a cumulative emission budgetcumulative是什么意思思?

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翻译词汇日积月累[可可英语] 汉英词汇 爱国统一战线 Patriotic united front 安家费 settling-in allowance 安居工程 Comfortable/Affordable Housing Project 保障和改善民生 ensure the wellbeing of the people and improve their lives 毕婚族 marry-upon-graduation 城管 urban management officers 城市补丁 run-down neighborhoods 城市低收入者 low-income city dwellers 城乡公共就业服务体系 urban and rural systems for providing public employment services 城乡社会救助体系 urban and rural emergency aid system 城镇职工基本养老保险制度 basic old age insurance system for urban workers 创新型国家 innovation-oriented nation 粗放性增长方式 extensive mode of growth;inefficient model of growth 代排族 hired queuers 低保制度 subsistence security system 英汉词汇 acculturated worker 接受了新文化的工人 Aged poor relief 贫老救济 Amelioration of poverty 改善贫困状况 Ant tribe 蚁族 Baby boom 婴儿潮 Baby break 停职育婴期 Baby bust 生于低谷(期) Bingo part or game (为了很快地认识来参加聚会的人们而设计的)配对游戏 Black ball 私密反对票 Black power 黑人人权(运动) Bottom dregs 社会渣滓 Career exploration &美&(六至十年级学生)就业教育 Car pool 拼车 Certificate of naturalization 入籍证明 Charity visitor 慈善事业观察员 缩略语 联合国安全理事会 UNSC(United Nations Security Council) 世界遗产委员会 WHC(World Heritage Committee) 联合国紧急部队 UNEF(United Nations Emergency Force) 联合国宪章 UNC(United Nations Chapter) 联合国经济合作行动计划署 UNAPEC(United Nations Action Program for Economic Cooperation) 汉英词汇 低收入家庭 low-income family/household 地方保护主义 regional protectionism 短租房 short-term housing/accommodation 恶搞 video spoof 恶性循环 vicious circle 二手房 pre-owned house;second-hand house 法治政府 law-based government 房奴 mortgage slave (非法)传销 pyramid schemes;multi-level marketing 非法收入 illegal earning;illicit income 封口费 hush money 服务型政府 service-oriented government 福利彩票 welfare lottery 改革攻坚 futher reform in difficult areas;tackle hard issues in the reform 改革试点 pilot reform program 英汉词汇 child benefit (英国的)儿童津贴 civic responsibilities 公民责任 community automatic exchange 乡村自动电话局 community charge (英国的)人头税 community chest 社区福利基金 community consumption function 社会消费函数 community coordinated child care 社区联合儿童监护站 concurrent resolution (美国国会两院)共同决议 corrupt administration 腐败的行政管理 December-May marriage “老妻少夫”式婚姻 demographic factors 人口因素 diminishing return 报酬渐减 dink family 丁克家庭 dire poverty 赤贫 displaced person 流离失所者 缩略语 运动型多用途汽车 SUV(Sports Utility Vehicle) 液晶显示屏 LCD(Liquid Crystal Display) 传统中医药 TCM(Traditional Chinese Medicine) 中国共产党 CPC(Communist Party of China) 中国人民政治协商会议 CPPCC(Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference) 汉英词汇 高层次人才 high-caliber personnel 高技能人才 highly skilled personal 个体户 the self-employed 公共参与 public/communal participation 公务车 state-financed vehicle 公务员 civil/public servant 公用互联网 public Internet 固定电话网 fixed-line telephone network 《国家发展规划纲要》 |Outline of the National Development Program 和谐社会 harmonious society 黑车 unlicensed cab 黑恶势力 Mafia-like gangs 户口 registered permanent residence 基层社区 grassroots community 加强和改善宏观调控 improve macro control 英汉词汇 division of labour 分工 dog packs/paparazzo 狗仔队 drug smuggling 毒品走私 dwelling narrowness 蜗居 e-government;e-administration 电子政务 empty-nest syndrome 空巢孤独综合征 enhance the sense of urgency 增强忧患意识 fiscal conservation 财政保守主义 flash mob 快闪族 fraternity and sorority 兄弟会,姐妹会 gender equality 性别平等 Golden Age 黄金时代 guaranteed annual income 保障年度收入 happiness index 幸福指数 house-husband 家庭妇男 缩略语 全国人民代表大会 NPC(the National People's Congress) 非处方药 OTC(Over The Counter) 中国高铁 CRH(China Railway High-Speed) 消费物价指数 CPI(Consumer Price Index) 采购经理人指数 PMI(Purchase Management Index) 汉英词汇 假文凭 fake diplomas 坚持基本纲领 uphold the basic program 减员增效 downsize the staff to improve efficiency 简易过渡房 makeshift shelter 经济适用房 affordable housing 就业指导 employment guidance 开放型经济 an open economy 开瓶费 corkage fee 抗灾救灾工作 efforts to combat disasters and provide relief 科学发展观 scientific outlook on development 空巢家庭 empty-nest/childless family 廉租房 low-rent housing 两限房 house of two limits;house with limited price and habitable area 留守女士/留守男士 grass widow/ widower 面子工程 vanity/image project 英汉词汇 whistler blower (美国情报)泄密者 indoors man/woman 宅男/宅女 interborough rapid transmit 城区建快速交通线 ironclad labor protection 铁饭碗 job commuting 通勤 job release scheme 顶职办法 juvenile justice system 少年司法制度 law-abiding citizen 守法公民 logistic park 物流园区 loosely-bound family 松散的家庭观 luggage screening 行李检查 menial activity 粗活 merit pay 绩效工资 metropolitan area population 大城市人口 metropolitan station 都市电台 缩略语 城区建快速交通线 IRT (interborough rapid transmit) 中国银行 BOC (Bank of China) 牛津英语词典 OED (Oxford English Dictionary) 性传播疾病 STD (Sexual Transmitted Disease) 发光二极管 LED (Light-emitting Diode) 汉英词汇 “棱镜”计划 Prism 网络间谍活动 cyber-espionage 八国集团领导人峰会 G8 summit 神舟十号 the Shenzhou X spacecraft 民生 people's wellbeing 民族团结 ethnic unity 南水北调 South-to-North water diversion 农村富余劳动力 surplus rural labor 农村合作医疗制度 system of rural cooperative medical care (农村)劳动力转移就业 (rural workers)find work in nonagricultural sectors 农民工 migrant worker 农业税 agricultural tax 泡网吧 hit the Internet bar/cafe 贫富差距 disparity in wealth distribution 贫困人口 impoverished people 平房改造工程 renovation project of shanty dwellings 潜规则 casting couch 权力下放 shift of power to the grassroots;delegate power to the lower levels 群租客 tenant groups 英汉词汇 middle and low-income urban residents 中低收入城市居民 minimum earner 处于最低生活保障线上的人 minimum subsistence level 最低生活保障线 natural monopoly 自然垄断 occupational tacit violence 职场冷暴力 officially bilingual 官方使用双语制 on alternate days (实行)单双号(通行) patriotic sentiment 爱国情操 poverty line 贫困线 premarital pregnancy 未婚先孕 premarriage cohabitation 婚前同居 preprofessional training 职前培训 pro-euthanasia campaign 赞成安乐死合法化运动 promote communal activity 促进公共活动 publicize budget 公开预算 缩略语 石油输出国家组织 OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries) 东南亚国家联盟(东盟) ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) 世界贸易组织 WTO (World Trade Organization) 世界旅游组织 WTO (World Tourism Organization); 万维网 WWW (World Wide Web) 汉英词汇 博鳌亚洲论坛 The Boao Forum for Asia 《财富》全球论坛 Fortune Global Forum 农药残留 pesticide residue 人口功能区 functional population zone 人事制度改革 reform of personnel system 入住率 occupancy rate 三八红旗手 March 8 Red Flag Bearer 闪跳族 habitual job hopper 社会保障工作 social security work 社会保障体系 social security system 社会结构 social structure 社会利益格局 interests of different social groups 社会信用体系 social credit system 社会主义核心价值体系 core socialist values 社会主义荣辱观 Socialist Concept of Honor and Disgrace 社会转型时期 period of social transition 社会组织形式 the way society is organized 市政工程 municipal/public works 英汉词汇 quality time (和孩子一同生活的)时光 reach self-sufficiency 达到自给自足 resource-effective society 资源节约型社会 safety-net program 安全保障计划 sandwich man 挂广告牌的人 severance package 离职补偿 sexual harassment 性骚扰 sexual orientation 性倾向 shotgun marriage/wedding 奉子成婚 social acceptability 社会心理承受力 social evolution 社会演变 social security expenditure 社会保障支出 social security privatization 社会保障私有化 social weakening 社会惰性 social worker 社会工作者 缩略语 中国银监会 CBRC (China Banking Regulatory Commission) 出生日期和地点 DPOB (Date and Place Of Birth) 多边贸易谈判 MTN (multilateral trade negotiations) 国内生产总值 GDP (Gross Domestic Product) 