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回答问题,赢新手礼包汽车功放上S.BASS HPF LPF GAIN是什么意思?
汽车功放上S.BASS 分 A B C 三档 HPF 分L H挡 LPF 分L H档 GAIN是什么意思?
08-29 21:11|
最后访问时间:12-05 04:51
GAIN 是指增益按钮 BASS 是指低音 HP一般是指高通信号 LP一般是指低通信号
GAIN 是指增益按钮 BASS 是指低音 HP一般是指高通信号 LP一般是指低通信号 请看图.. 首先简单的说明各个功能的作用 1)低音加强功能开关,是在低频的50HZ处,可以对低音的幅度做出0~12dB的加强,以增加超重低音的量感。顺时针旋转此旋钮时增大,逆时针时减小。不过我们在此提醒车友,慎用此功能。因为如果盲目地加大低音,会使低音严重失真,变得混浊不堪,严重时可能烧喇叭。 在推动低音的声道如果要使用此功能,增强功能一般不要超3DB。 2)分频器模式选择开关(可选择:HPF:高通、FULL:全通、LP/BP:低通/带通) 你的搭配方式中,应将FRONT ADJUST 声道(左边)的开关拔到左边的HPF(高通)位置。REAR ADJUST通道(右边)的开关拔到右边的LP/BP位置。 3)工作指示灯(绿色),开机工作时点亮。 4)高电平输入(喇叭线输入) 说明:由于高电平输入的音质不理想,高电平输入功能我们一般都不使用,你的配置就是采用低电平的音频信号输入方式 5)信号输出RCA插座(可以将信号输出给另一台功放使用),主要是用于一套系统中有多台功放时才使用。 注:对于分频点和增益的调节,就不能一概而论了,推荐分频点的调节范围是70Hz~90Hz。 你可以搜索一下&道声汽车音响论坛& 专业的汽车音响论坛~肯定能够帮到你的 GAIN 是指增益按钮 BASS 是指低音 HP一般是指高通信号 LP一般是指低通信号 请看图.. 首先简单的说明各个功能的作用 1)低音加强功能开关,是在低频的50HZ处,可以对低音的幅度做出0~12dB的加强,以增加超重低音的量感。顺时针旋转此旋钮时增大,逆时针时减小。不过我们在此提醒车友,慎用此功能。因为如果盲目地加大低音,会使低音严重失真,变得混浊不堪,严重时可能烧喇叭。 在推动低音的声道如果要使用此功能,增强功能一般不要超3DB。 2)分频器模式选择开关(可选择:HPF:高通、FULL:全通、LP/BP:低通/带通) 你的搭配方式中,应将FRONT ADJUST 声道(左边)的开关拔到左边的HPF(高通)位置。REAR ADJUST通道(右边)的开关拔到右边的LP/BP位置。 3)工作指示灯(绿色),开机工作时点亮。 4)高电平输入(喇叭线输入) 说明:由于高电平输入的音质不理想,高电平输入功能我们一般都不使用,你的配置就是采用低电平的音频信号输入方式 5)信号输出RCA插座(可以将信号输出给另一台功放使用),主要是用于一套系统中有多台功放时才使用。 注:对于分频点和增益的调节,就不能一概而论了,推荐分频点的调节范围是70Hz~90Hz。 你可以搜索一下&道声汽车音响论坛& 专业的汽车音响论坛~肯定能够帮到你的
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摘要: GAIN=比例增益 1。PID是一种控制算法,是比例作用P、积分作用I、和微分作用D的总称。这三个作用可合成和分离成PI、PD,和PID这几个作用。2。先看一下PID的模拟算法公式:e(t)=SP(t)-PV(t);OUT(t)=GAIN* ...
