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营业外支出 Less:委托贷款减值准备 Less, profit distributed or interest paid  支付的其他与筹资活动有关的现金 Cash payments relating to other financing activities  现金流出小计 Sub-total of cash outflows  筹资活动产生的现金流量净额 Net Cash Flow from Financing Activities  四:其他业务收入 Add: Bad debt provision for Account receivable  应收账款净额 Net bal of Account receivable  其他应收款 Other receivable  减: Impairment for fixed assets  固定资产净额 NBV of fixed assets  工程物资 Material holds for construction of fixed assets  在建工程 Construction in progress  减.现金及现金等价物净增加情况、接受劳务支付的现金 Cash paid for goods or receiving services  支付给职工以及为职工支付的现金 Cash paid to and on behalf of employees  支付的各项税费 Tax payments  支付的其他与经营活动有关的现金 Cash paid relating to other operating activities  现金流出小计 Sub-total of cash outflows  经营活动产生的现金流量净额 Net Cash Flow from Operating Activities  二: Supplementary Information: Goodwill (Negative goodwill)  固定资产 Fixed assets  固定资产原值 Cost  减, intangible assets and other long-term assets  固定资产报废损失 Losses on write-off of fixed assets  财务费用 Finance expense (income)  投资损失(减:合并价差 Include、经营活动产生的现金流量: Repayments of financial institution borrowings  分配股利:本年利润 Include、增加) Decrease (increase) in receivables under operating activities  经营性应付项目的增加(减: Income tax  少数股东损益 Minority interest  加、无形资产和其他长期资产所支付的现金 Cash paid to s dividend to paid in capital  八:其他应收款坏账准备 Less、主营业务利润(亏损以“—”填列) Gross Profit ( - means loss)  加、利润总额(亏损总额以“—”填列) Profit before Tax  减:  1. 出售:长期股权投资减值准备 Less、可供投资者分配的利润 Profit available for owners&#39:固定资产减值准备 Less: Minority interest  加:应收账款坏账准备 Less、无形资产和其他长期资产的损失(减:一年内到期委托贷款减值准备 Less: Supplementary Information:无形资产减值准备 Less: Cash received from financial institution borrowings  收到的其他与筹资活动有关的现金 Cash received relating to other financing activities  现金流入小计 Sub-total of cash inflows  偿还债务所支付的现金 Repayments of borrowings  其中:  净利润 Net Profit  加: Provision for Inventory  存货净额 Net bal of Inventory  已完工尚未结算款 Amount due from customer for contract work  待摊费用 Deferred Expense  一年内到期的长期债权投资 Long-term debt investment due within one year  一年内到期的应收融资租赁款 Finance lease receivables due within one year  其他流动资产 Other current assets  流动资产合计 Total current assets  长期投资 Long-term investment  长期股权投资 Long-term equity investment  委托贷款 Entrusted loan receivable  长期债权投资 Long-term debt investment  长期投资合计 Total for long-term investment  减: Retained profits  其他转入 Other transfer-in  六:减少) Increase (decrease) in accrued expenses  处置固定资产:未确认投资损失 Add: Cash Flow from Operating Activities、增加) Decrease (increase) in inventories  经营性应收项目的减少(减: Impairment for long-term equity investment  减: Cost of Sales  主营业务税金及附加 Sales Tax  二:偿还金融机构债务所支付的现金 Include.不涉及现金收支的投资和筹资活动、投资活动产生的现金流量: cash equivalents at the end of the period  减:所得税 Less, intangible assets and other long-term assets  购买子公司所收到的现金 Cash received by acquisition of subsidiary  收到的其他与投资活动有关的现金 Cash received relating to other investing activities  现金流入小计 Sub-total of cash inflows  购建固定资产: Reconciliation of Net Profit to Cash Flow from Operating Activities:主营业务成本 Less: Bad debt provision for Other receivable  其他应收款净额 Net bal of Other receivable  预付账款 Prepayment  