orbyfrank s adventuree怎么玩

OR(OR 户外品牌) - 搜狗百科
OR 户外品牌
OR(OR 户外品牌)
源起1980年,美国物理学家RonGregg在麦金利峰登山时遭遇困境,他的登山同伴因为使用了设计非常糟糕的雪套而被冰雪侵入高山靴,腿脚冻伤的程度越来越严重。同伴最终被直升飞机救走,登山行动中止,但Ron立刻开始想办法解决这一问题,以免悲剧在将来重演。于是,一款实用、保暖的雪套--X-Gaiter诞生了,它可以配合各种登山靴使用。随着X-Gaiter产品的面世,outdoorResearch公司(以下简称OR)也于1981年成立。正如OR的名称含义,此后二十多年中,Ron一直专注于为户外运动爱好者在野外遭遇到的各种难题研究解决方案和提供实用的、功能性的装备,如他早期研发的防结冰水瓶WaterBottleParka和首款户外探险急救软包。在公司成立后的第一个十年间,因为大力开发户外手套、帽子、雪套,OR得以快速成长。1984年,ModularMitts无指手套再次在业界引起轰动,尼龙搭扣固定的MoonlitePile抓绒衬里,GORE-TEX外壳,防止手套遗失的“傻瓜吊绳”,适应多变环境选择的多功能性设计使其超越了当时的其他无指手套,多天行动的攀登者从此可以在夜里烘干手套里衬,而在白天开始攀登操作时就能戴上干燥手套了。在80年代中期问世的SeattleSombrero防雨宽边帽,是OR最畅销的GORE-TEX面料帽子,成为至今仍在生产的经典产品。1988年问世的BrooksRangerOverboots全雪套,二十年来一直陪伴众多探险者挑战世界高峰和极地严寒环境。成长90年代,OR将创新的触角伸向了新领域。Ron在一次旅行中使用露营袋度过潮湿、不适的数个夜晚后,决心对这种轻量化的宿营装备进行革新。OR的露营袋利用两杆系统提供了包括头部看星星位置在内的多重空间,这下野外习惯性失眠症患者该高兴了。OR其他为户外爱好者津津乐道的产品还有获得1999年度BACKPACKER杂志编辑选择奖金奖的Crocodiles雪套,防水袋,以WildRoses冠名的女性功能服装,SoftShell手套,北美最早的SoftShell外套以及WINDSTOPPER抓绒帽。随着业务量的增长,OR公司将工厂和办公室搬到“户外品牌的硅谷”西雅图附近并开了一家展示全系列产品的零售店。90年代早期,美国政府注意到OR的专业技术和研发能力,OR随即成为美国军方的高质量手套和帽子的供应商。到世纪之交时,OR迎来了产品结构调整的重要阶段,拥有男子服装系列、户外附件系列和轻量化宿营系列产品线。走过二十年岁月后,OR已经成长为全球户外爱好者心中值得信赖的户外品牌。新增的服装产品,使得OR向前迈出了重要的一步,OR不再仅仅局限于生产世界顶级户外附件产品,而是为广大用户提供从头到脚、从里到外,功能性与舒适性俱佳的产品。挫折日,Ron和一个朋友在加拿大的Britishcolumbia地区滑雪时遭遇雪崩罹难。噩耗传来,震惊了他的家人、朋友、OR团队、消费者、业界。作为核心领导者,Ron创立、运营、影响着他的OR公司,即便在雪崩事故当天,Ron还在测试新产品。他的逝世,使OR公司的未来变得扑朔迷离。经过数月权衡,Ron的遗产继承人决定出售OR公司。在众多的感兴趣的买家中,一位户外运动爱好者、成功企业家决定接受继续书写OR新辉煌历史的挑战。他就是DanNordstrom,西雅图人,刚刚从他那著名的北美零售业家族企业里退休,是位铁杆滑雪、骑行、登山运动爱好者,也是铁杆的OR产品用户。2003年6月,DanNordstrom成为OR的新主人。危急时刻,OR逃过被巨型企业吞并而消失的结局,创新的激情、户外的血统得以维持并发展。复兴在Dan的领导下,OR公司度过短暂的低谷得以复兴,这其中的关键就是坚持了Ron生前倡导的为人力户外探险活动提供真正的功能性解决方案的创造激情和奉献精神。从2003年夏天开始,OR公司的所有部门,从产品开发到客户服务到市场推广、物流等等,都进行了调整优化。所有的产品类别经过彻底拆分,经典产品得以升级和改进,SeattleSombrero获得了BACKPACKER杂志2005年度编辑选择奖金奖,同时还涌现出许多第二代经典产品,如AltiMitts,AlibiGloves,DryCompSummitSack,NightHaven,LightHaven,M‘sChaosJacket,M’sZEALotJacket,W‘sEnigmaJacket和W’sSolitudePants等。男装和女装统一归并在OR品牌下,成为公司研发的重点。2003年,OR开始实施针对用户的LabRat方案。这套方案在产品研发人员和最终用户之间建立起沟通渠道,成千上万的用户提交了他们对自己的OR产品的使用感受,这对OR产品发展趋势产生了很大影响。根据众多反馈意见,独立产品得到了改进,系列产品也开发出来。LabRat方案的成功,表现了OR坚持的一条重要理念:我们相信通过听取和采纳用户对每一件产品的每一个真实而清楚的意见,我们的产品就能无限地得到改进。OR品牌理念的核心所在DesignedByAdventure,在OR产品的功能性方面表现得淋漓尽致。OR的辉煌也将继续下去。2008年冬季,OR品牌正式进入中国市场,深圳市喜马拉雅贸易有限公司作为OR中国大陆地区总代理商,首先在北京设立了OR产品专柜,并将在业界渠道内广泛拓展,把OR品牌、产品的辉煌延伸至中国市场。& “Did you know that th...”习题详情
