是不是codesign allocate和productbuild用的不是同一张cert

1. Open cmd 2. Into the jdk's bin directory, execute the following script keytool-genkey-keystore yourkey.store-alias yourkey (Yourkey for the file name, variable) Enter the above command to be executed, execute the following command keytool-export-k
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JSR 105 (Java XML Digital Signature API Specification) specification provides a standard XML Digital Signature Java implement an interface, in June 24, 2005 final release. Subsequently, in the fall of 2006 released Java SE 6 (code-named Mustang) Java
Object parameter algorithm, such as: &DSA& public final void initSign (PrivateKey privateKey) throws InvalidKeyException Private key with the specified initialization parameters: privateKey the private key used for signature public final void up
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June 25, 2007 for the Atom is an excellent format for transmitting information, but how secure it? XML Digital Signature (XML Digital Signature) to ensure that the data come from a trusted Fangju not been modified, while XML Encryption (XML Encryptio
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Android those thing in JNI programming First of all that, Android system does not allow use of a pure C / C + + program appears, it requires Java code to be embedded by Native C / C + + - that is the way via JNI to use the local (Native) code. Theref
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错误:javax.crypto.BadPaddingException: Blocktype mismatch 1.最近做RSA加密用于增强android客户机与服务器(JavaEE)数据传输的安全性.发现在andorid上生成的(密钥对由服务器在windows下生成并将公钥发给客户端保存)密码无法在服务器通过私钥解密. 2.为了测试,在服务器本地加解密正常,另外,在android上加解密也正常,但是在服务器中加密(使用相同公钥)后的密码同样无法在android系统解密(使用相同私钥). 3.谷
常欣 一.协议的起源 随着计算机网络技术向整个经济社会各层次延伸,整个社会表现对Internet.Intranet.Extranet等使用的更大的依赖性.随着企业间信息交互的不断增加,任何一种网络应用和增值服务的使用程度将取决于所使用网络的信息安全有无保障,网络安全已成为现代计算机网络应用的最大障碍,也是急需解决的难题之一. 由于Web上有时要传输重要或敏感的数据,因此Netscape公司在推出Web浏览器首版的同时,提出了安全通信协议SSL(Secu
前言 OTA 升级是 Android 系统提供的标准软件升级方式. 它功能强大,提供了完全升级.增量升级模式,可以通过 SD 卡升级,也可以通过网络升级. 这里,我们先研究最简单的情况,通过 SD 卡进行完全升级. 如何执行升级就不多说了,网上有很多资料.(比如,介绍HTC手机如何升级).我们感兴趣的是它是如何实现的,作为开发者,如何修改它以符合我们的定制化需求. 首先,我们研究一下 ota 升级包的编译过程. Quick start 首先编译出android, 然后执行: make otapa
Public Key Cryptography is a well-known Concept, but for some Reason the JCE (Java Cryptography Extensions) documentation doesn't make IT ALL at Clear How to interoperate with common formats such as those public Key produced by openssl . If you try t
RSA公钥加密算法是1977年由罗纳德·李维斯特(Ron Rivest).阿迪·萨莫尔(Adi Shamir)和伦纳德·阿德曼(Leonard Adleman)一起提出的.当时他们三人都在麻省理工学院工作.RSA就是他们三人姓氏开头字母拼在一起组成的. RSA是目前最有影响力的公钥加密算法,它能够抵抗到目前为止已知的绝大多数密码攻击,已被ISO推荐为公钥数据加密算法. RSA算法是一种非对称密码算法,所谓非对称,就是指该算法需要一对密钥,使用其中一个加密,则需要用另一个才能解密. 关于RSA算法
该工具类中用到了BASE64,需要借助第三方类库:javabase64-1.3.1. jar 注意: RSA加密明文最大长度117字节,解密要求密文最大长度为128字节,所以在加密和解密的过程中需要分块进行. RSA加密对明文的长度是有限制的,如果加密数据过大会抛出如下异常: Exception in thread &main& javax.crypto.IllegalBlockSizeException: Data must not be longer than 117 bytes
import java.io.DataInputS import java.io.DataOutputS import java.io.F import java.io.FileInputS import java.io.FileOutputS import java.io.InputS import java.io.ObjectInputS import java.io.ObjectOutputS im
This article describes how the adoption of digital signatures to enhance access to java, this environment: os: Ubuntu9.10 64b Firefox: 3.5.8 jre Environment: JRE 1.6.0_18 (64b) Test java code and jsp page code is as follows: public class TestApplet e
Production Java Applet signature verification (Reprinted)
15:33:23 Applet written in java with a small program without a signed, then access to download the client program will be s how the java applet on the sign of a
