
U神开始进入斗鱼直播之后,近日对于RNG以及EDG的职业选手们开始进行了一波评价,小狗脾气mx  Loo这里是青铜王者五,这里风起云涌,这里刀光血影,这里的战局瞬息万变。  这里没有发育,没有补刀,没有经济,团战型AD的崛起,促使一些新的战术产生,今天介绍一种以下路为核心的战术玩法。  连续几个版本AD的加强,1近日,有网友上传了一段自家孩子打LOL的视频。本来一直是青铜五,皇天不负有心人,终于到了熬到青铜四的晋级虽然由PDD赞助的YM战队上周在晋级LPL的升降级赛中再次不敌而没能成功晋级LPL,然而朴老师的心情似乎在最近的LPL升降级赛的解说席上,一张美丽的面孔引起了网友的关注,这个美女解说是谁呢?  于是赛后有人问在昨天凌晨结束的里约奥运会跳水男子三米板预赛中,中国选手何超屡次出现失误(6跳出现4次失误),尤其是第二1诺克萨斯之手德莱厄斯——白羊座   白羊座精力旺盛、热情如火,火星代表着他们无限的战斗力和尚武精神。星相刺客更新——卡特琳娜改动方向  继泰隆、雷恩加尔以及乐芙兰之后,设计师Beluga Whale带来了年末真是在用生命排位    我不是鬼我也能猜到你经历了什么  (via 孤寂丶凉城)    真是在用生命排位攻略前言  本周国服就将要迎来6.16版本的更替了,最大的看点还是我们新英雄克烈的登场,其实吧!这里有一随着2016全球总决赛的来临,也预示着新赛季即将到来,版本节奏紧凑的变化着,尊从着众多召唤师们的建议,到“克烈是个暴脾气的小个子,唯恐天下太平,随着年份增长,他变得越来越暴力,越来越疯狂,越来越古怪难懂。”这8月19日测试服更新:赛恩皮肤原画更新,并发布了一款新召唤师图标,得知方式未知。设计师透露,S7也许可能英雄联盟五周年个人趣味数据开放查询啦,快来查一查自己的有趣数据吧。  官方开发的H5——查询我的英雄联盟近日,有某网友爆料,内蒙古某职业学院针对新生推出了电子竞技专业课程,从显示屏可以看出,几个醒目的红字“电他们拿着白菜的经济却要操着卖白粉的心,简直是感动中国位置,没有之一他们即是——辅助!本文将深入探讨辅助这雄联盟最吸引人的地方莫过于每个英雄都会有不同的技能以及属性,而技能间的机制又分为哪一些呢?一起来看看吧。上周LOL不是开了克隆模式嘛,嫌排位累,打几盘克隆放松,没想到五盘里面四盘队友强行投亚索。我晕,匹配哈撒给,不买皮肤你会变强吗?还想打排位、上王者、泡主播、迎娶网红么?我买买买,我买还不行吗?最强的武器永远是补丁,在这个万古不变的真理下,英雄联盟也陆续的迎来了6.15和6.16版本的到来。在这个以A今天起来的比较晚,刷贴吧的时候看到有网友爆料说,昨晚PDD在直播的时候出大事了!本着一颗好奇的心就去了解了下每次提到定级赛,不少玩家都觉得好坑好坑,虽然只有10局,但每一局都是把头系在裤带上打的,生怕一不小心自己最近随着世界赛的临近,我们发现越来越多的英雄总是像被着了诅咒一样,似乎很多年没在各大赛事上出现了,下面我最近,LOL知名主播55开和女友UU跑去日本旅游了,之前还在微博PO内裤,说是要送给粉丝,简直污到不行,我们经常把坑的队友形容成小学生,因为一般的小孩子思想天真,心智还不成熟所以,在很多人眼里让他们去做一些事1今天是IG战队kid的19岁生日,IG官博也发文祝福。  加入iG以来,不管在时期,不管在什么位置,你都虽然只是住在一片乱糟糟的出租屋内,但记者面前的这位电竞女选手仍憧憬着一切:  “你知道小A吗?她现在可是Dopa,世界第一路人王多次问鼎韩服王者,被认为如果打职业将会是下一个Faker的玩家。但他的韩服之路并近日官网更新了潘森新皮肤预告,面包师——潘森?当撸友点进去看这段视频还以为走错了片场,画面突变,看来拳头游戏在大多数人心中都只是消遣,因为大家能把握住度,但是总有那么一小部分人无法控制自己,达到了“丧心病狂”1杜绝脚本 拳头正式起诉外挂团队召唤师技能  推荐:闪现+传送,这是面对坦克和战士英雄时的标准配置。传送可以让你为全图带来极大的压力,因LOL英雄联盟,今天,相比大家起来就被宝宝的事情刷屏了!  那么,游戏主播们很多也是有经纪人的,他们的经1在观察数据中有一栏英雄BAN率,反映出了玩家对这个英雄讨厌程度以及其自身强力程度,在6.15版本中就存在今天,WE和IM的争夺LPL季后赛季军的比赛正式开场,然而在本次的比赛中间却出现了技术问题导致重赛。LOL英雄联盟,昨天2016LPL夏季赛半决赛中,RNG鏖战五局击败曾经的EDG二队(现在说是半毛钱关系蛟龙潜深水,民间有高人。  贴吧里一直存在着两种传说人物:贴吧大神和老司机。近日,英雄联盟知名贴吧“背锅今天上午,OMG教练白色月牙发表微博称:没有对不起谁,问心无愧,天道总有轮回。  不知道这句话到底意味着自从指pdd直播合同到期炒作,到遇节奏大师被uu撕逼,近日又在直播时爆料代打女主播,笑笑完全是要上天的节一年一度的高考又来临了,有很多小伙伴奋战在前线考场。我们这些在后方的撸友也不能闲着,与他们一起并肩作战吧!赶初入英雄联盟的我们,就如同一个刚刚进入江湖的小弱鸡,没错刚上手的时候大家每个人都是传说中的平民!  而当昨日,LOL知名主播、LOL解说、电竞女神miss大小姐在朋友圈声称:已经与NICETV解约。  不过目英雄前言    6.10版本牛头人有较大削弱,厚度降了许多,然而大家还是那么的重视他,作为辅助,他是对面在这样一个日子里,虎牙直播的知名男主播芜湖神作为一个“撩妹达人”却一反常态,不仅没有在520这样一个暧昧的日wangzhezu第一时间掌握最新最全的lol英雄联盟新闻资讯,赛事视频,知名解说视频,精彩击杀集锦,LOL搞笑节目,周免英雄与半价英雄、皮肤等信息。热门文章最新文章wangzhezu第一时间掌握最新最全的lol英雄联盟新闻资讯,赛事视频,知名解说视频,精彩击杀集锦,LOL搞笑节目,周免英雄与半价英雄、皮肤等信息。【音乐】各种欧美音乐和纯音乐 总有一首合适撸友们听的
【音乐】各种欧美音乐和纯音乐 总有一首合适撸友们听的
Just a dream –NellyJust A Dream(只是个梦)是嘻哈天王Nelly在发行的全新专辑《5.0》里面的一首火爆单曲,歌长三分五十四秒。I was thinking about her 我在想着她
  Thinking about me 想着我
  Thinking about us (us) 想着我们
 Where we gonna be 我们将会去哪里  Open my eyes, (Yeah) 睁开我的眼  It was only just a dream... 这已经只是个梦  So I travel back (Uh) 所以我跋涉回来  Down that road (road) 从那条路  Will she come back? (Uh) 她也会回来吗?  No one knows 没人知道  I realize (Yeah) 然后我意识到
It was only just a dream... 那只是一个梦
I was at the top and now it was like being in a
basement 我曾经在顶点,现在我却像是在地下室。  Number 1 spot, Now she'sfinding a replacement (曾在她的)第一位,现在她找到了一个替代品。  I swear now I can't take it 我发誓我已经不能承受。  Knowing somebodys got mybaby 知道有人得到了我的宝贝。  Now you ain't around, baby Ican't think 现在你不在我的身旁,宝贝我不能思考了。  I shoulda put it down,shoulda got that ring 我已经放下了它(我们的感情),但还是带着那戒指。  Cuz I can still feel it inthe air 因为我仍然感觉得到它(我们的爱)弥漫在空气中  See her pretty face, run myfinger through her hair 看着她美丽的脸,她的头发从我的指尖滑过。  My lover, my life 我的爱人,我的生命
很律动,很有节奏感的 ...
Only love是trademark乐队的第三张专辑《Onlylove》中最好听的一首,低沉而富有磁性的嗓音讲述了又一个令人感动的爱情。建议有空去听一下,真正领会了其意义后,是会被感动的哭的。
