survivor 电影Stories 这个有玩过吗

Infestation: Survivor Stories这个游戏打折了,值不值得入_steam吧_百度贴吧
Infestation: Survivor Stories这个游戏打折了,值不值得入
T台看秀闪耀国际时尚圈 。
CGWANG原画培训 「零基础全额退费保障」,原画名企委托培训,高薪工作不是梦
大神们快来——你想要不变心的情人 还是永远不老的青春   --来自助手版客户端
原来叫war z号称媲美Dayz结果是个20分神作挂逼横行,改成现在这名字后继续恶化
一楼如题              ? 你说在未来等我            可我没有未来该要在何处寻你 ?
Valve叫停《The War Z》-DayZ,War Z,Steam-驱动之家
《僵尸战争(The War Z)》丑闻风波 抄袭《行尸走肉》 涉嫌欺诈被Steam下架 _ 游民星空
与电影重名 刚被下架的《僵尸战争》商标又被吊销 _ 游民星空
商标被吊销 史上最烂游戏《僵尸战争(The War Z)》改名《感染:生存故事(Infestation: Survivor Stories)》 _ 游民星空
山寨版《DayZ》网游《僵尸战争》注册玩家已达250万 _ 游民星空
在 Steam 上购买 Infestation: Survivor Stories Classic 立省 92%
社区昵称:Geoff Shen
本帖最后由 jedijeff1993 于
21:52 编辑
喜欢玩 WarZ (后来更名为Infestation: Survivor Stories) ?
那你肯定会喜欢玩这款 Romero's Aftermath的。
这个公司的CEO,名字叫Sergey Titov,他有个代表作,叫 Big Rigs(大货车极限竞赛,建议去百度一下),算是史上最蠢的游戏了。
后来听说DayZmod很火,于是他们赶工把War Inc改制成WarZ,同样很烂,比War Inc还要烂。
然后又因为《World War Z》小说作者版权起诉,加上涉嫌广告欺诈,被steam下架,还退款,于是改名为Infestation: Survivor Stories(简称 ISS)。 -- 幸亏国际空间站(ISS)不鸟他们,不然也要起诉。
现在,他们又做了这款游戏。说是跟僵尸片导演 Romero 老爷子合作出的游戏。
于是,发现他们是跟 George C. Romero 合作的,是老Romero的儿子,也就是说,纯粹想借用Romero这个姓氏来骗钱。
而真正僵尸片教主Romero,是George A. Romero。
P.S. 别看几个游戏的公司不一样,其实都是Sergey Titov的,去看他的linkedIn就好了。
发自移动设备 - 你的掌上 SteamCN 社区
以前国内盗版的玩过一段时间 还不错的 其实。因为我喜欢把RMB玩家杀了捡他装备然后换号 看世界骂人。。。
社区昵称:Hey!Unlce Ern Biu Biu Biu Yeah!
社区昵称:Black Doom
░░░▀▀▄Infestation▄ ░▄▄▄▀░░░
差评如潮- -
SteamCN 蒸汽动力 & Chinese Steam User Fan Site.
23:04, PE: 0.548267s , QE: 244, Gzip On, Redis On.《夺命行尸》即将打入中国市场 百城联赛等你来
自2013年美国Hammerpoint Games制作的丧尸MMO游戏(Infestation: Survivor Stories)以来,得到了不少生存玩家一致的好评和认可。但由于没有反作弊和延迟高及全英文操作与交流,因此大部分的中国玩家放弃离开。没想到时隔三年,如今我们可以在中国玩上了。全中文界面,支持语音,电信/联通双线,反作弊,反宏插件,都将给大家带来一个全新的僵尸战争(夺命行尸)。游戏与美国注册方式不同,美国是全收费注册,而本游戏可选择免费注册,也可选择激活码注册。游戏有HackShield反作弊器,会自动检测,并设定了手机注册,且一个手机号只能注册一个ID,一些玩家作弊会导致和游戏终身无缘。分享宣传片到QQ空间和微信朋友圈,可领取1000GC点券,朋友转发奖励无上限哦!你准备好了吗? 百城联赛等你来挑战(大逃杀模式)!配置要求硬件推荐配置推荐配置CPUAMD 速龙 X4 860KIntel 酷睿i3 4160显卡AMD HD6790 1GBGe Force GTX 650内存4GB4GB硬盘8GB8GB系统XP/Win7/8/8.1XP/Win7/8/8.1见上图!关注微信公众号“僵尸战争”了解更多资讯!
