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Prison Break-In - Far Cry 3 Wiki Guide - IGN
Prison Break-In
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December 28, 2012 - 4 years 10 months ago
Prison Break-In
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Prison Break-In is the eighth
in Far Cry 3. It begins right where the previous mission left you off. After destroying ' weapons cache and discovering that Vaas has been broadcasting ransom videos from a location named Pirate's Cove (), a prison, you're given the option to explore the island some more or go straight to Sunset Cove to find your friends.
Explore the island, or head to
when ready. Approach the camp. Kill the camp operator and get the prison key. Use the key to explore the prison.
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The first objective in this mission is to travel to Sunset Cove. This should be located just west of the logging camp you had to travel to during the last mission. If you're no longer at the logging camp, quick travel to
and head southwest from there. If you are still at the logging camp, there's a
located at the radio tower just west of the camp, across the river, and up the mountain. This glider might serve as a useful source of transportation to reach the objective.
Glider located near the radio tower
There's a radio tower located just southwest of Sunset Cove, and it'd be wise of you to activate it before continuing the main objective. If you managed to grab the glider located back at the logging camp, you should be able to glide all the way to the highlighted objective with it. Rather than heading straight for the objective, veer off toward the left and activate the radio tower first. If you managed to glide all the way here, it's not recommended that you crash into the radio tower. It's very likely that you will fall and die if you do this. You can actually just activate the glider, and without turning, it should take you relatively close to the location of the island with the radio tower and objective on it.
View of the objective from far away
View of the objective from closer up
View of the radio tower near the objective
Once you reach the radio tower, you should receive a call from , but
will be on the line. After she's done talking to you, start your ascent up to the top of the radio tower. The only obstacles on the way up are a couple crooked stairs you must jump over and a rope ladder to climb up, but that's about it. Once you reach the top, activate the radio tower, and zipline down to a location conveniently close to the objective.
View of the objective from top of the radio tower
Ziplining down from the radio tower
There will be a guard tower with a single enemy standing in it just north of the zipline's landing position. Take him out quietly, then approach the tower carefully. There is a snake near the ramp that leads up to the tower. You should receive a new objective once you reach the base of the tower. Your objective is to kill the camp operator and get the prison key from him. The camp operator is located somewhere within the northern section of the camp. Before you descend upon the camp and its inhabitants, the smart thing to do would be to climb up to the top of the guard tower you just cleared out, and deactivate the alarm located here. This will disable all the alarms within this camp and prevent enemies from calling in reinforcements if you are detected later on.
Guard in the guard tower
Campsite overview
There will be a lone enemy located near the shoreline just north of the guard tower. Silently take him out, then continue to move up toward the camp operator's location. If you wish to do so, the camp operator can be seen from the shoreline. If you're unsure which enemy is the camp operator, take your camera out and zoom in on the two enemies you should be able to see to the west of the shoreline. The camera will automatically place a yellow marker above the camp operator's head. Take him out whichever way you wish, but be ready to take on the enemy located just in front of him, and the two located to the east just behind you. Be ready to fight once the camp operator is killed. About four enemies will spawn near his location. The red barrel near the camp operator's location will be vital at this moment. You cannot simply flee the camp either, as you must retrieve the prison key from the camp operator's corpse.
Guard near beach on patrol
Guard near beach, getting closer...
Silent killer...
Kill the camp operator
Enemies show up, good thing we have explosives
Once you've eliminated all of the enemies, loot the camp operator's corpse to retrieve the key. After you retrieve the key from his corpse, you will be told to explore the prison which is located in a cave just south of the camp operator's corpse. There may be an enemy near the entrance, and about three enemies located inside the cave. Enter through the door in the cave, and veer off to the left and up the stairs.
The entrance to the prison
Entering the prison
Further into the prison
Once you reach the top of the stairs, there will be three enemies in the room below. Take them all out, and head down the stairs. Be careful though, as two shotgun-wielding pirates will charge at you. Eliminate them as well, continue toward the objective, and where the cave splits off into two paths, another shotgun-wielding pirate will sprint toward you from the right path. Eliminate him, then take the left path. Enter through this door, and pick up the
located on the ground just to the left.
