
empty streets, buildings taken over by vines, rusting underwater tanks inhabited by fish, these are the dramatic images of the places that time forgot.奇异的空旷街道、藤蔓密布的建筑物、海底锈迹斑斑唯有鱼相伴的坦克,这些是被时间遗忘的奇妙景象。
fishing village on Shengshan Island, Zhejiang province, China, vines climb the old stone walls,
through the windows and doors and
along the crumpling paths. The fishing village has been '' by mother nature. There is no sign of life other than the animals, birds and insects which have taken over.这个废弃渔村位于中国浙江省的嵊山岛。藤蔓爬上破旧的石墙,从窗间与门缝中交织而出,并悄悄沿着起褶的小路延伸开去。大自然再次占领了这个渔村。这儿唯一的生命迹象便是动物、小鸟和昆虫。
Time stands still in the village on Shengshan Island - one of almost 400 that make up the Shengsi Islands to the east of China's Zhejiang province. What was once a thriving fishing hub has been long deserted and naturally transformed into a green jungle of tangled plants and neglected buildings.在嵊山岛(大约400个这样的小岛构成了嵊泗岛,位于中国东部的浙江省)上的村庄,时间凝固、静止。昔日繁荣的渔业中心如今被遗弃多时,自然而然地演变成一处绿色丛林,其中密集缠绕的植物掩盖着废弃建筑物。
Greenhouses everywhere: Clothed in vines and leaves, the former fishing village is a sight to behold. The pictures were taken by a Shanghai-based
The Chemin de fer de Petite Ceinture (of 'little belt railway') was a Parisian railway that, from 1852, was a circular connection between Paris's main railway stations. Abandoned since 1934, the beautiful 19-mile belt of
green space in the centre of Paris is a treasure
artists and nature-lovers, and the people of Paris are passionate about saving it.The Chemin de fer de Petite Ceinture(一小段铁轨的意思)从1852年起便是一段巴黎的铁轨,它连接着巴黎主要的火车站,形成一个环形。在1934年被弃置后,这段美丽的长达19英里的绿色区域便遗落于巴黎市中心。自此这段铁轨便是涂鸦艺术家们和自然爱好者的宝库,还被巴黎的市民热情满满地保护着。
The temple sites of the Historic City of Ayutthaya, an UNESCO World Heritage Center since 13 December 1991 is the setting for this
shot of the head of Buddha
within a tree, a touristic highlight of Wat Maha That.从日起,这些位于(泰国)历史名城大城府的庙宇遗址被评为一处联合国教科文组织的世界遗产中心。而这张佛祖头像被树干裹挟的奇特照片便是在那拍的,这也是玛哈泰寺的一处旅游圣地。
Ice ice baby: A Russian shipyard in a small bay south of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky is the setting for this collection of rusting former
surrounded by snow and ice.冰冰宝贝:这是一个俄罗斯的造船厂,位于堪察加地区的彼得罗巴甫洛夫斯克南边的一处小海湾内。它衬着这尘封于冰雪之中、日渐腐蚀的昔日辉煌。
Once the home to hundreds of German miners seeking their fortune in the Namibian desert, almost 100 years after Kolmanskop peaked as a
and bustling , it is now a dilapidated ghost town slowly being reclaimed by the shifting sands. The only visitors are tourists and ghost hunters.在近100年前,卡曼斯科曾是数百名前来纳米比亚沙漠谋生的德国矿工的家园。在它的鼎盛时期,曾是一处繁荣喧嚣的绿洲。可现在它慢慢被流沙侵蚀,已是个废弃的城镇。只有游客和神鬼猎人才会来到此地。
Photographer Enrique Lopez-Tapia took this photo of one of the surviving houses, venturing inside the document room knee deep in sand. The wooden houses, large and , were built in the middle of the desert by wealthy German miners. Now sand dunes rule.摄影师Enrique Lopez-Tapia冒险淌进挤满齐膝深沙子的资料室,拍了其中一间遗留下来的房间照片。木制的房屋宽敞而豪华,可以看出它曾被德国富矿工们建在沙漠中央。而今沙丘统治占领了一切。
The pictures all share one theme - that once nature finds a way, it soon takes over and transforms the space into something
Fish food: Truk Lagoon, once considered the most formidable of all Japanese
in the Pacific, is now the site for an underwater military graveyard. A tank lies rusting on the main deck of a sunken ship in the Federated States of Micronesia.鱼食:密克罗尼西亚的特鲁克泻湖,曾被视为太平洋上日本人所有要塞中最令人惊叹的一个,可现在成为一海底军事墓地。照片中是一架已生锈的坦克,它默默躺在联邦州密克罗尼西亚一艘沉船的主甲板上。