Copyright & 1998 - 2017 Tencent. All Rights ReservedCommunity Announcements - Rubat
We made a good push this week. It finally feels like we’re emerging from the darkness, reaching out for the light.&font color=&#ce422b&&Player Model&/font&You might be wondering why we haven’t added any player clothes since we released on Steam. Well that is obviously because the player model system is a huge car crash. All the clothes are included as part of the player model. I tackled that this week. The player model is now just animation data and we can drop models onto it. This means that in the future if we want to add a new set of clothes for the player – the artist just needs to model it. They don’t need to recompile the whole player.&center&&img This is a huge deal to us because we want to explore customizing the player’s look a lot in the future. We want improvised clothing. We want blood decals. This makes that feasible.&font color=&#ce422b&&Player Animation&/font&Player animation is something that I think we can all agree needs a bit of love. So we’ve switched over to Mechanim. This means we no longer code our animation system in code. We use an nice friendly editor.&center&&img This allows us to alter the animations nice and quickly, visually, logically. Did I mention that it’s really easy too?.&center&&a
the video&/a&&/center&The mechanim stuff has a bunch of cool IK stuff built in too. This means we don’t have to animate things like the player turning to face something, or looking up and down. We can do it in code – which makes it look a lot smoother. We can even place the hands and feet on world objects. This opens up a lot of possibilities for the future. Here’s what it looks like when we force the player model to point at a cube. This isn’t one of the possibilities.&center&&a
the video&/a&&/center&&font color=&#ce422b&&Player Shadow&/font&The player now has a shadow. This happened on accident and we decided we’d keep it in. It does feel quite nice in game, and gives you a greater sense of being there&center&&a
the video&/a&&/center&&font color=&#ce422b&&Netcode&/font&The network code is pretty much feature complete now.. and we’re currently testing it. Replacing the netcode might sound like a daunting task, but it turned out to be pretty simple. Early this week we were happily jumping about with other white cubes building campfire bridges.&center&&a
the video&/a&&/center&One of the big scary systems in the netcode went in this week. The PVS culling system. It’s a pretty simple system in theory. You divide the world up into a grid, then the player only gets information about stuff in the cell he’s in (and the surrounding cells). But there’s a lot of moving parts. You need to account for objects moving from one cell to another, you need to tell players in the cell it left that it’s now gone, and players in the cell it entered that it now exists, and what if a player is subscribed to both cells? You need to account for players moving between cells, you need to send players entering a cell the contents of that cell, you need to tell them to delete the contents of cells they’re leaving. But from tests this seems to have all worked out.So we got networking working, threw the player models on the players. Now we are at this stage.&center&&a
the video&/a&&/center&&font color=&#ce422b&&Procedural Maps&/font&Andre is working hard on the procedural maps. They look a bit like the Windows XP desktop background at the moment, but progress is going well. We’re really pleased with it.&center&&a
the video&/a&&/center&It’s very early days in this development but it’s at a place where I think we’re ready to share it with you. It isn’t finished, there’s a lot we want to explore. This doesn’t rule out specifically made maps, but I think there’s a lot more value for money in this method, where the server owner will generate a map from a seed.. so every server you go on could potentially have a completely different map.&center&&img
/&&/center&&font color=&#ce422b&&Dan’s Stuff&/font&Dan has been keeping himself busy, as usual.&center&&img &center&&img &center&&img &font color=&#ce422b&&Alex & Minh’s stuff&/font&Alex and Minh have been doing awesome work this week on the view models. The viewmodels currently use two different rigs. Which make things hard for us. They also all have the hands included in them. There will come a stage at some point where we’ll want to swap the hands out with a different pair. So we’ve been working on unifying the whole system.. which is more work than you would think. But we’re making progress.The viewmodel system has been changed to use Mechanim too. It was previously using an insane amount of custom code – which we’ve managed to completely make redundant.&center&&a
the video&/a&&/center&&font color=&#ce422b&&Tom’s Stuff&/font&Tom, desperate to restore his reputation, has been working on a rocket launcher model this week.&center&&img &font color=&#ce422b&&Experimental Branch&/font&The experimental branch is on Steam, and you can join it if you want to watch the development. But if you’re more interested in playing Rust I would stick to the current live branch. You might lose your settings and stuff if you switch to the experimental branch and then switch back. But here’s how it’s done.&center&&a
