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One of the most fundamental human needs is the need to belong.&&Noted psychologist, Abraham Maslow, identified it as one of the five basic needs.&&We want to be part of a group and to feel loved and accepted by others.&&That is, we want to be a member of a tribe.&&A tribe-or a pack, clan, elected family, posse, crew, network, or true friends–is a group of people who share common interests and values and show genuine appreciation and care for each other.
人们最基本的需求之一那便是归属感。心理学家亚伯拉罕马斯洛指出归属感是人类最基础的五种需求之一。人们想要作为一个集体中的一部分,能够感觉到被他人所接受被他人所爱。那便是作为部落的一分子。一个部落,一个群体,一个宗族,一个临时的团体,工作人员,网络群体,亦或者真正的朋友,都是人群中的一个集体,他们拥有共同的兴趣和价值观,相互欣赏相互关心。 Your tribe members are those people who accept you just as you are, and who want the very best for you.&&They make you feel understood, and they encourage you to go after your goals and pursue your dreams.&&Also, the members of your tribe help you to get through difficult times, and they provide you with a sense of community and support. 你的部落成员是那些因为是你而接受你的人,他们想要的是一个最真实最完美的你。他们能让你感到被人理解,他们会鼓励你追逐你的目标追求你的理想。当然,你部落里的朋友会助你一臂之力渡过难关,他们会给你团结和支持的力量。 To paraphrase Sam Adams–from the Onion A.V. Club–, your tribe are those people you love to cruise the streets with while listening to the Ramones and playing air guitar, and who, at the same time, will come and slap you when you’re acting out of line.&&Your tribe is made up of ‘your people.’&&Think of the six main characters in the hit series “Friends,” and how they were always there for each other. 萨姆亚当斯在由洋葱公司出版的《影音俱乐部》期刊上说过,“你部落里的人就是那些当你听着Ramones乐队的歌,独自沉浸假装弹着吉他,和他们一起穿过马路时,他会在你做的过火时上前拍醒你的人。你的部落是由‘你的人’组成的。就像《老友记》中那六个主角一样,他们是如何总是为对方着想的。 Sir Ken Robinson–author of “The Element,” a book on how to find work that you’re passionate about–argues that your tribe is essential in helping you to find your element.&&Members of a tribe kick ideas around with each other and validate each other.&&Also, tribe members drive each other to explore the real extent of their talents.&&In addition, Robinson argues that when a group of people with common interests come together, a synergy is created which allows them to create something much greater than any of them could have created individually. 在《元素》一书谈论了如何找到你热爱的工作,此书作者肯罗宾逊先生则觉得你的部落对你找到你自己的元素是异常重要的。部落里的成员会产生不同的观点然后相互认可。除此,部落中的朋友能相互驱使来挖掘对方真正的天赋。当然,罗宾逊也认为当一个集体因为共同的兴趣而相聚,增效作用将使他们创造出比他们个人所能创造的更伟大的事物。 If you feel tribe-less, rest assured in the knowledge that your tribe is out there.&&In addition, if you’re already surrounded by a supportive tribe, remember that there are probably many members of your tribe that you have not met yet.&&Below you’ll find twelve valuable tips and insights to help you find your tribe-if you haven’t found it already–, or to help you expand your tribe-if you already have one. 而如果你没有“部落感”,把心放在你知晓的领域中,你的部落就在那里。不仅如此,如果你已经准备好要遇到你所支持的部落,记住,你可能仍有许多好的部落你没有遇到。如果你还没有找到你的部落,在下文你将会看到十二条有价值的建议以及深刻见解来帮助你找到你的部落,如果你已经在部落之中,它们将帮助你扩大你的部落。 Twelve Tips for Finding or Expanding Your Tribe 十二条找到或扩大你部落的建议 American journalist and writer Jane Howard is credited with the following quote: “Call it a clan, call it a network, call it a tribe, call it a family.&&Whatever you call it, whoever you are, you need one.”&&Here are twelve tips for finding or expanding your tribe: 美国作家兼记者简霍华德记录了如下的引用。“将它称为一个宗族,一个网络群体,一个部落,一个家庭。无论你称它是什么,无论你是谁,你都需要这样一个它。”下面便是十二条建议: 1.Think of the qualities you want your tribe members to have.&&As an illustration, you may want each of your tribe members to have the following qualities: treats listens but doesn’ has a q doesn’t s is loyal and trustworthy. 1.试想你希望你部落的成员应有的特质。举一个例子,你可能想要部落中每一个成员都有以下特征:待人尊重;接纳但不武断;有古怪新鲜的幽默感;甚至是作为一位艺术家;活得富有激情;不为鸡毛蒜皮而发誓;忠诚并且值得信任。 2.Decide if there’s a particular type of activity that you want to engage in with your tribe, such as starting a book club, taking hiking trips, going to happy hour, or visiting museums and gallery openings. 2.判断是否真的有一类活动是你和你的部落想要参加的,比如开一个图书俱乐部,参加一个徒步旅行,一起找乐子,或者一起去博物馆或画廊的开幕式。 3.Listen to your inner voice and trust your instincts.&&When was the last time you had a gut feeling about someone?&&Sometimes you’ll meet someone new and you’ll feel drawn to them right away, almost as if you were old friends.&&Other times you’ll come across people who immediately make you want to put up your guard.&&Pay attention to your gut reaction to others. 3.聆听你内心的声音,相信你的直觉。