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Poly Bridge
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9 Apr, 2015 @ 5:30pm
26 Jan @ 7:42pm
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Dry Cactus Games
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We've just released Poly Bridge on Steam Early Access!
Go get it, build some bridges, and let us know what you think, and most of all:
Have fun!
Poly Bridge was just Greenlit today, thank you for your support in making it happen, stay tuned and we'll have you building bridges before you know it!
Unleash your engineering creativity with an engaging and fresh bridge-building simulator with all the bells and whistles.
Enjoy hours of physics-based puzzle solving with the
60+ levels and then jump in the Sandbox to create your own bridge designs and puzzles.
Challenge your friends and the rest of the online community to beat your designs and download more levels submitted by other players.
We put lots of effort in the physics part of the game and the result is an accurate and consistent simulation, which also gives you access to loads of different building blocks, including hydraulic pistons to create shape-changing and moving bridges, suspension bridges, cable, steel, iron, and more.
Enjoy hours of bridge-building fun with loads of levels to solve, ranging from simple light car bridges to multi-deck draw-bridges and jumps, just to name a few!
Levels get increasingly challenging from the engineering aspect and restrictions are also imposed on the resources you can use to build your bridge.
What would an awesome bridge-builder game be without an equally awesome Sandbox?
Go wild and create the most complex bridge the world has ever seen, and if you're feeling like it publish your design online as a puzzle level for everyone to try and solve!
Every user submitted level will be available for download free of charge of course, while also allowing the community to interact with each other, challenge friends and send replays.
We'll also be featuring the most original and fun bridge designs that players submit, making it easier for you to find the ones that are worth the challenge.
One of our favorite features of the game!
With one simple click, save a super cool looking animated GIF of your bridge in all its glory (or failure!) and save it locally, and if you choose to your GIF will automatically be uploaded to our hall of fame for everyone to see!
Check out a couple of examples:
Q. What's this I keep hearing about some sort of online mode?
Poly Bridge features an easy to use Sandbox mode that allows you to create your own puzzle designs from scratch and upload them online for everyone to try and solve.
Q: Does this mean I can download loads of other levels submitted by users?
We plan to regularly feature the most prominent and original designs and puzzles, while also allowing you and other players to leave feedback and ratings on user submissions.
Q: How exactly does the Sandbox mode work?
The Sandbox allows you to create your own level layout, placing terrain pieces and islands, defining how many vehicles are in the level and the resource limits that apply (if any) among other things (we used the Sandbox to design every level in the game).
Once you're happy with the layout you switch to Edit mode, where you build the actual bridge, and then start the simulation to trigger events (cars, ships, hydraulic expansions, etc.) and watch your bridge do its thing.
If you wish to submit your level layout as a challenge to a friend and to the rest of the bridge-building community, you must design a successful solution in Edit mode first.
Once the simulation runs to its completion with a successful outcome, you will be presented with the option to upload the challenge for others to try and solve.
You'll be able to see how many people are playing your design, how many are solving it and what resources they're using, along with other stats.
Q: What if I don't have a solution, but a really cool looking bridge-like-thing that collapses in an awesome way?
A. You can choose to save and share an animated GIF of your bridge at any time with a couple of clicks, pretty cool! And it will also be uploaded to an online gallery of user submissions, super cool!
Q: How about Early Access?
We'll be offering the game on Early Access, but only in its final polishing stages, as we'd love to give everyone a solid experience while being flexible enough to improve things we might have missed and integrate community feedback before final release.
Q: And Linux support?
Yep, we're making sure Poly Bridge runs well on the good old penguin too, you can't make a bridge-builder and not have it run on Linux!
18 Apr, 2015 @ 1:03pm
Captain Luther
20 Jun, 2015 @ 10:48pm
this game looks cool, Price?
24 Apr, 2015 @ 4:57pm
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Poly Bridge has been Greenlit and made available via Steam. For the latest information, purchase options, and discussions for Poly Bridge, please see it on the Steam Store or in the Steam Community.