应收补贴款 Subsidy receivable  存货 Inventory  减、净利润(净亏损以“—”填列) Net profit ( - means loss)  加: Impairment for long-term debt investment  减: Unrealised investment losses  五: Provision for entrusted loan receivable  长期投资净额 Net bal of long-term investment  其中: Cash Flow from Investing Activities、收益) Losses (gains) on disposal of fixed assets、可供分配的利润 Profit available for distribution( - means loss)  减:  1:  债务转为资本 Conversion of debt into capital  一年内到期的可转换公司债券 Reclassification of convertible bonds expiring within one year as current liability  融资租入固定资产 Fixed assets acquired under finance leases  3、汇率变动对现金的影响额 Effect of Foreign Currency Translation  五:累计折旧 Less.将净利润调节为经营活动的现金流量: Appropriation of statutory surplus reserves  提取法定公益金 Appropriation of statutory welfare fund  提取职工奖励及福利基金 Appropriation of staff incentive and welfare fund  提取储备基金 Appropriation of reserve fund  提取企业发展基金 Appropriation of enterprise expansion fund  利润归还投资 Capital redemption  七: Accumulated Depreciation  固定资产净值 Net bal  减、减少) Increase (decrease) in payables under operating activities  其他 Others  经营活动产生的现金流量净额 Net cash flow from operating activities  2:存货跌价准备 Less:  吸收投资所收到的现金 Cash received by investors  借款所收到的现金 Cash received from borrowings  其中: Impairment for construction in progress  在建工程净额 Net bal of construction in progress  固定资产清理 Fixed assets to be disposed of  固定资产合计 Total fixed assets  无形资产及其他资产 Other assets & Intangible assets  无形资产 Intangible assets  减: Appropriation of preference share&#39:增加) Decrease (increase) in deferred expenses  预提费用增加(减: Impairment for current investment  短期投资净额 Net bal of current investment  应收票据 Notes receivable  应收股利 Dividend receivable  应收利息 Interest receivable  应收账款 Account receivable  减、提供劳务收到的现金 Cash received from sales of goods or rendering services  收到的税费返还 Refunds of taxes  收到的其他与经营活动有关的现金 Cash received relating to other operating activities  现金流入小计 Sub-total of cash inflows  购买商品:长期债权投资减值准备 Less:现金等价物的期末余额 Add、处置部门或被投资单位收益 Gains on disposal of operating divisions or investments  2. 自然灾害发生损失 Losses from natural disaster  3. 会计政策变更增加(或减少)利润总额 Increase (decrease) in profit due to changes in accounting policies  4. 会计估计变更增加(或减少)利润总额 Increase (decrease) in profit due to changes in accounting estimates  5. 债务重组损失 Losses from debt restructuring  现金流量表 Cash Flow Statement  一, intangible assets and other long-term assets  投资所支付的现金 Cash paid to acquire investments  支付的其他与投资活动有关的现金 Cash payments relating to other investing activities  现金流出小计 Sub-total of cash outflows  投资活动产生的现金流量净额 Net Cash Flow from Investing Activities  三:提取法定盈余公积 Less、营业利润(亏损以“—”填列) Profit from operation ( - means loss)  加: Capital redemption  实收资本(或股本)净额 Net bal of Paid in capital  资本公积 Capital Reserves  盈余公积 Surplus Reserves  其中、无形资产和其他长期资产而收到的现金净额 Net cash received from disposal of fixed assets:在建工程减值准备 Less: Statutory reserves  未确认投资损失 Unrealised investment losses  未分配利润 Retained profits after appropriation  其中: Non-operating expense  四: Profits for the year  外币报表折算差额 Translation reserve  所有者(或股东)权益合计 Total Equity  负债及所有者(或股东)权益合计 Total Liability & Equity  三、借项) Deferred tax credit (debit)  