The Valley of the Mills is an old abandoned flour mill in Sorrento, Italy that was gradually abandoned over the years. The humid environment created a micro-climate that reportedly proved favourable to ferns which covered the ruins in a layer of rich green flora. Tourists can visit the green wonder via stone
down into the valley, or gaze down upon the ruins from above.磨坊村(The Valley of the Mills)是意大利索伦托的一家破旧废弃面粉厂,它被弃置多年。其中潮湿的环境创造了一个据说有利于蕨类生长的微气候。图中可以看到那片茂密的绿色植物便是盖住废墟的蕨类植物。游客们顺着石头斜坡可以进入村庄,参观这抹绿色惊奇。他们也可以从上面俯视这片废墟。
The French village Oradour-sur-Glane has been left in its ruined state, its buildings and car destroyed by fire after it was attacked by Nazi soldiers and all its inhabitants
in 1944. It remains a
as the burned out homes remain exactly as they were on the day they were torched, even the car of the mayor still lies rusting in the main street.法国奥拉杜尔村在1944年被纳粹士兵袭击,其中所有的村民惨遭屠杀。至那以后,它便处于废墟之中。建筑物和硝烟中破损的汽车遗留在那。如今它是令人毛骨悚然的时光宝盒,那些烧焦的房屋简直就同那时被付诸一炬的情形一模一样。甚至是市长的车如今仍在主干道上生锈。
empty streets, buildings taken over by vines, rusting underwater tanks inhabited by fish, these are the dramatic images of the places that time forgot.奇异的空旷街道、藤蔓密布的建筑物、海底锈迹斑斑唯有鱼相伴的坦克,这些是被时间遗忘的奇妙景象。
fishing village on Shengshan Island, Zhejiang province, China, vines climb the old stone walls,
through the windows and doors and
along the crumpling paths. The fishing village has been '' by mother nature. There is no sign of life other than the animals, birds and insects which have taken over.这个废弃渔村位于中国浙江省的嵊山岛。藤蔓爬上破旧的石墙,从窗间与门缝中交织而出,并悄悄沿着起褶的小路延伸开去。大自然再次占领了这个渔村。这儿唯一的生命迹象便是动物、小鸟和昆虫。
Time stands still in the village on Shengshan Island - one of almost 400 that make up the Shengsi Islands to the east of China's Zhejiang province. What was once a thriving fishing hub has been long deserted and naturally transformed into a green jungle of tangled plants and neglected buildings.在嵊山岛(大约400个这样的小岛构成了嵊泗岛,位于中国东部的浙江省)上的村庄,时间凝固、静止。昔日繁荣的渔业中心如今被遗弃多时,自然而然地演变成一处绿色丛林,其中密集缠绕的植物掩盖着废弃建筑物。
Greenhouses everywhere: Clothed in vines and leaves, the former fishing village is a sight to behold. The pictures were taken by a Shanghai-based
The Chemin de fer de Petite Ceinture (of 'little belt railway') was a Parisian railway that, from 1852, was a circular connection between Paris's main railway stations. Abandoned since 1934, the beautiful 19-mile belt of
green space in the centre of Paris is a treasure
artists and nature-lovers, and the people of Paris are passionate about saving it.The Chemin de fer de Petite Ceinture(一小段铁轨的意思)从1852年起便是一段巴黎的铁轨,它连接着巴黎主要的火车站,形成一个环形。在1934年被弃置后,这段美丽的长达19英里的绿色区域便遗落于巴黎市中心。自此这段铁轨便是涂鸦艺术家们和自然爱好者的宝库,还被巴黎的市民热情满满地保护着。
The temple sites of the Historic City of Ayutthaya, an UNESCO World Heritage Center since 13 December 1991 is the setting for this
shot of the head of Buddha
within a tree, a touristic highlight of Wat Maha That.从日起,这些位于(泰国)历史名城大城府的庙宇遗址被评为一处联合国教科文组织的世界遗产中心。而这张佛祖头像被树干裹挟的奇特照片便是在那拍的,这也是玛哈泰寺的一处旅游圣地。
Ice ice baby: A Russian shipyard in a small bay south of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky is the setting for this collection of rusting former
surrounded by snow and ice.冰冰宝贝:这是一个俄罗斯的造船厂,位于堪察加地区的彼得罗巴甫洛夫斯克南边的一处小海湾内。它衬着这尘封于冰雪之中、日渐腐蚀的昔日辉煌。
Once the home to hundreds of German miners seeking their fortune in the Namibian desert, almost 100 years after Kolmanskop peaked as a
