
&&&&& 游戏的音效,爆炸,射击,发射炮弹,都还算不错,唯一就是那一声声敌人的惨叫,显得十分突兀。
&&&&& 不过游戏在号称强大的粒子系统下,爆炸、烟雾、火焰等多种特效的确会让人对国产游戏带来一丝欣喜,用炮弹轰炸,会感到难得的快感。&
&&&&& 游戏操控
&&&&& 对这款所谓的FPS游戏,不去过多评论,类似于抢滩登陆,玩家只能在固定的地点防御敌人的进攻,不过这样反而让操控起来简单一点,触屏FPS游戏在移动上,总是显得有些笨拙,在原地射击,反而避免了这样的不足,左右上下的移动,还算灵敏,操控起来也算得心应手。游戏还提供多种武器,玩家会有多种选择,小编玩遍所有武器之后,发现除了子弹免费的机关枪不给力之外,那些重型武器用起来,终于让游戏有些许乐趣。&
&&&&& 不过,对于如何消灭那无视你的士兵,小编觉得,玩家可以先拿着子弹免费的机关枪,按住左或右方向键的同时,按住射击键,然后旋转一圈之后,是的,你会感到扫射带来的爽快感觉,太坑爹了这些士兵!消灭群众演员之后,就可以慢慢来体验重型武器带来的些许安慰。
&&&&& 游戏道具商店和充值系统
&&&&& 最后的防线里面到处都是大飞自己的广告,而玩家想要获得足够的武器补给,还不得不花钱购买金币。
&&&&& 从这点上,大飞做的太不厚道,公司诚然需要营收才能带来发展,但是在发展之前,还是应该先老老实实提升产品的质量,充实产品内容,做好产品口碑,好的游戏,玩家们自然不会吝惜那一点点钱,Apple store上的现代战争和质量效应,卖价45元,玩家依然大呼超值,所以如果一味的只顾圈钱,必定适得其反,值得大飞移动好好思考一下。
&&&&& 内置微云游戏平台
&&&&& 玩家可通过微云平台进行讨论和交流,并在积分榜中进行全球排名,游戏中完成特定任务即可获得相应成就,通过微云向朋友们炫耀。在移动终端上的游戏,多少都开始流行互动和社交性,小编觉得这一点是很合理的,在保证游戏质量的前提下,社交的引入能依靠玩家来做有效的宣传和推广,n凝聚用户群。但是,对于这款游戏,得到的难免是玩家之间互相吐槽。
&&&&& 总结
&&&&& 虽然这部狗血剧情的国产FPS大作,玩家们褒贬不一,抛开种种不足,对于玩家来说,不管如何批评或者褒奖,褒奖的是看到了游戏的进步,批评的也只是对游戏本身恨铁不成钢。国产游戏的进步都是玩家乐于也是期望见到的,在这部游戏身上,我们也不能否认确能看到了不少好的进步,所以还是希望,国内的游戏公司应该先把设计出高品质的游戏放在首位,提高用户体验,这才是良性发展的基石。
&&&&想爆料?请登录《阳光连线》( )、拨打新闻热线0,或登录齐鲁网官方微博()提供新闻线索。
3、如因作品版权和其它问题可联系本网,本网确认后将在24小时内移除相关争议内容。您所在的位置: &
大小:1.16 GB 版本:3.2.0
僵尸侵略者(Zombie Invaders)是一款射击类游戏。保卫你的农场,抵抗僵尸的进攻。 僵尸会从你的上方或左或右边出现。消灭一个僵尸只需要一枪,但是他们会高速移动。 点击左侧绿色圆点,控制子弹发射,右侧有方向箭头,控制移动玩家。 大家一起来保卫这块土地吧!
大小:6.63 MB 版本:9.6
Protect your warship from the indiscriminate attacks of enemy fighters.- Aim at the enemy fighter using head tracking and shoot it down.- If screen is not in the center of your field of view, double-tap the back of your smartphone to re-orient it.&& You can do this anytime while using this game.&& *This app requires a VR headset.
