Note:Latest boss官网 thread的翻译是:什么意思

vt. 送,寄; 派遣 cause sb/sth to go or be taken without going oneself
vt. 用无线电波发送 transmit (a signal, etc.) by radio waves
vt. 使…猛然或迅速移动 cause (sth) to move sharply or quickly, often by force
vt. 使…变得 cause (sb) become or enter a specified state
vi. 发出信息 send a message
vt. 〈书〉使…兴奋,使激动 thrill
vt. 施与,赐给 give or provide
send&:&发送 ...
send&:&派遣, 送,
send&:&派遣, ...
send&:&派遣, 送,
send&:&送, 寄, 发 ...
"The explosion sent the car flying in the air"
"She sent her children to camp"
"He directed all his energies into his dissertation"
to cause or order to be taken, directed, or transmit
"He had sent the dispatches downtown to the proper people and had slept"
cause to be directed or transmit
"send me your latest results"
"I'll mail you the paper when it's written"
transport commercially
assign to a station
"The spy sent the classified information off to Russia"
"After the second episode, she had to be committed"
"he was committed to prison"
broadcast over the airwaves, as in
"We cannot air this X-rated song"
用作及物动词 (vt.)
You are now ready to send messages.
Radio Beijing sends the news all over the world.
I'll send someone to show you around.
The music of this song sent her carefree and joyous.
We will send the goods by railroad.
用作不及物动词 (vi.)
I think we need to send out for the missing lamb.
I want to send away for some books I need.
The radio operator was still sending when the ship went down.
用作动词 (v.)
S+~+to- v
He sent to warn me.
She sent to inquire after you.
She sent to say that she was safe and well.
S+~+ n./pron.
I couldn't come myself, so I sent my friend.
The allies agreed to send reinforcements.
I sent a letter of apology.
He sent word that he wouldn't be coming.
He sent word that he would come to see me.
That gorgeous girl sent him.
Ah, his playing really sends me!
用于be ~ed结构
Somebody ought to be sent at once.
Heaven send that we'll arrive safely!
God send that it may not be so!
S+~+ pron./n. + n./pron.
My sister sent me a parcel.
Mother sent her a big parcel of clothes and food.
Send me a note whenever you want me.
I sent the teacher a letter.
He'll send home fifteen dollars next week.
Just before I left Beijing,I sent them a telegram.
Did they send me any message by you?
He'll send us word if he needs help.
Please send me word as soon as possible.
Send them my best wishes when you see them.
God send us peace!
S+~+ n./pron. +to pron./n.
He sent books to me from Beijing.
He sent a letter to John.
They have sent some pictures to me.
We have sent a telegram to him.
I sent word to Inbry to go and look after you.
I'd like you to cast your eyes over this letter before I send it to the school to see if it's satisfactory.
S+~+ n./pron. + adj.
The pain sent the dog mad.
This noise is sending me crazy.
The music seems to send them crazy.
S+~+ n./pron. + prep. -phrase
Whenever he moved, the wound sent pains along his arm.
The news of his mother's death sent him almost out of his mind.
The teacher sent the unruly pupils out of the room.
The child was tired, so I sent him to bed.
S+~+ n./pron. +to- v
We decided to send a veteran surgeon to help them.
She sent her daughter to buy some milk.
Would you like us to send a car to pick you up?
I'll have to send my passport to be renewed.
He had sent his shoes there to be mended.
用于be ~ed结构
The boy was sent to buy the milk.
S+~+ n./pron. + v -ing
The rain sent everyone scurrying for shelter.
The fire sent everyone running out of the building.
They killed 45 puppet troops and sent the rest fleeing panic-stricken.
The heavy blow sent the enemy spinning to the ground.
She bumped against the table and sent the crockery crashing to the ground.
The explosion sent glass flying everywhere.
The report of the rifles sent the birds flying round the place.
The blow sent him sprawling in the mud.
The victory sent our spirits rising.
She tried to interfere, but I sent her packing!
We were fed up with his nonsense and sent him packing.