and bustling , it is now a dilapidated ghost town slowly being reclaimed by the shifting sands. The only visitors are tourists and ghost hunters.在近100年前,卡曼斯科曾是数百名前来纳米比亚沙漠谋生的德国矿工的家园。在它的鼎盛时期,曾是一处繁荣喧嚣的绿洲。可现在它慢慢被流沙侵蚀,已是个废弃的城镇。只有游客和神鬼猎人才会来到此地。
Photographer Enrique Lopez-Tapia took this photo of one of the surviving houses, venturing inside the document room knee deep in sand. The wooden houses, large and , were built in the middle of the desert by wealthy German miners. Now sand dunes rule.摄影师Enrique Lopez-Tapia冒险淌进挤满齐膝深沙子的资料室,拍了其中一间遗留下来的房间照片。木制的房屋宽敞而豪华,可以看出它曾被德国富矿工们建在沙漠中央。而今沙丘统治占领了一切。
The pictures all share one theme - that once nature finds a way, it soon takes over and transforms the space into something
Fish food: Truk Lagoon, once considered the most formidable of all Japanese
in the Pacific, is now the site for an underwater military graveyard. A tank lies rusting on the main deck of a sunken ship in the Federated States of Micronesia.鱼食:密克罗尼西亚的特鲁克泻湖,曾被视为太平洋上日本人所有要塞中最令人惊叹的一个,可现在成为一海底军事墓地。照片中是一架已生锈的坦克,它默默躺在联邦州密克罗尼西亚一艘沉船的主甲板上。
The Valley of the Mills is an old abandoned flour mill in Sorrento, Italy that was gradually abandoned over the years. The humid environment created a micro-climate that reportedly proved favourable to ferns which covered the ruins in a layer of rich green flora. Tourists can visit the green wonder via stone
down into the valley, or gaze down upon the ruins from above.磨坊村(The Valley of the Mills)是意大利索伦托的一家破旧废弃面粉厂,它被弃置多年。其中潮湿的环境创造了一个据说有利于蕨类生长的微气候。图中可以看到那片茂密的绿色植物便是盖住废墟的蕨类植物。游客们顺着石头斜坡可以进入村庄,参观这抹绿色惊奇。他们也可以从上面俯视这片废墟。
The French village Oradour-sur-Glane has been left in its ruined state, its buildings and car destroyed by fire after it was attacked by Nazi soldiers and all its inhabitants
in 1944. It remains a
as the burned out homes remain exactly as they were on the day they were torched, even the car of the mayor still lies rusting in the main street.法国奥拉杜尔村在1944年被纳粹士兵袭击,其中所有的村民惨遭屠杀。至那以后,它便处于废墟之中。建筑物和硝烟中破损的汽车遗留在那。如今它是令人毛骨悚然的时光宝盒,那些烧焦的房屋简直就同那时被付诸一炬的情形一模一样。甚至是市长的车如今仍在主干道上生锈。
世界之大,无奇不有。今年暑假准备去旅游的小伙伴们,小编有让人心向往之的景点推荐哦!它们饱经风霜,无论各自有着怎样不一般的背景或历史,下面这些景点都展示出了大自然的鬼斧神工。跟着小编一同好好观赏咯微博: NATSELF
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How should I do Trove?
Jan. 2, :02
when green flag clickedset [?] to [1000]I'm working on a Trove project but need help. How should I do the equipment and allies and stuff? If your advice works, don't worry, I'll give you credit.when green flag clickedswitch costume to [legitness]
Jan. 2, :34
Equipment your probably want to have a list for the names of them and a list of effects of it. Also a list for items owned. Name the costumes of a sprite the items and make it do thisswitch costume to [(item (v) of [list v] :: list) v]i dont really know what trove is but doing equipment something like this. Im bad at explaining stuff so ask any questions if any.
Jan. 2, :12
Thank you!
Jan. 2, :53
i dont know how to use these scratch blocks wellit was supposed to be switch costume to item one of listI kind of used the equipment thing for my pokemon engine but instead of equipment in the inventory it is pokemon .if you need help with inventory check out the project and treat the pokemon as if they were items. Its got a list of names for the pokemon like you would have for the equipment and a list of the base stats but instead of that youd do like damage of a sword or something (I dont know what trove is).
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