好玩小游戏戏teasing holidays攻略 part 2怎么玩

度假酒店逃脱小游戏,The Holidays Are Over,度假酒店逃脱在线玩,2144小游戏&
度假酒店逃脱关灯猜你喜欢鼠标左键鼠标点击物品触发事件,寻找线索。相关小游戏玩单精选21款by 2144编辑19款by 2144编辑10款by 2144编辑12款by 2144编辑20款by 2144编辑网页游戏度假酒店逃脱
类型:大小:2.25MB英文名:The Holidays Are Over如何开始
游戏玩法 收起3D Word Cube文字消消乐 (免费) - HaFun
超越经典的消消乐游戏来了~前所未见的游戏玩法,绝对让你大呼过瘾~你对你的眼力有信心吗? 你的反应快吗? 快来玩玩最新的"找寻字母"游戏吧~这是一个简单易懂的单字消除游戏,没有复杂的规则和冗长的说明,不管是初学者或专业玩家都能快速上手,乐在其中,游戏看似静态,却非常刺激的,绝对让你一玩就上瘾~不必担心浪费太多时间游戏,它没有无止境的关卡需破解,这是个可以随时投入,随时喊停的杀时间小游戏,当你煮泡面或等公车,可以随时拿出来打发时间,可说是居家休闲、出外在外必备! 还等什么呢? 还不赶快下载!游戏说明:有别于传统平面的寻找单字游戏,拼字游字或单字连线游戏,此游戏以立体画面呈现,可360旋转,比起2D平面来说,挑战性及耐玩性更高,更结合如俄罗斯方块的游戏规则,绝对让你大呼过瘾。画面中是由字母方块堆成的字母墙,场景下方会出现一个单字,依出现的单字去点击字母方块,必需收集完成单字的每一个字母,才会出现下一个单字。游戏分成随机收集字母(Normal),以及依序收集字母(Advance)等两种玩法,收集完成后会消除所收集的字母,必须尽快消除字母方块,以免方块堆积太高,当任一列方块堆至天花板时,游戏便结束,系统显示积分。操作说明:*按下左右箭头可以切换不同面墙*按下左上方"MENU"可暂停游戏*"MENU"及主画面中有切换静音的按钮游戏特色:*3D立体场景*2种游戏模式*简单直觉的操作介面*全球排名*帮助记忆英文单字*常用字库2000字*支持手机和平板本游戏挑战你的注意力.反应力和眼力极限,赶快下载游戏,和世界各地的玩家一较高下,看你能得几分~================================================== =========================注意事项:这是免费的APP,内含广告。而且这些广告我们都已确认过是安全合法且没有任何追踪或是读取您个人隐私的资料。如果您不想看到广告,您可以不要安装这个APP。不要因为我们的广告就给予差评。谢谢!================================================== ============================================================================ ============================“HAFUN APP”是由独立开发者所制作的一系列休闲游戏。它适合所有的大孩子和成人。游戏纯粹为了得到乐趣、打发时间或挑战你的金头脑。 “HaFun”的意思是“玩得开心!”因此,我们希望这个游戏能让您乐在其中。欢迎所有的新旧玩家来下载我们的游戏,并给我们一些评论。当然,如果您对游戏开发有兴趣,或对我们的APP有任何问题,也欢迎着写下您的想法与我们分享,这可以帮助我们提供更多更好的APP。请把您的意见寄到以下信箱,谢谢:================================================== ============
Gunma's Ambition
Gunma no Yabou!1,000,000 over downloads in Japan!Gumma is a region of Japan.Gunma = 群馬 = ぐんま-If you gather crops (leeks, konjac and cabbages), you can get G(GUMMA).-The crops will appear for definite period of time. Even if you gather, they will appear again after a certain amount of time, which makes you feel ease.-If you raise Lv of crops, sometimes you will get more G(GUMMA) when you gather crops.-By using G(GUMMA), you can conquer each prefectural and city government and turn it into Gumma prefecture.-Taking complete control of all Japan and getting Gunma Prefecture sounds great!-You can play mini games concerning Gumma in your free time.-You can collect municipal cards of Gumma by playing Gacha.-You can play Normal Gacha for free once in every hour. If you want to do more, you have to pay 3,000G.-You can play Super Gacha with a conquer ticket, which you can get when you have unified Japan.-If you collect all the cards before annexation, you can get the cards after annexation.-You don't have to use the real money at all.『群馬県のマスコット「ぐんまちゃん」』許諾番号24-060215
Times Tables for Little Children
Times Tables for Little Children is a multiplication practice numeracy game for children of 4 years of age and older. No reading ability is required to play the games and the child can choose his or her own path through the games at whatever pace they like.Starting from the 2 times table, it allows your child to practice times tables from 1 to 10, building confidence with numbers and laying the foundation for schoolwork. There are three groups of practice games:1) learning each times table with hints to aid the memory2) practice questions for each times table3) fill in the blank questions for each times tableTimes Tables for Little Children has 28 games with a total of 1000 practice questions.
