
不正史,不原着,只看过电视剧,而且年代已久,多少年了,总是对嬴政那句强硬的恳求耿耿于怀,不能说项少龙做错了,只是从那个时候起,除了那冥冥中无缘无故的牵绊,项少龙和嬴政之间,师徒之情,君臣之情,朋友之情,亲人之情,通通黯淡最终消失,项少龙带着红颜知己,朋友兄弟走了,只留下了孤家寡人的秦始皇 如果重来一次,他们各自又会如何选择?
(无限血神)(玩转动漫世界 )(拿无限当单机)(无限众神游戏)(无限之幽灵战舰)
(无限群芳谱)(魔方大世界)(穿越者公敌)(少女契约之书 )
阅读并回答问题。  有四个人到了渡口,要到彼岸去。  这四个人,一个是有钱的,一个是大力士,一个是有权的,一个是作家。他们都要求渡河。  摆渡人说:“你们每一个人,谁把自己最宝贵的东西分一点给我,我就摆;谁不给,我就不摆。”  有钱人就给了点钱,上了船。  大力士举了举拳头:“人吃得消这个吗?”也上了船。  有权的人说:“你摆我过河以后,就别干这苦活了,跟我去做一点干净省力的事儿吧。”摆渡人听了高兴,扶他上了船。  最后轮到作家开口了。作家说:“我最宝贵的,就是写作。不过一时也写不出来。我唱个歌儿给你听听吧。”  摆渡人说:“歌儿我也会唱,谁要听你的!你如果实在没有什么,唱一个也可以。唱得好,就让你过去。”  作家就唱了一个。  摆渡人听了,摇摇头说:“你唱的算什么,还没有他(指有权的)说的好听。”说罢,不让作家上船,篙子一点,船就离了岸。  这时暮色已浓,作家又饿又冷,想着对岸家中,妻儿还在等他回去想办法买米浇夜饭吃,他一阵心酸,不禁仰天叹道:“我平生没有作过孽,为什么就没有路走了呢?”  摆渡人一听,又把船靠岸,说:“你这一声叹,比刚才唱的好听,你把你最宝贵的东西——真情实意分给了我。请上船吧!”  作家过了河,心里哈哈笑。他觉得摆渡人说得真好,作家没有真情实意,是应该无路可走的。  到了第二天,作家想起摆渡人已跟那有权的走掉,没有人摆渡了,那怎么行呢?于是他就自动去做摆渡人。从此改了行。  作家摆渡,不受惑于财富,不屈从于权力;他以真情实意待渡客,并愿渡客以真情实意报之。  过了一阵之后,作家又觉得自己并未改行,原来创作同摆渡一样,目的都是把人渡到前面的彼岸去。1.结合上下文,推断词义。①彼岸:______________________②屈从:______________________2.文中写了四个人,他们各自最宝贵的是什么?有钱人:______________________有权的:______________________大力士:______________________作家:______________________3.摆渡人认为作家的一声长叹比唱的好听,为什么?_____________________________________________________________4.文中作家的真情实意来源于什么?说明了什么?_____________________________________________________________5.本文是一则现代寓言,其主旨是______________________。6.文章结尾,作家为什么觉得自己并未改行?(用原文回答)_____________________________________________________________7.文章最后把作家创作同摆渡联系起来,有何作用?(从结构上、内容上来思考)_____________________________________________________________
1.①实指河的对岸,结尾处的“彼岸”还含有比喻所向往的境界。  ②对外来压力不敢反抗,违背本意,勉强服从。2.金钱;权力;武力;真情实意3.因为作家的一声长叹,包含了他的真情实意。4.暮色已浓,作家又冷又饿,想到妻儿还要待他回去想办法买米烧饭,他一阵心酸,饱含真情长叹了一声。这说明创作中的真情实意来自现实生活中的真实感受。5.旨在说明作家给予读者的应该是真情实意。(意对即可)6.原来创作同摆渡一样,目的都是把人渡到前面的彼岸去。7.结构上前后呼应,内容上深化了主题。(意对即可)
童话:是文学体裁中的一种,主要面向儿童,具有浓厚幻想色彩的虚构故事作品,通过丰富的想象、幻想、夸张、象征的手段来塑造形象,反映生活。其语言通俗生动,故事情节往往离奇曲折,引人入胜。寓言:是以假托的故事或拟人的手法说明某个道理或进行劝喻、讽刺的文学作品。特点:篇幅大多简短;主人公可为人,也可为拟人化的生物或非生物;主题多是借此喻彼,借远喻近,借古喻今,是深奥的道理从简单的故事中体现出来,具有鲜明的哲理性和讽刺性;常运用夸张和拟人等表现手法。寓言早在我国春秋战国时代就已经盛行,诸子百家著作中都有不少寓言故事流传下来。外国寓言作品,著名的有古希腊的《伊索寓言》和俄国的《克雷洛夫寓言》。童话特点:1.童话故事是儿童文学的重要体裁。是一种具有浓厚幻想色彩的虚构故事,多采用夸张、拟人、象征等表现手法去编织奇异的情节。2.幻想是童话的基本特征,也是童话反映生活的特殊艺术手段。3.童话主要描绘虚拟的事物和境界,出现于其中的“人物”,是并非真有的假想形象,所讲述的故事,也是不可能发生的。但是童话中的种种幻想,都植根于现实,是生活的一种折光。4.童话创作一般运用夸张和拟人化手法,并遵循一定的事理逻辑去开展离奇的情节,造成浓烈的幻想氛围以及超越时空制约,亦虚亦实,似幻犹真的境界。5.它常常采用象征手法塑造幻想形象以影射、概括现实中的人事关系。童话故事最大的特征是用丰富的想象力,赋予动物、植物等物体人的感情。同时童话故事总是把恶和善极端化,通俗地说,就是坏人非常坏,好人非常好。好人很善良,坏人很恶毒。比如《白雪公主》里,七个小矮人很善良,而皇后很恶毒;《灰姑娘》里,后母很恶毒,灰姑娘很善良。6.童话里往往还包含了神奇的魔法、无尽的财富、凶恶的怪兽等元素,使故事能够引人入胜,打动孩子的好奇心,丰富孩子的想象力。&& 一般来说,童话故事主要是写给孩子的,不过,有童心的成年人同样能够在童话故事中找到快乐,让心灵纯净。寓言的特点:1.鲜明的教育性2.强烈的讽刺性3.故事情节的虚构性4.语言精炼,极富表现力5.一般篇幅短小,结构紧凑6.常用手法为:比喻,夸张,象征,等手法童话与寓言的区别:童话:儿童文学的一种体裁,通过丰富的想象、幻想和夸张来编写合适于儿童欣赏的故事。寓言:用假托的故事寄寓意味深长的道理,给人以启示,寓言一般比较短小,故事的主人公可以是人,也可以是拟人化的动植物或其他事物。1、有所寄托的话 2、用假托的故事或自然物的拟人手法来说明某个道理或教训的文学作品,常带有讽刺或劝诫的性质。一、从概念上看:童话:是一种带有浓厚幻想色彩的虚构故事,幻想是童话的基本特征,是童话的核心,也是童话的灵魂。如《田螺姑娘》、《神笔马良》等。寓言:就是含有劝喻和讽刺意味的故事。寓,就是寄托,即借助于某种故事形式来表达作者的创作意图。如《汉书·叙传上》里的“邯郸学步”:“昔有学步于邯郸者,曾未得其仿佛,又复失其故步,遂匍匐而归耳。”尽管文字简洁,但已形成有相对完整情节的简短故事,而故事本身又寓含某种深刻的道理,故堪为一篇典型的寓言。二、从篇幅上看:童话:故事完整,篇幅较长,情节神奇曲折。如《皇帝的新装》、《蚕和蚂蚁》等。寓言:结构简单,篇幅短小,情节单纯有趣。如《塞翁失马》、《黔驴技穷》等。三、从题材上看:童话:多表现幻想世界,充满幻想色彩。从风霜雨雪到星辰日月,从花木草石到鱼鸟虫兽,对大自然的一切事物都可加以人格化,以物拟人,妙趣横生。如《渔夫的故事》。寓言:多来自现实生活,内容多以反映人们对生活的看法,或对某种社会现象的批评,或对某种人的有所讽刺和箴戒。虽然具有虚构的成份,但却是社会现象的高度提炼和概括,更容易为人所接受。如《孟子》“揠苗助长”。四、从体裁特点看:童话:表现为形式多样,除用散文形式写的童话外,还有童话诗和童话剧。