
权力的游戏第三季/Game of Thrones百度云网盘/迅雷下载 (更新至:完结 )
本季Game of Thrones 3?第三季(2013)看点:《冰与火之歌:》第3季在摩洛哥的拍摄已经接近尾声,剧组马上就要转战到冰岛进行拍摄。而就在这拍摄的间歇,拥有庞大卡司的HBO史诗奇幻巨制依旧还在有新卡司加盟:英国演员亚历山德拉&道灵(Alexandra Dowling)和蒂姆&普莱斯特(Tim Plester)已经确认将出演第3季,分别饰演Roslin Frey和Black Walder。第三季的故事仍然是改编自乔治&R&R&马丁的原著小说,主要是系列第三部作品《冰雨的风暴》(A Storm of Swords)的内容。不同于前两部&凛冬将至&、&寒风渐起&的简短宣传语,新一季选择了&伟大的战争存在于生死之间,冰与火之间。如果我们败了,那么黑夜将&这样的长句作为点题语句。冰火第3季的这只预告聚焦了许多受欢迎的角色:龙女、小恶魔、珊莎大小姐、乔弗里、&猎狗&桑铎&克里冈、&小狮子&詹姆、瑟曦女王、艾莉亚、罗伯、凯瑟琳&史塔克、雪诺均有登场。伴随着&小指头&大人低哑的独白,十分震撼。《冰与火之歌:权力的游戏》第3季将于3月31日回归。
相关链接: 《》《》
播出:HBO 类 型:战争/剧情/魔幻/古装/史诗
地区:美国 制作公司:HBO
语言:英语 首播: (美国)
英文:Game of Thrones 又名: 冰与火之歌:权力的游戏 第三季 / 王座游戏 第三季
别名:冰与火之歌 / 权力的游戏 / 权利的游戏
导演: 丹尼尔&米纳汉
编剧: 乔治&马丁 / 戴维&贝尼奥夫 / D&B&威斯
主演: 麦茜&威廉姆斯 / 艾米莉亚&克拉克 / 理查德&麦登 / 伊萨克&亨普斯特德-怀特 / 斯蒂芬&迪兰 / 彼特&丁克拉奇 / 尼古拉&科斯特-瓦尔道 / 杰克&格里森 / 基特&哈灵顿 / 苏菲&特纳 / 托马斯&布罗迪-桑斯特 / 约瑟夫&戴浦西 / 娜塔丽&特纳 / 汉娜&穆雷 / 娜塔莉&多默尔
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权力的游戏第三季/Game of Thrones预告片在线观看:
  美国HBO电视台的魔幻史诗大作《权力的游戏》(Game of Thrones)第二季正在如火如荼的播出,本周二电视台方面也正式确认续订该剧的第三季。对于即将到来的第三季,该剧的原创作者乔治&RR&马丁(George R R Martin)也透露了一些细节。
乔治&马丁是《权力的游戏》的原作者,他也从宏观上掌控着剧情的发展。对于即将筹拍的第三季,马丁在自己的官方博客上介绍道:&与前两季一样,第三季的长度也会是10集!原创小说的第三部《冰雨的风暴》(A Storm of Swords)中的剧情,将会大部分或者全部呈现在电视剧的第三季中。&
乔治&马丁创作的小说》《冰与火之歌》读来令人心潮澎湃,而根据这部小说改编的电视剧《权力的游戏》也大获成功,第二季刚开始播出就续订第三季,这让该剧的主创之一米歇尔&罗姆巴多(Michael Lombardo)非常看好电视剧的未来:&我希望这部电视剧能拍摄20年,我保证,除非剧情本身已经到了非结束不可的地步,否则我们是不会停止拍摄的。&
Peter Dinklage ... Tyrion Lannister
Lena Headey ... Cersei Lannister
Emilia Clarke ... Daenerys Targaryen
Kit Harington ... Jon Snow
Richard Madden ... Robb Stark
Iain Glen ... Jorah Mormont
Michelle Fairley ... Catelyn Stark
Aidan Gillen ... Petyr 'Littlefinger' Baelish
Charles Dance ... Tywin Lannister
Liam Cunningham ... Davos Seaworth
Stephen Dillane ... Stannis Baratheon
Carice van Houten ... Melisandre (as Carice Van Houten)
Natalie Dormer ... Margaery Tyrell
John Bradley ... Samwell Tarly
Jack Gleeson ... Joffrey Baratheon
Sophie Turner ... Sansa Stark
Oona Chaplin ... Talisa Stark
Sibel Kekilli ... Shae
Rose Leslie ... Ygritte
James Cosmo ... Jeor Mormont
Jerome Flynn ... Bronn
Ciar&n Hinds ... Mance Rayder
Michael McElhatton ... Roose Bolton
Ian McElhinney ... Barristan Selmy
Finn Jones ... Loras Tyrell
Anton Lesser ... Qyburn
Kristofer Hivju ... Tormund Giantsbane
Esm& Bianco ... Ros
John Stahl ... Rickard Karstark
Lucian Msamati ... Salladhor Saan
Mark Stanley ... Grenn
Ben Crompton ... Eddison Tollett
Daniel Portman ... Podrick Payne
Dan Hildebrand ... Kraznys mo Nakloz
Nathalie Emmanuel ... Missandei
Luke Barnes ... Rast
Edward Dogliani ... Rattleshirt
Ian Beattie ... Meryn Trant
Ian Whyte ... Dongo the Giant
Elisa Lasowski ... Mirelle
Michael Power ... Boat Commander
Aisling Jarrett-Gavin ... Margaery's Handmaiden
Max Barber ... Orphan Kid
Lottie Steer ... Warlock
Rhys Howells ... Unsullied
演员 米歇尔&菲尔利
凯特琳&史塔克(Catelyn Tully Stark)临冬城公爵夫人,艾德公爵之妻。凯特琳作为奔流城(Riverrun)公爵霍斯特&徒利的长女,本是艾德&史塔克的长兄,布兰登的未婚妻,布兰登死后,改婚约嫁给艾德。她是公爵5个合法子女的生母。凯特琳另有一妹,莱莎&徒利&艾林,嫁给了鹰巢城公爵琼恩&艾林;一幼弟艾德慕&徒利爵士,是奔流城的继承人。姐弟三人均有一头枣红色头发和蓝眼睛,是徒利家族的遗传标志。本季中出于放走詹姆的内疚,同意了罗柏的婚事。后随一再强调宾客权利的重要性,无奈佛雷家族践踏了神圣的宾客权利,死于血色婚礼。
演员 理查德&麦登
罗柏&史塔克(Robb Stark)临冬城公爵艾德&史塔克和公爵夫人凯特琳的合法长子,临冬城的继承人。体格高大健壮,有着母亲一样的红发蓝眼。他是个出色的战士,与同父异母的私生子兄弟琼恩&雪诺和父亲的养子席恩&葛雷乔伊同为好友。本季中因接连为维护荣誉而不得不为的事件,得罪了佛雷家族及卡史塔克家族。后为重修与佛雷家族的盟约,前往参加佛雷家族与徒利家族的婚礼,在婚宴上,佛雷家族践踏神圣的宾客权利,谋杀了罗柏及其母亲凯特琳。罗柏的头被砍下缝上了其冰原狼灰风的头。
演员 索菲&特纳
珊莎&史塔克(Sansa Stark)临冬城公爵艾德&史塔克和公爵夫人凯特琳的长女,罗柏&史塔克之长妹。深受母亲和修女教师的影响,相貌甜美,个性温和,是个完美的淑女典范。不过自恃清高的她,看不起自己的私生子哥哥琼恩。和哥哥一样,遗传了母亲的红发蓝眼。本季中,珊莎继续在君临充当人质,一切美好的梦想尽碎。最后甚至嫁给了侏儒提利昂&兰尼斯特
演员 麦茜&威廉姆斯
