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Reward Is Boss Mode (Jordy Dazz-Up)
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关注虾米:Boss Rush Mode - The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword Wiki Guide - IGN
Boss Rush Mode
Last Edit:
December 9, 2016 - 11 months 5 days ago
After reviving the
in , he'll provide Skyward Sword's version of Boss Rush Mode: The . You can only fight the bosses you've already fought, so the final boss is off limits until you get all the way back to the Thunder Dragon through . You are able to choose the first boss and then  the Thunder Dragon chooses for you. You can also go through the Silent Realms you have finished.
The best rewards you can get from Boss Rush Mode are the
and a . The Rupee rewards aren't too shabby either. After each battle you are given the option to quit or continue.  If you decide to quit, you'll get the prize listed below, depending on how many cumulative battles you fought:
20 Rupees Small
100 Rupees
/ 200 Rupees the second time 300 Rupees Rare
500 Rupees Absurdly Sturdy Shield () / 1,000 Rupees the second time 2,000 Rupees 3 Rare Treasures 3,000 Rupees 9,900 Rupees (You'll need the
as well as all the wallet expansions to carry them all.)   The first time you beat a boss and every time you break your personal time record on any given boss you get 50 Rupees.
Here are the 12 Bosses you can fight. You can only fight
after unlocking
and getting all the way back to .
fights 1, 2 and 3
1, 2 and 3
Bokoblin Horde fight in the Sealed Grounds ()  
You cannot use your , including bottled fairies, during Boss Rush Mode, but if you take a Guard Potion Plus and/or Stamina Potion Plus before talking to the , their effects will last 3 minutes into the battle. This is 3 minutes of
time speaking to the Thunder Dragon does not count toward this time. You can increase the time to 9 minutes if you have the
in your Adventure Pouch when you talk to the Thunder Dragon. After using these potions, select a boss you have trouble with at the start and beat him easily.
An ideal load out for hero mode will consist of the following:
- best self repairing shield available (remember to use the shield thrust)
-  to extend potion effects
- protect against damage/invincibility
- maximize your hearts to 20 Using the Large Quiver or Large Bomb Bag will not help, since they are pouch items. Unfortunately, you cannot use potions twice, or "stack" them, to double up the time length of the effect, if you take a time sensitive potion before the effect has worn off from the last potion consumed it simply restarts the clock.
Use your bow or bombs when possible to deal extra damage while keeping your distance. The Skyward Strike is a very useful ranged attack.  Use it when possible. Use your shield.  Not only is it there for your protection but using a properly timed shield thrust can send an enemy reeling giving you an opportunity to go on the offensive.  Take your time.  Swinging your sword wildly and fast works sometimes but with some bosses especially this can be an invite for them to attack you.  ANSWER THUNDER DRAGON CAREFULLY!! in between battles, don't rush through, Thunder Dragon asks if you want to quit and there is no "are you sure" option if you select quit. If trying boss rush multiple times use the stool near the mine cart to restore missing hearts between tries. Before each boss, watch online videos of the boss battles to familiarize yourself with their attacks and patterns.
While trying to beat bosses as quickly as possible is a great way to earn money, remember to take special care to keep your health bar as full as possible. Not all boss fights offer an easy way to recover lost hearts, but some provide easy ways to heal yourself outside the course of regular battle. For example, slashing the Imprisoned's toes will sometimes yield hearts as you fight it, but you can also abandon the fight while he's down to cut grass to get some hearts.
: Break pots that line the arena with your sword. : Cut grass along the path : Look for heart plants at the very top of the battle arena. : You can lure Koloktos into destroying the pillars that line the arena or, once you can grab his sword, do it yourself. Bokoblin Horde: This is the single-best way to replenish your hearts. Simply keep on battling Bokoblins and only advance when you run out of enemies or until your heart meter is full. Note:  Because your pouch is "off limits"  even with heart medals, hearts will not appear in .
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3D环绕,刺激每一个听神经? 第66期
介绍: 制作人:Remaoqi_DS
全程高能嗨翻你的灵盖骨,超环绕和超眩晕版的boss mode 让你的头离开地球
请戴上耳机 让我们一起嗨翻大脑
这歌我做了一天一夜终于完成了 过程中差点吐了两次
此歌加上了重低音 渐强等等音效
介绍: 制作人:Remaoqi_DS
全程高能嗨翻你的灵盖骨,超环绕和超眩晕版的boss mode 让你的头离开地球
请戴上耳机 让我们一起嗨翻大脑
这歌我做了一天一夜终于完成了 过程中差点吐了两次
此歌加上了重低音 渐强等等音效
中间有一小部分可以休息一下但别以为就这么结束了 后面更高能 更眩晕 更环绕
表示自从听了这个环绕之后 再听原曲总感觉少了点什么 好不习惯(o???o)y
歌曲:Boss Mode
remix制作:Knife Party


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