想象丰富,幻想奇特,抒情说理,寓教于乐,突出形象性,注重趣味性,讲究可读性,如《宝葫芦的秘密》、《卖火柴的小女孩》等。寓言:表现为借题发挥,由此及彼,托古讽今,小中见大,突出讽刺性,注重实用性,讲究哲理性善于启发性。如《自相矛盾》。《刻舟求剑》。童话:更多偏向于故事情节,童指儿童,面向的是更多的儿童能够听得懂故事内容,喜欢或讨厌故事的人物,培训儿童的基本正义观、是非观。具有较强的娱乐性。寓言和童话一样都是虚构的,但寓言更通的是通过故事告诉世人一些道理,对今后的生活有一定的指导意义。面向的读者应该是比童话的读者要略为大些的。比如《白雪公主》可能2岁左右的孩子就能听懂;而《狐狸和葡萄》可能就要5岁左右的孩子才能听懂。童话和寓言阅读:阅读童话和寓言是一件既有趣又快乐的事,人们都说“儿童是天生的艺术家”,这是因为儿童天真烂漫,想象力丰富奇特,更容易走进童话和寓言的世界,感受到故事的情趣。一、童话的阅读方法:1. 了解童话的特点和类型童话是按照儿童的心理特点和需要,通过丰富的幻想、想像和夸张来塑造鲜明的形象,用曲折动人的故事情节和浅显易懂的语言文字反映社会生活。扬善抑恶,起到教育人的目的。阅读童话,首先一点是弄清文章属于下面几种类型中的哪一种童话类型,这有助于文章内容的理解。①拟人化童话:将动物、植物或者世界上一切没有生命的东西,赋予人的生命,模拟人的言行,成为童话的“人物”。②人物童话:以普通人作为主人公的童话。③超人化童话:童话中的人物形象属于一些超自然的、幻想的、想象中的形象。④知识童话(科学童话):把神奇的科学世界或者其未来远景用童话的形式表现出来,引起少年儿童的浓厚兴趣。2. 正确理解童话内容,体会作者的写作意图、思想感情和生活真谛童话总是通过曲折动人的故事来反映现实生活,提示某种道理,对儿童进行多方面的教育。在阅读时,我们要通过童话中人物形象的具体分析去领悟做人或生活的道理。如《小青石》一文就是把小青石当作人来写,让它会说、会想、有感情,通过小青石的变化,思想的转变,说明了一个深刻的做人道理——为大众服务的生活才是最有意义的。3.把握童话中的比拟特征比拟包括拟人和拟物,就是通常所说的人格化手法,童话作品常常把非人的有机物、无机物以及抽象的思想、概念比拟成人,赋予它们以人的思想感情,行为动作和说话做事的能力。这样,猫狗虎豹、花草树木、一沙一石进入童话领域就“活” 起来了,就成为具有喜怒哀乐、七情六欲的生灵。因此,我们在阅读童话时千万不能独立的、静止地看待非人的有机物,而要把它们看做活生生的人。4.重视童话的现实意义无论是童话的幻想、比拟、夸张,还是它的思想内容,都源于现实生活,折射于现实生活。例如:社会上有冻死孩子的事情,才出现了安徒生的《卖火柴的小女孩》那样的童话;世界上有虚伪的、自欺欺人的人,才出现了《皇帝的新装》那样的作品。善与恶、苦与甜,笑与哭等情景在童话里出现,无一不是对社会现实的反应。因此,我们随作者进入了一个个美妙神奇的童话世界,与作品中的人物一起上天入地、喜怒哀乐的时候,决不能小视它的现实意义。二、寓言的阅读方法:寓言就是“寓义于言”在具体的故事里面寄托一些话,这些话是讲某种道理或教训的。一般来说,寓言的内容都是虚构的,篇幅上都比较短小。阅读时,我们根据其特点去理解寓言的思想内容。那么,寓言应该怎样来阅读呢?1. 把握寓言中的“故事”寓言从结构上看,大多分为故事和教训两部分。所以首先要把寓言当作故事去读,弄清寓言叙述的是一件什么事,事情的起因、经过、结果怎样,故事中有哪些人物,主要人物是谁,他们各自扮演了什么角色。如《画蛇添足》故事的起因是每人在地上画一条蛇,谁画得像,就把这壶酒给他;故事的经过是有个人把蛇画好后,见别人没画好,就给蛇画起脚来;故事的结果是画蛇添足的人虽然先画完,却没喝到酒。2. 领会寓言的寓意阅读寓言最重要的是通过对故事的分析由浅入深、由表及里地把握寓言的全文。掌握艺术手法,体会寓言的生活哲理。除了理解寓言的寓意,还要根据寓言联系生活实际去深入体会它的教育意义。如把《滥竽充数》中的南郭先生,转换成那些没有真才实学,凭做假、蒙混度日的人;把“滥竽充数”比喻为缺乏才干而混充行家,或是比喻拿次要的东西混在好的里面。3.了解寓言采用了什么表现方法寓言篇幅短小,语言简洁,结构单一,情节新奇。一般采用一事一理的写法,所以它的层次很清楚,还往往能唤起读着丰富的联想。它经常借用拟人、夸张、讽刺等表现手法将深刻的道理寄托在寓言故事中。因此,我们在阅读寓言时不要忽视对寓言的表现方法的理解,要联系生活实际去深入体会它的教育意义。
魔方,Rubik's Cube 又叫魔术方块,也称鲁毕克方块。是匈牙利布达佩斯建筑学院鲁比克教授在1974年发明的。当初他发明魔方,仅仅是作为一种帮助学生增强空间思维能力的教学工具。但要使那些小方块可以随意转动而不散开,不仅是个机械难题,这牵涉到木制的轴心,座和榫头等。直到魔方在手时,他将魔方转了几下后,才发现如何把混乱的颜色方块复原竟是个有趣而且困难的问题。鲁毕克就决心大量生产这种玩具。魔方发明后不久就风靡世界,人们发现这个小方块组成的玩意实在是奥妙无穷。
魔方是一种变化多端的智力玩具。。1974年由匈牙利建筑学教授鲁毕克发明,70年代末80年代初风行于欧美及全世界。魔方系由富于弹性的硬塑料制成的6面正方体。核心是一个轴,并由26个小正方体组成。包括中心方块6个,固定不动,只一面有颜色。边角方块8个(3面有色)可转动。边缘方块12个(2面有色)亦可转动。玩具在出售时,小立方体的排列使大立方体的每一面都具有相同的颜色。当大立方体的某一面平动旋转时,其相邻的各面单一颜色便被破坏,而组成新图案立方体,再转再变化,形成每一面都由不同颜色的小方块拼成。据专家估计所有可能的图案构成约为4.3×10^19。玩法是将打乱的立方体通过转动尽快恢复成六面成单一颜色。魔方种类较多,平常说的都是最常见的三阶立方体魔方。其实,也有二阶、四阶、五阶等各种立方体魔方。还有其它的多面体魔方,面也可以是其它多边形。《如五边形十二面体:五魔方,简称五魔,英文名称:Megamix,又称正12面体魔方》《3x4长方体》《3X5长方体》。三阶立方体魔方由26个小方块和一个三维十字连接轴组成,小方块有6个在面中心,8个在角上,12个在棱上,物理结构非常巧妙。它每个面纵横都分为三层,每层都可自由转动,通过层的转动改变小方块在立方体上的位置,各部分之间存在着制约关系,没有两个小块是完全相同的。立方体各个面上有颜色,同一个面的各个方块的颜色相同,面与面之间颜色都不相同。这种最初状态就是魔方的原始状态。复原魔方就是按照某种规则转动魔方,使其恢复到原始状态。复原魔方要一个好魔方,一双灵巧的手,敏锐的空间想象力和高效实用的转动程序。复原方法有很多种,具体步骤上有很大的差异性,但也有相通之处,最常见的是一层一层地拼好。原版实际测量下来发现大约 57mm。如果试着翻阅国外的资料,会发现世界上第一个魔方为二又四分之一英寸(57.15mm)的记载。虽然现在还能见到它,但其中不少魔方制造商已随着历史发展,经历了重重变革。 在日本,今天你仍能买到 Tsukuda Original 公司的魔方。早期的产品由 Ideal Toy 生产,透明包装的下方有厂家的标志。 而现在则一律为 Seven Towns 的纸包装,盒子比早期的看起来还要显大。2000年的时候开始特别定制的新标志。但那毕竟是匈牙利等欧洲国家的公制,真的准确吗?请不要怀疑任何一组数据。现在我们手里的“克隆魔方”的尺寸已经相当接近于原版了。大多在55mm至60mm的范围。也别小看这魔方别看它只有26个小方块,变化可真是不少,魔方总的变化数为43,252,003,274,489,856,000或者约等于4.3X10^19。如果你一秒可以转3下魔方,不计重复,你也需要转4542亿年,才可以转出魔方所有的变化,这个数字是目前估算宇宙年龄的大约30倍。这可是十分惊人的!
