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独立游戏《Project Sense:不祥的预感》寻求众筹 赛博朋克风恐怖游戏
08:41:27 来源:游民星空[编译] 作者:梁萧 编辑:梁萧 浏览:loading
  赛博朋克很受独立游戏开发者的偏爱,今天在上就又有一款赛博朋克风的独立游戏在寻求众筹。而且非常有意思的是,这款游戏的名字自带中文,叫做《Project Sense - 不祥的预感: A Cyberpunk Ghost Story Adventure》,或许我们可以就暂时把它叫做《不祥的预感》。
  游戏的开发者名叫做Benjamin Widdowson,个人资料显示是一名原画师。游戏背景设定在了2083年的香港,所以我们能看到许多关于中文的元素。而且从名字中的副标题“赛博朋克鬼故事”中也可以看出,这是一个带有些恐怖元素的游戏。开发者表示,游戏的灵感来自恐怖电影《钟楼》和恐怖游戏《零Zero》系列。
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Includes 70 Steam Achievements
Title: Project Genom
Genre: , , , ,
Release Date: 12 Oct, 2016
What the developers have to say:
Why Early Access?
&Project Genom is not just an MMO with unique features, it's an entire universe, developed by a small independent team. Together with the players, we’re creating a project that could captivate fans of online games for a long time, giving them new experiences and impressions. Our team is constantly evolving and improving the game. We are growing and along with us, the project is growing, too. But as more complex and multifaceted the game becomes, the more time and effort it requires. That is why we believe that Early Access on Steam would help the project move forward tremendously. More help from the players will give us the opportunity to implement all those missing mechanics and ideas, without which we cannot call Project Genom a complete game. Players, in turn, would be able to try out the game and give us feedback, allowing us to adjust the development of the game in the right direction, in order to create a great MMO.&
Approximately how long will this game be in Early Access?
&The pace of development will depend entirely on the feedback Project Genom receives. The more feedback we receive from our community, the sooner we’ll be able to release updates, moving the project ever closer to its release.&
How is the full version planned to differ from the Early Access version?
&The full game will include new features such as: mech control, advanced character customization, lots of ways to develop your character, new skill trees, different transport types, pets, better crafting and resource gathering, expanded game world with open space and new storyline chapters, as well as full voiceover in two languages. However, we hope to keep working on these and many new features even after the game becomes fully released. We’re also going to focus on the PvP aspects and performance optimizations.&
What is the current state of the Early Access version?
&The game is in the alpha stage at the moment, so we strongly discourage those who expect a complete and finished project from buying it. However, even now Project Genom is able to offer dozens of hours of gameplay, three chapters of the storyline and over a hundred side quests, numerous armor and weapon types, vehicles, skill trees, huge seamless world, crafting and resource extraction, group and solo instances, dozens of unique gaming enemies and bosses with special mechanics, mob nests and lairs growing in real time, medusas migrating in the world, random events, travelling merchants, systems of groups and syndicates along with voiceover in English and Russian languages. The game is constantly evolving and being updated with new mechanics, including those offered by Project Genom community.&
Will the game be priced differently during and after Early Access?
&The game is distributed by the buy-to-play system, which means that you only need to pay for the game once. Once the game is released, the price will increase.&
How are you planning on involving the Community in your development process?
&Throughout the project development, we treat our players with care, and Early Access will not change this. We will continue to conduct various surveys and polls, which will help us to decide on some game aspects. We will continue to please the players with different contests, awarding them both game and real prizes. Our list of interesting suggestions from the community will continue to expand on a daily basis, and players will be able to see their own ideas first on our roadmap, and finally, in the game.