艾莉亚&史塔克(Arya Stark)临冬城公爵艾德&史塔克和凯特琳夫人的次女,珊莎的妹妹。不像母亲和姐姐那样文静贤淑,艾莉亚是个典型的&假小子&,活泼好动,喜欢舞刀弄剑,被父亲艾德公爵评价为具有&奔狼的血液&。丝毫没有贵族小姐架子的她跟私生子哥哥琼恩很亲近,因为性格迥异,同时与淑女姐姐珊莎常有矛盾。相比于其他几个兄弟姐妹,她的长相比较接近父亲,是褐发灰眼。本季中逃离了赫伦堡的艾莉亚与詹德利,热派在无旗兄弟会的地盘邂逅了猎狗。后因厌倦了无旗兄弟会,在逃跑中被猎狗俘获。一路跟随猎狗前往孪河城,并亲眼目睹血色婚礼上罗柏的身体被缝上冰原狼灰风的头。
演员 艾萨克&赫普斯戴德-怀特
布兰&史塔克(Bran Stark)临冬城公爵艾德&史塔克和凯特琳夫人的第三子,艾莉亚之弟。个性温和善良,爱听故事,被被临冬城老奶妈唤作&夏天的孩子&,表示其未经历寒冬的考验,依然天真浪漫。布兰有着出色的攀爬天赋,喜欢在城堡外四处爬上爬下,令母亲凯特琳夫人非常担心他的安全。他和其他几个兄弟姐妹一样,长得像母亲家的人。本季中遇到黎德姐弟,出发前往长城之外。
演员 尼可拉&科斯特-瓦尔道
詹姆&兰尼斯特(Jaime Lannister)泰温公爵长子,御林铁卫队长,弑君者。于第一季中呓语森林之战被俘。本季中在与凯特琳&徒利达成协议后,由布蕾妮&塔斯护送回君临。途中被血戏班捉住,血戏班主为求自保砍断詹姆的右手,并将二人带回赫伦堡。本季结尾时回到君临。
演员 艾米拉&克拉克
丹妮莉丝&坦格利安(Daenerys Targaryen)被劳勃&拜拉席恩势力所推翻的坦格利安旧王族遗脉,&疯王&伊里斯&坦格利安二世之遗腹女。劳勃起兵时,父亲及长兄雷加&坦格利安均亡故,仅母亲雷拉王后与二哥韦赛里斯王子幸存,逃往家族固守地龙石岛。雷拉王后在生产下丹妮莉丝时遭遇难产而死。因其降生之日,龙石岛遭遇前所未有之暴风雨,小公主亦被唤作&风暴降生&(Stormborn)。丹妮有着坦格利安家族标志性的银发紫眼,美貌非凡。自从失去王族地位后,她与哥哥韦赛里斯流落天涯,躲避叛军的一系列追杀,后暂时被潘托斯总督伊利里欧收留。为了重新夺回家族对七大王国及&铁王座的所有权,韦赛里斯将妹妹当做筹码,卖给草原民族多斯拉克人部落首领卓戈卡奥为妻。本季丹尼莉丝接连攻破了奴隶湾的阿斯塔波,渊凯和弥林三座城市,并决定在弥林学习统治之道,为将来返回维斯特洛做准备。
Game of Thrones Season 3 获奖情况
第65届黄金时段艾美奖 (2013)
剧情类 最佳剧集(提名)
剧情类 最佳男配角(提名) 彼特&丁克拉奇
剧情类 最佳女配角(提名) 艾米莉亚&克拉克
剧情类 最佳客串女演员(提名) 黛安娜&里格
剧情类 最佳编剧(提名) 戴维&贝尼奥夫 / D&B&威斯
第66届美国导演工会奖 (2014)
最佳剧情类剧集导演(提名) 大卫&努特尔
第20届美国演员工会奖 (2014)
电视奖 剧情类剧集最佳男演员(提名) 彼特&丁克拉奇
电视奖 剧情类剧集最佳群像(提名)
第25届美国制片人工会奖 (2014)
最佳剧情类剧集制片人奖(提名) Frank Doelger / Christopher Newman / Carolyn Strauss / D&B&威斯 / 戴维&贝尼奥夫 / Bernadette Caulfield / Greg Spence
第28届美国摄影协会奖 (2014)
1小时剧集最佳摄影 Jonathan Freeman
1小时剧集最佳摄影(提名) Anette Haellmigk
第64届美国剪辑工会奖 (2014)
Best Edited One-Hour Series for Non-Commercial Television(提名) Oral Norrie Ottey
第16届美国服装设计工会奖 (2014)
年代/奇幻题材剧集最佳服装设计(提名) Michele Clapton
第12届美国视觉效果协会奖 (2014)
最佳广播节目视觉效果 Sven Martin / 乔&鲍尔
最佳广播节目视觉效果合成(提名) Sean Andrew Faden
第50届美国电影音响协会奖 (2014)
1小时剧集最佳音效 Mathew Waters / Ronan Hill
第18届金卫星奖 (2014)
电视部门 最佳女配角(提名) 艾米莉亚&克拉克
电视部门 最佳男配角(提名) 尼古拉&科斯特-瓦尔道
电视部门 Television Series or Miniseries, Genre
作者: guxiaokang
Having him here watching over her made her feel safe and protected and soon she felt her eyelids start to droop. "Sorry, I shouldn't be keeping you awake," Vincent apologized. "No, don't leave," she begged, and before she realized what she was doing, she'd reached out and gripped his arm. "Are you sure?" "Yes. I… I don't want you to go." "Alright." He reached up and pushed her hair out of her face, studying her eyes. She hoped he didn't find the emotions she was trying very hard to hide. "You should still sleep." His fingers were still running through her hair. "Hmm, keep doing that and I'll be out in no time." The blush was back on his cheeks and per her request, he continued weaving through her hair, causing her breathing to deepen. She knew she'd been worried about something before he'd shown up… something to do with her father, but right now she had no idea what it was. "Why would you die for me," he asked, so quietly she wasn't sure he'd spoken at all. "What kind of question is that?" "I just… the things I've done… I don't deserve to have someone give their life up for me." She forced her eyes fully open now, searching his face. "You don't see yourself very clearly. You're a good person… more than that, you're a great man. What you've done… you didn't have control over that. The fact that you want to do what's right, that you hate yourself for the wrong, that proves you're not a monster, no matter what you look like when you get angry." "So, you saved me because I'm a good man?" There was more to that question, but she wasn't sure she was ready to delve into that area of their relationship yet, mostly because she didn't fully understand it herself. "I was willing to die to protect you because… I care about you. I care about you too