[编辑本段]魔方广为大家喜爱是在80年代。从1980年到1982年总共售出了将近200万只魔方。1981年,一个来自英国的小男孩,帕特里克?波塞特(Patrick Bossert)写了一本名叫《你也能够复原魔方》(ISBN )的书,总共售出了将近150万本。由于魔方的巨大商机,鲁比克教授和他的合伙人一同开发了二阶和四阶魔方,这两个产品同样取得了成功。在中国,魔方是80年代最抢手的玩具,如同今天孩子们手中的掌上游戏机一样,成为青少年最喜欢的玩具。但是随着改革开放,越来越多的新奇玩具进入了中国,中国的魔方热潮也在渐渐消退。 不过最近几年,中国的非正式魔方社群魔方吧正在努力改变公众对于魔方的看法。魔方不仅仅是小孩子的玩具,更是一种休闲放松的方式,再加上更有刺激和挑战性的竞速、单手、盲拧魔方等玩法,越来越多的人正在重新关注魔方。基本术语阶:阶数是指魔方每个边所具有的块数,比如三阶魔方每个边就有3个小块。复原:指魔方从非原始状态到原始状态的过程。POP:指在复原中魔方的某些组成部分从魔方上面脱离的情况,如果是出现在比赛中作为无效的复原过程。 DNF:即Did Not Finish指魔方复原者感觉无法在自己满意的时间内完成魔方而弃权的情况,在比赛中可以有一次DNF。
[编辑本段]三阶魔方由一个连接着六个中心块的中心轴以及结构不一的20个方块构成,当它们连接在一起的时候会形成一个整体,并且任何一面都可水平转动而不影响到其他方块。 四阶魔方相对于三阶来说就要复杂的多,它的构成分为两类,一类中心是一个球体,每个外围的小块连接着中心球的滑轨,在运动时候会沿着用力方向在滑轨上滑动。第二类是以轴为核心的四阶魔方,这类魔方的构成非常复杂,除了中心球和外围块外还有很多附加件。作为竞速运动来说第二种构成的四阶魔方运动速度快,不易在高速转动中卡住。 五阶魔方的构成则更甚于四阶魔方。每发明一种新的高阶魔方都要经过很长时间,因为不仅要考虑到项目的可行性,还要考虑如果将魔方作出来后能不能稳定的用于转动。正是由于这个原因,五阶魔方是官方公布的最高阶魔方,其结构也不是一般的爱好者可以想象出来的。 六阶(含)以上的魔方目前还没有官方版本。不过不久前传言说已经有日本人制作出来样品并且发送法国公司尝试生产了。高阶魔方之所以难以制作,因为如果还是按照三阶魔方同比增加和扩大的话,角块在转动中可能会因无支撑物而从空中掉落。以前在网上所看到过的所谓八阶魔方后来证明不过是用普通的三阶拼凑出来的。
[编辑本段]其实魔方并不只有一种配色,现在所流行的是最初的版本,事实上也还有其他版本的配色。 第一种是由香港生产的最初的配色,最早在80年代就有销售,现在大多数销售的和它不同的是将茶色换成了橙色。 第二种也是香港生产的,是和第一种同一系列的魔方,但是配色稍有不同。 第三种是由美国生产的,配色完全改动,由白对黄,蓝对绿,红对橙。 第四种是由匈牙利原产的,配色接近于美国产的魔方。
[编辑本段]1.色心 RsUsFsRs'Us2 2.彩色十字 (RsFs)3 或者 Rs2Fs2Us23.龙 (FaRa)34.十二曲桥 (FaRa)3Us25.巨介子 BL'D2LDF'D2FD'B'F'RU2R'U'BU2B'UF6.双环 BRsD'R2DRs'B'R2UB2U'DB2RaU2Ra'B2D' 或者 D'F2DsB2RsU RsB'R2B LsU RaB2U7.6面U字 L'R2F'L'B'UBLFRU'RLRsFsUsRs 8.蛇 BRsD'R2DRs'B'R2UB2U'DR2D'9.虫 RUF2D'RsFsD'F'R'F2RU2FR2F'R'U'F'U2FR 10.两座山峰 F U L'B°L F2D'F D F L'D'L F L'D B L U'F'11.双重介子 BL'D2LDF'D2FD'B'F'RU2R'U'BU2B'UF (R'D2RB'U2B)2 12.十字 D U2F2Ds2Rs2B2Rs2D 13. 连接的T字 U'R'F'U'Rs2 D B R'L2D2B2Ds2B2U'14. 两个角架 R U'F R'B'D2R'U'BsLsD B L U'R'U'F U'Ls注:以上表示法均为美国魔方大师辛马斯特的算子表示法: 以英文Up(上)、Down(下)、Front(前)、Back(后)、Left(左)、Right(右)的第一个字母分别来表示魔方的上、下、前、后、左、右六个面,即U(上)、D(下)、F(前)、B(后)、L(左)、R(右)。当旋转魔方的右层时,从右侧看,若按顺时针方向转动90°,则用R表示这一旋转动作,若按反时针方向转动90°,则用R'表示这一旋转动作,若按顺时针方向转动180°,则用R2来表示。另外,将夹层的运动RL'简单记作Rs(表示左右两层同时以右层为基准的顺时针方向转动90°),并将夹层的运动RL简单记作Ra(即右层顺时针转90°,左层则与之反方向旋转90°),而(RsFs)3则表示将RsFs的动作重复做3次。
普通玩法这类玩法适合拿魔方当作放松和的爱好者。他们通常仅仅满足于复原一个魔方,不会追求更高的标准。竞速玩法竞速玩法竞速玩法出现的具体的时间已经难以考证。当爱好者们已经能够熟练复原魔方的时候,就开始追求最快的复原。竞速复原有几个要点:使用的方法要最简便,但是随之产生的问题是步骤越少,需要记忆的公式就越多;使用的魔方需要最适合竞速使用,不会卡住或者打滑,所以出现了为魔方专用润滑油;灵巧的双手,因为拥有方法和好的魔方不是最重要的,双手能够熟练的转动魔方才能有最高的效率。世界上最快的人曾经在7.08秒成功还原了一个魔方(记录创造于Czech Open 2008),记录保持者是来自荷兰的Erik Akkersdijk。最少步骤还原最为艰难的玩法,在这种玩法或者比赛中,不能转动魔方,只能用眼睛观察魔方的状态,然后思考出最少的步骤来解决魔方。虽然还没有人能证明出魔方的最大打乱状态(即需要用最多步骤还原的状态)是什么,但是普遍认为经过50步无规则的打乱,3阶魔方就能达到最大状态,此情况下恢复原状需要23步。目前的世界纪录是26步还原,耗时2个半小时。盲拧盲拧可以说是每个魔方玩家的梦想。盲拧的定义就是不用眼睛观看魔方(可以记忆),进行复原的过程。计时是从第一眼看到魔方开始的,也就是说记忆魔方的时间也算在总时间内。这种玩法对一个人的记忆力和空间想象力有极大的考验。3阶竞速赛高手Macky也是盲拧的好手,他在去年的世界锦标赛上第一次突破3分钟大关,但是这个纪录随后不久就被美国人Leyan Lo打破。今年的比赛中,他们两个双双超出自己的最好成绩,Lo的成绩为2分36秒,Macky则创造了新的纪录,为2分18秒。而在2007年即将结束之际,来自中国的一位小伙子(陈丹阳)又以1分10秒的成绩打破了这个记录单拧即单手转动魔方进行复原,对手指的灵活程度要求很高。因为没有另外一只手的帮助,魔方难以保持平衡,尤其是在高速转动的过程中。目前世界纪录为Macky创造的23秒26。脚拧虽然听起来有些不可思议,但是却是有人用脚来复原魔方。目前没有这一项的世界纪录。有记载的最好成绩为2分半钟。花式拧法图案有些人不喜欢竞速或者最少步骤还原的玩法,而钟情于创造美丽的图案。事实上这也是相当有难度的,因为要预测每一块的移动并不是很简单。
