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Good day Fellow Survivors,Seeing that there is still no official thread for this amazing
game I took this opportunity to make one. I bring to you The TL DayZ Standalone thread. Currently in development and in Alpha the professional running simulator is rumored to come out this month ! The Game This game is a Persistent Survival Zombie Apocalypse Multiplayer RPG/FPS. Now that is a mouthful ! Your story takes place in the zombie infested Chernarus region. Where for some reason you awake on the beach with only your clothes on your back. Your mission ? Survive ! How do I survive you might ask ? Then where do I scavenge you might ask ? Why do I need to be careful you might ask ? Why do I need to be careful for other players they can probably tell me where all this loot is you might ask ? Enough of your silly questions just GO AND PLAY THE GAME !Available on
when released. - Soft release (no announcement) limited keys available due to supply and demand of servers at launch. - Will full release once server demand is met.- The game will follow Minecraft pricing.
E3 Revealed Features / Current state o 90% of buldings are enterableo The amount of locations for loot to spawn will be very high, but the spawn-rate will be incredibly low.o “Commit Suicide” will be possible. Right click on a weapon in the inventory, then “commit suicide”, “are you sure?”o The humanity system is not in the Alphao F7… F8 to F12 is reserved for Facial Gestureso There will be no “Random events” (Downed helicopters, Abandoned campsites)o More immersion : No UIo Messages at the bottom left corner : “You are recieve,” “Your foot is sore,” “You’re bleeding” + Soundso Over hundred new itemso Zombies spawn at the server Start. Cleaning a town will be possibleo Random hordes confirmedo Targeting thounsands new weapons at the Standalone complete releaseo Bullet penetration & kevlar vests, kevlar helmetso North of Chernarus is now more attractiveo Central servers will manage loot spawn rate & general economy (to prevent loot farming)o Server “Lock-out” to prevent server hopperso Melee weapon is way better nowo Vehicles disabled in the early alpha releaseo You can shoot & break people weaponso High-scope, military weapons will be in there, but they’ll be very rare spawnso Global loot spawns, so there’ll only be a certain amount of them in the whole worldo Weight system *maybe*o Crafting system is really deep. It’s one of the key new featureo You could add poison to a canteen bottle, and then give someone the canteen bottleo If someone shoots you and you’re wearing a shirt, then that shirt is going to get damagedo The more you run around, the more damaged the shoes get, and you’ll need to find new shoeso User-created maps (Sahrani, Namalsk, Taviana) can be ported to the StandaloneDid I skip some features and THEY MUST be in this list pm me and I will add them.
DayZ Standalone Media & Development Content - Official DayZ Standalone
()Got media ? pm me and I will add it.
Thats right stimmed marines can outrun aeroplanes.Tasteless
[Reserved]Hello me again, ill do a small writeup here for our plans to host another TL day-z server but this time for the standalone.A place to call home for all Teamliquid players
Thats right stimmed marines can outrun aeroplanes.Tasteless
Very very excite!Never played the original because I was holding out for this version.
the second you guys here about a date or a potential buy-in beta please let me know!
Edit: other than the arma 3 beta of course :-/
YEEESSSSS I can't wait
I played the hell out of this for about a month around the time they &got rid of& bandits, but dropped it since most of my friends were lame and wouldn't play as much anymore. I didn't come back to the game during its peak after I heard nearly all of the servers went to shit (except for private ones). I remember the updates were so consistent and really promising, can't wait to jump into this game with no expectations just like its predecessor =]
Are there any news about how they will deal with hackers? The coolest features ever (and there sure as hell are loads of cool features here!) will not save a game that's full of hackers.
On June 14
DarkEnergy wrote:o There will be no “Random events” (Downed helicopters, Abandoned campsites)Does this mean they wont be there, ever? or just not in Alpha?
President of the ReaL Fan Club.
