wow,it's so great是什么意思啊

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????? ???? ????? :Think back, 30-40yrs back, a 20000sqft detached house in Nassim road costs S$80K-S$90K, but at current situation, it costs min S$20M. So, what is the percentage of return Imagine, if you buy say a 99yrs super high end condo at S$29M for say 5178sqft which translate into S$5600psf. Usually, before it T.O.P, it takes 2-3yrs. So minus the remaining lease it is about 96yrs lease from T.O.P, what is the upside of this super high end condo Assuming the ultra rich owner never sell, per year basis, it depreciate by S$302K, wow ! it is a lot like deprciating a 4rm flat on per yr basis. But if you buy say a S$20M 20000sqft detached in cluny park, what is the upside. To me, to appreciate to S$30M is within reach given the fact that a FH Land-Title Landed property own this piece of 20000sqft land whereas Strata-Title FH condo does not own any land except it merely share the land with its neighbour, be it very exclusive 35 tenants or not so exclusive 2000 tenants What is your comment | PropertyGuru - Singapore's Leading Property Site
My PropertyGuru
Think back, 30-40yrs back, a 20000sqft detached house in Nassim road costs S$80K-S$90K, but at current situation, it costs min S$20M. So, what is the percentage of return? Imagine, if you buy say a 99yrs super high end condo at S$29M for say 5178sqft which translate into S$5600psf. Usually, before it T.O.P, it takes 2-3yrs. So minus the remaining lease it is about 96yrs lease from T.O.P, what is the upside of this super high end condo? Assuming the ultra rich owner never sell, per year basis, it depreciate by S$302K, wow ! it is a lot like deprciating a 4rm flat on per yr basis. But if you buy say a S$20M 20000sqft detached in cluny park, what is the upside. To me, to appreciate to S$30M is within reach given the fact that a FH Land-Title Landed property own this piece of 20000sqft land whereas Strata-Title FH condo does not own any land except it merely share the land with its neighbour, be it very exclusive 35 tenants or not so exclusive 2000 tenants? What is your comment?
Posted by Albert Lim on Mar 12, 2008 in
Clive Foo Mr Daikin
Answer Posted on Sep 23, 2013
Hi Albert,
Heard this from a taxi uncle recently. 40 years ago, his pocket money was only 5 cents. But now if you give 5 cents to a young kid, he might just throw it on the floor! Maybe now he needs $5 for his daily spending needs. From 5 cents to 5 dollars, that's 100 times or 10,000% inflation in just 40 years !!!
That's why in property investment, you buy and wait, you don't wait to buy!!! Billionaires around the world like Li Ka-shing and Donald Trump definitely had their strong foothold in property investment! It's the only investment with the high leverage of using other people's money (OPM-Banks) The more you owe, the richer you get!!! But leveraging is a double-edged sword, it's all about how you manage it. You can give a sharp knife to a 10 years old boy, he might harm himself with it. But on a positive note, he can learn to cut food and become the next Master Chef!!
The reason why the ultra rich buy S$29M property @ S$5600psf in an upmarket district is because it is the most expensive. Traditionally, if you buy anything that is low in price, this product won’t be able to rise above the next product as it will always determine by the second cheapest property. And the second cheapest property for that category is affected by the next and so on. A classic example, an average HDB resale price of $400-500psf won't go higher then EC average of $700-800psf in today's market.
There is always a perception of the price. But the beautiful thing about buying the most expensive product is that there is nothing on top of it to block your growth because everybody knows that it is the most expensive. That is why good investors buy the most expensive property, they don’t buy the cheapest. When comes to a house for own stay, maybe a fully paid reasonably affordable house is more practical.
Sometimes people like to buy expensive things for no apparent reasons, give them cheap they don't buy. It's about ego and vanity, they feel good by buying the most expensive. Do you think those buyers of $50K limited edition Rolex are not smarter then those who bought $80 Citizen watch? Both served the same purpose of telling the time right? (BTW, I'm not R) )
Talking about freehold and leasehold, a leasehold property not necessarily will depreciate in value in the land-scarce Singapore. In fact, most leasehold project in recent launches are selling at much higher psf then the older freehold development around the vicinity! The only regret is not buying it earlier!
Have a great investment journey ahead!! Call me for rare property investment opportunities in Singapore, Malaysia and Philippines.
District 65 Pte Ltd
mobile: (+65)
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Jerry Wong 黃崇豪
Answer Posted on Aug 12, 2010
Hi Mr Albert Lim. This question is a bit old but I'll attempt to answer this to the best of my efforts. First of all, you have to understand that property like anything else that can be bought or sold is subjected to the economic laws of supply and demand. Secondly, there are marco, mirco and other factors that directly affect the supply and demand of the property and hence ultimately the price of this commodity.
Let's look at the marco level. 200 years ago Singapore was a fishing village. If it was still a fishing village today, I would probably be able to buy the entire length of orchard road at $10 with change to spare. No economic interest in the land, no demand, no price.
Then you have factors at the mirco level, location, facing T-function, facing canal, cemetery, etc. So, the same exact unit in Nassim road will cost more than one in Pulau Ubin. Who wants to stay next to a cemetery right?
