
COD5中任务模式怎么开通后台作弊系统 是任务模式 不是僵尸模式_百度知道
COD5中任务模式怎么开通后台作弊系统 是任务模式 不是僵尸模式
devmap+地图名呼出控制台键入秘籍:god,give all,notarget,noclipdemigod 双倍生命(手榴弹都炸不第一关 地图名为mak
第二关 地图名为peL1
第三关 地图名为peL2
第四关 地图名为sniper
第五关 地图名为seeL
第六关 地图名为peL1a
第七关 地图名为peL1b
第九关 地图名为ber1
第十关 地图名为ber2
第十二关 地图名为oki2
第十三关 地图名为oki3
第十四关 地图名为ber3
第十五关 地图名为ber3b
僵尸关卡 地图名为 nazi_zombie_proototype
回答问题,赢新手礼包& 使命召唤5机器人模组(Xiao Vin荐)不支持COD5中文 ...
查看: 10447|回复: 36
Crysis☆皇者刺客の=HK-Krz=空军 歼击航空部队 中士
UID337832主题阅读权限60帖子精华13积分5247金钱9933 荣誉112 人气0 在线时间48 小时评议0
Lv.6游侠黄金会员, 积分 5247, 距离下一级还需 753 积分
帖子精华13积分5247金钱9933 荣誉112 人气0 评议0
支持 中文使命召唤5 机器人 002p 發佈
本post 將會結束。
Vincenttwc 於 游侠NETSHOW论坛 發佈
使命召唤5 bot由Pezbot Team开发
Vincenttwc只于中国区协助宣传及推广(Powered by Pezbot Team)
COD5 Bot中文教学由Vincenttwc重新编写
此版本由Pezbot Team于5月28日发布001p
暂不支持游侠汉化组&使命召唤中文站联合发布之使命召唤5中文版(因为是COD5 v1.4)
暂时只支持v1.0-v1.3 ,不支持COD 5v1.4
==========使用Bot教学=========By Xiao Vin中国区协助宣传及推广
1) XP解压到&C:\Documents and Settings\&username&\Local Settings\Application Data\Activision\CoDWaW\mods\&
1) Vista解压到C:\Users\Vincenttwc\AppData\Local\Activision\CoDWaW\mods\
2) 建立Bot模组启动快捷径+set fs_game mods/PeZBOTWAW
&C:\Program Files\Activision\Call of Duty - World at War\CoDWaWmp.exe& +set fs_game &mods/PeZBOTWAW&
3)进入游戏- &建立服务器
4)进入服务器&&/svr_pezbots 10
5)加入Bot指令&&/svr_bots 10
---注: 10 = Bot数量
6)按Esc -& Call Vote投票换地图或......
COD5 Bot中文教学由 Vincenttwc 重新编写
svr_pezbots 10
svr_pezbots_team& & //队伍分配team to put bots on, &axis&, &allies&, &autoassign&; (defaults to &autoassign&)
svr_pezbots_skill& && & //简单/困难 skill level that effects all bots, value between 0 and 1, 1 being highest
& && && && && && && && && && && && &//0至1 1是最难svr_pezbots_skill 1
COD5 Bot中文教学由Vincenttwc重新编写
相关使用方法可参考Vincenttwc一年前所发布COD4 bot教学
简易重点(汗! )001p不支持COD5 v1.4
1) XP解压到&C:\Documents and Settings\&username&\Local Settings\Application Data\Activision\CoDWaW\mods\PeZBOTWAW\PeZBOTWAW.iwd&
1) XP解压到&C:\Documents and Settings\&username&\Local Settings\Application Data\Activision\CoDWaW\mods\PeZBOTWAW\mod.ff&
1) Vista解压到C:\Users\Vincenttwc\AppData\Local\Activision\CoDWaW\mods\PeZBOTWAW\PeZBOTWAW.iwd
1) Vista解压到C:\Users\Vincenttwc\AppData\Local\Activision\CoDWaW\mods\PeZBOTWAW\mod.ff
右键刚贴上的快捷径---&右键--&内容加上+set fs_game &mods/PeZBOTWAW&
&C:\..............\Activision\Call of Duty - World at War\CoDWaWmp.exe& +set fs_game &mods/PeZBOTWAW&
5)按~输入/svr_pezbots 10
[ 本帖最后由 vincenttwc 于
14:09 编辑 ]
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Crysis☆皇者刺客の=HK-Krz=空军 歼击航空部队 中士
UID337832主题阅读权限60帖子精华13积分5247金钱9933 荣誉112 人气0 在线时间48 小时评议0
Lv.6游侠黄金会员, 积分 5247, 距离下一级还需 753 积分
帖子精华13积分5247金钱9933 荣誉112 人气0 评议0
5月至今 已收到不少 PM 問關於 COD5&&機器人
今天有時間速寫了一編文章,上傳BOT + BOT評測
COD5 安裝及使用非常簡單,不明白的可以參考我一年前 COD4 bot 的文章
可搜尋&COD4 Xiao Vin 機器人& 即有很多本章幫你解答
COD5 bot 非常吃CPU,建議開 10- 12 個就好了,19個 非常Lag
另外有人問我是否已轉加入 3DM 大家庭?