trademark《only love》发迹于德国的三人乐团Trademark,由Achim Remling、MirkoBaumer、Sade ghian这三位喜欢音乐的好友所组成,他们原来都在餐厅担任服务生的职务,他们合作生涯始于一个"IN"的PUB,在那里音乐家们正在做侍应生。一个晚上,一个现场乐队临时退出,三个侍应生放下他们的盘子而拾起麦克风,并作起娱乐表演。正如被打开的香槟酒,听众们被深深的打动了,一个新的乐队产生了:"HOUSE BRAND" 一个酒吧乐队。消息传的很快,“这三个家伙真不赖。”乐队有了迅速发展的潜力。
Two.a.m.and the rain is falling  凌晨2点,下着雨.  Herewe are at the crossroads once again  我们再次来到这分手的十字路口. 
You're telling me you're so confused 
你告诉我你是那么彷徨,  Youcan't make up your mind  你无法下定决心.  Isthis meant to be  那是不是意味着,  You'reasking me  你在向我寻找答案.  Butonly love can say try again or walk away
But I believe for you and me  然而我坚信,对于你我来说,  Thesun will shine one day  有一天,太阳还会升起.  Soi'll just play my part  所以我只是扮演好自己的角色,  Prayyou'll have a change of heart
Stewart Mac日,曾获邀为传奇摇滚乐队Bon Jovi(邦乔维)“Lost Highway”担任世界巡回演唱会的开场嘉宾的英伦摇滚型男Stewart Mac(史蒂麦可)将为歌迷带来今年情人节最能俘获人心的音乐礼物--《我爱你》。 史蒂麦可曾在众多伦敦知名的场馆如The Astoria, The Clapham Grand, The Islington Academy等举办过个人演出,他以优异的现场演出,为自己赢得了许多来自乐评和媒体的正面肯定。伦敦知名演唱会经纪公司Feedme Music的Dave Grenfell就不吝赞扬的表示,“他有着令人屏息的音乐才华!”所有看过他表演的观众,也都着迷于他的迷人歌曲与现场魅力。there was once a broken man 曾经有个心碎的男人who walked a lonely road 孤独得走在路上and gave up all his dream放弃所有梦想i was once this broken man我曾经就是这样一个心碎的男人who staring into the sun站在阳光下and just refused to see 却只是拒绝正视它i was lost among the clouds that wouldn't fade我曾经迷失在无法消散的云雾中i was looking for an answer我不断的寻找答案i was searching but i didn't take the time寻找着却错过了时机iwas down and out and feeling so afiaid一度的失落潦倒并且感到害怕i love you 我爱你the way that you turned me round你让我转变的方式and chased away my blues 让我远离心中的忧伤i love you我爱你
You're Beautiful是JamesBlunt(詹姆斯·布朗特)的第三张单曲,歌曲刚一推出就排在了榜单的第12位,6周后更是势无可挡的夺取了冠军宝座。英国各电台也都大肆播放这首歌,无形中将Back to Bedlam推到了UK Albums Chart榜的榜首。
这无疑是一首伤感的歌。歌者遇见一个美丽的女孩,但他却无能为力拥有她,只有眼睁睁的看着她与旁人而去。然而令人震惊的是,在歌曲尚未开始之时,当前奏仍未结束之时,歌者竟脱口而出"Mylife is brilliant"。这种摆脱内心无限孤苦的大无畏精神几乎要令人落泪。随着音乐的渐渐进行,歌者也向听者讲述了具体的故事。在人海中偶遇的一个女孩,她那美丽的微笑,她那貌似不经意的对视,令歌者怦然心动。无奈的是,她身边已经有人。歌者用了一句诡异的"I've got a plan",将我们带入了他的内心世界。她的美丽是歌者无法抵挡的,在看见她的瞬间,歌者感觉世界都停了下来。但众人的脚步却没有停。在擦肩而过的几秒钟内,歌者内心世界经历了人生中也许最大的苦痛,与美丽就此告别,心中的无限遐想也在瞬间成为了泡影。一个高昂的"flying high",在冥冥之中透露了作者心中巨大的起伏。众人继续擦肩,眼看就要分离。歌者回过头来,他知道,自己永远不会和这个美丽女子在一起。但他心中并不是完完全全的懊恼与焦躁。于实于虚之中,歌者仿佛看见了一个纯洁的天使,一个象征了美好的天使,和自己别过。基督教文化中,看见天使即为幸事,无须拥有天使。歌者坚强的朝前走着,他知道回头看身后的女子也无济于事,因为自己迟早要面对现实——I'll never be with you。在我们的生活里,又何尝没有过这样的经历呢?茫茫人海中,无意中抬头的一瞥,很可能让我们为之心动。但我们只能选择错过,因为无数的理由。用这首歌来代表我们所希望的但却不能拥有的,无比美好。
My life is brilliant. 我的人生缤纷灿烂。  Mylife is brilliant. 我的人生缤纷灿烂。  Mylove is pure. 我的爱如此纯真。  Isaw an angel. 因为我见过天使。  Ofthat I'm sure. 对此,我深信不疑。  Shesmiled at me on the subway. 她在地下铁上对着我微笑。  Shewas with another man. 虽然身边伴着另一个男人。  ButI won't lose no sleep on that, 但我可不会为此辗转难眠,  'CauseI've got a plan. 因为我已有心理准备。  You'rebeautiful. You're beautiful, 你就是这么美,你就是这么美,  You'rebeautiful, it's true. 你就是这么的美,这是千真万确。  Isaw your face in a crowded place, 我曾在人潮拥挤之处瞥见你的脸,  AndI don't know what to do, 这令我不知所措。  'CauseI'll never be with you. 因为我和你永远无法相依。  Yeah,she caught my eye, 是啊,我视线被她占据。
As wewalked on by. 在我们擦身而过的瞬间。
She could see from my face that I was, 她应该可以从我的神情看出,  flying high, 我欣喜若狂飞上云霄,
And I don't think that I'll see heragain, 我想,我将再也见不到她。  Butwe shared a moment that will last till the end. 但我们共享了永恒的片刻。  You'rebeautiful. You're beautiful. 你就是这么美 你就是这么美。  You'rebeautiful, it's true. 你就是这么的美 这是千真万确。  Isaw your face in a crowded place, 我曾在人潮拥挤之处瞥见你的脸  AndI don't know what to do, 这令我不知所措,  'CauseI'll never be with you. 因为我和你永远无法相依。  You'rebeautiful. You're beautiful. 你就是这么美,你就是这么美。  You'rebeautiful, it's true. 你就是这么的美,这是千真万确。  Theremust be an angel with a smile on her face, 我看到了笑起来跟她一模一样的天使,  Whenshe thought up that I should be with you. 当她也想到我们应该在一起时。  Butit's time to face the truth, 但,该是面对事实的时候了,  I will never be with you. 我和你永远无法相依。