Number sounds - up to 100 - spoken in english by children are included to allow a child to associate written numbers with number names.The visual menu system allows the game to be navigated without having to read, so individual games can be found simply by looking and touching.
Cats games & jigasw puzzles for babies & toddlers
21款超赞猫咪智力拼图!各级关卡,从易到难,以多种风格的智力拼图(完整猫咪、部分猫咪和拼图)帮孩子们匹配拼块。游戏特点:- 3种拼图风格,21款拼图 – 您的孩子将对各种类型的拼图兴致勃勃- 各种难度级别,适于孩子们循序渐进- 趣味背景和动作互动声效- 成功过关时或升起漂亮的气球- 滑块控制选项适于家长阻止孩子错误退出某一关卡- 最后,寓教于乐!拥有可爱图像的15种不同的猫咪风格!若有疑问和评论,欢迎随时联系我们!
Tozzle - Toddler's favorite puzzle
-- comment by 2 year old Madeleine:
"again!"******* MORE THAN 40 PUZZLES AND FUNNY ANIMATIONS! ******* *** SUPPORTS IPHONE AND IPAD ***Tozzle supports English, German, French and Spanish!Try before you buy! Search for Tozzle Lite on the AppStore.Looking for something entertaining but also educational for your kid? Then Tozzle is the perfect App for you! This puzzle app is built
for children from age 2 - 99.It keeps your toddler entertained and he/she learns to improve shape recognition and motor activity.Choose from more than 40 different puzzle pictures, all including funny sound effects.It's really easy to use. Just let your toddler pick one out of more than 40 colorful, child orientated
puzzles and let him / her solve it by drag&drop. Once a puzzle is solved your kid can play around with the sound effects by tapping on the figures. An exit button on the bottom left brings you back to the selection menu. This program was tested by several toddlers and we took their suggestions seriously to create a funny but educational app for them.If a child can't find the right place for a piece, a helping arrow appears after the third try so every child can solve every puzzle.Look forward to relaxed car rides, you?ll never again have to drive AND entertain your kid, you can concentrate on driving while your child is having fun with Tozzle! If you want to see Tozzle in action, just search for "Tozzle" on Youtube.To change the language, select "Settings -> Tozzle -> Language"follow us on twitter: /nodeflexion
Baby Games & Animal jigsaw cat puzzles for toddler
21个可爱的动物宝宝拼图! 各级关卡,从易到难,以多种风格的智力拼图(完整猫咪、部分猫咪和拼图)帮孩子们匹配拼块。游戏特点:- 3种拼图风格,21款拼图 – 您的孩子将对各种类型的拼图兴致勃勃- 各种难度级别,适于孩子们循序渐进- 趣味背景和动作互动声效- 成功过关时或升起漂亮的气球- 滑块控制选项适于家长阻止孩子错误退出某一关卡- 最后,寓教于乐!拥有可爱图像的15种不同的猫咪风格!若有疑问和评论,欢迎随时联系我们!
Lollipop Maker!
Sunshine, lollipops & rainbows.....the best part? Easy! Lollipops! And with BLUEBEAR's latest game LOLLIPOP MAKER you can make your own! Love lollipops? Who doesn't?! And now you can create your own favorites! Mix up the ingredients, choose your favorite flavors, shape the lollipops and then dig in! Don't forget to share your masterpieces with friends too! Check out BLUEBEAR's other yummy apps like ICE POPS, CAKE POP MAKER, CANDY PICK 'N' MIX and MANY MORE! Our games have been downloaded over 30 MILLION TIMES!
aMathing Free: 一个关于数字和数学的教育性游戏
欢迎玩这个新的数独游戏!使用新技术锻炼一下大脑。这款有趣的算数游戏可让你在享受快乐的同时改善大脑能力!轻松上手,但是过关很难。尽力完成所有等级,打败Game Center上的朋友!这种乐趣贯穿于整个游戏之中:小心思考游戏板上的所有困难,可以锻炼你的大脑。查看视频: /watch?v=NgrYLLeTY5waMathing特性:- 适用于所有年龄段和游戏水平的玩家- 享受游戏快乐的同时锻炼大脑- 精心打造的界面和绝伦的动画- Game Center排行榜和成就- 包含了很多级别和具有挑战性的难题- iPhone4/4S和iPad Retina全高清支持。- 通用的应用程序:一次购买,可在所有iOS设备上游戏!