我的回應是: 任何網站都沒有支付薪金給我,任何網站高層聯繫我幫忙,我就會到那個網站幫忙。
(143.78 KB, 下载次数: 2)
17:44:37 上传
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17:44:37 上传
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UID3401930主题阅读权限0帖子精华0积分699金钱1326 荣誉0 人气0 在线时间0 小时评议0
帖子精华0积分699金钱1326 荣誉0 人气0 评议0
提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽
UID1945897主题阅读权限20帖子精华0积分87金钱378 荣誉0 人气0 在线时间31 小时评议0
Lv.2游侠会员, 积分 87, 距离下一级还需 113 积分
帖子精华0积分87金钱378 荣誉0 人气0 评议0
UID986623主题阅读权限30帖子精华0积分201金钱3319 荣誉0 人气0 在线时间793 小时评议0
Lv.3游侠中级会员, 积分 201, 距离下一级还需 299 积分
帖子精华0积分201金钱3319 荣誉0 人气0 评议0
我严重支持你的BOT 呵呵
捷波悍马HI05 INTEL P55...-
Intel 酷睿 i5 750 2.67GHz
希捷Seagate 0G+Seagate&&500G -
超胜LEADMAX&&4G DDR3 1333 X2 DUA^^ -
映众 GTX 560Ti 冰龙 900/4100 1G GDDR5-
Tt M5(VJ2000BNS)
先锋Pioneer 218CH DVD-RW -
海盗船CX430 V2 版本
Windows 7 SP1 64位旗舰版
UID2694057主题阅读权限20帖子精华0积分140金钱1063 荣誉0 人气0 在线时间322 小时评议0
Lv.2游侠会员, 积分 140, 距离下一级还需 60 积分
帖子精华0积分140金钱1063 荣誉0 人气0 评议0
UID2694057主题阅读权限20帖子精华0积分140金钱1063 荣誉0 人气0 在线时间322 小时评议0
Lv.2游侠会员, 积分 140, 距离下一级还需 60 积分
帖子精华0积分140金钱1063 荣誉0 人气0 评议0
Server script compile error
unknown function
(see console for details)
怎么回事 其他mod都没问题 我的cod4 bot 也使用正常
我发现cod5多人模式的&&模组选项里什么都没有 其他mod也都看不到但可以载入
cod4的多人模组选项里可以看到所有模组 而且启动时不用加参数 进去后直接选一个mod 就可以自动载入
UID2694057主题阅读权限20帖子精华0积分140金钱1063 荣誉0 人气0 在线时间322 小时评议0
Lv.2游侠会员, 积分 140, 距离下一级还需 60 积分
帖子精华0积分140金钱1063 荣誉0 人气0 评议0
原帖由 vincenttwc 于
17:44 发表
5月至今 已收到不少 PM 問關於 COD5&&機器人
今天有時間速寫了一編文章,上傳BOT + BOT評測
COD5 安裝及使用非常簡單,不明白的可以參考我一年前 COD4 bot 的文章
可搜尋&COD4 Xiao Vin 機器人& 即有很多本章幫你解答
楼主的截图怎么是&&1.1& &版???