一种很轻快 很顺的声音
It's been so long
thatI haven't seen your face
I'm trin' to be strong  我在努力变得坚强  Butthe strength I have is washing away  但是我所拥有的能力在消逝  Itwon't be long before I get you by my side  很快我就会把你拉回我的身边
Andjust hold you, taste you, squeeze you  只要拥着你,品味你,紧握着你  Tellyou what's been on my mind  告诉你我现在的想法  I wanna make up right now na na  我现在就想要补偿  I wanna make up right now na na  我现在就想要补偿  Wishwe never broke up right now na na  希望我们不曾分开过  weneed to link up right now na na  我们现在就需要相连  Iwanna make up right now na na  我现在就想要补偿
只能说是神曲I'm holding on your rope 我抓住你的绳索 Got me ten feet off the ground 让自己离地十尺高 And I'm hearing what you say 我在听着你说话 But I just can't make a sound 却不能出声 You tell me that you need me 你告诉我你需要我 Then you go and cut me down , but wait 然后你走了,砍倒了我(比喻伤了我的心),只好等待 You tell me that you're sorry 你告诉我,你很抱歉 Didn'tthink I'd turn around and say 却想不到我会转过来向你道歉 That it's too late to apologize 说抱歉已经太迟了 It'stoo late 太迟了 I said it's too late to apologize 我说抱歉已经太迟了 It's too late 太迟了 I'd take another chance 我会冒个险 take a fall , take a shot for you 为你倒下,为你一饮而尽 I need you like a heart needs a beat 我需要你,就像心脏需要跳动 but it's nothing new 但这并不是什么新鲜的事情 I loved you with a fire red 我像一团红色的火焰般爱着你 Now it's turning blue 但如今火焰变成了蓝色 And you say sorry like an angel 你说对不起时就像天使 Heaven let me think was you 天堂让我想到的是你 But I'm afraid 但我害怕 It's too late to apologize 说抱歉已经太迟了 It's too late 太迟了 I said it's too late to apologize It's too late 太迟了 It's too late to apologize 说抱歉已经太迟了 It's too late 太迟了 I said it's too late to apologize 我说抱歉已经太迟了 It's too late 太迟了 I said it's too late to apologize 我说抱歉已经太迟了 I said it's too late to apologize 我说抱歉已经太迟了 I'm holding on your rope 我抓住你的绳索 Got me ten feet off the ground 让自己离地十尺高
经典不能再经典了歌手:westlife(西城男孩)  所属专辑:CoastTo Coast  专辑第一主打单曲首先吸引我的应该是这首歌本身!谁都得承认,shane与生俱来的优质声线是他的法宝,它纯净、透明、真挚,能波动你的每一根心弦!他的歌声所带给人们的感动可以直接延伸到你心灵最温情最脆弱的角落,正是这样,你已经无法抗拒的融入他的歌声之中任由他将你带到歌曲所表达的意境中去了!这首歌也不例外,音乐刚才开始便吸引了我全部的注意力,shane的一段深情的主唱过后跟着是合唱部分,那也是最吸引我的一部各个发挥分!接下来是bryan的主唱部分,他的声音给人一种纯朴,贴心,真实的感觉。很想跟着他哼上两句!此后一段mark的小独唱,可以说是整首歌中很重要的一段过度!mark的声线很独特,气势浑宏,底韵很足,而对于这小段的演绎却又是不温不火,恰倒好处!此后掀起了整首歌的大高潮,整个合唱宏伟大气,气势澎湃,三位主唱也都齐显了神通,轮番担当高音部分,整首歌在一种高亢激扬的曲风中结束,让人很是回味An empty street 空寂的街道 An empty house 空寂的房间 A hole inside my heart 空寂的思念深藏在我的心中 I'm all alone 孤孤单单 The rooms are getting smaller 无尽的孤寂压迫着我 I wonder how 我想知道怎样 I wonder why 我想知道是何原因 I wonder where they are 我想知道他们的归属 The days we had 我们在一起的时光 The songs we sang together 我们共同吟唱的歌曲 Oh yeah 哦 耶 And oh my love 还有你 吾爱 I'm holding on forever 我始终坚持着 Reaching for a love that seems so far 但得到一份爱却是哪样遥不可及 So I say a little prayer 我稍稍向上帝祈求 And hope my dreams will take me there 并希望我的梦能带我到那儿 Where the skies are blue to see you once again, my love 那儿有湛蓝的 天空还有你美丽的笑容 吾爱 over seas and coast to coast 漂过大海 翻山越岭 To find a place I love the most 去找寻一个我最喜爱的地方 Where the fields are green to see you once again, my love 那儿有翠绿 的草原还有你醉人的眼神 吾爱 I try to read 我尝试阅读 I go to work 我尽力工作 I'm laughing with my friends 我和我的朋友逍遥狂欢 But I can't stop to keep myself from thinking Oh no 但这一切都不能阻 止我的幻想 哦