If anyone comes begging at my door. I soon send him packing.
When I found he was trying to make a fool of me,I sent him packing.
用作动词 (v.)
send across( v.+prep. )
(使某人、物)横过,横穿 (cause sb/sth to) pass or move across sth
send sb/sth across sth
I wish you hadn't sent Bill across the Post O that road is dangerous for a small child.但愿你没有让比尔单独横穿马路到邮局去,这条路小孩走很危险。
During the war, our relatives in America sent food parcels across the ocean, for which we were most grateful.在战时,我们在美国的亲戚从大洋彼岸给我们寄来食品包裹,我们很感激。
send after( v.+prep. )
派人寻找 send sb to search for
send after sb
Have you sent after him?你派人去找他了吗?
Nobody told him to leave. Send after him and bring him back.没有人叫他走,派人去把他叫回来。
I've sent after him and hope he'll get the message.我已派人去找他,希望他会得到这个信。
send sb/sth after sb
He had left without his umbrella, so I sent one of the boys after him.他忘记把自己的伞带走了,所以我派个孩子去找他。
The doctor went in such haste that he forgot his clinical thermometer and we had to send it after him.这位医生走得这么匆忙,连体温计都忘记带了,所以我们不得不派人把体温计给他送去。
send ahead( v.+adv. )
预先送出; 事先捎信 send (sb/sth) send a message in advance of one
send ahead
Don't worry abo I've sent ahead to the hotel to ask them to keep a room for us.不要担心今晚的住宿问题,我已事先与旅馆联系,请他们给我们留个房间。
It's best to send the heavy cases ahead so that they'll already be there when we arrive.最好事先把这些沉重的箱子运走,这样我们到达时,箱子已经到了。
send along (v.+prep.)
派遣,发送 cause sb/sth to move a place or towards one
send sb/sth
We'll send John along to collect the fees.我们将派约翰去收费。
I'll send the book along to you in a few days.我过几天把书给你送去。
send away( v.+adv. )
遣走,解雇 discharge or fire
I have sent him away to that village.我已经遣他到那个村。
She sent her son away for the summer vacation in the countryside.她打发儿子去农村过暑假。
I soon sent the salesman away, as I wasn't interested in what he was selling.我很快就打发那个推销员走了,因为我对他兜售的东西不感兴趣。
I think it's best to send the boy away to school, he's getting no proper education here.我想最好让这男孩去上学,他在这儿受不到良好的教育。
The boss sent little Tom away.那老板将小汤姆开除了。
We had to send the girl away for stealing the silver.女佣人偷窃银餐具,我们只好把她辞退了。
Edison's teacher thought that he wasn't clever, so he sent him away from school.爱迪生的老师认为他不聪明,所以把爱迪生赶出学校。
用于 be ~ed 结构
News spread round the school that the teacher had been sent away on account of bad behaviour.那位教师因操行不佳而被开除的消息在学校传开了。
send away for( v.+adv.+prep. )
函索,函购,订购 request sth or order (goods) to be sent by post
send away for sth
He wants to send away for some books.他想函购一些书。
We had to send away to the factory for spare parts.我们只得向工厂函购零件。
Do you remember where to send away for the replacements?你记得向哪里去函购替换件吗?
We sent away for some sample bottles of a new brand of beer a few days ago, but they haven't arrived yet.前几天我们订购了几瓶新品牌的啤酒货样,可现在货还没到。
She sent away for a set of bed linen she saw advertised in a magazine.她函购她在一本杂志广告上看到的一套床单和枕套。
When we lived in the country, we had to send away for many things we needed.我们住在乡下时,必须向远处订购我们所需要的许多东西。
send back( v.+adv. )
归还 return
send sb/sth
back (to sb/sth)
They sent the manuscript back without comment.他们未加评论就把稿子退了回来。
Send hi he is too young to be a sailor.把他送回到他父亲那里去,他太小不能当海员。
We'll send them back to you tomorrow.我们明天把它们给你送回来。
Will you send the book back to me when you've finished reading it?你看完这本书后还给我好吗?
