
环境:无线网卡A,IP 网关192.168.1.1 无线网卡B,IP 网关192.168.1.1 C:\Windows\system32&route print =========================================================================== 接口列表 16...00 a0 f5 30 5a 36 ......Realtek RTL8187 Wireless 802.11b/
今天发现了个记录Google IP地址的网站,谁知晚上访问时变成了这样子: Sorry! Google doesn't want to publish these ip addresses. We have to close this site. Bye! 很后悔当时没有把那些IP记下来,马上上网查,幸好有人已经这样做了.我也记录下来吧,方便以后查阅. 来源地址:/justjavac/Google-IPs Google 全球 IP 地址库 IP 地址来源:ht
Bulgaria 93.
Nginx with AWK to filter the log to a specific value of ~ ~ ~
14:46:52 Tags: AWK nginx Original works, for permission to reproduce, reprint, please be sure to hyperlink to the article indicating the original source , author information and
1.mysqldump implementation Got error: 1045: Access denied for user 'root' @ 'localhost' (using password: YES) when trying to connect Solution Log in mysql client mysql-hserverip-uroot-p mysql& Database changed mysql& update user set passw
网络环境异常复杂,有时候我们不得不禁止一些恶意用户访问,禁止的方式有很多种,其中一种就是通过 IP 来限制,本文提供的方法允许你通过 IP 区间.CIDR (Classless Inter-Domain Routing)及单个 IP 格式来检查或过滤 IP 地址 你可以通过增加一个配置文件,然后将需要禁止的一些 IP 地址通过一定规则添加到配置文件中,在程序初始化的时候,读取配置文件中的每个规则,然后通过本文提供的方法去检查当前访问的客户端 IP 地址是否存在于这些规则中,如果存在,则拒绝提供服
前几天在实验室看到师姐们在下载文档,听她们说老师要她们下载几万篇论文..天啊,有这么折磨人的吗???有点看不过去的我,便开始琢磨怎么用程序去完成这件无聊而且烦人的事情,于是乎,便诞生了这个下载器. 为了使该篇文章更加具有价值,我就不把只针对这次的下载代码之类的东西放上来了,取而带之的是向大家分享一下思路和具体的分析步骤,希望大家以后在遇到此类问题时能用上,下面便开始我的讲解吧. 总体思路:通过拼合请求头部信息来分析服务器返回信息来不断分析,最终获得目标文件流. 第一步:利用火狐的HttpFox来
According to port number can be divided into three broad categories: (1) recognized the port (Well Known Ports): from 0 to 1023, they are tightly bound (binding) on a number of services. Typically, these ports communication clearly shows a service ag
写在前面 自己看过非常的好,或分享,或保留着自己以后再看看,, ARM经典300问 第1 章 体系结构 第1 问: Q:请问在初始化CPU 堆栈的时候一开始在执行mov r0, LR 这句指令时处理器是什么模式 A:复位后的模式,即管理模式. 第2 问: Q:请教:MOV 中的8 位图立即数,是怎么一回事 0xF0000001 是怎么来的 A:是循环右移,就是一个0-255 之间的数左移或右移偶数位的来的,也就是这个数除以4 一直除, 直到在0-255 的范围内它是整数就说明是可以的! A:8
在13054个词及其词义中,只有一个词义的词数为5451,占比42%,只有两个词义的词数为2885,占比22%,只有三个词义的词数为1524,占比12%,这三类也就是三个词义以内的词就占了76%.这些词义比较少的词相对就很容易掌握了,而剩下的24%即3194个词有着相当多的词义,有各种各样的用法,掌握好这些词是学好英语的重中之重. superword是一个Java实现的英文单词分析软件,主要研究英语单词音近形似转化规律.前缀后缀规律.词之间的相似性规律等等. 定义条数 单词个数 94 1 76
1function HashMap(){ 2 3 var ItemCollection=new Array(); 4 //private 5 6 this.getMapCollection=function (){ 7 return ItemC 8 } 9 10 var MapItem=function (key,value){ 11 12 this.key=(key==null?&&:key); 13 this.value=(value==null?&&
Javaeye site before it was written three dice will roll a number of kinds of the results of a surface sample questions, with the object-oriented way of thinking, then their own thought and thought one day late at night and found that this problem can
First, under the so-called java nio to understand is what! And hair design of a traditional server-based network is to use blocking I / O for multi-threaded model to achieve, but because the systems are often read and write at the time of making the
1 /* 2 * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates 3 * and open the template in the editor. 4 */ 5 6 7 8 import java.util.ArrayL 9 import java.util.L 10 11 /** 12 * 13 * @author root 14 */ 15 public class Main { 16
1. package excel. 2. 3. import java.io.F 4. import java.io.FileOutputS 5. import java.io.OutputS 6. import java.util.ArrayL 7. import java.util.D 8. 9. import jxl.C 10. import jxl.CellT 11. import jxl.S 12. im
1. Js and css compatible with IE and FireFox (FF) 2. Css: 3.1. 4. Ul tag in FF has a padding value, but there is no margin value, while in IE, the opposite 5. The solution: the ul the padding and margin are set to 0 (or may not be 0) if: padding: 0;
The recent series of work is done to maintain the operation site, so a lot of support tools. Have to write VBA, Excel, as well as direct tools for C # do. Sometimes necessary to perform in the C # Excel VBA macros, and even sometimes in the implement
1. Parsing XML 2. 3. Maybe you want to do first is to resolve a certain type of XML document , It's easy with dom4j . Please see the following sample code : 4. 5. import java.net.URL; 6. 7. import org.dom4j.D 8. import org.dom4j.DocumentExcep
Used computer communications protocol port Port (port) in terms of hardware devices can be USB ports, COM serial port or a switch, router equipment, the external connection port. The terms of the port for software interface between the communications
1.alter v. Changes, changes , Change 2.burst vi.,n. Suddenly, burst 3.dispose vi. Remove : Disposal : Solve : Deal with (of) 4.blast n. Explosion : Flow vi. Fried , Blow up 5.consume v. Consumption, exhaust 6.split v. Cleave : Separate : A. crack of
Words like representative, please do not rush to tell me that you know this word, in fact, you may not &know& the word, you just relying on your memory to remember this string of two characters in English letters and symbols &for& betw
- Provincial provincial create table provincial ( provincialID int, provincialName varchar (50), primary key (provincialID) ) Engine = INNODB default charset = insert into provincial values (1, 'Beijing'); insert into provincial values (2, 'Tian