经典不能再经典了歌手:westlife(西城男孩)  所属专辑:CoastTo Coast  专辑第一主打单曲首先吸引我的应该是这首歌本身!谁都得承认,shane与生俱来的优质声线是他的法宝,它纯净、透明、真挚,能波动你的每一根心弦!他的歌声所带给人们的感动可以直接延伸到你心灵最温情最脆弱的角落,正是这样,你已经无法抗拒的融入他的歌声之中任由他将你带到歌曲所表达的意境中去了!这首歌也不例外,音乐刚才开始便吸引了我全部的注意力,shane的一段深情的主唱过后跟着是合唱部分,那也是最吸引我的一部各个发挥分!接下来是bryan的主唱部分,他的声音给人一种纯朴,贴心,真实的感觉。很想跟着他哼上两句!此后一段mark的小独唱,可以说是整首歌中很重要的一段过度!mark的声线很独特,气势浑宏,底韵很足,而对于这小段的演绎却又是不温不火,恰倒好处!此后掀起了整首歌的大高潮,整个合唱宏伟大气,气势澎湃,三位主唱也都齐显了神通,轮番担当高音部分,整首歌在一种高亢激扬的曲风中结束,让人很是回味An empty street 空寂的街道 An empty house 空寂的房间 A hole inside my heart 空寂的思念深藏在我的心中 I'm all alone 孤孤单单 The rooms are getting smaller 无尽的孤寂压迫着我 I wonder how 我想知道怎样 I wonder why 我想知道是何原因 I wonder where they are 我想知道他们的归属 The days we had 我们在一起的时光 The songs we sang together 我们共同吟唱的歌曲 Oh yeah 哦 耶 And oh my love 还有你 吾爱 I'm holding on forever 我始终坚持着 Reaching for a love that seems so far 但得到一份爱却是哪样遥不可及 So I say a little prayer 我稍稍向上帝祈求 And hope my dreams will take me there 并希望我的梦能带我到那儿 Where the skies are blue to see you once again, my love 那儿有湛蓝的 天空还有你美丽的笑容 吾爱 over seas and coast to coast 漂过大海 翻山越岭 To find a place I love the most 去找寻一个我最喜爱的地方 Where the fields are green to see you once again, my love 那儿有翠绿 的草原还有你醉人的眼神 吾爱 I try to read 我尝试阅读 I go to work 我尽力工作 I'm laughing with my friends 我和我的朋友逍遥狂欢 But I can't stop to keep myself from thinking Oh no 但这一切都不能阻 止我的幻想 哦
if i had to live my life without you near me the days would all be empty the nights would seem so long you i see forever oh so clearly i might have been in love before but i've never felt this strong our dreams are young and we both know they take us where we want to go hold me now touch me now i don't want to live without you nothing's gonna change my love for you you oughta know by now how much i love you one thing you can be sure of i never ask for more than your love nothing's gonna change my love for you you oughta know by now how much i love you the world may change my whole life through but nothing's gonna change my love for you if the road ahead is not so easy our love will lead the way for us like a guiding star i'll be there for you if you should need me you don't have to change a thing i love you just the way you are so come with me and share the view i help you see forever too hold me now touch me now i don't want to live without you
what happened to you你怎么了  you've played the victim for so long now in this game在这游戏中你做了太长时间的受害者  what I thought was true我的想法是真实的  is made of fiction and im following the same却是我虚幻的但我也承认他的真实  but if I try如果我尽力  to make sense of this mess I'm in使我周围的这混乱变得有意义 I'm not sure where I should begin但我不知道该从何开始  I'm falling, I'm fallin我在坠落  now I'm in over my head我头都大了  with something I said completely misread完全误解了我说的话  I'm better off dead.我还是死了算了  and now I can see how fake you can be现在我终于明白你有多虚伪  this hypocrisy's beginning to get to me.这虚伪正在开始影响着我  it's none of my concern这和我没关系  why look to me别指望我做什么  because I dont believe in fame因为我不慕名利  I guess you never heard i've met our makers我猜你还没听说 我见过我们的上帝  they dont even know your name他都不知道你的名字
Sum41是以摇滚+朋克为风格的加拿大乐队。The Hell Song是专辑Does ThisLook Infected中收录的歌曲。the hell song 地狱之歌 everbody's got their problems,everybody says the samething to's just a matter how you solve them,and knowing how to change the things you've been through.i feel i've come to realize,how fast life can be compromised.step back to see what's going on,i can't believe this happened to you.this happened to's just a problem that we're faced with, am inot the only one who hates to stand by.complications ended first in this linewith all these pictures running through my mind.knowing endless consequences,i feel so useless in this.get back, step back and as for me, i can't believe.part of me won't agree cause i don't know if it's for sure.suddenly, suddenly i don't feel so insecure.part of me won't agree cause i don't know if it's for sure.suddenly, suddenly i don't feel so insecure anymore.