Crysis☆皇者刺客の=HK-Krz=空军 歼击航空部队 中士
UID337832主题阅读权限60帖子精华13积分5247金钱9933 荣誉112 人气0 在线时间48 小时评议0
Lv.6游侠黄金会员, 积分 5247, 距离下一级还需 753 积分
帖子精华13积分5247金钱9933 荣誉112 人气0 评议0
回复 #8 lwxlovemm 的帖子
因為已沒有玩 cod5 很久了
Re:cod5多人模式的&&模组选项里什么都没有 其他mod也都看不到
mod 看不到 没有选项
&H:\Game\Activision\Call of Duty - World at War\CoDWaWmp.exe& +set fs_game &mods/PeZBOTWAW&
UID515281主题阅读权限50帖子精华3积分1596金钱2934 荣誉3 人气7 在线时间1981 小时评议0
Lv.5游侠白银会员, 积分 1596, 距离下一级还需 404 积分
帖子精华3积分1596金钱2934 荣誉3 人气7 评议0
i5-2500k @ 4.5Ghz
Asrock Z77 Extreme6
Geforce GTX 1080
Antec HCP-1000 Platinum
UID2694057主题阅读权限20帖子精华0积分140金钱1063 荣誉0 人气0 在线时间322 小时评议0
Lv.2游侠会员, 积分 140, 距离下一级还需 60 积分
帖子精华0积分140金钱1063 荣誉0 人气0 评议0
有没有1.4 中文的朋友成功使用
UID2073059主题阅读权限50帖子精华0积分1125金钱3840 荣誉0 人气87 在线时间2732 小时评议0
Lv.5游侠白银会员, 积分 1125, 距离下一级还需 875 积分
帖子精华0积分1125金钱3840 荣誉0 人气87 评议0
我的在桌面快捷方式加入+set fs_game &mods/PeZBOTWAW&后游戏都进不去了
UID1491720主题阅读权限20帖子精华0积分24金钱47 荣誉0 人气0 在线时间0 小时评议0
Lv.2游侠会员, 积分 24, 距离下一级还需 176 积分
帖子精华0积分24金钱47 荣誉0 人气0 评议0
& & PeZBOT for WAW, version: 001p& &(28/5/09)
& & Any and all feedback is welcome --&
& & Waypoint Feedback --&
& & Waypoint Feedback --&
& & Or, you can leave feedback in the forums --&
Feel free to add this source to any mod you like, just credit PeZBOT, thanks.
This is pre-alpha code, meaning it is in no way feature complete and full of bugs, use at your own risk. I will not be held responisble for any damages this mod does to your PC. (Not that it should do any.)
Thanks to:
Whitsel - Waypointing
Lord_Gannondorf - Waypointing
And thanks to all the people who have supported the mod.
Things to know:
& & & & - Bots have been tested and working with versions 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3 of World at War. (Please do not report any errors you get with version 1.4!)
& & & & - Cliffside and Downfall are currently not waypointed! They will be finished in the next version. (002p)
& & & & - Bots will not work in Nazi Zombie Mode! They are for Multiplayer.
& & & & - Bots will only work in Team Deathmatch and Free for All at this time.
How to install on Windows XP:
& & & & 1) Once you have downloaded the .zip file, extract it to the desktop temporarily.
& & & & 2) Now that you have it extracted, you should have a folder called PeZBOTWAW on your desktop.
& & & & 3) Right Click on the folder, and click &Copy& or &Cut&.
& & & & 4) Navigate to this directory (default): &C:\Documents and Settings\&username&\Local Settings\Application Data\Activision\CoDWaW&
& & & & 5) In there should be another folder called &Mods&, if there isn't one - create one.
& & & & 6) Open the &Mods& folder, then Right Click, and &Paste& the PeZBOTWAW folder we copied earlier from the dekstop.
& & & & 7) Now this is the bit that's different from PeZBOT for CoD4 - You *have to* load the mod through the command line.
& & & & 8) With your desktop shortcut to World at War Multiplayer (Create one if you don't have one) you need to Right Click on it, then click on Properties.
& & & & 9) You should see: &Target: C:\Program Files\Activision\Call of Duty - World at War\CoDWaWmp.exe&
& & & & 10) Add this onto the end of the target line: +set fs_game &mods/PeZBOTWAW&
& & & & 11) Your target line should now look something like this: &C:\Program Files\Activision\Call of Duty - World at War\CoDWaWmp.exe& +set fs_game &mods/PeZBOTWAW&
& & & & 12) Now all you need to do, is click &Ok&, then Double-Click on the shortcut and away you go.