Non-symmetric encryption is ideal for multiple client and server secret communications between the client will use the same public key encryption which, while the public key can not reverse the decryption, the ciphertext is sent to the server with se
The past few days have been doing security log, check a lot of information online, the unpleasantness. Concrete realization of ideas are as follows: 1. Generate a public key and private key server, save. 2. Client requests to the login page, generate
A web project earlier staged a fingerprint login, using a development tool in the control of the Biokey, installing control-driven horse of God, not to say, zkonline the SDK in there, because the fingerprint on the server side needs to do more than Y
This class is used to write the dialogue message encrypted with a spark plug. The Java implementation is not an RSA encryption great characters deal with their own a bit, see the following code. Base64 encoding is used in a class Public domain Base64
1. keytool-genkey-keystore chinajavaworld.keystore-alias chinajavaworld This command is used to generate a key database, after the implementation of the directory in the current operation to produce a chinajavaworld.keystore documents in the command
Error message: java.io.IOException: Inva read 7241, expected -4174256 Obtained online at the following solution: POI to read Excel file with an error. The usual reason is not read file header information m
1. When debug web application in JDeveloper (Studio Edition Version, it may throw exception: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid JNI signature character ';' at com.sun.tools.jdi.JNITypeParser.nextTypeName(JNITypeParser.java:218) a
这篇文章主要介绍了java加密算法,包括rsa解密.对称加密.md5加密等,需要的朋友可以参考下 import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingE import java.security.InvalidKeyE import java.security.MessageD import java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmE import java.security.PrivateKey
环境 Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM 1.7.0_05 x86_64 加密 内容长度 keySize 耗时(微秒) 32 512 87 32 768 142 32
解密 内容长度 keySize 耗时 32 512 922 32 768 4 8 28473 结论 RSA性能是较差的,选择KeySize时候注意能够接受的性能指标.
前段时间咱老大吩咐我写一个rsa前台加密到后台用java解密.(说实话这之前我还真没用过) 不过没办法啊,这是任务,于是研究了一下.圆满完成任务了,下面共享下实现思路: 准备工作:其实鄙人也没那么强啦,第三方包是必须的 bcprov-jdk15on-148.jar commons-codec-1.7.jar commons-lang-2.4.jar log4j-1.2.15.jar slf4j-api-1.6.1.jar //关键工具类 package com.web. import
最近在做支付项目,调接口调了一个多月,也蛋疼了一个多月...下面是积累的各种加密算法 JAVA: 签名方法:BASE64(RSA(MD5(原文))) // MD5 String plainText = &XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX&; MessageDigest md5 = MessageDigest.getInstance(&MD5&); md5.update(plainText.getBytes(&utf-8&)); byte[] dig
controller @RequestMapping(&/weixin&) @ResponseBody public String weixin(String signature,String timestamp ,String nonce,String echostr) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException { String token=&umaiw&; String tmpStr= getSHA1(token, timestamp, n
Encryption and decryption, once I have graduated from an important component of the design. After many years of work that I recall that encryption, decryption algorithm, is too simple. Closer to home, here we mainly describe how Java has achieved som
China Construction Bank is the signature algorithm used MD5withRSA, this algorithm is the superposition of two algorithms: MD5 algorithm and RSA algorithms. MD5 algorithm is not reversible, RSA algorithm is a non-symmetric encryption algorithm. On th
keytool generated certificate Verify that the certificate has been created had the same name keytool-list-v-alias tomcat-keystore &% JAVA_HOME% / JRE / LIB / SECURITY / CACERTS&-storepass changeit Remove the certificate has been created keytool-
The limitations of computer security there is no absolute &br /& computer security such a thing? In short, there is no such thing. Term security system is an inappropriate name, because it implies that the system is either safe or unsafe. Security i
