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为了帮助网友解决“暗黑安装文件D2lod.exe文件无法删除。说系统正用。怎么办”相关的问题,中国学网通过互联网对“暗黑安装文件D2lod.exe文件无法删除。说系统正用。怎么办”相关的解决方案进行了整理,用户详细问题包括:RT,我想知道:暗黑安装文件D2lod.exe文件无法删除。说系统正用。怎么办,具体解决方案如下:解决方案1:暗黑安装文件D2lod.exe文件无法删除。说系统正用。怎么办解决方案2:按组合键 ctrl+alt+del 调出进程管理器 选择进程选项卡 在下面找到D2lod.exe 点 结束进程 按钮 然后再删除这个文件就可以了。
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京ICP备号-1 京公网安备02号求暗黑破坏神2汉化所需的一个文件d2exp.mpq,好像是游戏自带的_百度知道急求个暗黑 D2exp.mpq文件 QQ在线等_百度知道补丁升级_下载中心_游戏世界_新浪网
游戏公司 -
  说明: 游戏相关繁体中文汉化包。
  1、同样也是建空文件夹、复制d2exp.mpq以及解压缩mpq2k.zip (参照上面1、2、3);
  2、手动用mpq2k e d2exp.mpq *.* /fp /r的命令将d2exp.mpq全部解开,应该会生成一个data的目录,里面是mpq里的全部内容。将这个data目录移到这个分区的根目录上去,如果原来根目录下就有data的目录将它先改名,最后删除d2exp.mpq;
  o d2exp.mpq 10109
  a \data\*.* /c /r
  5、在新文件夹里运行mpq2k s script.txt ,最后会生成一个新的d2exp.mpq文件。
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//ID 设置//ID – 这一列是指针,为其他txt文件所调用,比如levels.txt
// HCIDX –这是怪物的实际内部ID,需要记住的是没有两个怪物使用同样的ID,这将导致很多不可理解的行为和冲突,所以请不要这样做。&HarcCodedInDeX&被用来指定几件事情,比如指定什么时候怪物调用dcc或者dc6图形(象mephisto和Diablo的死亡动画,Maggoc Queen等等)HCIDX列还和怪物的其他hardcoded(硬代码?)效果有关联。比如男巫召唤物的转变和unique boss(独一老怪)的名字颜色的改变等等。(感谢kingpin提供这个信息)// BASEID –这一列指定怪物的“base”(基本怪物类型)指针(比如有五种类型的”fallen”,而他们的base都是fallen1).这个baseID负责一些硬代码行为,比如穿墙(ghosts鬼魂)// NEXTINCLASS –这一列指定链中的下一个怪物的指针(继续上面的例子,fallen1这这里设置fallen2)如果你想减少怪物子类,就让它为空,同时把baseid 指向它自己(它自己的id)我猜想游戏可能使用它来实现“地图产生”怪物,比如fallen从fallen camps中出来,这个受地区的等级影响(同样的军营,在cold plains容纳正常fallen将在别处容纳carvers 和 devilkin)(个人理解:最后这句理解不了,但字面意思应该是这样)。Display Settings I //显示设置// TRANSLVL –这是指定怪物使用的模板,很多怪物都有一个palshift.dat在它们的COF文件夹,一共有8个模板(其中5个使用在正常状态),这些模板被游戏用来制造各种子类来显示“不同的光效”注意:一些标志比如FC不接受任何模板。//NAMESTR –这一列指定在tbl文件中使用的string-key(文本主键),用来显示怪物的名字。注意这个string-key是大小写敏感的,所以如果你在monstats.txt中使用“Foo”,那么在tbl中必须使用同样的字符串,(如果”foo”则将显示“一股邪恶的力量)// MONSTATSEX –这一列指定一个MonStats2.txt.的指针入口。在1.10 Blizzard公司移动所有的图片效果到一个新的文件来节省空间。Other links to external files/code //其他扩展文件/代码连接// MONPROP – 这一列指定一个MonProp.txt的指针入口。MonProp.txt控制怪物的特殊属性,比如你可以使用它让怪物随机免疫和其他的一些属性。给他们设定被打击时的技能和几乎其他所有的事情。(请参考MCML)// MONTYPE – 这一列指定怪物所属的“super group”(超级群 )ID ,比如全部的skeletons属于“super group”超级群skeletons。1.10的MonType.txt工作方式和ItemTypes.txt类似。此外这个文件在一些特殊的修改中使用(对怪物种类额外的伤害)// AI –这列告诉游戏怪物的AI(智能),注意的是每一个AI都需要一系列的动画方式(GH, A1, A2, S1, WL, RN 等等)如果你 想让一个近战怪物发生投射物,你必须为它的攻击动画编辑COF文件,使用trigger ID #2不要使用trigger ID #1,否则这个投射物将不会被释放或者不能产生任何伤害,同样的修改包括ANIMDATA.D2文件。//显示设置 II// DESCSTR –这列为怪物描述指定string-key(不描述就让它空着),怪物名称下面显示的字段。// CODE –这是MonStats.txt,唯一的图形设置(除 TRANSLVL外)控制游戏为怪物使用的标志(比如在哪个文件夹寻找动画)Misc Boolean Settings I //杂项布尔类型设置I// ENABLED –布尔型,1=启用,0=不启用。控制什么时候怪物可以被使用,这不是唯一的设置来控制这个,还有其他的可以控制。(请参考下面的RARITY 和 ISSPAWN列)// RANGEDTYPE –布尔型,1=范围攻击,0=近战攻击。这个告诉游戏这是个范围攻击者。我认为这个还得和levels.txt.中的RANGEDSPAWN相配合。(括号内未翻译)//巢穴/产生设置// PLACESPAWN –布尔型,1=大量产生,0=不大量产生。这个告诉游戏什么时候怪物是一个“巢”比如,在这里设置1怪物将大量产生新的怪物。注意,你可以设置任何怪物产生新的怪物,不管它的AI,你所要做的只需调整这四列,确认其中一个的技能是. “Nest” 或者 “Minion Spawner” 。// SPAWN –这列是所产生的怪物的ID指针,所以如果你想创造一个新怪物可以产生Balrogs,那么在这里填入Balrogs的ID//SPAWNX, SPAWNY – 被产生怪所在地点的x/y坐标。//产生怪物的方式。比如,你想产生一个golem summoner(傀儡召唤者??我觉得是傀儡),你在这里设置“s1”,这看起来让傀儡准备被召唤,(否则它们只是显示出来)//群和爪牙数目设置// MINION1, MINION2 – 这一列指定在怪物身边被产生的爪牙的ID指针。让我们设想,你想让你超级强壮的老怪产生5个Oblivion Knights。你要在MINION1中填入Oblivion Knights的id.同时设置PARTYMIN=PARTYMAX=5。当怪物产生金怪和老怪时就从MINION1/2中读取怪物类型来代替自己的类型。这就是为什么Lord De Seis(西斯之王)不能产生其他oblivion knights的原因。为了避免自循环,我建议你单一的在MINION2设置怪物ID(比如你在Oblivion Knights的MINION2设置自己的 ID,那么Lord De Seis将重复产生Doom Knights 和 Oblivion Knights)这还可以控制但怪物死掉时产生的新怪类型。比如Flayer Shamans将产生一个regular Flayer当它被杀死。