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应该几百吧From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This article is about the month. For other uses, see .
"Oct." redirects here. For other uses, see .
October is the tenth
and the sixth month to have the length of 31 . The eighth month in the old , October retained its name (from the
octō meaning "eight") after January and February were inserted into the calendar that had originally been created by the Romans. In , one of three
would take place on October 5,
October 11,
on October 12,
on October 15, and
on October 19. These dates do not correspond to the modern Gregorian calendar. Among the , it was known as , because at this full moon (fylleth) winter was supposed to begin.
October is commonly associated with the season of autumn in the
and spring in the , where it is the seasonal equivalent to April in the
and vice versa.
This list does not necessarily imply either official status or general observance.
(please note that all Jewish observances, which are set by the , begin at sunset the day prior to the date listed and end on the sunset of the date in question)
October 19:
In Catholic tradition, October is the Month of the Holy Rosary.
Health Literacy Month
Medical Ultrasound Awareness Month
Awareness Month
World Blindness Awareness Month
The last two to three weeks in October (and, occasionally, the first week of November) are the only time of the year during which each of the "Big Four" m the
begins its preseason and about two weeks later starts the regular season, the
is about one month into its regular season, the
is about halfway through its regular season, and
is in its postseason with the
and . (Additionally, the
is typically nearing the end of its regular season during this period, while
is beginning the .)
National Adopt A Shelter Dog Month
Italian American Heritage Month
American Pharmacist Month
Dwarfism/Little People Awareness Month
Eczema Awareness Month
Awareness Month
National Healthy Lung Month
Awareness Month
Liver Awareness Month
Awareness Month
Awareness Month
Awareness Month
(United States)
Poppin’ Month
National Pork Month
(varies globally based on area)
October 5:
October 5:
October 7:
(United States)
October 8:
(United States)
October 11:
October 19–25:
October 20:
(United States)
October 20:
(Kenya, United States)
(United States)
(Belarus, Latvia)
(United States)
(Chile, Singapore)
Labour Day (, , , , Australia)
(, Australia)
(Saint Lucia)
(Florida, , United States)
(United States)
(UK, Ireland)
(United States)
and South America, and the )
(Tonga and Samoa)
(Canada, United States)
(Canada), last day of Fire Prevention Week
(United States)
(Parts of the United States)
(, United States)
(, United States)
(United States)
(United States, Canada, Lithuania and Romania)
(Australia, Malaysia)
(United States)
( Christianity)
Labour Day - New Zealand
(, United States)
(Australia) (If the last Friday is on October 31, this holiday is moved to November 7)
October, from the
decorated for
(South Korea)
(El Salvador, Guatemala, Sri Lanka)
Continuance of
Heritage Month, which runs from September 15-October 15
Continuance of
(United States), which runs from September 15-October 15
, celebrates the independence of Nigeria from United Kingdom in 1960.
(Palau, Tuvalu)
(United Kingdom)
(People's Republic of China)
(South Korea)
The beginning of
(October 4–10)
(United States)
(Sri Lanka)
(, Japan, October 7–9)
(South Korea)
(United States, Iceland and Norway)
October 10
(North Korea)
October 11
(United States)
(multinational, including United States, United Kingdom and Switzerland among others)
October 12
October 13
October 14
October 15
(United States)
(United States and Canada)
(United States)
October 16
October 17
October 18
(, United States)
October 19
October 20
(Czech Republic)
October 21
(United Kingdom)
(Republic of China)
in the 19th and early 20th century)
October 22
October 23
(Republic of Macedonia)
October 24
(United States)
October 25
( Christianity)
October 26
(United States)
October 27
(United Kingdom)
(unofficial, official date is October 13)
October 28
(Czech Republic and Slovakia)
(Greece, Cyprus)
October 29
(United States)
October 30
(, except Ukraine)
(United States and Canada)
(certain regions of the United States)
(, United States)
October 31
Eve of Winter, the eve of the first day of winter in the Northern hemisphere:
(, United Kingdom)
The first day of the , celebrated until November 2 (Mexico)
(, United Kingdom)
in the Northern Hemisphere,
in the Southern H begins on sunset of October 31 (,
(United States)
(Slovenia, parts of Germany, Chile, El Salvador, Dominican Republic,
composed a piece based on this month, titled .
wrote a story personifying the month, titled "October in the Chair", for his 2006 collection .
published a collection of short stories titled
Its birth flower is the .
signs for this month are
(until October 22) and
(from October 23).
October Star Stones:
(Sept. 22 to Oct. 22)
Planetary Stone: S Lucky Charms: Opal, Sardonyx, C birthstone: pink Tourmaline, Opal
(Oct. 23 to Nov. 21)
Planetary Stone: Garnet, R Lucky Charms: Aquamarine, Beryl
October Lokesh birthstone is roser.
October Mystical birthstone is Jasper.
October Ayurvedic Birthstone is Opal.
 Chisholm, Hugh, ed. (1911). "".
(11th ed.). Cambridge University Press.
February 8, 2007, at the .
October 5, 2009, at the .
. National Eczema Association.
February 25, 2008, at the .
November 21, 2007, at the .
January 5, 2009, at the .
. ThePigSite. .
. Banned Books Week.
SHG Resources. . SHG Resources.
Wikiquote has quotations related to:
in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.
Wikimedia Commons has media related to .
Months and days of the year
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