Believe the majority of Java's friends do more or less exposed to Java security technologies. Message digest algorithm, symmetric / asymmetric encryption, digital signature algorithm, etc., are, after reasonable combination of building a secure netwo
In the Android system, all installed applications to the system must have a digital certificate, the digital certificate used to identify the application and the application of the trust relationship between, if a permission of the protectionLevel th
Java language has three major characteristics: platform independence, network mobility and security Java Architecture First, Java source code files by the Java compiler to compile the binary byte code into Java class files Then, class file by a Java
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Copyright & 2017
- All Rights ReservedPowered byAfter reading through all of the previous posts on code sign errors, I have reached a cul-de-sac. While building a cordova project (version 4.3.0) with ios platform (version 3.8.0) and using a Bamboo server to do the continuous integration. I cannot get my app to sign the iOS app for the release. This is the order of my build tasks:
unlock keychain (I've made sure that my iPhone Developer and Distribution certificates were valid and not expired. I've also made sure that there are no permission windows that pop up on the Bamboo server, e.g. asking permission to unlock keychain.)
cordova platform remove ios (to clean the directory and start fresh)
add plugins for ios
cordova platform add ios
cordova build ios --release --device (build release version for a device to eventually upload to app store)
xcrun to embed the mobileprovision
I then get this error when running #5 task above:
Check dependencies
Code Sign error: No code signing identities found: No valid signing identities (i.e. certificate and private key pair) matching the team ID “(null)” were found.
CodeSign error: code signing is required for product type 'Application' in SDK 'iOS 8.1'
The following build commands failed:
Check dependencies
(1 failure)
Error code 65 for command: xcodebuild with args: -xcconfig,/usr/local/Bamboo/Abczyx/platforms/ios/cordova/build-debug.xcconfig,-project,Abczyx.xcodeproj,ARCHS=armv7 armv7s arm64,-target,Abczyx,-configuration,Release,-sdk,iphoneos,build,VALID_ARCHS=armv7 armv7s arm64,CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR=/usr/local/Bamboo/Abczyx/platforms/ios/build/device,SHARED_PRECOMPS_DIR=/usr/local/Bamboo/Abczyx/platforms/ios/build/sharedpch
ERROR building one of the platforms: Error: /usr/local/Bamboo/Abczyx/platforms/ios/cordova/build: Command failed with exit code 2
Here is my build-release.xcconfig:
#include "build.xcconfig"
CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY = iPhone Distribution
CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY[sdk=iphoneos*] = iPhone Distribution
#include "build-extras.xcconfig"
Here is my build.xcconfig:
// Type of signing identity used for codesigning, resolves to first match of given type.
// "iPhone Developer": Development builds (default, iOS Development certificate) or "iPhone Distribution": Distribution builds (Adhoc/In-House/AppS iOS Distribution certificate)
CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY = iPhone Developer
CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY[sdk=iphoneos*] = iPhone Developer
// (CB-7872) Solution for XCode 6.1 signing errors related to resource envelope format deprecation
The Bamboo server is running Xcode 6.1.1 Build version 6A2008a on a OS X 10.9.4. And I clicked refresh for the xcode's preferences > Accounts > user > Signing identities and provisioning profiles screen.
