Cost Basis costco是什么意思释义呢??

replacement cost basis的中文意思
沪江词库精选replacement cost basis是什么意思、英语短语。
中文释义: 重置成本制
2017replacement cost basis是什么意思由沪江网提供。您要找的是不是:
cost plus basis
[会计] 成本加价基础
Double price, for the two-room, where peer-third, to bed, cost basis, per room, plus a maximum, is limited.
There are different ways in which a representative office may be taxed but the most common basis is the cost-plus-basis.
Since contracts are on a cost-plus basis, profits are built-in.
Since contracts are on a cost-plus basis, profits are built in.
As you may be aware, the year-end fiscal cliff deal brought 50 percent bonus depreciation back from the dead for 2013, once again providing taxpayers the opportunity to immediately deduct half the cost of qualifying assets in the year of acquisition, plus the regular, year-one depreciation on the remaining basis.
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cost-plus basis中文是什么意思
中文翻译成本加成基础&&&&n. 1.费用;代价,价格;成本。 2.牺牲;损害,损失 ...&&&& (opp. minus) 加,加上。 Fo ...&&&&n. (pl. bases ) 1.基础;基底;台座;【 ...&&&&成本加成基础, 成本加利润基础&&&&成本补偿; 成本定价; 成本加成, 成本加利润; 成本加价; 造价累计&&&&adj. (定货合同中)成本加利润(价格)的。 &&&&收回成本的原则&&&&按成本进帐制; 成本基础; 成本基准&&&&成本加价基础&&&&成本加成合同&&&&成本加附加费; 成本加固定附加费&&&&成本加利&&&&成本加利契约&&&&加酬合同&&&&实费承包工程&&&&固定费用之和&&&&成本加固定酬金; 成本加固定费用; 成本加固定收费; 成本加固定佣金价格&&&&成本加奖金原则&&&&成本附加法&&&&成本附加百分法&&&&保证金付清后价格; 成本加成价; 加价价格&&&&成本加利润计价法&&&&成本加成法; 工业制造成本(或商业进货成本)加赚头以决定售价的方式&&&&成本加利契约&&&&成本保利合同; 成本加成合同; 成本加利润合同
cost-plus basis的中文翻译,cost-plus basis是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译cost-plus basis,cost-plus basis的中文意思,,,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
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cost basis中文是什么意思
中文翻译按成本进帐制成本基础成本基准&&&&n. 1.费用;代价,价格;成本。 2.牺牲;损害,损失 ...&&&&n. (pl. bases ) 1.基础;基底;台座;【 ...&&&&收回成本的原则&&&&实际购置成本法; 实际取得成本基础&&&&调整成本制; 调整后成本基础&&&&按全额计算&&&&会计的成本基础&&&&成本加成基础, 成本加利润基础&&&&按回收成本为基础&&&&成本估值基础&&&&成本加成基础&&&&收回成本的原则; 收回成本方式&&&&费用分摊标准&&&&历史成本基础&&&&历史成本会计制&&&&历史成本估价法&&&&按原料成本为计算依据&&&&重置成本制&&&&传统成本管理的基础&&&&以单位成本为基础&&&&成本与市价孰低基础&&&&根据成本作价出售库存股票法&&&&资格认证与水平鉴定提供一种基准&&&&n. (pl. bases ) 1.基础;基底;台座;【地质学;地理学】坡基。 2.根据,基准。 3.主要成份;主药。 4.【数学】基。
例句与用法Packing charges are for the buyer ' s account on cost basis包装费用按实际成本由买方负担。 Unit cost basis以单位成本为基础At - cost basis收回成本的原则Cost basis is stated as rmb per 1000 chinese characters excluding spacing . urgent projects will include an additional charge收费标准元人民币壹千中文字符不计空格。 The difference between the historical cost basis of the assets and the value of the consideration paid of $ 79 , 856 was treated as contributed capital in the consolidated balance sheet at december 31 , 2003资产的历史成本和支付补偿的价值之间的差额$ 79 , 856被当做截止到日综合资产负债表中的实缴资本。 However , we consider that it will be more appropriate for the post office , being a trading fund that operates along commercial principles , to assess the profitability of its services on full cost basis然而,鉴于邮政署是根据商业原则经营的营运基金,委员会认为邮政署较适宜按全部成本来评估其服务的盈利能力。 A general purpose estimating tool for any business . adaptable to different types of businesses by virtue of an open database , customizable estimate fields and customizable cost basis categories一款适用于各种企业的分析预算软件。该软件的开放式数据库保证了该软件对不同企业的适用性,每个企业可以根据自己的需要定制预算表等。 Providers paid on an audited cost basis had no incentive to economize , and it cost them nothing to perform medically unnecessary testing and procedures to cover themselves in case of malpractice suits给提供者们的报酬是建立在严格审核过的基础上的, (所以)他们没有进行精简节约的动机,而且执行不必要的医疗测试和程序对他们毫无影响,并能掩盖他们玩忽职守的行径Starting from 200102 , expenditure under head 55 programme 2 on information technology and non - administrative computer systems under head 708 has been included in the it expenditure and the staff cost is computed on a full cost basis由2001 - 02年度开始,上述数字包括总目55纲领2中关于资讯科技及总目708非行政电脑系统的支出,而所有关于员工方面的支出会以员工的总薪酬福利作为计算基础。 Starting from 2001 02 , expenditure under head 55 programme 2 on information technology and non - administrative computer systems under head 708 has been included in the it expenditure and the staff cost is computed on a full cost basis由2001 - 02年度开始,上述数字包括总目55纲领2中关于资讯科技及总目708非行政电脑系统的支出,而所有关于员工方面的支出会以员工的总薪酬福利作为计算基础。 更多例句:&&1&&&&
百科解释Basis (or cost basis), as used in United States tax law, is the original cost of property, adjusted for factors such as depreciation. When property is sold, the taxpayer pays/(saves) taxes on a capital gain/(loss) that equals the amount realized on the sale minus the sold property's basis.详细百科解释
cost basis的中文翻译,cost basis是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译cost basis,cost basis的中文意思,,,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
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