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Resolved questions请问有人能帮我把这首歌词的中文部分,翻译成英文吗?谢谢你们!!
我不在乎什么天长地久我只在乎你想不想要拥有一颗真心和温暖的手在身后 你微笑或泪流我不在乎你下次回来呆多久我只在乎这心动前所未有我不会走 Coz I Love You So想给你最好的我就算只是朋友还想和你做朋友想念your big brown eyes可爱的lips I wanna kissI miss想一直牵着你的手但我还年轻心不定,又能怎么办(boy,有什么话开不了口)No worries 我只是用脑想过头拥有了又想自由 自由后又想拥有(等待着,空逛着,有话别保留。他们说刮风的时候,你总选择要一个人颤抖)Guess You'll Never Know,CozI'll Never Show (为了谁你不自由)我不在乎什么天长地久我只在乎你想不想要拥有一颗真心和温暖的手在身后陪你微笑或泪流我不在乎你下次会来呆多久(拥有了又想自由)我只在乎这心动前所未有(自由又想拥有)我不会走 `cause I love you so想给你最好的我就算只是朋友信不过别人把你追走也信不过自己暂时把你拥有(你低头喝着酒,别只顾喝着酒)做朋友是保护你最坏也是最好的借口我明白要你爱是荒谬的要求我明白有些默契我必须要遵守只是你眼眸,走漏了一种Baby Bab
For learning: Base language: Chinese (Mandarin)Category: Language
Nov 09, 2013
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I don't care about together forever I only care if you want to haveA sincere heart and warm handsBehind your smile or tearsI don't mind how long you stay next timeI only care about this unprecedented heartI won't go Coz I Love You SoI want to give you the bestEven just a friendStill want to be your friendMiss your big brown eyescute lips I wanna kissI miss wanting to hold your handBut I am still young and unsettled, what can I do anyway(boy, what can't you say) No worries I just think too much......phew!, Its quite tiring translatingI'll just leave it at that for someone else to complete...
Nov 09, 2013
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& 2015 italki HK Limited.请帮我翻译为中文,谢谢~~Who needs spoons anymore?How do you like your coffee? Cream with one sugar? Nice. Just cream? Cool. Black? Rock on. Everybody except the black coffee drinker listen up - what do you use to stir your coffee? A spoon? S_百度作业帮
请帮我翻译为中文,谢谢~~Who needs spoons anymore?How do you like your coffee? Cream with one sugar? Nice. Just cream? Cool. Black? Rock on. Everybody except the black coffee drinker listen up - what do you use to stir your coffee? A spoon? S
请帮我翻译为中文,谢谢~~Who needs spoons anymore?How do you like your coffee? Cream with one sugar? Nice. Just cream? Cool. Black? Rock on. Everybody except the black coffee drinker listen up - what do you use to stir your coffee? A spoon? Swizzles? Tongue depressors? Bah. All of those so-called stirring solutions are fraught with failure.Spoons measure your sugar fine enough, but what a waste to have to wash (or toss) another utensil! Tongue depressors end up making your coffee taste like wood, and those stupid swizzles can't stir anything, are you kidding? What you need is a stirring solution for your hot and tasty beverage that doesn't add to landfill, or impart odd flavors to your drink while actually moving stuff around.If we sound like that late great TV pitchman, we're in great company. We're genuinely enthusiastic about the Self-Stirring Mug! Stainless steel finish with a snap-lock lid keeps your drink hot. Don't forget - inside this mug is a spinning plastic disk that frappes your drink into a whirling blended maelstrom of deliciousness. Too much?Just pop two AAA batteries inside the base, fill the mug with your favorite hot beverage, add your sweetener or creamer - or, hey! Maybe you just like a nice hot cup of cocoa! Any way, press the button on the handle and whirr your drink into a perfect blend. No more sandy sugar in the last dregs of your drink, and no more spoons!FeaturesMug with drink through lid includedDimensions: 4 3/8" H x 3 3/8" WTo clean just pour in soap and press a button to stir.14 oz mug
有谁还会用勺子呢?你喜欢什么口味的咖啡呢?一勺糖的牛奶咖啡?不错.只要奶?酷.浓咖啡?够味.那些不喝浓咖啡的人可要仔细听好了:你喜欢用什么东西搅拌咖啡呢?勺子?香槟调酒棒?压舌板?哈.上面列举的搅拌工具的效果可是相当的差强人意啊.汤勺可以很好的估量用糖量,但是最后还得用器皿清洗它,或是扔一边去,真是浪费.压舌板总是让你的咖啡尝起来有一种木头味,还有那些愚蠢的调酒棒根本搅拌不了东西,你是在开玩笑吗?你所需要的一种搅拌方法只是希望在搅拌过程中让一杯温热的饮料更加可口醇厚,不至于混入杂味而已.如果我们的说辞听起来像是近日那位著名的电视推销员,那么我们就真是大公司了.我们都被这个带有自动搅拌功能的马克杯惊呆了!这款杯子通体采用不锈钢制作而成,特有的弹簧锁盖使您的饮品总是“热”情四溢.别忘了——这款马克杯的内层有一个可以旋转的塑料盘,它能制造出容可口醇厚于一身的大漩涡.只需安装两节AAA电池,将您钟爱的热饮倒入马克杯中,加好甜味剂或是奶油,或是,嘿!也许你只是想喝一杯美味而热乎乎的可可饮料!轻按一下控制手柄上的按钮就能让您的饮料达到完美的匀度.保证不会再见到杯底的冰糖渣,而且再也用不着勺子了!请帮我译一下Lacvert skin Fitness
Magic Lift Cream
Magic Lift Essencer 的中文意思,谢谢!, 请帮我译一下Lacvert skin Fitn
请帮我译一下Lacvert skin Fitness
Magic Lift Cream
Magic Lift Essencer 的中文意思,谢谢! 这是化妆品的名称 wanghongfang32 请帮我译一下Lacvert skin Fitness
Magic Lift Cream
Magic Lift Essencer 的中文意思,谢谢!
皮肤持有弹力,含有氧份,重塑皮肤光滑,柔嫩 水润清爽使用感的化妆水
Lacvert 剥皮健身魔术举起乳酪魔术举起 EssencerNow I remember u,thx for ur help before.happy every day! 请帮忙翻译成中文,谢谢!, Now I remember u,thx for ur h
Now I remember u,thx for ur help before.happy every day! 请帮忙翻译成中文,谢谢! 如题 匿名 Now I remember u,thx for ur help before.happy every day! 请帮忙翻译成中文,谢谢!
't think so DUR Do you remember?for me NIFOC Naked in front of SOS Help SOT Short of time SOTMGT Think happy thoughts TA Thanks a


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