I'm using Xcode 6.2, Build version 6C131e on a OS X 10.9.4 mac book pro for my local machine and I still get this same error. However, one of the strange things is that on my local machine, I sometimes run cordova build ios --device without the --release flag and I'm able to build an .ipa in my platforms/ios/build/device folder that is signed for debug, but this doesn't work on the remote Bamboo server (although it worked once many days ago).
I've studied the releasenotes for Cordova iOS v.3.8.0 here and found nothing helpful to try beyond CB-7872 CODE_SIGN_RESOURCE_RULES_PATH = $(SDKROOT)/ResourceRules.plist, which has already been fixed:
I've verified that the Bamboo server contains the sdk iphoneos8.1 that it's checking.
I've verified that profile provisions are up to date and no one else has worked on my repo.
I've verified that my CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY is good with this post and script:
I've tried adding a delay after building but I'm failing the build step already before I can try this:
I've tried to look at removing the auto-complete/manage schemes feature but not sure this is just another rabbit hole to fall in:
I've tried looking at the source here:
But I don't see anything obvious to confirm or test...
Two questions:
Why is there a "null" for teamID? How can I check where it's checking?
What else am I missing? What else can I check? Specifically in the source of cordova build ios script?
解决方案 TL;DR
Why is there a "null" for teamID? How can I check where it's
Most likely improper keychain setup for iPhone distribution. Check and make sure you have the cert with the nested key.
What else am I missing? What else can I check? Specifically in the
source of cordova build ios script?
Ensure proper flags and options are set if you using command line tools. Otherwise, try different wrapper tools like Fastlane ruby gem.
Long version
We figured it out using a wrapper tool around Apple developer console and code signing and making sure the p12 file (cert+key) file was set correctly.
Install KrauseFx's Fastlane gem:
Export the iPhone distribution p12 file from Keychain Access from our Bamboo build server to a local computer (for easier troubleshooting). The p12 file basically includes a cert with a nested key icon, which is necessary as Rich Tolley mentioned above in the comments.
Double-click on the p12 file to install it in the "login" keychain. Make sure you can see the nested cert-key structure.
Open Xcode>Preferences and ensure that iOS Distribution is added as part of the Signing Identities (both iOS Development and iOS Distribution is shown)
Clean your cordova/project directory by starting fresh (no platforms or plugins or using cordova platform rm ios etc.). Then add the plugins, then add the platforms.
We ran cordova build ios --device --release, which build our "Abczy.app".
Move into the correct cordova platforms directory since relative path may not work correctly: ~/.../platforms/ios/build/device (check that the .app file is there)
Run this command to convert the .app into an .ipa:
xcrun -sdk iphoneos PackageApplication -v Abczyx.app -o /Users/myname/Desktop
(I've moved the resulting .ipa onto my desktop to make it easier to manipulate).
Go to the folder containing your .ipa and ensure you have the mobileprovision file from apple developer included in the same directory.
sigh resign ./Abczyx.ipa -p "Abczyx-dist.mobileprovision". Copy and paste the name of the cert/key you will use and then it will sign the app with the distribution mobileprovision. If you use a developer mobileprovision, it will get a fatal error but the app will be signed anyway.