& & & & 13) When in game, to add the bots all you need to do is open up the console with the ~ key, and type /svr_pezbots # (replace # with the amount of bots you wish to have)
& & & & 14) More DVARS are below - you can adjust the difficulty of the bots, etc. (You can add these onto the end of your command line)
& & & & 15) One last thing - Be sure to have Punkbuster turned OFF in options, and be sure that &Dedicated& in server settings is on &No&.
How to install on Windows Vista/Windows 7
& & & & 1) Once you have downloaded the .zip file, extract it to the desktop temporarily.
& & & & 2) Now that you have it extracted, you should have a folder called PeZBOTWAW on your desktop.
& & & & 3) Right Click on the folder, and click &Copy& or &Cut&.
& & & & 4) Navigate to this directory (default): &C:\Users\&user&\AppData\Local\Activision\CODWaW&
& & & & 5) In there should be another folder called &Mods&, if there isn't one - create one.
& & & & 6) Open the &Mods& folder, then Right Click, and &Paste& the PeZBOTWAW folder we copied earlier from the dekstop.
& & & & 7) Now this is the bit that's different from PeZBOT for CoD4 - You *have to* load the mod through the command line.
& & & & 8) With your desktop shortcut to World at War Multiplayer (Create one if you don't have one) you need to Right Click on it, then click on Properties.
& & & & 9) You should see: &Target: C:\Program Files\Activision\Call of Duty - World at War\CoDWaWmp.exe&
& & & & 10) Add this onto the end of the target line: +set fs_game &mods/PeZBOTWAW&
& & & & 11) Your target line should now look something like this: &C:\Program Files\Activision\Call of Duty - World at War\CoDWaWmp.exe& +set fs_game &mods/PeZBOTWAW&
& & & & 12) Now all you need to do, is click &Ok&, then Double-Click on the shortcut and away you go.
& & & & 13) When in game, to add the bots all you need to do is open up the console with the ~ key, and type /svr_pezbots # (replace # with the amount of bots you wish to have)
& & & & 14) More DVARS are below - you can adjust the difficulty of the bots, etc. (You can add these onto the end of your command line)
& & & & 15) One last thing - Be sure to have Punkbuster turned OFF in options, and be sure that &Dedicated& in server settings is on &No&.
& & & & & & & &
DVARS are as follows:
& & & & svr_pezbots& && && && && &// (defaults to 0)
& & & & svr_pezbots_team& && && & //team to put bots on, &axis&, &allies&, &autoassign&; (defaults to &autoassign&)
& & & & svr_pezbots_drawdebug& &&&// 0 or 1; (defaults to 0) (requires developer_script set to 1)
& & & & svr_pezbots_skill& && && &//global skill level that effects all bots, value between 0 and 1, 1 being highest
& && && && && && && && & & & & && &//0 being lowest. (defaults to 0.5)
& & & & svr_pezbots_mode& && && & //sets the mode to start the mod in, options are &dev& and &normal& (defaults to normal)
& && && && && && && && & & & & && &//(requires developer_script set to 1 and developer set to 1)
& & & & svr_pezbots_WPDrawRange& &//waypoint debug draw range (defaults to 1000 inches)& && && && && &&&
Waypoint Editor:
In order to use the waypoint editor you must start PeZBOT in dev mode by using this as your command line:
+set fs_game &mods/PeZBOTWAW& +set developer 1 +set developer_script 1 +set svr_pezbots_drawdebug 1 +set svr_pezbots_mode dev
Waypoints are represented by a colored vertical line, links between waypoints are represented by blue lines. All waypoints have a radius around them which you have to be within to modify them. When you are in range of a waypoint the line color will pulse to let you know you are in range.
Attack Button:---&&Add waypoint.
Ads Button:------&&Delete waypoint.
Use Button:------&&Start Link/Confirm Link.
Frag Button:-----&&Start Link/Remove Link.
Melee Button:----&&Save waypoints to console_mp.log in PeZBOT mod folder.
Waypoint Colors:
Red:-------------&&Waypoint with no children, this is bad, link it to another waypoint.
Purple:----------&&Waypoint with one child, this is not so bad however it is a dead end, these are especially good for getting the bots to go to the right place up next to the radios in headquarters.
Green:-----------&&Waypoint with more than one child, these are safe.