the video&/a&&/center&Our plan right now is to port everything back over to the experimental branch until it’s in a playable, feature complete condition. At which point the experimental branch will be the default branch, and the current live branch will be put on a legacy branch. This means you will still be able to play the old branch if you want to. We won’t be forcing anyone onto the new system that don’t want it.&center&Reposted from &a
Community Announcements - Rubat
Yep that’s right, another one.&font color=&#ce422b&&3D Context Menus&/font&One thing I’ve seen people struggle to understand in the current version of Rust is the context menus. We have to tell people how to open a fire. So that obviously is the wrong way to be doing stuff.So I have made the context menus universal. Something doesn’t sit right with me with ‘using’ an object and then having a context menu pop up and then using the mouse cursor to select stuff. It kind of pulls you out of the game.So I had a day of experimentation this week, and came up with this:&center&&a
the video&/a&&/center&As you can see the menu pops up in the world and you can walk around it. It does present us with a bunch of new problems to solve, but it feels nice, so I want to try to make it work.One thing I’m keen to do is make it so that when you’re looking at a lootable object like this, you can just press the menu button and it will automatically detect what you’re looking at and open the loot menu.This also ties in with other in-world UI element stuff we want to do in the future.&font color=&#ce422b&&On Steam&/font&I got the new version bundled and on Steam. Don’t bother switching to the experimental branch yet though – because there’s no servers and you can’t do anything.&font color=&#ce422b&&Network Code&/font&The new network code is almost complete. It hasn’t been tested under load yet – so I’m sure there’s room for improvement etc. Part of getting the Steam build working is to test this, which will hopefully happen in the next couple of weeks.&font color=&#ce422b&&Dan’s Stuff&/font&Dan has been busy making world models for the items.&center&&img &center&&img &center&&img &font color=&#ce422b&&Meg’s Stuff&/font&Meg made some concepts for survival shelters.&center&&img &center&&img &center&&img &center&Reposted from &a
Community Announcements - Rubat
Hey guys, another Friday Devblog. &s&I’m going to try to keep this one short and sweet.&/s& Sorry – turned out neither short nor sweet.&font color=&#ce422b&&Network Recode&/font&We use uLink in our current implementation of Rust. We have been mostly happy with it.We had issues when we first launched with DDOS attacks. Servers could be taken down really easily with just a few packets. When we mentioned it on this site we were surprised by how reactive the uLink guys were. A few DDOS exploits were fixed, and more were discovered and fixed. Eventually everything was fixed, we all agreed that their support was top notch and we were very happy.Then a couple of weeks later the CEO emailed me asking to ‘help correct some mistaken information’. He also mentioned that they were changing their EULA so that if we made another post about bugs that hadn’t been fixed they’d revoke our license. From our point of view the only reason these exploits were eventually fixed was because we made that post. We could have easily posted a ticket and waited over two months with no resolution again – but in the meantime no-one could play Rust.Then a few weeks later we got another email asking us if we’d like to buy a yearly support license.
It cost 25 times more than our existing yearly license.. or we could buy a yearly full source license, for 50 times our existing license fee. I asked what we were paying our existing license fee for. We don’t want to pay them for access to their source code so we can fix it for them. But on balance even though it did feel like a bit of a shake-down we decided that we’d made enough money from Rust so far that we could justify the ‘support license’, especially with how much their engineers helped us over the holidays. At this point we got distracted with a bunch of other issues..
then one of their engineers made it clear that they’ve been told not to help us with any of our issues until we have a support agreement, because they have to “prioritize on tasks that are economically sensible”.So we decided to write our own networking library. Don’t get me wrong, the decision wasn’t totally based on pettiness and spite. We also have a few technical reasons to do this. To do what we want to do we need more control. Don’t worry, this isn’t something we decided yesterday. We decided it a long time ago. And the good news is that the new implementation is pretty much finished and ready to be tested. (I don’t like announcing intentions, I like announcing results)We’re obviously not going to inflict this change on everyone without testing it properly, so some time in the next couple of weeks we’ll have an experimental build up on Steam for people to help test it so we can iterate and evolve.Oh and because we’re awesome this new implementation lets the server and client co-exist in one build. So you can make listen servers, and single player versions. We’re not totally sure whether that’s something we’re going to make available straight away.. but it not having to compile/create/join a server every time you change code sure makes development a billion times faster.&font color=&#ce422b&&Other Stuff&/font&Here’s what the artists have been up to.&center&&img