This coat is too short in one sleeve. Send it back to the shop.这件外套的一只袖子太短了,把它退还给那家商店。
The satellite sent back signals as well as pictures to the earth.人造卫星向地球表面发回了信号及图片。
用于 be ~ed 结构
His letter was sent back.他的信被退回了。
send down( v.+adv. )
使…下降 cause to fall
Perhaps that will send her temperature down.这或许会使她的体温降下去。
The rain last night has sent the temperature down three degrees.昨晚一场雨使气温下降了3度。
The increase in supply has sent the price of coffee down.供应增加降低了咖啡的价格。
This good crop should send the price of apples down.这回苹果丰收,该降价了。
The special machine is for sending the dirty plates down to the kitchen.这种专门的机器用来把脏盘子送到下面的厨房去。
把…开除出学校; 勒令…停学 expel or suspend from a university
send sb down
The university authorities sent the student down for the rest of the term.大学当局勒令这个学生停学到学期结束。
用于 be ~ed 结构
He has been sent down for riotous behaviour.他因为行为放纵而被开除了。
He was sent down for ten years for armed robbery.他因持械抢劫被监禁10年。
send down for( v.+adv.+prep. )
从上向下地要求 request, as from above to below
send down for sth
She sent down for more glue.她要求再给些胶水。
He sent down for more paint.他朝下边再要些油漆。
The head office has sent down for stationery.总部要求给送文具。
Please send down for my shoes from the bedroom.请从我的卧室里把我的鞋拿上来。
I'll send down to the kitchen for some more coffee.我将吩咐厨房再送些咖啡上来。
send for( v.+prep. )
召唤,派人去叫; 派人去取 summon by a
require the presence of
send for sb/sth
They sent for the doctor.他们派人去请医生。
One of our water pipes has burst. We must send for the plumber.我们的一根水管破裂了,我们得派人去叫管道工来。
用于 be ~ed 结构
I was sent for and I went to the headmaster's room.我被叫到了校长室。
The police were sent for immediately the disturbance began.骚乱刚一开始,警察就被叫来了。
She was very ill, and her son was sent for.她病得很厉害,就把她儿子叫过来了。
send sb for sth
Mother sent my brother for the luggage.妈妈派哥哥去取行李。
Have you sent anyone for new books?你派人去拿新书了吗?
申请; 订购 send a request or order for sth
send for sth
You can send for these seeds at a very cheap price.你可以用极便宜的价格邮购这些种子。
We haven't any more of this in stock, but we'll send for one with pleasure.这东西一点存货也没有了,不过我们很愿意为您去买一个。
用于 be ~ed 结构
A dozen were sent for, but only ten were received.订购了12件,但只收到10件。
send forth( v.+adv. )
发出,放出; 长出 produce
send forth sth
The flower sends forth fragrance.那种花散发出芳香。
The sun sends forth light and heat.太阳放出光和热。
The trees send forth many new leaves.树生出很多新叶。
As spring approaches, the trees begin to send forth tender buds.春天一近,树上长出嫩芽。
用于 be ~ed 结构
The parcel must be sent forth at once.这个包裹必须马上寄出。
send in( v.+adv. )
提交或发送 submit or dispatch
send sb/sth
He sent in his resignation.他提出辞呈。
Have they sent in the accounts?他们把账交上来了吗?
He sent in his card and was admitted.他递了名片后,被允许进去。
Have you sent your article in to the magazine yet?你给杂志写的文章交去了吗?
The correspondent sent in his messages regularly.记者定期发稿。
Have you sent in your application?你的申请书交上去了吗?
