
关灯拆电影,权游倒计时5天.在每年《权力的游戏》播出季里,“昨天晚上那集你看了吗?”是周二早上办公室里最常出现的对话之一。每当有新入坑的朋友,刚刚刷完第一季就开始预测谁会是最终的王者,原著党和老剧迷们总是相视一笑,心里默念:呵呵,you haven't seen anything yet.毕竟你们还too young啊!
关灯特约,请勿转载文/Max一团和气冰与火,心慈手软老马丁《权游》生存法则一:告别纯真年代这部剧里只有年龄上的正太和萝莉,他们的内心早就经历千锤百炼,心智比成年人还成熟。比如当你看到熊岛萝莉这眼神,还不快跪下叫女王么?当布兰坠塔触地的瞬间,他就告别了自己的童年。目睹了瑟曦与詹姆的乱伦,无论这时他到底有没有看懂两人在干什么,成人世界的欲望已经赤裸裸地展示在他的面前。告别得最彻底的,是珊莎·史塔克,所以我赌五毛钱珊莎新一季不会死。奈德则是一个反例,他的心思过于单纯,既没有野心也没有心机,小恶魔经常背地里叫他“good old Ned”。他是一个老好人,但是与这个时代不兼容。所以当知晓了小乔的身世秘密,他非但没有意识到自己正处于非常危险的境地,而是像小朋友一样天真地跑去“告老师”。而全剧中只有一个真正不会长大的“小孩”,那就是阿多。阿多的人格永远被定格在了十来岁的那年,虽然身形高大,但是温和的性格使他不具有任何攻击性。作为剧中“小纯洁”的担当,作者给了他最惨烈的结局。
唯一看哭的一场--hold the door!
hold the door!
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确实震撼 告别纯良 婚礼现场都是惨案 人性人心不在 美好的事物就是用来毁灭的
确实震撼 告别纯良 婚礼现场都是惨案 人性人心不在 美好的事物就是用来毁灭的
确实震撼 告别纯良 婚礼现场都是惨案 人性人心不在 美好的事物就是用来毁灭的
关灯特约,请勿转载《权游》生存法则二:在生存面前,荣誉感不值一提作者对传统神话中荣誉(Honor)的消解,体现在故事里的每一个角落。首先,在这个世界里,人们还是注重荣誉的。詹姆·兰尼斯特因为当年从背后一剑刺死了疯王,就一直背负着a man without honor的恶名。明明是做了件大好事,但是像奈德这样的正直之人是绝对瞧不上他的。但原著里也有这样一句话,“Rhaegar fought valiantly, Rhaegar fought nobly, Rhaegar fought honorably, and Rhaegar died.”(雷加战斗得英勇,雷加战斗得高贵,雷加战斗得荣誉,但是雷加死了。)雷加是龙妈的大哥,相较那个衰到家的二哥韦赛里斯,大哥雷加乃是代表前朝王室的顶梁柱。但这句话写得很清楚,荣誉又有什么用呢?雷加死了,都还没来得及进剧组。粉丝们经常YY奥兰多布鲁姆可以在前传里演雷加另一场戏不知道大家是否还记得,小恶魔的贴身保镖波隆第一次在鹰巢为他出战,担任他“比武审判”的决斗人。最后耍了点小阴招击败对方骑士,一把把对手推下了月门。旁人指责他:“你打得毫无荣誉感可言!”,波隆一抬眉毛说:“我是没有,但是他有啊!”红毒蛇为什么会死?因为他话多。那他为什么要话多?他明明已经几乎将魔山干翻在地,长矛刺下去就能了结这场决斗。但是他觉得还不够,一定要魔山亲口承认自己是受了泰温的指使,杀了他的妹妹全家。所以这场复仇其实针对的是泰温·兰尼斯特。这就是红毒蛇复仇的二重性:我不仅要在肉体上杀死你,还要你在精神上一败涂地。但是对不起,权游的世界里没有那么完美的事。当在生命和荣誉感二者只能选择其一的时候,请务必记得选择前者。
《权游》生存法则三:做该做的事,而不是想做的事在权游里,即使不作死也可能随时会死。但为什么罗柏在血色婚礼上死得那么惨,而雪诺被杀后却能复活?当然首先是因为有魔法,但是抛开这些超自然元素,我们从中看出了作者的价值取向。两人看似都是被盟友/战友出卖,但实际上却是有着天壤之别。罗柏被背叛,是因为他毁婚约在先,此事是为弗雷转向投靠兰尼斯特家族的导火索。罗柏啊罗柏,这么漂亮的妹子送你你也不要,自作孽不可活!注意,既然是政治联姻,就不存在什么真爱可言。即使罗柏后来遇到了他心爱的小护士,那又如何?在战事如此敏感的节骨眼上,自己的儿女私情是只能为大义而牺牲的。而雪诺呢?守夜人兄弟之所以要杀他,是因为雪诺破坏了规矩,放野人部落进入长城。在兄弟们看来,雪诺的行为辱没了先前为抵御野人而战死的守夜人英灵。雪诺不是没有考虑过这些,但是他的理由更简单,如果不把野人部落拉到自己这边,那么等他们被异鬼屠杀后,野人就会变成僵尸从而扩充了异鬼的军队。所以这其实就是最简单的数学问题,根本不是什么想做不想做,是所有客观条件限制了他只能这么做。很多人都说,自从看过了《权力的游戏》之后,回过去再看《指环王》、《哈利波特》这样的魔幻题材,就觉得没有以前那么给力了。当然,原著高下不能三言两语轻易评判,但很明显大多数魔幻电影都是非常古典的三段论。“坏人出现-好人受挫-好人胜利”你知道弗罗多一定能销毁魔戒,伏地魔不可能杀死哈利,但是《权力的游戏》无疑是更具现代性的,Valar Morghulis,你懂的。对《权力的游戏》有兴趣的朋友们,欢迎添加客服关关的微信(ktlfilmGuan),你懂的~
top1 血色婚礼 top2奈德被斩首 top3红毒蛇被捏爆
一起追剧 | 第七季开播
Every Sith has a code.