出道简历: 当几个男孩仍然是青少年时候,在各方个城市歌唱和表演才华显示。 ,当Rude Boi, Mike Ezay, Penny在一所高中综艺节目舞台上的演出时,被他们的经理乔纳森赖特发现,Deep Side的超级巨星的光芒在那时已经形成了。以他们中的几个人长大地社区而命名为Deep Side,花了两年时间在实验室锻炼了各种表演技能,包括歌曲和舞蹈。 这是在这一时期,赖特老朋友,传奇制作人Tony Bongiovi ,同意推出Deep Side。 此外,他们邀请了很多著名的歌手包括Destiny's Child,Ashanti, Ying Yang Twins和各种其他人参与专辑制作。首先在R. Kelly的生日宴会上表演晚上。When it be going like that boom boom,  当我听到嘣嘣的声音,  girl i want to put you all up in my room.  女孩,我想把你在我房间抱起。  I wanna put you all up against that wall.  我想把你抵住墙。  Throw you on the bed and take your clothes off.  把你扔到床上和把你的衣服脱掉。Everybody dont like it slow consider me one of them folk.  Lets get to it,  每个人都不喜欢干这事慢吞吞的,我也是。  get to it,  做吧  get to it,  做吧  get to it.  做吧
If our love was a fairy tale
I would charge in and rescue you
On a yacht baby we would sail
To an island where we’d say I do
And if we had babies they would look like you
It’d be so beautiful if that came true
You don’t even know how very special you are
You leave me breathless
You’re everything good in my life
You leave me breathless
I still can’t believe that you’re mine
You just walked out of one of my dreams
So beautiful you’re leaving me
And if our love was a story book
We would meet on the very first page
The last chapter would be about
How I’m thankful for the life we’ve made
And if we had babies they would have your eyes
I would fall deeper watching you give life
You don’t even know how very special you are
You leave me breathless
You’re everything good in my life
You leave me breathless
I still can’t believe that you’re mine
You just walked out of one of my dreams
So beautiful you’re leaving me
You must have been sent from heaven to earth
to change me
You’re like an angel
The thing that I feel is stronger than love
Believe me
You’re something special
I only hope that I’ll one day deserve
what you’ve given me
But all I can do is try
Every day of my life
You leave me breathless
You’re everything good in my life
You leave me breathless
I still can’t believe that you’re mine
You just walked out of one of my dreams
So beautiful you’re leaving me
You’re everything good in my life
You leave me breathless
I still can’t believe that you’re mine
You just walked out of one of my dreams
So beautiful you’re leaving me
经典...英文歌《Cry On My Shoulder》由德国选秀节目的歌手们共同演绎,标准励志歌。不要忘了当你无助的时候,来我的肩膀哭泣,我会在你身边,依旧用爱与你分享。 Deutschland sucht den Superstar(简称DSDS),不是一个乐团,也不是一个歌手,而是一个来自德国的超级海选赛事的名称,就像是内地的“超级女声”和美国的美国偶像一样的海选赛事, 是“德国寻找超级明星”的意思。这个活动由德国RTL电视台主办,写歌的人也是这个节目的制作人,在德国很有名。到目前为止Deutschland sucht den Superstar共发行了4张专辑,分别为《We Have A Dream》《United》《Magic of Music》和《LoveSongs》,而关于第一张专辑《We Have A Dream》是同一首歌(We Have A Dream)的三个不同的版本。  《Cry On My Shoulder》出自专辑《United》,而Lisa曾经介绍过的《HowMany Times We'll Say Goodbye》出自专辑《Magic of Music》,同样好听,也许即将毕业的情侣们有更多感触吧。f the hero never comes to you.  If you need someone you're feeling blue.  If you're away from love and you’re alone.  If you call your friends and nobody's home.  You can run away but you can't hide.  Through a storm and through a lonely night.  Then I show you there's a destiny.  The best things in life. They're free.  But if you wanna cry.  Cry on my shoulder.  If you need someone who cares for you.  If you're feeling sad your heart gets colder.  Yes I show you what real love can do.  If your sky is grey oh let me know.  There's a place in heaven where we'll go.  If heaven is a million years away.  Oh just call me and I make your day.  When the nights are getting cold and blue.  When the days are getting hard for you.  I will always stay here by your side.  I promise you I'll never hide.  But if you wanna cry.  Cry on my shoulder.  If you need someone who cares for you.  If you're feeling sad your heart gets colder.  Yes I show you what real love can do.  But if you wanna cry.  Cry on my shoulder.  If you need someone who cares for you.  If you're feeling sad your heart gets colder.  Yes I show you what real love can do.  What real love can do.  What real love can do.  What love can do.  What love can do.