Alternatively, you can type: sigh resign ./Abczyx.ipa -i "iPhone Developer: Joey Jojobuttafucco (123FTR12PAC)" -p "Abczyx-dist.mobileprovision"
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cordova build ios
添加ios的插件 release --device(用于设备最终上传到应用商店的版本)
=== BUILD TARGET Abczyx OF项目Abczyx与配置版本=== 检查依赖项代码签名错误:未找到代码签名身份:没有匹配团队ID“(null)”的有效签名身份(即证书和私钥对)发现。
CodeSign错误:SDK'iOS 8.1'中的产品类型“应用程序”需要代码签名 以下构建命令失败:检查依赖关系 )命令的错误代码65:xcodebuild with args:-xcconfig,/ usr / local / Bamboo / Abczyx / platforms / ios / cordova / build-debug.xcconfig,-project,Abczyx.xcodeproj,ARCHS = armv7 armv7s arm64,-target,Abczyx,-configuration,Release,-sdk,iphoneos,build,VALID_ARCHS = armv7 armv7s arm64,CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR = / usr / local / Bamboo / Abczyx / platforms / ios / build / device,SHARED_PRECOMPS_DIR = / usr / local / Bamboo / Abczyx / platforms / ios / build / sharedpch
构建平台之一的错误:错误:/ usr / local / Bamboo / Abczyx / platforms / ios / cordova / build:代码2
这里是我的 build-release.xcconfig :
CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY = iPhone分发 CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY [sdk = iphoneos *] = iPhone发行版
b $ b 这是我的 build.xcconfig :
//“iPhone Developer”:开发构建(默认,仅限本地; iOS开发证书)或“iPhone分发”:分发构建(Adhoc / In-House / AppS iOS分发证书) CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY = iPhone开发人员 CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY [sdk = iphoneos *] = iPhone开发人员
//(CB-7872)与资源信封格式弃用相关的XCode 6.1签名错误解决方案 CODE_SIGN_RESOURCE_RULES_PATH = $ (SDKROOT)/ResourceRules.plist
Bamboo服务器正在运行Xcode 6.1.1 Build版本6A2008a OS X 10.9.4。我点击刷新xcode的首选项>帐户>用户>签名身份和配置配置文件屏幕。
我使用Xcode 6.2,Build版本6C131e在OS X 10.9 .4 mac book pro我的本地机器,我仍然得到这个相同的错误。但是,奇怪的事情之一是,在我的本地机器上,我有时运行 cordova build ios --device ,而没有
release 标志,我能够在我的平台/ ios / build /设备文件夹中构建一个签名的调试,但这不工作在远程Bamboo服务器上(虽然它工作一次许多天前)。
我在这里研究了Cordova iOS v.3.8.0的发行版,发现没有什么有用的尝试超越CB-7872
CODE_SIGN_RESOURCE_RULES_PATH = $(SDKROOT)/ResourceRules.plist ,已修正:
我已验证Bamboo服务器包含它检查的sdk iphoneos8.1。
我已经验证配置文件条款是最新的,没有人在我的repo上工作。 / p>
我还缺少哪些内容?我还能检查什么?特别是在的cordova build ios脚本源码中?
如果使用命令行工具,请确保设置正确的标志和选项。否则,尝试不同的包装工具,如Fastlane ruby gem。
我们使用一个包装工具,围绕苹果开发者控制台和代码签名,并确保p12文件(cert + key)文件设置正确。
将iPhone分发版p12文件从Keychain Access从我们的Bamboo构建服务器导出到本地计算机(以便于故障排除)。 p12文件基本上包括一个带有嵌套键图标的证书,这在上面的注释中是必需的。
双击p12文件,将其安装在“login “钥匙扣。
清新您的cordova /项目目录(无平台或插件或使用 cordova platform rm ios 等)。
我们跑了 cordova build ios --device --release ,它构建了我们的“ Abczy.app“。
移动到正确的cordova平台目录,因为相对路径可能无法正常工作:?/.../ platforms / ios / build / device(检查 .app 文件)
运行此命令将 .app
xcrun -sdk iphoneos PackageApplication -v Abczyx.app -o / Users / myname / Desktop
(我已将所产生的 .ipa 移动到我的桌面上,以方便操作)。
转到包含您的 .ipa 的文件夹,并确保您有来自apple开发人员的mobileprovision文件包含在同一目录中。
叹息辞职./Abczyx.ipa -p“Abczyx-dist.mobileprovision”。复制并粘贴您将使用的证书/密钥的名称,然后它将使用分发mobileprovision签署应用程序。
或者,您可以输入:叹息辞职./Abczyx。如果您使用开发人员mobileprovision,将会收到致命错误, ipa -i“iPhone开发人员:Joey Jojobuttafucco(123FTR12PAC)”-p“Abczyx-dist.mobileprovision”
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