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gain是什么意思 gain在线翻译 gain什么意思 gain的意思 gain的翻译 gain的解释 gain的发音 gain的同义词 gain的反义词 gain的例句 gain的相关词组
gain英 [ge?n] 美 [ɡen] 第三人称单数:第三人称复数:现在分词:过去分词:过去式:gain 基本解释及物/不及物动词获得; 赢得; 增加; (钟、表)走快名词利润; [土木工程]腰槽; 获益及物动词(在…上)开腰槽; 吸引; (通过努力)到达; 推进(一段距离)不及物动词增进; 增进健康; 得益; (重量的)增加danci.911cha.comgain 同义词911查询·英语单词动词名词gain 反义词及物动词名词gain 相关例句及物动词1. gain的翻译1. We gained our destination before dark.&&&&我们天黑之前到达了目的地。2. 2. He gained possession of more land.&&&&他拥有了更多的土地。3. This clock gains five minutes a day.&&&&这只钟每天快5分钟。不及物动词1. The days are gaining on the night.&&&&白天渐渐比夜长了。名词1. The gains are balanced by the losses.&&&&收益被亏损抵销。gain 网络解释1. 1. 获得利益:外汇风险可能具有两种结果,或是获得利益(Gain或是遭受损失(Loss). 一个国际企业组织的全部活动中,即在它的经营活动过程、结果、预期经营收益中,都存在着由于外汇汇率变化而引起的外汇风险. 在经营活动中的风险为交易风险(TransactionExposure),2. 利益:外汇风险可能具有两种结果,或是获得利益(Gain或是遭受损失(Loss). 一个国际企业组织的全部活动中,即在它的经营活动过程、结果、预期经营收益中,都存在着由于外汇汇率变化而引起的外汇风险.3. gain:global alliance fo 全球营养改善联盟4. 4. gain:global aviation 全球航空信息网gain 双语例句1. I totallyagree with the assertion that Government should preserve the wildernessareas in their natural state no matter how many people will accessthere(这个短语结构不明白什么意思呀~) because these areas deserve and have the necessity to beprotected and government is a powerful organization to gain this ends.&&&&这句话翻译没有错误,呵呵~只是提供一个相对更权威的中文翻译,帮助作者把握题意呵呵~政府应该保护那些疆域范围内的偏远地带,保持他们的原始状态,尽管这些地区一般来说非常偏僻,很少有人能够到达。2. gain2. FUJILuxelV series violet CTP since the introduction in the field of prepress seihan caused a radical change of mentality, and now we can use the integrated use of lower cost and higher productivity gain complete applies to commercial business card printing live parts of perfect output quality.&&&&FUJILuxelV系列紫激平CTP自问世以来在印后制版范畴引起了彻底的观念性的厘革,此刻我们可以用更矮的归纳搁置不梢钱和更矮的出产效果得回完残合用于贸易制卡板件的漏洞输入品格。3. It shifted 1, 600 of its top-of-the-line S-Class model that carries fat margins, a gain of 12 percent.&&&&其顶级的S系列百分之十二的增长带来了丰厚的利润。4. Men armed and be moving forward to erase the rebellion, besides we the majority of the population had no choice to defend the border from barbarian invasion of outsides and gain supporting of insides.&&&&人心既不可得,则弭地足矣!著以重兵,戍平剿逆,此外可安疆阻夷,内可广赢民心。5. With time, this misremembering only gets worse. A false statement from a noncredible source that is at first not believed can gain credibility during the months it takes to reprocess memories from short-term hippocampal storage to longer-term cortical storage.&&&&记忆失误随着时间的推移只有进一步恶化,虚假陈述来源不可信的纵使第一次不相信,但几个月期间经过从短期海马储存到长期皮层存储后,重新回忆处理就使虚假陈述取得公信力了。6. Good news for ice cream lovers: A recent Swedish study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition shows that women who have at least one serving of full-fat dairy products a day gain less weight than women who don`t.&&&&冰激凌爱好者的福音:最近发表在美国临床营养杂志上的一项来自瑞典的研究表明,每天至少吃一份全脂乳品的妇女比不吃的不容易增重。7. The new method to gain the transfer function of the electric actuator is introduced.&&&&介绍了一种获得电动执行机构传递函数的新方法。8. 8. But from the beginning of the next Benefit, which avoids the use of the hands of civil rights for their own personal gain may also quit to avoid a civil service down to business every day to carve and polish up its own wages.