Did you know that there are actually people who have paid for a flight to the moon? In the future, there will be a lot more opportunities to travel to faraway places than now… perhaps even as far as the moon. As people adventure further and further away and as planes, trains, cars, and rocket ships become faster, is it safer to have these vehicles controlled by humans or by computers?While many flights by plane are controlled automatically by machines, most people today wouldn’t let their car drive itself. That’s because currently the autopilot function on your car can only keep it on the same course you are travelling on. It won’t turn the car right or left. It won’t stop if an animal jumps in the way. However, cars today can sense when something is too close and warn the driver with flashing lights and alarms. Many cars also have GPS(global positioning systems) that tell drivers which road to take and when to turn. These systems, unlike human drivers, never get lost. In the future, it is easy to believe that your car will be better able to drive itself with the aid of computers that can determine the position of your car and the speed it should travel at.In addition to computers being ‘smarter’ than people regarding the best way to go or knowing how close another vehicle is, computers don’t get sick, tired, or angry. This means they won’t make the same mistakes that people make when they are not having a good day. While responding with emotion is a good thing when choosing the best way to deal with a friend’s personal problem, it may not be such a good thing when deciding what to do at the wheel of a fast-moving vehicle.So what are the disadvantages of autopilot systems? Maybe one disadvantage is that a small computer problem could cause a serious accident. It could also be argued that in unexpected situations, computers might not be able to r some decisions require human emotions. Another problem might be that if everything were controlled by computers or robots, people wouldn’t have any jobs. 1.What is the best title for the passage?A. The Development of AutopilotB. Technology of Future Travel C. A New Driving System D. Computerized Cars2.Which of the following is the disadvantage of an autopilot system?A.
It won’t make the same mistakes as people do.B.
It can point out the best route for the driver.C.
It might not respond properly to unexpected situations.D. It does not have human emotions to influence its function.3.If some falling rocks roll down toward your car, the autopilot on your car will&.A. inform you of the danger B. turn the car right or leftC. do nothing about itD. stop the car4.What’s the author’s attitude towards the autopilot?A. Approving.
B. Objective.
C. Negative.
D. Doubtful.&
习题“Did you know that there are actually people who have paid for a flight to the moon? In the future, there ...”的分析与解答如下所示:
Did you know that there are actually people who have paid for a flight to the moon? In the future, t...