联合国教科文组织 UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization) 汉英词汇 户口 household registration 征求公众意见 seek opinions from the public 文物 cultural relics 铜首 bronze head sculpture 圆明园 the Old Summer Palace 保送高校 be recommended for admission to top universities 自拍 self-portrait/selfie 返回舱 reentry module 新疆维吾尔族自治区 Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region 电子发票 electronic invoice 乡镇企业 township enterprises 学区房 school-nearby house 学生减负 reduce students' study load 严打斗争 strike-hard operation/campaign to crack down crimes 移动通信网 mobile communication network 英汉词汇 social media 社交媒体 tone deaf 五音不全 blanket ballot 全面选举 blue states 蓝州(支持民族党的州) Capital Building 国会大厦 cash contribution 现金卷款 casting vote 决定性一票 civil servants frenzy 公务员热 cluster bomb 集束炸弹 coalition government 联合政府 Cold War mentality 冷战思维 core principles 核心原则 cult of personality 个人崇拜 denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula 朝鲜半岛无核化 dissolution of parliament 解散国会 divided government 分治的政府 draft resolution 决议草案 缩略语 大韩民国 ROK (Republic of Korea) 朝鲜民主主义人民共和国 DPRK (Democratic People's Republic of Korea) 成本、保险费加运费 CIF (Cost,Insurance and Freight) 世界野生动物基金 WWF (World Wildlife Fund) 交货前付款 CBD (Cash Before Delivery) 汉英词汇 专机 charter flight 载人航天任务 manned space mission 医学隔离 medical quarantine 数字鸿沟 digital divide 双休日 two-day weekend 特色优势产业 industries with local advantages 天灾人祸 natural calamities and man-made misfortune 贴小广告的人 bill sticker 同城待遇 identical treatment 筒子楼 tube-shaped apartment building 团购 group buying 无偿献血 unpaid blood donation 五好家庭 Five-Virtues Family 西部大开发 western development strategy 下岗职工 unemployed workers and staff;laid-off employees 下基层锻炼 temper oneself in a grassroots unit 乡长 township head 英汉词汇 status statistics 有关居民阶级构成的统计资料 surplus labor 剩余劳动力 surrogate birth 代孕 tax evasion 偷税漏税 tough policy 强硬政策 tracking survey 跟踪调查 trial marriage 试婚 walking commuter 走班族 yard sale 庭院旧货出售 zero-sum game 零和博弈 access to information and political participation 信息流通和参与政治的机会 anti-poverty funds 扶贫基金 assessment team 评估小组 ballot box 投票箱 bedrock of security and stability 安全与稳定的基础 缩略语 中国人民大学 RUC (Renmin University Of China) 对外直接投资 FDI (Foreign Direct Investment) 泛太平洋伙伴关系 TPP (Trans-pacific Partnership) 经济合作和发展组织 OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) 托福考试 TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language ) 汉英词汇 照片修正程序 picture-enhancing apps 智能手机的高质内置相机 smartphones' high-quality built-in cameras 引进人才 bring in needed personnel 毕业典礼 graduation ceremony 毕业旅行 after-graduation trip 优抚安置 provide special assistance to entitled groups 暂住证 temporary residence permit 增强道德观念 enhance one's moral awareness 重复建设项目 overlapping/redundant project 住房制度改革 reform of housing system 自觉排队日 Queuing-up Day 自主创新能力 capacity for independent innovation 总体规划 overall plan 最低生活保障 subsistence allowance 爱好和平的国家 a peace-loving country 英汉词汇 election promises 竞选诺言 elective government 民选政府 electoral college 选举团 electoral map 选举地图 escalation of war 战争升级 exiled regime(government-in-exile)流亡政府 extinguishment of national debt 清偿国债 extreme poverty 极端贫困 favorability rate 支持率 fence-sitting nations 持中立态度的国家 first executive office 最高行政长官 freedoms of expression and worship 言论和信仰的自由 full surrender 无条件投降 gender gap 性别差异 growth of multilateral organizations 多边组织的发展 缩略语 联合国环境规划署 UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme) 国家地理管理局 NGD (National Geographic Directorate) 国际直拨长途电话 IDD (International Direct Dialing) 人体免疫缺损病毒 HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) 美国联邦调查局 FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) 汉英词汇 按劳分配为主体 distribution according to work remains dominant 保监会 China Insurance Regulatory Commission 标本兼治 address both the symptoms and the root causes of the problem 跟风 go with the trend 世界遗产名录 the World Heritage List 博采众长 draw on others' successful experience 长治久安 long-term stability 常务委员 member of a standing committee 城镇登记失业率 registered unemployment rate in cities and towns 城镇社会保障体系 urban social security system 城镇住房制度改革 reform of the urban housing system 创新体系 an innovation system 垂直管理 vertical management 促进社会和谐稳定 promote social harmony and stability 打击取缔非法收入 crack down on and ban illegal income 邓小平理论 Deng XiaoPing Theory 英汉词汇 personal remark/comment 人身攻击 hard money/soft money 硬钱/软钱 have a positive,constructive and comprehensive relationship 有着积极、建 设性、全面的关系 Homeland Security Department 国土安全部(美国) Hollywood blockbuster 好莱坞大片 inauguration address 就职演说 intelligence officers 情报人员 intercontinental ballistic missile 洲际弹道导弹 interior administration 内政 interior minister 内政部长 landlocked country 内陆国家 law enforcement personnel 执法人员 lethal arms 致命武器 matching funds 对等资金 military expansion 军备扩张 model of government 政府模式 money-oriented politics 金钱政治 缩略语 中国人民银行 PBOC (People's Bank of China) 自由贸易协定 FTA (Free Trade Agreement) 经济技术开发区 ETDZ (Economic And Technological Development Zone) 机器翻译 MT (machine translation) 高清电视 HDTV (High-Definition Television) 汉英词汇 低水平重复建设 low-level redundant development 对人民高度负责的态度 maintain a high sense of responsibility to people 反腐倡廉 anti-corruption bid 反贪法规 anti-corruption legislation 防灾减灾能力 our ability to prevent and mitigate natural disasters 分配货币化 distribution of money 风险防范机制 risk prevention mechanism 服从全局、服务全局 be subordinated to and serve the overall interests of the country 服务型政府 service-oriented government 负责型政府 responsible government 肝胆相照,荣辱与共 treat each other with all sincerity and share weal and woe 港人治港 the people of Hong Kong administer Hong Kong 高度自治 a high degree of autonomy 公共服务和社会管理 public services and administration 公平分配 fair distribution 英汉词汇 non-intervention 不干涉 nonproliferation drive 防止核扩散运动 normalization with neighbors 同邻国实现关系正常化 notion of sovereignty 主权观念 Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty 《不扩散核武器条约》 nuclear proliferation 核扩散 nuclear power station 核电站 nuclear stockpiles 核库存 oath-taking ceremony 宣誓仪式 official assistance 官方援助 opposition party 反对党 parliamentary speech 国会演说 party government 政党政府 party in office/ruling party 执政党 party out of office 在野党 party program 党纲 缩略语 体外受精 IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) 多边贸易谈判 MTN (multilateral trade negotiations) 国民福利指标 NNW (Net National Welfare ) 中国证券业协会 SAC (the Securities Association of China) 特别行政区 SAR (Special Administrative Region) 汉英词汇 创新驱动发展战略 innovation-based development strategies 网络环境 online environment 网络身份 online identity 雾霾天 hazy days 空气污染指数 air pollution index 单双号限行规定 an odd-and-even license plate rule 开放兼容 open and receptive 抗洪救灾 fight floods and provide relief 科教兴国战略 the strategy of invigorating China through the development of science and education 科学发展观 scientific outlook on development 科学技术进步 scientific and technological progress 可持续发展战略 the strategy of sustainable development 廉政准则 code of ethics 两岸关系 cross-straits relations 零基预算制度 a zero-base budgeting system 民主监督 democratic supervision 英汉词汇 public debt 公债 public funding 公共资助 puppet regime 傀儡政权 racial divisions 种族分划 radical group 激进组织 raising