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Spark 2.8.3
Spark is an Open Source, cross-platform IM client optimized for businesses and
organizations. It features built-in support for group chat, telephony integration,
and strong security. It also offers a great end-user experience with features like
in-line spell checking, group chat room bookmarks, and tabbed conversations.
Combined with the
Spark is the easiest and best alternative to using un-secure public
IM networks.
Spark 2.8.3 Latest build: January 29, 2017
Spark 2.8.3
For many years now, Google is orchestrating its "" program. GSoC aims to bring student developers into the open source community, during the summer holidays. As it did before, the XMPP Standards Foundation (XSF) will act as an umbrella organisation for this years edition of GSoC. The Ignite Realtime community is open to accept students under this umbrella. If you're a student and interested in working on one of our projects as part of GSoC, you should get in contact! We've prepared a number of teaser tasks as well as project ideas, all of which are available in the .
Most of our projects have a long history. This certainly goes for Spark, which was created over ten years ago. Although many of you are actively using Spark today, it is beginning to show its age. This is something that we have been planning to address for a while now. Spark was created around the same time that the Kyoto protocol went into effect, Pluto got demoted to the status of 'dwarf planet' and Italy won the FIFA world cup in Germany. Thereabouts. Since then, source code development tooling has improved a lot. Today, the Spark project is struggling to find active contributors. We believe that one of the reasons for this is that it's pretty hard for developers (especially those that are used to work with modern tooling) to get started with our project. We have been working on that. First, we moved all of our projects from our old Subversion repository to Github. We have noticed that this dramatically improved the accessibility of our code. Second, Smack 4 happened, bringing the backbone of Spark back up-to-date. Now, we are addressing the structure of the project itself. We will restructure the project as a Apache Maven project. This will bring a good deal of predictable structure to the project, which has many benefits. One of these is that the project will integrate easily with various development tools. Moving Spark from its existent Ant-based structure to a Maven structure is no small task. There is no one right way of doing this. We have given it a shot and have created a structure that we think is very workable. Before committing to this structure, we would very much invite others to have a look, and comment on what we've done. The reasoning behind this is simple: once we've committed to a particular structure, it will be disruptive to change it. If we want to apply improvements, we should do so now. Please, review our new project structure, and let us know what you think. You can find the new structure in the . Ask yourselves: does this structure help me? Is it easier to compile the source code? Can I integrate it with my IDE of choice without too much trouble? Can I create new plugins? Does the new structure introduce a problem that needs to be addressed before committing? Can it be improved? We welcome all feedback!
The Ignite Realtime community has just released Spark 2.8.3 and it can be downloaded from the  This is a regular update. A few issues have been fixed. Bundled Java updated to the latest version. There is a new menu to view history of sent broadcasts and an option to login anonymously. For a complete list of changes please check the  We encourage developers to get involved with Spark project by providing feedback and patches in the forums or submitting pull requests to  Here is the list of contributors to this release (besides myself):  - fixed Advanced settings not being saved without opening that menu, always on top issue and changed behavior when Auto Login is hidden  - added a feature to save broadcasts history and access it via a new menu option  - added support for anonymous login  - fixed issue when joining a room with a duplicate nickname and improved build time by removing unneeded code style checks  - helped to clean up the code further (removing legacy CVS keywords)  - fixed issues with password not being deleted when it should and added log file rotating by size  - updated German translation Here are sha1 checksums for the downloads:b07a4e673e2bcb41a6be81a44e; spark_2_8_3.dmgceaa63c4a27c0f0; spark_2_8_3.exe526c46faafe3baf8c78bc69a024cfd752da5; spark_2_8_3_online.exe06542cac2db2611e3fcfcf7741fcfe242aa98d9f  spark_2_8_3.tar.gzea4bb09c4b55d102f69fa5c820b37c3  spark-2.8.3.rpme215c9aa1d14606b70dcb8531baf9  spark-2.8.3.src.rpm6b6adbed055b796d4c504d49c18f  spark_2.8.3.deb
The Ignite Realtime community has just released Spark 2.8.2 and it can be downloaded from