Phonics Farm Preschool and Kindergarten Kids Learning Reading & Spelling Games. Learn to Read Letter Sounds & Fun Endless First and Sight Words by Abby Monkey(R) Toddler Alphabet Reader
Try for FREE; full version 50% OFF - LAUNCH DISCOUNT TODAY: May 5-11, 2015***** WONDERFULLY EDUCATIONAL READING PROGRAM FOR BEGINNING READERS (AGES 2-7).***** Parents‘ Choice Awards winner 2014
***** Developed in cooperation with educational specialists by an award-winning educational studio, 22learn, the creator of the best-selling apps for kids. Join Farmer Frank and his animals to learn how to read! ================================ PRESS REVIEW ================================ * HIGLY RECOMMENDED by Best Apps for Kids! “Phonics: Fun on Farm is an outstanding app that will keep the kids learning all through their early years as they develop reading skills.” Sandra Fleming, . * 5 stars by the iPhone Mom “I really enjoyed the Phonics: Fun on Farm app! I would definitely recommend this app to parents of early readers or those who are ready to begin learning the basics of reading. I will be playing this app with my 3 year old son for sure!”
* Teachers with Apps review: “Phonics: Fun on Farm is a strong app for guiding reading readiness or beginner readers, as its focus is on traditional educational standards for phonemic awareness. The app is geared towards beginning readers ages 3-7 and rests on a comprehensive foundation, as supported by its content throughout.”
* TOP PICK by Fun Educational Apps “There are all sorts of apps that help children to work with phonics and beginning reading skills. But Phonics: Fun on Farm puts many of them to shame. This app easily earns a TOP PICK from both the teacher and the mom in me . . . This app is just awesome.” Sarah Emerling,
================================ Discover how your child can turn from a non-reader to a reader in 12 fun and rigorous educational games! Our new Phonics: Fun on Farm app with its systematic phonics method of reading instruction uses the best practices for teaching reading. In this comprehensive package for beginning readers, we cover essential reading sub-skills including phoneme recognition, letter-sound relationships, letter writing, blending sounds to form words, spelling, and reading words and simple sentences. Compared to other high-end reading programs, the app excels in its gradual introduction of groups of letters based on their ability to form words, its scaffolding options, multi-user performance analysis, and an amazing variety of games for maximum practice. ================================ WONDERFULLY COMPREHENSIVE READING PACKAGE FOR BEGINNING READERS (AGES 2-7). PHONEMIC AWARENESS, INTRODUCTION TO LETTER-SOUND RELATIONSHIPS, LETTER WRITING, LETTER RECOGNITION, SPELLING, AND READING WORDS AND SENTENCES. ================================ Feed the animals, herd the sheep back to their barns, or build your own beautiful farm while mastering the reading basics! Phonics: Fun on Farm is an ideal app to help young learners lay foundation for their future reading adventures. FEATURES: o12 fabulous games that teach essential reading skills. o Complex reading instruction that includes development of phonemic awareness, letter-sound