money 筹款/募款 red states 红州(支持共和党的州) regional turmoil 地区动荡 regular elections 定期选举 relief operations 救济行动 relief supply 救灾物资 return to power 重新执政 riding high in opinion polls 民调支持率 running rate 竞选伙伴 缩略语 英国国民健康保险制度 NHS (National Health Service) 普通开业医生 GP (general practitioner) 国民福利指标 NNW (Net National Welfare) 国际足球联盟 FIFA (Federation Internationale de Football Association) 首席运营官 COO (Chief Operating Officer) 汉英词汇 民主权利 democratic rights 民主协商 democratic consultation 民族地区 regions inhabited by ethnic groups 年度国家预算 annual state budget 扭转收入差距扩大的趋势 reverse the widening inconel gap 旗帜鲜明地反对民族分裂 take a clear-cut stand against attempts to split the nation 全国各族人民 people of all ethnic groups 全国人大代表 deputy to the National People's Congress 全国人民代表大会主席团 NPC Presidium 全国政协委员 member of the national committee of the CPPCC 人民团体 mass organizations 日益增长的物质文化需求 growing material and cultural needs 软环境 soft environment “三个代表”重要思想 the important thought of Three represents 英汉词汇 Senate seats 参议院席位 shared/common prosperity 共同繁荣 shared security 共同安全 share weal and woe 休戚与共 specific appropriation of public money 公款的拨用 State of the Union Address 国情咨文 strategic and economic dialogue 战略与经济对话 strategic withdrawal 战略撤退 straw poll 测验民意的投票;(大选前)意向性投票 suicide bombing 自杀性爆炸袭击 summit talks 最高级会谈;首脑会议 swing voter 摇摆选民 terrorist attack 恐怖袭击 Third World 第三世界 threat of force 武力威胁 缩略语 粮农组织 FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization) 中小型企业 SME (Small and Medium Enterprises) 万国邮政联盟 UPU (Universal Postal Union) 企业到用户的电子商务模式 B2C (Business to Customer) 自由度 DOF (Degree of Freedom) 汉英词汇 战略发展空间 strategic space for development 有针对性的工作方案 well-targeted plans 压缩&三公&经费 cutting spending on receptions, vehicles and overseas trips 高消耗高污染行业 highly-polluting enterprises with high energy consumption 产能过剩行业 industries with excess capacity 社会公共需要 social needs 社会监管 social supervision 社会主义法治国家 social country under the rule of law 社会主义制度的无比优越 incomparable superiority of the socialist 失职渎职 dereliction of duty;neglect of one's duties 食品药品质量监管 oversight and supervision of food and drug quality 试点项目 pilot project 司法公正 judicial justice 体制创新 institutional innovation 突发公共安全事件应急处理机制 mechanisms for responding to emergencies that threaten public safety 英汉词汇 transparency and accountability 透明度和问责制 unconditional release 无条件释放 U.S.-China Strategic and Economic Dialogue 美中战略与经济对话 vote of non-confidence 不信任票 vote abstention 弃权票 vox pop 民众之声,公众舆论 walk the plank 被迫辞职 war game 军事演习 accumulated earnings 积累收益 a circular economy 循环经济 a convenient method of payment 方便的付款方式 an economic boom 经济兴旺 an economic depression(slump, recession)经济萎缩 缩略语 经济合作和发展组织 OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) 订金 CBD (Cash Before Delivery ) 全美篮球协会 NBA (National Basketball Association) 国际劳工组织 ILO (International Labor Organization) 中国民航 CAAC (Civil Aviation Administration of China) 汉英词汇 推进事业单位改革 push forward the reform of institutions 退休金双轨制 dual pension scheme 维护社会公平正义 safeguard social fairness and justice 维护祖国统一 safeguard national unity 西部大开发战略 the strategy of developing the western region 西电东送 transmission of electricity from the western to the eastern region 宪法修正案 amendments to the Constitution 小康社会 a moderately prosperous society 选举权、知情权、参与权、表达权和监督权 rights to vote and to stay informed about, participate in, express views on, and oversee government affairs 严肃追究责任 strengthen administrative accountability 养老保险 old-age insurance 养老保障制度 old-age security system 依法行政、公正严明的法治政府 a government that respects legal system and rules strictly and impartially 依法行政意识 consideration to carrying out their official duties in accordance with the law 依法治国 run the country according to law 英汉词汇 an economic takeoff 经济起飞 anti-dumping measures 反倾销措施 assets depreciation range 资产折旧幅度 balance the two-way trade 保持双边贸易的平衡 bonded/free trade area 保税区 bonded warehouse 保税仓库 bottleneck restrictions 瓶颈制约 break regional blockades and trade monopolies 打破地区封锁和行业垄断 capital market 资本市场 cargo handling capacity 货物吞吐量 commission/brokerage 佣金 commodity economy 商品经济 confessional/favorable terms 优惠条件 cost and benefit analysis 成本收益分析 cost-of-living index 生活费指数 缩略语 联合国安全理事会 UNSC (Security Council) 联合国工业发展组织 UNIDO (United Nations Industrial Development Organization) 联合国开发计划署 UNDP (United Nations Development Programme) 联合国环境署 UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme) 联合国资本开发基金会 UNCDF (United Nations Capital Development Fund) 汉英词汇 以人为本 put people first 与时俱进 advance with times 再就业下岗人员 re-employment of laid-off workers 增收节支 increase revenue and cut government expenditures 征地拆迁 land expropriation, housing demolition and resident relocation 政府促进就业的责任 responsibility of the government for stimulating employment 政府工作报告 report on the work of the government 政府机构改革 reform of government institutions 政企分开 separate functions of the government form those of enterprises 政务透明 administrative transparency 政治体制改革 political restructuring 执行力和公信力 executive ability and greater public trust 中共中央委员会 CPC Central Committee 中国共产党全国代表大会 the National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) 中华民族的无疆大爱 boundless love of the Chinese nation 英汉词汇 cross-border takeover 跨国并购 currency depreciation/appreciation 通货贬值/升值 current account balance sheet 流动资产负债表 current asset losses in suspense 待处理流动资产损失 current debt ratio 流动负债比率 current fund employment rate 流动资金占有率 current liability 流动负债 current tangible assets 有形流动资产 domestic funds 国内配套资金 earning capacity 盈利能力 E-Commerce/E-business 电子商务 economic aggregate 经济总量 economic efficiency 经济效益 economic growth point 经济增长点 economic indicators 经济指标 缩略语 世界卫生组织 WHO (World Health Organization) 世界和平理事会 WPC (World Peace Council) 国际货币基金组织 IMF (International Monetary Fund) 国际奥林匹克委员会 IOC (International Olympic Committee) 国际原子能机构 IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) 汉英词汇 《中美三个联合公报》 The Three Sino-U.S. Joint communiques 中央纪检委员会 Central Commission for Discipline Inspection 转变职能 transform government functions 自主创新 independent innovation 综合国力 overall national strength 最大的效率 the best possible results 保持发展后劲 bring about a sustainable development 保持国有股 keep the state-held shares 并购 merger & acquisition 财政收入 fiscal revenue 仓储式超市 stockroom-style/warehouse-type supermarket 产权制度改革 reform of property rights system 产销直接挂钩 directly link production with marketing 产业的升级换代 upgrading of industries 产业结构调整 industrial restructuring 低碳经济 low-carbon economy 英汉词汇 economic measure 经济手段 economic strength 经济实力 economy of scale 规模经济 efficiency in operation 经营效率 emerging market economy 新兴市场经济 equity capital transaction 产权资本转让 equity earnings 参股收益;股本盈利 equity investment 股本投资 equity ownership 资本所有权 excessive consumption 超前消费 export-oriented/outward-looking economy 外向型经济 extensive/intensive operation 粗放/集约经营 fair trading practice 公平贸易行为 financing channels 融资渠道 fixed-assets accounting 固定资产核算 缩略语 经济合作与发展组织 OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) 亚洲太平洋经济合作组织 APEC (Asia and Pacific Economic Cooperation) 非洲统一组织 OAU (Organization