Rubik's cube, Rubik's Cube called magic box, also known as Lu Ke Bi box. Budapest, Hungary is the School of Architecture in 1974, Professor Lu Bike invented. He invented the original Rubik's Cube, just as a space of thinking to help students enhance the capacity of teaching tool. But for the small box can not spread random rotation, is not only a mechanical problem, which involves wooden axis, and Suntou, and so on. Until the Rubik's Cube in hand, he will turn a few Rubik's Cube after they found out how confusing the color box recovery actually an interesting and difficult questions. Lu Ke Bi determination on the mass production of such toys. Rubik's Cube shortly after the invention of the fashionable world, people find that this small box of the thing is endless mysteries. Rubik's Cube is a variety of intelligence toys. . 1974 by the Hungarian architecture professor Lu Ke Bi invention, the late 1970s early 1980s, popular in Europe and the United States and the world. Rubik's Cube by the full flexibility of the rigid plastics made from the six-cube. Is a core axis, and the composition of 26 small cube. Including the Center box six, fixed fixed, there are only one color. Corner box 8 (3-colored) rotation. Edge of the box 12 (2-colored) can rotate. Toys are sold with small cube of order so that each side of the cube have the same color. When a large cube of a fixed-rotation, all of its neighboring single color will be destroyed, and the formation of a new logo cube, then further changes, a different color each side by a small box Pincheng. Experts estimate all possible patterns constitute about 4.3 × 10 ^ 19.玩法is to disrupt the cube through the rotation as early resumption of six-into a single color. Rubik's Cube type more common that are the most common third-order cube Rubik's Cube. In fact, there are second-and fourth-order, the five bands such as cube Rubik's Cube. There are other polyhedron Rubik's Cube, the surface can also be other polygons. "If the surface of pentagons, 12: five Rubik's Cube, or five demons, the English name: Megamix, also known as the Rubik's Cube is 12-of" "3 x4 cuboid" "3 X5 cuboid." Third-order cube Rubik's Cube from 26 small box and a 3-D cross-axis connecting components, a small box of six in the centre, eight in the corner, 12 in row, the physical structure is very clever. Every aspect of it is divided into three tiers, each floor are free rotation, rotation changes through the layer of small box in the cube on the location of various parts of relationship exists between the constraints, the two plots is not exactly the same . Cube colors are all surface, all with a face the color of the same box, between the surface and surface colors are not the same. This original state of Rubik's Cube is the original state. Rubik's Cube is a recovery in accordance with the rules of rotating Rubik's Cube, restored to its original state. Rubik's Cube to a good recovery Rubik's Cube, a pair of dexterous hands, keen imagination and efficient space for the rotation process. There are many ways to recover, concrete steps are very different, but there are also things in common, the most common is a good one to fight. Author found that the actual measurement down about 57mm. If trying to read the information abroad, will find the world's first Rubik's Cube for two and a quarter-inch (57.15 mm) records. Although now can see it, but many of them have been with the Rubik's Cube manufacturers of historical development, has undergone numerous changes. In Japan, today you can still buy the company Tsukuda Original Rubik's Cube. Early products from Ideal Toy Production, transparent