made some new barrels!&/center&&center&&img
made a hammer&/center&&center&&img
made a bear&/center&&center&&img
a Deer&/center&&font color=&#ce422b&&When is the next update?&/font&So what’s likely to happen is this. Some time in the next 2-3 weeks a new branch will appear on Steam. The community will be split in two. New and old.We’re not going to take the old branch away from you until everyone is in universal agreement that the new branch is the future. And even then we’ll probably keep the old branch anyway – just for a laugh.&center&Reposted from &a
Community Announcements - Rubat
I don’t look forward to posting these updates. Each one of these devblogs is a reminder of how much we’re failing you. So here’s what’s been keeping us busy this week.&font color=&#ce422b&&Humble Store&/font&We put Rust on the &a
Store&/a&. We didn’t sell Rust anywhere but Steam, because it’s early access and we’re actively developing we didn’t want to whore it out everywhere. Honestly – right now, the less people playing it the better. But Humble Store changed our mind. 10% of all sales go to charity. So we decided it wouldn’t hurt.&font color=&#ce422b&&More Item Editor&/font&I want to explain more about the Item Editor. I want to make it clear why we’re bothering, and why it’s awesome. So let me walk you through how the &a
Fire&/a& item works.If you click the link above you will see a number of modules. For any item these modules can be turned on and off.&center&&img World Model controls what the item looks like when you drop it into the world (right click & drop). This could be a different model to what it normally looks like. It could be a sack for example.Container means that this item can contain other items. You can specify what type of items, and whether these items are accessible in the inventory, world model and deployed.Crafting lets you define blueprints to make this item.Deployable means this item can be placed in the world when selected in the belt bar.The oven lets you specify the temperature this item and its contents reaches when switched on.&center&&img And then we have events.. these events all add context options to the fireplace. So when you right click in the inventory or ‘use’ in the world, you are presented with these options.These events have conditions. So for example.. the “Ignite” option won’t show if the fire is already on, or if the fire doesn’t contain fuel.So here’s how that looks in game when you use the item.&center&&img
/&&/center&So the fire works. What about cooking stuff? Well, that’s generic too. &a
a look at this page&/a&. As you can probably see.. this event gets run when the temperature is between 150 and 250. When the cooked var reaches 100 the action gets run. Which is to swap the current item with a cooked version.This is nice and generic, nice and open. We can easily add an event to cooked chicken so that if t’s cooked for another 60 seconds, it becomes burnt chicken. Then if it’s cooked for another 60 seconds it becomes charcoal. This exact same logic can be applied to a furnace object, or a freezer – without any extra coding.So what about fuel? You need to put wood in the fire, right? Well technically not any more. We can add the &a
module&/a& to anything and it instantly becomes a fuel source for an oven.&font color=&#ce422b&&Other Stuff&/font&So that’s been keeping us busy.Dan has finished the &a
Trap model&/a&, and Alex has animated it.Alex and Tom have started &a
a more customizable player model&/a&.Tom is also &a
off work on the new rocks&/a&.Andre has been &a
the possibility of dumping viewmodels and using the player’s model instead&/a&.&font color=&#ce422b&&Time Scale&/font&We made a bold decision this week, which will mean that the next update will either come a lot faster than we’re expecting, or a lot slower. We’re hoping it’s a lot faster, and I hope I have more to share about that next week once we’ve walked the path a while.Sorry again for this huge update void. Please understand that when we released Rust we didn’t expect anyone to buy it, so we thought we had lots of time to slowly remove shitty placeholder code and replace it with super awesome future proof code. We expected to slowly build up a following while we were developing. We need to make drastic changes to the codebase to be able to continue.&center&Reposted from &a
Rock, Paper, Shotgun -
(Nathan Grayson)
If it wasn’t already plainly obvious, survival games are all the rage these day(z), and zombies – thanks to DayZ’s ever-looming influence – come part and parcel with that.