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View mobile website王老菊:poly bridge教你造大桥
简介:poly bridge~很有意思的游戏,和我之前玩过的一个游戏差不多,不过这个更没节操一些
解说视频 TOP10提到物理类的益智游戏,很多人首先会想到《粘粘世界(World of Goo)》,其基于物理学原理利用粘粘小球构建各种建筑的创意设计影响了后来的很多开发者,Headup Games在2012年推出的桥梁建造游戏《Bridge Constructor》便可以视作其中之一,有玩家也许玩过其手机版本和其续作《Bridge Constructor:Medieval》以及近期的新作《Bridge Constructor Stunts》,不过今年推出的另一款桥梁建设游戏《Poly Bridge》则将这类利用物理原理的桥梁建设游戏发扬光大,使其成为网络上的热点。2015年4月,独立游戏团队Dry Cactus的作品《Poly Bridge》登陆Steam的green light,并很快通过审核。6月30日,Dry Cactus推出了《Poly Bridge》的Early Access版(抢先体验版本,玩家购买该版本即可在游戏正式推出前参与各阶段的测试),并陆续更新了更多的游戏内容。游戏的玩法和其他桥梁建设游戏并没有太大区别,在建设模式下搭建桥梁以让车辆顺利通过,同时有一定的沙盒元素以及允许玩家自创和分享自己的关卡与桥梁。因为其物理引擎过于逼真,《Poly Bridge》给了玩家更多挑战的可能,可以通过对重力、惯性、加速度、弹跳等物理学原理的尝试打造很多高难度的桥,也出现了很多天马行空的邪道玩法。比如同样一个关卡,可以这样过关:也可以这样过关:如同样一个关卡,可以这样过关:也可以这样过关再比如同样一个关卡,可以这样过关还可以这样过关甚至可以这样过关,总之只要让车辆到达对岸就是胜利。如果你愿意,一个只需要很简单的桥就可以通过的“过河”可以变得这样惊心动魄:《Poly Bridge》自带一个可以将之前通过的关卡生成gif图并分享的功能,因此很方便玩家之间的传播。于是当这些邪道的玩法被很多玩家发布到twitter、reddit等社区后引起了更多玩家的关注,也为游戏聚集了更多的人气。同时,Youtube上的知名主播如Markiplier、PewDiePie、jacksepticeye都曾对这款游戏进行过直播,尤其是jacksepticeye更是热衷玩这款游戏,而他们本身的影响了也扩大了这款游戏的知名度和影响,因此变得十分流行。以极具自由度的玩法设计让玩家能够从自创内容中获得乐趣,也给了玩家很多的挑战,在《Poly Bridge》这款游戏中,可以体验到很多纯粹的乐趣。其他相似游戏:World of Goo(PC/Mac/Wii/iOS/Android/)2008年的独立游戏《World of Goo》可以视作这类游戏的鼻祖,给了很多游戏开发者灵感。Tiki Towers系列(PC/Wii/iOS/Android/Windows Phone)《Tiki Towers》是早期一款模仿《World of Goo》的益智游戏,画面卡通,关卡也相对简单一些。Bridge Constructor系列(PC/Mac/iOS/Android/Windows Phone)《Bridge Constructor》系列是手机上颇有影响的物理益智游戏,《Poly Bridge》多少应该受到其影响,而《Bridge Constructor》的最新版本《Bridge Constructor Stunts》也带有一些《Poly Bridge》的影子。Besiege(PC/Mac)一款自由度非常高的沙盒类建造游戏,在玩家手中也诞生大量可以称为“黑科技”的邪道设计。 