packaging manufacturers the bottom of the sign. And now all of Seven Towns of paper packaging, box than in the early to look at. In 2000 when the custom started in particular the new logo. That is, after all, Hungary and other European countries Metric, really accurate? & Please do not suspect that any one set of data. Now we are in the hands of "cloning Rubik's Cube" already very close to the size of the original. Most of the 55 mm to 60 mm range. Do not underestimate this Rubik's Cube also Although it only 26 small box, can really change a lot, Rubik's Cube of the total number of changes to 43,252,003,274,489,856,000 Or equivalent to about 4.3 X10 ^ 19. If you can turn a second, under the Rubik's Cube 3, non-duplication, you also need to 4542 million years before it can turn a Rubik's Cube all the changes, this figure is currently estimated age of the universe about 30 times. But this is amazing! Rubik's Cube, the origin of [Edit this paragraph] As the beginning of this entry said, the Rubik's Cube is the first in Hungary is a professor at the rubik's 1974 invention, but it is not an invention of the professors in order to put into production and entertainment. Because he is a professor of architecture and sculpture, so his own hands to make the first prototype of a Rubik's Cube to help students understand the cube space composition and structure of space and training students thinking ability and memory. In his first completed work after a few rotation, the full lineup of original Rubik's Cube that was difficult to resume, so he was aware of this new invention will be very simple. But he can not think of is that this side less than 6 cm of toys has swept the world in the future, or even a Rubik's Cube props for the campaign. , The popular Rubik's Cube [Edit this paragraph] Rubik's Cube is widely loved you in the 1980s. From 1980 to 1982 sold a total of nearly 2 million Rubik's Cube. 1981, a little boy from the United Kingdom, Patrick Bossert (Patrick Bossert) wrote one called "you can also recover Rubik's Cube" (ISBN ) of the book, sold a total of nearly 1.5 million. Rubik's Cube because of the tremendous business opportunities, Professor Lu Bike and his partners with the development of the second and Rubik's Revenge, the same two products have been successful. In China, Rubik's Cube is the most in demand in the 1980s toys, children today as the hands of the handheld console, as most young people like toys. But as the reform and opening up, more and more of a novelty toys into China, and China's Rubik's Cube craze has gradually dissipated. But in recent years, China's informal Rubik's Cube Rubik's Cube community it is working to change the public's view of the Rubik's Cube. Rubik's Cube is not just children's toys, but also a way to relax, coupled with more excitement and challenges of racing, one-handed, blind fastening玩法Rubik's cube, and so, more and more people are concerned about re - Rubik's Cube. Basic terminology Order: Order is the number of Rubik's cube with each side of the block a few, such as third-order Rubik's Cube each side has three small pieces. Recovery: Rubik's Cube that from the non-original state to the original state of the process. POP: Rubik's Cube that the recovery in some components of the Rubik's Cube from the above, if there is competition