In addition, we are always looking for new talents in the team, and very much hope to find gamedev professionals among our fans who would join our ranks and help us make the game even more interesting!&
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Recent updates
6 November
IntroductionHello, dear friends! The game development goes on and we are ready to share our weekly report done over the last week.SoftwareSpeaking of software, improving the quest system’s toolkit and testing it is still our major tasks. Currently, our team is working on the map interaction and system at the whole to make it easier for the game designers to do the further development. Along with developing new features we’re constantly improving and debugging the already created mechanics. Updating the game and implementing all new features may lead to unexpected bugs that can be found on the PTS servers. This is inevitable, and our dear players are very helpful who watching out for any errors, bugs, or glitches in the test version of the game. The crating interface is being upgraded with regard to the recent improvements in the system. This is a crucial step on our way to creating systems for crafting and resource collecting. After numerous tests, it was decided that rivers need to be refined as they were inadequate and inappropriate. Current rivers were made on the basis of a standard road system and had a number of constant problems with collision and material blending in different parts of the river. Another point that led to a decision about improving the river system was a number of technical difficulties we faced when it came to improving the visual part of how characters interact with water. Our team created a separate spline system for the rivers so we created visual interactions between character and water, proper collision, and seamless material. This system also opened the possibility for the rapid creation of the navigation system and the underwater world. Large animation pack needed for this system will be the main difficulty rather than software implementation as you may think. In any case, the new rover system of rivers will be introduced soon and won’t require any changes in the landscape. WorldThis week we added a new large location to the game world. Here players will be able to observe the magma eruption at the surface of Avalon. Such burnt-out region of the planet is not very suitable for life, but also attractive for both natural inhabitants of Avalon and various resource hunters. CharacterAll Mech animations are now complete and this part of our work is over. ConclusionGame development goes nonstop and we are working as hard as we can. Our team’s primary goal is to create a full-fledged game version which we could upload to the main server. At the same time, we constantly expand the in-game world and the player's possibilities, as well as improve all major project features: from scenario to balance.We’d also like to remind you that at the moment the main work on the project is done on the PTS servers. We’ll transfer the updated project on the base server only after we finish and successfully test the quest system. Now all players who want to see that the project is moving forward have an opportunity to take part in PTS testing. To take part in the test, you must have an activated copy of the game and follow the registration as described on this page:And, once again, we want to remind everyone considering purchasing the game that it’s still in its Alpha stage, and we don’t recommend buying it if you expect a full-fledged finished project. By purchasing the game now, you support the development and have an opportunity to see its early stages. If you want to enjoy a full game experience with the maximum number of game mechanics and no critical errors, we advise you to wait until the project enters the beta testing phase or even later.
30 October
IntroductionGreetings, friends! This week was marked by one significant event: the first small quest appeared on the test servers. It means that we came even closer to presenting a full-fledged updated quest system. Our team continues its work, and everything goes well as we publish another traditional report on the work done over the last week. SoftwareThe quest system is being continuously tested and improved. We’re now finishing our work on the interaction between the quest system and the dialogue system as well as the map. The first quest appeared on the test level, and we’re using it to conduct important system tests. We’ve finished working on ‘stunned’ and ‘knocked down’ stages for enemies and will try to add these mechanics to the PTS in the nearest. Trog mobs were added to the PTS server’s test location, everyone can test their basic combat mechanics. One of the most important PTS updates affected item balance for several game items. We are constantly improving the in-game balance with the help of your feedback and the PTS testing results we are very grateful for. Our team began working on the implementation of the weather conditions dynamic change system. In the future, we would like the weather not to simply revive the game world but also to affect the gameplay. For example, it will be more difficult to move around in a snowstorm, limited visibility will make it harder to see the approaching enemy in time, and there will be a chance for the unprepared travelers to receive the Hypothermia debuff. WorldThe small biome with sulfur lakes is now complete. We