日,《魔兽世界》正式上市,而那之后一切都发生了改变。《魔兽世界》上市之后的状况告诉游戏开发者,对于网络游戏而言,上线只是一切工作的开始,而关于资料片的后续开发更是一项艰辛的任务。日,《魔兽世界》正式上市,而那之后一切都发生了改变。《魔兽世界》上市之后的状况告诉游戏开发者,对于网络游戏而言,上线只是一切工作的开始,而关于资料片的后续开发更是一项艰辛的任务。日,《魔兽世界》正式上市,而那之后一切都发生了改变。《魔兽世界》上市之后的状况告诉游戏开发者,对于网络游戏而言,上线只是一切工作的开始,而关于资料片的后续开发更是一项艰辛的任务。十一年前的11月23日,《魔兽世界》正式上线,此前一个世界在等待,而在发布后,这款游戏成为了网络游戏史上最为成功的典范,成为众多后来者争相模仿和渴望超越的作品。而在这款游戏开发背后,也有很多有趣的故事...在游戏画面的进步背后,则是游戏图形技术和硬件技术的进步。在20年前,谁也不会想到游戏图形技术能发展到今天这样逼真,而这20年的发展也让我们对未来所能在游戏中体验到的逼真技术感到无比的期待。与其他历史类书籍所不同的是,格里穆别出心裁地采用了一种类似游戏式的写法:读者并不是单纯地通过阅读获取作者想要分享的知识,而是将自己置身到那个历史时期之中,通过扮演一名同时期的人物而从不同的视角了解这段过去的历史。如果说有哪本关于游戏的书能让人看完后对游戏制作和程序开发的工作充满热情与冲动的话,那么第一个想到的非《DOOM启世录》莫属。虽然这本书不像技术类和学习类书籍那样提供具体的游戏开发指引,但却最能唤出内心中潜藏的对所热爱的事物的热情。也许你并没有听过生赖范义这个名字,但是可能间接接触过他的作品。这位享誉世界的插画大师一生中为无数科幻作品、电影和游戏绘制过封面和插画,包括星球大战、哥斯拉以及KOEI在上世纪90年代前后这一黄金时代的几乎所有策略游戏。属于他的时代终焉...如果,赋予你一个超能力,能够让时间回溯,让你能够收回那些脱口而出的伤人的话,改变那些会让自己后悔的选择,是不是就能让悔恨不再默默啃噬你的心?是不是就能让事情朝着美好的方向发展?《Life is Strange》讲述的也是这样的故事。在关卡设计上,《Spider: Rite of the Shrouded Moon》难度能够循序渐进,最重要的是将游戏背后隐藏的元素完全融合在游戏的过程中,这种润物细无声的体验让略显枯燥的游戏过程变得极具探索性。因为其物理引擎过于逼真,《Poly Bridge》给了玩家更多挑战的可能,可以通过对重力、惯性、加速度、弹跳等物理学原理的尝试打造很多高难度的桥,也出现了很多天马行空的邪道玩法,也让游戏在玩家中快速传播开来。在《Legend of the Cryptids》的上百名卡牌画师中,也有大量优秀的中国画师和一些美术工作室,作品数量丰富,质量也非常高。值得一提的是,这些画师多数也都有国内游戏公司的从业经历。优秀的卡牌美术设计成为了《Legend of the Cryptids》成功的关键,Applibot也深明此道,于是在后续更新的卡牌中邀请了更多的顶级原画大师为其设计卡牌原画,也让其为优秀画师的大成之作。“试炼,这就是试炼! 试炼只会去找那些能战胜他的人, 我想支持的 ,是挣扎、痛苦、烦恼之后还打不死,不放弃的你们!”war.war never changes《Threes》的本质是一款数字消除游戏,只是与传统消除游戏中的消除元素消失或产生combo道具不同的是,《Threes》利用消除的特性将数字相加这一核心转变为一种类似“进化成长”的理念日,《魔兽世界》国服正式公测,国内玩家得以进入一个前所未有的游戏世界,而因为这款游戏也给整个行业以及很多人产生了深远的影响。如果我们把COC比作移动时代的《魔兽争霸》或《帝国时代》这样的标杆作品,那么《Dominations》仍不失为一款制作精良的《国家的崛起》或《地球帝国》——虽然未能超越,但也别有巧思。趣味模拟游戏《模拟山羊(Goat Simulator)》的成功,完全可以当作“无心插柳柳成荫”的典范。而这款游戏的成功,也许能让我们对当今市场上的游戏玩家喜欢什么样的游戏,产生更多的自我怀疑。在COC依然如日中天的时候想要取得成功自然十分困难,但是在这个过程中很多“COC like”游戏殚精竭虑地针对COC本身的模式进行改造或补充,也产生了很多有趣的演化。虽然相比辐射系列的深度而言,《Fallout Shelter》的内容深度明显不足,游戏内容在进入第二天之后就变成乏味的重复,因此更像是一顿只有两天保鲜期的快餐。但是即便如此,它也是一款制作精细的小品游戏,值得你去尝试。在业界纷纷对岩田聪去世表示哀悼时,岩田聪在2005年GDC上所作的“玩者之心”的演讲中的开场白也被不断提及:“在我的名片上,我是一个公司总裁;在我自己来看,我是一名游戏开发者;而在内心深处,我是一名玩家”。chuyunfangame@楚云帆 的游戏评论、游戏介绍、游戏新闻发布账号热门文章最新文章chuyunfangame@楚云帆 的游戏评论、游戏介绍、游戏新闻发布账号播放列表加载中...
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