我们的征途是征途星辰大海 普希金,怎么对下一句

62被浏览122,235分享邀请回答0添加评论分享收藏感谢收起63被浏览103,178分享邀请回答The Pilgrims
We are the Pilgrims, Master
We shall go always a little further,
It may be beyond the last blue mountain barred with snow,
Across that angry or glimmering sea …
Go as a pilgrim and seek out danger
Far from comfort and the well lit-avenues of life.
Pit your very soul against the unknown
And seek stimulation in the company of the brave.
Experience cold and hunger, heat and thirst
And survive to see another challenge and another dawn.
Only then will you be at peace with yourself
And able to know and to say:
“I looked down on the farthest side of the mountain
And, fulfilled and understanding all, I am cold and hunger, heat and thirst
And survive to see another challenge and another dawn.
Only then will you be at peace with yourself
And able to know and to say:
“I looked down on the farthest side of the mountain
And, fulfilled and understanding all, I am truly content
That I lived a full life
And one that was of my own choice”.
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