Next legislative regulations. Comparing a landed property and a condo is actually comparing between a chicken and a duck. Both are actually very different animals with very different set of rules. Here are some differences between these 2 and hence affecting supply and demand.
Landed Properties
-Residental Property Act. Only Singaporeans can purchase landed properties(foreigners need special permission). Gong Li and Jet Li with GCBs are actually Singapore citizens.
-If there are 100 units in a condo, 99 units can belong to foreigners, only 1 unit must belong to a Singaporean. So, if I'm a foreigner, what can I buy then?
Next facilities. Condos have way better facilities than landed properties. Unless you are living in a castle. The larger the condo, the more services the condo can provide. Great for rentals.
So, who actually owns the land in a FH or LH, strata or not? Answer none. All land belongs to the government in Singapore, and under the land acquisition act, they can take it back anytime they want. Usually in a name of national interest like building the circle line. And, if your 99 LH condo is about to end, simply ask all the residents to chip in and pay a premium to the government and voila! Back to 99 LH. Money solves everything. Well, almost.
Ultimately, prices of this commodity boils down to the basic economic law of supply and demand. Want to find out why certain properties sell better or will appreciate in the future? Well, better do your homework to find out all these factors before you invest.
However, if you haven't realized it already, the most important thing is that as long there is peace, happiness and progress for our nation, the value of our real estate will always be there. (I'm not a PAP man, seriously!)
Kevin Yeow 饶国威
Answer Posted on Mar 29, 2011
Dear Albert
You are right - owning a landed property in land-scarce Singapore is certainly of promising upside - given that governance and economy of our country remains relatively stable & progessive.
With current demand in an upward trend spur by the growing wealth of those eligible, current appreciation in prices are obvious. (what if LDAU relaxes foreign ownership, this will accelerate even further as noted in the condominium segment).
Location is prime here also to the contribution of the rate of increase as stated by many of my peers.
However, as with all investments, one should also be aware of the risks inherent to be consider.
(Will Singapore continue its prosperity path say 5, 10, 25years later . . .?)
Properties take some time to convert to liquidity - should also be consider.
As Singapore has been well governed thus far with a stable robust economy - proactive yet relatively flexible, the rate of return for a landed property is a promising outcome.
One should also not forget, that no matter what - a property serves its primary role - that of a shelter & comfort and even prestige for those own their own land - that alone is intangible and invaluable . . .
After all, we don't live forever - so, let's live life to the fullest!!!
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Answer Posted on Nov 14, 2008
Dear Albert,
When one wants to buy a property, there are a few factors they need to consider.
1. Is it for own use (stay) or investment(to be leased out)?
2. What is your short and long term investment goals?
3. How much gearing will you need?
What type of property you should buy will depend on your answers to the above questions.
As a general rule, prices are determined by demand and supply. In land scarce Singapore, prices of landed properties will always be on a upward trend with fluctuation pegged to the real estate cycle. However, it is not across the board the "landed" properties will flare better than "strata titled" properties. The No. 2 factor affecting property prices i.e. LOCATION do have a very substantial effect on the price too.
Although real estate agents do not have a crystal ball in front of us to predict the real estate market's trend, our experience, knowledge and being out there in the "battle field" do give us a competitve edge on this subject.
Danny Lim 林益祥
Answer Posted on Jun 21, 2017
Since the Singapore government has ceased to offer freehold land parcels under its Government Land Sales (GLS) Programme, and with most residential properties occupying 99-year leasehold sites, it would be interesting to observe the price performance of leasehold properties as their tenures run out.
Lessees may apply to top up the lease to a fresh 99 years. However, a lease extension will typically be granted only if it involves land use intensification or urban renewal, such as in an en-bloc sale for redevelopment. Meanwhile, the recent hike in development charge rates and the continued enforcement of the Qualifying Certificates Rule have further diminished chances of a successful en-bloc sale for leasehold sites.
For new developments, there is no clear winner between leasehold and freehold properties in terms of price performance. However, things could change when the remaining lease gets shorter.
For one, financial institutions might be reluctant to extend loans for properties with a short balance lease. The loans are usually granted on a case-by-case basis and come with a lower loan-to-value ratio or shorter tenure.
There are also more restrictions in using CPF savings to finance the purchase of such properties, such as a stipulation of a minimum remaining lease of 30 years. For properties with a remaining lease of between 30 and 60 years, the buyer’s age and the remaining lease must total at least 80 years.
All this means that as the remaining lease runs down, the pool of potential buyers will shrink. To illustrate: 30-year-old buyers can only use CPF savings for properties with a balance tenure of at least 50 years while buyers above 40 years of age can still use CPF savings for a property with a balance tenure of at least 40 years.
There are also limits on the amount of CPF savings that buyers can use to pay for such homes, based on this formula: (Remaining lease of the property when buyer is 55 years old) / (Lease of the property at the point of purchase) x (Valuation Limit). The Valuation Limit is the lower of the purchase price or the value of the property at the time of purchase.