much to let anything happen to you." He wasn't fully pacified, but the smile was back in his eyes. "While we're on the subject, why are you always so intent on protecting me," she pushed, interested in seeing the way his breathing hitched. "Because… I care about you too. I couldn't live with myself if anything ever happened to you." His eyes burned into hers, scorching her from the inside out and as tiny specks of light flitted across her vision, she realized she'd forgotten to breath. She inhaled, breaking the highly tense moment, but also pulling on her stitches. "The couch probably isn't the best place to sleep when you're recovering from a knife wound," Vincent suggested. "But the bed's so far away." Vincent stood and without warning, slid his arms up under her body, gently lifting her off the couch. She didn' being in his arms felt unbelievably good. She laid her head over on his shoulder, breathing in the scent that was purely him. When he laid her down on her bed, careful not to jostle her, she regretted the loss of the warmth of his body. Closing her eyes, she felt hi***id the covers up over her and then the shift of the bed as he settled in next to her. She knew she should protest to this, but he just made her feel so safe. His hand when back to work in her hair and she drifted off to the most peaceful sleep she'd had in months.看不懂的google翻译吧,话说这妹子文写的太好了,剧情也好TAT顺便坐等歪歪更新。。。瞬间觉得fanfiction比编剧大妈们强悍太多了啊~~~
—————————文森特.凯勒的夜间偷窥日记VII—————————JT回到家中时,发现自己养了几年的半兽人文森特正窝在沙发里看电影。“希区柯克的老电影?”他扫了一眼屏幕,“这不是你的品味啊兄弟。”“你说,蒂比.海德莉漂亮吗?”他没头没尾的问。“当然。”JT奇怪的瞥了他一眼,也坐到沙发上。“那你会想睡她吗?”“你是说五十年前的她?当然。她几乎是大部分男人的梦想。”JT耸耸肩说道,“话说伙计,你今晚是怎么了?怪怪的。”“没什么,大概是过够了这监狱一样躲躲藏藏的生活。”文森特站起身来,屏幕上正演绎着男女主角冰释前嫌的拥吻画面,他定定的看了一眼女主角,转身朝楼上走去。“冰箱里给你留了披萨,JT。”他说。他把自己重重的摔到床上,抱着枕头将脑袋埋了进去。今晚他很不痛快,很不痛快。他跟踪cat和那个叫埃文的男人到酒吧,一路上他们有说有笑,举止亲昵。酒吧是闻名遐迩的建在禁酒年代的地下酒吧,会员制,他没法进去,也没法从外面看到里面的情况。他应该是离开的,他对自己说。但是他却做不到。理智和情感互相纠结的最后的结果是:他像条流浪狗一样,在酒吧那条暗巷子边徘徊了两个小时。“嗨,帅哥,要不要和我一起快乐下?”一个站街女郎注意到了他,以为他是有贼心没贼胆的嫖客,于是走过来搭讪。许久没接触过人的文森特,在女郎粘过来的时候下意识的拉了拉帽檐,偏过头去。“不,不需要。”他生硬的说道。“不要不好意思嘛,帅哥,我会让你很舒服的~”女郎妖娆向他的身上靠了过去。“不……”他正要闪开,突然叮铃一声,酒吧的门开了,同时酒吧里的各种酒味、体味混着她的馨香一起从门里飘出。她出来了。他向后靠在墙上,躲进了阴影里。女郎却误以为他是在邀请她,于是整个人靠上去挂上了他的身上。文森特无暇理会她,也不敢推开她,因为cat他们正朝他这边走来,他不想做任何无谓的动作引起任何的注意。透过女郎喷了过多发胶的发鬓,他看到喝的微醺的cat挽着那家伙的手臂,仰头和他说着关于中国的有趣民俗;而那个叫埃文的家伙一手亲密的揽着她的肩膀,低头笑眯眯的听着。他一瞬不瞬的盯着他们,以至于没防备怀里的女郎突然热情的亲吻起他的下巴,他身子一僵的向后仰了仰头避开,于是那个女郎放肆的大笑起来:“come on boy,我又不会吃了你。”女郎的大笑引起了正好路过的cat注目。她眼神里带着明显的厌恶瞥向他这边,在接触到暗夜中他半露的双眼后,她眉头轻皱一下,又瞬间移开视线。她挽着埃文脚步不停的直直走远,他听见埃文玩笑的和她说:“那是妓(防)女吧,你不需要去管一下吗?警探小姐。”“嘿,现在是下班时间好嘛,亲爱的法医。而且这事也不归我管,或许他们只是一对儿偷情的野鸳鸯而已……”她讽刺的声音渐行渐远,直至听不到。他没由来的心脏一阵紧缩,从没有像此刻这样自我厌弃过。图片来自:
诶,这个不会删吧,懂得自己看吧Vincent reached up, softly stroking her cheek while he thought through his answer. "Honestly, I don't know anymore," he explained. She waited for more, but instead he simply leaned in and kissed her. His lips were urgent, needy. The feel that all this could be falling apart, that Muirfield could swoop in and take him away from her at any second increased her already vital need for him and she rose up on her knees on the couch, wrapping her arms around his neck. She was so consumed in his lips that she barely registered how she was suddenly in his lap, but he held her close, melding their bodies together. All the craziness of the last few days was slipping into the background until there was only him. His lips left hers and hungrily made their way down her throat, his hands slipping up under her dress and lifting it over her head. His lips made their way from her throat to her swell of her breasts and she felt herself growing warm, burning for him. Her own hands made quick work of his