relationships, writing and letter recognition, spelling, and reading fluency. oLetter-sound relationships for the sounds of the most common consonants and short vowels. o Over 250 decodable words, 100 captions and sentences, and the most frequent sight words. o 6 scenes with hundreds of motivational stickers that allow children to build their own farm. o Multi-user customization and performance analysis. o Great preparation and practice for Preschool, Kindergarten, and 1st Grade children. 12 FABULOUS FUN GAMES THAT TEACH ESSENTIAL READING SKILLS: 1) Matching Sounds 2) Initial Sounds 3) Flash Cards 4) Letter Sounds 5) Tracing Letters 6) Uppercase and Lowercase Letters 7) Blending Sounds 8) Spelling 9) Reading 10) Sight Words 11) Fluent Reading 12) Word Bingo
Funny Farm - 动物拼图和图画书为孩子和幼儿
***** 在很多国家的顶部# 1的应用程序! *****安全和适合儿童的益智和图画书为幼儿和儿童设计的可爱的动物是由教育者和开发由著名插画家绘制。'Funny Farm' 的目的是提高以下技能都当你的孩子正在播放:+ 手眼协调+ 浓度+ 逻辑思维+ 运动技能+ 视觉感知内容:+ 通用应用程序的iPhone, iPad和iPod!+ 儿童安全 - 不干扰的广告!+ 安全游戏 - 父母区域只能输入数字activited 。+ 的难易程度可以单独更换每个孩子!+ 'Helper Duck' 可以给予提示解决难题!+ 无论语言 - 所有的孩子都能玩这个难题!你和你的孩子像 'Funny Farm'?只有一个InApp购买就可以解锁完整版有更多的内容(所有难题和完整的图画书)!我们向您承诺:我们所有的应用程序都是经过认证的教育工作者和知名插画家与年轻的父母和孩子共同开发!如果您有疑问或有兴趣,我们如何发展我们的孩子和年轻父母的应用程序,发送电子邮件至:
New LetsTans 10-in-1
*** Search for Puzzlium - the 1st puzzle social network. SOLVE thousands of fun, addictive puzzles. CREATE new puzzles to challenge anyone in the world. COMPETE with other solvers. ***曾想过以全新方式玩七巧板?这里有 10-in-1 版本的 LetsTans - 迄今最卖座的七巧板 app。它带来一种全新的七巧板游戏体验,为你的 iPhone 和 iPod touch 注入七巧板的灵魂与能量。新闻稿***** "A challenging Tangram puzzle game."- AppAdvice***** "LetsTans is a great 21st century update." - AppSafari***** "Offers a fun and smooth Tangram puzzle experience." - AppAddict***** "Must try! Pretty and puzzle-licious." - The Portable Gamer***** "If you are a Tangram fan then step right up and get your app!" - Appmodo热点消息4.5000000 次下载!了解为何数百万人为 LetsTans 所倾倒 - 迄今最优秀的七巧板 app。特性 ? 1820 个原创谜题,数量不断增加中!? 10 种精彩模式,从最简单到最困难。? 七款皮肤可供选择!? Junior 和 Silhouette 模式中包含 50 种颜色。? 来宾玩家:与好友一起游戏!? 需要帮助?使用先进的提示系统。? 包含游戏内购买中全功能的“试试我”选项。? 包含暂停选项的计时器。? iCloud - 自动将游戏数据同步到你的所有设备!? 重置所有谜题 选项。? Game Center 成就 和 排行榜。? 10种语言: 简体中文, English, Fran?ais, Deutsch, 日本語, Italiano, Espa?ol, Русский, Türk?e, Укра?нська。
LetsTans Classic
*** Search for Puzzlium - the 1st puzzle social network. SOLVE thousands of fun, addictive puzzles. CREATE new puzzles to challenge anyone in the world. COMPETE with other solvers. ***曾想过以全新方式玩七巧板?这里有 Classic 版本的 LetsTans - 迄今最卖座的七巧板 app。它带来一种全新的七巧板游戏体验,为你的 iPad、iPhone 和 iPod touch 注入七巧板的灵魂与能量。新闻稿***** "A challenging Tangram puzzle game."- AppAdvice***** "LetsTans is a great 21st century update." - AppSafari***** "Offers a fun and smooth Tangram puzzle experience." - AppAddict***** "Must try! Pretty and puzzle-licious." - The Portable Gamer***** "If you are a Tangram fan then step right up and get your app!" - Appmodo热点消息4.5000000 次下载!了解为何数百万人为 LetsTans 所倾倒 - 迄今最优秀的七巧板 app。目标在七巧板形状中准确整齐地填入7块板块。特性 ? 210 个原创谜题,数量不断增加中!? 专为 iPad、iPhone 和 iPod touch 设计。? 来宾玩家:与好友一起游戏!? 需要帮助?使用先进的提示系统。? 包含暂停选项的计时器。? 重置所有谜题 选项。? Game Center 成就 和 排行榜。? 10种语言: 简体中文, English, Fran?ais, Deutsch, 日本語, Italiano, Espa?ol, Русский, Türk?e, Укра?нська。即将推出? iCloud - 自动将游戏数据同步到你的所有设备!