O crap it is my favorite buss driver PaqMan !@ KronenWell you might want to consider playing one of the mods for the mod like origin.With DayZ Standalone if you chip in early you will have access to the new game but it will be heavily stripped for example there will be no vehicles for some time. But we would love to have you and see you on TS.@ FrumpysnooWe are currently playing the Origins mod so if you are looking for people to play with you can get on the TL TS2 server and look us up !@ ContiThe main weapon they bring to bear against the exploiting of arma is the new server client architecture. instead of the client telling the server what is happening the client will now ask the server to be allowed to do something. Arma was just way to trusting of the client and too open because for scripting and modding scenarios.@ DaumenIt is Rocket's view of the game.The loot will be created at server startup same goes for the zombie's.This depending on lootables and type of spawn will populate the whole world with all kinds of useful stuff to kill each other with.It seems he thinks that those event's are not the way he wants to deliver loot to the players in the standalone.Tough i have heard him talk about having a AI helicopter actualy fly in and crash to create a loot site.even broadcasting a mayday. Tough that was a long time ago and intended for the mod.
Thats right stimmed marines can outrun aeroplanes.Tasteless
lol. at the end of
the player talks about being allergic to stuff...DI also heard about the Scripted crashing Helicopters, so they arent going to be there for the Standalone? damn, they sounded cool, since he also mentioned that the surviving crew of that crash wont give uD
President of the ReaL Fan Club.
Yup.if your into some more knowledge of the standalone you can watch the devblog video.During Pax East they made this gem.
Thats right stimmed marines can outrun aeroplanes.Tasteless
Q3/Q4 alpha will be released according to what rocket said on stream at E3.source:
We all want to live by each other's happiness, not by each other's misery. We don't want to hate and despise one another. In this world there is room for everyone and the earth is rich and can provide for everyone.
Chairman Ray
this sounds awesome.
Was gonna play WarZ with a
bunch of friends, then all the drama hit and we lost interest.
Can't wait!
This is a game I am mostly looking forward to cause one of my good RL friends will play it with me and also because its gonna be awesome.Anyone knows about endgame stuff? Is there gonna be something like XP or setting up a camp with wires around buildings and stuff? I once heard of underground barracks but dunno.
www.youtube.com/asterisp / http://moviecritisism.blogspot.gr / GetYouBarbara
Skills are confirmed he does not want to call them that tough. He said it is more like proficiency. If you practice you just get better. There will be no skilltree or lvling system as far as i know.
and other players cannot tell if you for example are really a mechanic or medic. just a quick reminder that you can fill syringe with poison.The basebuilding is confirmed and will all be underground in a separate instance. So disconnected from the main game world.
Thats right stimmed marines can outrun aeroplanes.Tasteless
I'm sure you've all heard the horrifying &few months& Q3/Q4 alpha release, BUT fortunately he commented on it on reddit and it's both bad and good:any soldiers out there? If so, I just set the left and right of arcs.It's not going to be next week (jet lag, etc...). But it's not going to be longer than two months. It will be somewhere in between.Why not set a date? Because we don't need too, and we don't want to force something out with a glaring game breaking bug just because we set a date, when we didn't need to in the first place.Furthermore, we have scrapped the keys-in-blocks idea and going for a full access alpha. This means we need to be damn sure our central server will hold whatever load might be thrown at it.Also remember, I was on tv. I'm always the most conservative on tv be because you get cut up into sound bites and lose the context. When talking to fans etc... I can provide context and be more realistic.I've listened to the E3 video and he specifically said, &back home for 2 weeks of HARD work& and I think that it's here. Rocket and devs will work on final alpha build and simultaneously they start working physically setting up the servers. They want to ship it out, BUT they've decided to go YOLO MAN-MODE running across the NW Airfield to the barracks, full scale release on steam. No limited amount of keys, their own servers and hive working. This makes it a very big thing. It will most likely crush and burn the servers, the only question is how long will it take for them to recover.