存货的减少(减:  销售商品;已归还投资 Less、主营业务收入 Revenue  减: Other operating income  减:从金融机构借款所收到的现金 Is dividend  转作资本(或股本)的普通股股利 Transfer from ordinary share's dividend  提取任意盈余公积 Appropriation of discretionary surplus reserve  应付普通股股利 Appropriation of ordinary share&#39:  收回投资所收到的现金 Cash received from disposal of investments  处置子公司和其他经营单位收到的现金 Cash received from disposal of subsidiary or other operating business units  取得投资收益所收到的现金 Cash received from investments income  处置固定资产:其他业务支出 Less:法定公益金 Include:营业费用 Selling & Distribution expense  管理费用 G&A expense  财务费用 Finance expense  三、现金及现金等价物净增加额 Net Increase (Decrease) in Cash and Cash Equivalents  现金流量附表、利润及利润分配表 Income statement and profit appropriation  一: cash at the beginning of the year  加: Investment income  补贴收入 Subsidy Income  营业外收入 Non-operating income  减: Investing and Financing Activities that do not Involve Cash Receipts and Payments: Other operating expense  减; distribution  减:应付优先股股利 Less: Impairment for Entrusted loan receivable due within one year  减、筹资活动产生的现金流量:投资收益(亏损以“—”填列) Add  一:现金的期初余额 Less:计提的资产减值准备 Impairment losses on assets  固定资产折旧 Depreciation of fixed assets  无形资产摊销 Amortisation of intangible assets  长期待摊费用摊销 Amortisation of long-term deferred expenses  待摊费用减少(减:现金等价物的期初余额 Less、资产负债表 Balance Sheet  资产 Assets  流动资产 Current Assets  货币资金 Bank and Cash  短期投资 Current Investment  一年内到期委托贷款 Entrusted loan receivable due within one year  减: Cash Flow from Financing Activities:年初未分配利润 Add:短期投资跌价准备 Less: Impairment for intangible assets  无形资产净额 Net bal of intangible assets  长期待摊费用 Long-term deferred expense  融资租赁——未担保余值 Finance lease – Unguaranteed residual values  融资租赁——应收融资租赁款 Finance lease – Receivables  其他长期资产 Other non-current assets  无形及其他长期资产合计 Total other assets & intangible assets  递延税项 Deferred Tax  递延税款借项 Deferred Tax assets  资产总计 Total assets  负债及所有者(或股东)权益 Liability & Equity  流动负债 Current liability  短期借款 Short-term loans  应付票据 Notes payable  应付账款 Accounts payable  已结算尚未完工款  预收账款 Advance from customers  应付工资 Payroll payable  应付福利费 Welfare payable  应付股利 Dividend payable  应交税金 Taxes payable  其他应交款 Other fees payable  其他应付款 Other payable  预提费用 Accrued Expense  预计负债 Provision  递延收益 Deferred Revenue  一年内到期的长期负债 Long-term liability due within one year  其他流动负债 Other current liability  流动负债合计 Total current liability  长期负债 Long-term liability  长期借款 Long-term loans  应付债券 Bonds payable  长期应付款 Long-term payable  专项应付款 Grants & Subsidies received  其他长期负债 Other long-term liability  长期负债合计 Total long-term liability  递延税项 Deferred Tax  递延税款贷项 Deferred Tax liabilities  负债合计 Total liability  少数股东权益 Minority interests  所有者权益(或股东权益) Owners’ Equity  实收资本(或股本) Paid in capital  减、利润和偿付利息所支付的现金 Dividends paid、未分配利润 Retained profit after appropriation  补充资料: Net Increase in Cash and Cash Equivalents:少数股东损益 Add、收益) Losses (gains) arising from investments  递延税款贷款(减:  现金的期末余额 Cash at the end of the period  减、企业财务会计报表封面 FINANCIAL REPORT COVER  报表所属期间之期末时间点 Period Ended  所属月份 Reporting Period  报出日期 Submit Date  记账本位币币种 Local Reporting Currency  审核人 Verifier  填表人 Preparer  二
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