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重新安装浏览器,或使用别的浏览器The ONE 智能钢琴值得入手吗? - 知乎1427被浏览600889分享邀请回答 可以看到官网中 LOGO 底下写着——来自未来的音乐教育。所以,我可不是瞎说的 TAT,说错了不要批斗我。目前这家在乐器的产品线中有两款硬件:88 键标准配重键盘,配有双色(严谨地说应该是三色)LED 指示灯的厢式电钢;61 键无配重发光键盘,可放干电池并带有麦克风接口的,智能钢琴便携版。官方是这样介绍产品的如果很难理解,大家可以认为这是个电子琴。关于这两款硬件是否值得入手,因为是提问的主题还是说一下。88 键的钢琴,价格确实不高,性价比算得上良心、用评手机的话说,参数配置谈不上旗舰,但属于主流水平。购买之后的增值服务都属于良心,APP 不要钱,新开的约课直播教学目前是免费的。便携式 Light 是新品,则不算一个便宜的设备,只看参数配置,那这琴卖得算贵的。相对钢琴来说,由于体积的减小和不配重的键盘,便携性很高。增加了麦克风接口,扩展了音色的数量,并且在不接智能设备的情况下可以通过面板按键更换部分音色。如果是看中智能学习、免费的内容以及教学的增值以及娱乐性的扩展,在值得购买清单里加上它也是没有问题。哦对了,还有 Light 不得不说的,在一堆电子琴中所拥有的——颜值。真机有图↓白机是个妹纸(本人手机是 Nokia Lumia 830,其实我是拍偏色了,看在我是诺基亚死忠粉的面子上请因为对 WP 系统的情怀谅解我吧。)另外提一点,这两款产品都具有 USB Audio 功能,在作为智能手机和平板的外接音箱进行音频播放时,音响效果是很不错的。播放音乐的时候顺便给设备充充电,也是这两款设备(电声乐器)的用法。专业电声键盘乐器玩家不推荐购买。↓ 下面的回答已经过期很久了,但我不准备删掉因为它们客观评论了这产品原来的样子。各路大侠引用的时候,请注意筛选。__________ 更新刚刚又关注了一下这个产品发现产品已经上架发售了。The ONE 的官网已经进行了全面改版,以下部分关于文案的问题回答失效,但是留着吧。有些知乎用户反馈的一些问题和改进建议 The ONE 团队已经采纳了大部分,这种态度是非常值得鼓励的,仅为这点点一个赞!__________本人作为半个业内人士,出现了一种新概念的数码钢琴,看到大家如此热烈讨论不得不去研究一下这个“智能钢琴”究竟是个什么东西。至于题主所问的是否值得入手,我感觉貌似答题者都把这个问题看得有点太过复杂了,我就是买个商品,何必一定要先去扯到大方向上去呢?我买个手机,我也只是自己用 or 给其他人用而已,在这方面,我买个钢琴也是一样的。至于其他问题等我们分析清楚智能钢琴是怎么回事以后,还是由题主自行判断比较好。废话不说,我作为一个潜在的最终用户,现在我要调研一下这个产品是怎么回事。我首先需要搞清楚的问题如下。The ONE 作为一台钢琴,它本身的品质如何,首先我们看音色。OK,虽然说 The ONE 在概念上是一台“智能钢琴”,但它其实是一台数码钢琴,也就是大家所谓的“电钢琴”。当然“电钢琴”和“数码钢琴”其实严格说来是两种不同的东西,这个我们在这里就不聊了。那么 The ONE 作为数码钢琴的素质如何?这是这台产品最重要的。我不是作为一个电声乐器制造业内人士而是作为一个普通的,而且稍微有点“懂”的消费者,它是个数码钢琴,我只关心两点。1. 手感。2. Grand Piano 音色。我们来看一下 The ONE 官网对于原声大钢琴音色的文案:世界顶级品牌钢琴音色,把维也纳演奏厅搬回家大概现在广告不吸引人产品就卖不出去吧,实诚没有市场,社会风气不好哈。我们看这个文案,后面一句,肯定是不科学的。即使目前世界顶级的数码钢琴也绝对做不到这一点,看 The ONE 的这个厢体和音箱系统配置,这句话还是太夸张了(详细不说)。然后我们看前面一句,“世界顶级品牌钢琴音色”,这个我们可以研究一下。我们知道除了部分国际大牌使用物理模型来制作自己的钢琴音色,数码钢琴的音色就是采样。如果 The ONE 使用的钢琴音色样本非常优秀,前面一句是可以有的。于是我去听了一下音色演示。作为有音色制作基础的我,接下来做了一个判定:The ONE 的钢琴音色是可以的,这个钢琴音色走的是原声大钢琴路线,在往真实的方向上努力了,它这个音色的优点是什么呢?就是比较像“真”钢琴的音色。个人判定(仅供参考)确实是优秀的三角钢琴采样的,并且此音色的音色分层估计≥3,弱、中、强三等力度的钢琴音色样本是不同的,在音色制作水平上是可以的,就这个钢琴音色是否值 3999 块钱,大家可以和同等价位的日本品牌进行对比,不要看 Roland 的罗兰没有这个价位的电钢琴而且它们苏州这边造的和日本制造的产品差异非常大简直没有可比性,大家可以去听一下 Casio 和 YAMAHA,这个音色和 YAMAHA 可以拼拼。但是,The ONE 团队你们好,你们的音色演示曲选得也太糟糕了!悲怆第二乐章,不合适,而且这 DEMO 不是人弹的,是 MIDI 使用你们钢琴音色作为音源播放的(我判得对吗?)。作为一个好人,个人建议你们换掉这个 DEMO,找个钢琴师好好来录一下,把这个钢琴音色的动态展示一下。至于厢体出来音响效果如何,建议模拟最终用户使用环境题主自己去比较一下。The ONE 作为一台钢琴,它本身的品质如何,再来我们看手感。关于“顶级三角钢琴键感”,个人觉得这样写当然会被吐槽。钢琴击弦结构非常复杂,具体大家可以看本人关于钢琴制造的科普贴。你们 3999 的价格,实诚一点只能讲琴键配重是有科学依据的,接近真实平台式钢琴并且有数据支持的,具体是不是,上手才见分晓。个人相信拥有这等不错水平的钢琴的音色数码钢琴的手感不应该会偏轻,但这个需要实际体验才知道。至于文案的夸张,作为一个互联网团队,个人表示笑一笑然后理解。功能一、 这个灯,其他数码钢琴没有的。它能用来做什么?我在官网找到了答案。壹枱上的指示灯有什么作用呢?壹枱的指示灯会提示你要弹奏的琴键,你只需跟着指示灯弹,就会弹出好听的曲调了。壹枱还可以检测到你弹奏的音符,弹错了曲谱播放会暂停,直到你找到正确的音。看官方介绍,跟弹功能,也就是等待。本人 YY 了一下,按照个人脑内小剧场对于这个功能的使用模拟情况,看到这里下了几个判定:1. 如果没有五线谱,只有灯 + 乐曲试听,是否能够弹出来(不是那么专业的弹出来哈)比如小汤一《玛丽有只小羔羊》水平的乐曲?判定:可以弹出来或者按出来,如果你有点基础那是能做到的。官方回答也还是比较科学的。2. 如果没有五线谱,只有灯 + 乐曲试听,是否能够学会弹钢琴?判定:毫无疑问,不能。3. 如果我是零基础,用这灯我能干什么?判定:大概就是按按琴键,弹个《玛丽有只小羔羊》。4. 如果我正在学琴,用这灯我能干嘛?判定:诶,到这里我觉得这灯好像可以有点用了。于是我判定如果这台数码钢琴定位为陪练工具,灯不作为学习乐曲的主力而是辅助工具(这里抛开游戏模式不提),提示我们练习过程中的错误音高,这个灯是有用或者说配合高品质的五线谱,可以是相当有用的。(很好理解,详细不说)二、那我到底能不能用这个琴来学会钢琴啊?我在官网找到了答案。壹枱能学钢琴么?