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> 《动物农场》Animal Farm 第二章第3部分
《动物农场》Animal Farm 第二章第3部分
时间: 13:53:45
一、在点击收听音频前,你应该做的三步准备工作第一步:准备一部词典——电子词典或印刷版词典均可;第二步:阅读中英文本,并将每段当中不认识的且影响到理解段落大意的单词查出来并做好整理工作——如果是电子词典,请将查过的每一个单词或短语做好整理工作(例如:如果是手机自带的电子词典,可以将查过的单词截屏保存到相册中,方便随时复习巩固);第三步:通读全部文本,理解故事大意(没必要认识所有词汇,只要抓住故事的情节发展即可)。二、如何高效聆听音频,从而循序渐进地提高英语听力与口语?1. 如果是听第一遍,且英语基础不算太好,建议配合文本,边阅读边聆听,并通过语音语调的感情变化,掌握故事情节的发展;2. 如果你已经对文本比较熟悉,且已经配合文本聆听过一遍,再次播放时建议不再阅读,闭上眼睛只注重听,看自己是否还能准确把握故事情节的发展;3. 时间允许的话,可以跟着音频模仿语音语调,在朗读故事中培养英语语感;4. 如果英语能力允许,试着闭上眼睛回顾段落当中的遣词造句,如果你能够像模像样的说出几个文本当中的漂亮句子,那就不要吝啬,给自己一个不大不小的奖励吧;)(如果感觉微信听音频进度太慢,或者感觉微信音频不能随时拉动快进与快退从而方便自己更好地学习,可以下载手机客户端“喜马拉雅FM”到手机,并搜索“杨亮Young”,更加方便快捷地聆听《动物农庄》的分类章节。Chapter II 第二章Part Three 第三部分But they woke at dawn as usual, and suddenly remembering / the glorious thing that had happened, they all raced out into the pasture together. A little way down the pasture / there was a knoll that commanded a view / of most of the farm. The animals rushed to the top of it / and gazed round them / in the clear morning light. Yes, it was theirs-everything that they could see was theirs! In the ecstasy of that thought / they gambolled round and round, they hurled themselves into the air / in great leaps of excitement. They rolled in the dew, they cropped mouthfuls of the sweet summer grass, they kicked up clods of the black earth / and snuffed its rich scent. Then they made a tour of inspection / of the whole farm / and surveyed with speechless admiration / the ploughland, the hayfield, the orchard, the pool, the spinney. It was as though / they had never / seen these things before, and even now / they could hardly believe / that it was all their own.但他们还是照常在黎明时醒来,转念想起已经发生了那么了不起的事情,他们全都跑出来,一起冲向大牧场。通向牧场的小路上,有一座小山包,在那里,可以一览整个庄园的大部分景色。动物们冲到小山包顶上,在清新的晨曦中四下注视。是的,这是他们的——他们目光所及的每一件东西都是他们的!在这个念头带来的狂喜中,他们兜着圈子跳呀、蹦呀,在喷涌而来的极度激动中,他们猛地蹦到空中。他们在露水上打滚,咀嚼几口甜润的夏草;他们踢开黑黝黝的田土,使劲吮吸那泥块中浓郁的香味。然后,他们巡视庄园一周,在无声的赞叹中查看了耕地、牧场、果树园、池塘和树丛。仿佛他们以前还从没有见到过这些东西似的。而且,就是在这个时刻,他们还是不敢相信这些都是他们自己的。Then / they filed back / to the farm buildings / and halted in silence / outside the door of the farmhouse. That was theirs too, but they were frightened to go inside. After a moment, however, Snowball and Napoleon / butted the door open with their shoulders / and the animals / entered in single file, walking with the utmost care / for fear / of disturbing anything. They tiptoed from room to room, afraid / to speak above a whisper / and gazing / with a kind of awe / at the unbelievable luxury, at the beds / with their feather mattresses, the looking-glasses, the horsehair sofa, the Brussels carpet, the lithograph / of Queen Victoria / over the drawing-room mantelpiece. They were lust coming down the stairs / when Mollie / was discovered to be missing. Going back, the others found / that she had remained behind / in the best bedroom. She had taken / a piece of blue ribbon / from Mrs. Jones's