air craft crew/air crewon air是什么意思思?

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crew complement中文是什么意思
中文翻译空勤组成员组员配额&&&&crew2 【军事】 crow 的过去式。 ... &&&&&&n. 1.补足(物);补全;互补(成分),补充。 2.( ...... &&&&&&一组(工作人员); 一组人员... &&&&&&n. (全体)乘务员,(中下级)船员,水手;【体育】划艇队员;〔蔑称〕同伴;组,班,队,群;〔美国〕同事们,工友们;〔俚语〕(青少年结成的)帮派。 offi ...... &&&&&&哈拉教父; 狐群狗党; 老年古惑仔; 老年蛊惑仔; 职员表... &&&&&&补足语... &&&&&&n. 1.补足(物);补全;互补(成分),补充。 2.(必需的)定量,全量;整套,整组;【航海】(船员的)定额;【军事】编制人数,定额装备。 3.【语法】补 ...... &&&&&&累加器取反... &&&&&&进制补码... &&&&&&进制补码... &&&&&&机组,机务人员... &&&&&&电影摄制组... &&&&&&飞机乘务员,空勤人员。 ... &&&&&&高射炮手; 机组,机务人员... &&&&&&航线维护人员... &&&&&&战斗值班机组... &&&&&&替换机组... &&&&&&救护车队员... &&&&&&美军驾驶员... &&&&&&阳极工组... &&&&&&随车人员... &&&&&&装配组... &&&&&&灭火作业班... &&&&&&竹游人... &&&&&&空勤组基本员额... &&
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Air Crew (: Экипаж,  Ekipazh) is a 1980
directed by . Inspired by the
movie series, it was the first
shot in the .
The first part of the film concentrates on the personal lives of the air crew, including their problems and relationships. For family reasons, one of the pilots has had to give up a promising career for a much less ambitious one. Despite this, his wife senses that he is not happy, which makes her a conflicted and angry spouse. Though both the parents love their son, it is not enough to prevent them from divorcing. Subsequently, the pilot resumes his career piloting the large passenger planes he had been hankering after. One of his pilot colleagues does not believe in family at all — his flat is full of impressive self-constructed light effects and
equipment that he uses to impress the parade of women he has one-night stands with.
The action-filled second half of the film sees the
airplane landing in the fictional foreign town of Bidri, which appears to be located somewhere in the mountain region of the . Soon after, an earthquake destroys the city, and the damaged runway is no longer suitable for normal take-offs (another plane — a
— is shown crashing in the attempt). Still, there is no alternative to escaping by air, because the airport will soon be buried by an approaching mudflow. The experienced senior officer decides to take advantage of the fact that the airport was built on a mountain, so the plane will be able to descend rather than ascend as soon as it leaves the runway. Despite the "not ready for flight" warning lighting up on the dashboard, the plane successfully takes off at the last moment. The captain had first insisted on going through a speedy but complete take-off protocol, involving a check of the aircraft in accordance with the prescribed rules — perhaps in order to calm the crew by having them perform their normal tasks.
During its take-off run next to the mudflow, the plane receives some serious damage when a runway light gets jammed in the elevators and a crack appears near the tail section.
The two aforementioned pilots volunteer to repair the plane's tail and rudder. They come back inside the plane with severe injuries, and are covered with frost. This causes panic on board, but once again the captain manages to calm the situation, even asking one of the stewardesses to serve coffee as normal.
During their landing in Moscow, the crew discovers that the brakes are functioning too poorly to stop the plane in the heavy rain. The captain orders his crew to turn on the
equipment, an action that rips off the tail and sends it up in flames. However, the rest of the plane stays intact, and all the people on board safely escape.
When he is examined ahead of his next medical certification, the superannuated captain is refused permission to fly because of some heart problems. He is greatly upset at this, and does not demonstrate the same coolness and self-control that he had exhibited when in charge of the plane in which he crash-landed. All three of the main protagonists (the captain and the other two pilots) are depicted as being capable of behaving much more maturely under the pressure of an emergency than in everyday life.
Tu-154B board USSR-85131, which appeared in the film (year 2007)
- Andrei Vasilyevich Timchenko, commander of the crew
- Valentin Georgievich Nenarokov, co-pilot
- Igor Skvortsov, flight engineer
- Tamara, stewardess, Skvortsov's fiancée
Irina Akulova - Alevtina, wife of Nenarokov
- Anna, wife of Timchenko
Yuri Gorobets - Misha, dispatcher (before decommissioning to the ground - co-pilot)
Alexander Pavlov - navigator
Galina Gladkova - Natasha, the daughter of Timchenko
Roma Monin - Alik, son of Nenarokov (voiced by )
- Kumiko Morimitsu, hostage from Boeing 727 of JAT airline
- Nona, Skovrtsov's former mistress
Yuri Gusev - participant of the meeting on aircraft rescue
Vladimir Ivanov - surgeon
Gennady Matveyev - helicopter pilot, partner of Nenarokov
Nikolai Smorchkov - policeman at the airport
Alexey Yakubov - Kostya, father Natalia's child
It was watched by more than 70 millions of viewers, mostly throughout the
where it won several awards.
– a Russian film similar to Air Crew
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air craft是什么意思
沪江词库精选air craft是什么意思、英语单词推荐、中英文句子翻译、英语短语
It was the idea of supporting a craft on a pad, or cushion, of low- pressure air, ringed with a curtain of higher pressure air.
&It was the idea of supporting a craft on a' pad ', or cushion, of low-pressure air, ringed with a curtain of higher pressure air. &
A pilot or navigator of a lighter-than-air craft, such as a balloon.
I didn't mention that I had withheld a ten-franc note engraved with Voltaire's crafty visage
They are plotting air-craft movements By radar.
It relies on the craft's forward motion to draw in air and on a specially shaped intake passage to compress the air for combustion.
Glider: Nonpowered heavier-than-air craft capable of sustained flight.
Uygur Collective Dance 5-color Shoes 5 chirrupy Uygur youngsters all had fine shoe-making crafts, at their age of first awakening of love, encountered a beautiful girl, and they decided to make a pair of shoes each for her, and let the girl to choose the person who made the most apposite shoes.
The air is trapped beneath by a metal lining round the lower sides of the craft.
&This experiment, however, has its fair share of controversy and detractors.&
n. 航空器, 飞机
【化】 航空汽油
phr. 重于空气航空器
有技巧地, 巧妙地
=Adobe Integrated Runtime (AIR)
1. 空气;大气
2. 压缩空气
3. 天空;空间
6. 样子;神态;自信的样子
8. 气氛;外观
adj. 空对空的
adj. 气垫的
a. 地对空的
phr. 隆头鱼
phr. 锯盖鱼科的典型属


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