shirt and the feel of his skin on hers was nearly overwhelming. "Vincent," she breathed as he unclasped her bra. His lips found their way back to hers and he carried them to the bedroom, laying her beneath him. As his hands roamed her body, she realized he wasn't being his usual gentle self. He was frantic and intense, but it only fueled her passion more. There was a ripping sound as his hands found her panties and the realization that he'd torn them off her body seemed to bring him back down to earth. "Catherine… we need to stop," he whispered huskily, backing off her and standing up beside the bed. She could tell his eyes were fighting not to take in her naked body. "What do you mean? What's wrong?" He turned his back on her and began pacing, closing his eyes and gripping his head. "I haven't done this in over ten years." "It's been a while for me too." "That's not what I'm worried about," he explained, finally stopping in the middle of her room and glancing down at her. "What if I lose control? You heard Alec, pleasure can fuel the beast too. I could hurt you and–" Catherine jumped up and pressed her lips to his, effectively cutting off his protest. "I shouldn't be here anyway," he tried again, though from his tone he knew it was a losing battle. "I still haven't been able to control the black outs and hallucinations. No one's here to help you if I lose it and–" "I have a feeling I can keep you here with me – in your right mind." She gave him her most seductive smile, which was pretty pathetic considering she wasn't normally the seducing type, but it seemed to be working. Her hands found his belt buckle and began loosening it while her lips worked at his neck, kissing a trail down his chest. A guttural growl left his throat and she wished she could rip his pants off too, just to get to him faster. He helped her with the zipper and soon he stood as naked as she did. Catherine couldn't help but gawk at his body, letting her hands explore. Gently this time, he lowered her back on the bed and climbed on top of her, taking care to pleasure every inch of her. It was a slow burning fire that was always on the verge of exploding, but it was a pace they were both comfortable with. Neither wanted it to end! When he was finally inside her, she felt the last piece of her world come together. It didn't matter what obstacles there were to overcome. He was worth all that and more. She couldn't bear she would die. When they finally tumbled over that blissful edge together, she felt more amazing than ever in her entire life. "So much for taking it easy," she quipped, smiling over at him from where he laid beside her. "You're sure I didn't hurt you?" "You were perfect. Amazing!" The smile on his face now was cocky – which was a look she didn't know he possessed. He was always so selfless and caring. If possible, it turned her on all over again, but he'd literally worn her body out. All she was capable of was falling asleep in his arms. "Will you stay," she asked, snuggling closer to him. "I wish. I promised JT I'd be back. He doesn't think it's safe for me to be alone with you for long. I don't either. But I don't like leaving you here alone. You… you could come back to the warehouse with me." "Vincent, I'll be fine. Besides, Heather will be home soon and it will look weird if I'm not here after telling my dad I didn't feel well." Vincent pulled her closer to him, resting his face in her hair. "I can stay until you fall asleep," he offered. "I'd love that." He dropped one last kiss to her forehead, muttering, "I love you," as she drifted off to sleep.