& & 1905电影网专稿&最新一季已经开播三集,不仅单集时长堪比电影,剧情也是进展飞快,越来越明朗&&冰与火两方在最新一集中就来了个世界大会面& & 虽然权游的剧情很引人入胜,但是这种中世纪魔幻战争题材很难让人不联想到另一部经典系列之作&&& & 《权游》的作者乔治.R.R.马丁不止一次的表示自己是《指环王》作者J.R.R.托尔金的迷弟,为表尊敬和爱意,自己也经常在《权游》中以各种致敬方式托尔金&&主角身边总是伴有一个叫Sam的挚(pang)友(zi)& & 托尔金作为西方奇幻文学的大师,在《指环王》系列的创作过程中,不管是人物造型还是语言都事无巨细,为我们描绘了一个体系完整且详实的中土世界。& & 而这,也给了《权力的游戏》很多的灵感。比如地图&&左:《指环王》右:《权力的游戏》& & 比如造型&&左:《指环王》精灵女王 右:《权游》瑟曦& & 作为两部作品中共同的主角&&人类,当然在很多地方都有相同之处。而作为一个看重衣品胜于颜值的人来说,小编当然要从服装造型的方面来给胖友们分析一下二者的相似之处。& & 分析对象就是老大哥&&《指环王》系列。人族& & 人族的衣服当然就是典型的中世纪风格(谁让人家是人类呢)片中的阿拉贡作为背负使命的人类王子,有钱有战斗力,所以衣服都是酷炫狂摆拽的金刚盔甲&&& & 什么叫富二代呢,大概就是盔甲下面藏着软甲,护臂肩甲都绣着精致的花纹,就连战马都披挂上阵&&& & 落魄的时候虽然服装比较低调,但是油亮的皮革外套和羊毛毡帽,以及不经意间显露的精致护臂和闪闪发光的剑鞘,都暴露了阿拉贡身出名门的事实&&& & 而这,也让我们看到了弑君者詹姆&兰尼斯特的身影&&& & 但《权力的游戏》说白了还是人类自己过家家,在种族上略显单一(异鬼另说),要是想欣赏全种族的服装造型,还得靠《指环王》撑场,毕竟人家有那么多种族呢。霍比特人& & 霍比特人作为是人类的变种(或者是分支),基本保留了人类的外貌特征和生活习性,除了个矮大脚之外与人类毫无差别&&& & 片中的霍比特人日出而作日落而息,在夏尔国中过着男耕女织的生活,虽然日子平淡,但是霍比特人本身还是追求精致小资的生活,所以在穿衣风格上,霍比特人的穿衣风格还是有点英伦优雅的,基本就是麻布衬衫和背带裤的搭配&&& & 在出席正式场合的时候外面会搭上修身马甲,在没有西装外套的世纪,这可能是小镇青年最拿得出手的衣服了之一了&&颜色不同 召唤神龙& & 出门远征需要翻山越岭的时候,也会背上双肩背,穿上披风、围巾这种保暖抗风的装备&&& & 但说来说去霍比特人还是朴实无华的小镇青年,所以他们的衣服主要还是棉麻粗布为主,没有坚硬华丽的盔甲,武器也都是比较&低端&的短剑匕首精灵& & 片中精灵是世间最美丽的生灵,如果说其他主角负责帅,那么精灵绝对是负责美的部分,每次出场都自带柔光镜&&& & 精灵这个种族天生擅长射箭,所以远征队的莱古拉斯作为远程输出一直身背箭筒,衣服也是比较轻便的服装,除了护臂肩甲,基本没有笨重的盔甲&&& & 精灵总归还是一个高雅骄傲的种族,弓和箭做工都做得相当精致& & 要说精灵最大的造型特点就是&&时刻保持干净,不管战场上多么硝烟四起,他们永远不弄脏自己,比如杀了个大象发型都不带乱的&&& & 男生都如此高雅女生那就更别说了,不管走到哪里,碰上精灵所有生物自动变成土肥圆 &&& & 当然了全系列一共也就出现了两位女精灵,不过也无所谓,反正她俩穿的也是一个比一个美(围笑)巫师/迈雅族& & 片中还有一个强大的群体不能忽视,那就是法攻巫师,虽说巫师的能力很强大,但不得不说服装设计师可能在他们身上花的心思并没有那么多。& & 因为所有巫师都是&&大袍子!法杖!尖顶帽!什么等级的巫师就什么颜色的袍子!就是这么简单粗暴!& & 实在没人进攻的时候,拿把剑还是能上场拼一会的&&& &好了巫师讲完了!太没挑战性了下一个!矮人族& & 矮人族注重荣誉且战斗力强,在片中属于肉盾坦克担当,身材虽矮但是却很强壮,是天生的战士&&& & 所以他们永远都是盔甲不离身,与人类的盔甲不同,他们的盔甲更加厚重,也没有那么多装饰,实用胜于美观,使用的兵器也是斧头这种近身兵器&&& & 虽然叫矮人族,但实际在身高上他们还是略胜于霍比特人的...(霍比特人不哭)& & 虽说年代久远,但是不得不承认《指环王》系列是永恒的经典,拿了那么多奥斯卡大奖,得益于托尔金的原著,也离不开后期改编以及视觉效果的完美重塑!是整个影史的precious!& & 不知道剧情高开高走的《权游》系列到完结的时候会不会也口碑人气双丰收呢~
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Game of Thrones&
0:48 | Trailer
Nine noble families fight for control over the mythical lands of Westeros, while a forgotten race returns after being dormant for thousands of years.
Jon and Sansa face Ramsay Bolton on the fields of Winterfell. Daenerys strikes back at her enemies. Theon and Yara arrive in Meereen.
Tyrion advises Daenerys. Sansa forces Theon to tell her a secret. Cersei remains stubborn. Arya meets her first target. Jon and Tormund meet with the wildling elders.
Robb and Catelyn arrive at the Twins for the wedding. Jon is put to the test to see where his loyalties truly lie. Bran's group decides to split up. Daenerys plans an invasion of Yunkai.
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Series cast summary:
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In the mythical continent of Westeros, several powerful families fight for control of the Seven Kingdoms. As conflict erupts in the kingdoms of men, an ancient enemy rises once again to threaten them all. Meanwhile, the last heirs of a recently usurped dynasty plot to take back their homeland from across the Narrow Sea.
Written by
Plot Keywords:
Five Kings. One Throne.
Parents Guide:
Official Sites:
Release Date: 17 April 2011 (USA)