要想做到这点,你必须设置SPLENDDEATH=1// SETBOSS –布尔型,1=设置怪物为被 boss(老怪),0=不设置怪物为老怪。原始的引导认为这是控制怪物产生爪牙的类型。我认为这列和AI有关(比如有些怪物可以指挥它的爪牙,可能这就是用来指定这个的)// BOSSXFER – 布尔,1=是,0=否。不知道用途,可能影响怪物的性质(电加强)和AI// PARTYMIN, PARTYMAX –怪物产生爪牙的数量。建议不要超过15//MINGRP, MAXGRP –很想前面的两列,只是控制产生怪物的数量,超过99将导致游戏崩溃。//人口数量和动态设置// SPARSEPOPULATE –这一列是我们平衡怪异现象的有效工具。这个象在人口控制中“second layer of security”(第二道防线)。如果你想加强一个怪物和减少这个地区中其他怪物的密集度。你可以在levels.txt减少MONDEN的数值,也可以减少MINGRP 和 MAXGRP。但这样做并不一定能产生你要的结果。低MONDEN将导致怪物数量不管种类的减少。(这可能导致你想加强的怪物也减少),那该怎么办?这列控制的范围为0-100%。让它空着游戏认为100%,不推荐使用低于50的数字,注意这并不是说过低的数值将不工作或把事情做坏。这种情况当游戏产生怪物时,而这怪物又同时指定了minion1/minion2,那将产生minion1/minion2的怪物而没有主怪物。//速度设置// VELOCITY, RUN –控制怪物的奔跑速度,之一”run”只在怪物的模式为“RN”中使用,我建议数值低于25//人口和动画设置 II// RARITY –这里也是设置怪物的数目,举例:如果levels.txt有两种怪物可以产生,怪物a 的rarity=10(稀有度),怪物b的rarity=1,这个场景限制1种怪物。首先游戏把几率加起来为10+1=11,这样怪物a=10/11(91%机会),怪物b=1/11(9%机会)。这样怪物a就比怪物b来的普通。如果你在这列设置为0,那么怪物就不会被Levels.txt所选择(基于某种原因,我敢说,一个场景如果只有一种可以产生,将导致游戏出错。因为这导致除数为0,除非Blizzard公司对其进行了检查)Level Settings &&//级别设置&&//LEVEL, LEVEL(N), LEVEL(H) –控制不同难度怪物的级别Sound Settings &&//声音设置MONSOUND – Specifies the ID pointer to this monsters “Sound Bank” in MonSound.txt &&when this monster is normal. &&// MONSOUND –指定怪物的声音对应MonSound.txtUMONSOUND – Specifies the ID pointer to this monsters “Sound Bank” in MonSounds.txt &&when this monster is unique or champion. For Superunique monsters this is controlled &&by SuperUniques.txt. &&// UMONSOUND –指定唯一怪物和冠军怪物的声音对应于MonSounds.txt。但对超级老怪者在SuperUniques.txt中控制AI Settings &&//智能设置THREAT – Used by the games Threat Rating System to tell AIs which unit to target &&first. The higher this is the higher the Threat level. So I guess setting this &&to 25 or so on Maggot Eggs would make your Merc try to destroy those first. &&&&// THREAT –游戏使用Threat Rating System(威胁几率系统)告诉AIs哪个怪物优先攻击。数值越高威胁度越大。AIDEL, AIDEL(N), AIDEL(H) – The controls delays between AI ticks, however how &&exactly this is used is still shrouded in mystery. Its likely that each AI may &&use this in a sightley different fashion. In general however, the higher the &&number the slower something should become (after all the delay increases that &&way), what part of the AI this delay applies to however is uncertain due to &&the quantity of different observations. &&// AIDEL, AIDEL(N), AIDEL(H) –控制AI的延迟,这个如何使用对我仍然很神秘。AIDIST, AIDIST(N), AIDIST(H) – The distance in cells required for this AI to &&be enabled. This is only used for mephisto on nightmare and hell, I assume the &&game otherwise uses some hardcoded default value. For the units “Radius of Awareness”. &&&&// AIDIST, AIDIST(N), AIDIST(H) –这个只在恶梦和地狱难度的mephisto中使用,我猜想游戏用来指定hardcoded &&的缺省值,AI攻击的范围AIP1-8, AIP1-8(N), AIP1-8(H) – These cells pass on parameters (usually in percentage) &&to the AI code. For descriptions about what all these AIs do check MonAI.txt. &&Note that some AIs are very badly or not at all, explained there (“Thanks” Blizzard!). &&Many people have trouble with the AI of the Imps, this AI is special and uses &&multiple rows, to understand what the cells do look at the original monstats.txt &&file (from D2EXP.MPQ). &&// AIP1-8, AIP1-8(N), AIP1-8(H) –这几列设定AI的参数。