大小:70.53 MB 版本:1.0
Catch the enemy leader by shooting down incoming asteroids and enemy spacecrafts.- Aim at the asteroids and enemy fighters using head tracking. Weapons will then be fired.- Different weapons will be fired depending on the enemy fighter type.- If screen is not in the center of your field of view, double-tap the back of your smartphone to re-orient it.&& You can do this anytime while using this game.&&*This App requires a VR headset.
大小:126 MB 版本:1.0
《全民枪王》是腾讯自主研发的首款自由移动电竞FPS手游。经典对战地图,爽快射击手感,用手机展现无与伦比的技巧和意 识!炫酷机甲、无人战机等创新载具悉数登场,丰富细节给您与众不同的射击体验!生化战场、机甲世界等海量玩法任意选 择,3D引擎为您呈现震撼战争场景!指尖上的FPS枪战大作,突破操作极限,浴火练就枪王!【游戏特色】酣畅淋漓的自由移动PVP对战还原最经典的对战地图,突破站桩限制,枪枪爆头快意连杀AK47、M4A1、狙击AWP等海量经典枪械最平衡的电竞级PVP,一切让实力说话!史诗级多人PVE闯关悍匪来袭:与兄弟组队,并肩捍卫小镇,火箭弹炮轰直升机、手雷火力强袭生化战场:子弹横扫战场,抵御生化狂潮机甲世界:变身机甲战士,钢铁长城勇者无惧!丰富的单人闯关玩法你将能操纵无人机收割悍匪、子弹时间解救人质,眼花缭乱的百变地图,带给你全新枪战体验!多维度的成长线,主角、枪械、佣兵、装备丰富搭配成长,尽情打造你的无敌战队吧!高清写实画风手游里的主机级画质,天气光影变化、弹痕细节、炸弹烟雾逼真展现,享受身临其境的战场环境
大小:485.45 MB 版本:1.8.1
Join Troopers VR and save the Galaxy!Kill anything that has more than two legs!One of the first VR shooters establishing gaze controlled auto fire. Simple game mechanics keep players free from motion sickness.Align your headset by starting in Landscape mode or by pointing the virtual cursor at the Center View icon.Scan the QR-code on your goggles to adjust camera and stereoscopic settings.Would you like to know more?- Virtual Reality First-Person-Shooter- Kill tons of bugs- Fight on four different planets- Proven to be free of motion or cyber sickness- Optimized for iPhone 6/6s and ZEISS VR ONE or Cardboard headset- Includes undistorted Side-by-Side mode&- MFI Controller Support- No additional input device needed- No ads, no InApps- Pay once, play forever!Young people from all over the globe are joining up to fight for the future.Never surrender. Never retreat. Never give up.We Need Troopers - Join Up Now!Tweet feedback, ideas or an "Halloechen!" to: @flauchersfinestWarning: This VR experience contains muzzle flashs and other effects which may not be suitable for photosensitive epilepsy.
大小:68.59 MB 版本:1.2.1
【游戏简介】厌烦没有故事情节的VR游戏吗?觉得诸多的体验版VR游戏只是在浪费自己的时间吗?欢迎来到VR大炮台,你将在丰富的关卡里迎来各种战斗,让你能在漫天烽火的战场上畅快射击,消灭阻挡前方的所有敌人,在战争中逐步体会战斗的真正意义。【游戏特色】- VR全景第一人强烈视觉冲击!- 化身狙击手快狠准畅爽射杀!- 丰富关卡多样敌人大举袭来!- 无限子弹无限射击无限快感!解放你沉寂的热血进入以一挡百的劲爆枪战!【使用说明】1.开启游戏,将手机放入手机VR眼镜或头盔2.插上附带按钮的耳机,按下任何手机按钮就能开始游戏畅快射击
大小:113.35 MB 版本:2.4
和您的好友一起击败GeoBotsGeoBots VR 将使用虚拟现实技术带您穿越被大量GeoBot占领的工厂!您的目标是尽可能多的击落GeoBot。快速连续的击落会让您获得更多积分,在游戏结束时您的剩余时间和HP都会计算为额外积分!注意在天空盘旋巡逻的GeoBot,击落他们会获得更多的积分,但是他们也更难以击落。击落GeoBot也会给与您Cogs来购买武器和皮肤。带上VR设备,瞄准GeoBot,用您的的目光把他们打下来!如果你没有VR设备,您也可以用正常的宽屏模式战斗。即将到来: 故事模式,更多不同的GeoBot,新的武器,更多的冒险。
大小:99.76 MB 版本:1.1.1
Zombie Slayers is all about killing zombies. We all know that zombies need to be eradicated at all costs. Protect your brain! The world is overrun with flesh-craving zombies, and you’re a walking 12 oz. steak. Arm yourself, contain outbreaks, defend the UN, battle bandits, and annihilate super-zombie bosses to wipe this undead menace from the face of the earth, one exploding zombie head at a time.Only by standing together will humans endure this apocalypse, so gather friends around you to expand your arsenal and improve your odds of survival!Aim, tap and score slay zombies today welcome to Zombie Slayers! - Colorful graphics and great music! - 30 seconds to shoot and slay as many zombies as possible! - Earn 100 points for every zombie speared! - Easy to play: just tap to shoot!Play now and slay some zombies! Enjoy Zombie Slayers - Free HD Killer Shooting Game