《Just One Last Dance》是一首旋律优美的英文歌曲,由德国女歌手Sarah Connor演唱。这首歌也是加拿大电影《最后一支舞》(One Last Dance)的主题曲,电影讲述了一个凄美的故事,故事中男主角得了绝症,临终前和心爱的人回到了最初相识的舞池跳完最后一支舞后死在了女友的怀里。  表达了恋人即将永别的深深的痛苦和无奈。  歌曲前段如同恋人的丝丝低语,温婉而浪漫,以一个回忆作为开头,用一种仿如异国情缘的浪漫道来,中段则更为绵长悠远,后段则愈益激烈,以致甚于声嘶力竭,将至歇斯底里,恋人啊,分离是最磨人的痛。 女:Just one last dance  只是最后的一支舞。  Oh baby  噢 宝贝。  Just one last dance  只是最后的一支舞。  Oh ~~  噢~~ 
深情演唱的Sarah Connor  We meet in the night in the spanish cafe  那个夜晚 我们相遇在西班牙咖啡屋。  I look in your eyes just don't know what to say  望着你的双目 语不能出。  It feels like I'm drowning in salty water  那感觉像是掉入泪湖。  A few hours left 'til the sun's gonna rise  几个小时过后 即将日出。  tomorrow will come and it's time to realize  明日终将到来 而此刻即是时候清楚  our love has finished forever  我们的爱已经 永远地结束。  how I wish to come with you (wish to come with you)  多想和你一起(和你一起)  how I wish we make it through  多想我们能将此克服。  Just one last dance  就最后一支舞,  before we say goodbye  在我们说再见之前,  when we sway and turn around and round and round  当我们倾斜摇转,旋转,旋转,旋转,  it's like the first time  如初。  Just one more chance  就再一次机会  hold me tight and keep me warm  抱紧我 守住我的温度,  cause the night is getting cold  因夜已渐冷,  and I don't know where I belong  而我却不知身属何处。  Just one last dance  就最后的一舞。  男:The wine and the lights and the Spanish guitar  红酒 柔灯 还有西班牙吉他  I'll never forget how romantic they are  我永不会忘记它们有多么浪漫。  but I know, tomorrow I'll lose the one I love  但我清楚 明天就将失去我的所爱。  There's no way to come with you (女:way to come with you )  没有任何办法让我随你而去。(让我随你而去的办法)  it's the only thing to do  (那么)这就是我现在唯一能做的。  Oh ~~  噢~~   女:Just one last dance (男: Oh ~~)  就最后的一舞。(噢~~ )  before we say goodbye (男:say goodbye )  在我们说再见之前,(说再见)  合:when we sway and turn around and round and round  我们倾斜摇转,旋转,旋转,旋转,  女:it's like the first time  如初。  Just one more chance  就再一次机会,  hold me tight and keep me warm (男:keep me warm )  抱紧我 守住我的温度。(守住我的温度)  合:cause the night is getting cold  因夜已渐冷,  and I don't know where I belong  而我却不知身属何处。  女:Just one last dance ( Oh baby)  就最后一支舞。( 噢 宝贝)  Just one last dance (男:Oh ~~)  就最后的一舞。 (噢~~ )  before we say goodbye (男:say goodbye )  在我们说再见之前。(说再见)  合:when we sway and turn around and round and round  我们倾斜摇转,旋转,旋转,旋转,  女:it's like the first time  如初。  Just one more chance  就在一次机会吧,  合:hold me tight and keep me warm  抱紧我 守住我的温度  cause the night is getting cold  因夜已渐冷,  and I don't know where I belong  而我却不知身属何处。  女合:Just one last dance  就最后的一舞。  before we say goodbye  在我们说再见之前,  when we sway and turn around and round and round  我们倾斜摇转,旋转,旋转,旋转,  (女:when we sway and turn around and hold me tight and oh my love)  (我们倾斜和摇转然后抱紧我 噢 我的爱人)  it's like the first time  如初。  Just one more chance  就再一次机会,  hold me tight and keep me warm  抱紧我 守住我的温度,  cause the night is getting cold (女:the night is getting cold,and I don't know where I belong)  因夜已渐冷。(夜已渐冷,但我不知身属何处)  男 :don't know where I belong  不知身属何处。  女:Just one last dance  就最后的一舞。  男:Just one last dance  就最后的一舞。  女:just one more chance  就再多来一次。  男:just one more chance  就再多来一次。  女:just one more chance  就再多来一次。
[00:19.00]Although loneliness has always been a friend of mine [00:24.00]I'm leaving my life in your hands [00:30.00]People say I'm crazy and that I am blind [00:34.00]Risking it all in a glance [00:39.00]How you got me blind is still a mystery [00:44.00]I can't get you out of my head [00:49.00]Don't care what is written in you history [00:54.00]As long as you're here with me [00:58.00]I don't care who you are [01:01.00]Where you're from [01:04.00]What you did [01:06.00]As long as you love me [01:08.00]Who you are [01:11.00]Where you're from [01:13.00]Don't care what you did [01:15.00]As long as you love me [01:19.00]Every little thing that you have said and done [01:23.00]Feels like it's deep within me [01:28.00]Doesn't really matter if you're on the run [01:33.00]It see***ike we're meant to be [01:36.00]I don't care who you are [01:40.00]Where you're from [01:42.00]What you did [01:45.00]As long as you love me [01:47.00]Who you are [01:50.00]Where you're from [01:52.00]Don't care what you did [01:54.00]As long as you love me [02:17.00]I've tried to hide it so that no one knows [02:21.00]But I guess it shows [02:24.00]When you look in to my eyes [02:27.00]What you did and where you're comin from [02:31.00]I don't care, as long as you love me, baby. [02:45.00]I don't care who you are [02:48.00]Where you're from [02:51.00]What you did [02:53.00]As long as you love me [02:56.00]Who you are [02:58.00]Where you're from [03:01.00]Don't care what you did [03:03.00]As long as you love me [03:07.00]Who you are [03:09.00]Where you're from [03:11.00]What you did [03:14.00]As long as you love me [03:17.00]Who you are [03:19.00]Where you're from [03:22.00]As long as you love me [03:25.00]Who you are [03:27.00]As long as you love me [03:30.00]What you did [03:32.00]I Don't Care [03:33.00]As long as you love me
Love Me Not - T.A.T.U.
Pretty Boy - M2M
Cross Every River.