想了解AIs请参照MonAI.txtProjectile Settings &&//投射物设置MISSA1, MISSA2, MISSS1, MISSS3, MISSS4, MISSC, MISSSQ – These columns control &&“non-skill-related” missiles used by the monster. For example if you enter a &&missile ID pointer (from Missiles.txt) in MissA1 then, whenever the monster &&uses its Attack1 Mode it will shoot a missile, this however will not work properly &&if 1. The COF files of A1 use the #1 trigger (to get it to work change the trigger &&in the COF files and in ANIMDATA.D2 to #2). And 2. If the AI of the monster &&doesn’t support missiles it will usually look very weird (but this can sometimes &&create nice effects). For the beginners, A1=Attack1, A2=Attack2, S1=Skill1, &&S2=Skill2, S3=Skill3, S4=Skill4, C=Cast, SQ=Sequence. &&// MISSA1, MISSA2, MISSS1, MISSS3, MISSS4, MISSC, MISSSQ –这几列指定怪物所使用的“没有技能相关的”投射物。举例,如果你在MissA1填入一个missile &&ID pointer(参照Missiles.txt),当怪物使用它来攻击时将产生一个投射物。在下面一些情况将不能正常使用。1、cof文件使用#1 trigger &&2、怪物的AI不支持投射物。对初学者A1=Attack1(攻击1), A2=Attack2(攻击2), S1=Skill1( 技能1), S2=Skill2(技能2), &&S3=Skill3(技能3), S4=Skill4(技能4), C=Cast(施法), SQ=Sequence(连续性). Misc Boolean Settings II (especially NPC related!) &&//其他杂项设置(特别对npc相关)ALIGN – Switch, 1=aligned, 0=enemy, 2=neutral. This setting controls whenever &&the monster fights on your side or fights against you (or if it just walks around, &&IE a critter). If you want to turn some obsolete NPCs into enemies like I usually &&do this is one of the settings you will need to modify. Setting it to 2 without &&adjusting other settings (related to AI and also some in MonStats2) it will &&simply attack everything. &&// ALIGN – Switch(开关), 1=aligned(可结盟), 0=enemy(敌人), 2=neutral(中立).这个控制怪物是为你战斗还是和你战斗。如果你想让一些npc成为你的敌人就把它设置为0,设置为2时不调整其他设置(和AI、MonStats2相关)将简单的攻击任何东西。ISSPAWN – Boolean, 1=spawnable, 0=not spawnable. This controls whenever this &&unit can be spawned via Levels.txt. &&// ISSPAWN – Boolean, 1=spawnable(可以大量产生), 0=not spawnable(不能大量产生)ISMELEE – Boolean, 1=melee attacker, 0=not a melee attacker. This controls &&whenever this unit can spawn with boss modifiers such as Multiple Shot or not. &&IE Melee monsters will never spawn with MS. &&// ISMELEE – Boolean,1=近战攻击,0=不是近战攻击。NPC – Boolean, 1=I’m a NPC, 0=I’m not. This controls whenever the unit is a &&NPC or not. See below. &&// NPC –1=npc,0=不是npc。控制怪物是否为npc。看下面INTERACT – Boolean, 1=Special NPC features enabled, 0=No special NPC features. &&This controls whenever you can interact with this unit. IE. This controls whenever &&it opens a speech-box or menu when you click on the unit. To turn units like &&Kaeleen or Flavie into enemies you will need to set this to 0 (you will also &&need to set NPC to 0 for that). &&// INTERACT – Boolean,1=特殊的npc属性,0=没有特殊的npc属性。这个在你和npc相互交流时使用,比如当你点npc时它会显示一个对话框。INVENTORY – Boolean, 1=Has an inventory, 0=Has no inventory. Controls whenever &&this NPC or UNIT can carry items with it. For NPCs this means that you can access &&their Inventory and buy items (if you disable this and then try to access this &&feature it will cause a crash so don’t do it unless you know what you’re doing). &&For Monsters this means that they can access their equipment data in MonEquip.txt. &&&&// INVENTORY –1=有包裹空间,0=没有控制npc或怪物是否有空间放置物品。INTOWN – Boolean, 1=I can enter towns, 0=I can’t enter towns. This controls &&whenever enemies can follow you into a town or not. This should be set to 1 &&for everything that spawns in a town. &&// INTOWN – Boolean,1=可以进入城镇,0=不可以进入。控制哪些怪物可以跟你进入城镇。Type Settings &&//种类设置LUNDEAD – Boolean, 1=True, 0=False. Blizzard used this to differentiate High &&and Low Undead (IE. Low undead like Zombies, Skeletons etc are set to 1 here), &&both this and HUNDEAD will make the unit be considered undead so I don’t see &&how these two actually differ. This may have to with the Unravelers resurrecting &&behaviour (IE they only ressurect low undead), thanks to Brother Laz for this &&input. &&// LUNDEAD – Boolean,1=是,0=不是。