Trucks Flashcards Free
- Things That Go Preschool and Kindergarten Educational Sight Words and Sounds Adventure Game for Toddler Boys and Girls Kids Explorers
获得学龄前儿童教师和家长的认可,成为针对幼儿和学龄前儿童的最佳免费学习游戏,下载次数已经超过 (1 500 000)!针对幼儿和学龄前儿童学习颜色、形状、数字和字母的,非常有趣的教育性填色页面和涂色游戏!游戏和活动o说明-儿童将学习顶部、底部、左边、右边和中间。o2维几何图形-给图形涂色来学习2维图形和其名称。o字母-学习从A到Z的字母和它们的名称。o大写字母和小写字母-将大小写字母连接起来。o面部表情和情绪-触摸和给高兴、悲伤和生气的脸涂色。o形状和颜色认知-触摸和给不同类型的每一个形状涂色。o数字-学习从0到10的数字和数字名称。o数数-学习如何数从0到10的数字。o顺序排列技能-学习最高、最低、最大和最小!o测序-儿童将学习识别种类。o不同的动物-触摸和给不同的动物涂色!o类型和测序-触摸和给一个序列中的下一个图形涂色。特色功能o18种不同的独特教育性游戏o采用12种不同的语言配音o精惊喜运动技巧构建!o可个性定制o令人惊叹的音乐和音效o无限制的游戏和创新性的奖励系统网址:
Sea Animal Games & Jigsaw Puzzles for Toddlers
充滿繽紛多彩的可愛海洋動物的精彩拼圖集。通過拼圖和將各拼塊放到正確位置教孩子們如何手眼並用。遊戲特點:- 22款拼圖,3種拼圖類型 - 寶寶們不會厭煩一種類型- 闖關成功即可進入更難關卡,適於寶寶們循序漸進- 背景優美並有動作互動聲效- 成功闖關後會有好玩的氣球爆破- 滑塊控制選項適合家長阻止寶寶們錯誤退出關卡- 高品質高解析度圖像- 最後,寓教於樂!遊戲中出現15種動物:- 海豚- 鯊魚- 鯨魚- 海星- 螃蟹- 海馬- 章魚- 水母- 熱帶魚- 海龜- 烏賊- 黃貂魚- 金魚- 海鰻- 海豹歡迎隨時聯絡我們提出問題或評論!
Photo To Jigsaw Puzzle
Make an original jigsaw puzzle from a photo.Photo ==>> Original Jigsaw Puzzle◆16 / 25 / 64 / 100 pieces (Add on)◆Background(Monochrome Photo) On/Off◇Piece Edge On/Off◇Piece Shape 2types◇Piece Rotation On/Off◆Folders◆Score (Time)◆Sound On/Off
Animals Babies and Homes Free - First Words Preschool and Kindergarten Educational Learning Matching Puzzle Adventure Game for Toddler Kids Explorers
Discover Musical Instruments
Let your kids discover musical instruments and become famous chief conductors!Reviews for full/free version:"Kids love it! ***** We bought Discover Musical Instruments for our kids (1 1/2 years old and 3 1/2 years old) on our iPod. They are captivated by all the different sounds it produces. Many instruments to discover (even for us, parents!) and really easy to use. My personal favorite educational app so far! :)" By Plumedor / Canada"Great for young children ***** My three year old now prefers this app over all others. He loves making the instruments all play together. I love how it will say the instrument name when he touches the word, teaching reading as well. It's a great flashcard. I've taught him the instruments, but I would be hard-pressed to find a better way to teach him the instrument sounds of so many instruments in such a fun way. 5 stars!" by technolingua / U.S."What a fantastic idea ***** I show this to my three year old, and it was facinating how he kept going for the next and the next. The fact that you can hear the instrument was like a discovery for him. He kept clicking the banjo and the bell and the drums, haha i guess he will be in a band some day. Very instructive." by The_X3 / U.S.This educational game offers an extensive collection of 60 high quality musical instruments pictures and sound clips to give your kids a rich and fun learning experience about the wonderful musical world. It will also help them discover their sense of rhythm! This app can be easily used by children as young as 6 months old, when they express a desire to touch everything! The combination of visual and auditory contents makes this application ideal for learning musical instruments vocabulary. In portrait orientation, an instrument and his name is shown. Touching the picture will reveal the sound clip and touching the name will play its diction. We can navigate through the instruments using arrows or simply by sliding the pictures with a finger like in the photos app. Landscape mode will fascinate your kids by giving them access to multiple musical instruments at the time on the screen. Being able to scroll through all of them and touching multiple instruments at a time will allow your child to create an all new symphony that will enchant everyone!A customization module allows you to change instrument names and record custom sounds and pronunciation. You can even record the voice of your child to show him how he's good!