improved the logic and the details of this area and now we’re ready for writing new quests. We are engaged in improving various parts of the game world, which is similar to the recent work we’ve done for the desert area. This week, we’ve majorly improved and added details to the river beds. CharacterWe are still working on Mech animations. Over this week, we created jumps, landings, weapons system, recharging, independent weapon equipment, several skills, character's exiting from the Mech, as well as added some effects.The Mech, like all other high-level equipment (organic covers and manipulators), will be a separate branch of the skill-tree. In this regard, the in-Mech gameplay will have its own features. In addition to the unlocking unique Mech abilities, the players will be able to change the robot's equipment. Add more armor or additional missiles, strengthen the leg engines making it easier to jump and evade attacks, or put an anti-missile system on your shoulder — all this depends on how you play. We also plan to make the Mech combat system free, attacking with left and right Mech hand with different buttons: click RMB to activate the right weapon, LMB to activate the left one, aim via middle-click, or change these controls to whichever you like. We won’t limit Mech weaponry with only three types of small arms. In our plans, we’ll expand the range of weapons adding various protective field generators, rocket launchers, flamethrowers, silent rifles and so on. For example, you can equip an energy shield and a shotgun, and this combination will let you effectively disintegrate your opponents at short and medium distances. If you prefer hard long-range battle, then we recommend using two long-range rifles with sniper sights after you purge the surrounding area with missiles. StorylineOur team has completed, modified, proofread and prepared all the main quests to be transferred and integrated into the game. This week we started writing new side quests and events that will occur in the game world. ConclusionHaving a full-fledged quest system ready to be implemented in the game, allows us to move to a new stage of game development. Our team will be able to work on new mechanics, as well as finally improve all the quest points in the game world until they are ready for the release, and also add NPCs, opponents, and new missions. We’ll be able to improve the item balance and the combat system even further, testing them on complete locations with the configured opponents and the finalized character progression system. This stage will be the last on our way to the long-awaited update of the main servers on Steam, and we look forward to its completion.We’d also like to remind you that at the moment the main work on the project is done on the PTS servers. We’ll transfer the updated project on the base server only after we finish and successfully test the quest system. Now all players who want to see that the project is moving forward have an opportunity to take part in PTS testing. To take part in the test, you must have an activated copy of the game and follow the registration as described on this page:And, once again, we want to remind everyone considering purchasing the game that it’s still in its Alpha stage, and we don’t recommend buying it if you expect a full-fledged finished project. By purchasing the game now, you support the development and have an opportunity to see its early stages. If you want to enjoy a full game experience with the maximum number of game mechanics and no critical errors, we advise you to wait until the project enters the beta testing phase or even later.
Report bugs and leave feedback for this game on the discussion boards
The game is in the alpha stage at the moment, so we strongly discourage those who expect a complete finished project from buying it. However, even now Project Genom is able to offer dozens of hours of gameplay, 3 chapters of the storyline and over 100 side-quests, lots of armor and weapon types, vehicles, skill trees, huge seamless world, crafting and resource extraction, group and solo instances, dozens of unique gaming enemies and bosses with special mechanics, mob nests and lairs growing in real time, medusas migrating in the world, random events, roving traders, systems of groups and syndicates, voiceovers in English and Russian languages.
Early access rewards
By purchasing the game now, you will also receive a unique Avalonian Bundle, which includes:In-game currency amounting to $10 when the cosmetic shSuperior box with game objects for a comfortable start (will be available when the boxes are added);Forum and game title: AAvalonian Bundle will no longer be available later!Only during the Early Access on Steam, 3 Bundles will be available for those who want to support the project and obtain additional unique bonuses:
I got stuck in the game.- Open chat, insert command /unstuck — it will move you to the nearest respawn point.Poor performance on some models of AMD processors.- Open file Steam\steamapps\common\Project Genom\Engine\Config\BaseEngine.ini and change value MaxChannels=32 to 64, 16, 8, 4 or 0.&Steam authorization failed& error occurs when loading game.- Exit from Steam launcher and log in again inserting login and password.Game window slides when alt+tab combination is pressed.- Shift to frameless mode by pressing alt+enter combination in windowed mode.Hints in prologue prevent from playing game.- Disable hints in game settings.First game loading takes too long (black screen).- Such issue occurs on slow / old HDDs, you need to wait for the first loading to complete. Subsequent loadings will take less time.“LeapMotionController failed to load” error occurs when loading.- Delete folder Steam\steamapps\common\Project Genom\ and reinstall the game.Problem with loading characters in the menu.- Disable network traffic counters (such as nettraffic), configure firewalls and antivirus software, reboot the router, or try a direct connection to a computer without router. If the problem persists, create a ticket on .I am a streamer, how can I get the promo key?- Send an email to , attach links to your channels.How can I view the controls?- Follow the link .How can I view chat commands? /w name — /p — /g — /invite name, /inv name — /kick name —
/leave — /ginvite name — inv /gquit — /gdisband — d /gkick name — ejecHow can I create a syndicate?- While in the game, press O and then “Create syndicate”. Then fill all fields and press “Create”. 10,000 credits are required to create a syndicate. How can I transfer the character to another region? You need to create a request for transfer on .How can I add a syndicate logo?- All logos currently undergo manual moderation, and therefore you need to send a link to a picture on .Where can I find bits of advice on the game?Visit the game forum
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About This Game
Sci-fi MMORPG Project Genom is an online game in which you will join the human race in their struggle for survival. When the humankind destroyed their home planet, it has found a new home and a seemingly happy life on Avalon. But people were not the only ones to set sights on these lands. Why was this planet so attractive for a mysterious race of Almer? The more advanced, stronger and more united, they win all battles against human forces on all fronts. It would seem that there is no hope, but new time always gives the world new heroes. Become one of them! Protect your race and its ideals, and feel absolutely new power given to humankind by the Project Genom!Features:Non-target combat system.This system makes all combats truly intense and dynamic, allowing you to build your own combat tactics.Character development.In Project Genom, there are no classes and subclasses, but you have dozens of development trees with hundreds of abilities in each, allowing to create a truly unique character. Whether to unlock the potential of the human body, to undergo mutations, to synthesize the body with inorganic tissue, or to create a completely unique hybrid? It's all up to you!Open World. The huge responsive Universe with dozens of planets and areas in which anyone can find their place.Transport.The world of Project Genom stretches for many miles, which means traveling is much more comfortable than going on foot. There is a wide variety of vehicles at your disposal:
fast and maneuverable quad bike, powerful and secure buggy, glider hovering the surface, wings allowing you to fly, or even mounts. And this just starts the list.Pets.Those who are not so willing to build up a team, it is still possible to have a partner. It can be a robot or a wild animal that you took a shine to during travels. Pets, as well as transport, can be upgraded, modified and trained to unlock new unique skills. A faithful companion is not only a pleasant decor but is also able to support the player in combat.Special equipment.The game provides players with unique high-tech equipment, which is very difficult to get. Exoskeletons, organic coatings, manipulators — all designed to perform particularly difficult tasks. This equipment also has its own development tree and can be upgraded.Property. Each player will be able to build one's own personal cabin. The property can become the pride of its owner, as it can be used to display collections of weapons, equipment, pets and rare artifacts. The huge hangar is perfect place for setting special equipment and transportation service stations, managing the staff, as well as building your own spaceship.Space.When you build up your own team on your board, you will be able to travel to other planets and discover new worlds. Be at the helm and fly wherever you'd like to! Project Genom's Universe is huge, and it will expand in course of time, so to explore this world you will need a fine space vessel and a loyal crew.Crafting system.A vast variety of resources allows you to create weapons, armor, medicines and other game items, discovering different combinations of materials. Using the same pattern, you can create the desired item from gold, tungsten, steel or titanium, having completely different final characteristics.Game balance.In the world of Project Genom, nobody will be able to gain advantage for real money. Everything players can use is associated with skills that develop when a player use abilities or when something is done. If you see a developed character, it was done by one's own efforts.
System Requirements
Minimum:OS: Windows 7,8,10 (64-bit only)Processor: 2 GHz quad-core Intel or AMDMemory: 4 GB RAMGraphics: GeForce GTX 460 or equivalentDirectX: Version 10Network: Broadband Internet connectionStorage: 11 GB available space
Recommended:OS: Windows 7,8,10 (64-bit only)Processor: 2.5 GHz quad-core Intel or AMDMemory: 8 GB RAMGraphics: GeForce GTX 960 or equivalentDirectX: Version 11Network: Broadband Internet connectionStorage: 11 GB available space
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