of African Unity) 欧洲联盟 EU (European Union) 欧洲经济共同体 EEC (European Economic Communities) 汉英词汇 地方保护主义 regional protectionism 地方财政预算 local government budget 调整改组国有企业 readjust and reorganize state-owned enterprises 对外开放广度和深度 opening up in scope and depth 多种经济成分 diverse sectors of the economy 背投屏幕 rear projection screen 边缘科学 boundary science 播客 video blog on the Internet 产品科技含量 technological element of a product 大容量高速率 high-capacity and high-speed 保护耕地 protect arable land 病虫害防治 pest and disease control 播种面积 sown area “菜篮子”工程 the Vegetable Basket Project 餐饮业 catering trade 英汉词汇 academic achievements 学业成绩 academic adviser 学业顾问(帮助学生学习并为其提供咨询的教师) academic freedom 学术自由 academic performance 学业 add-and-drop 补退选阶段 transmission of civilization 传播文明 valedictory address/speech 毕业献辞 virtual universities 虚拟大学 working graduate 在职研究生 work-study program 勤工助学 ABC(accuracy, brevity and clarity) 准确、简洁、明鲜 accurate journalism 精确新闻学 advance copy 预备稿 advertising film/commercial message 广告片 advertorial 鼓吹式新闻;偏袒性新闻报道 缩略语 美国航天太空总署 NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) 国家导弹防御系统 NMD (National Missile Defense) 世界银行 WB (World Bank) 亚洲开发银行 ADB (Asian Development Bank) 东非共同体 EAC (East African Community) 汉英词汇 非公有制经济 non-public sectors of the economy 费改税 transform administrating fees into taxes 个体户 the self-employed 个体、私营经济 self-employed and other private businesses/private economy 股权分置改革 reform of listing non-tradable shares of listed companies 社会主义新农村 Socialist New Countryside 收购价 purchasing price 薯类作物 tuber crops 水产品 aquatic product 水产业 aquatic product industry;fishery 科教兴国战略 the strategy of revitalizing China through science and education 科学技术教育与培训 S&T education and training 可视图文 visual pictures and literature 克隆技术 cloning technology 空间环境探测系统 space environment detector system 英汉词汇 teaching assistant 助教 teaching faculty 全体教师 top student 头等生 track out of schools 被逐出校门 transcript 成绩单 European Parliament 欧洲议会 European Union(EU)欧盟 executive branch 执行机构 extra-affairs commissioner 外事专员 face-to-face talk 会晤 abstract art 抽象派艺术 Academy Award 奥斯卡金像奖 a cameo appearance 客串演出 Acid Jazz 酸性爵士乐 ace actor 金牌演员 缩略语 有线电视 CATV (Cable Television) 中央商务区 CBD (Central Business District) 网络快车 ADSL (Asymmetrical Digital Subscriber Line) 自动柜员机 ATM (Automatic Teller machine) 首席执行官 CEO (Chief Executive Officer) 汉英词汇 土地出让金 land conveyance fee 地王 top bidder for a land plot 楼面价 floor area price 公租房 public rental housing 商品房 commercial apartment 过境免签 visa-free stay 农资综合补贴 general subsidies for agricultural production supplies 喷灌 sprinkler irrigation 人均占有量 per capita availability “三农” agriculture,rural areas and farmers 网上通信 online communication 卫星导航 satellite navigation 无人飞船 unmanned spaceship 无土栽培 soilless cultivation 无线电导航设备 radio navigation device 英汉词汇 nonresident student 走读生 off-the-job training 脱产培训 on-the-job training 在职培训;岗位培训 open access (图书馆)开架阅览 open-book examination 开卷考试 ghost examinee (考试)替考者 Higher Education Mega Center 大学城 illiteracy level 文盲率 information for admission 入学须知 input in education 教育投入 box office value 票房价值 Cannes Film Festival 戛纳电影节 cast member 演职人员 cave painting 石洞壁画 close-up/special shot 特写镜头 缩略语 爱滋病 AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) 非典 SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) 中国民航 CAAC (Civil Aviation Administration of China) 疯牛病 BSE (Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy) 欧洲自由贸易联盟 EFTA (European Free Trade Association) 汉英词汇 旱地 arid/non-irrigated land 洪涝灾害 flood and waterlogging 集体林权制度改革 reform of the system of collective forest rights 集约/粗放型农业 intensive/extensive agriculture 加强农产品市场调控 strengthen regulation of the farm products market 死囚 inmates sentenced to death penalties 跨境资本 cross-border capita 充裕流动资金 abundant liquidity 建设天蓝地绿水净的美好家园 build a beautiful homeland with a blue sky, green land and clean water 小幅放缓 moderate slowdown 希望工程 Hope Project 希望小学 Hope Primary School 小留学生 parachute kids/parachute children 信、达、雅 faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance 学分制 credit system 英汉词汇 solar halo 日晕 Lipstick effect 口红效应 press section 新闻处 pro-American diplomacy 亲美外交 reciprocal banquet 答谢宴会 fine art 美术 finishing touch 最后一笔 flat stitching 平装 foreground figure 前景人物 foreshortened figure 透视画法 abuse of power 权利的滥用 accept service of the writ 接受令状的送达 accessory after the fact 事后从犯 accident involving civil liability 民事责任事故 according to Marriage Law provisions 根据婚姻法的规定 缩略语 微软网络服务 MSN (MICROSOFT NETWORK) 唱片骑士 DJ (DISCO JOCIKEY) 统一资源定位器 URL (Uniform Resource Locator) 贵宾 VIP (Very Important Person) 中国 PRC (People's Republic of China) 汉英词汇 安全第一,游客至上 safety first, passengers supreme 保护珍稀动物和植物 protect rare animals and plants 避暑胜地 summer resort 冰雪节 Snow Festival 兵马俑博物馆 the Terra-Cotta Warrior Museum 爱国卫生运动 patriotic sanitation campaign 保持健康 keep/stay/healthy/fit 保健食品 health food 病从口入 illness enters via the mouth 病例 medical/ case history 保护和弘扬民族文化艺术 protect and promote the national culture and arts 北京四合院 Beijing's courtyard house/Beijing's four-section rectangular compound 表演艺术 visual and performing arts 藏书票 ex-libris 出场费 performance fee 英汉词汇 after-tax profit 税后利润 anti-inflation measures 制止通货膨胀措施 anti-monopoly law 反垄断法 auditing scandals 假账丑闻 bank discount 票据贴现 fence-mending visit 修好访问 first secretary 一等秘书 Foreign and Commonwealth Office 外交和联邦办公室 front row seat 首席记者 G8 summit 八国峰会 domestic violence 家庭暴力 done as a matter of favor 出于善意的 embezzle public funds 挪用公款 enforcement measure 强制措施 enlarge the right of self-management 扩大自主权 缩略语 管理信息系统 MIS (Management Information Systems) 产品数据管理 PDM (Product Data Management) 信息技术 IT (Information Technology) 原设备制造商 OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) 电子公告板系统 BBS (Bulletin Board System) 汉英词汇 改良土壤 soil improvement 耕地保护制度 system for protecting arable land 耕地设施 farming equipment 灌溉面积 irrigated area 国家收购粮 grain purchased by the state 保持高层次接触 maintain high-level contact 边界争议区 disputed border region 朝鲜半岛核问题 Korean Peninsula nuclear issue 从人民的根本利益出发 proceed from the fundamental interests of the people 促进共同繁荣 promote common prosperity 无公害蔬菜 &green& pollution-free vegetable 无铅汽油 lead-free gasoline 物种灭绝 extinction of bio-species 先进的污水处理技术 advanced sewage disposal technology 限期治理 undertake treatment within a prescribed limit of time 英汉词汇 feature tour 特色旅游 Ferris wheel 摩天轮 festooned vehicle parade 花车巡游 get in through the wicket 从检票口通过 International Ecotourism |Society 国际生态旅游协会 absorb idle fund 吸收游资 a business incubator 企业孵化器 accounting fraud 财务作假案;假账 accumulated deficit 累计赤字 after-sale service 售后服务 hand hygiene 手部卫生 health check 健康检查 health risks 健康危害 hereditary disease 遗传疾病 highly pathogenic form 高致病性 缩略语 国家导弹防御计划 NMD (National Missile Defense) 移动数据通讯中的短消息业务 SMS (Short Message Service) 一种集编辑、排版和打印一体的汉字处理系统 WPS (Word Processing System) 计算机辅助设计 CAD (Computer Aided Design) 人力资源管理 HRM (Human Resource Management) 汉英词汇 扶贫 poverty alleviation/anti-poverty effort 扶贫政策 poverty relief policy 复种 multiple cropping 副产品 by-product 副业 sideline production 