大小:12.13 MB 版本:1.0
***IGF China Awards Honourable Mention 2014***ZED is compatible with iPhone 5 and above. "We gave everything to feel something....and the reward was darkness."In a post-apocalyptic world where the dead have risen and feed off the living, where zombies have begun an assault on civilization....play as a member of the few remnants of a dismantled military and run or fight to survive.Features- Stunning dark visuals and sound- Intense gameplay- Huge array of weapons to unlock- Use perks to help you survive longer- Dynamic environments- Complete missions to level up- Challenge your Game Center and Facebook friends- Global Leaderboards- iCloud Support
大小:122.04 MB 版本:1.0.5
*** Optimized for iPhone 4S , iPhone5 ***NOTE : iPod (4th generation) , iPhone4 IS NOT CURRENTLY SUPPORTED.Z.I.D 2 is twin stick shooter game.Kill all Zombies in the dark. and You should defend yourself.Shoot the car !!You can kill zombies at a timeusing the explosive vehicle.****Features****- Z.I.D 2 is 3D shooter game.- High quality graphics and support a rigid body.- Supply Normal 5 map mode and 2 Survival Map(unlimited levels).- weapons upgrade system.- Upgrade Items : Fire rate, damage, clip size, max capacity, hp.- Weapons : M4A1, Submachine Gun, Shotgun, Grenade.--------------------------------------------------Optimized for iPhone 4S - includes high-definition graphics and advanced features.PLEASE NOTE : iPad (1st Generation), iPhone 3GS, iPod touch devices NOT SUPPORTED.
大小:176.12 MB 版本:1.0
忘情投入吧! 这是终极可爱的空战游戏! 成为肥蛋战机空中霸主!! 多人在线游戏模式 - 邀请你的朋友组成编队进行线上游戏, 并可以选择合作或是竞争! ● 对战模式 - 独有的2对2的对战模式, 挑战你的朋友或敌人! ● 生存模式 - 在单机模式或两人合作模式中摧毁一波又一波的敌方飞机! 游戏特色: ● 具有新一代3D技术画面,为你带来身临其境的游戏体验; ● 驾驶栩栩如生的一战或二战顶级肥蛋战机. 享受击中战机的过程及其被爆蛋的震撼瞬间; ● 通过3G或Wi-Fi网络, 体验实时多人在线的游戏; ● 使用丰富的飞机科技树, 用高级制导火箭和机炮等自由装备您的飞机; ● 邀请您在Game Center的朋友来帮助协作完成困难的任务. 线上游戏要求Wi-Fi,3G或4G网络链接. 请告知我们您的感想和建议.帮助我们找出bugs.我们致力于让您得到肥蛋战机前所未有的最佳游戏体验.
大小:95.78 MB 版本:1.0
GAME INTRODUCTION** Blow away your stress with ZombieShock!! - Lite Version"Zombie Shock is still a great action oriented title with castle defense elements that make this an extremely addictive title to own."- [5/5] , Andrew Nesvadba "The game is wonderfully designed with graphic novel type visuals and amazingly detailed zombies, and animations."- [4.5/5] ,Trevor Sheridan "The game is excellent. Fast, frantic, fun. So polished it hurts. The upgrade system is fast and flawless. You level up at a perfect rate.Shooting is spot on with a really nice laser site. Enemies are varied and very imaginative.Best shooting/zombie game in ages."- Toucharcade, sammysinZombieShock is an action-adventure game set in New York City in turmoil. A wide variety of zombie characters, numerous weapons, and the endlesszombie-chases invite you to the world of great suspense.