. This is a regular update. But there is a change, which can affect new users. "Accept all certificates" option on the Adanced menu on the Login screen won't be enabled by default for new users from now on. This option makes Spark automatically accept expired, self-signed and other incorrect TLS certificates. Which makes it less secure. If you are using self-signed certificates, your new users will have to enable this option manually (once). Or you can add this option to a preconfigured spark.properties file, if you distribute it to new users. Old users won't be affected by this (those upgrading straight from 2.7 version will still be affected). We encourage server admins to use certificates from trusted authorities (e.g. Let's Encrypt). This version also includes 4.1.9 update for Smack, which has a fix for a critical security vulnerability. UPDATE (): it looks like Spark is not saving settings on Advanced menu, if a user has never opened it. For such users "Accept all certificates" setting will be disabled after updating to 2.8.2 from any version. They will have to go to Advanced menu and enable it, if they encounter "Unable to verify a certificate" error. Those who are using Client Control plugin will have to update it to version 2.1.0 as Spark 2.8.2 is already modified to work with that version and it will miss many menus and checkboxes if being used with an older version of that plugin. 2.1.0 version requires Openfire 4.0.0 at least. If you are using older version of Openfire and want to keep using Client Control, you might want to hold of updating to Spark 2.8.2. We also would like to mention
plugin provided by our long time contributor . Hopefully we will find a way to bundle this plugin with Spark or provide other options to use it. You can also vote
and tell what you think about it. Initial commit is done and its in Spark's source code . For a complete list of changes please check  As usually we encourage new developers to join Spark project and provide patches. Those familiar with Smack can join the development easier, as we are now using the latest stable version (). Patches can be attached in the forums or submitted as PRs on . Here are the contributors to this release (besides myself):  contributed new skin for Spark - LittleLuck  fixed the issue with Spark freezing on exit because of a faulty plugin  added more settings to default.properties and Client Control plugin, fixed showing of an empty Unfiled group and a few other issues  updated Polish translation  fixed an issue with systray icon switching to regular one when it should be DND or Away and a few issues with invisible mode  updated Italian translation Here are sha1 checksums for the downloads:7ab6c830a1c1ab4f spark_2_8_2.dmgdd9cfc0ef651d544f463ff1fba5d21c  spark_2_8_2.exefbf1a61b5e793b2c6b102  spark_2_8_2_online.exe20dbc76f1dcf4d4dfd01f90b4b06  spark_2_8_2.tar.gz813e110faf28e2ee90ed2bd9fa1; spark-2.8.2.rpm7a203ef3fefe214d7  spark-2.8.2.src.rpm565ff2947b4cca69f73f71db6bf78  spark_2.8.2.deb
The Ignite Realtime community has just released Spark 2.8.1 and it can be downloaded from
. This is a bugfix release for 2.8.0, which has introduced a huge overhaul and created a few new issues. Many users had problems with login after upgrading to 2.8.0. This won't change with 2.8.1. It is not a bug, but rather an incorrect setup. Admittedly, this was introduced because of lack of security check in older Spark\Smack versions. But we can't leave Spark blind to bad or forged certificates (in the age of security breaches and moving all the web to TLS). So, if you have this problems, please read
. 2.8.1 is introducing an option "Disable certificate hostname verification (not recommended)" in the Advanced settings of the Login screen. If you can't fix your setup or want a temporary workaround, you can use it. But be warned, that you will make yourself (or your users) less secure. 2.8.0 also introduced new setting "Accept all certificates" in the same place. It was enabled by default for those upgrading from 2.7.7. It automatically accepts self-signed and some other incorrect certificates (expired, etc.). This was done to make 2.8.0 backwards compatible, if you were using self-signed certificates provided by Openfire. This setting will stay enabled after 2.8.1 update. But there is a plan to make it disabled by default for new installations in 2.8.2 version. For a complete list of changes please check
 As usually we encourage new developers to join Spark project and provide patches. Those familiar with Smack can join the development easier, as we are now using the latest version. Patches can be attached in the forums or submitted as PRs on . Here are the contributors to this release (besides myself):  updated Italian translation  added option to login with not matching certificate's hostname, fixed showing incorrect errors when logging in and empty profile fields issue  fixed links opening in KDE environment  fixed various parts of Spark to behave correctly or log errors Important information for SSO (Single Sign On) users, if they are using SRV records:
[SIP phone] SIP plugin is not working since the Smack 4 update.[Voice Chat] Jingle (PC to PC) calls are not working at this point.[Linux] Flashing plugin is not working on Linux systems. Here are sha1 checksums for the downloads:7ab1dfbfc070bccbd7640c spark_2_8_1.dmgbbd029caeb12fc4d9ea6e87b37a5fc29  spark_2_8_1.exe41b966b2eecb832c795b0f0; spark_2_8_1_online.exe6c68f083d2e6e303e679b614fd272c  spark_2_8_1.tar.gzd880d9b0230b4ccbb38  spark-2.8.1.rpmc264ccb4e16b401af31a0a3cf36cc6  spark-2.8.1.src.rpm91a6dfaaf63ca96a5c69b4eb825d2539adffc1b1  spark_2.8.1.deb您所在的位置:
大小:11.17 MB
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