无线寻呼网 radio paging network 无性繁殖 asexual reproduction 先进的安全技术 leading-edge security technologies 消除数字鸿沟 bridge the digital divide 新能源观 new thinking on energy development 毕业设计 graduation project 博士后 post-doctoral 传统教学方式 traditional way of teaching 聪明才智得到充分发挥 bring the talent and creativity into full play 大学生创业 university student's innovative undertakings 英汉词汇 check roll 考勤 children with learning disability 无学习能力的儿童 class rank 年级名次 coeducation 男女同校 commencement ceremony 毕业典礼 acid mist 酸雾 a cumulative emission budget 累计碳排放预算 Agenda 21 《21 世纪议程》 a low-emission economy 低排放经济 annual temperature 年气温幅度 a brochure of scenic spot 景区的观光手册 access to wheelchairs in the tourist site 景区设置的轮椅通道 a cursory trip 走马观花之行 aerobic capacity 供氧能力 a hub of land traffic and logistics 陆路交通枢纽和物流中心 缩略语 丁克家庭 DINK (Double Income No Kids) 美国硕士研究生入学资格考试 GRE (Graduate Record Examination) 超文本传输协议 HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol) 国际商用机器公司 IBM (International Business Machine) 国际标准化组织 ISO (International Organization for Standardization ) 汉英词汇 骨干企业 backbone/key enterprise 固定资产重估 reevaluation of fixed assets 规范税制 standardize the tax system 规模经济 scale economy;economy of scale 国际收支状况 balance of payments 开垦荒地 reclaim wasteland 抗病/虫/旱性 disease-/pest-/drought-resistant 科教兴农 invigorate agriculture by relying on science and education 良种补贴 subsidies for superior crop varieties 粮食安全 food security 污染物排放 pollutant discharge 污染指数 pollution index 污水处理厂 sewage treatment plant 无氟冰箱 freon-free refrigerator 无公害农业 nuisanceless agriculture 英汉词汇 warranty period 商品保修期 win the bid/tender 中标 World Economic Forum 世界经济论坛(达沃斯会议) year-end report 年终报告 zero tariff treatment 零关税待遇 occupancy rate 入住率 package tour 团体游 pack-sack 旅行背包 pleasure cruiser 游轮;游览航行 provide free interpretation service 提供免费讲解服务 primary energy 一次能源 primary pollutant 一次污染物 raise carbon concentration 增加碳浓度 rate of energy utilization 能源利用率 river estuary 河口三角湾 缩略语 联合国粮食与农业组织 FAQ (the UN Food and Agriculture Organization) 情商 EQ (Emotional Quotient) 高级经理工商管理硕士 EMBA (Executive Master of Business Administration) 数码摄像 DV (Digital Video) 首席技术主官 CTO (Chief Technology Officer) 汉英词汇 产业化扶贫 reduce poverty through industrial development 城乡低保 urban and rural recipients of subsistence allowances 单位面积产量 yield per unit area 滴灌 drip irrigation 动植物检疫 animal and plant quarantine 技术合作活动 technological cooperation activities 加快信息化进程 accelerate the informationization process 尖端技术 state-of-the-art technology 交互信息网络 interactive information network 科技含量 scientific and technological content 新闻联播 news hook-up 新闻审查 news censorship 新闻线索 news peg 新闻英语 journalistic English 新闻自由 freedom of the press 英汉词汇 anchor booth 新闻节目主持人播音室 annual/annals 年报,年刊,年鉴 apocryphal story 假新闻,骗人的新闻 a revised editing 修订版 Associated Press(AP) 美联社 law enforcement authority 执法部门 legal adviser 法律顾问 legal guardian 法定监护人 legal proceedings 司法程序 legal sanctity 法律尊严 carbon sequestration 碳吸收 carbon sink 碳汇 car exhaust 汽车尾气 clean car 环保汽车 clean development mechanism 清洁发展机制 缩略语 大学英语测试 CET (College English Test) 首席财务主管 CFO (Chief Finance Officer) 中央信息区 CID (Central Information District) 注册会计师 CA (Certified Public Accountant) 中央处理器 CPU (Central Processing Unit) 第 28 天 汉英词汇 国际社会 international community 国际舞台 international arena 国际政治经济新秩序 new international political and economic oder 国家主权 national sovereignty 国事访问 state visit 地方债全面审计 nationwide auditing of local government liabilities 过于激进的发展项目 overambitious development projects 为他人谋取利益 seek profits for others 利用职务便利 take advantage of one's position 受旱区域 droughts plaguing parts 枯竭河流 dried-up rivers 灌溉农田 irrigate croplands 运水车 water tanker 气象部门 meteorological department 和谐共赢 all-win harmony 学风 style of study 学海无涯 boundless sea of learning 学会评定委员会 academic degrees evaluation committee 学科带头人 academic leader 学历、学位互认 mutual recognition of academic credentials and degrees 英汉词汇 command line 命令行 command module 指令舱 control unit 控制器 cyber citizen/netizen 网民 cyber city 网络城市 registered capital 注册资本 registration of establishment 开办登记 registration of property right 产权登记 rules-of-thumb techniques 经验法 sales proceeds 销售收益 culture of tolerance 宽容的文化 culture-oriented travel 文化旅游 culture trait 文化特质 dialogue among civilizations 文明间的对话 dinner etiquette 餐桌礼仪 缩略语 美联社 AP(Associated Press) 世界知识产权组织 WIPO(World Intellectual Property Organization) 英国动物保护协 SPCA(Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) 微软 MS(Microsoft) 澳大利亚广播公司 ABC(Australian Broadcasting Corporation) 汉英词汇 客队 visiting team 套票 season ticket 淡季 slack season/off-season 旺季 high/busy season 最有价值球员 MVP=the most valuable player 出线资格 finals berth 体育强国 a world sports power 体育大国 a major sports country 冷门 an unexpected winner 比赛地点 spots/competition venue 室内运动 indoor sports 指定日门票 designated day tickets 一票通用制度 universal ticket system 土地承包经营权 land contract and management right 产权单位 owner of property rights 英汉词汇 intellectual property right 知识产权 proprietary intellectual property right 自主知识产权 inaugural issue 创刊号 special issue 特刊 referendum/plebiscite 公民投票 work-related injuries 工伤 joint custody 共同监护权 package tour 跟团旅游 post allowance 岗位津贴 work post responsibility 岗位责任制 on- the - job training 岗位培训 hi-fi music 高保真音乐 legal loophole 法律漏洞 drug cartel 贩毒集团 hush money 封口费 hi-fi music 高保真音乐 legal loophole 法律漏洞 drug cartel 贩毒集团 hush money 封口费 缩略语 学术英语 EAP(English for Academic Purpose) 英语作为一门外语 EFL(English as a Foreign Language) 职业英语 EOP(English for Occupation) 英语水平测试 EPT(English Proficiency Test) 专门用途英语考试 ESP(English for Special Purpose) 汉英词汇 化解国有企业历史债务 ease the long-standing debt of SOEs 国有企业 state-owned enterprises 盲目投资 haphazard investment 政策性亏损 policy mandated looses 朝阳产业/夕阳产业 sunrise/sunset industry 即兴消费 immediate consumption 全面的经济计划 all-inclusive economic plan 一条龙服务 all-in-one package 特约经销商 exclusive distributor 包容性增长 inclusive growth 年均增长率 annual average growth rate 城乡差距 rural-urban divide 贫困线 poverty line 双赢 win-win/double win 高端设备制造 high-end equipment manufacturing 英汉词汇 natural landscape(scenery) 自然风景 natural spa 天然水疗中心 newly introduced entertainment in the tourist site 最新引入景区的游乐项目 observation deck 观光台 read through safety instructions 细读安全须知 pirated film/theatre of the absurd 盗版片/荒诞剧 plastic arts 造型艺术 pop atrs 大众艺术 popular media 大众媒体 portrait painting 肖像绘画 citizen treatment 国民待遇 cold war mentality 冷战思维 commercial attache 商务专员 commercial secretary 商务参赞 commit troops to 承诺派军 缩略语 欧洲经济合作委员会 CEEC(Committee of Europe Economic Coorperation) 欧洲经济合作协定 CEECO(Convention of European Econimc Cooperation) 中国外汇管理局 CFECA(China Foreign Exchange Control Administration) 美国期货商品委员会 CFTC(Commodity Futures Trading Commission) 中国海关总署 CGAC(Custom General Administration of China) 汉英词汇 公务接待费 hospitality spending 连锁反应 ripple effect/chain effect/butterfly effect 体制与机制 institutions and mechanisms 体制障碍 institutional barriers 企业退休人员 enterprise retirees 政策保险 policy insurance 冲破不合时宜的观念束缚 break the shackles of outdated ideas 生育率 fertility rate 人口红利 demographic dividend 超生人口 extra births 育龄妇女 woman of child-bearing