能,壹枱智能钢琴提供中央音乐学院顶级教师团队打造的专业钢琴课程,你只要把装有壹枱 app 的 iPad 设备与壹枱智能钢琴连接,然后点进教学模式,即可享受专业级的钢琴培训。你还可以上传弹奏乐曲,专业的教师为你点评,帮你快速提高。这个“能”的前提,作为一个好人,建议 The ONE 团队好好再想一想。现在你们提供教学课程的方式是视频,但即使视频可以与本机互动同步,也只能对音乐的一些最基本的元素,比如音高、时值等进行判定,但钢琴教学过程中第一课,钢琴的介绍、坐姿、手型,这些最基本的,你们只能在视频中提供讲解和示范,但是用户到底怎么做,做得对不对,这个都不是一台数码设备所能判断的。三、好,就当我是个零基础但非常优秀的自学者,我能不能用这个琴来自学到一个比较令人满意的水平。首先我想说,走专业路线或者想接受非常高品质的钢琴演奏训练这成本是非常高的并且非常艰苦和复杂。那我姑且把钢琴当成吉他学,我们都认可吉他的门槛相对较低,我自学到弹唱《童年》应该还是很有希望的对吧(当然任何一门乐器比如三角铁,你要学到能进交响乐团也是非常辛苦的!)。那我用这个琴自学能不能学得还比较像回事啊?我在官网找到了这个答案。用壹枱智能钢琴,还需要学习五线谱吗?都可以。壹枱将协助您在无需识谱的情况下弹奏古典和流行乐曲;如果想进行专业深造,壹枱 app 也提供中央音乐学院顶级教师团队专业手把手教学,从专业经典教材《小汤普森》开始教学。届时您或孩子不仅仅可以学习五线谱,还学会学习到专业的乐理知识和弹奏技巧。这个答案同样不能令人满意,作为一个好人,提醒 The ONE 团队漏掉了一些前提。这部分取决于“弹”钢琴这个“弹”的概念。但相对而言,个人认为如果你们提供一系列可供学琴的视频,比如从《小汤普森》开始,一课一课好好讲下来,该教的都教到,那对于我自学是否有参考价值,答案是有。我是个优秀的自学者我会看吗?我觉得我会好好看这个视频然后试着自己来练一下。然后延伸出来的另一个疑问就是我是否能够不要请老师,只靠视频结合这个灯结合你们的曲谱库来完成我一周期一周期的自学,来使我一个零基础能弹得比较像回事呢?我在官网找到了这个答案。孩子用了壹枱智能钢琴,可以不用请老师了吗?我们建议家长陪同孩子一起学习,只要家长愿意投入时间,通过我们的在线教程以及互动指导是可以做到不请老师也能弹好钢琴的;但如果如果家长不能保证投入的时间,我们仍然建议请老师。而这个时候,智能钢琴的曲谱高亮播放、练习检测、录音回放、打分功能可以辅助孩子事半功倍,练琴,回课通过率更高。很好,你们没有否定教师的重要性。至少这里加上前提了。如果我可以相信你们,那我认为到这里为止,我可以考虑买一个看看。__________关于瀑布流和卡拉钢琴,我觉得这些都不是我个人作为一个消费者会去关注的点。但它可以是一个卖点,我如果买这个琴,我也会试一试,我娘可能会非常喜欢玩这个东西,但不同人的的心态不同。这只是游戏,调剂用的,增加兴趣,很 OK,我觉得概念也很好,但我不会拿它来学琴或者 show 给其他人看。作为一个好人,我提醒 The ONE 团队如果你们将瀑布流作为“学习”这个点拿来说事,被喷自然是非常地正常。瀑布流可以显示指法但是五线谱也可以,你们也有五线谱,五线谱才是根本。其他都是辅助,本末倒置是不对的。那关键在哪里?在 The ONE 团队你们 APP 和琴的交互做得是否科学,好用,正确,以及最重要的是,你们的内容专不专业。两方面:视频质量和曲谱质量。关于这个硬件,我觉得 3999 的价格也就一部手机的价格(可能还没手机贵),我作为一个想学钢琴心切的人我可以接受,但如果内容,这些硬通货你们做不专业或者达不到我的需求,那我买来这个数码钢琴我仍然会非常失望。_________其实关于自学钢琴这件事本身,本人跳出零基础消费者的心态看了一轮,不管什么产品都好,The ONE 智能钢琴,我们就不讲概念了,视频和曲谱库才是本人最关心的内容,这个脱离数码钢琴仍然是有它存在价值的这个东西,我觉得非常重要。此时我是站在一个已经拥有其他钢琴的人的心态来讨论这件事,因为现在我所能在网络上下载的曲谱,大多数是网友自己上传的,我不是批评哈,虫虫也好,蛐蛐也好,popiano 也好,用户制作的曲谱都多少是有问题的,我每次出去演出都是要用书包背谱子去的,电子版也都是拍书或者扫描 PDF,而绝对不会下载比如主流格式 ove 格式或者其他转图片格式的,不是出版社出版或者原版的任何钢琴谱,因为它们几乎没法用。错误真的太多了,而且非常杂,流行改编各种层次水平,不可信任、古典曲谱照着书来制作的也是没几张正确的,虽然数量众多但是无人审核的感觉。(当然出版社出版的乐谱错误也有)视频也是,杂七杂八,不成系统,乱七八糟,参考价值非常有限。我想问一句,有没有人能走好这条漫漫长路,静心扎实地来做好这件事?(偏题了)__________总结陈词:废话还是太多了点。但是个人认为出现一个新品牌的数码钢琴,是好事情。另外,盲目进口品牌崇拜是不对的,Casio 不是我要黑它,它的低端产品线真的是……跟 YAMAHA 没法比,音色非常电手感非常硬。但是设计得还是很好看,飘韵系列销量很好这得也承认。产品质量好不好,我们还是要亲自试过才知道。首先要试了,试了以后,不同的人观点也不同,比如有人就是觉得苹果手机烂,虽然他也体验了,有人就是觉得小米手机烂,虽然他也体验了。叔就是喜欢诺基亚,我就觉得 WP 系统好,尽管周围的人都觉得我手机烂嘀嘀打车都没的……但是我喜欢坐地铁嘛。(偏了……)所以题主,你要自己去试试看,自己去做比较,自己下结论,看喜不喜欢适不适合自己,适合自己的东西值得购买,否则四万多的 Roland 电钢我觉得也不一定是你的菜。这个智能钢琴它挑战了一些东西,但本人作为半个业内人士认为这个产品是值得期待的,也希望团队加油。另外,作为一个好人,个人认为,你们有 iPAD 嘛……视频可以不要那么单一只是教弹钢琴,用户希望看到更多不同类型的能够提高音乐素养的讲座,讲讲曲子的创作背景、介绍介绍钢琴家们、分析分析乐谱、欣赏欣赏音乐,提高自己的音乐素养是全面的而不只是学个曲子装逼一下,我们国内钢琴教育这块做得相当不好。光会弹一首钢琴曲,也不是什么很难的钢琴曲,泡得到妹子吗?妹子这么好骗吗?叔要泡妹子,就和妹子喝喝咖啡聊艺术,讲讲古典作曲家的八卦,妹子更爱听不是吗。可以有吗?___________________________更新……Q1【电钢琴的音色是否可能超越传统家用立式钢琴】(或者我们应该怎么去看这件事)Q2【电钢琴的手感是否可能超越传统家用立式钢琴】(或者我们应该怎么去看这件事)Q3【电钢琴的音响效果是否可能超越传统家用立式钢琴】(或者我们应该怎么去看这件事)详情见评论。另外,我爱电声键盘乐器啊 ?!548132 条评论分享收藏感谢收起89 条评论分享收藏感谢收起查看更多回答& Unit知识点 & “My name's Jim Shelle...”习题详情