&&&&而是从下任开始受益,这就避免了公务员利用手中的权利为自己谋取私利的可能,也避免了公务员不干正事,天天琢磨给自己涨工资的现象。9. Later in the fight, as Judah tired and slowed down, Mayweather was able to gain the upper hand.&&&&但后几个回合,尤达赫累了并且慢了下来,小梅就很容易上手了。10. 10. APA2051 integrates 1.the stereo audio speaker amplifier with gain setting, 2.cap-free stereo headphone driver.&&&&茂达电子推出增益可调的立体声喇叭放大器APA2051,APA2051内部具有:1。11. The hierarchical linear model results indicated that at the student level, students` background information, learning attitude, socioeconomic status, family educational resource were significantly correlated with academic gain scores. On one hand, being in academic gifted class, male with Taiwan-Min nationality and good-family-background had high academic promotion. On the other hand, if students had better learning attitudes, higher socio-economic status and less negative cultural behaviors, their academic gain scores will be better.&&&&&&五、在学生与学校层次对学生学业成就成长量的阶层线性模式分析结果发现:在学生阶层中,学生出身背景、学习态度、家庭社经地位、家庭教育资源对学生学业成就成长量大都有显著影响,就读学科资优班、男生、闽南籍、家庭完整的学生,其学生的学业成就成长量会较高;另一方面,学生学习态度愈认真、家庭社经地位愈佳、负面文化行为愈少,学生的学业成就成长量会愈高。12. A study on these noun-centered exocentric constructions will not only deepen our understanding of Chinese phrases, rethink about the phrase-standarded opinions in the research of Chinese grammar, but also enrich and develop the theories of exocentric-endocentric construction and decategorization of nouns and then gain quite profound sense in these theories themselves and the applications of them.&&&&&&研究这些名核离心结构不仅能深化我们对短语的认识,促使我们重新思考现代汉语语法研究中的短语本位论,更能丰富和发展离心结构、向心结构理论和名词非范畴化理论,深化相关的理论研究,具有相当明显的应用意义。13. Practise varying your speed until you gain some control over it.&&&&&&练习改变速度,直到你能够加以控制。14. According to the model, the force gain and the open-loop stiffness of the flux control power amplifier were obtained and compared with those of the current control power amplifier.&&&&&&根据该数学模型,得到了磁通控制型功率放大器的力增益和开环刚度,并与电流控制型功率放大器进行比较分析。15. gain的解释15. Therefore, the key in realizing the active suppression with modal control approach is how to raise the open-loop gain stably.&&&&&&所以,使用简正方式控制的方法实现混响声场抑制的关键,就在于如何稳定地增大这个ANC系统的开环增益。16. Sometimes refers to the open-loop gain, and sometimes must be clearly refers to a static or dynamic loop gain of loop gain.&&&&&&有时候指的是开环增益,有时候必须清楚地说明指的是静态回路增益还是动态回路增益。17. The AD827 offers an open-loop gain of 3, 500 V/V into 500 Ohm loads.&&&&&&AD827能够针对500 Ω负载提供3500 V/V的开环增益。18. So a Non-inverting Input Composite Preamplifier is designed, and the effect of the open-loop gain on optimizings the frequency responses of signal and noise is analyzed.&&&&&&本文设计了一种开环增益可调整的同相输入复合跨阻抗放大器,并分析了开环增益对信号和噪声的影响。19. He does not stay to count his gain
his heart beats the drum for his march, for that is to march with you every step&&&&&&他不会停下来计较所得,或哀叹所失;他的心擂响了前进的鼓声,因为这是与你并步出征20. 20. He does not stay to count his gain