Slushy Maker(TM)
On a nice hot summer day, there’s nothing better than an ice cold drink! Why not make a fruity slushy for you and your friends? From blueberry to green apple, there are tons of flavors to try, but taste isn’t the only thing you can customize! Dress up your cup and make them look cool, too! Your friends will think you’re the slushy master, and you’ll stay cool all summer long!In Slushy Maker, create tasty slushies in flavors that you love! Whether you like berry flavors like blueberry, raspberry, or strawberry or want something more sour like green apple, there are tons to try to find your favorite. Try them all and create something wacky and crazy! Before you drink these yummy creations, design a cool, silly cup including out of this world straws. You can even play the fun mini game to earn coins and buy more decorations! The more you play, the cooler the stuff gets, so get started and become the crazy slushy master!Product Features:- Ice cold slushy themed game.- Easy to use controls to select flavors and decorations.- Fabulous flavor mixes to try!- Fun cup designs created by YOU!- Awesome straws to use!- Wacky decorations perfect for crazy slushy designs.- Play a mini game to unlock more decorations!How to Play:- Use interactive controls to play the game.- Choose a fabulous flavor to try.- Design your slushy cups and choose cool straws to create wacky and fun designs!- Earn more decorations by play games and getting coins!Visit our official site at Follow us on Twitter at /CrazyCatsGameLike us on Facebook at /pages/Crazy-cats/6922
Monster Mania - Beauty SPA!
*** Halloween is Here!
Celebrate this Fun Holiday with a Super Scary Spa Salon Game! ***Scary Cool Makeup for Drop Dead Gorgeous Girls!==This Game Includes==SPA MAKEOVERS!Complete with facial masks, suddsy face washes, and animated water effects.HAIR - DO's to DIE FOR!Includes animated effects for washing and styling the perfect up-do's and down-do's.MADDENING MAKEUP!Make all the Monster Girls Marvelous with eye shadows, blushes, lipsticks, and SO MUCH MORE!FRIGHTENING FASHION!Find Fabulous Fashion items from Dresses to Shoes to Purses and EarringsNOTICE:
This app contains in app purchases. If you do not wish to purchase any items, you can shut off the in app purchase option in the settings menu on your device.
The 3D Class brings users to play games while learning, and to learn while gaming. For the students enrolled in courses that are available in a Moodle server, the 3D Class can be used to access them from iOS enabled devices.
Pet Vet Dentist Doctor - Games for Kids Free
Become a dentist and take care of your favorite little Pets!!Don't get too crazy, these pets need there teeth cleaned... badly!Have soooo much fun playing this little pet vet game!
Vocab Battle - SAT & Languages
Improve your vocab!
Mess with your friends' faces!
It's a unique, silly and - believe it or not - educational two-player game!
The most fun way ever to improve or revise your language skills - a rapid-fire battle of comic-style, face-mangling quizziness.Take or pick a photo and put your face in the game.
Then fight it out against a nearby opponent using B or invite or find a match through Game Center.** UPDATED FOR 2014 ** Now includes solo game mode so you don't need to have a friend nearby to play! Playing the game is simple: answer three questions correctly and you get to attack your opponent's face!Choose from over 100 items to stick onto the photo, including eyes, glasses, ears and hair - or add a sound effect caption.
Use a two-finger pinch to zoom and rotate things to line them up just how you want.
See the screenshots to see what a mess we've made of the developers' faces!When the game is over, you can post a humiliating picture of the loser to Facebook!Vocab Battle is fully playable for free and this new ad-supported version now includes these full language packs for FREE:- SAT Vocabulary - More than 5,000 English words with definitions- French - More than 2,000 words- German - More than 2,000 words- Italian - More than 2,000 words- Spanish - More than 2,000 words - Portuguese - More than 1,000 words- Japanese - More than 1,000 words- Russian - More than 1,000 wordsThe following themed sticker packs are now included for free for all users!- Spooky pack- Pirates- Animals- The HolidaysThere is a single in-app purchase to remove adverts, and if you bought ANY item in a previous version, you will automatically have adverts removed.Also check out "Number Battle" by the same developer if you want to play this game with math questions!Please be a good sport.
Choose a photo that is a good likeness of you and enjoy the silly things people do to your face when you lose!If you have any questions or comments please send an email to .
We cannot reply to you if you leave messages in your reviews, so please contact us first if you are having any problems.