My name's Jim Shelley and I'm an addict(有瘾的人)… ... With these words I began to_1&the problem,the problem of my telephone addiction.I used to call people_2 &, from the moment I woke up to the time I went to sleep, I &3 &to be phoned, I wanted to phone, Just one more call. It started socially --a few calls each day. It seemed &4 &, just a quick chat Gradually though, the &5 &got worse.Soon it was &6 &use, until,finally, addiction. &And it began to affect my &7 &. During the day I would disappear for &8 &call. If I couldn't make a call, I &spent the whole time waiting for the phone to ring. Getting more and more &9 &, in the end, I would ring someone, then someone lelse, &10 &myself just one more call.& I was phoning people and &11 &messages to make sure &12 &calls would see me through the day.I used to arrive at friends'homes and before the door was closed,go straight for the phone with the &13 &&Is it OK if I just use the phone...?&At work, I became &14 &when my fellow workers tried to &15 &me from using the phone. And one day I hit my boss(with the phone).finally the police caught me &16 &a phone box that had take my last one pound coin, and I was &17 &to see a psychiatrist(心理医生. I haven't &18 &a phone in the house for three weeks now, and it's several days &19 &I used a phone box.. I try not to watch TV because there are &20 &people on it mading phone calls.My name is Jim Shelley and I am an addict.1.A.face  &&&&&&&& B.find  &&&&&&&C.accept &&&&&& D.notice2.A.now and then & B.all the time && C.at home  &&& D.at work3.A.tried  &&&&&&& B.asked  &&&&&& C.waited  &&&& D.invited4.A.polite  &&& &&&B.inportant  &&& C.fine  &&&&&& D.special5.A.condition &&&& B.situation &&&& C.result &&&&&& D.effect6.A.frequent  &&&& B.regular &&&&& C.unusual  &&& D.particular7.A.friends  &&&&&&B.study  &&&&&& C.family  &&&& D.work8.A.a quick  &&&&& B.a secret &&&&& C.an expected   D.an extra9.A.hopeful &&&& &B.delighted &&&& C.frightened  &&&D.anxious10.A.forcing  &&&&&B.telling  &&&&&& C.giving  &&&& D.limiting11.A.leaving  &&&& B.taking  &&&&&& C.passing  &&& D.recording12.A.long  &&&&&& B.immediate  &&& C.enough  &&& D.surprising13.A.saying  &&&& B.demands  &&&&& C.with  &&&&& D.words14.A.careful  &&&& B.mad  &&&&&&&& C.determined  D.helpless15.A.save  &&&&&& B.reduce  &&&&&& C.protect  &&& D.stop16.A.destroying & &B.using &&&&&&&& C.stealing  &&&&D.emptying17.A.offered  &&& B.guided  &&&&&& C.ordered  &&& D.reminded18.A.missed  &&& B.had  &&&&&&&&& C.received  && D.fixed19.A.as  &&&&&&& B.when  &&&&&&&&C.if  &&&&&&&&&D.since20.A.always  &&& B.just  &&&&&&&&& C.more  &&&&& D.different&
习题“My name's Jim Shelley and I'm an addict(有瘾的人)… ... With these words I began to_1____the problem,the probl...”的分析与解答如下所示:
1.A2.B3.C4.C5.B&&& 6.A7.D8.A9.D10.B&&& 11.A12.C13.D14.B15.D&&& 16.A17.C18.B19.D20.A
My name's Jim Shelley and I'm an addict(有瘾的人)… ... With these words I began to_1____the problem,the ...
经过分析,习题“My name's Jim Shelley and I'm an addict(有瘾的人)… ... With these words I began to_1____the problem,the probl...”主要考察你对“Unit”
与“My name's Jim Shelley and I'm an addict(有瘾的人)… ... With these words I began to_1____the problem,the probl...”相似的题目:
I tried to grow a gardenia (梔子花).I had tried everything my mother taught me about caring for houseplants—more light, less water, spraying, even replanting, but _1_ seemed to work.I _2_ Mom were here now.Mother’s Day was coming up, the second one since her death, and the pain of losing her was still so fresh.There is a Mother’s Day _3_ I follow.One wears a red flower if one’s mother is _4_ and a white one if she is not.I had hoped that planting a white gardenia, Mom’s favorite flower, would help me through the sorrow of her _5.Mom had a way with all things _6_.My sister and I always joked, “Mom could _7_ a telephone pole grow leaves and bear fruit.” Why can’t I? I thought.Still, I couldn’t stand throwing the dead plant away.Instead, I placed it into a dark corner of our bathroom.I didn’t even water it.I just left it there _8_ I could deal with it.My husband asked me if I was going to wear a white flower to church that Mother’s Day.“Yes,” I told him, “but I need a _9_ gardenia.” I added silently.Sunday morning I woke up early to get dressed and made for the _10_.Still _11_, I walked to the bathroom.Suddenly I was woken up by a pleasant scent (香味).I pushed the door open and stepped into the bathroom.That morning I knew I would be ready to wear a small white flower for Mom.In that dark corner, _12_ as if it had a light of its own, bloomed a perfect white gardenia!1.A.everything&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B.nothing&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C.anything&&&&&&&&&&&&& D.something2.A.feel&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B.believe&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C.wish&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D.think3.A.way&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B.method&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C.habit&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D.tradition4.A.alive&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B.healthy&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C.dead&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D.ill5.A.passing& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B.getting&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C.giving&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D.dying6.A.white&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B.blue&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C.green&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D.yellow7.A.cause&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B.make&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C.use&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D.allow8.A.when&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B.until&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C.while&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D.if9.A.red&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B.plastic&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C.paper&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D.fresh10.A.market&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B.school&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C.church&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D.office11.A.excited&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B.angry&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C.happy&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D.sleepy12.A.bright&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B.dark&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C.large&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D.small&&&&