age 第一责任人 person of primary/chief responsibility 管理机构 management organization/body 伪报 fraudulent report 漏报 incomplete report/omission of facts 英汉词汇 heptathlon 七项全能 decathlon 十项全能 synchronized swimming 花样游泳 soccer fraud 假球 grand slam 大满贯 break a world record 打破世界纪录 host country/ nation 东道国 all-round champion 全能冠军 track and field/athletics 田径运动 Marathon (race)马拉松赛跑 wed in civil ceremony 登记结婚 wedding march 结婚进行曲 extramarital affair 婚外恋 premarital medical check-up 婚检 wedding dress 婚礼服 缩略语 高效照明工具 CFL(compact fluorescent lamp) 注册会计师协会会员 ACCA(Association of Charted Certified Accountants) 中国翻译专业资格考试 CATTI (China Accreditation Test for Translators and Interpreters) 计算机化考试 CBT(Computer Based Test) 鉴别能力倾向考试 DAT(different aptitude test) 汉英词汇 处于国际产业链低端 at the lower end of international industrial chain 先污染后治理的老路 the old path of polluting first and cleaning up later 节能减排 e nergy conservation and emission reduction 应对气候变化 address/meet/fight against/tackle/combat climate change 推动人类应对气候变化的历史进程 push forward mankind's historical process of combating climate change 节能环保汽车 energy-saving and environment-friendly vehicles 能源结构以煤为主 the role predominant of coal in our energy mix 实施节能产品惠民工程 support the energy-saving /energy-efficient products by ordinary households by subsidies 联合国气候变化框架公约 The UN convention Framework Convention on Climate Change 共同但有区别的责任原则 principle of 'common but differentiated responsibilities' 减缓温室气体排放,适应气候变化 mitigate greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to climate change 承诺期减排目标 emission reduction targets in the commitment period 以人为本,全面协调可持续的科学发展 scientific development, that is, comprehensive, balanced and sustainable de velopment whichputs people's interests first 全民健身和竞技体育 public fitness programs and competitive sports 表演项目 demonstration event 英汉词汇 outdoor sports 室外运动 figure skating 花样滑冰 water polo 水球 modern pentathlon 现代五项 triathlon 铁人三项 equestrian 马术 archery 射箭 gymnastics 体操 theme pavilion 主题馆 stand-alone pavilion 独立展馆 cooperate joint pavilion 企业联合馆 Collection Highlights 镇馆之宝 virtual walkthrough 虚拟全景游览 group visitors 团体游客 individual visitors 散客 standard day tickets 平日门票 缩略语 国际标准化组织 ISO(International Standardization Organization) 国际科学组织 ISO(International Science Organization) 接近峰值性能 TPP(Toward Peak Performance) 中国商务部 MOFCOM (The Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China) 经济合作与发展组织 OECD (Organization for Economic Co―operation and Development) 汉英词汇 收货和发货人 consigner and consignee 配送货物 distribute goods 提取货物 take delivery of goods 免税和税务减免 tax deduction/tax exemption/tax break 纳税补贴 tax subsidies 税法 tax code 税法缺陷和保护规定 loopholes and shelters in the tax code 加税 tax hike 退运手续 returning formalities 存储期限 storage time 自由港 free port/free-trade port 自由区 free-trade zone 开放外贸经营权 lift controls over access to foreign trade 削减工资税 payroll tax cut 英汉词汇 credit hour 学时 drop out (中途)退学 educational expenditure 教育开支 educational innovation 教育革新 educational network 网络教育 nuclear reactor 核反应堆 optical communication 光通讯 packaging service 套餐服务 page view 访问量 patent application 专利申请 organic farming 有机耕作 persistent drought 持续干旱 pollution-free vegetables 无公害蔬菜 post-harvest and marketing information 收获后和销售信息 post-harvest food losses 收获后粮食损失 缩略语 首次公开募股(发行)IPO(Initial Public Offerings) 港口进入管制 HEC(Harbour Entry Control) 世界野生动物基金会 WWF(World Wildlife Fund) 万维网 WWW(World Wide Web) 网络信息中心 NIC(Network Information Center) 汉英词汇 储备基金 reserve fund 后备工业 supporting industry 后续投资 follow-up investment 互惠互利 reciprocity and mutual benefit 激励约束制度 a system of incentives and disincentives 电话订票系统 telephone booking system 高速铁路专线网 high speed rail network 动车 bullet train 洲际铁路 transcontinental railroad 洲际高速公路系统 interstate highway system 国内游 inbound tourism 国外旅游 overseas travel 国土资源管理 land and resources administration 过山车 roller coaster 固定电话运营商 fixed-line telecom carrier 英汉词汇 customs barrier/tariff wall 关税壁垒 international settlement 国际清算 tariff quota 关税配额 joint-stock company 股份公司 shareholding cooperative system 股份合作制 euthanasia/mercy killing 安乐死 consolation prize 安慰奖 keypad 按键 keypad tone 按键音 Prince Charming 白马王子 bungee jumping 蹦极 groomsman 伴郎 bridesmaid 伴娘 shareholding system/joint-stock system 股份制 industrial stagnation 工业停滞 purchasing power 购买力 缩略语 空气质量指数 AQI(Air Quality Index) 中小型企业 SME(Small and Medium―size Enterprise(s)) 到岸价格 CIF(Cost Insurance and Freight) 哈佛大学商学院 HBS(Harvard Business School) 政府间气候变化专门委员会 IPCC(Intergovernmental Panel On Climate Change) 汉英词汇 点钞费 counting fee 国债 government bonds 物价上涨 price hikes 放宽物价政策 quantitative easing monetary policy 结构性输入性物价上涨 structural and imported inflation 主体功能区 development priority zones 产能过剩 excess production capacity 农产品流通体系 farm products distribution 保税物流园区 bonded logistic parks 流通性简单加工 simple circulative processing 增值服务 value-added services 国际中转 international transit 加工贸易进口货物 goods imported under processing trade 转口贸易货物 goods in transit trade 整顿和规范市场秩序 overhual and better regulate the market 英汉词汇 an average annual increase 年均增长 annual return 利润 anti-dumping measures 反倾销措施 income disparity 收入分化;贫富分化 infant mortality 婴儿死亡率 supply side economics 供方经济学 survival rate 成活率 luxury suite 豪华套房 presidential suite 总统套房 microprocessor 微处理器,单片机 migraine 偏头痛 pay a return visit 回拜 nodding acquaintance 泛泛之交 secret ballot 不记名投票 terrorist acts 恐怖行为,恐怖活动 terrorist group 恐怖组织 缩略语 反独裁民主统一战线 UDD(United Democratic Front against Dictatorship) (联合国)粮食及农业组织 FAO(Food Agricultural Organization (of the UN)) 世界工会联合会 WFTU(World Federation of Trade Union) 世界卫生组织 WHO(World Health Organization) 世界贸易组织 WTO(World Trade Organization) 汉英词汇 霸权主义 hegemonism 百花齐放 a hundred flowers blossom 百家争鸣 a hundred schools of thought contend 边疆稳定 the stability in border areas 人大常委会 the standing committees 边远地区 remote areas 波澜壮阔 a magnificent upsurge 博大精深 extensive and profound 不变质 never degenerating 法制国家 a country with an adequate legal system 法治国家 a country under the rule of law 学前教育 preschool education 学生减负 alleviate the burden on students 学时 credit hours 学位证书 degree certificate 英汉词汇 cargo planes 运输机 hymn 赞美诗, 圣歌 improvisation 即席创作 car loans 汽车贷款 cash bonuses 现金奖励 alcoholic poison 酒精中毒 soil alkalinization 土壤碱化 soil erosion 土壤侵蚀 Qinghai-Tibet plateau 青藏高原 power plant 发电站, 发电厂 ocean currents 洋流 natural selection [生]自然选择,物竞天择说 sexual orientation 性取向 have an affair/an ultra-marriage affair 婚外恋 home for the aged/seniors' home 敬老院 缩略语 电汇 T/T(telegraphic transfer) 付款交单 D/P(document against payment) 成本、保险加运费价 CIF(cost, insurance & freight) 转基因生物 GMO (genetically modified organism) 提单 B/L(bill of lading) 汉英词汇 户口调查员 census taker/enumerator 流动人口 floating population 入户摸底调查 door-to-door survey 居委会 neighborhood committee 隐私保护意识 awareness of privacy protection 保险索赔 insurance claim 恶意诋毁 malicious slander 治标治本 tackle problems at root and at surface 广大人民群众 the broad masses of the people 社会事业体制 social program system 民族振兴 the revitalization of a nation 爱国主义统一战线 the patriotic united front 人民内部矛盾 contradictions among the people 革命老区 old revolutionary base areas 