hit a little
too> close to home on that front, and , with its possibly dubious ties to the former, also deals in apocalyptic baddie bashing, but with a slant toward the occult. Rust, meanwhile, frolicked through the gray-green fields with the shambling undead
And now it seems EverQuest and PlanetSide developer SOE has come down with a case of the Z diseaze as well, with its “soon” to be available
promising DayZ-style antics on a much larger scale.When Smedley promised a game , I’m not sure if this is what they had in mind. … []
Community Announcements - Rubat
So, you wanted one of these every week, but not all that much has changed. We’re still grinding away on the new everything.This code re-writing is kind of like a virus. The more you change, the more you need to change. You get into the situation where it’s quicker and easier to replace existing code than integrate it with the new system. That’s what’s happening.The Item SystemThe old item system was a bit of a mess. So it was re-coded. We now load items via . Which is generated by the item editor website.You can
to an item in the editor website to add functionality. There were a few features on our wishlist for the new item system. Items need to all have size and weight. We need to make items be able to store other items inside them. We think this will open a world of emergent gameplay if we can pull it off right. For example, you could possibly put some poison inside some chicken. You could put a key in an apple and feed it to a pig. There’s a lot of options here.We’re hoping that by being able to add universal components to items like this, we’ll be able to make the system more open ended. An example of this is the ‘throwable’ component. The axe, the flare and the pickaxe should all be throwable – right?DeployablesA deployable is something in your inventory that you place in the world. The deployables system is being re-written too. This isn’t such a big deal, because it kind of works exactly the same. But unlike the old system, the new system keeps hold of the `item`. This means that it’s feasible to be able to pick deployed items back up. Internally this makes the code cleaner and more generic because we can use exactly the same inventory code to browse the contents of an item in the inventory when it’s deployed in the world.Weapons and ToolsThe weapons system is being re-coded too. We’ve only just started this so I don’t know of any obvious improvements. One of our dreams is to make reloading more involved with modern weapons. We don’t want you to just press reload and it somehow, in the background, takes your clip out and fills it up with bullets from your inventory, then puts it back in. We want you to go into combat situations will your clips loaded. I am probably alone here.. but I want you to sit in your home, manually dragging bullets into clips. Then when you’re in a battle situation, you’ll hold down reload and choose which clip you want to swap to. This way, when we introduce different types of ammunition (tracer etc), you’ll be able to put them in your clips in a specific order. I’m sure a lot of people don’t see that as a good idea, but I see it as a good way to ‘nerf’ modern weapons in a common sense way.Building SystemWe’re going to change the building system a lot in this pass. We’re not ready to talk about that yet though :)ClothingWe haven’t modified the clothing system yet – and will probably just make it ‘work’ without many changes in order to get the update out as soon as we can, then return to it again later on.TimescaleAll these changes come at a bit of a cost. You want updates, and we can’t get them. We’ll try to get the experimental branch in a workable state as soon as possible.. but right now we’re looking at least a couple of weeks more. I know it sucks, and I wish we didn’t have to do this. But again – once this is done we will have some serious traction to push things in the direction we want to be headed.Source:
Community Announcements - Rubat
A lot of people are complaining that we’re not giving enough updates on the development of Rust. They have suggested that we start posting weekly about what we’re doing. So that’s what we are going to do. Even if that means every week we post “replaced 6000 lines of terrible code with 1000 lines of not so terrible code.NO UPDATE?!?!?We understand you want weekly updates filled with a shitload of new content. To make that possible things need to change.So we’re working. That’s why we haven’t been posting updates. I think the important thing for people to realise is that when we launched Rust it was still pretty much a prototype. Most (if not all) of the code is terrible. I’m sure people have decompiled rust and thought that their decompiler was broken. It isn’t – that’s the code. Replacing this code isn’t a matter of programmer pride. It’s something that we need to do to push forward. The code is very limiting right now. It’s hard to understand and there’s too much of it. Once it’s all cleaned out we’ll be able to push on and iterate faster. If we try to do that now we’ll end up spinning ourselves into a web.This is a lot of what we’re doing now. Replacing old terrible, complicated systems with clean, tidy, future proof systems.Trading CardsAs
yesterday we released our first set of trading cards. I was hesitant about posting about this yesterday because I knew the comments would be filled with “NICE RELEASE TRADING CARDS BUT NOT UPDATES”. So let me clear this up. Our programmers didn’t make the trading cards. We’re programming. We didn’t delay releasing updates so we could make trading cards.We wanted to release this set of cards during our early alpha to capture where we’re at right now. The hope is that every 6 months or so we’ll release a new set of cards capturing the state of the game, the community and events surrounding it. I think
have done a great job on the cards and the backgrounds, and I hope you agree.New Inventory SystemOne of the code systems that is getting totally replaced is the inventory system. Why? Well, . You can literally open any of these inventory files and find code that doesn’t explain itself. Code that uses ambiguous variable names. Basically, This code is also tied very harshly into our old GUI system, NGUI. Which in the next update is completely replaced by our new system of choice, DFGUI. (Which will probably be replaced again by Unity’s new GUI system when we eventually move to Unity 5 in a few months (which is why this new inventory code is very much UI agnostic)).I know what you’re thinking. You don’t care what the code is like. What does it mean for you? And we agree. It’s be a waste of time if we re-wrote a bunch of code and everything was the same. So we are changing things up a bit, making previously impossible things possible. Here’s a look at the prototype UI for the new menu.&img
/&This is obviously quite early in the development and a lot of stuff is missing, but I think it shows a few things that the new system has that the old one doesn’t. It’s scalable, so if you’re playing in a large resolution, or on the TV you will still be able to see what you’re doing. You can queue and cancel crafting items. Text labels are all unicode, which means we can support translations.The biggest change is that it now uses the new item system, which is enabled by the
(which is also a WIP).SummaryWe have been distracted by stuff over the last couple of weeks. I had some business bullshit on my mind. Helk has got some rather significant family health problems. I’m back at it hard now and Helk is slowly recovering and getting back to work.We are working for you, but please keep your expectations reasonable. We’re still a relatively small team. Just because we’ve sold a million copies – it doesn’t mean we’re going to hire 1,000 people. More cooks do not make a better game. That said, we are hiring if you’re awesome so !Repost of
Rock, Paper, Shotgun -
(Brendan Caldwell)
I had died again. For the eighth time I had been murdered by a greedy neighbour. I sighed. It was time to switch servers and try it all again. Usually when you spawn on a
server, there are a few quiet minutes to get used to your surroundings and look around. Not on my ninth reincarnation. The very instant I popped into the world I heard a voice behind me, yelling.
