
Mine Little Pony v1.6.4.1 - Minecraft Mods - Mapping and Modding - Minecraft Forum - Minecraft Forum
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Official skin thread:
If you want a simple "classic" skin without too many accessories you can probably make it with the new
I made (only tested on Windows in Firefox and Google Chrome, doesn't work properly in IE or Opera).
More screen shots / video
The forum update broke all of my old videos
But luckily CraftPixel made a new one for me! Here:
the mod and skins here
and troubleshooting information
where you can talk about the mod and post your skins
Techie stuff
Mod Banners
If you like this mod and want to support it on the forums you can put a banner in your signature!
Thanks to Reec3ty for making the original mod banner:
Put Reec3ty's banner in your signature like this:
Thanks to lightdasher for making an updated mod banner:
Put lightdasher's banner in your signature like this:
Their = Possession
There = Place They're = They are. LEARN IT.
Give it to Simon
Oh please no!
Oh please no!
YES! CAN YOU MAKE A SKIN FOR MY DUDE? my profile pic please?
:sad.gif: it wont show :'( please help
I downloaded this for my daughter (She is crazy about horses), but it just leads to a black screen. No crash or anything, just a black screen. (Yes I did delete meta nif) I will have to go about looking for the mod that conflicts with this. She will really love this.
If you find out what it was, please let me know. I have not tested this with any other mods, only with a fresh install of Minecraft.
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