03年的销售冠军单曲。甜美的男声。gareth gates的很多歌曲都很不错,其他的代表作有with you all the time,lies,tell me one more time,say it is't so,这几首都经常听。个曾经患有口吃的男孩从歌声中找回自信,并藉由歌声感动全球乐迷,葛瑞盖斯创造了21世纪的歌声奇迹,自从2002年从英国选秀节目'Pop Idol'比赛赢得亚军荣衔后,葛瑞盖斯歌声传情的功力所向披靡。17岁的他便以超龄的纯熟情感重唱正义兄弟合唱团经典歌曲"Unchained Melody"而改写金氏世界纪录史上英国金榜最年轻的冠军单曲歌手纪录,并获百事可乐选为英国地区广告代言人。
Anyone Of Us (Stupid Mistake)(我们都会错)I've been letting you down, downGirl I know I've been such a foolGiving in to temptationWhen I should've played it coolThe situation got out of handI hope you understandCHORUS:It can happen toAnyone of us, anyone you think ofAnyone can fallAnyone can hurt someone they loveHearts will breakCause I made a stupid mistakeIt can happen toAnyone of us, say you will forgive meAnyone can failSay you will believe meI can't take my heart will breakCause I made a stupid mistakeA stupid mistake
the saltwater room-owl city,清新的男声外加甜美的女声。很喜欢的一首歌,男声已经唱的很棒了,而后面的女声则将整首歌提升到另一个高度,很多朋友都喜欢这首歌,相信你也会喜欢。头鹰之城乐队是一支来自美国明尼苏达州的电子音乐乐队。乐队仅由一名成员组成:亚当·扬(Adam·Young)。亚当·扬于2007年创建了该乐队,并且担任乐队的主唱、编曲、创作、混音合成工作。猫头鹰之城乐队的音乐飘逸、灵动,既有梦幻的神秘色彩,又有电子音乐的动感节奏。乐队的主打歌曲《Fireflies》一经推出就登上了各大音乐电台以及音乐榜单的冠军宝座。受到乐迷的热烈追捧。 I opened my eyes last night and saw you in the low light 昨夜我睁开眼,看见你在昏暗的灯光下 Walking down by the bay, on the shore, staring up at the planes that aren’t there anymore 沿着海湾走下去,凝视不断延伸的海平面 I was feeling the night grow old and you were looking so cold 我感觉到夜的老去,而你那么冷淡 Like an introvert, I drew my over shirt 就像一个内向者,我提着我的外衣 Around my arms and began to shiver violently before 挥动我的双臂,开始激烈地打碎过去 You happened to look and see the tunnels all around me 你注视围绕在我四周的隧道 Running into the dark underground 飞奔入黑暗的地下 All the subways around create a great sound 四周所有地铁都发出一种美妙的声音 To my motion fatigue: farewell 我累了,永别 With your ear to a seashell 把一枚海螺放在耳边 You can hear the waves in underwater caves 你会听见来自水下洞穴的海浪声 As if you actually were inside a saltwater room 仿佛置身于一个充满海水的房间 Time together is just never quite enough 在一起的时间总是不够 When you and I are alone, I’ve never felt so at home 你我孤独时,我没有在家的感觉 What will it take to make or break this hint of love 制造然后破译爱的暗示的,将是什么
the saltwater room-owl city,清新的男声外加甜美的女声。很喜欢的一首歌,男声已经唱的很棒了,而后面的女声则将整首歌提升到另一个高度,很多朋友都喜欢这首歌,相信你也会喜欢。头鹰之城乐队是一支来自美国明尼苏达州的电子音乐乐队。乐队仅由一名成员组成:亚当·扬(Adam·Young)。亚当·扬于2007年创建了该乐队,并且担任乐队的主唱、编曲、创作、混音合成工作。猫头鹰之城乐队的音乐飘逸、灵动,既有梦幻的神秘色彩,又有电子音乐的动感节奏。乐队的主打歌曲《Fireflies》一经推出就登上了各大音乐电台以及音乐榜单的冠军宝座。受到乐迷的热烈追捧。 I opened my eyes last night and saw you in the low light 昨夜我睁开眼,看见你在昏暗的灯光下 Walking down by the bay, on the shore, staring up at the planes that aren’t there anymore 沿着海湾走下去,凝视不断延伸的海平面 I was feeling the night grow old and you were looking so cold 我感觉到夜的老去,而你那么冷淡 Like an introvert, I drew my over shirt 就像一个内向者,我提着我的外衣 Around my arms and began to shiver violently before 挥动我的双臂,开始激烈地打碎过去 You happened to look and see the tunnels all around me 你注视围绕在我四周的隧道 Running into the dark underground 飞奔入黑暗的地下 All the subways around create a great sound 四周所有地铁都发出一种美妙的声音 To my motion fatigue: farewell 我累了,永别 With your ear to a seashell 把一枚海螺放在耳边 You can hear the waves in underwater caves 你会听见来自水下洞穴的海浪声 As if you actually were inside a saltwater room 仿佛置身于一个充满海水的房间 Time together is just never quite enough 在一起的时间总是不够 When you and I are alone, I’ve never felt so at home 你我孤独时,我没有在家的感觉 What will it take to make or break this hint of love 制造然后破译爱的暗示的,将是什么
traveling light-joel hanson & sara groves,这首是一首轻快地歌曲,疲倦的时候听一下马上会神清气爽,轻装前行,有的时候真的累了,疲倦的心灵是否需要放松一下了,开着小车一路疾驰而过,让风吹乱头发,也许这就是另一种享受。 乔伊.汉森曾经是荣获过格莱美奖和基督摇滚音乐和平鸽奖(Dove Award)的美国福音乐队(PFR)的成员主唱和吉他手。在1997年PFR解体之后,他走上了单飞的音乐道路,但2000年PFR又重新组合起来,并且先后推出了《Captured》和《 Broken》两张专辑。但是并未取得理想的效果,直到他与Sara Groves合作的一首单曲《Travelling Light》推出之后,才取得了轰动效果。“Travelling Light”中文翻译可以说成是“轻装上阵”,恰如其分地反映了乔伊.汉森在之前遇到的困境和释怀与解脱。而这首歌曲也是很轻松的音乐,思绪在飘渺的旋律中尽情地放纵,往事在悠悠的曲子里隐现,动听的旋律勾起的总是最美好的回忆。就像在夕阳下,迎着柔和的阳光,卸下身上重重的行囊,奔向远方…值得回味!