低级不死怪物。使用这个来区分高级和低级不死怪物。(比如Zombies, Skeletons在这里设置1)HUNDEAD和它相对应,但我看不出它们之间的实际区别。HUNDEAD – Boolean, 1=True, 0=False. This is usually set for large magical undead &&monsters Lichs, Unravelers etc. See comments under the previous column. &&// HUNDEAD – Boolean,1=是,0=不是。高级不死怪物DEMON – Boolean, 1=True, 0=False. This makes the game consider this unit a &&demon. &&// DEMON –恶魔,1=是,0=不是Misc Boolean Settings III &&//其他设置 IIIFLYING – Boolean, 1=I can fly, 0=I can’t fly. If you set this to 1 the monster &&will be able to move fly over obstacles such as puddles and rivers. &&//FLYING –怪物是否可以飞行,1=是,0=不是。OPENDOORS – Boolean, 1=I can open doors, 0=I’m to stupid to open doors. Ever &&wanted to make the game more like D1 (where closing doors could actually protect &&you), then this column is all you need. By setting this to 0, the monster in &&question will not be able to open doors any more. &&// OPENDOORS –是否会自动开门,1=是,0=不是BOSS – Boolean, 1=I’m a boss, 0=I’m not a boss. This controls whenever this &&unit is a special boss, monsters set as boss IGNORE the level settings, IE. &&they will always spawn w the levels specified in MonStats.txt. Setting this &&to 1 for monsters does not cause a crash in 1.10. The only effects it has are &&that the monster will always use the mlvl specified in MonStats.txt (and it &&will probably gain the special boss resistances, IE it will not be effected &&by things like Deadly Strike the way normal monsters are. Though I didn't have &&time to do test on this yet) &&// BOSS – Boolean,是否为老怪,1=是,0=不是PRIMEEVIL – Boolean, 1=I’m a prime evil, 0=I’m not a prime evil. (=Act Boss). &&Changing this could lead to unpredictable results, however I assume this controls &&the Act Boss Specific resistances to special damage modifiers (like Deadly Strike &&etc). &&// PRIMEEVIL – Boolean是否为最邪恶(关底老怪),0=不是。KILLABLE – Boolean, 1=Mortal, 0=Immortal. Setting this to 0 will make the monster &&unkillable. There is no reason to set this to 1 for enemies, it will just result &&in your userbase decreasing. &&// KILLABLE – Boolean是否可以被杀死,1=可以,0=不可以。SWITCHAI – Boolean, 1=Can chance sides, 0=Cannot change sides. Can this units &&mind be altered by “mind altering skills” like Conversion, Revive etc. &&// SWITCHAI –是否可以改变立场,1=可以,0=不可以。怪物是否会被精神控制技能影响。比如转换,复生。NOAURA – Boolean, 1=Can’t get an aura, 0=Can get an aura. Monsters set to 0 &&here will not be effected by friendly auras. &&// NOAURA – Boolean是否可以使用光环。1=不能使用,0=使用。怪物设置为0将不受友好光环的影响。NOMULTISHOT – Boolean, 1=Can’t get multishot modifier, 0=Can get multishot &&modifier. This is another layer of security to prevent this modifier from spawning, &&besides the ISMELEE layer. &&// NOMULTISHOT –是否可以使用多重射击,1=不能,0=可以。NEVERCOUNT – Boolean, 1=Never accounted for, 0=Accounted for. Unknown but I &&assume this may have to do with population dynamics and level building. Some &&also believe this may be related to multi-missile attacks. &&//NEVERCOUNT –不知道什么用。PETIGNORE – Doesn't work in 1.10 anymore (thanks Snowknight), previously it &&was a Boolean, 1=Summons ignore this unit, 0=Summons notice this unit. If you &&set this to 1 this monster will not be targeted by summons (and mercs?) irregardless &&of its THREAT level. &&// PETIGNORE –在1。10不能工作,1=召唤物忽视这个怪物,0=召唤物注意这个怪物。