in the rehabilitation process as invalid. DNF: Did Not Finish means that Rubik's Cube who feel unable to recover in their own time to complete satisfaction with the Rubik's Cube and abstain from the situation in the game can have a DNF. Rubik's Cube, the composition [Edit this paragraph] Rubik's Cube by a third-order connected to the central block of six central axis and the different structure of a box of 20, when they are often linked to form a whole, and the level of any side can turn to the other side without affecting Block. Rubik's Revenge of the Third Order, to the more complex, its composition is divided into two categories Centre is a sphere, each connected to the external small ball glides Center, will be along in time to campaign Forced in the direction of sliding rails. The second category is at the core axis of Rubik's Revenge, such Rubik's Cube of a very complex, in addition to central and peripheral block the ball, there are many additional pieces. As a racing sport, the second of a Rubik's Revenge movement speed, not get stuck in the high-speed rotation. Professor's Cube is even more of a Rubik's Revenge. Every invention of a new high-end Rubik's Cube to go through a very long time, because not only to consider the feasibility of the project, will have to consider if the Rubik's Cube can be made to stabilize after the rotation for. It is for this reason, the Professor's Cube is the most senior official Rubik's Cube, its structure is not the general lovers can imagine them. 6 bands (with) more than the Rubik's Cube is still no official version. But recent rumors that the Japanese have produced samples and sent the French company tried to production. Rubik's Cube is difficult to produce high-end, because if the Rubik's Cube or third-order in accordance with the same period last year to increase and expand, then block in the rotation angle may be without the support of falling from the air. Before the Internet can see the eight bands of the so-called Rubik's Cube is later proved that the third-order put together by ordinary people. Rubik's Cube stickers, 2000 [Edit this paragraph] Rubik's Cube of six stickers typically from red, yellow, blue, en, white and orange color of the six components. Various periods and local versions of stickers will be different from methods, but is basically a relatively Hong Cheng, huangbai relative, the blue and green relative, in fact, as long as it met the three no matter how arbitrary the final results posted on only two of the paste. If there are no such restrictions Rubik's Cube of the number of stickers affixed law? & The answer is 30. Rubik's Cube cube because of the symmetry, yet general, we may wish to specify when the stickers for the top of the blue. He's the opposite has five kinds of stickers, the remaining four surface to form a ring. This ring of four kinds of color after the removal of rotating the same situation 3 * 2 paste method. This is because of this ring, we can also yet to designate a general four kinds of colors in a color as the front of his opposite have three kinds of stickers, the remaining two sides of the corresponding two kinds of stickers, Rubik's Cube stickers affixed by the 5 * 3 * 2 = 30. Rubik's Cube number of changes & Although only 26 small Rubik's cube, can change the relative position