In Android, the alternative storage methods are SharedPreferences, file storage, SQLite database mode, the content provider (Content provider) and network. 1. SharedPreferences way Android available to store some simple configuration information of a
1. Java application jcom will transfer pdf word 2. 3. Experience 2009 - 03 - 01 09: 47 to read 528 comments 0 4. Font size: much of the small 5. In JAVA using JCOM and JXL tips: 6. 7. (1) should be under your lib jdom-1.0. Jar, jxl-2.5. 5. Jar, jcom-
The full ASCII comparison table 0 NUT 32 (space) 64 @ 96 . 1 SOH 33 ! 65 A 97 a 2 STX 34 & 66 B 98 b 3 ETX 35 # 67 C 99 c 4 EOT 36 $ 68 D 100 d 5 ENQ 37 % 69 E 101 e 6 ACK 38 & 70 F 102 f 7 BEL 39 , 71 G 103 g 8 BS 40 ( 72 H 104 h 9 HT 41 ) 73 I
1 /* 2 * Copyright (c)
by OpenSymphony 3 * All rights reserved. 4 */ 5 6 package com.opensymphony.xwork2. 7 8 import com.opensymphony.xwork2.ActionI 9 import com.opensymphony.xwork2.util.LocalizedTextU 10 import co
Summary of several internal sorting algorithm! (Bubble sort, quick sort, direct insertion sort, split half insertion sort, simple selection sort) 1 # include &iostream& 2 3 4 /*/////////////////////////////////////////////// ///
ServletRequest class by getInputStream () method to get a client to the server's data flow, analysis of upload file formats, based on the analysis will turn out more than one file server target file. Format similar to the following: / / File separato
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When you apply ORACLE looks can be very difficult problems, particularly the novice who, today, I simply summarize what the Ta, released to everyone hope right help! And we Yiqi of progress together! ORACLE is not on the master to see. 1. Oracle inst
extjs study notes (e) of editable grid: Big Ben Source: blog garden : 01:46 Read: 2487 times the original link [Collection] Most of the time, we just use the grid for display of information, but sometimes also need to edit the information i
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1 using S 2 using System.C 3 using System.Text.RegularE 4 5 namespace mon.Validate 6 ( 7 /**//// &summary& 8 / / / RegularMatch the summary. 9 / / / &/ summary& 10 public class RegularMatch 11
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1. Package com.suypower.chengyu. 2. 3. Import java.util.ArrayL 4. Import java.util.A 5. Import java.util.HashM 6. Import java.util.HashS 7. Import java.util.I 8. Import java.util.LinkedHashS 9. Import java.util.L
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Thread pool: In short, the thread pool is to create a good number of threads in advance, convenient and fast processing of business received. The arrival of a task than the traditional, real-time to create a thread to handle, saving the thread creati
-- phpMyAdmin SQL Dump -- version 3.2.4 -- http://www.phpmyadmin.net -- -- Host : localhost -- Build date : 2010 In July. 13 Day 09:32 -- Server version : 5.0.91 -- PHP Version : 5.2.6 SET SQL_MODE=&NO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO&; -- -- Database : `www.
1. import java.io.*; 2. import java.text.*; 3. import java.util.*; 4. import javax.mail.*; 5. import javax.mail.internet.*; 6. 7. /** 8. * Have a message object needs to create a ReciveMail 9. */ 10. public class ReciveOneMail { 11. private MimeMessa
Core Tip: android android in the usual dynamic control interface layout is set in the XML in a good that is in the process, can not change the quantity of interface elements, such as the one shown Dynamic use android control Usually android in the in
Core Tip: android android in the usual dynamic control interface layout is set in the XML in a good that is in the process, can not change the quantity of interface elements, such as the one shown Dynamic use android control Usually android in the in
Study: 1 foot grass seeds Email:
Title: Table 1: Australian rabbit eye lens weight and age of correspondence Number Age (days) Weight (mg) Age (days) Weight (mg) Age (days) Weight (mg) Age (days) Weight (mg) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Four useful filter Filter Keywords: servlet java code 1. 1, so that browsers do not cache the page filter 2.import javax.servlet .*; 3.import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletR 4.import java.io.IOE 5. 6. / ** 7 .* Browser does not cache
1.package com.hefeng. 2. 3. 4.import java.text.DateF 5.import java.text.ParseP 6.import java.text.SimpleDateF 7.import java.util.C 8.import java.util.D 9.import java.util.GregorianC 10. 11.public class Tim
Java Socket programming - Multithreaded chat program first, for server programming, as the service side, the main program by following a few steps: / / 1. Creating socket ServerSocket ss = new ServerSocket (PortNumber); Socket s = ss.accept (); / / l
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