his heart beats the drum for his march, for that is to march with you every step, Fellow-traveller!&&&&&&他不会停下来计算所得或哀叹所失;他的心擂响了前进的战鼓,因为这是为了与你并肩前行,我的旅伴!gain 词典解释1. 获得;博得;赢得&&&&If a person or place gains something such as an ability or quality, they gradually get more of it.&&&&e.g. Students can gain valuable experience by working on the campus radio or magazine...&&&&&&&&&&&学生们在校广播台或校刊工作能够获得宝贵的经验。&&&&e.g. While it has lost its tranquility, the area has gained in liveliness.&&&&&&&&&&&虽然该地区失去了往日的宁静,但是却有了生气。2. (从…中)受益,获益,得到好处&&&&If you gain from something such as an event or situation, you get some advantage or benefit from it.&&&&e.g. The company didn't disclose how much it expects to gain from the two deals...&&&&&&&&&&&这家公司未透露这两笔交易的预期获利情况。&&&&e.g. There is absolutely nothing to be gained by feeling bitter..&&&&&&&&&&&心怀怨愤是绝对没有好处的。3. 增加(体重、速度等)&&&&To gain something such as weight or speed means to have an increase in that particular thing.&&&&e.g. Some people do gain weight after they stop smoking...&&&&&&&&&&&一些人戒烟后体重确实会增加。&&&&e.g. The BMW started coming forward, passing the other cars and gaining speed as it approached...&&&&&&&&&&&那辆宝马车开始赶上来,超过了其他车辆并且在逼近的时候开始加速。4. (尤指经努力)获得,取得&&&&If you gain something, you obtain it, especially after a lot of hard work or effort.&&&&e.g. They realise that passing exams is no longer enough to gain a place at university...&&&&&&&&&&&他们认识到现在仅仅是考试通过,并不能确保进入大学。&&&&e.g. Their efforts helped the hostages gain their freedom.&&&&&&&&&&&他们的努力帮助人质获得了自由。5. 为了获得利益;为了获得好处&&&&If you do something for gain, you do it in order to get some advantage or profit for yourself, and for no other reason.911查询·英语单词&&&&e.g. ...buying art solely for financial gain.&&&&&&&&&&&纯粹为了赚钱而购买艺术品6. (想法、理想等)越来越流行,逐渐为人接受&&&&If something such as an idea or an ideal gains ground, it gradually becomes more widely known or more popular.911查询·英语单词&&&&e.g. There are strong signs that his views are gaining ground...&&&&&&&&&&&各种明显的迹象显示他的观点越来越受欢迎。&&&&e.g. The Christian right has been steadily gaining ground in state politics.&&&&&&&&&&&基督教右翼组织在国家政治中逐渐获得越来越广泛的支持。7. 赢得时间;争取时间&&&&If you do something in order to gain time, you do it in order to give yourself enough time to think of an excuse or a way out of a difficult situation.&&&&e.g. I hoped to gain time by keeping him talking.&&&&&&&&&&&我希望让他一直说下去以争取时间。相关词组:gain 单语例句1. While Chinese machine tool producers are looking to gain international presence, leading global groups are also seeking business opportunities in China.2. No organization worth its salt likes to see its business partner gain intellectual property, and later pose a big threat as a competitor.3. To gain the coveted cachet of " an international business school ", many EMBA programs also establish an overseas campus or invite eminent foreign professors and scholars.4. It will help them to diverge investment risks, enlarge their business scope as well as gain larger profits.5. With the end of the stimulant tax rebate policy for buying homes in the US, the country's property market has begun slumping once gain.6. " You don't gain anything by being negative, " he said.7. Although there was no illicit personal gain made by the officials, their choice points to an unsettling moral degeneration in the ranks of our public servants.8. Which brings us to Jaycee Chan and his attempt to