我的坏习惯 英语有很多列如每天都玩电脑游戏用英语怎么翻译

发现王立黎有发飙的趋势= =
Translation for Senior Three (6)
要克服一个坏习惯并不是一件容易事。(easy job)
It is no easy job to overcome a bad habit.※ get into the habit of &&& 养成&&的习惯※ break / get rid of / overcome / get out of the habit of&& 戒掉坏习惯
It is a campaign to educate the public on the dangers of smoking.※& educate sb. in / on sth. &&在某事上教育某人※& well-educated&& 受到良好教育的※& west-educated / Harvard-educated※& launch a campaign for / against&& 发起支持/反对&&的运动
Punishment had very little effect on him.※& have much / great / little effect on / upon sb. / sth.※& come into effect = come into force &&生效※& the effect of sth. on sb. / sth.※& effect (n.) && affect (vt.)
An effective way to improve one&s memory is to repeat what one wants to remember.※ take effective measures&& 采取有效措施
In spite of the doctor&s great efforts, the patient failed to survive the operation.※ make every effort to do sth. &&不遗余力作某事 = spare no effort to do sth.※ make an effort to do sth. = try hard to do sth.
The government is made up of men and women elected by the people of the country.※ elect sb. (as) president / elect sb. to do sth.※ an election campaign &&竞选活动
I must emphasize the fact that they are only children.※ emphasize (vt.) sth. / emphasize that从句※ put / place / lay emphasis on sth.
Why don&t you employ the new method?※ employ sb. (as an adviser)&& 雇佣某人作为&&※ employ&& 运用&& e.g. employ force to break up the crowd※ the rate of unemployment
This reading skill enables us to guess the meaning of a word in the context.※ listening / reading / writing skills※ enable sb. to do sth. &&使某人能够做&&
文明办网文明上网举报电话: 举报邮箱:&&&&&&&&&&&&
You might think that just one cigarette 'can't hurt'. But it could in fact cost a smoker almost 14 minutes of their life, according to new calculations. A new website has worked out how much time a smoker, alcoholic or a drug addict will lose, each time they use. For example, regularly smoking 20 cigarettes a day cuts ten years off a person's life, the website claims. Alcoholics cut their lives short by 23 years, while chronic cocaine users lose 34 years, it adds. 你可能会想只吸一根烟不会危害身体。但实际上根据最新测算,对吸烟者而言吸一根烟可能要减少14分钟的寿命。有一个网站已经测算出一名抽烟,喝酒或吸毒的人会因每次的坏习惯少活多长时间。例如,该网站宣称如果通常每天吸20根烟,会减寿十年。酒鬼则会减少23的寿命,而慢性可卡因食用者最多竟少活34年,该网站补充道。
How much time does a lifelong addict loose each time they use?
Cigarettes Cocaine Alcohol Meth Methdone Heroin
13.8 minutes 5.1 hours 6.6 hours 11.1 hours 12.6 hours 22.8 hours
The total time lost for each individual use is heavily dependent on how many times the average daily dose is segmented. For example, the daily dose of cocaine is segmented by 6.6 (lines) , while the daily dose of alcohol is segmented by 2.14 (drinks). 终身吸烟者每次吸烟要消耗多长寿命?
烟 可卡因 酒精 甲安菲他明 美沙酮 海洛因
13.8分钟 5.1小时 6 .6小时 11.1小时 12.6小时 22.8小时
How the numbers were calculated
Average Lifetime - Average age of death = Number of years lost
Number of years lost & 365.242 & 24 = Number of hours lost
Average use per day & Number of days using = Lifetime number of doses
Number of hours lost / Lifetime number of doses = Time lost per dose in hours
Number of days using = Average of death -Average age of first regular use & 365.242平均寿命-平均死亡年龄=减少的寿命
减少的寿命年数 & 365.242 & 24 = 减少的小时数
平均每天摄入量 & 食用天数 = 一生摄入总量
减少的小时数量 / 一生摄入总量 = 每次摄入后减少的寿命
摄入天数 = 平均死亡年龄 - 首次常规摄入者的平均年龄 & 365.242
, a website providing information people with drug and alcohol addictions, has calculated how many years an addiction to cigarettes, alcohol, cocaine, ,
and heroine are cutting from their lives by continued use. Mephamphetamine addicts live to an average age of just 38, while heroin addicts don't fare much better, dying at on average at just 38 years old. The website's creators have also worked out how many minutes or hours each single dose will cost an addict.一个网址为的网站是一家向沉迷于毒品和酒精的人提供信息的网站。该网站已经测算了沉迷于香烟、酒精、可卡因、甲基苯丙胺、美沙酮或海洛因的人在持续吸食的情况下会减少多少寿命。吸食甲基苯丙胺的人平均寿命仅为38岁。该网站创始人已经算出各类瘾君子每次会消耗多少分钟或小时的寿命。
One line of cocaine takes a chronic user five minutes closer to death, while a single methadone pill costs a user almost 13 hours.