Who are you!
It was more of a statement of rage than a question. Shocked, I turned and saw him. Silhouetted against the sky, a man stood atop a wrecked building, stretching a bow and pointing an arrow at me. His name was Blazing Bazing. He was completely naked. … []
This is the final entry in a multi-part Rust diary from noted naked man Christopher Livingston
read part one here, and part two here.Here's a tip: don't run around at night with a lit torch or you'll get shot. I know this because I once ran around at night with a lit torch and got shot. That's why, more recently, when I was alone and lost in the middle of the night, I only lit my torch for a second to take a quick look. Here's another tip: don't light your torch even for a second to take look around or you'll get shot. I did. For a second. And I got shot.In the early-access crafting survival game Rust, I'd recently become stuck in a comfy rut. I'd made some friends and together we'd created a safe valley neighborhood there seemed no real reason to stray from. With plenty of resources to gather and trade and a network of helpful neighbors, I was finding this notoriously violent and unpredictable game a bit, well, humdrum. Eventually, I became curious about what else the world of Rust had to offer. What lay outside my peaceful valley? What was down the road? What was over those hills? And what was over whatever was over those hills? Also, I just accidentally got lost one day and really had no choice but to step out of my comfort zone and start exploring.So, there I was, completely lost, at night. I lit my torch to get a look around
just for a second
and someone immediately opened fire from close by. Bleeding, I ran away and someone chased me, continuing to fire. I was about to run out of blood, and perhaps he was about to run out of bullets, because we both stopped at about the same time. I crouched, bandaging myself, trying to hide in the grass. I could hear his footsteps circling nearby. I started eating all my food, just so if he killed me there wouldn't be much to loot. Yes, while crouched bleeding in the bushes, I ate five cooked chicken breasts simply out of spite. Finally, in stable condition again, I took off running. He either lost interest or lost sight of me, and I didn't hear him again. Huh. Now I'm the weirdo creeping around people's houses in the middle of the night.As I ran through the night, player-made buildings loomed at me from the darkness. Some small and simple, some grand and complex. As soon as one passed from view another would appear, the creations of dozens of players I'd never even seen in all my hours spent on the server. Most of the homes were dark and silent. Very occasionally, I would overhear a snippet of conversation as two or more players worked through the night on some crafting project, locked safely in their communal home. Sometimes, while pausing outside a building with windows, a pink face would silently peep down at me through the gloom, then retreat from view. It's always darkest before the dawn. Except in Rust, where it's darkest all damn night.I reached the ocean at dawn, and yet another large building overlooking it. Who was building all of these structures? How did they find the time? This server had been wiped clean and reset less than a week ago and despite spending some eighteen hours playing I'd barely managed to prop up my ugly, three-story hovel and help my friends with a couple small side projects. Some of these buildings I was seeing were preposterously huge and intricate. Many were incomplete, and nearly all seemed completely unattended. That house has more stories than Isaac Asimov. AM I RITEI continued on as the sun came up. I ran through the day, passing dozens of shelters, shacks, homes, strongholds, and forts. I kept running as the sun began to go down, and ran through the night again. Soon I began to see fewer buildings, and eventually, none at all. When the sun rose again, I couldn't see evidence of another player in any direction. I saw no more wild animals, no more irradiated beasts, no more logpiles to chop or even boulders to mine. Just hills, dirt, and trees.I was in the wastelands. Leave only footprints, take only pictures. Because there's simply nothing else TO take.For two full days and nights I sprinted. I sprinted until my hand began to cramp from holding down the keys. There was so much nothing, acres of nothing. Miles of it. One night I built a tiny dwelling and a campfire on the tallest hill I could find, just so there would be something to look at. In the middle of nowhere, I added a little somewhere.I spent the night cooking in my shack and crafting whatever I could just to give myself something to do. The next morning I started sprinting again. Two more full days and nights I ran, and still, nothing. No people, no buildings, no animals, and
except for trees