gain some column inches by coming up with controversial statements.9. So figuring out the proper weight gain is a balancing act, she said.10. Even if China's economy does gain steady momentum later this year, it will by no means signal an immediate return to a new boom.gain 英英释义noun1. the amount of increase in signal power or voltage or current expressed as the ratio of output to input&&&&Synonym: 2. the advantageous quality of being beneficial&&&&Synonym: 3. the amount by which the revenue of a business exceeds its cost of operating4. a quantity that is added&&&&e.g. there was an addition to property taxes this year&&&&&&&&&&&they recorded the cattle's gain in weight over a period of weeks&&&&Synonym: verb1. increase (one's body weight)&&&&e.g. She gained 20 pounds when she stopped exercising&&&&Synonym: 2. increase or develop&&&&e.g. the peace movement gained momentum&&&&&&&&&&&the car gathers speed&&&&Synonym: 3. rise in rate or price&&&&e.g. The stock market gained 24 points today&&&&Synonym: 4. obtain advantages, such as points, etc.&&&&e.g. The home team was gaining ground&&&&&&&&&&&After defeating the Knicks, the Blazers pulled ahead of the Lakers in the battle for the number-one playoff berth in the Western Conference&&&&Synonym: 5. reach a destination, either real or abstract&&&&e.g. We hit Detroit by noon&&&&&&&&&&&The water reached the doorstep&&&&&&&&&&&We barely made it to the finish line&&&&&&&&&&&I have to hit the MAC machine before the weekend starts&&&&Synonym: 6. win something through one's efforts&&&&e.g. I acquired a passing knowledge of Chinese&&&&&&&&&&&Gain an understanding of international finance&&&&Synonym: 7. earn on some commercial or business transaction&&&&earn as salary or wages&&&&e.g. How much do you make a month in your new job?&&&&&&&&&&&She earns a lot in her new job&&&&&&&&&&&this merger brought in lots of money&&&&&&&&&&&He clears $5,000 each month&&&&Synonym: 8. derive a benefit from&&&&e.g. She profited from his vast experience&&&&Synonym: 9. obtain&&&&e.g. derive pleasure from one's garden&&&&Synonym: gain是什么意思,gain在线翻译,gain什么意思,gain的意思,gain的翻译,gain的解释,gain的发音,gain的同义词,gain的反义词,gain的例句,gain的相关词组,gain意思是什么,gain怎么翻译,单词gain是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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音标:[ gein ]&&发音:&&过去式: gained&&&过去分词: gained&&&名词复数: gains&&&现在分词: gaining&&&
中文翻译vt.1.获得;博得,挣得;赢得,打胜(战争、官司)。2.吸引;争取…(到一边),说服。3.(尤指通过努力)到达(目的地)。4.增加,增进;(钟、表等)走快 (opp. lose)。 短语和例子gain one's living 谋生。 gain the summit 到达山顶。 My watch gains five minutes a day. 我的表每天快五分钟。vi.1.得利,得益。2.前进,进步。3.增加,增重,增进。4.(钟、表等)快走。短语和例子gain by comparison [contrast] 比较[对比]之下显出其长处。 gain ground 进展,占优势。 gain headway 前进。 gain in 获得,增长(gain in health 增进健康。 gain in influence 影响增长)。 gain on [upon] 1. 蚕食,侵入。 (The sea gains on the land. 海水侵入陆地)。 2. 接近,逼近,赶上。 3. 占优势,超过,胜过。 (The days are gaining on the night. 白天渐渐比夜晚长了)。 4. 得欢心,巴结上。 gain one's ends 达到目的。 gain one's point 贯彻自己意见。 gain over 说服,拉拢过来。 gain speed 渐渐增加速度。 gain strength 力量增加;(风力等)渐强。 gain the ear of 得人倾听。 gain the wind 占他船的上风。 gain time 1. (钟、表等)走得快。 2. (用拖延等办法)争取时间。