GAME FEATURES1. The mounting suspense as the game progresses. - There are large-scale battles between the dreadful zombies and the main character.2. Dynamic battles will blow away your stress!!! Feel the thrill of attacking zombies. - Zombies move in various quick motions. - The electrifying deaths of zombies vary by the attacking methods.3. Fight the Small zombies with unique identities as well as the gigantic Boss zombies. - Each of the 6 small zombies has unique characteristics. - There are 5 dreadful boss zombies with various patterns of behavior.4. Play strategically by using various weapons and upgrades. - There are more than 18 unique weapons available in the game. - There are 5 different status upgrades. * You can play with different strategies by using these unique set of weapons.5. Exciting heavy metal sounds - Listen to the breathtaking heavy metal sounds recorded by Funnybucks studio.6.Game modes : Scenario
- 50 stages in the background story of ZombieShock and the characters. (Lite Version : 10 Stages)7. Breathtaking scenario in between game stages. - Cartoons were used to draw players' attention to the breathtaking scenario.SUPPORT INFORMATION游戏介绍*吹走你的压力与zombieshock!Lite版本!“僵尸冲击仍然是一个伟大的行动为导向的标题与城堡的防御元素,使这一个非常令人上瘾的标题自己。”- [ 5 / 5 ] ,安得烈斯瓦德巴“比赛是惊人的图形小说式的视觉效果和设计非常细致的僵尸,和动画。”- [ 4.5 / 5 ] AppAdvice。com,特里沃谢里丹“游戏是优秀的。快,疯狂,有趣。所以擦它伤害。升级系统是快速和完美的。你以一个完美的速度。拍摄现场是一个非常好的激光网站。敌人是多种多样的,非常有想象力的。最佳射击/僵尸游戏的年龄。”- TouchArcade,sammysinzombieshock是一个动作冒险游戏在纽约市设置混乱。各种各样的僵尸角色,无数的武器,和无尽的僵尸追逐邀请你伟大的悬疑世界。游戏特色1。随着游戏的进展越来越多的悬念。-有大规模的战斗之间的可怕的僵尸和主要人物。2。动态战斗将吹走你的压力!!!感受攻击僵尸的快感。-僵尸在各种快速运动。-惊人的死亡僵尸的攻击方法有所不同。三.与独特的身份,以及巨大的老板僵尸战斗小僵尸。-每一个6个小僵尸有独特的特点。-有5个可怕的老板僵尸与各种模式的行为。4。通过使用各种武器和升级的战略。-游戏中有超过18种独特的武器。-有5种不同的状态升级。*你可以使用不同的策略,通过使用这些独特的武器。5。令人兴奋的重金属声音听惊人的重金属声音funnybucks录制工作室。6、游戏模式:场景在zombieshock背景故事的50个阶段及特征。(Lite版本:10阶段)7。游戏阶段之间的惊人的场景。-卡通被用来吸引玩家的注意力到惊人的场景。支持信息
大小:19.41 MB 版本:1.1.1
The pandemic has begun. A Zombie iPocalypse afflicts the world.Zombie iPocalypse is a geo-location aware game, played with friends. You are either part of the pandemic or are trying to survive it.As a human trying to survive you are presented zombies as targets, once infected your transition to the living dead becomes interesting, until you are part of the pandemic. You are then presented survivors to snack on. /cue zombie moan The radar give you an idea whats around you, select an active icon to attack. Move around in real space as your targets become available.大流行已经开始了。一个僵尸ipocalypse折磨着世界。僵尸ipocalypse是一个地理位置感知的游戏,和朋友一起玩。你是大流行的一部分,或试图生存下去。作为一个人类试图生存的你是以僵尸为目标,一旦感染了你的过渡到活死人变得有趣,直到你是大流行的一部分。然后给你的幸存者吃零食。僵尸呻吟/线索雷达给你一个想法在你周围,选择一个积极的图标攻击。在真正的空间中移动,因为你的目标成为可用。
大小:33.41 MB 版本:1.4.01