He sent in his application immediately.他立即提出了申请。
I shan't bother to se it's sure to be rejected.稿子肯定不会被接受,我犯不着投稿。
He sent in three drawings for the competition.他送交了三幅画参加比赛。
The coach sent two players in.教练派两名运动员上场。
用于 be ~ed 结构
All reports must be sent in by the end of the week.所有的报告必须在本星期以前交齐。
Applications must be sent in by June 5.申请书必须于6月5日前交(上)来。
Soldiers were sent in to quell the riots.士兵们被派去平息骚乱。
Entries have been sent in from all over the country.参加竞赛的名单从全国各地送来。
send in for( v.+adv.+prep. )
从外向内要求 request, as from exterior to interior
send in for sth
The painters sent in for more paint.漆工让里面再送些油漆。
选派〔选送〕…参加 offer sb/sth for (competition)
send sb/sth in for sth
The examination is very difficult,I don't send my students in for it until they're fully prepared.考试非常难,在学生们没有做好充分准备之前,我不让他们去参加考试。
Why don't you send your composition in for the competition?你为什么不把你的作文送去参加比赛呢?
send into (v.+prep.)
使…进入某状态 cause sb into a state
send sb/sth into sth
The news sent them into a panic.这条消息使他们惊慌失措。
Habart's school report sent Father into a terrible temper.哈巴特的成绩单使父亲大发雷霆。
send off( v.+adv. )
为…送行 see sb off
send sb off
The whole family went to the station to send them off.一家人都到车站去为他们送行。
用于 be ~ed 结构
That combat hero was warmly sent off by a large crowd.那位战斗英雄受到一大群人的热烈欢送。
send sb off to-v
Mary complained about getting up early in the morning to send her husband off to work.玛丽抱怨早晨得早起送丈夫去上班。
寄出,发出 post or mail sth
Have you sent that letter off yet?There's something I want to add to it.那封信你寄出了吗?有些话我想加上去。
We will send the goods off early tomorrow morning.我们明天一早就把货物寄出去。
I should advise you to send the goods off early.我劝你早些把货发出去。
用于 be ~ed 结构
Please see that these parcels are sent off at once.请注意,这些包裹要立即寄出。
Light and heat are sent off, together with heavy smoke, and soon only black charcoal is left.光和热伴随着浓烟一起发出来了,不久就只剩下黑色的木炭了。
派往; 运出 transport sth out
send sb/sth
His teacher sent him off to the principal's office.他的老师派他到校长室去。
Please send the goods off today.请于今天把货物运出。
用于 be ~ed 结构
Troops were being sent off to the front.部队正被派往前线。
send on1( v.+adv. )
邮寄,发送; 转寄 post or dispatch to
I'll send on any letters that come for you.你的来信,我都能寄给你。
Would you kindly send on the enclosed letter to Gamelin.劳驾把内附的信转交给盖米林。
Shall we send your letters on or keep them till you get back?我们把信转寄给你呢,还是把信留着等你回来?
I asked my wife to send all my letters on while I was away from home.在我离家时,我请我太太转寄我所有的信件。
She didn't want to carry her heavy cases, so she sent them on ahead of her.她不想手提那些沉重的箱子,所以把箱子先运送走了。
用于 be ~ed 结构
When he moved he left instructions for his letters to be sent on to his new address.他搬家时曾关照过把他的信转到他的新地址。
使继续下去 cause to go on
send sb/sth
They sent him on although he was ill.虽然他有病,他们还是让他继续表演。
They sent the traveller on to the next village.他们让旅行者朝下一个村子走下去。
As some urgent business detained him, he had to send his secretary on to the meeting.由于有急事缠身,他只得先派秘书去参加会议。
You should never have sent on so inexperienced a player.你不该让这样一个无经验的选手上场。
send on2( v.+prep. )
派…参加(某事) cause (sb) to take part in (an activity), often elsewhere
send sb/sth on sb/sth
The company is sending me on a management course.公司打算派我去进修一门管理课程。
The government has sent a delegation on friendly visits to some countries in Europe.政府已派出代表团去欧洲一些国家进行友好访问。
用于 be ~ed 结构
They were sent on a reconnaissance mission to Zhengzhou.他们被派到郑州去执行一项侦察任务。
send out( v.+adv. )
发送; 发出 give out
They sent out invitations to many people.他们向许多人发了请帖。
This lamp sends out a powerful beam.这盏灯发射出极强的光束。
The stove sent out a nice heat.炉子发出怡人的热气。
A source of light sends out many rays in all directions.光源向四面八方发射出无数光线。