n.(opp. loss)1.获利,获得。2.得益,利益。3.〔 pl.〕 收益,利润;报酬,奖金。4.增大,增加,增进。5.【无线电】增益,放大,增量。短语和例子be blinded by the love of gain 利令智昏。 Ill-gotten gains never prosper. 〔谚语〕不义之财,发不了家。 No gains without pains. 〔谚语〕不劳则无获。 a gain to one's happiness 幸福的增进。n.【建筑】1.(木料上或墙上的)腰槽。2.雄榫上的斜肩。vt.在…上开腰槽,用腰槽连接。&&&&增长;改进... &&&&&&逼近, 超过, 侵蚀; 接近; 跑得比…快;逼近... &&&&&&树篱的缺口... &&&&&&绝对增益... &&&&&&非常收益... &&&&&&非常收益; 非正常收益... &&&&&&绝对增益... &&&&&&增益准确度... &&&&&&声增益; 音量增益... &&&&&&实际收益; 实际增益; 有效增益... &&&&&&天线增益... &&&&&&气动增益... &&&&&&代数增量... &&&&&&配置程序... &&&&&&放大器增益... &&&&&&放大器增益... &&&&&&增斜... &&&&&&各向异性增益... &&&&&&天线增益... &&&&&&抗原获得... &&&&&&视在增益... &&&&&&阵列增益; 阵增益... &&&&&&资产利益... &&&&&&声频增益; 音频增益... &&&&&&增加(减轻)体重... &&&&&&盖莫... &&By working hard he gained rapid promotion .他工作努力因而晋级很快。The police car was gaining ground on the robbers .警车逐渐追上劫匪。Mechanical energy can be lost or gained .机械能可以消失或者可以增生。They at last gain me over in the debate .他们终于在辩论中把我说服了。The old man was gaining line steadily now .老头儿现在不住地收进钓丝。He could gain no sound of the sailor's name .他说不出水手的名姓。By and by, however, he began to gain courage .不过,后来他逐渐胆大了。He gained 500 dollars by this deal .靠这笔交易他赚了五百美元。I gained ten pounds during summer vacation .暑假中我的体重增加了十镑。They hesitated at nothing to gain their ends .他们不惜一切来达到目的。更多例句:&&1&&&&&&&&&&
英文解释the amount of increase in signal power or voltage or current expressed as the ratio of output to input同义词:, the advantageous quality of being beneficial同义词:, the amount by which the revenue of a business exceeds its cost of operatinga qu "there was an addition to property taxes this year"; "they recorded the cattle''s gain in weight over a period of weeks"同义词:, , increase (one''s body weight); "She gained 20 pounds when she stopped exercising"同义词:,
"the peace movement gained momentum"; "the car gathers speed"同义词:, r "The stock market gained 24 points today"同义词:, obtain advantages, such as points, etc.; "The home team was gaining ground"; "After defeating the Knicks, the Blazers pulled ahead of the Lakers in the battle for the number-one playoff berth in the Western Conference"同义词:, , , , , , reach a destination, eit "We hit Detroit by noon"; "The water reached the doorstep"; "We barely made it to the finish line"; "I have to hit the MAC machine before the weekend starts"同义词:, , , , , win something through one'' "I acquired a passing knowledge of Chinese"; "Gain an understanding of international finance"同义词:, , earn on some commercial or
ear "How much do you make a month in your new job?"; "She earns a lot in her new job"; "this merger brought in lots of money"; "He clears $5,000 each month"同义词:, , , , , , , , d "She profited from his vast experience"同义词:, ,
"derive pleasure from one''s garden"同义词:,
百科解释In electronics, gain is a measure of the ability of a circuit (often an amplifier) to increase the power or amplitude of a signal from the input to the output, by adding energy to the signal converted from some power supply. It is usually defined as the mean ratio of the signal output of a system to the signal input of the same system.详细百科解释
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