DEATHDMG – Boolean, 1=Damage players colliding with my death animation, 0=Don’t &&damage anything. This works similar to corpse explosion (its based on hitpoints) &&and damages the surrounding players when the unit dies. (Ever wanted to prevent &&those undead stygian dolls from doing damage when they die, this is all there &&is to it) &&//DEATHDMG –在死亡时伤害玩家,0=不伤害任何东西。GENERICSPAWN – Boolean, 1=Use generic spawning, 0=Don’t use generic spawning. &&Unknown but probably has to do with population dynamics and level building like &&NEVERCOUNT. &&// GENERICSPAWN –1=使用通常设置来的产生怪物,0=不使用。不知道什么用?ZOO – Boolean, 1=true, 0=false. Unknown it could be related to AI when this &&unit spawns as part of a boss pack, but this is just a wild guess rather then &&knowledge. &&// ZOO –1=是,0=不是。不知道什么用?Skill Settings &&//技能设置SENDSKILLS – Switch, 1=Unknown, 2=Used for assassin traps, 0=Don’t send skills. &&This is only used by two of the Assassin traps, but what exactly it is used &&for is unknown. &&//SENDSKILLS – 开关,1=不知道,2=使用刺客的陷阱,0=不发送技能。这只在两个刺客技能中使用,但实际上如何使用还不知道。SKILL1-8 – The ID Pointer to the skill the monster will cast when this specific &&slot is accessed by the AI. (from Skills.txt). Which slots are used is determined &&by the units AI. &&// SKILL1-8 –怪物技能的指针,从(skills.Txt)SK1MODE-SK8MODE – The graphical MODE (or SEQUENCE) this unit uses when it uses &&this skill. &&//SK1MODE-SK8MODE –当怪物使用它们的技能时的图形模式。SK1LVL-SK8LVL – The skill level of the skill in question. This gets a bonus &&on nightmare and hell which you can modify in DifficultyLevels.txt. &&// SK1LVL-SK8LVL –技能的等级。Resistance Settings &&//抵抗力设置DRAIN, DRAIN(N), DRAIN(H) – Controls the effectiveness of Life and Mana steal &&equipment on this unit on the respective difficulties. 0=Can’t leech at all. &&(negative values don't damage you, thanks to Doombreed-x for testing this), &&setting it to more then 100 would probably make LL and ML more effective. Remember &&that besides this, Life and Mana Steal is further limited by DifficultyLevels.txt. &&&&// DRAIN, DRAIN(N), DRAIN(H) –控制不同难度下吸血和魔法装备对怪物使用的效果。0=不能吸血和吸魔。数值超过100会增强效果。COLDEFFECT, COLDEFFECT(N), COLDEFFECT(H) – Controls the effectiveness of cold &&damage on this unit. The lower this value is, the more speed this unit looses &&when its frozen. –100 will probably make it stop completely. Positive values &&will make the unit faster (thanks to Brother Laz for confirming my assumption), &&and 0 will make it unfreezeable. The cold length is NOT effected by this, for &&cold length and freeze length settings refer to DifficultyLevels.txt. &&//控制对怪物的冰冻效果。HINT: If you want to give units random resistances and immunities you can use &&MonProp.txt. &&//如果你想让怪物随机防魔或免疫,你可以设置MonProp.txtRESDM, RESDM(N), RESDM(H) – Damage resistance on the respective difficulties. &&Negative values mean that the unit takes more damage from this element, values &&at or above 100 will result in immunity. &&//RESDM, RESDM(N), RESDM(H) –不同难度的伤害抵抗。负数以为这怪物承受更大的伤害,超过100结果是免疫。RESMA, RESMA(N), RESMA(H) – Magic resistance on the respective difficulties. &&Negative values mean that the unit takes more damage from this element, values &&at or above 100 will result in immunity. &&// RESMA, RESMA(N), RESMA(H) –不同难度的魔法抵抗。和上面类似。