这段香艳程度血脉喷张gwkkagsbkq~无视度娘I'm in her bedroom, on her bed, and Catherine's hands and lips seem to be everywhere. She is touching every inch of me, setting me on fire and accelerating my pulse. I am equal excitement and terror. What if the Beast comes out, claws razor sharp and fangs deadly? What if I hurt her, while as Beast on accident? I turn into a Beast and not a raging lunatic so I don't think I would, but think isn't good enough. Not when it comes to Catherine. Satisfying my sexual desire is not worth risking her safety… her life.Her fingers come up under my shirt and pull at it, wanting my skin bare. She aims to have me naked. And once I am her clothes will fall next, one garment at a time, exposing her perfect skin and making it available to me. She will let me do whatever I want with her. Her body is mine to touch, kiss, and claim. The two of us together, entwined and linked, sweaty and moaning, thrusting and grinding…I swallow hard, feeling my membrane grow, and my need for her reaching an uncontrollable level. Soon, there will be no turning back, no ability to protest, no strength left, and no sense of reasoning.'Do I really want to stop her, leave this bed, and walk away?'My shirt comes off and her fingers dive down for my zipper. She is on her knees in front of me. I can see down the cleavage of her night top. I can see her breasts, her nipples, and I want nothing more than to touch them. This is what I have been fantasizing about, longing for. I have dreamt of her wanting me, of her fingers pulling at my clothes, and of her mouth running amok across my skin. If I was to walk away now, I would regret it for the rest of my life. I would curse myself and my stupidity. Still…My pulse beats, faster and harder, making my heart thump against my chest cavity and I fear what might be coming. &Catherine, slow down, please. I need time to…&&Time?& Catherine repeats and looks up astonished. Her fingers leave my zipper and the loss of her touch is felt instantly. &Slow down? Vincent, I've been moving so slow that sometimes I've been going in reverse.&She stands up, towering over me, and I can't nearly breathe. Anxiously, I glance up at her under my lashes. There is such determination in her posture, dominance and authority. I know what she is saying with her stance and her expression… I'm hers… she's in charge… I have no saying in anything.Her lips curve into a sly smile that could come off as evil if I did not know her heart. She is as far from evil as she is ugly. Yet, she does scare me for I do not know to what heights she intend to take me and how it will affect my physical self. If I had met her before the experiment, or if the experiment had never taken place, there would have been no fear or hesitation. The old Vincent Keller knew how to be with a woman, give her pleasure, and have her begging for more. Before Afghanistan, I would have undressed her, settled her back onto her pillows, and made love to her slowly for hours. But that was then…
She gives me a push with her right hand and I fall back onto her bed. I could have fought it easily, held against using my core muscles, but my body listens more to her commands than my own. It wants to please her, no matter the demand, no matter the risks. My head is what is protesting, not my flesh. My mind is what is telling my body to stop, to be cautious, and to think of the danger… but my body doesn't wants to listen… it just wants… her.&My bedroom… my bed… my rules,& she clearly articulates, leaving no doubt regarding my inferior position.A tremble moves through me as she lets her gaze run over me. She is debating on where to start, what to do first. Not that it matters. Where ever and whatever… I am already on fire and just the simplest of touch threatens to set me off. She bends down, her hair tickling at my abs, and undoes my belt buckle. Her eyes never leave mine and I feel spell bind. At this moment, no matter the request, I would fulfill it. Every part of me belongs to her… every part of me is screaming for her.As if aware of my torture, my agony, she removes my jeans while letting her finger nails rasp at my legs. She is teasing me, tormenting me. Perhaps it's because I have kept her waiting and stopped her several times. This is now my punishment. She intends to drag it out. I did ask for time and for her to slow down… how was I to know how painful that request would prove if granted?She leans over me, her hair tickling as it falls, her slender yet strong arms supporting on either side of me. I can feel her breath against my abs and they tighten into perfect packs. It's not just to impress her. Having her so close, her mouth so close to my organ, is sweet suffering. Wanting to get free, wanting her, and wanting to get inside of her, my erection pushes up against the fabric of my boxers.She descends her lips and places a feather brush kiss just above the lining of my black cotton boxers. &What does it feel like?& She asks and looks up, her head still lowered and achingly near. I close my eyes, unable to answer and comply. &Tell me. I want to know. What does it feel like, when I touch you?&Her lips come down once again but this time they hover just above my skin. They hang there, prolonging the sensation, building the tension, and causing my abs to scream with fatigue. Hot breath heat up my already enflamed skin before those teasing lips make contact. Not able to control my body, it is no longer listening to me, I give a moan and arch my hips towards her. Kisses trail up and she comes up on the bed, joining me, spreading her legs to enclose me.Her center touches my erection, on purpose or by accident (not that it matters) and I verbalize my desire. &Oh my God&.I can feel her smile as she kisses my chest. &Tell me,& she asks again, whispering, barely audible.All senses concentrated on her and on her seduction, I flinch as a wet tongue encircles my right nipple. She giggles and I bite my inner lip, holding it together, using every ounce of will power. I can't come, not yet. I can't change into Beast, not here and now. If we are to make love, I want to do it as man… as Vincent Keller… what's left of him.
&I…& I struggle, as she continues to entice with her lips, tongue, and hands. Her center is right above my erection, making it even harder to concentrate on forming sentences, words, and even a thought. &I... I can't… not now… not while you are… ask me later… after.&&After,& she murmurs and one of her hand moves, gripping my entire hard length, and the sensation is so excruciating that death would be a blessing.'How long will she make me suffer? Why did I ask her to slow down? What the hell was I thinking?'&So, you are ready? You have decided?& I nod while my heart is pounding to the beat of my desire. &Do you want me?& I nod again, eagerly, wanting her so badly that it hurts. Liking my answer, she sits up with her center against my hardness, and then she pulls off her top. &Then show me.&Not sure what to do, how to start and how to be with her, I hesitate. It's been a while and last time I didn't have a raging Beast inside of me threatening to come out and cause havoc. I want to show her. I want there to be no doubt. I want…Catherine, no patience and no willingness to wait, grabs my hands and positions them on her breasts. A small gasp escapes as my fingers form around them and each thumb makes contact with her nipples. I watch fascinated as they pucker at my touch and at how C how she arches, how her head falls back, how her lips separate, and how her eyes darken with desire.'Show me!'Her words echo as a challenge, a command, a permissive go-ahead… She wants me to show her that I want her… that I desire her… that I crave her…So I do.'Show me!'Catherine lays down next to me with one knee up and arms stretched up above her head. It's to entice and bring forth a reaction. And, it works… Oh God, does it work.I turn to my side, my wanting pressing into her thigh, and I lift my right hand up above her. Not sure where to start, how to start, I halt it there and hold.Catherine's lips move and I know what is coming. &Touch me!& She whispers as she presses her breasts upward, showing me where she wants my hands first.She understands my hesitation and she is guiding me, trying to make it easier. I love how she accepts and assists, in every way, even when it comes to intimacy. Back in the day, before, I would not have needed her to aid me. There would have been no hesitation and no doubt of what to do. But, it's different now.Carefully, inching towards her, I lower my hand and it trembles as it makes contact. Her skin is so soft, perfect, like the rest of her. She is too beautiful for me. I shouldn't be here with her, in her bed, and with my hand caressing her breast. She deserves better than me… better than a failed experiment… better than a Beast.Her chest presses up again, pressing at my palm, as I touch her and my thoughts evaporate. No matter what I think and believe, she does not agree. I can tell by her breathing, her pulse, her moans, and by the way her body writhe under my touch. She wants me… so what am I waiting for?