dressing-table, and was holding it /against her shoulder / and admiring herself in the glass / in a very foolish manner. The others / reproached her sharply, and they went outside. Some hams / hanging in the kitchen / were taken out for burial, and the barrel of beer in the scullery / was stove in / with a kick from Boxer's hoof, -otherwise / nothing in the house was touched. A unanimous resolution was passed / on the spot / that the farmhouse / should be preserved / as a museum. All were agreed that no animal must ever live there.后来,他们列队向庄园的窝棚走去,在庄主院门外静静地站住了。这也是他们的,可是,他们却惶恐得不敢进去。过一会儿,斯诺鲍和拿破仑用肩撞开门,动物们才鱼贯而入,他们小心翼翼地走着,生怕弄乱了什么。他们踮起蹄子尖一个屋接一个屋地走过,连比耳语大一点的声音都不敢吱一下,出于一种敬畏,目不转睛地盯着这难以置信的奢华,盯着镜子、马鬃沙发和那些用他们的羽绒制成的床铺,还有布鲁塞尔毛圈地毯,以及放在客厅壁炉台上的维多利亚女王的平版肖像。当他们拾级而下时,发现莫丽不见了。再折身回去,才见她呆在后面一间最好的卧室里。她在琼斯夫人的梳妆台上拿了一条蓝饰带,傻下唧唧地在镜子前面贴着肩臭美起来。在大家严厉的斥责下,她这才又走了出来。挂在厨房里的一些火腿也给拿出去埋了,洗碗间的啤酒桶被鲍克瑟踢了个洞。除此之外,房屋里任何其他东西都没有动过。在庄主院现场一致通过了一项决议:庄主院应保存起来作为博物馆。大家全都赞成:任何动物都不得在此居住。The animals / had their breakfast, and then / Snowball and Napoleon / called them together again.动物们用完早餐,斯诺鲍和拿破仑再次召集起他们。&Comrades,& said Snowball, &it is half-past six / and we have a long day before us. Today / we begin / the hay harvest. But there is another matter / that must be attended to first.&“同志们”,斯诺鲍说道,“现在是六点半,下面还有整整一天。今天我们开始收割牧草,不过,还有另外一件事情得先商量一下”。The pigs now revealed / that during the past three months / they had taught themselves / to read and write / from an old spelling book / which had belonged to Mr. Jones's children / and which had been thrown on the rubbish heap. Napoleon / sent for pots of black and white paint / and led the way / down to the five-barred gate / that gave on to the main road. Then / Snowball (for it was Snowball / who was best at writing) took a brush / between the two knuckles of his trotter, painted out MANOR FARM from the top bar of the gate / and in its place / painted ANIMAL FARM. This / was to be the name of the farm / from now onwards. After this / they went back / to the farm buildings, where Snowball and Napoleon sent for a ladder / which they caused / to be set against the end wall / of the big barn. They explained / that by their studies of the past three months / the pigs had succeeded / in reducing the principles of Animalism / to Seven Commandments. These Seven Commandments / would now be i they would form / an unalterable law / by which all the animals on Animal Farm / must live / for ever after. With some difficulty (for it is not easy for a pig / to balance himself on a ladder) Snowball climbed up / and set to work, with Squealer / a few rungs below him / holding the paint-pot. The Commandments were written on the tarred wall / in great white letters / that could be read thirty yards away. They ran thus:这时,大家才知道猪在过去的三个月中,从一本旧的拼读书本上自学了阅读和书写。那本书曾是琼斯先生的孩子的,早先被扔到垃圾堆里。拿破仑叫拿来几桶黑漆和白漆,带领大家来到朝着大路的五栅门。接着,斯诺鲍(正是他才最擅长书写)用蹄子的双趾捏起一支刷子,涂掉了栅栏顶的木牌上的“曼纳庄园”几个字,又在那上面写上“动物庄园”。这就是庄园以后的名字。