The rose sends out strong fragrance.玫瑰散发出浓郁的香味。
This flower seems to send out fragrance only during the night.这花似乎只有在夜间才发出香味。
That radio transmitter sends signals out constantly.那台无线电发报机不断发出讯号。
The fire sent out a lot of smoke but little damage was caused.火里冒出浓烟,但是没有造成什么损害。
This hole in the cave wall sends out a strange noise when the wind blows in a certain direction.当风向某个方向吹时,洞壁上的窟窿就发出一种怪声。
A flip of the switch sent water gushing out.一开按钮,水就哗哗地流出来了。
用于 be ~ed 结构
The goods were sent out from the warehouse yesterday.货物是昨天从仓库发走的。
For a time their products could not be sent out.有一段时间他们的产品运不出来。
长出 produce
The trees send out new shoots in the spring.春天树都长出新枝。
散布; 派遣 dispatch
send sb/sth
The company is sending out leaflets to all its contacts.公司将把宣传册发送给所有的有关单位。
Then we sent out five mobile sentries.然后我们派出了五个流动哨。
用于 be ~ed 结构
They were sent out as our representatives.他们是作为我们的代表被派出去的。
send sb/sth
They sent him out to get the newspaper.他们派他去取报纸。
send sb/sth
The team sent some people out hunting and they bagged a wild boar.那个队派了一些人去打猎,他们打了一头野猪。
send out for( v.+adv.+prep. )
派人出去取 send sb to obtain sth from somewhere else
send out for sth
The workmen in the building sent out for some sandwiches.楼里的工人要三明治。
We stayed in our hotel room and sent out for food.我们留在旅店客房内,派人出去买些吃的。
send sb out for sth
She sent her son out for a paper.她打发儿子去买份报纸。
send over (v.+adv.)
派遣,发送 cause sb/sth to move to a different place
send sb/sth
They sent him over to the police.他们把他遣送警察当局。
He's not here,I just sent him over to your place.他不在这里,我刚才让他到你那里去了。
We'll send the new books over to you next week.我们下个星期会把新书给你送去的。
send round (v.+adv.)
把…发送过去; 请〔派〕…过去〔过来〕 cause sth to be passed am cause sb to move to a different place
send round
I'll send round tomorrow to receive it.明天我派人来取。
Send round to the grocer's for a tin of biscuits.叫人到食品店去买一听饼干。
send sb/sth
When the visitors arrive at your office, would you send them round?访问者到达你的办公室时,你请他们过来好吗?
When are they sending the goods round?他们打算什么时候把货物发送过来?
Have you sent round the notice about the Christmas party yet?关于圣诞节晚会的通告,你是否已送出传阅?
用于 be ~ed 结构
A notice is being sent round to all members.一张通知在全体成员中传阅。
send sb/sth
round to-v
I'll send my boy round to collect the book.我将打发儿子去取书。
We'll send someone round to repair your TV.我们会派人去修理你们的电视机。
send up1( v.+adv. )
发射,把…向上送; 使向上升 cause sth to rise
A rise in temperature will send up the pressure inside the casing.温度的升高会使盒内的压力加大。
The people on the island are sending up smoke signals.岛上的人们在燃放烟雾信号。
The unusually severe winter in the south is sure to send up the price of oranges.南方异常严寒的冬天肯定会使橘子的价格上涨。
The heavy demand for beef sent the price up.大量的需求使牛肉价格上升。
That piece of cake will send your weight up.吃了这块蛋糕,你的体重就会增加。
We have sent your name up to the Head Office, and you should hear about the job within a week.我们已经把你的名字报到总部,一星期内你就可以听到有关这份工作的消息了。
He cleans the chimney by sending up a big brush.他用一把大刷子顺着烟囱向上刷以清扫它。
They are sending the goods up from the shop.他们会派人把货从店里送来。
用于 be ~ed 结构
Yet another spaceship has been sent up recently.最近又发射了一艘宇宙飞船。
While the main party of climbers remained at base camp, two men were sent up to the top of the mountain.大部分人员留在大本营,而派两个人先登上山顶。
These dishes are sent up to the restaurant from a kitchen on a lower floor.这些菜从楼下的厨房送上餐厅。
毁坏 destroy
An enemy bomb has sent up the oil stores.敌人的炸弹炸毁了油库。
用于 be ~ed 结构
The enemy's ammunition was sent up in flames.敌人的军火库被炸起火了。
判处 sentence
send sb up
I'm the one who sent him up.是我把他送进了监狱。
用于 be ~ed 结构
Did you know that Milton was sent up for 20 years?你可知道米尔顿被判处20年徒刑吗?