'Show her… leave no doubt...'My hand grows more greedy as my touch turns braver. It wants to explore it all, every bit of her. Fascinated, I watch how her nipples respond and stiff. I've thought my hands too big, too rough, and too Beast-like to ever be able to arouse a woman again. Yet… here she is… a Beauty… squirming and thrashing because of my attention. Growing even bolder, the need and desire for her pushing me along, I let my hand wander down her stomach as my mouth sink down. Her breasts taste as good as they look and feel. I lick, suck, and play with them as if they are mine…'Hell, they are mine! Mine alone! No one else better…'I halt my thoughts as I feel anger build. Desire apparently doesn't seem to bring forth the Beast, but rage and jealousy definitely would. I have to stay clear of all such notions and simply concentrate on…She moans and my anger stills. Just like that, my complete focus returns to pleasing her. Looking up, I see that her eyes are closed. She is biting her bottom lip and her hands are gripping the bed railing feverously. I've nearly started and I am already making her toes curl. Wanting to give her more, give her everything, I separate my mouth from her breasts and she gives a sigh of disappointment. A tiny smile brushes across my lips at the sound. There is no need for her to worry. I am just getting started. In fact, and perhaps I should have warned her before we got started, the experiment has increased more than just my strength. My stamina is unparallel, unmatched. I basically can't get tired or exhausted.'I could go all night… I sure hope Catherine is ready… She asked for it…'I laugh and her eyes open to look at me. &What's so funny?&&Nothing,& I answer, shaking my head, since neither of us want to talk.Catherine was right. I didn't come to her apartment in the middle of the night to talk. Talk we can do in the morning. I came because I've wanted her desperately since the first time I saw her. I climbed through her window into her bedroom because yesterday she kissed me and started something that I thought would never be. I sat down on her bed because I read her letter and I want the same. I want to take us to another level which doesn't involve clothes... none at all.While my mouth was busy, one hand was resting on her flat stomach. It has been still and inactive. That's about to change. I let that hand wander south, downward. She gives a small gasp as my fingers slide over her silky shorts and touch her where she is the most sensitive. Responding, her eyes close again and her head tips backward, making her chin rise towards the ceiling. Wanting to see her, all of her, and take us to that next level, I descend my mouth again to her skin. Like she did on me, I trail kisses along her body except I move down. With her lust increasing, I know for I can hear her breathing and heart rate picking up, her hands move into my hair and she grips.As my kisses reach her abdomen, her other leg bends and I reposition myself between her lifted knees. She gives a low and deep moan, from deep down inside of her, sounding more like a Beast than a Beauty. Desire is bringing out the darker side of her, the side that is ruled by wanting and needing. I think I am really going to like this side and I hope to see a lot more of it.
&Vincent,& she aches, urging me to place my hands on either side of her boxers and pull.Little by little, her sleep bottoms are removed and her feminine beauty is revealed to me. She is everything… more… than I could ever have fantasized.&Touch me,& she pleads and there is no need to ask where.As she teased me, drove me to the brink of sexual madness, I do the same. My lips come down at her hipbones, the insides of her thighs, and her abs. Purposely, I avoid that very spot where she craves my lips the most. She groans and growls, the darkness building in her until she is more she-demon than I am Beast. It is not until I have her exactly where I want her, begging and pleading, that my mouth descends and I taste her.During my seduction of her, I have held it together and kept my desire under control for I want to please her. Yes, I am part Beast and the Beast in me wants to take her hard, fast, and rough. But I am also part man and the man wants to make love to her, not just have raw sex.'Sex,' the Beast roars, making my equipment grow harder.I have held off the Beast well, kept it at bay, kept it under the surface, and prevented it from coming out… until now. The closeness t the scent, the taste, the sound of her receptiveness, the eagerness and willingness in her thrusting hips … it is too much. She is too tempting. Her fingers are in my hair, pushing me against her center and urging me to go deeper. She is giving me permission to explore, take as much I want,and to take her. She wants it. I certainly want it. There is no need to hesitate, to wait, and to torture the both of us.Using my speed, I remove my boxers and move on top of her. O hips against hips, abs against abs, chest against chest, and lips against lips. I let her taste herself, taste her own salty wetness and her readiness. Leaving my head, her hands run down my back and trace the curves. Fingernails dig into me, grabbing at my ass, and that's when I finally become a part of her.Every neuron fires up and turns to full alert but it's not of the surroundings. The sounds from the street, the apartment next door, and the electrical buzzes disappear. All my senses are locked in on her. Only she exists and what she doing to me… what I am doing to her. I move inside of her and she moves with me. Each little thrust, grind, and impact causes a rush of emotions throughout me. I am swimming, drowning, dying, living, floating, flying… it is all… it is everything… and I never want it to end. Her fingers dig in deeper and the pain increases the pleasure, driving me closer to the edge. I want to tell her to slow down, to not rush it, yet I can't speak. My mind refuses to waste vigor on formulating sentences. It only wants to feel, experience, and go further, deeper, and higher.Her moaning has changed to a raspy struggle and similar sounds are heard from me. I want to call out her name, scream her name with heated passion, but I can't even do that. All the strength, stamina, and power of a Beast, and I can't even articulate a name. All the trainings of a Physician and the DNA manipulation, and I can't even think a thought. All I can do is move, move inside of her, and escalate higher… higher… higher…We let go and my neurons explode, ever 100 billions of nerve cells. Not able to hold myself up, so much for super strength, I lower myself to her chest and lay there. I pant to the beat of her heart. My sensitive ears are deaf to all sounds except her beating heart and breathing. I can feel her lips against the top of my head and her hands wrapping around me.'Perfect,' my heart sings and my mind agrees.How it all became possibly, I do not know. After asking myse Who could ever love a Beast? To have a Beauty do just this… it had seemed a dream, a unrealistic fantasy, not possible… and yet…I raise my head and kiss her, thanking her, loving her, and promising her that I will give her all and more she could ever want… forever.