RESFI, RESFI(N), RESFI(H) – Fire resistance on the respective difficulties. &&Negative values mean that the unit takes more damage from this element, values &&at or above 100 will result in immunity. &&// RESFI, RESFI(N), RESFI(H) –不同难度的火抵抗RESLI, RESLI(N), RESLI(H) – Lightning resistance on the respective difficulties. &&Negative values mean that the unit takes more damage from this element, values &&at or above 100 will result in immunity. &&// RESLI, RESLI(N), RESLI(H) – –不同难度的电抵抗RESCO, RESCO(N), RESCO(H) – Cold resistance on the respective difficulties. &&Negative values mean that the unit takes more damage from this element, values &&at or above 100 will result in immunity. &&// RESCO, RESCO(N), RESCO(H) –不同难度的冰抵抗RESPO, RESPO(N), RESPO(H) – Poison resistance on the respective difficulties. &&Negative values mean that the unit takes more damage from this element, values &&at or above 100 will result in immunity. &&// RESPO, RESPO(N), RESPO(H) –不同难度的毒抵抗。Misc Settings &&//其他杂项设置DAMAGEREGEN – This controls how much health this unit regenerates. Sometimes &&this is altered by the units AI. The formula in 1.09 was (REGEN * HP) / 4096. &&So a monster with 200 hp and a regen rate of 10 would regenerate ~0,5 HP every &&frame. &&// DAMAGEREGEN –这个控制怪物回复生命量。SKILLDAMAGE – ID Pointer to the skill that controls this units damage. This &&is used for the druids summons. (I.E. their damage is specified solely by Skills.txt &&and not by MonStats.txt) &&//SKILLDAMAGE –控制怪物的技能伤害,这用在德鲁伊的召唤物上。(他们的伤害受Skills.txt 而不是MonStats.txt控制。Stat Settings &&//状态设置&&NORATIO – Boolean, 1=Don’t use MonLevel.txt, 0=Use MonLevel.txt. Does this unit &&use MonLevel.txt or does it use the stats listed in MonStats.txt as is. Setting &&this to 0 will result in an array of problems, such as the appended elemental &&damage being completely ignored, irregardless of the values in it. &&// NORATIO – Boolean,1=不使用MonLevel.txt,0=使用MonLevel.txt。控制怪物是否使用MonLevel.txt来设置状态。NOSHLDBLOCK – Boolean, 1=Can block without a blocking animation, 0=Can’t block &&without a blocking animation. Quite self explanatory, in order for a unit to &&block it needs the BL mode, if this is set to 1 then it will block irregardless &&of what modes it has. &&// NOSHLDBLOCK – Boolean,1=可以不使用格挡动画来实行格挡,0=没有格挡动画就不能格挡TOBLOCK, TOBLOCK(N), TOBLOCK(H) – This units chance to block. See the above &&column for details when this applies or not. Monsters are capped at 75% block &&as players are AFAIK. &&//不同难度下怪物格挡的几率。&&CRIT – This units chance of scoring a critical hit. &&// CRIT –怪物致命打击的几率&&Hint: The values below are percentages (if NORATIO is set to 0). The game first &&checks the monsters level and then uses these percentages to calculate the actual &&stats from the “general stats” listed in MonLevel.txt. This is done by regular &&percentage calculation, IE: S/100*P (S=Stat, P=Percentage). As an example, if &&your monster is level 50, and has 200 listed in MINHP in MonStats.txt and the &&“general stat” for HP at mlvl 50 is 100 then the following calculation is done: &&100/100*200 which results in 200 HP. In the same way, if S=300 and P=200 the &&result will be 600. If you want the game to use the values directly from monstats.txt &&and don’t want to set NORATIO to 0 (to avoid the bugs related to doing that), &&simply change all entries in MonLevel.txt to 100). MINHP, MAXHP, MINHP(N), MAXHP(N), MINHP(H), MAXHP(H) – This units minimum and &&maximum HP on the respective difficulties. &&// MINHP, MAXHP, MINHP(N), MAXHP(N), MINHP(H), MAXHP(H) –不同难度下怪物生命的最小最大值AC, AC(N), AC(H) – This units Armor Class on the respective difficulties. &&// AC, AC(N), AC(H) –不同 难度下怪物的防御力EXP, EXP(N), EXP(H) – The experience you get when killing this unit on the &&respective difficulty. &&// EXP, EXP(N), EXP(H) –不同难度下杀死怪物的经验。