社会主义核心价值体系 core socialist values 英汉词汇 job reshuffle 换岗 election at expiration of office terms 换届选举 Pacific Rim 环太平洋地区 household register 户籍登记薄 resident's booklet 户口薄 scratch-open ticket/scratch pad 即开式奖券 shoddy cotton 黑心棉 black box 黑匣子 nuclear family 核心家庭 nuclear arsenal 核军火库 nuclear radiation 核辐射 trade journal 行业杂志 South Korean fad 韩流 Hollywood blockbuster 好莱坞大片 an adjunct organization 挂靠户 transit visa 过境签证 缩略语 美国公共广播电视公司 PBS(Public Broadcasting Service) 通用分组无线业务 GPRS(General Packet Radio Service) 欧洲央行 ECB(European Central Bank) 环境保护组织 ECB(Environmental Conservation Board) 国际劳工组织 ILO(International Labor Organization) 汉英词汇 生存排放 survival emissions 国际排放转移 international transfer emissions 大幅量化减排 deep quantified emission cuts 扶贫工作 poverty alleviation work 海洋经济 the marine economy 主体功能区战略 main functional regions 区域协调发展 balanced development between regions 现代产业体系 the modern industrial system 产业核心竞争力 the core competitiveness of industries 社会主义现代化建设 socialist modernization drive 产粮大省 granary province 反倾销税 countervailing duty 服务外包 service outsourcing 风险投资 venture capita/risk investment 不锈钢 stainless steel 英汉词汇 transfer of technology with compensation 技术有偿转让 grey income 灰色收入 grey economy 灰色经济 overstocked commodities 积压产品 returned customer 回头客 withdrawl of currency from circulation 货币回笼 currency retention scheme 货币留成制度 vested interest groups 既得利益集团 demand deposit interest rate 活期存款利率 listed companies 上市公司 currency manipulator 货币操纵国 first-day cover 首日封 commemorative envelope 纪念封 exclusive story 独家报道 sheetlet 单枚 odd event 特色项目 缩略语 联合国经济合作行动计划署 UNAPEC (United Nations Action Program for Economic Cooperation) 非营利性组织 NPO(Not-for-Profit Organization) 国家物价局 SACP(State Association of Community Prices) 英中了解协会 SACU(Society for Anglo-Chinese Understanding) 共和党 GOP(Grand Old Party) 汉英词汇 莫尔斯电码 Morse code 机顶盒 set-top box/unit 宽带网 broad-band network 垃圾邮件 junk email, spam 信息高速公路 information superhighway 信息检索 information retrieval 信息流 information flow 网上交易平台 online trading platform 终端服务器 terminal server 公告板服务 Bulletin Board Service 炒作 hype 打酱油 see no evil,hear no evil/I'm just passing by 无语 no comment 裸婚 simplistic marriage/bare-handed marriage 网络威胁 cyber threat 英汉词汇 incomplete high-speed broadband network 高速宽带网络不健全 new generation of information technology 新一代信息技术 three network convergence/TCL convergence 三网融合 National Climate Change Program 《应对气候变化国家方案》 Energy Conservation Law 节约能源法 Renewable Energy Law 可再生能源法 Circular Economy Promotion Law 循环经济促进法 the pricing reform of resource products 资源型产品价格改革 pilot projects on circular economy 循环经济试点 carbon dioxide emissions per unit of GDP 单位国内生产总值二氧化碳排放强度 exhaust 尾气 energy consumption per unit of GDP 单位国内生产总值能耗 installed hydro power capacity 水电装机容量 nuclear power capacity construction 核电在建规模 photovoltaic power capacity 光伏发电容量 forest stock volume 森林蓄积量 缩略语 国际空间站 ISS(International Space Station) 联合国安全理事会 UNSC(United Nations Security Council) 世界遗产委员会 WHC(World Heritage Committee) 联合国紧急部队 UNEF(United Nations Emergency Force) 联合国宪章 UNC(United Nations Chapter) 汉英词汇 脑残体/火星文 leetspeak 代排族 hired queuer 恶搞 parody joke 山寨 shanzhai / copycat/knock-off 隐婚族 pseudo-singles 浮云 fleeting cloud 拼车 carpooling 节日病 holiday excess 伤不起 to dedicate to bear a blow 咆哮体 roaring genre 僵尸粉 zombie fans 恐归族 home-fear group 物联网 the internet of things 信用等级 integrity rating 数字信息鸿沟 digital gap/divide 英汉词汇 planned economy 计划经济 mechanical and electrical products 机电产品 opportunity cost 机会成本 macroeconomic fundamentals 宏观经济基本状况 supporting industry 储备产业 up-to-date ticket information 最新票务信息 trial operation 试运行 ticket scalper 票贩子,黄牛党 train service shortage 铁路运力不足 intercity high-speed rail 城际高铁 Global City Informatisation Forum 全球信息化论坛 classified website 分类网站 laser communication 激光通信 instant messaging service 即时聊天工具 privacy leaks 隐私泄露 缩略语 香港廉政专员署 ICAC(independent commission against corruption) 伦敦国际金融期货和期权交易所 LIFFE (London International Financial Futures and Options Exchange) 中国人民解放军 PLA(People's Liberation Army) 国家航空航天局 NASA(National Aeronautics and Space Administration) 欧洲安全与合作组织 OSCE(Organization Security and Cooperation in Europe) 汉英词汇 秒杀 seckill 桌游 board role-playing games 胶囊公寓 capsule apartment 游街示众 shame parade/public shaming 蜗居 snail house/dwelling 蚁族 city ant/antizen 雷人 wacky/shocking/weird 给力 gelivable/cool/thrilling 孔雀女 peacock woman 凤凰男 ugly duckling 橡皮人 the jaded 两餐半人 meal skipper 笑点、泪点、痛点 bursting point 伪娘 drag queen 零帕族 stress-free/stress-proof type 英汉词汇 deprived of private rights 民事权利剥夺 dereliction of duty 渎职 discrimination practice 歧视性条款 disposition of merchandise 货物处理 dispute concerning private rights 民事权利争议 reciprocal visits 互访 red-carpet welcome 隆重欢迎 red-hot news 最新消息 regional cooperation 区域合作 review the guard of honour 检阅仪仗队 core curriculum 核心课程 cost of education 教育费用 course leader 课代表 spoon-feeding pedagogy 填鸭式教学法 缩略语 南非发展共同体 SADC(Southern African Development Community) 英国广播公司 BBC(British Broadcasting Corporation) 美国有线电视新闻网络 CNN(Cable News Network) 美国广播公司 ABC(American Broadcasting Company) 澳大利亚广播公司 ABC(Australian Broadcasting Corporation) 汉英词汇 国际惯例 international practice 国际货币基金会 International Monetary Fund(IMF) 国际金融危机 world financial crisis 国际聚焦 international spotlight 国际决策机制 international decision-making mechanism 国情教育 education about China's condition 海外优秀人才 overseas personnel of high caliber 互动式教学 interactive teaching 积累知识 accumulate knowledge 基础教育 basic/elementary education 网络综合症 net synthesis 网上冲浪 surf the Internet 网上购物 online shopping 网上交易平台 online trading platform 网上聊天 online chatting 英汉词汇 agricultural and sideline products 农副产品 agricultural commodities 农产品 agro-food systems air stripping 空气清除 an agribusiness specialist 农业企业的专家 reciprocal holdings 互相控股 reconstruction of old area 旧区改造 recoverable cost/debt/loss 可收回成本/债务/损失 red balance 赤字结余 reform of the property rights system 产权制度改革 the lost generation 迷茫的一代 the Millennials 千禧一代 tolerate and mutual respect 互相宽容和尊重 value of knowledge 知识的价值 value proposition 价值主张 缩略语 自动测量系统集成 AMIS(Automatic Measure Integrated System) 联邦税款在内 FTI(Federal Tax Included) 增值税 VAT(Value Added Tax) 增长与稳定公约(欧盟)SGP(Stability and Growth Pact) 联合国儿童基金会 UNICEF(UN International Children's Emergency Fund) 汉英词汇 体质下降 physical decline 缺乏运动 lack of exercise 腰围 waist circumference 臀围 hipline 肠胃病 gastro-intestinal trouble 传染病 contagious disease 创建卫生城市 build an advanced clean city 低脂饮食 low-fat diet 碘缺乏症 iodine deficiency disease 多发病 frequently occuring disease 保险箱服务 safe deposit box services 补偿贸易 compensation trade 长期低息贷款 long-term, low-interst loan 炒股 speculate in the stock market 惩罚性关税 punitive tariffs 英汉词汇 upper, middle or lower berth 上铺,中铺或下铺 vacant berth 空着的卧铺(未卖出) valid visa 有效签证 vehicle-free promenade 步行街 visa-free travel 免(申办)签证旅行 urban refuse 城市垃圾 vegetation cover 植被覆盖 volcano eruption 火山爆发 water-intensive 耗水量较大 water resource conservation zone 水资源保护区 unsafe water and sanitation 不安全饮用水和环境卫生 violence and suicide 暴力和自杀 viral disease 病毒性疾病 viruses, bacteria or fungi 病毒、细菌或真菌 visual impairment 视力受损 缩略语 