同作者空血槽续作这段是vincat ML后,cat做梦不老实==于是狮子各种被致命诱惑...读前请自备血袋,po主已阵亡文章的节操程度请参考下句==&Baby, slow down. You are going to make me come.& 3. To the Brink of Madness – Vincent POVIt is still dark when I wake up. I don't need much sleep. It's a result of the experiment, of the DNA cocktail they injected me with. I used to hate it. I would lie alone in my empty bed and be forced to listen to JT's snoring. Before everything changed, before I went from cursed to blessed, I envied JT. He could get up and go to work, socialize with people throughout the day, walk into a restaurant or a shop to buy something with funds he had earned, and… he could sleep thru the night.So that I wouldn't lose it completely, I began to venture out during the night hours. The darkness also concealed me and at times I would pretend that I was normal. It was usually on this type of night that I would go see her. I would quietly climb her fire escape all the way up and sit down on her ledge. Hours could pass by as I watched her sleep. Beasts are drawn to Beauty because it stills them and brings them peace. This is what she did for me. I would carefully study every feature and position. I loved how her petite figure would be comfortably covered by a thick blanket and curled up on the side with her hands placed under her cheek. And, in her sleep, her red perfectly shaped lips would whisper secrets only I could hear.&Vincent.&Those very lips move, wording intimately my name though in heavy slumber, and I am brought back to the here and now. Yet this is the present, not the past, where I am no longer restricted to simply staring at her through a window. I am no longer cursed but blessed and she is in my arms and in my bed. Her soft lips tickle at my bare chest as they say my name and the sensation is awaking parts of me that are constantly longing for her. If I was a selfish man, I would awaken her, entice her, and make love to her. But I am neither man nor selfish. I place her needs before mine. It is what you do when you love someone.She mumbles again and readjusts her hand laying across my contracted abs, placing it further down and closer to my bulge. I swallow hard and close my eyes as her innocent action causes me to twitch. My body is already fully alert and ready, and every little movement by her is like pure delicious torture. The things she does to me and without even trying…Appreciatively, I let my gaze slowly caress her naked body which is almost completely exposed. Only a thin flat sheet covers part of her lower back and rounded backside. There is no need for any more covering for I run hot. It's another result of the military experiment they put me through. I used to hate this about myself as well because it set me apart, made me feel like a freak. But now, just like requiring little sleep, it sure has its advantages.Perhaps because of my heat, she repositions again, this time lifting her leg slightly. Her movement creates a rubbing sensation against my upper quad and hip as if she is horny and as if she wants me even in her sleep. Her heated center, still moist from when we made love, touches my skin and my breath stalls as a charge travels through me. Every inch of me is aware of her and it wants… it wants so badly… yet I will not awaken her. Catherine has a normal life and she needs her sleep.
&Vincent,& she mumbles again and my loin and heart both back-flip with excitement.She is dreaming of me. It is the ultimate prize and proof of the place that I hold in her heart. Her coming to me last night is also proof of how much she desires me. Last night, I decided not to go to her apartment. She has to be at court this morning for a case and I didn't want to be a distraction. It shouldn't please me that my absence ended up being more distracting than my presence ever could have proven, but it does… immensely. The knowledge that she desires me to the point of insomnia is exhilarating. I thank God that she does because I desire her to the brink of madness.In her dream state, her fingertips resting on my abs begins to move in a circular caressing movement and I nearly lose it. It takes all my will power to lay still and let her tips play with my bare skin. If I wasn't part advanced super creature, I would have swore she was awake and torturing me on purpose. But, no, I can tell that she is fast asleep. Her teasing and provoking are done by her subconscious. Even in slumber, her body automatically reaches for me and aims to satisfy her lust. Fascinated, I watch as her lips separate and her breathing grows deeper. Her chest begins to press into me with each inhale, making me even more aware of her breasts and nipples.Unable to stop myself, I remove my right hand which is resting right above her left gluteus and sensually grasp her one breast. She moans in her sleep and begins to grind purposely against my leg. Encouraged, I carefully reposition myself so that her upper body separates slightly from my own. Her leg is still placed across my thigh, her hand is still toying with my heating skin, but both her breasts are now available and mine to play with. With my left hand cradling her neck for support, my right hand does what it has been itching to do. Another low moan escapes from between her lips as my hand encircles her round breast. I shouldn't, it might wake her, but the aching has begun to grow too wildly and I can't help myself. Full of desire, my mouth comes down to her neck and places a long kiss right at the arch. Desire enflames and spreads from my lips to the rest of me and I want more. I must have more!Wanting the same, even in her sleep, her hips begin to thrust as if we are already making love. Her hand ventures upwards until her fingers are in my hair, gripping with passion.&Vincent,& she moans, on the verge of awakening, as my lips places kisses all the way down her neck and breasts.At the nipples, I stop and let my tongue tease, entice, and electrify. She responds by feverishly twitching and twisting underneath me. My free hands slide down her back and over her backside slope. My Catherine is all woman and I admire and enjoy every curve. I turn to my side and my hardness finds her moistness. Yet, I do not enter her. I would never do that. That step is for her to take, always.My lips place one last kiss on her rosy tip before I raise my head so that I can look at her. Her eyelids flicker and open. Without a word or delay, her hand leaves my scalp for my organ. Eager fingers grip around me and guide me inside of her. I had not expected nor been prepared for her to go from sleeping to fucking in a matter of seconds and I let out a growl similar to that of the Beast. Catherine, much like a Beast herself, straddles me as she urges me up to sitting so that we are face to face. She sinks low and deep, making me nearly come but I bite it together. I refuse to come before I have given her the pleasure she needs and deserves. Her lips enclose mine as she begins to move up and down, and all begins to darken around me. Desperately, I try to hold on but her heat, wetness, and pace is creating stars before my eyes and I feel myself slipping.