A1MIND, A1MAXD, A1MIND(N), A1MAXD(N), A1MIND(H), A1MAXD(H) – This units minimum &&and maximum damage when it uses Attack 1. &&// A1MIND, A1MAXD, A1MIND(N), A1MAXD(N), A1MIND(H), A1MAXD(H) –怪物使用攻击1时产生伤害的最小最大值。A2MIND, A2MAXD, A2MIND(N), A2MAXD(N), A2MIND(H), A2MAXD(H) – This units minimum &&and maximum damage when it uses Attack 2. &&// A2MIND, A2MAXD, A2MIND(N), A2MAXD(N), A2MIND(H), A2MAXD(H) –怪物使用攻击1时产生伤害的最小最大值。S1MIND, S1MAXD, S1MIND(N), S1MAXD(N), S1MIND(H), S1MAXD(H) – This units minimum &&and maximum damage when it uses Special Attack 1 (or Skill 1), usually used &&for missiles like Arrows etc. &&//S1MIND, S1MAXD, S1MIND(N), S1MAXD(N), S1MIND(H), S1MAXD(H) –怪物使用特殊攻击1时产生伤害的最小最大值A1TH, A1TH(N), A1TH(H) – This units attack rating for Attack 1 on the respective &&difficulties. &&// A1TH, A1TH(N), A1TH(H) –不同难度下怪物使用攻击1的几率A2TH, A2TH(N), A2TH(H) – This units attack rating for Attack 2 on the respective &&difficulties. &&// A2TH, A2TH(N), A2TH(H) –不同难度下怪物使用攻击2的几率S1TH, S1TH(N), S1TH(H) – This units attack rating for Special Attack 1 (or &&Skill 1) on the respective difficulties. Usually used for missiles like Arrows &&etc. &&// S1TH, S1TH(N), S1TH(H) –不同难度下怪物使用特殊攻击1的几率 &&Xtra Elemental Damage Settings &&//额外的元素伤害设置HINT: These columns are not used correctly if you set NORATIO to 1. (thanks &&to Sduibek for finding this stupid little typo that snuck in here) EL1MODE-EL3MODE – The mode to which the elemental damage is appended. The modes &&to which you would usually attack elemental damage are A1, A2, S1, S2, S3, S4, &&SQ or C as these are the only ones that naturally contain trigger bytes. &&// EL1MODE-EL3MODE –元素伤害的方式。你通常使用的元素伤害有A1, A2, S1, S2, S3, S4, SQ 或者 CEL1TYPE-EL3TYPE – The type of the elemental damage appended to an attack. There &&are several elements: fire=Fire Damage, ltng=Lightning Damage, cold=Cold Damage &&(uses duration), pois = Poison Damage (uses duration), mag=Magic Damage, life=Life &&Drain (the monster heals the specified amount when it hits you), mana=Mana Drain &&(the monster steals the specified amount of mana when it hits you), stam=Stamina &&Drain (the monster steals the specified amount of stamina when it hits you), &&stun=Stun Damage (uses duration, damage is not used, this only effects pets &&and mercs, players will not get immobilized but they will get thrown into hit &&recovery whenever they get hit by an attack, no matter what type of attack it &&is, thanks to Brother Laz clearing this one up), rand=Random Damage (uses duration, &&either does Poison, Cold, Fire or Lightning damage, randomly picked for every &&attack), burn=Burning Damage (uses duration, this damage type cannot be resisted &&and shouldn’t be used), frze=Freezing Damage (uses duration, this will effect &&players like normal cold damage but will freeze and shatter pets). If you want &&to give your monster knockback use MonProp.txt. &&// EL1TYPE-EL3TYPE –攻击时元素伤害的种类。以下时一些:fire=火伤害, ltng=电伤害, cold=冰伤害(持续时间), pois &&= 毒伤害(持续时间), mag=魔法伤害, life=生命回复, mana=魔力回复, stam=精力回复, stun=击晕, rand=随机伤害, &&burn=燃烧伤害, frze冰冻伤害,如果你想让怪物有击退功能,请使用MonProp.txtEL1PCT-EL3PCT, EL1PCT(N)-EL3PCT(N), EL1PCT(H)-EL3PCT(H) – Chance to append &&elemental damage to an attack on the respective difficulties. 0=Never append, &&100=Always append. &&// EL1PCT-EL3PCT, EL1PCT(N)-EL3PCT(N), EL1PCT(H)-EL3PCT(H)不同难度下在攻击时扩展元素伤害的几率。