no resources. It's impressive how massive the world of Rust is, and it's bizarre how empty that world can be, especially when it feels so crowded in other spots. For days, the only proof I wasn't alone on the server was the steady scroll of inane blather and accusations of hacking in the global chat window.Eventually, I found the other edge of the island and tried to psych myself up for a long, finger-cramping run back to civilization. Before I left, I decided to see what happens when you step into the ocean in Rust. Spoiler alert: you die instantly. While I was a little disappointed
I wanted to make it all the way back home again on foot
I was also relieved because I was damn sick of running my way through all of Rust's nothingness. I respawned at my sleeping bag in my house.And there I was instantly confused. When I spawn in my house, I usually find myself staring at one of my four walls. Instead, I was staring at the rocks and trees of my home valley. Why had I spawned outside? My three-story house has become a one-story hole.A moment later I realized I had spawned inside. It was just that my walls were gone. As was my ceiling. And door. And my stairs. Oh, and all of the stuff I'd spent long hours collecting and crafting. Someone had blown my house apart and taken everything in it. I'd been raided! Damn! I ran off to find adventure and excitement and it had happened to my house while I was away!I ran over to my neighbor's massive home, to see if he'd seen anything. His house was missing some doors and walls, too. I ran to all of my friends' homes, and they were all blasted open, empty, silent. The whole neighborhood had been sacked. I spotted someone coming toward me across the valley and I ran to meet him. "Hey, do you know what happened?" I asked. He shot me dead instantly. I respawned in what was left of my house. "What happened was," the stranger said in text chat, "I killed you." Twice more that day I was shot and killed in the fields I used to feel safe in. The valley was no longer full of friendly people I knew, it was full of violent people I didn't.My workbench and forge had survived the raid, so I spent the next day and night scurrying around the valley, collecting all the resources I could. I crafted a gun, some ammo, and some new walls. The only thing I didn't have enough metal for was a new door, so I huddled in my house until morning, guarding my meager stash. While other players freely text-chatted about Mass Effect, I spent the evening pointing my loaded pistol at the open doorway of what used to be my home. They're talking about the indoctrination theory. That's not going to help me stay awake all night.I eventually got my hovel rebuilt, at least the ground floor, though who knows how long it will last. As for my group of friends, I haven't ever seen them again, not on that server. There are new structures being built in the valley all the time, but I'm shot dead whenever I go near them. I'm no longer a part of this neighborhood. It's under new management.
This is part two of a multi-part Rust diary from noted naked man
Christopher Livingston
read part one here, and come back next Wednesday for part three of his adventures.It's the dead of night and I'm in my cabin, which, at the moment, is essentially just a box. But I have plans for expansion. Big plans! Like adding a second box. Next to the main box. So it'll be two boxes. Anyway, I'm crafting with the spoils of my daytime scavenging and hunting. I've got ore simmering in the furnace, food cooking in the campfire, and I'm banging together some new building materials at my workbench. That's when I hear footsteps outside. They approach slowly, crunching through the grass, until they're right outside my cabin wall. Then they stop. Then... nothing.Having a house in the Early Access crafting survival game Rust comes with a few benefits. Drop a sleeping bag, and now you have a place to respawn. Build a workbench and a forge, and now you have a place to craft. Build a storage box, and now you have a place to store your materials. There's a downside, however. Once you've got a home, you've got neighbors. And neighbors love to drop by. A sleeping bag, a roaring fire... oh, and some creep outside peekin' in.Take this current visitor, who has walked up to my cabin and is apparently standing just outside. I hold my breath, straining to listen. I'm nervous. I mean, I know my door can't be opened by anyone but me, and my tiny cabin is almost certainly too small for someone to bother wasting explosives trying to get in. But still... there's someone
some other human person
standing right outside my walls in the middle of the night. I extinguish my forge and campfire, plunging my cabin into darkness. I hold my breath. There's some shuffling outside. I can barely see a human figure crouching in the moonlight. He's peering through the narrow gaps in my walls. He's a virtual foot away from me and we're staring at each other through a crack in the wall. It's... unsettling.I fire a shotgun blast at the wall, knowing I can't hurt him from in here, but mostly to let him know I actually do have a gun and I'm not AFK. He crouches there a moment longer, then I hear him walk away.The next night, again, I hear footsteps approach. This time, they stop right outside my door."Hello," says a hollow, monotone voice. "Hello. I'm friendly. You can open your door." Somehow I'm not convinced. He