of only 20 more, but it changes Zhenbu Shao, once a company selling advertising that Rubik's Cube, the Rubik's Cube in a 3 billion kinds, some people commented that this The equivalent of McDonald's proudly announced that they have sold in the world 10 billion a hamburger. Rubik's Cube of a change (8! * 3 ^ 8 * 12! * 2 ^ 12) / (3 * 2 * 2) = , equivalent to about 4.3 * 10 ^ 19 or 127 quadrillion kinds of changes in 4325, the third-order change in the total number of Rubik's cube The reason is this: eight roles with the entire block 8!, And each block has three kinds of role towards, it is 8! * 3 ^ 8, 12 full-color with a collar each have two kinds of direction is 12! * 2 ^ 12, is to multiply such elements, and the denominator, 3 * 2 * 2 is the significance of maintaining other color fixed, can not change a single block towards the role, a change towards the edge color, and single home. Rubik's Cube, the descent [Edit this paragraph] In fact, Rubik's Cube is not only a color, are now popular is the original version, in fact there are other versions of the color. The first one is from Hong Kong production of the original color, the first sale there in the 1980s, now the majority of sales is different and it will be replaced by a brown orange. The second is the Hong Kong production, is the same and a series of Rubik's Cube, but slightly different color. The third is produced by the United States, completely changed color from white to yellow and blue to en, red to orange. The fourth is from the Hungarian origin, color closer to the U.S.-Rubik's Cube. Rubik's Cube, the logo [Edit this paragraph] 1. Color center RsUsFsRs'Us2 2. Color Cross (RsFs) 3 or Rs2Fs2Us2 3. Dragon (FaRa) 3 4. Quqiao 12 (FaRa) 3Us2 5. BL'D2LDF'D2FD'B'F'RU2R'U'BU2B'UF giant meson 6. Shuanghuan BRsD'R2DRs'B'R2UB2U'DB2RaU2Ra'B2D 'or D'F2DsB2RsU RsB'R2B LsU RaB2U 7.6 U-word L'R2F'L'B'UBLFRU'RLRsFsUsRs 8. Snakes BRsD'R2DRs'B'R2UB2U'DR2D ' 9. Pest RUF2D'RsFsD'F'R'F2RU2FR2F'R'U'F'U2FR 10. Two peaks FU L'B ° L F2D'FDF L'D'L F L'D BL U'F ' 11. Double meson BL'D2LDF'D2FD'B'F'RU2R'U'BU2B'UF (R'D2RB'U2B) 2 12. Cruciate D U2F2Ds2Rs2B2Rs2D 13. Connecting the T-U'R'F'U'Rs2 D B R'L2D2B2Ds2B2U ' 14. Jiaojia two R U'F R'B'D2R'U'BsLsD BL U'R'U'F U'Ls Note: The above method are that the U.S. Rubik's Cube master Xinmasite the operator said law: English Up (on), Down (under), Front (before), Back (after), Left (left), Right (right) were the first letter to the Rubik's Cube that the upper and lower, before and after, left, Right-six, that is, U (on), D (under), F (before), B (after), L (left), R (right). When the rotating Rubik's Cube right layer, from the right, if the clockwise direction of rotation 90 °, R used the rotating action that, if the anti-clock direction of rotation 90 °, used R 'rotation that this action, If the clockwise direction of rotation 180 °, then use R2 to that. In addition, the campaign will sandwich RL 'simple credited to Rs (at the same time that about two to the right-clockwise direction as the base of the rotation 90 °), and dissection of the campaign RL simple recorded as Ra (that is, the right-clockwise turn 90 °, then left with the opposite direction of rotation 90 °), and (RsFs) 3 RsFs said the moves will be repeated three times to do. Rubik's Cube, the玩法 [Edit this paragraph] General玩法 Such as