0=不扩展,100=永远扩展EL1MIND-EL3MIND, EL1MAXD-EL3MAXD, EL1MIND-EL3MIND(N), EL1MAXD-EL3MAXD(N), EL1MIND-EL3MIND(H), &&EL1MAXD-EL3MAXD(H) – Minimum and Maximum elemental damage to append to the attack &&on the respective difficulties. (See the hints under the Stat Settings section, &&this uses the same calculations). Note that you should only append elemental &&damage to those missiles that don’t have any set in Missiles.txt. &&// EL1MIND-EL3MIND, EL1MAXD-EL3MAXD, EL1MIND-EL3MIND(N), EL1MAXD-EL3MAXD(N), &&EL1MIND-EL3MIND(H), EL1MAXD-EL3MAXD(H) –上面扩展的元素伤害的最小最大值。EL1DUR-EL3DUR, EL1DUR(N)-EL3DUR(N), EL1DUR(H)-EL3DUR(H) – Duration of the elemental &&effect (for freeze, burn, cold, poison and stun) on the respective difficulties. &&&&//不同难度下有持续效果的元素伤害的持续时间。Treasureclass Settings &&//掉宝率设置&&HINT: Because of the new Treasureclass system introduced in 1.10 these entries &&are only of minor influence regarding what TC is being selected unless you change &&the system by editing TreasureClassEX.txt. TREASURECLASS1, TREASURECLASS1(N), TREASURECLASS1(H) – The Treasureclass used &&by this unit as a normal monster on the respective difficulties. &&// TREASURECLASS1, TREASURECLASS1(N), TREASURECLASS1(H) –不同难度下普通怪物的掉宝率TREASURECLASS2, TREASURECLASS2(N), TREASURECLASS2(H) – The Treasureclass used &&by this unit as a champion on the respective difficulties. &&// TREASURECLASS2, TREASURECLASS2(N), TREASURECLASS2(H) –不同难度下冠军怪物的掉宝率TREASURECLASS3, TREASURECLASS3(N), TREASURECLASS3(H) – The Treasureclass used &&by this unit as a unique or superunique on the respective difficulties. &&// TREASURECLASS3, TREASURECLASS3(N), TREASURECLASS3(H) –不同难度下超级老怪的掉宝率TREASURECLASS4, TREASURECLASS4(N), TREASURECLASS4(H) – The Quest Treasureclass &&used by this monster. (For example, the act bosses always have better odds of &&dropping rare, set and unique items the first time you kill them). &&//不同难度下任务怪物的掉宝率TCQUESTID – The ID of the Quest that triggers the Quest Treasureclass drop. &&&&// TCQUESTID –任务怪物掉宝率的引发IDTCQUESTCP – The ID of the Quest State that you need to complete to trigger &&the Quest Treasureclass trop. &&// TCQUESTCP –任务怪物掉宝率的引发ID的状态。Special Settings &&//特殊设置SPLENDDEATH – Switch, 0=no special death, 1=spawn the monster in the MINION1 &&column when I die, 2=kill whatever monster is mounted to me when I die (used &&by guard towers that kill the imps that are on top of them when they die I guess). &&&&// SPLENDDEATH – 开关,0=不指定死亡,1=当死亡时产生MINION1的怪物,2=????SPLGETMODECHART – Boolean, 1=Get Special Mode Chart, 0=Don’t get special mode &&chart. Unknown but could be telling the game to look at some internal table. &&This is used for some Act Bosses and monsters like Putrid Defilers. &&//SPLGETMODECHART –1=使用特殊模式图标,0=不使用,不知道什么用。可能内部有个表格。SPLENDGENERIC – Boolean, 1=true, 0=false. Works in conjunction with SPLCLIENTEND, &&this makes the unit untargetable when it is first spawned (used for those monsters &&that are under water, under ground or fly above you) &&//SPLENDGENERIC – Boolean,1=是,0=不是,和SPLCLIENTEND一起使用,&&不太清楚用途。SPLCLIENTEND– Boolean, 1=true, 0=false. Works in conjunction with SPLENDGENERIC, &&this makes the unit invisible when it is first spawned (used for those monsters &&that are under water, under ground or fly above you), this is also used for &&units that have other special drawing setups. &&// SPLCLIENTEND – Boolean,1=是,0=不是,和SPLENDGENERIC一起使用,&&不太清楚用途。EOL &&//文件结束&&EOL – End of Line, used to avoid the trailing bit error M$ Excel usually causes &&when adjusting the end of the rows. This column must contain 0 unless you want &&to crash when the game loads.
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