&(...)all in the game, yo. All in the game&
I cant wait, to the people asking about specifics like Underground bases and player built stuff: We need to be patient, the work is so early, alpha isnt even out... ALPHA... the next big thing they are going to rework is Vehicles, the first Alpha build wont even have Vehicles, so we cant hope that they are addressing other ideas in the slightest, they are just vague ideas in their heads...
President of the ReaL Fan Club.
On June 14
DarkEnergy wrote:The basebuilding is confirmed and will all be underground in a separate instance. So disconnected from the main game world.what???soooooo lame....stealing other people's shit and stalking them back to their basecamp was my favorite part of DayZ...
i was one of those people who spent literally weeks scouring the map for other peoples' camps
just to steal their shit...this is the saddest thing I have read....if it means what i think it does. -.-....then a skills system? meh... were stealing shit from WarZ now... ?? Didnt he originally say that a skills system was silly, and that one of the fun things about DayZ was new players were plausibly on equal terms with vet's?
I will be one of the people who lives in this game, and therefore will usually be at some sort of EXP advantage...but i dont want it and wish others didnt get it either....but i guess i dont have any idea what he means by skills at this point before i get too upsetmeh
they are changing so much, that i wish they would not have.
o The more you run around, the more damaged the shoes get, and you’ll need to find new shoesokay this is amazing
On June 15
MaestroSC wrote:On June 14
DarkEnergy wrote:The basebuilding is confirmed and will all be underground in a separate instance. So disconnected from the main game world.what???soooooo lame....stealing other people's shit and stalking them back to their basecamp was my favorite part of DayZ...
i was one of those people who spent literally weeks scouring the map for other peoples' camps
just to steal their shit...this is the saddest thing I have read....if it means what i think it does. -.-....then a skills system? meh... were stealing shit from WarZ now... ?? Didnt he originally say that a skills system was silly, and that one of the fun things about DayZ was new players were plausibly on equal terms with vet's?
I will be one of the people who lives in this game, and therefore will usually be at some sort of EXP advantage...but i dont want it and wish others didnt get it either....but i guess i dont have any idea what he means by skills at this point before i get too upsetmeh
they are changing so much, that i wish they would not have.I think what that means is that all of the bases and stuff are still able to be stolen from, but instead of running up to tents you have to go through a tunnel or something that loads a completely different area. I assume they would do this so that everyone not in the bases has less stuff to load when they load into a server.
&Dirty Timber Picker& Mity Teem Larquad. &I am a baddie and tango is a smartiepants.& -KwarK &When you said you didn't play Invoker I thought you were just being modest&
On June 15
MaestroSC wrote:On June 14
DarkEnergy wrote:The basebuilding is confirmed and will all be underground in a separate instance. So disconnected from the main game world.what???soooooo lame....stealing other people's shit and stalking them back to their basecamp was my favorite part of DayZ...
i was one of those people who spent literally weeks scouring the map for other peoples' camps
just to steal their shit...this is the saddest thing I have read....if it means what i think it does. -.-....then a skills system? meh... were stealing shit from WarZ now... ?? Didnt he originally say that a skills system was silly, and that one of the fun things about DayZ was new players were plausibly on equal terms with vet's?
I will be one of the people who lives in this game, and therefore will usually be at some sort of EXP advantage...but i dont want it and wish others didnt get it either....but i guess i dont have any idea what he means by skills at this point before i get too upsetmeh
they are changing so much, that i wish they would not have.Have to agree, your stuff should never be REALLY safe. That's not DayZ. You can make your stuff safe(r) by finding creative spots for tents (the narrow space between cargo containers f.e.) - but never be 100% sure. I raided alot in DayZ, i also was raided alot - that's DayZ. Don't take that away ._. go through a tunnel or something that loads a completely different area That would be even worse. Loading screen in DayZ = no go. As soon as you create a funnel where people would have to go through, you have basically a spot where every arse and his brother will camp with their rifles tuned in on exact that spot.}


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