123 Kids Fun PEEKABOO Preschool & Toddler Games
123 Kids Fun PEEKABOO - free educational peekaboo game for preschool kids and toddlers - Younger kids will be overjoyed discovering hidden animals, insects and vehicles. Older kids can try to guess what hides behind the sounds, then learn the name of each animal, insect and vehicle which will help them with their letter recognition skills.Tap on the picture to see a funny animation. Peekaboo! It is easy! So easy that... a little baby could do it! +++ 123 Kids Fun PEEKABOO has 5 chapters +++* Household pets* Farm animals* Forest animals* Insects* Vehicles+++ 123 Kids Fun PEEKABOO Game +++* Listen to the sound and guess who or what hides behind it.* Touch the screen and find out who or what is hiding there.* Easy to use interface.* Realistic sounds and animations.* Learn through play.+++ 123 Kids Fun PEEKABOO OVERALL FEATURES +++* Effective learning tool for toddlers and preschoolers.* Hundreds of bright, colorful and memorable sounds and illustrations.* Simple and intuitive menus, navigation and gameplay.* Developed and reviewed by experts in preschool education* Delightful animations will help your kids learn sounds and words in a fun and engaging way* Aligned to Common Core Standards for Preschool and Kindergarten Education* A rich, exploratory environment filled with surprises* Funny, bright and creative artwork * Your children can interact with the app at their own paceThanks to 123 KIDS FUN PEEKABOO your toddler or preschool kid will discover step by step the world of sounds that correspond to characters and items. Delightful animations will help your children learn words in a fun and engaging way.The application features activities that foster children’s creativity, motor skills, and appreciation of sounds, music, animals, vehicles and many more. 123 KIDS FUN PEEKABOO was extensively tested with preschool children to ensure its design is as simple as possible and children can explore the application independently. We hope your kids will love it!Peekaboo! What hides behind?+++ 123 KIDS FUN APPS +++Our games are entertaining, but more importantly, they teach at the same time. We pride ourselves in creating fun, beautiful, well designed and easy to use apps and games.We share a passion for children, music, education, games, design and play. Our goal is to create the highest quality games for toddlers and preschoolers for smartphones and tablets. We are proud to say that we make fun and smart educational games that are not only effective, but entertaining. We make games that let kids explore and discover, games where there are no wrong moves, but where the right move will reveal, reward, and teach.We love getting feedback from our users. If you have questions or comments, please send them to:
Letris Power: Word puzzle game
Letris Power stems from the same simple and addictive gameplay which has turned Letris into one of the most played word games in the AppStore, adding a new strategic factor: 3 different powers to be saved in order to use them at the most convenient moment and thus be able to clear more levels. * NEW MISSIONSEach game proposes a different mission, which in addition to providing variety of missions you are awarded if the mission is accomplished, being able to load more powers at the beginning and therefore able to beat your own record. * USE THE POWERSICE! Freeze the game so you can make a long word without pressure.FIRE! You’ll see the first row of letters burn.TIME! Makes time go slower for 10 seconds.* MULTIPLAYER MODESThere are two different modes specially designed for multiplayer which are available onLine by Game Center and on a shared screen for iPad.1. DUEL: The letters of the words you manage to type in will be shown to your opponent in real time. The fastest wins! 2. ENDURANCE: The two players competing with the same letters individually. The one who lasts longer wins!* PLAY IT ON MULTIPLE DEVICES Universal app with retina graphics and HD. And now you can use iCloud to seamlessly switch between the iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch without ever having to restart your game. * GAME CENTER 57 achievements, 11 leader boards and online multiplayer are waiting to you. * 7 LANGUAGESEnglish, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Catalan and Portuguese.* HD graphics specially designed for retina resolution. Join the growing community of Letris enthusiasts in our official Facebook page: /LetrisFans
内容提要*****本游戏需要与宏智力BrainLink智能头箍配套使用,购买链接:*****不动手,用意念力激活蚂蚁推动食物游戏中,专注力、放松力交替进行,最大强度训练脑波状态;新体验、新玩法、真实的脑波数值反馈,创新脱俗的意念力游戏;最新加入“家长按钮”,家长可以设置孩子游戏时间、记录孩子每天训练的脑波数据查看孩子在全国孩子中的数据排名! 意念力蚂蚁是一款老少皆宜的脑波互动应用。您只需要用“意念力”就可以操控可爱的小蚂蚁,帮助它顺利的将食物推到目的地。比如说您越专注,蚂蚁推食物的速度就越快;越放松,就可以帮助它变出越漂亮的水果等等。游戏共计24关,您将与小蚂蚁一起历经春夏秋冬的场景变化,一起迎接各种趣味性的意念力挑战,如怪兽追赶、危机浮桥、蚂蚁对推、计时任务等等,让您在丰富、趣味的互动中,训练持续专注和主动放松的能力。**放松力魔法,变出漂亮水果**
大脑无限放松,通过脑波感应技术,水果魔法般的变出来**热身训练**专注力、放松力的热身训练,让您感受“不动手、用意念力玩游戏”的畅快感觉**躲避怪兽**怪兽的猛烈追赶,使得游戏变得更加惊险、刺激;专注力、放松力交替进行,训练超强脑波;**秋天大丰收**唯美的画面,漂亮的水晶果实,感应神奇的脑波、创造奇迹般的大丰收;“女版蚂蚁横空出世”游戏的终结点,迎来女版蚂蚁的阻拦;神级般的脑波,迎接最高强度的挑战;更多游戏关卡请下载官方软件进行体验;注意1:本游戏必须在硬件BrainLink的支持下才能体验注意2:体验游戏前,将使用设备的蓝牙及BrainLink的蓝牙同时打开,然后进行配对,听到BrainLink蓝牙“滴滴”的响声,表明蓝牙配对成功,可以进行游戏体验了!更详细使用说明请参照BrainLink包装盒内的快速使用指南。 宏智力BrainLink智能头箍购买链接:
Giant Turnip Game: A Voyage Of Vegetable Extraction!