The murderer was sent up for life imprisonment.那个杀人犯被判处无期徒刑。
使显得可笑; 讽刺; 挖苦 make fun of ( usually a person or style)
send sb/sth
At the end of the session, the students wrote a play in which they sent up their teachers.学期结束时,学生们写了一个讽刺他们老师的剧本。
He sent up the way his father walked and made everyone laugh.他模仿他父亲走路的样子,大家都笑了起来。
The comic skit sent up the foolishness of young men in love.那幅画把沉溺于热恋中的青年男子的痴态勾勒得滑稽可笑。
send up2( v.+prep. )
使沿…上升,上行 cause (sb/sth) to move up sth
send sb/sth up sth
When the doctor arrives, send him upstairs, will you?大夫到了以后,让他到楼上来,好吗?
He cleans the chimney by sending a big brush up it.他用一把大刷子顺着烟囱往上刷,来清扫它。
用于 be ~ed 结构
Two men were sent up the mountain while the main party of climbers remained at base camp.两个人被派上山,而大部分登山队员留在大本营。
用作动词 (v.)
He was sent as consul to the Orient.
出自:Century Magazine
I sent the butler to New York with a letter to Wolfsheim.
出自:Scott Fitzgerald
Frank was sent over to stay with his relatives.
出自:P. Fitzgerald
Thank you for sending the flowers.句中的send不是赠送的意思。
I shall send the book to him tomorrow.我会在明天把这本书(托人梢或从邮局寄)给他(自己并不去)。
I shall take the book to him tomorrow.我会在明天把这本书送到他那里(自己拿去)。
I shall give the book to him tomorrow.我将在明天把这本书赠给他(我自己也许去,也许不去)。
send for sb表示“托人去做什么”。
I shall send for him to the office.我将托人到事务所去叫他来。
I shall send for him from the office.我将托人叫他从事务所来。
I sent it to him a week ago.我一星期以前就把它送给他了。
send的基本意思是“派; 打发”,指通过某人或某种手段把东西送给某人或送到某目的地。也可作“用无线电波发送”“使…猛然或迅速移动”“发出信息”等解。
用于比喻, send还可作“使…兴奋,使激动”“施与,赐给”解。
send接介词after表示“派人寻找”; 接副词away表示“遣走”“解雇”; 接副词down表示“使下降”; 接副词off表示“送别”“运送”或“差遣”; 接副词out表示“发出”“长出”; 接副词up表示“发射; 使上升”。send word的意思是“(请人)带口信,口头通知”。
send sb to-v, send sb v-ing
I send,I am sending
I send here with the catalogues.
I am sending here with the catalogues.
send for, go for
这两者所表达的意义不同:send for指派人或送信去请要请的人,也可用于遣人来取某物件; 而go for表示自己去取、去买、去请。例如:
Please keep the suitcase until I send for it.
请把这只手提箱保存一下,等我派人 来取。
Mother has gone for some medicine.
send, take
两者均可表示“送”。其区别在于:send多指派人去送,而自己不去; 而take多指自己亲自去送。试比较:
I will send the dictionary to him this after- noon.
