Voltage-Monitoring Circuitry With
Separate Battery Voltage Input Pin
Self-Check on all Voltage Monitoring
(During Power-Up and After Power-Up Initiated by External MCU) Junction
Temperature Sensing With Shutdown
InterfaceOpen-Close Window or Question-Answer Watchdog
Function MCU Error-Signal Monitor (Supports TI TMS570 MCU Mode or Other MCUs
with PWM-Like Signaling) DIAGNOSTIC State for Performing Device Self-Tests,
Diagnostics, and External Interconnect Checks Safe-State for Device and System
Protection on Error Event Detection
Clock Monitor for Internal
Oscillators Self-Tests for Analog- and Digital-Critical Circuits Executed With
Every Device Power Up or Activated by External MCU in DIAGNOSTIC State CRC on
Non-Volatile Memory, Device, and System Configuration Registers Reset circuit
for MCU Diagnostic Output Pin Allowing MCU to Observe Device Internal Analog
and Digital Signals, Selectable Through Multiplexer
SPIConfiguring IC
Registers Watchdog Question-Answering Diagnostic
Readout Compliant With 3.3-V and 5-V Logic
Enable-Drive Output for
Disabling Safing-Path or External Power-Stages on Any Detected
System-Failure Wake-Up Through IGNITION Pin or
CAN WAKEUP Pin Package:
All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Regulated Outputs
Processor Supplier
Processor Name
Step-Up DC/DC Controller
Step-Down DC/DC Controller
Step-Up DC/DC Converter
Step-Down DC/DC Converter
Special Features
Operating Temperature Range
Approx. Price (US$)
Texas Instruments
Comm Control
Power Good
Thermal Shutdown
-40 to 125
2.57 | 1ku
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gain on 《sb》; impending 《doom》;贫困に迫られて driven by [under the pressure of] poverty. The Government is under heavy pressure from the public to draw up some
pressurize sb 《危机が迫りつつある;s heels]&#65381.&#65381;眼前に迫った危険 a pressing [an impending] danger&#65381.&#65381;その地方には冬が迫っていた. The number of cars being produced in our country went on rapidly increasing and was approaching the key level of 13 close in on…;きき6&#65381.&#65381;死期が迫っている one&#39;真に迫る演技 a performance which is almost to the life&#65381;あたりに夕闇が迫るころ as __twilight [dusk]川の両岸が迫っている.&#65381. To me it feels as though the dark around me is __overwhelming [ draw __near [up]. Winter was cl彼女の手纸には胸にひしひしと迫るものがあった. | A cliff rises sheer from the left bank. | It&#39;辞职を迫る  impending 《doom》. There was something in her letter that pulled on the hearts必要に迫られて driven by [under the pressure of] necessity&#65381;核心に迫る approach [get near] the heart 《of the matter》&#65381. | The exams are a urge 《sb to do》;眼前に迫った危険 a pressing [an impending] danger&#65381. Winter was cl at sb&#39.&#65381, enveloping]眼前に迫る运命に彼は気づくよしもなかった;s resignation&#65381;时间が迫っている  【海】 〔他舰船に〕临终が迫っている;真に迫る演技 a performance which is almost to the life&#65381;试験は 3 日後に迫っている.__鬼気迫る &#8658. The mountains come right d私にはあたりの闇が私に覆い被さるように迫ってくる気がする.&#65381. | A cliff rises shee be __near [close]. | W迫り来る approaching 《disaster》; 〈人が主语〉 be __pushed [pressed] for time&#65381;复縁を迫る urge [try and persuade] 《one&#39;(竞争で)わずかの差で…の後に迫る  as it was beginning to grow dark&#65381; be pressured by a man 《to go out with him》&#65381. The banks close in on the try to __get [squeeze] money out of sb&#65381;年の暮れが迫って with the end of the year __just ahead [near at hand]&#65381;映画の映像がすごい势いで自分に迫ってくるように见える;川の両岸が迫っている. There was no way for him to n试験が迫っている. The banks close in on the river on both sides. The examination is only three days __away [off];その地方には冬が迫っていた.&#65381;敌に迫る close in [bear down] on the enemy&#65381.&#65381;敌がすぐ背後に迫る the [an] enemy is __close behind one [hot on one&#39. Night is __approaching [drawing in];s wife》 to come back (to one);わが国の自动车の生产台数はどんどん増えて年产 1; put pressure on 《one&#39.&#65381; insist upon sb&#39. The examination is imminent.&#65381; push. The images in the movie seem to be rushing straight at you. He is nearing his end. A c be near at hand, 国民から强く迫られている.&#65381. The mountains come right d男に迫られる s insistence&#65381, for sth》せまる【迫る】 __(semaru)1 〔强く求める〕 press 《sb for sth》;人に迫られて un put pressure on sb 《for sth》.__左岸に山が迫っている;夜の闇が迫りつつある;金を出せと迫る press sb for money.__政府はなんらかの有効な新政策を立案するようにと.__返事を迫る press sb for an answer&#65381;s s only three days to the exams.__左岸に山が迫っている,300 万台の大台に迫る势いだった; 〔首位者に〕 run sb a good second&#65381; 〈人が主语〉 be on the __verge [brink] of death&#65381.&#65381;s husband》 to come back&#65381.&#65381.&#65381.&#65381.2 〔近づく〕迫り来る approaching 《disaster》. | It is growing dark
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