Have you ever picked a job based on the fact that you were good at it but later found it made you feel very uncomfortable over time? When you select your career, there's a whole lot more to it than assessing your skills and matching them with a particular position. If you ignore your personality, it will hurt you long-term regardless of your skills or the job's pay. There are several areas of your personality that you need to consider to help you find a good job. Here are a few1) Do you prefer working alone or with other people?&&& There are isolating(使孤立)jobs that will drive an outgoing person crazy and also interactive jobs that will make a shy person uneasy. Most people are not extremes in either direction but do have a tendency that they prefer. There are also positions that are sometimes a combination of the two, which may be best for someone in the middle who adapts easily to either situation.2) How do you handle change?Most jobs these days have some elements of change to them, but some are more than others. If you need stability in your life, you may need a job where the changes don't happen so often. Other people would be bored of the same daily routine.3) Do you enjoy working with computers?&&& I do see this as a kind of personality characteristic. There are people who are happy to spend more than 40 hours a week on a computer, while there are others who need a lot of human interaction throughout the day. Again, these are extremes and you'll likely find a lot of positions somewhere in the middle as well.4) What type of work environment do you enjoy?&&& This can range from being in a large building with a lot of people you won't know immediately to a smaller setting where you'll get to know almost all the people there fairly quickly.5) How do you like to get paid?&&& Some people are motivated by the pay they get, while others feel too stressed to be like that. The variety of payment designs in the sales industry is a typical example for this.&&& Anyway, these are a great starting point for you. I've seen it over and over again with people that they make more money over time when they do something they love. It may take you a little longer, but making a move to do what you have a passion for can change the course of your life for the better.1.What is unnecessary in your job hunting? A. Assessing your skills&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&  B. Going to different areasC. Matching your skills with a position&& &  D. taking your personality into consideration2. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?& A. Isolating jobs usually drive people mad.