Warm Regards,
Danny Lim. Huttons
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Answer Posted on Jan 27, 2017
Dear Albert Lim
You have posted this question on Mar 12, 2008. There were several changes that happened in the real estate market especially in the last few years, so you and the viewers of this post need to be updated. First I help home buyers sellers and investors by educating them. That's why there are more than 11,400++ fans following me on LinikedIn.
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Answer Posted on Jun 21, 2013
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Philip Han
Answer Posted on Feb 14, 2012
Albert is quiet right regards the prices of landed FH. I also observe that stock of Strata properties (FH & LH) would always increase faster than the landed properties and hence greater price upside potential than strata properties.
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Answer Posted on Feb
Inflation and evoultion happened. Back in 30-40yrs ago, $80 - $90K is a great deal of money. At that time, people are earning few cents and can survive on just one dollar.
If you compare about selling price, how about comparing how much an average person earns as compared to 30-40yrs ago.
What is gone is gone...My father could have just use a rope as a border when Singapore starting zoning 30-40yrs ago. If he did, my house will be sitting on a 40,000 sqft now.....
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Jerry Wong 黃崇豪
Answer Posted on Aug 18, 2010
Hi Albert. Well, I was viewing your question on the investment point of view. So, my thoughts were all heading in that direction. When i meant that all land belonged to the government under the land acqusition act, it meant that the government can take it back anytime they want. You do not have a choice under any circumstance to reject the claims of the Singapore government. However, they will "pay" for the land that you possess at the moment. How much they pay will depend on the circumstances(you can always appeal though if it find it unfair). Remember Lorong Chuan? They gave up their 18 carparks to the government for just $1. Why? The new MRT line will benefit everyone and increase the price of the property around the area. This is also known as betterment.
Hope you don't misunderstand me because I was focused in the investment direction. I'm just a simple real estate agent trying to learn new things everyday. Thanks for sharing Albert! :)
Jonathan Tong 董德祥
Answer Posted on Aug
Hi Albert Lim,
Congratulating you for the Top viewed Question. 45885 viewers include me. Since Mar 2008. Well done.
Just like this interesting question you had posted 3 years 5months ago, the number still counting.....
Your property investment will continue to grow stronger and better in value as year go by. Regardless whether is a leasehold or freehold property.
Eg : Farrer Court, a leasehold "HUDC" before privatized
balance 60 years lease, each was sold for $2.15m. "location, location, location".
For the landed property at Nassim, it very interesting.
We need to thank our Government, for the stability, good infrastructure, our world class banking & financial system, especially the strong S$. And restrictedHi Serene,
If you are single, the HDB require a minimum age of 35 years old to qualify to buy the resales "open market" HDB flat only.
Meanwhile, I suggest you may want to get financial plan ready.
Your CPF funds at the Ordinary account, ( include last 15 months contribution) last 3-months payslip or IRAS income tax statement. ownership for all landed property, less LDAU approved owners or the landed at Sentosa.
I agreed all property in Singapore will continue to appreciate over time, the limited land available and have a good government system.
Buying a property is a long term investment, be it for own-stay (our need or pleasure, or investment ( to hedge against inflation, interest rate or opportunity cost).
Future value for most property will rise in different percentage will very much depend on the location (central d1-d8,
prime d9-d11)
I would advise for best investment purpose, multiple properties in various central or prime districts.
However, if for your own-stay, pleasure, enjoyment of life, the value cannot be compared or value can be measured. You can choose the bungalow on landed property or "bungalow in the air"
Big penthouses with swimming pool and many other good facilities with security. (The later, has no restriction on foreigners' ownership) .
You are pamper with many choices, but this time make sure you buy with no regret. We need not wait another 30-40 years and regret we never invested in properties.
All the Best.
Best Regards,
Jonathan Tong Pte Ltd
Email: jonathan.
Kevin Chung
Answer Posted on Nov
Dear Albert, we have to consider a few factors before answering your question.I'll just raise one important consideration.
1. Foreigners cannot buy landed properties (easily).
The appreciation of landed FH properties is limited by the above.
There will always be some super high price transactions that catches media attention but prices above $2000psf are rare and few.
Strata-Title FH however do not have that restriction.
There are easily 50 times more units sold above $2000psf compare to each landed sold above the same price.
Give me a call if you want more insight into real estate investment.
Kevin Chung
DTZ Debenham Tie Leung (SEA) Pte Ltd
Lester Tan
Answer Posted on Jul 22, 2011
Your Search for an Experienced, Professional and Trustworthy Realtor to
handle all your Singapore Properties Investments Matter Can Stop HERE !
Lester Tan
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Answer Posted on Nov 12, 2011
The past is forgotten.
Look towards the future..
Thats all i can say.
Good Luck to all
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Catherine PANG
Answer Posted on Oct 10, 2011
You are very knowledgeable..
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Joseph Ong Chee Chuan
Answer Posted on Jul 22, 2008
You are right the price in that area haven't change and it still going strong.
Joseph Ong
Catherine PANG
Answer Posted on Jul
we have the answers for you . contact us or attend our seminars every tues 7pm
Answer Posted on Aug 26, 2008
Hi Albert Lim, i dont understand your question? Rgds Ravin
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