“Did you know that th...”的最新评论
欢迎来到乐乐题库,查看习题“Did you know that there are actually people who have paid for a flight to the moon? In the future, there will be a lot more opportunities to travel to faraway places than now… perhaps even as far as the moon. As people adventure further and further away and as planes, trains, cars, and rocket ships become faster, is it safer to have these vehicles controlled by humans or by computers?While many flights by plane are controlled automatically by machines, most people today wouldn’t let their car drive itself. That’s because currently the autopilot function on your car can only keep it on the same course you are travelling on. It won’t turn the car right or left. It won’t stop if an animal jumps in the way. However, cars today can sense when something is too close and warn the driver with flashing lights and alarms. Many cars also have GPS(global positioning systems) that tell drivers which road to take and when to turn. These systems, unlike human drivers, never get lost. In the future, it is easy to believe that your car will be better able to drive itself with the aid of computers that can determine the position of your car and the speed it should travel at.In addition to computers being ‘smarter’ than people regarding the best way to go or knowing how close another vehicle is, computers don’t get sick, tired, or angry. This means they won’t make the same mistakes that people make when they are not having a good day. While responding with emotion is a good thing when choosing the best way to deal with a friend’s personal problem, it may not be such a good thing when deciding what to do at the wheel of a fast-moving vehicle.So what are the disadvantages of autopilot systems? Maybe one disadvantage is that a small computer problem could cause a serious accident. It could also be argued that in unexpected situations, computers might not be able to r some decisions require human emotions. Another problem might be that if everything were controlled by computers or robots, people wouldn’t have any jobs. 1.What is the best title for the passage?A. The Development of AutopilotB. Technology of Future Travel C. A New Driving System D. Computerized Cars2.Which of the following is the disadvantage of an autopilot system?A.
It won’t make the same mistakes as people do.B.
It can point out the best route for the driver.C.
It might not respond properly to unexpected situations.D. It does not have human emotions to influence its function.3.If some falling rocks roll down toward your car, the autopilot on your car will____.A. inform you of the danger B. turn the car right or leftC. do nothing about itD. stop the car4.What’s the author’s attitude towards the autopilot?A. Approving.
B. Objective.
C. Negative.
D. Doubtful.”的答案、考点梳理,并查找与习题“Did you know that there are actually people who have paid for a flight to the moon? In the future, there will be a lot more opportunities to travel to faraway places than now… perhaps even as far as the moon. As people adventure further and further away and as planes, trains, cars, and rocket ships become faster, is it safer to have these vehicles controlled by humans or by computers?While many flights by plane are controlled automatically by machines, most people today wouldn’t let their car drive itself. That’s because currently the autopilot function on your car can only keep it on the same course you are travelling on. It won’t turn the car right or left. It won’t stop if an animal jumps in the way. However, cars today can sense when something is too close and warn the driver with flashing lights and alarms. Many cars also have GPS(global positioning systems) that tell drivers which road to take and when to turn. These systems, unlike human drivers, never get lost. In the future, it is easy to believe that your car will be better able to drive itself with the aid of computers that can determine the position of your car and the speed it should travel at.In addition to computers being ‘smarter’ than people regarding the best way to go or knowing how close another vehicle is, computers don’t get sick, tired, or angry. This means they won’t make the same mistakes that people make when they are not having a good day. While responding with emotion is a good thing when choosing the best way to deal with a friend’s personal problem, it may not be such a good thing when deciding what to do at the wheel of a fast-moving vehicle.So what are the disadvantages of autopilot systems? Maybe one disadvantage is that a small computer problem could cause a serious accident. It could also be argued that in unexpected situations, computers might not be able to r some decisions require human emotions. Another problem might be that if everything were controlled by computers or robots, people wouldn’t have any jobs. 1.What is the best title for the passage?A. The Development of AutopilotB. Technology of Future Travel C. A New Driving System D. Computerized Cars2.Which of the following is the disadvantage of an autopilot system?A.