circles my house a couple times, reassuring me in his odd, flat voice that it's OK to let him in. I sit inside, eyes wide, until the footsteps recede. Compared to the people in Rust, bears are nothing to worry about.The next day I build another room onto my house, and put in some exposed stairs leading to what I plan to be the second floor. Around dawn, I have another visitor. I douse my flames and listen while the footsteps go from the grass outside to the boulder next to my house. Then there's a clunk as he jumps onto my roof. Whoever he is, he's walking around directly above me."Anybody home?" a voice asks, knowing full well that somebody is home. "Anybody? If nobody's home, then... I'll just tear down these stairs."There's a splintering noise as he starts smashing my new staircase. I have no idea if he can actually ruin my stairs or not, but I'd prefer he didn't. I go outside."What's going on?" I ask him. He walks off my roof and lands in the grass. He's wearing only pants, and holding a rock."Come here, and I'll show you."I walk over, because in general I choose to be trusting. Also: I am extremely stupid. He immediately begins trying to smash me with his rock. I pull out my pipe shotgun and fire. Naturally, I miss. The only thing worse than a guy who might have a shotgun is a guy who definitely has a rock.We have a merry little chase. Him, trying to bash me with a rock while hopping around like a kangaroo, me backpedaling, firing wildly, missing, and trying to reload my one-shot boomstick. Finally, I make a buttonhook around my house, slither up the boulder, and slide down the other side to the grass. He follows but makes the mistake of leaping off the boulder.He lands with a crunch and drops to the ground, where his prone body appears to suddenly be sleeping. I assume he's dead, but just to be safe I shoot him at point blank range. His body vanishes in a spray of blood and is replaced by a backpack. He's carrying nothing but starter gear: torches and two bandages. And his rock. The dude from Part 1? He's still looking out for me. With a big gun.So, it seems I've been welcomed to the neighborhood, Rust-style! It's not all bad though. The kind benefactor from my first diary entry lives a short distance away, and drops by every so often to see how I'm doing, to give me the local news, and to brutally kill any interlopers he spots. When I tell him about the guy who tried bashing my head in, and how long it took me to kill him, he says, "Yeah, when someone comes at you with a rock like that... it's hard to kill a naked jumping man." Meanwhile, this ninja brandishing an axe? He was super nice.I'm also starting to be recognized in the valley. Not all strangers slink around my house in the middle of the night: many come over and introduce themselves. My friend has friends, soon I learn their names and get comfortable having them around. We share resources if someone has a project going. We swap news, stories, and advice. If someone accidentally gets shot (which happens), apologies are made. If someone accidentally gets shot and killed (which also happens), gear is politely returned. It really feels like a little neighborhood. A weird, violent little neighborhood filled with irradiated bears and mostly-naked men. Now the sight of naked men running toward me is a happy one. It means I'm home.Speaking of the neighborhood, it's sprouted some new buildings. The next time I log in, someone has built a wide three story building with barred windows and a series of ramps leading up one side of it. I'm impressed: it's taken me days to build a tiny three-story, and someone arrived and threw this together alone in a few hours.However, as you can sort of see in the screenshot, our new neighbor left out an important detail: one ceiling section. Word around the valley is, as soon as he logged off, everyone in our 'hood climbed the side of his house, jumped through the roof, and looted his storage crates. I have a look inside myself: the place has been entirely cleaned out. He hasn't been back. I guess it pays to get friendly with the locals before building a condo on their block. Walls are important. Doors are important. Ceilings? Super-important.Speaking of friendly locals, it's now been days since I've had anyone creep around or try to kill me, which makes me think that perhaps I'm leading a too-sheltered life. I've got my cozy corner of the server, and it's great, but maybe it's time I left it for a bit, to get a true taste of the outside world. Maybe it's time I went walkabout!I should point out, I don't make this decision. It's sort of made for me. After a day of hunting, I've run back to the cliff where my house is located, but when I get there my house is missing. It's because I've run to the wrong cliff. I run to another distant cliff, but it's the wrong one as well. Two things occur to me: I'm completely and utterly lost, and the sun has gone down. How hard could it be to find my way home? Alone? In the dark? Oh god no.You know how Bilbo Baggins went There and Back Again? Next week, I try to do the same.}


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