You can learn how to waypoint, and add them in game from Whitsels tutorials - first, watch this video explai
Then read this short tutorial on how to add the waypoints in-game f
Known Bugs:
- Bots may get stuck on or in geometry such as trees, etc. If you see any of this, please take a screenshot and post it on the forums:
- The &svr_pezbots_team& DVAR is a little broken, for now it's best not to use it.
Revision Info:
Version 001p (28/5/09):
Initial Release
UID1483276主题阅读权限20帖子精华0积分702金钱2241 荣誉0 人气1 在线时间322 小时评议0
帖子精华0积分702金钱2241 荣誉0 人气1 评议0
提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽
UID2694057主题阅读权限20帖子精华0积分140金钱1063 荣誉0 人气0 在线时间322 小时评议0
Lv.2游侠会员, 积分 140, 距离下一级还需 60 积分
帖子精华0积分140金钱1063 荣誉0 人气0 评议0
How to install on Windows Vista/Windows 7
& & & & 1) Once you have downloaded the .zip file, extract it to the desktop temporarily.
& & & & 2) Now that you have it extracted, you should have a folder called PeZBOTWAW on your desktop.
& & & & 3) Right Click on the folder, and click &Copy& or &Cut&.
& & & & 4) Navigate to this directory (default): &C:\Users\&user&\AppData\Local\Activision\CODWaW&
& & & & 5) In there should be another folder called &Mods&, if there isn't one - create one.
& & & & 6) Open the &Mods& folder, then Right Click, and &Paste& the PeZBOTWAW folder we copied earlier from the dekstop.
& & & & 7) Now this is the bit that's different from PeZBOT for CoD4 - You *have to* load the mod through the command line.
& & & & 8) With your desktop shortcut to World at War Multiplayer (Create one if you don't have one) you need to Right Click on it, then click on Properties.
& & & & 9) You should see: &Target: C:\Program Files\Activision\Call of Duty - World at War\CoDWaWmp.exe&
& & & & 10) Add this onto the end of the target line: +set fs_game &mods/PeZBOTWAW&
& & & & 11) Your target line should now look something like this: &C:\Program Files\Activision\Call of Duty - World at War\CoDWaWmp.exe& +set fs_game &mods/PeZBOTWAW&
& & & & 12) Now all you need to do, is click &Ok&, then Double-Click on the shortcut and away you go.
& & & & 13) When in game, to add the bots all you need to do is open up the console with the ~ key, and type /svr_pezbots # (replace # with the amount of bots you wish to have)
& & & & 14) More DVARS are below - you can adjust the difficulty of the bots, etc. (You can add these onto the end of your command line)
& & & & 15) One last thing - Be sure to have Punkbuster turned OFF in options, and be sure that &Dedicated& in server settings is on &No&.
UID2501830主题阅读权限20帖子精华0积分45金钱298 荣誉0 人气0 在线时间14 小时评议0
Lv.2游侠会员, 积分 45, 距离下一级还需 155 积分
帖子精华0积分45金钱298 荣誉0 人气0 评议0
是不是在codwaw console的窗口输入呢?我在这个窗口输入后都是unkown command
Crysis☆皇者刺客の=HK-Krz=空军 歼击航空部队 中士
UID337832主题阅读权限60帖子精华13积分5247金钱9933 荣誉112 人气0 在线时间48 小时评议0
Lv.6游侠黄金会员, 积分 5247, 距离下一级还需 753 积分
帖子精华13积分5247金钱9933 荣誉112 人气0 评议0
unkown command
是因為你沒有成功 引導模組,只運行了原版
UID2694057主题阅读权限20帖子精华0积分140金钱1063 荣誉0 人气0 在线时间322 小时评议0
Lv.2游侠会员, 积分 140, 距离下一级还需 60 积分
帖子精华0积分140金钱1063 荣誉0 人气0 评议0
Server script compile error
unknown function
(see console for details)
UID2073059主题阅读权限50帖子精华0积分1125金钱3840 荣誉0 人气87 在线时间2732 小时评议0
Lv.5游侠白银会员, 积分 1125, 距离下一级还需 875 积分
帖子精华0积分1125金钱3840 荣誉0 人气87 评议0
我也出现了Server script compile error
unknown function
(see console for details)
UID1828942主题阅读权限20帖子精华0积分178金钱868 荣誉0 人气0 在线时间104 小时评议0
Lv.2游侠会员, 积分 178, 距离下一级还需 22 积分
帖子精华0积分178金钱868 荣誉0 人气0 评议0
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