写完后,他们又回到窝棚那里,斯诺鲍和拿破仑又叫拿来一架梯子,并让把梯子支在大谷仓的墙头。他们解释说,经过过去三个月的研讨,他们已经成功地把动物主义的原则简化为“七戒”,这“七戒”将要题写在墙上,它们将成为不可更改的法律,所有动物庄园的动物都必须永远遵循它生活。斯诺鲍好不容易才爬了上去(因为猪不易的梯子上保持平衡)并开始忙乎起来,斯奎拉在比他低几格的地方端着油漆桶。在刷过柏油的墙上,用巨大的字体写着“七诫”。字是白色的,在三十码以外清晰可辨。它们是这样写的:THE SEVEN COMMANDMENTS1. Whatever goes upon two legs is an enemy.2. Whatever goes upon four legs, or has wings, is a friend.3. No animal shall wear clothes.4. No animal shall sleep in a bed.5. No animal shall drink alcohol.6. No animal shall kill any other animal.7. All animals are equal.七诫1. 凡靠两条腿行走者皆为仇敌;2. 凡靠四肢行走者,或者长翅膀者,皆为亲友;3. 任何动物不得着衣;4. 任何动物不得卧床;5. 任何动物不得饮酒;6. 任何动物不得伤害其他动物;7. 所有动物一律平等。It was very neatly written, and except / that &friend& was written “freind& / and one of the “S's& / was the wrong way round, the spelling was correct all the way through. Snowball read it aloud / for the benefit of the others. All the animals nodded / in complete agreement, and the cleverer ones / at once began to learn the Commandments by heart.写得十分潇洒,除了把亲友“friend”写成了“freind”,以及其中有一处“S”写反之外,全部拼写得很正确。斯诺鲍大声念给别的动物听,所有在场的动物都频频点头,表示完全赞同。较为聪明一些的动物立即开始背诵起来。&Now, comrades,& cried Snowball, throwing down the paint-brush, &to the hayfield! Let us make it / a point of honour / to get in the harvest / more quickly than Jones and his men could do.&“现在,同志们”,斯诺鲍扔下油漆刷子说道,“到牧场上去!我们要争口气,要比琼斯他们一伙人更快地收完牧草”。But at this moment / the three cows, who had seemed uneasy for some time past, set up / a loud lowing. They had not been milked / for twenty-four hours, and / their udders / were almost bursting. After a little thought, the pigs / sent for buckets / and milked the cows / fairly successfully, their trotters / being well adapted / to this task. Soon there were five buckets of frothing creamy milk / at which many of the animals / looked with considerable interest.就在这时刻,早已有好大一会显得很不自在的三头母牛发出振耳的哞哞声。已经二十四小时没有给她们挤奶了。她们的奶子快要胀破了。猪稍一寻思,让取来奶桶,相当成功地给母牛挤了奶,他们的蹄子十分适于干这个活。很快,就挤满了五桶冒着沫的乳白色牛奶,许多动物津津有味地瞧着奶桶中的奶。&What is going to happen to all that milk?& said someone.“这些牛奶可怎么办呢?”有一个动物问到。&Jones used sometimes / to mix some of it in our mash,& said one of the hens.“琼斯先生过去常常给我们的谷糠饲料中掺一些牛奶”,有只母鸡说道。&Never mind the milk, comrades!& cried Napoleon, placing himself / in front of the buckets. &That will be attended to. The harvest / is more important. Comrade Snowball / will lead the way. I shall follow / in a few minutes. Forward, comrades! The hay is waiting.”“别理会牛奶了,同志们!”站在奶桶前的拿破仑大声喊道,“牛奶会给照看好的,收割牧草才更重了,斯诺鲍同志领你们去,我随后就来。前进,同志们!牧草在等待着!”So the animals trooped down / to the hayfield / to begin the harvest, and when they came back in the evening / it was noticed / that the milk had disappeared.于是,动物们成群结队地走向大牧场,开始了收割。当他们晚上收工回来的时候,大家注意的:牛奶已经不见了。如果你喜欢这样的英语学习方式,就点击右上角,把它分享给更多的人吧~如果你对有声书的展现形式有更多的合理化建议,可以点击右下角留言。栅栏农场图片素材_栅栏农场图片素材下载_栅栏农场背景素材_栅栏农场模板下载_第1页-我图网-
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饲养绵羊 来源:engendro 1976


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