is a &resource for people looking for help and support in regards to drug and alcohol addiction&, its developers said. All the data came from official sources including the U.S Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Jake Tri, project manager for the website said it was formed after the developers heard comments about how much time smoking a cigarette costs a person, and wanted to find out the exact figure.每条可卡因可使慢性摄入者少活5分钟,而每片甲基苯丙胺则使其食用者少活13个小时。&该网站是人们寻求帮助的一大资源并得到了吸食毒品和嗜酒人员的支持,&该网站的开发人员说道。网站上的全部数据是官方信息,包括美国疾病防控中心、物质滥用和精神健康服务管理局、国家公路交通安全管理局。该网站项目经理杰克&特里说当开发人员听到人们对吸一根烟可消耗多少寿命的看法后,他们建立了这一网站并想找到与此相关的其他数据。
How much time does a lifelong addict lose when using the average daily dose?
Cigarette: 12 hours= 4.6 hours
Alcohol: 12 hours 12 hours = 14.1 hours
Cocaine: 24 hours 12 hours = 33.7 hours
Methdone: 24 hours 24 hours 12 hours = 50.4 hours
Methamphetamine: 24 hours 24 hours 12 hours = 58.8 hours
Heroin: 24 hours 24 hours 12 hours 12 hours = 68.4 hours
These estimates are for chronic users where negative effects would be cumulative over time.平均日摄入量会使终身瘾君子少活多长时间?
香烟:4.6小时 酒精:14.1小时 可卡因:33.7小时 美沙酮:50.4小时 甲基苯丙胺:58.8小时
He told MailOnline: 'The initial inspiration for this project was from hearing a statement many of us have come across in passing... Something like &Smoking one cigarette takes away 10 minutes of your life&. 'We then wondered about other drugs and applied the same methodology using statistics from several reputable sources. They checked their methodology against statistics from the University of Bristol, and found they were very close, with differences attributed to the fact they were using U.S. government sources rather than U.K. statistics.他对每日邮报说:&开始做这一项目的动机是偶然碰见了一些人听到了他们的观点...像是&每吸一根烟要少活10分钟,&听了这样的话我们好奇其他药品情况如何,于是就用了同样的方法从几个不同的权威机构获取数据。&通过与布里斯托尔大学的数据做对比他们发现他们的测算结果与其十分接近,而存在差异是因为他们的数据来自美国政府而非英国政府。
He added that the methodology gives an estimated number rather than a definite number. He said: 'There are far too many factors to give a 100% accurate assessment of how much time one loses after smoking a single cigarette or taking a single drink. 'However this methodology does provide a good estimate for those that are chronic users of a certain substance, as it is based on average usage and life expectancy data.' 他还补充说这种方法只是一种估算,不能给出绝对准确的数字。他说:&虽然有很多因素能帮助我们得出百分百正确的数据,以反映在吸完一根烟或喝完一杯酒后的寿命折损情况,但对那些长期服用一种物质的人来说这种测算方法更加合理,因为它是基于平均用量和平均寿命来定的。
Chronic user of cigarettes
Life lost: 13% Average age to begin regular use: 17.8 Number of doses per day: one pack (20 cigarettes)
Average age of death: 68.7 Number of years using: 50.9 Years lost: 10 years
One cigarette could cost a chronic smoker 13.8 minutes of his or her life.
The normal dosage per day (1 pack of cigarettes) could cost a chronic smokers 4.6 hours of his or her life.慢性吸烟者
寿命消耗:13% 开始吸烟的平均年龄:17.8 每天摄入量:一包(20 根)
平均死亡年龄:68.7 烟龄:50.9 减少寿命:10年
Chronic user of alcohol
Life lost: 29% Average age to begin regular use: 16 Number of doses per day:2.14 Average years of death: 55.6
Number of years using: 39.6 Years lost : 23.1
One drink could cost a chronic drinker 6.6 hours of his or her life.
The normal dosage per day(2.14 drinks) could cost a chronic drinks 14.1 hours of his or her life. CDC defines a heavy drinker(male) as someone who consumes 15 or more drinks in a weenk.慢性酗酒者
折损寿命:29% 平均开始酗酒年龄:16 每日摄入量:2.14 平均死亡年龄:55.6 酗酒时间:39.6 寿命减少:23.1年
一杯酒使慢性酗酒者少活6.6 小时。
Chronic user of cocaine
Life lost: 44% Average age to begin regular use : 20 Number of doses per day : 6.6 lines (1 gram,6.6lines around 150 mg each) Average age of death:44.5 Number of years using:24.5 years lost:34.3
One line could cost a chronic cocaine user 5.1 hours of his or her life.
The normal dosage per day (6.6 lines) could coste cchronic cocaine users 33.7 hours of his or her life.