Well I was doubling over the load on my shoulders Was a weight I carried with me everyday Crossing miles of frustrations and rivers a raging Picking up stones I found along the way I staggered and I stumbled down Pathways of trouble I was hauling those souvenirs of misery And with each step taken my back was breaking 'Til I found the One who took it all from me Down by the riverside (Down by the riverside) I laid my burdens down, Now I'm traveling light My spirit lifted high (I found my freedom now) I found my freedom now And I'm traveling light
eversleeping-xandria,哥特式伤感歌曲,本人就听这一首哥特,七是其中的关键词汇,穿越七个海,唱七百首歌,行走七百里,跨越七条河流,七年的等待只是为了寻找真爱,整首歌都充满了伤感,却依然动听。 Xandria乐队于1997年在德国的比勒菲尔德成立。Xandria的音乐结合了交响金属和轻电子音乐以及摇滚的元素。
Xandria  在发行了一些Demo并且在一些MP3门户网站上取得巨大成功之后,Xandria于2003年发行了他们的第一张专辑Kill the Sun,该专辑在德国音乐排行榜上一度名列第98位。接下来的专辑,Ravenheart(2004)在榜单上停留了7周之久,最高曾达到第36位。2005年Xandria发行了自己的第三张专辑India,这张专辑在风格上更倾向于交响金属。
Once I travelled 7 seas to find my loveAnd once I sang 700 songsWell, maybe I still have to walk 7000 milesUntil I find the one that I belongI will rest my head side by sideTo the one that stays in the nightI will lose my breath in my last words of sorrowAnd whatever comes will come soonDying I will pray to the moonThat there once will be a better tomorrowOnce I crossed 7 rivers to find my loveAnd once, for 7 years, I forgot my nameWell, if I have to I will die 7 deaths just to lieIn the arms of my eversleeping aimI will rest my head side by sideTo the one that stays in the nightI will lose my breath in my last words of sorrowAnd whatever comes will come soonDying I will pray to the moonThat there once will be a better tomorrowI will rest my head side by sideTo the one that stays in the nightI will lose my breath in my last words of sorrowAnd whatever comes will come soonDying I will pray to the moonThat there once will be a better tomorrowI dreamt last night that he came to meHe said: "My love, why do you cry?"For now it won't be long any moreUntil in my cold grave we will lieUntil in my cold grave we will lie
could this be love-victoria acosta,艾薇儿结婚时就用的这首当的背景音乐,结婚的那个视频我也看了,这个相当的好听,不过艾薇儿还是离异了。Victoria Acosta(维多利亚·阿科斯塔),生于1992年,是一位来自德克萨斯州的圣安东尼奥的流行歌手最出名的单曲是她在2005年推出的专辑《Once Upon A Time》中的《The World's Gone Crazy》。
  Acosta六岁进入玛利亚其音乐家学院学习,在她八岁的时候获得玛利亚其最佳音乐家奖,并在2000年获得全美最具思想活力林肯奖。随后她随格莱美拉丁奖得主Manuel Vargas 学习声乐,同时与私人唱盘实验室合作。在2004年,她开始录制自己的首张专辑《Once Upon A Time》其中的一首《The World's Gone Crazy 》在迪士尼电台引起巨大的反响。另外推荐她在艾薇儿婚礼上的那首《Could This Be love》,十分好听。 Woke up this morning, Just sat in my bed, 8 a.m first thing in my head, Is a certain someone, Who's always on my mind, He treats me like a lady in everyway, He smiles and warms me through up the day, Should I tell him I love you, Wish I knew what to say! Chorus: Could this be love that I feel, So strong, so deep and so real, If I lost you would I ever heal, Could this be love that I feel? (2) The way he looks, So deep in my eyes, Our hearts are so warm, I just wanna cry, Then he's so hardworking, He wants to be someone. Should I tell him that I love you, What if he doesn't say it too, I'm getting so nervous, What should I do Chorus: Could this be love that I feel, So strong, so deep and so real, If I lost you would I ever heal, Could this be love that I feel? (2) Will it be my turn, Two hearts beating together as one, No more loneliness, Only love, laughter and fun Chorus: Could this be love that I feel, So strong, so deep and so real, If I lost you, would I ever heal, Could this be love that I feel? (2) Could this be love that I feel?...
经典~~~~yesterday once more-卡朋特,又名昨日重现,卡朋特已经死了三十多年了,不过这首歌一直传唱至今,并且十分流行。高中时学校经常放的一首歌,当时不能领会歌曲的意境,觉得不错,现在依然不能领会歌曲的意境,却明白了为什么卡朋特能够进入摇滚名人堂。永远经典,永远传唱的一首歌曲。卡朋特乐队(Carpenters)是美国歌星理查德·卡朋特和卡伦·卡朋特兄妹二人组成的演唱组合,1970年代和1980年代初期风靡一时。卡朋特兄妹于1965年开始组织乐队,日,卡朋特乐队的单曲《Close to You》(靠近你)一举走红,其后,他们在整个1970年代大获成功。《Yesterday Once More》(昨日重现)、《Top of the World》(世界之颠)、《Please Mr. Postman》(请等一下,邮差先生)等歌曲广为人知。日,卡伦·卡朋特因长期严重神经性厌食症而突然去世,卡朋特乐队随之告终。 Yesterday Once More昨日重现When I was young I'd listen to the radio当我还年轻的时候?就喜欢收听电台广播Waiting for my favorite songs等我最喜爱的歌When they played I'd sing along it made me smile我会随之一同吟唱?这真使我高兴异常Those were such happy times and not so long ago那是些快乐的时光?就在不久以前How I wonder where they'd gone不知道为何寻它不见But they're back again just like a long lost friend现在它们再次出现?就像久违的老朋友All the songs I love so well所有的歌曲都让我喜欢Every sha la la la …… every wo wo …… still shine每个sha?la?la?la 每个wo?wo,依然发亮Every shinga linga ling that they're starting to sing so fine每个shinga?linga?ling歌声是如此的美妙When they get to the part where he's breaking her heart当歌儿唱到他使她伤心?It can really make me cry just like before it's yesterday once more我也会泪流满面,犹如昨日重现Looking back on how it was in years gone by回首往事?不再的岁月And the good time that I had想起过去的好时光?Makes today seem rather sad so much has changed让我徒生悲伤 世间已有太多的改变It was songs of love that I would sing to them听到爱情之歌?我会随之吟唱And I'd memorize each word诵记歌中的每字每句Those old melodies still sound so good to me那些陈旧的旋律?仍然悦耳动听As they melt the years away歌声伴我一年又一年Every sha la la la …… every wo wo …… still shine每个sha?la?la?la?la 每个wo?wo 依然发亮Every shinga linga ling that they're starting to sing so fine每个shinga?linga?ling 歌声是如此的美妙All my best memories Come back clearly to me所有美好的回忆?再现我的脑海?如此地清晰Some can even make me cry Just like before It"s yesterday once more使我伤心落泪?犹如昨日重现


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