&Baby, slow down. You are going to make me come,& I plead with her, panting, barely able to articulate.Her mouth travels to my ear and she whispers. &Then come.&Given permission, I climax so hard that for an instance the Beast is brought forth. My entire body convulses, explodes, and then collapses onto the pillow below. Guilt hits me instantly. I didn't wait for her.She lowers herself on top of me and my arms manage somehow to find the strength to enfold her to my chest. My muscles feel more exhausted than after the most rigorous of exercises. Stars and spots still swim before my eyes as I try to collect myself. And then, there is the guilt. How can I make it up to her?It's not until my heart and lungs have found their baring that I can tell that she is also panting heavily from release.'She came too. Thank God!' I rejoice.Still with blurry disoriented vision, I lift her head so that I can see her. The smile on her face, the sweat on her upper lip, and the wildness in her eyes ensures me even further.&Good morning,& she murmurs and stretches so that she can kiss me.I hold on to her lips as long as she lets me, then answer. &It's not quite morning yet… sorry. I couldn't help myself. Are you angry with me? &&Furious,& she toys. Feather light kisses and the soft enticement of her tongue is soon felt over my bare skin and I shiver with new lust. &Can't you tell?& She mumbles provocatively.Despite just coming and despite utter muscle exhaustion, my body begins to react to her seduction and I close my eyes to enjoy her even further. &Yes, you are merciless when angry.&Her kisses reach my scar and she rests her cheek against it. &I wish I didn't have to go in to work today. I wish I could stay right here with you all day, just like this.&Her confession ignites a gnawing sensation that I have had for a few days now. &I do too and not just because of this. I have a bad feeling about today, like something is going to happen. I wish that I at least could go with you.&I frown as the alarm rings loudly in my head, foretelling me of trouble. With Catherine, I don't take chances. Something is off and I should trust my…&Bad feeling, huh?& Catherine says, her mouth hovering over mine. One kiss is placed on my lips before she lowers herself and soon those same lips are on my neck, my chest, my abs… &How about now? Still a bad feeling?& I hear her ask as her fingers and mouth tantalizes my skin closest to my manhood.My back arches and my buttocks tighten as her fingers enfold around my whole length and I gasp. &No!& I answer, nearly screaming.&How about now… bad or good feeling?& She challenges and I get ready to answer when the sensation of her warm wet mouth takes away all ability to talk.
好吧,既然明天就回归了,今天就先彻底清空各位血槽~下面这段,众望已久的beast sex!还是同作者~尼玛po主再次阵亡完整剧情戳之前放的链接5. For You, I'll Risk Everything! – Vincent's POVPart 2&Stop pulling away. When will you accept that you are beautiful to me, no matter the shape?&She has spoken these words before. Yet, each time they are as strange to me as the first. And even though I believe her, I don't want her to give this form her affection. It feels wasted on the Beast, her kisses and touches feel soiled. The Beast pollutes her Beauty. It is how I see it and how I feel about it… she would disagree, of course.Outside, the sound of sirens have grown louder. Knowing that help is right outside, I rise and flee before her advances has me surrender. She calls for me to stop, wanting me to stay and be with her, be with her as a man even though I am Beast. I can't. It wouldn't be right. And Valenti is still out there, still a threat to her, and he must…&Vincent, I think it's broken.&All stops, including me, and loses importance. Catherine wounded take precedence over everything else. She hadn't seemed hurt, I have scanned her and seen no injuries, but I must have missed something. I return to her in Beast form and kneel down at her side. My claws are still out so I trace them across her skin carefully, checking for fractures, creating a low moan. Confused, not sure how to read her mixed messages, I look into her ey she has tricked me. Before I can flee once more, she reaches up and her arms go around my neck. I cannot struggle or resist for I cannot trust my strength. In Beast form, I have to be extra careful.Next her lips seize mine… or that is, the Beast's. My mind continues to yell that it is wrong, that she should not, that I should run, but it is no use. She has me locked in and I cannot risk it. There is
surrender to her and hope that the anger will settle.A small growl escapes when the tickle of her tongue entices me to separate my lips and let her in. Encouraged she creeps closer, getting into my lap and the Beast wraps his arms around her. I want her always, as man and as Beast, so there is no fighting it. And, it seems as if the anger is lingering. Perhaps it's because my pulse has never been allowed to decrease. She h accelerating my pulse and breathing, tightening my muscles and loins, and causing me to squirm with desire.The Beast growls again and rips at her top, causing her to laugh with victory. She removes it, feeling confident enough to take her hands off of me. It's because she knows that my desire has exceeded past my ability to leave. All the Beast's senses are fired up by her scent, the sound of her moaning, the touch of her skin, the taste of her lips, and the sight of her naked undressed body. It wants her as badly as it wants Valenti… more. As a Beast, everything is heightened, and I am nearly erupting with need.&Vincent,& she sighs, moans, trembles, and I enter her like a Beast.
As a Beast, I am a different lover. I take her rougher, harder, and without waiting. The Beast can read her. It knows without asking what she wants and when. Her fingernails dig in, her back arches, and her head is thrown back, telling me what I want to know… that she wants more. Mercilessly, the Beast enters deeper and moves faster, taking her even higher. Egged on by the sound of her ragged breathing and her heart frantic beating, the Beast continues, driving her towards climax. Once there, as we both reach our release, I let a loud roar erupt, shaking the very building.The Beast rolls, pulling her on top so that her hair spreads like a covering fan over my face and chest. Everything pounds: my heart, my head, and my loin. First fast and manic, then it all begins to slow and fade. The anger and desire which brought on the change and prevented me to turn back to man, is losing it hold and calmness sets in instead. Our lovemaking, the explosive release, has wiped away the fury and settled the Beast. My claws are now fingers and my fangs are now teeth. I am man. I am Vincent.&You shouldn't have done that,& I scold, even though I loved it.She raises her head, removing her hair from my face so that she can see me. &Why not?&I shake my head at her, causing no reaction other than a smile. &Because when I am Beast, I am unpredictable and dangerous… not to mention, ugly. I don't want that for you.&&The Beast felt pretty good to me,& she provokes, her fingertips moving up my chest, causing tingles and aches. She smiles wickedly as she sees the effect of her touch. &In fact, he might even be a better lover than you in this form. From now, perhaps we should only make love when you are Beast.&&Is that so?& I grin, and go in for the tickle. She wiggle on top of me, rubbing her breast and bush against me, making me want her again. &Well, maybe I need to prove to you that…&&Anyone in here?&A voice travels from the front entrance, most likely a cop. I dash up and pull on my clothes. Catherine does the same, but not moving as fast. Towards the back entrance, I run before I realize and head back.Holding her gaze, I lean down and place a soft kiss on her lips, promising two things with one word. &Tonight.&Grinning, ear to ear, I disappear out of the ware house before discovered. Her wide eyes follow me all the way out. What must be going through her mind? Did that I am coming tonight for dinner with her sister and that tonight, I will prove to her that the man is a better lover than the Beast? She must for she is more than just a Beauty.'Tonight,' the promise echoes in my mind, causing both anxiety and sexual tremors.


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