最后一次是什么时候当你敢直抒胸臆?有时你碰到新朋友,但却会很快认出他们,就好像是你的老朋友。而又有的时候,你所遇到的人群会立即让你提起戒心。注意你对他人的强烈反应。 4.One way to find your tribe is to use Social Media to cr you can then look for ways to meet in the offline world.&&For example, Twitter allows you to search for people who share your interests and who actively talk about these interests.&&Use the topics and activities that you’re interested in as key terms.&&You can also enter the city where you live as a key term in order to find others who share your interests and live in your area. 4.找到你部落的一个方法是通过社会媒体来创造一个虚拟部落;然后你便可以在真实的世界和他们碰面。举个例子,Twitter能让你找到那些和你有共同爱好以及会积极谈论那些爱好的人。把你感兴趣的话题以及活动作为关键点。你也可以把你居住的城市作为关键词,去找那些居住在附近相同爱好的人。 5.Start a blog on a subject that interests you–such as breeding bull terriers, chasing UFOs, Russian 19th century novelists, and so on–and create your own community.&&If you can get together a group of bloggers who are like -minded and live in the same city, you can host a blog meet-up so you can all meet in person. 5.开一个博客,谈一个你感兴趣的话题创造一个属于你的地盘。比如养育一只,相信并追随UFO的存在,或谈论一个19世纪的俄罗斯小说家等等。如果你可以找到一群写日志的人,而且他们想法相投且住在同一个城市,然后你便可以组织一个博客见面会亲自见到他们所有人。 6.Look for upcoming community events in your city that are centered around activities you enjoy. 6.寻找那些在你的城市中即将发生让你感兴趣的社区活动。 7.Search for Yahoo groups and forums which cater to a particular topic that you’re passionate about. 7.在雅虎组群和论坛上去寻找那些给你热情趣味相同的话题。 8.If there are one or two people you already know who you would like to strengthen your friendship with, try to find a way to work together.&&You could plant a communal garden together, or meet once a week to complete unfinished projects–such as crafts, sewing, knitting, or woodworking– as a group.&&Working with others can help you strengthen your bonds with them. 8.如果有那么一两个你已经认识的人你想要与他们增进友谊,那就尝试在在一起工作吧。你们可以种植一个公用的花园,组成一个小组,每星期见一次面去完成那些没完成的指标——手工活,缝纫,编制以及木工活。和他们一起工作可以把你们团结得更牢。 9.Marketing guru Seth Godin advices that you create your tribe by helping others to achieve their goals.&&Connect people in your social network who h give them access to information and reso and let them know that you’re available if they need help. 9.营销大师塞思戈丁建议说:要创造你的部落必须通过帮助别人来实现他们的梦想。联系那些在你的社交网络中与你有共同兴趣的人;给他们所需要的信息和资源;让他们知道当他们需要帮助的时候你随时可以帮助他们。 10.Andy Paige–a stylist on TLC– explains that you need to look for your 1/3.&&To summarize: Andy argues that 1/3 of the people you come acr 1/3 of the people you meet will be in and 1/3 of the people you come into contact with will love you.&&You’re looking for that that last 1/3.&&Those are your people.&&Don’t worry about the other 2/3. 10.一位来自TLC的设计师安迪佩吉认为你应该找到自己的1/3。总的来说,安迪觉得你所遇到的1/3的人不会喜欢你,1/3的人不会对你非常关心,还有1/3的人则会一直联系你关爱着你。你在寻找的正式那最后的1/3。他们是你真正需要的人。而剩下的2/3则不用理会太多。 11.Create rituals that you can share with your tribe, such as having regular meals together.&&You can also have in-jokes and slang or jargon that’s unique to your tribe.&&Look for ways to make your group cohere and know that it’s a group. 11.与你部落中的人创造一些你们的例行公事,像定时的聚餐等等。你们也可以有自己部落独一无二的内部笑话,暗语和术语。尝试着寻找让你团队更融洽的方法并让他们知道你们是一个整体。 12.Keep in mind that the people you hang out with will have a huge impact on every aspect of your life, from your level of income—several financial authors argue that your income is equal to the income of your five best friends–, to your level of happiness—studies show that happiness is contagious.&&In addition, we have a subconscious tendency to model the behavior of those around us.&&Choose your tribe wisely. 12.时刻记住你与之相处的人将会对你生活中的每个方面都有很大的影响,比如从你收入的方面:许多金融学家认为你的收入等同于你五个最好朋友的收入;又比如你的幸福感:研究表明幸福是会传染的。除此之外,我们对我们周围的人都有一种潜在的行为趋势。所以明智的选择你的部落。 Conclusion 结论 The members of your tribe are your allies on your life journey.&&When you’re creating or expanding your tribe, look for people who will lift you up, help you grow, recharge you, inspire you, and celebrate with you, and who are willing to lend a hand when you need it.&&In addition, always remember that as a tribe member you have responsibilities toward your tribe.&&You need to give back to the tribe and offer other tribe members your support, just as they support you.&&Now get out there and start creating or expanding your tribe. 在你部落中的朋友是你人生旅途中的生死之交。当你创造或扩大这个部落的时候,寻找那些会把你拉起的,带你成长的,给你新生力量的,能都启发你的,能够与你有福同享有难同党的人。另外,要时刻记住作为一个部落的成员你必须对你的部落有责任感。你应该回到部落给予他人帮助,因为他们在你需要帮助的时候也曾伸出援助之手。所以现在,走出去,开始创造或扩大你的部落吧!
(C) 2015 yeeyan.org


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