Also Known As: A Guerra dos Tronos
Filming Locations:
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Sound Mix:
(Home video release)
Aspect Ratio: 1.78 : 1
Did You Know?
The first season used Northern Inuit dogs, a type specifically bred for wolf-like appearance, to stand in for the direwolves (the Stark's house sigil). However, since direwolves are known to be much larger than normal wolves, real wolves were digitally composited into scenes for Season 2. This strained the budget and the schedule, which is why there are only a handful of scenes with Grey Wind (Robb Stark's wolf), Summer (Bran Stark's wolf) and Shaggydog (Rickon Stark's wolf); Ghost, who belongs to Jon Snow, is shown in brief glimpses.
Nothing's more hateful than failing to protect the one you love.
Crazy Credits
The credits evolve throughout the series, with different cities being featured depending upon the center of action at that point in the series.
Featured in &(2016)
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Frequently Asked Questions
(Spoiler Alert!)&&
User Reviews
One of the most stunning shows on television
Do not believe any of those negative reviews. I honestly cannot understand why some reviewers have given this such a low rating. I think some people love the sound of their own voice and think their opinion is worth something and will be disagreeable simply for the sake of it.Having said that, this show is stunning. I have never read the books and now I want to. There is so much crap on TV that is renewed year after year (CSI, House etc.) which uses cheap gags, pointless and sometimes ridiculous plots, unbelievable and many times one dimensional characters and yet all the truly great shows get cancelled.There is enough brain-dead television. But once in a while a show comes along that transports you to another world and makes you believe in the magic of television again. Game of Thrones is one such show.It is complex, multi-layered, surreal, vibrant, imaginative and it draws your eye in to the surprising level of detail, from the sweeping vistas, to the narrow dungeons, from the beautiful castles and magnificent trees, to the contrasting landscapes. It is worth watching just for the scenery alone.Yes the acting seems a little cold and even wooden at times, but this is perfectly in keeping with the medieval look and feel of the show. Yes it is dark and gloomy, but again in keeping with the narrative.The scripting is intelligent and well delivered by competent acting, led by Sean Bean perfectly cast as Lord Edard. Although Sean Bean is better known for brooding bad guys, he strikes the perfect balance between father, husband and Lord and soldier. He is well supported by other well known actors and many new to the scene.After watching and sometimes enjoying Camelot, this show makes that one look more like "Merlin" by comparison. And where Camelot lacks in depth and scripting, Game of Thrones strikes the perfect balance between brooding medieval angst and wonderful fantasy story telling.Even if you have never watched a fantasy show before, you should not miss this.
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