I'll take the dictionary to him myself this afternoon.
send, route, transmit
这三个词均可表示“送出”。其区别在于:send指通过命令、指导、武力、设备或内在能力把某人或某物送到另一个地方; route指按事先定好的路线投送某物,暗示一个接一个地投送; 而transmit表示将某物从一处传送到另一处,强调传送的方式,常指电波信号或信息的传送。例如:
The packer was told to send off the two crates at once. 打包工被通知说这两个板条箱要立刻送出。
He heard the call transmitted through Montreal.他接听从蒙特利尔转来的电话。
The power which an engine develops is routed to the wheels.引擎产生的动力传递到车轮。
send, forward, remit
1.宾语为信或电报时,可用send和remit,但后者还有“转送”“转交”的意思; 宾语为汇款时可用send和 宾语为货物时可用forward和remit。例如:
Applications should be forwarded through the Authority.申请书应通过工程处转交。
He remits home every month.他每月汇款回家。
I had no time to waste talking to him so I sent him packing.我没有时间和他说废话,所以就把他打发走了。
send, give
give一般指亲手给; 而send则指寄送或派人送。试比较:
He gave me some pictures of Guilin.
He sent me some pictures of Guilin.
send, deliver, dispatch, mail, ship
The goods will be delivered at noon tomorrow.明天中午交货。
The farmers guarantee the quantity and quality of the vegetables that are delivered.农民们保证交售蔬菜的质量和数量。
A messenger was dispatched to take the news to the soldiers at the front.一名通讯员被派去给前线士兵送消息。
The allies agreed to dispatch reinforcements.同盟国同意派遣增援部队。
Let's all go to the airport to send him off.我们都到机场给他送行。
If any letters come after you've left,I'll send them on.如果你离开后,有信来了,我会转寄去的。
Have you sent round the notice about the Christmas party yet?关于圣诞节晚会的通告,你是否已送出传阅?
Some fruit doesn't ship well.有些水果不便运送。
The goods were shipped last week.货物已于上周装船运走。
They sent me to the doctor.
They sent me for the doctor.
:send普通最常用词,含义广。指把人或物由一地送往另一地,而不涉及事物的内容或 送的方式。
误 I'll send the book to your house myself this evening.
正 I'll bring the book to your house myself this evening.
析 send多表示派人去送,而不是自己亲自去送。
误 I've sent the letter to her for twenty days.
正 I sent the letter to her twenty days ago.
正 It is twenty days since I sent the letter to her.
析 send是非延续性动词,不可与表示一段时间的状语连用。
误 I sent my application in a good time.
正 I sent in my application in a good time.
析 表示“呈递”,应该说send in,而 send 只表示“送,寄”。
误 I will send a postcard for you while I am away on holiday.
正 I will send a postcard to you while I am away on holiday.
正 I will send you a postcard while I am away on holiday.
析 send表示“寄(信件、包裹等)”或“发(电报)”时为及物动词。当 send 接双宾语时,其间接宾语可用介词to引出,表示“寄给某人或某处”,不用介词 for。
误 The explosion sent things to fly everywhere.
正 The explosion sent things flying everywhere.
析 当send表示“使得(发生某事)”时,它的后面往往可跟现在分词,而不跟动词不定式作其宾语的补足语。
误 He asked to send to work in the countryside.
正 He asked to be sent to work in the countryside.
析 send表示“派,送”时是及物动词。在该句中,是“他”被派往农村,而不是“他”派遣别人,所以须用不定式的被动形式。
误 The trees send off new shoots in (the) spring.
正 The trees send out new shoots in (the) spring.
析 send out意为“发出(光,热),长出新芽〔枝〕”,而send off 意为“送行”。
误 Her mother hopes to correct her clumsy movements by sending her for ballet school.
正 Her mother hopes to correct her clumsy movements by sending her to ballet school.
析 send sb to a place表示“送某人去某处”, to表示方向,引出地点名词,而for往往表示目的,一般不跟地点名词。
☆ 直接源自古英语的sendan;最初源自古日耳曼语的sandijanan,意为发送,扔。
send&:&寄发,送出, ...
send:send vt. 送, 寄, 发送, 派遣, 打发 send for 派人去请 派人去叫…


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