&& & B. Interactive jobs make people shy easily.& C. Extreme people tend to work with others.& &&D. Almost everyone has a tendency in jobs.3.What is the missing word about a job search in the following chart?A. Design.&&&&&&&& B. Changes.&&&&&&&&& C. Cooperation.&&&&& && D. Hobbies.4.What is the best title for this passage?A. Lifestyles and Job Pay&&&&&& &&&&&&&&&&& B. Jobs and EnvironmentC. Job Skills and Abilities&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D. Personalities and Jobs&&&&
从每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中,找出所给单词的正确读音,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。1.shade& A.[tʃeid]&&&&&& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B.[ʃeid]& &&&& C.[tʃ&d]&&
D.[ʃ&d]2.crop&& A.[krʌp]&&&&&& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B.[krup]&&&&&& & C.[krɔp]&&&&&&&
D.[krəup]& 3.fist&& &A.[fist]&&&&&&& &&&&&& B.[fi:st]&&&&&& && C.[fest]&&&&&&&& & D.[feist]4.theme& A.[&i:m]&&&&&& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B.[&em]&&&&&& && C.[θi:m]&&&&&&&& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D.[θem]5.failure& A.[&fɔilj ә]&&& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B.[&fәuljә]&&&& &&&& C.[&fiәljә ]&&&&& & D.[&feiljә]&&&&
“My name's Jim Shelle...”的最新评论
欢迎来到乐乐题库,查看习题“My name's Jim Shelley and I'm an addict(有瘾的人)… ... With these words I began to_1____the problem,the problem of my telephone addiction.I used to call people_2____, from the moment I woke up to the time I went to sleep, I____3____to be phoned, I wanted to phone, Just one more call. It started socially --a few calls each day. It seemed____4____, just a quick chat Gradually though, the____5____got worse.Soon it was____6____use, until,finally, addiction. And it began to affect my____7____. During the day I would disappear for____8____call. If I couldn't make a call, I spent the whole time waiting for the phone to ring. Getting more and more____9____, in the end, I would ring someone, then someone lelse,____10____myself just one more call. I was phoning people and____11____messages to make sure____12____calls would see me through the day.I used to arrive at friends'homes and before the door was closed,go straight for the phone with the____13____&Is it OK if I just use the phone...?&At work, I became____14____when my fellow workers tried to____15____me from using the phone. And one day I hit my boss(with the phone).finally the police caught me____16____a phone box that had take my last one pound coin, and I was____17____to see a psychiatrist(心理医生. I haven't____18____a phone in the house for three weeks now, and it's several days____19____I used a phone box.. I try not to watch TV because there are____20____people on it mading phone calls.My name is Jim Shelley and I am an addict.1.A.face   B.find  C.accept  D.notice2.A.now and then  B.all the time  C.at home   D.at work3.A.tried   B.asked   C.waited   D.invited4.A.polite   B.inportant   C.fine   D.special5.A.condition  B.situation  C.result  D.effect6.A.frequent   B.regular  C.unusual   D.particular7.A.friends  B.study   