a Rubik's Cube with玩法for relaxation and entertainment enthusiasts. They are usually only meet in the recovery of a Rubik's cube, not the pursuit of higher standards. Racing玩法 Racing玩法racing玩法the specific time has been difficult to verify. When skilled enthusiasts have been able to recover the Rubik's Cube, began the pursuit of the fastest recovery. Racing to recover a few points: the methods used to be the most simple, but the resulting question is, the fewer steps, need to remember the formula more and more use of the Rubik's Cube need the most suitable for racing use, will not get stuck or skidding Therefore, a special lubricants for the Rubik's C dexterous hands, they have good methods and Rubik's Cube is not the most important of all, skilled hands can turn a Rubik's Cube can have the highest efficiency. The world's fastest people have succeeded in 7.08 seconds restore a Rubik's Cube (recorded in the creation of Czech Open 2008), is the record holder from the Netherlands Erik Akkersdijk. Steps to restore at least The most difficult玩法, in which玩法or competition, can not be rotating Rubik's cube, Rubik's Cube can only observe the eyes of the state, then at least thought to the steps to solve the Rubik's Cube. Although no one can prove that Rubik's Cube to disrupt the biggest state (that is, up to the steps needed to restore the status of) what is generally considered that after 50 but no further disrupt the rules of the three bands will be able to achieve the atest state of Rubik's cube, the circumstances 23-step rehabilitation needs. The current world record of 26-step reduction, time-consuming two half-hour. Blind twist Blind screw can be said that every player's dream Rubik's Cube. Twist the definition of blind eyes to watch Rubik's Cube is not (can remember), a recovery process. Timing is the first thing to see from the beginning of the Rubik's cube, Rubik's Cube memory that is the time count in the total time. This玩法on a person's memory and imagination have at room for the test. 3-order racing赛master Macky is also blind fastening the players, he at last year's world championship breakthrough in the first time in three minutes mark, but this record will soon be followed by the Americans Leyan Lo break. This year's contest, they both exceeded their two best results, Lo results for 2 minutes and 36 seconds, Macky is to create a new record of 2 minutes and 18 seconds. In 2007 draws to a close, the young guy was from China (Chen Danyang) again 1 minute 10 seconds to break this record of achievement Single screw Rubik's Cube that is, one-handed rotation for recovery, the flexibility of the fingers demanding. Another one hand because of the lack of help, Rubik's Cube difficult to maintain a balance, especially in high-speed rotation in the process. Macky current world record for the creation of 23 seconds 26. Foot pinch While some sounds incredible, but some people with their feet to recover Rubik's Cube. Currently do not have a world record. Recorded the best score of two and a half minutes. Law fancy twist Some people do not like the design racing, or at least steps to restore the, and to focus on creating beautiful patterns. In fact it is quite difficult, because each one to predict the movement is not very simple.
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