Heading down the stairs, beware of shotgun-wielding pirates
After you've picked up the relic, continue through the cave and watch the video clip being displayed on the wall to the right. After the video ends, do your best to avoid the caged tiger. It can and will damage you through the cage it's in. Continue to wander on through the cave until you find the chair and the video camera. Jason will call out for Vaas, a pirate will appear from behind him, tell him he'll take him to Vaas, and then knock him out.
Jason's girlfriend, Liza, shown speaking to Vaas
The movie's over, and that's a tiger in a cage
Don't get too close, it'll kill you
The following cinematic displays a concerned Vaas, questioning you about the ink on your left arm, asking if his sister gave it to you. All the while, he's poring gasoline on you and your girlfriend, , who's located just across the room. During this scene, he shows his truly psychotic nature. He ends up lighting a match, tossing it on the ground, and taking the third prisoner, , away. Despite Jason's efforts to break out of his restraints and save Liza, he instead falls down to the bottom story of the building he's in, and this is where the mission ends.
Vaas brought the gasoline
Vaas brought the matches
Vaas brought the flames
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IGN uses cookies and other tracking technologies to customize online advertisements, and for other purposes. IGN supports the Digital Advertising Alliance principles.“密室逃脱”英语怎么说
学习啦【英语其它】 编辑:楚欣
  The trend of so-called &room escape& games is sweeping China.
  In the game, players pay to be locked inside a maze of dark, eerie rooms with only a few clues to help them escape. Players must use a variety of skills to break free before the allotted time runs out.
  The escape path can be a hidden trapdoor or a wild &Mission Impossible&-style laser maze, and gameplay can be tough. At an escape game location in Hong Kong, only about one in five participants successfully escape within the allotted time.
  文中的room escape就是&密室逃脱&的意思,其中escape就是&逃跑、逃避&的意思。它既可以作动词,如escape from prison 越狱,escape reality 逃避现实和escape summer heat 避暑等,也可以作名词,如a narrow escape 九死一生等。
  另外,文中的allotted time是&指定时间&的意思,其中的allot解释为&指定分配、分派&,又如allot money 拨款,allot duties 分配任务,allot space 分配空地等。
【英语其它】图文推荐关卡攻略: 进阶阶段: 物品位置: 玩法心得:
密室逃脱8第三关通关细节全图讲解,在下面的关卡中我们会发现细节的把握是最重要的,各种机关组合起来想要打开也是不容易的。密室逃脱8第三关的通关技巧就为玩家详细的介绍游戏中我们需要注意的点,想要了解的玩家就一起来学习吧。 第三关 1.首先我们可以看到前面的梳妆台,玩家直接的检查梳妆台。 2.拿到剪刀之后我们直接的打开了床头的那个枕头可以获得一把钥匙。 3.用钥匙打开大衣柜就可以拿到一个花瓶,然后我们把花瓶放置在下图所示[][][][]
名称: 密室逃脱1类型: 休闲益智风格: 趣味,桌面,街机
京公网安备 92 京ICP证140355号 京网文【-109号
注意:本游戏需安卓版与数据包一同下载才能进行游戏越狱 / Prison Break (2017) 第五季
越狱 / Prison Break (2017) 第五季
剧情简介:《越狱第五季》将以9集迷你剧的形式呈现给大家。讲述的是第四季几年后的事,米帅将在这一季中复活。而电影版《越狱特别篇:最后一越》中米帅的死将会被忽略抛弃。据称拍摄地点在也门,迈克尔制造了死亡的假象,但不幸被抓住。Sara和林肯接受了迈克尔已经死亡的事实,继续自己的生活。后来发现的一些线索表明,迈克尔很可能还活着,于是Sara毅然决定前去营救迈克尔,费尔南多等人也一并协助Sara营救迈克尔。他们将策划该剧史上最大的一次越狱行动。播出信息:首播时间:4月5号更新时间:每周三总集数:9集百度盘:更新至E09密码: ibp5字幕:E01E02E03E04E05E06E07E08E09磁力:EP1EP4种子:EP2EP4电驴:EP1EP4A站:
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