Social recreational users typically use much less than regular users. Regular users can consume 1-2 grams of cocaine per day as tolerance builds.慢性可卡因服用者
生命折损:44% 平均开始服用年龄:20 每天服用剂量6.6 条(1克,6.6条,每条约150毫克)平均死亡年龄:44.5 服用年数:24.5 寿命减少:34.3
Chronic user of methamphetamine
Life lost: 53% Average age to begin regular use : 19.7 Number of doses per day : 5.3 hits Average age of death:36.8 Number of years using:17.10 years lost:41.9
One hit could cost a chronic cocaine user 11.1 hours of his or her life.
The normal dosage per day (5.3 hits) could coste a meth user 58.8 hours of his or her life. 慢性甲基苯丙肭服用者
生命折损53% 平均开始服用年龄:19.7 每天服用剂量5.3 块 平均死亡年龄:36.8 服用年数:17.10 寿命减少:41.9
Chronic user of methadone
Life lost:49% Average age to begin regular use : 22.3 Number of doses per day : 4 pills Average age of death:40.5 Number of years using:18.2 years lost:38.2
One pill could cost a chronic methadone user 12.6 hours of his or her life.
The normal dosage per day (4pills) could coste a methadone user 50.4 hours of his or her life. 慢性美沙酮服用者
生命折损:49% 平均开始服用年龄::22.3 每天服用剂量:4 片 平均死亡年龄:40.5 服用年数:18.2 寿命减少:38.2
Chronic user of heroin
Life lost:52% Average age to begin regular use : 23 Number of doses per day :3 Average age of death:37.5 Number of years using:14.5 years lost:41.2
Shooting up one time could cost a chronic heroin user 22.8 hours of his or her life.
The normal dosage per day (3 injections) could coste a chronic heroin user 68.4 hours of his or her life. 慢性海洛因服用者
生命折损:52% 平均开始服用年龄:23 每天服用剂量:3 平均死亡年龄:37.5 服用年数:14.5 寿命减少:41.2
你不抽烟也不沾染毒品,你可能认为自己没有坏习惯。但是如果你咬指甲或不断地吃泡泡糖呢?坏习惯通常不危险,只是会干扰你周围的人。文章中列出了10个难以改掉的坏习惯,快来看一下吧。如果你也有这些坏习惯就电脑游戏在中学生很流行,有些同学非常迷恋游戏,以至忘记了做作业,甚至逃学玩去玩电脑游戏,玩电脑游戏要花很多钱,有人偷家里的钱去玩,玩游戏对身体和学习都不利,希望报社呼吁大家改掉坏习惯 的翻译是:Computer game is very popular in middle school students, some students are obsessed with the game, and even forgot to do his homework, even playing truant to play to play computer games, play computer games takes a lot of money, someone stole money to play at home, playing games and learning is harm 中文翻译英文意思,翻译英语
Computer games are very popular in high school students, some students are obsessed with the game, as well as forgotten homework, play computer games or playing truant, play computer games to spend a lot of money, someone had stolen money from home to play, play games and learn all of the body unfav
Computer game is very popular in middle school students, some students are obsessed with the game, and even forgot to do his homework, even playing truant to play to play computer games, play computer games takes a lot of money, someone stole money to play at home, playing games and learning is harm
Computer game is very popular in middle school students, some students are obsessed with the game, and even forgot to do his homework, even playing truant to play to play computer games, play computer games takes a lot of money, someone stole money to play at home, playing games and learning is harm
Computer games are very popular in secondary school students, some students who are obsessed with video games, and even forgot to do their homework, and even skipped school to go to game playing computer games, playing computer games to spend a lot of money, who stole the money to go to play at home
The computer games are very popular in the middle-school student, some schoolmates are infatuated with the game extremely, down to had forgotten does one's assignment, even plays hooky plays plays the computer games, plays the computer games to have to spend very many money, some people steal in fam
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& a气候变化可能会影响你的健康 The climatic change possibly can affect your health & aEmotional specificity, more subtle expression 情感特异性,更加微妙的表示 & a请输入您需要翻译的文本!they find food Please input the text which you need to translate! they find food & a他不愿意依从她的要求 He is not willing to comply her request & awith the same situation yesterday! Cash now accounts do not 以昨天同一个情况! 现金帐户现在没有 & a反正放假很无聊 Has a vacation in any case very bored & a他的夹克是黄色的 His jacket is decadent & a我喜欢上星期举行的第二场足球比赛 I like the second soccer competition which the last week held & awhy do U refuse to speak 为什么做U废物讲话 & a高等职业院校市场营销专业 Higher professional colleges and universities market marketing specialized & a电脑游戏在中学生很流行,有些同学非常迷恋游戏,以至忘记了做作业,甚至逃学玩去玩电脑游戏,玩电脑游戏要花很多钱,有人偷家里的钱去玩,玩游戏对身体和学习都不利,希望报社呼吁大家改掉坏习惯 The computer games are very popular in the middle-school student, some schoolmates are infatuated with the game extremely, down to had forgotten does one's assignment, even plays hooky plays plays the computer games, plays the computer games to have to spend very many money, some people steal in fam &}


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