IMPORTANT NOTE! Device support: iPhone 4 & iPhone 4S(Recommended), an update is coming very soon to fix the devices support description in store.You can stop dreaming about a Zombie Apocalypse now with your own personal pocket Zombie. And no, it doesn't live in your device. For one he isn't alive, he's undead, and secondly it's in your world, it's right along with you, thanks to Augmented Reality. Your very own Zombie to kill, shoot, make him follow you, and to kill it again once more.All you need is your iOS device, and a piece of paper printed with the Zombie generator. Point your camera to the generator, and voilà! Your very own Zombie for your wicked enjoyment.Some features: - Interaction with real-world objects: just put an object or your finger inside the generator, take a look at the screen and see how the zombie follow it - Nice explotion effects - Creepy soundtrack - Retina Display supportDevice Support: iPhone 4 & iPhone 4S(Recommended)重要注意事项!支持设备:iPhone 4和iPhone 4S(推荐),更新来修复设备支持的描述很快在商店。你可以停止梦想关于僵尸的启示现在与你自己的个人口袋僵尸。不,它不住在你的设备。一个他不活着,他是不死的,其次是它在你的世界里,它是正确的随着你,感谢增强现实。你自己的僵尸杀死,开枪,让他跟着你,并再次杀死它再次。所有你需要的是你的iOS设备,和一张印有僵尸发生器研究。把摄像机给发电机,然后à!你的自己的僵尸,你的邪恶的享受。的一些特点:-与现实世界的对象的互动:只是把一个对象或你的手指内的发电机,看看屏幕,看看僵尸是如何遵循它-好的爆炸效果-令人毛骨悚然的配乐-视网膜显示支持支持设备:iPhone 4和iPhone 4S(推荐)
大小:33.91 MB 版本:2012-4
Zombie Banksters for iPhone with full support for Retina high resolution graphics, Game Center and OpenFeint enabled. Zombie Banksters don't want your brains they want your bank account! Fight your way through an army of Zombie Banksters from predatory Zombie Banks who try and load you up with debt. A casual fun game with indie music, zombies and generous use of 3D graphics and video. Your goal is to not only to survive but to hang onto your money and your sanity while fighting the Zombie Banksters! Beware the greedy Vampire Squid, Hedge Fund Hyenas and other nasties the Zombie Banksters will use in their relentless quest for power and your money. You start off as a thrifty barista at the local coffee bar (Ginormous Coffee) carefully saving your money for a rainy day. Well that rainy day is here and it's a thunderstorm from hell! A strange virus from an unknown source has mutated the too big to fail Bankers, disreputable Mortgage Brokers and Wall Street fraudsters into creatures of the night! Beware the Zombie Banksters! Ignore them at your own peril! Stay out of debt and fight your away across everyman's economic dystopia while avoiding these cold blooded monsters and their fiendish plans! Play the most challenging game of all...protecting your money from Zombie Banksters!僵尸银行家与视网膜高分辨率图形的全面支持iPhone、游戏中心和OpenFeint启用。僵尸银行不想让你的大脑,他们要的是你的银行账户!打击你的方式通过僵尸银行家从食肉僵尸银行试图军队和负载你的债务。一个独立音乐休闲游戏,僵尸和3D图形和视频的大量使用。你的目标是不仅要生存下去,但挂上你的钱和你的理智而战斗的僵尸银行!当心那些贪婪的吸血鬼乌贼,对冲基金的鬣狗和其他脏东西的僵尸银行将利用其权力和金钱的不懈追求。你开始在当地的咖啡酒吧一个节俭的咖啡师(大咖啡)仔细未雨绸缪你的钱。好吧,下雨天在这里,它是一个来自地狱的雷雨!从一个来源不明的奇怪的病毒已经变异太大而不能倒闭的银行,抵押贷款经纪人和华尔街骗子声名狼藉的夜行动物!小心僵尸银行!忽略他们在你自己的危险!远离债务和打你的距离在普通人的经济乌托邦的同时避免这些冷血的怪物和他们邪恶的计划!玩的…最有挑战性的游戏保护你的钱从僵尸银行!
大小:224.72 MB 版本:1.0
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