如何将ENB和reshade framework一起用

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从2008年-2014年 快猴网一直在努力做到最好
备案编号:粤ICP备号-1Dead or Alive 5 Last Round
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Graphics Mods: GemFX / ENB / SweetFX
★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ UPDATE ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★DOWNLOAD MODS HERE:★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★SCREENSHOTS: (Will update, these are dated)Slowly dialing up RealVision ENB + SweetFX.GEMFX with subtle vibrance enhancements and godrays.Testing SweetFX with vibrance, reds increasedGEMFX: Adjustment with GodRays thresholdSure its not tuned yet, this game will have special requirements given how close everything is in a fighter. So far Ultra Street Fighter settings are looking the best, I am disabling anti-aliasing int he config and letting SweetFx handle it. I'll mess with thresholds and stuff as time goes on. This game is very rewarding to tinker with. Digital Vibrance is an absolute must, once you kick that up the game pops. We're talking SEGA pop. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------GUIDESTexture Mods:Check out this dude's Retextures:GemFX:SweetFX (reccomended):ENB:Will make one if no one else does. Here is the link, it works. Be warned though, it will make the UI look horrible HOWEVER I've found that its in-game enhancements are pretty powerful. Click and drag into folder, just like SweetFX.UPDATES:ENB Fully Functional but no good presets yetGEMFX not working for some ppl, not sure why.SweetFX Fully FunctionalReShade/SweetFX Fully Functional.SIDE BY SIDE:Originally posted by :Some more side by side pictures UPDATE 2:From what I've seen, I think that ENB will be the future of modding for this game. We need to workout a preset that is just right.
24 May, 2015 @ 3:26pm
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Which one is better , the 2.0 version or the 1.5? Im using ReShade. but I tested 1_5 with this presetno frame drop, nothing,. just works, plus you use the default Anti-Aliasing which makes it easier.
What rig are you using and does it effect FPS? Im modifying Ultra Street Fighter presets. I want to push AA as hard as I can, I got some crashing when testing that tho. To be safe, consider Street Fighter SweetFX_Settings to be your default.
Originally posted by :Which one is better , the 2.0 version or the 1.5? Im using ReShade. but I tested 1_5 with this presetno frame drop, nothing,. just works, plus you use the default Anti-Aliasing which makes it easier. Okay, thanks a lot. :)
Originally posted by :Im using ReShade. but I tested 1_5 with this presetno frame drop, nothing,. just works, plus you use the default Anti-Aliasing which makes it easier. Okay, thanks a lot. :) In case ur not aware, just rename the file to SweetFX_Settings and replace the one that comes with ReShade or SweetFX. The blues realllllly pop.
30 Mar, 2015 @ 1:01pm
I can't tell any difference from the screenshots.
What exactly does SweetFX do? heres an example of what it does. The pictures let u slide before/after
I can't see a massive difference from the way the game looks as-is. Which is perfectly fine mind you, I ain't complaining one bit about its graphics. The thing with SweetFX is how powerful it is. go into SweetFX_Settings and start to customize your game. the AA options are tremendous. Its hard to put in a screenshot what having realtime shader mods do.
its best to do before and after comparisons, so ppl can see the difference. Im not here to convince ppl to use this time-tested mod. I'm sure there will be lot sof before/after screens on the official site soon. im perfecting my settings to get a sorta western/sega feel.
Can't wait till the &other& mods come out. Yeah I wanna hex these data files SO badly. I'm hoping someone beats me to it since that is tough to do.
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Date Posted: 30 Mar, 2015 @ 11:14amPosts: 219
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ENB+RESHADE画质优化MOD是由玩家为人气《4》制作的一款画面效果增加MOD。该游戏作为当代第一人称射击的代表作在各方面几乎都已做到了无可挑剔的程度,但还是有许多完美主义的玩家由于喜好相当特别而亲自打造各种画质MOD,而这款作品则是其中之一,玩家在使用后将可以带来照片级的画质体验,喜欢的玩家就亲自感受下吧。【使用说明】1.解压缩2.复制所有文件到游戏目录3.开始游戏注:游戏需要NMM MOD管理器
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9 10.0类型: 恋爱养成语言: 中文大小: 1.3 GB
10 10.0类型: 休闲益智语言: 中文大小: 137.3 MB
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◎ 提供辐射4 ENB+RESHADE画质优化MOD ,保证安全无毒,可能部分杀毒软件存在误报,请大家放心下载,如果怕有危害电脑的,请误下载。
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→ 辐射4画质补丁ReShade SweetFX2.0(三种色调可选)
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这是一个辐射4画质补丁ReShade SweetFX2.0下载,由玩家hardyhardy分享的,原版色调加强,材质纹理加强,泛光优化,三种可选色调,效果非常不错的一款画质补丁,推荐给玩家下载使用。补丁说明:辐射4 ReShade SweetFX 2.0画质插件已自带抗锯齿,使用时请关闭游戏原版抗锯齿(经测试也可以一起使用)。强化原版色彩,锐化材质,优化bloom效果,带来全新的画面享受,掉帧很少。三种可选色调,原版色调,暖色,冷色,稍后会再增加一个电影风黑边版。ENB出现之前最佳的画质插件。V1.1 更新了光照效果,减低了一些亮度,并增加了画面的层次感。使用说明解压后全部放在Fallout4目录下便可,进游戏后画面会有字幕提示,可以实时关闭和开启画面效果,快捷键是F8不想用时把这些文件全部删除就好,不会有任何不良影响。色调替换文件覆盖于SweetFX目录下即可。
辐射4画质补丁ReShade SweetFX2.0(三种色调可选)
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