C.family   D.work8.A.a quick   B.a secret  C.an expected   D.an extra9.A.hopeful  B.delighted  C.frightened  D.anxious10.A.forcing  B.telling   C.giving   D.limiting11.A.leaving   B.taking   C.passing   D.recording12.A.long   B.immediate   C.enough   D.surprising13.A.saying   B.demands   C.with   D.words14.A.careful   B.mad   C.determined  D.helpless15.A.save   B.reduce   C.protect   D.stop16.A.destroying  B.using  C.stealing  D.emptying17.A.offered   B.guided   C.ordered   D.reminded18.A.missed   B.had   C.received   D.fixed19.A.as   B.when  C.if  D.since20.A.always   B.just   C.more   D.different”的答案、考点梳理,并查找与习题“My name's Jim Shelley and I'm an addict(有瘾的人)… ... With these words I began to_1____the problem,the problem of my telephone addiction.I used to call people_2____, from the moment I woke up to the time I went to sleep, I____3____to be phoned, I wanted to phone, Just one more call. It started socially --a few calls each day. It seemed____4____, just a quick chat Gradually though, the____5____got worse.Soon it was____6____use, until,finally, addiction. And it began to affect my____7____. During the day I would disappear for____8____call. If I couldn't make a call, I spent the whole time waiting for the phone to ring. Getting more and more____9____, in the end, I would ring someone, then someone lelse,____10____myself just one more call. I was phoning people and____11____messages to make sure____12____calls would see me through the day.I used to arrive at friends'homes and before the door was closed,go straight for the phone with the____13____&Is it OK if I just use the phone...?&At work, I became____14____when my fellow workers tried to____15____me from using the phone. And one day I hit my boss(with the phone).finally the police caught me____16____a phone box that had take my last one pound coin, and I was____17____to see a psychiatrist(心理医生. I haven't____18____a phone in the house for three weeks now, and it's several days____19____I used a phone box.. I try not to watch TV because there are____20____people on it mading phone calls.My name is Jim Shelley and I am an addict.1.A.face   B.find  C.accept  D.notice2.A.now and then  B.all the time  C.at home   D.at work3.A.tried   B.asked   C.waited   D.invited4.A.polite   B.inportant   C.fine   D.special5.A.condition  B.situation  C.result  D.effect6.A.frequent   B.regular  C.unusual   D.particular7.A.friends  B.study   C.family   D.work8.A.a quick   B.a secret  C.an expected   D.an extra9.A.hopeful  B.delighted  C.frightened  D.anxious10.A.forcing  B.telling   C.giving   D.limiting11.A.leaving   B.taking   C.passing   D.recording12.A.long   B.immediate   C.enough   D.surprising13.A.saying   B.demands   C.with   D.words14.A.careful   B.mad   C.determined  D.helpless15.A.save   B.reduce   C.protect   D.stop16.A.destroying  B.using  C.stealing  D.emptying17.A.offered   B.guided   C.ordered   D.reminded18.A.missed   B.had   C.received   D.fixed19.A.as   B.when  C.if  D.since20.A.always   B.just   C.more   D.different”相似的习题。}


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