It won’t make the same mistakes as people do.B.
It can point out the best route for the driver.C.
It might not respond properly to unexpected situations.D. It does not have human emotions to influence its function.3.If some falling rocks roll down toward your car, the autopilot on your car will____.A. inform you of the danger B. turn the car right or leftC. do nothing about itD. stop the car4.What’s the author’s attitude towards the autopilot?A. Approving.
B. Objective.
C. Negative.
D. Doubtful.”相似的习题。OR(OR 户外品牌) - 搜狗百科
OR 户外品牌
OR(OR 户外品牌)
源起1980年,美国物理学家RonGregg在登山时遭遇困境,他的登山同伴因为使用了设计非常糟糕的而被冰雪侵入,腿脚冻伤的程度越来越严重。同伴最终被救走,登山行动中止,但Ron立刻开始想办法解决这一问题,以免悲剧在将来重演。于是,一款实用、保暖的雪套--X-Gaiter诞生了,它可以配合各种登山靴使用。随着X-Gaiter产品的面世,outdoorResearch公司(以下简称OR)也于1981年成立。正如OR的名称含义,此后二十多年中,Ron一直专注于为爱好者在野外遭遇到的各种难题研究解决方案和提供实用的、功能性的装备,如他早期研发的防结冰WaterBottleParka和首款急救。在公司成立后的第一个十年间,因为大力开发户外手套、帽子、雪套,OR得以快速成长。1984年,ModularMitts无指手套再次在业界引起轰动,固定的MoonlitePile衬里,GORE-TEX外壳,防止手套遗失的“傻瓜吊绳”,适应多变环境选择的多功能性设计使其超越了当时的其他无指手套,多天行动的攀登者从此可以在夜里烘干手套里衬,而在白天开始攀登操作时就能戴上干燥手套了。在80年代中期问世的SeattleSombrero防雨宽边帽,是OR最畅销的GORE-TEX面料帽子,成为至今仍在生产的经典产品。1988年问世的BrooksRangerOverboots全雪套,二十年来一直陪伴众多挑战世界高峰和极地严寒环境。成长90年代,OR将创新的触角伸向了新领域。Ron在一次旅行中使用露营袋度过潮湿、不适的数个夜晚后,决心对这种轻量化的宿营装备进行革新。OR的露营袋利用两杆系统提供了包括头部看星星位置在内的多重空间,这下野外习惯性患者该高兴了。OR其他为户外爱好者津津乐道的产品还有获得1999年度BACKPACKER杂志编辑选择奖金奖的Crocodiles雪套,防水袋,以WildRoses冠名的女性,SoftShell手套,北美最早的SoftShell外套以及WINDSTOPPER抓绒帽。随着业务量的增长,OR公司将工厂和办公室搬到“户外品牌的硅谷”附近并开了一家展示全系列产品的零售店。90年代早期,美国政府注意到OR的专业技术和研发能力,OR随即成为美国军方的高质量手套和帽子的供应商。到世纪之交时,OR迎来了的重要阶段,拥有男子服装系列、户外附件系列和轻量化宿营系列产品线。岁月后,OR已经成长为全球户外爱好者心中值得信赖的户外品牌。新增的服装产品,使得OR向前迈出了重要的一步,OR不再仅仅局限于生产世界顶级户外附件产品,而是为广大用户提供、从里到外,功能性与舒适性俱佳的产品。挫折日,Ron和一个朋友在加拿大的Britishcolumbia地区滑雪时遭遇雪崩罹难。噩耗传来,震惊了他的家人、朋友、OR团队、消费者、业界。作为核心领导者,Ron创立、运营、影响着他的OR公司,即便在雪崩事故当天,Ron还在测试新产品。他的逝世,使OR公司的未来变得扑朔迷离。经过数月权衡,Ron的遗产继承人决定出售OR公司。在众多的感兴趣的买家中,一位户外运动爱好者、成功企业家决定接受继续书写OR新辉煌历史的挑战。他就是DanNordstrom,西雅图人,刚刚从他那著名的北美零售业里退休,是位铁杆滑雪、骑行、爱好者,也是铁杆的OR产品用户。2003年6月,DanNordstrom成为OR的新主人。,OR逃过被巨型企业吞并而消失的结局,创新的激情、户外的血统得以维持并发展。复兴在Dan的领导下,OR公司度过短暂的得以复兴,这其中的关键就是坚持了Ron生前倡导的为人力户外探险活动提供真正的功能性解决方案的创造激情和奉献精神。从2003年夏天开始,OR公司的所有部门,从产品开发到客户服务到市场推广、物流等等,都进行了调整优化。所有的产品类别经过彻底拆分,经典产品得以升级和改进,SeattleSombrero获得了BACKPACKER杂志2005年度编辑选择奖金奖,同时还涌现出许多第二代经典产品,如AltiMitts,AlibiGloves,DryCompSummitSack,NightHaven,LightHaven,M‘sChaosJacket,M’sZEALotJacket,W‘sEnigmaJacket和W’sSolitudePants等。男装和女装统一归并在OR品牌下,成为公司研发的重点。2003年,OR开始实施针对用户的LabRat方案。这套方案在产品研发人员和最终用户之间建立起,成千上万的用户提交了他们对自己的OR产品的使用感受,这对OR产品发展趋势产生了很大影响。根据众多反馈意见,独立产品得到了改进,系列产品也开发出来。LabRat方案的成功,表现了OR坚持的一条重要理念:我们相信通过听取和采纳用户对每一件产品的每一个真实而清楚的意见,我们的产品就能无限地得到改进。OR品牌理念的核心所在DesignedByAdventure,在OR产品的功能性方面表现得淋漓尽致。OR的辉煌也将继续下去。2008年冬季,OR品牌正式进入中国市场,深圳市贸易有限公司作为OR中国大陆地区总代理商,首先在北京设立了OR产品专柜,并将在业界渠道内广泛拓展,把OR品牌、产品的辉煌延伸至中国市场。From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This article needs additional citations for . Please help
by . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. (October 2007) ()
Adventure films are a
that typically use their action scenes to display and explore exotic locations in an energetic way.[]
Subgenres of adventure films include , , , , , , ,
and .[] Main plot elements include quests a , , , , , , , , characters embarking on
and heroic journeys,
for the unknown, usually also having to overcome an adversary.[] Adventure films are commonly set in a period background and may include adapted stories of historical or fictional adventure heroes within the historical context. , , , ,
are commonly seen in adventure films. Adventure films may also be combined with other movie genres such as , , , , , ,
Adventure film popularity peaked in the 1930s and 1940s, when films such as ,
were regularly made with major stars, notably
and , who were closely associated with the genre.[] Saturday morning
used many of the same thematic elements as high-budget adventure films.[]
In the early days of adventure films, the protagonists were mainly male. These heroes were courageous, often fighting suppression and facing tyrants. Recent adventure films have featured heroines, such as , as protagonists.
Adventure films can contain stock characters and stereotypes. In some cases, this has been accused of going as fa claimed examples of this are ,
"kicking third-world people around" in .[][]
. Filmsite.org.
; Rush, Jeff (2007). Alternative Scriptwriting: Successfully Breaking the Rules (4th ed.). Burlington, Massachusetts: .  . Stereotypes abound in the adventure genre. Examples range from the mad scientist in Dr. No to the mindless thugs in Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom. The racism implicit in the latter film and films such as First Blood are by-products of the stereotyping rampant in the adventure genre.
(2012). . Boston: .  . Modern readers will be, at least, put off by an unacceptable level of racist, sexist and proto-Fascist talk throughout this story [written in the 1950s]. I wish I could say that this is only Pig Bodine's voice, but, sad to say, it was also my own at the time. The best I can say for it now is that, for its time, it is probably authentic enough. John Kennedy's role model James Bond was about to make his name by kicking third-world people around, another extension of the boy's adventure tales a lot of us grew up reading. There had prevailed for a while a set of assumptions and distinctions, unvoiced and unquestioned, best captured years later in the '70's television character Archie Bunker.
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