Kanahei's Pisuke & Usagi is Now a Game!Kanahei's smash hit series with over 3 million total downloads finally has its long-awaited game!---------------------------------------------Usagi has recently found herself absorbed in a farming game.Harvesting vegetables that you grow yourself is really fun.Growing actual vegetables would be even more fun!Usagi starts off with a turnip.Her turnip grows quickly.Download the game to continue the story!---------------------------------------------A fun twist on the classic fairy tale The Giant Turnip!Kanahei's Giant Turnip is a heartwarming and silly story that is sure to make you laugh. (*?▽`)▼△▼△▼△Gameplay▼△▼△▼△?Recruit tons of friends to help you with your harvest.?Pisuke and Usagi transform as they level up!?Grab vegetables as you progress through the stages!?Free wallpaper gift every day! Snag yourself rare wallpaper!*Please contact us though Other > Contact by Email in-app to report issues.Your reviews cannot be categorized by app or device version, so verification may be difficult. We apologize for the trouble, but your feedback is important in helping us continually improve quality.
My Studio:
About Us:
《蓝图儿童版》是一款精心设计的儿童教育娱乐、亲子互动软件,深受广大小朋友的喜爱和家长的认可。《蓝图儿童版》是以积木搭建为核心的、寓教于乐的软件,在开放的、无束缚的空间内,搭建属于自己的专属王国。在娱乐放松的同时,还可以培养创造力、空间感和美感,激发创新思维,开发智力。在家长和孩子共同搭建的过程中,促进亲子互动,增进家长、孩子间的沟通,起到更好的亲子教育作用。【产品特点】 特点一:操作简单,容易上手,没有复杂的学习过程,轻松的投入到搭建的乐趣中; 特点二:充分发挥创意,真实模拟,3D呈现。比绘图更具真实,比积木更具自由; 特点三:与更多的人来分享你的作品,互相交流,荣誉值飙升的同时,还能为你赢得收益哦; 特点四:3D打印,真实复现,你的创作将不止是一件虚拟物品,更能摆放在你面前。【家长好评】-很不错的软件,集趣味性,游戏性,智力性,养眼性于一体!我们全家都喜欢!-简直是小朋友的挚爱,小朋友可以在其中无限发挥想象力,作为家长也非常放心,继续加油-感觉很用心做的软件,制作蛮精良的,图片精美,操作比较方便,3D搭积木的感觉,相当不错,给些鼓励-这款软件真的特别有意义,我和小孩都很喜欢,很能锻炼想象能力,工作之余玩玩还不错-蓝图?完美的题材名称,从小抓起我们的小孩,要有宏图之志!作妈咪的鼓励这种游戏。加油!-儿子很喜欢玩,在考虑要不要买三地打印机-游戏很有特色,自己随意创意,没钱买乐高,下个app自己搭出我的世界。操作再优化下更完美。-突然发现了这个不需要生存的积木游戏。可以全心全意的搭积木,挺有意思,方块的色彩很纯粹,有种回到小时候搭积木的感觉!更新很快,但还可以优化的更好,加油!【联系我们】客服电话:微信公众号:blueprint3d官方微博:/blueprint3d或搜“蓝图官博”官方论坛:.cn
The Weaver
The Weaver is a new type of puzzle game!Use logic to fold the lines and match colors with a simple and stylish interface over 150 levels.


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