人口零增长 ZPG(Zero Population Growth) 国民净产值 NNP(Net National Production) 汽化器空气温度 CAT(Carburetor Air Temperature) 欧洲国家的一种面向国际学位制度 IMP(International Master Program) 社会保险账号 SSN(Society Security Number) 汉英词汇 潜在恐怖袭击 possible terrorist attacks 保持高度警惕 keep up extreme vigilance 预防措施 cautionary measure 监控局势 monitor the situation 情报机构 intelligence agencies 全球警报 global alert 双边会谈 bilateral negotiation 铁饭碗 a secure job 外汇储备 foreign currency reserves 外汇牌价 foreign exchange quotation 外贸工作者 foreign trade personnel 亭、台、楼、阁 pavilion, stage, building and multi-storied pavilion 同仁堂 Tongrentang Chinese Medicine 徒步旅行 walking tour 途中休息停车 comfort stop 英汉词汇 tidal wave(tsunami) 海啸 tobacco-free environment 无烟环境 total emission control 总体污染物控制 UN Habitat Award 联合国人居奖 unleaded gas 无铅汽油 prize-awarding ceremony 颁奖仪式 production coordinator 制片协调员 reality show 真人秀 road show 巡回演出 salad days 少不更事的青涩时代 a treaty of arbitration 仲裁条约 bargaining agent 谈判代表 cat's paw 傀儡 certificate of appointment 委任证书 circular note 通知照会 缩略语 联合国环境与发展大会(环发大会)UNCED(United Nation Conference on Environment and Development) 联合国环境规划署 UNEP(United Nations Environment Programme) 联合国气候变化框架公约 UNFCCC(The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change) 人口零增长 ZPG(Zero Population Growth) 不良资产救助计划 TARP(Troubled Asset Relief Plan) 汉英词汇 作战能力 combat capability 群众路线活动 mass line campaign 底线思维 bottom-line mentality 无党派人士代表 non-party representative 和谐世界 harmonious world 龙头产品 flagship product 龙头老大 flagship of the industry 内联企业 inland associated enterprises 配套工程 auxiliary/supporting project 配套资金 supporting funds 学术机构 academic institution 学习型社会 learning society 学习知识 acquire knowledge 学以致用 study knowledge to apply it 学杂费 tuition fee and miscellaneous charges 英汉词汇 average student 中等生 award/confer degree 授予学位 basic literacy 基本读写能力 c school clinic 校内诊所 CAT(computer adaptive test) 机考 ambassador with special function 特任大使 a permanent ceasefire 永久停火协议 armed intervention 武装干涉 arms race 军备竞赛 arms control 军控 in the scarcely settled grasslands 在人烟稀少的大草原 issue a visa 签发签证 locker service 寄存行李 marine ecosystem 海洋生态系统 monsoon climate 季风气候 缩略语 自由度 DOF(Degree of Freedom) 北美自由贸易协定 NAFTA(North America Free Trade Agreement) 美国国际集团 AIG(American International Group) 最惠国待遇原则 MFNS(Most-Favored-Nation Treatment) 不良资产救助计划 TARP(Troubled Asset Relief Plan) 汉英词汇 促进国际关系民主化 promote democracy in international relations 弹性外交 elastic diplomacy 等距离外交 equidistant diplomacy 东海问题 East China Sea issue 独立自主的和平外交政策 independent foreign policy of peace 相声 cross-talk 小品 witty skits 新文学运动 New Literature Movement 宣纸 xuan paper ― high-quality rice paper good for traditional painting and calligraphy 艺高胆大 superb skill engenders bravery 旅游巴士包租、游览服务 charter bus and coach services and tour 旅游城市 tourist city 旅游淡季 slack season for tourism 旅游定点商店/餐厅 officially designated shop/restaurant 旅游景点 attraction for tourism 英汉词汇 temperature &tipping points& 气温“引爆点” thermal power generation 火力发电 the world's leading emitters 世界最大的排放国 three-D climate 立体气候 throwaway society 一次性社会 ringleader 首要分子 search warrant 搜查令 sentence disparity 量刑不当 shelter and investigation 收容调查 sole right of use 专用权 (screen) debut/premiere 首演;首映 show business 演艺业 simultaneous narrative 同步叙述 solo concert 独唱音乐会 spinach cinema 菠菜电影(即有教育意义、令人深思的电影) 缩略语 联合国安理会 UNSC(United Nations Security Council) 联合国环境规划署 UNEP(UN Environment Programme) 美国医药协会 AMA(American Medical Association) 中国人民银行 PBOC(People's Bank of China) 美国国际集团 AIG(American International Group) 汉英词汇 航海博物馆 maritime museum 黑车 unlicensed car 红色旅游区 red tourist destinations 黄金周 golden week 机场建设费 departure tax 推广节水灌溉法 popularize water-efficient irrigation methods 推行可持续发展战略 pursue the strategy of sustainable development 退耕还林还草 return farmland to forests and restore livestock pastures to grasslands 尾气净化器 exhaust purifier 污染控制期限制度 pollution control deadline system 案件受理费 court acceptance fee 案情陈述书 statement of case 案由 cause of action 案值 total value involved in the case 办案人员 personnel handling a case 英汉词汇 electrifying effect 令人震撼的效果 fashion designer 服装设计师 fashion victim 时尚牺牲者 film critic 影评家 film production assistant 电影摄制助理 UN General Assembly 联合国大会 unilateral action 单边行动 UN's peacekeeping activities 联合国维和活动 verbal note 普通照会 weapons of mass destruction 大规模杀伤性武器 inspection and supervision 督导 interdisciplinary talent 复合型人才 jacked-up tuitions 学费上涨 joint custody 共同的监护权 latchkey children 挂钥匙儿童 缩略语 动物保护协会 SPCA(Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) 国际货币基金组织 IMF(international monetary fund) 国际事务研究中心 CFIA(Center for International Affairs) 政府和国际研究中心 CGIS(Center for Government and International Studies) 麻省理工学院 MIT(Massachusetts Institute of Tech-nology) 汉英词汇 减免农业税 reduce and exempt the agricultural tax 减轻农民负担 lighten the burden on the peasants 建设高标准农田 develop farm plots that meet high standards 节约用地制度 system for economizing on the use of land 经济作物 cash crops 蛋白质工程 protein engineering 导航栏 navigation bar 电信业务 the telecommunication sector 电子商务认证 E-business certification 多任务小卫星 small multi-mission stellite(SMMS) 促进艺术交流 promote artistic exchange 当代文艺思潮 contemporary literary and artistic trend 帝王威仪的象征 a symbol of imperial dignity 电视选秀 talent show 发扬国粹 carry forward the quintessence of Chinese culture 英汉词汇 straight A student 成绩全优生 student aid 助学金 student cafeteria/canteen 学生餐厅 student union 学生会 take attendance 查点考勤 solar cycle 太阳活动周期 sulfur dioxide 二氧化硫 surface albedo 表面反照率 synthetic fuel 人造燃料 temperature inversion 温度逆增 Standard & Poor's Index (美国证券)标准普尔指数 stock market crash 股市暴跌 stock market quotation 股市行情 stock option 认股权 stock sinks below the IPO price 破发 缩略语 国红十字会 ARC(American Red Cross 国际红十字会 IRC(International Red Cross) 惠普公司 HP(Hewlett-Packard) 网络快车 ADSL(Asymmetrical Digital Subscriber Line) 首席技术主管 CTO(Chief Technology Officer) 汉英词汇 重点学科 key disciplines 助学制度 subsidy system 走读生 nonresident student 尊师重教 respect teachers and value education 尊重学生人格 respect the dignity of students 互不侵犯 mutual non-aggression 环太平洋 the Pacific Rim 恢复邦交 resume diplomatic relations 技术出口限制 restrictions on export of technologies 加强磋商与合作 strengthen consultations and cooperation 不可抗力 force majeure 不立案决定书 written decision of no case-filing 财产保全申请书 applic application for property preservation 撤销立案 revoke a case placed on file 英汉词汇 anti-pollution incentive 污染防治激励措施 apportionment approaches for global emissions 全球排放分配方法 artificial rain 人工降雨 bio-based energy 生物能源 biodiversity conservation 保护生物多样性 accredited journalist 特派记者 a joint communique 联合公报 all-dimensional foreign policy 全方位的外交政策 allied powers 同盟国 ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary 特命全权大使 software development 软件开发 space sickness 太空病 specification of patent 专利说明书 spectrum management 频谱管理 state scientific and technological innovation system 国家科技创新体系 缩略语 英国广播公司 BBC(British Broadcasting Corporation) 美国有线电视台 CNN(Cable News Network) 欧洲中央银行 ECB(European Central Bank) 国际数据公司 IDC(International Data Corporation) 欧洲货币联盟 EMU(European Monetary Union)}


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