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游戏介绍: 一个奇怪小妖怪出现了。你的任务就是给她打扮,快来试一下吧!
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不良信息举报电话:万圣节活动小游戏 【范文十篇】
范文一:小游戏1、成语连珠,就是先说个成语每个组或每个人用最后一个字接成语......接不上的看着处罚就可以了,挺有意思.2、来个bingo游戏吧.一张纸.100个问题10×10.首先回答完一行或一列的有奖.问题为对班级成员特点的描述.请描述对象签名方为答对一道.3、让你们班的同学用家乡话说一段对白,越经典的越好哦 比如:大话西游里的那个曾经有一段。。。。。。4、在会场中间拉很多绳子,然后选一些人让他们不能碰绳子穿过去,然后这些人的眼睛蒙住眼睛,在把绳子去掉,然后就看这些人的精彩表演吧,不过只能用一次,大家晓得了就没意思了5、跳舞吧,俺前两天刚跟外教学了个“宫廷转圈舞”(偶自己命名的)很适合大家一起跳的,不会蹦迪的都能学会的。6、写纸条送祝福(各自以匿名方式写在纸条上交主持人,然后叫大家轮流抽取,并大声地念出祝福内容。)7、事先准备一些纸片,上面写好各种职业,或者体育运动。然后让每个人分别抽一个,不要让别人知道。然后分别表演,不能说话,让别人猜猜看是什么职业。8、分成2组,同样准备一些小纸片,上面写一些电影名字,最好是动作片,或是有特色的,然后分组抽签表演,让对方猜。matrix, spider man, super man都很有意思的9、抢椅子啊,分两组,每组6--8个人,椅子比人数少一把,然后大家围着椅子转,听到坐下就抢位子,每轮淘汰一人,依次1/8决赛...决赛,剩下最后一人获胜,有奖品,输的人得表演节目,或参加下一个游戏.10、可以选两排人,三个一组,其中两个蒙上眼睛,用筷子喂对方食物,剩下能看的那人指挥. 嗡嗡~~11、首先准备问题若干,报纸一张. 规则:一男一女同站一张报纸上,开始回答问题 答错问题,报纸折半继续 答对问题,问下一道 男女在回答问题时,身体不能接触报纸以外的事物 总共20道问题,问完时,男女还能符合上一条规则时,游戏结束发奖品
范文二:第一范文网为你提供了几个适合万圣节活动的小游戏,供您参考!1、首先准备问题若干,报纸一张. 规则:一男一女同站一张报纸上,开始回答问题 答错问题,报纸折半继续 答对问题,问下一道 男女在回答问题时,身体不能接触报纸以外的事物 总共20道问题,问完时,男女还能符合上一条规则时,游戏结束发奖品2、善解人意 分成2组,每组3~5个人,排成两纵列 人与人之间不能说话,只能靠动作表达意思3、铁人三项 连续完成吃汉堡+喝啤酒+吹爆气球 最后还要闭眼旋转15圈 速度最快者有奖4、小九九游戏,挺好玩的! 比如,站上一圈人,从其中一个开始说,4 9,下一个赶紧答36,她再接着说6 8,下一个回答48,以此类推... 谁说错了,就输了就受罚:)5、踩气球。一组出2-3个人,每只脚上都绑有气球,让他们一起出来互相踩,看到一定时间后哪个组的队员脚上剩的气球多。6、真心话大冒险。 嗬嗬,感觉不错的游戏啊。7、十人一组 男女间隔 两组人用嘴将扑克牌传递 先传完的胜利8、有电脑有投影仪的话 搞个经典影视配音也不错啊。9、报纸时装表演!抢椅子!食神比赛!
Net of business affairs of electron of interview of recreational originality character earns trends of home page news experience of dispatch promotion by-talk shares current position: Information home page > recreational originality > encyclopedia of little game of activity of Allhallows of encyclopedia of Allhallows activity little game on October 11, :00 origin: 0 people click time money net pay close attention to us: Time money net can offer all sorts of brand designs, VI design, product to pack originality of table of development of construction of design, application design, website, software, article, building to decorate for vast enterprise, businessman, the service such as sale of net inn promotion, network, want to carry the mission that the network can solve only, can be solved through time money net, a task clinchs a deal amount fixes a price freely by you. Needless ask full-time staff technically and need to pay many salary, and this this task is by the network power customer is finished, often a task can collect a lot of work, and the just chooses your satisfaction from inside numerous work work that you should do and pay work author to write cost. Release offer a reward instantly >> arrive immediately Allhallows. In Allhallows night before last of the west, children can put on barpque dress, wear pumpkin mask to go to dweller home asking for candy, atmosphere is unusual active. The game with interesting what does Allhallows have? Encyclopedia of Allhallows activity little game consults with offerring, what experience all saints’ day together is interesting! Encyclopedia of Allhallows activity little game 1, bite an apple to put one apple in water, bite an apple below the condition that does not want a hand with the mouth, who is bitten first, who is a winner. 2, write scrip to send a blessing (write in scrip to hand in compere with faceless means severally, call authority next by turns draw-out, and aloud reads aloud a beatific content. ) 3, grab young of song of bench, urgent countersign, appraise. Wear eccentric mask, put on multicoloured dress, everybody goes out to make all saints’ day together in the evening! 4, hold doodle contest, or tell with match of story of foreign language ghost. Allhallows award is great. 5, blow flour this is game of a whole a legendary venomous insect, and can rectify a legendary venomous insect at the same time of two people. Prop: Flour is right amount, ping-pong wave, spoon more play a way: The person that find out two to be played first (before be like the person be defeated of game or win the home, told them to win this game need not be punished / ) having reward, stand in both sides of a piece of table face-to-face. 6, I blow me to blow me blow regulation: Every groups send 2 people to attend, good balloon distend, department, go up in every balloon respectively ordinal write a word, 10 thousand, emperor, section, fast, happy, inside formulary time most finish 4 first or the one party get victory with rapid rate of progress, game time is a minute. 7, have mutual affinity, will I guess prop: than you? Can? of cochlea slander Bo be to have the idiom that can you perform a gender or term) attend personnel: ? Dumpling can Hui? attend game regulation: many groups? One person of? of Yue of Suo of ? of sew of bring a case to court of dumpling of Cui of Hui of bursa of You of urgent press or rub against of cochlea room ? changes a plan for the performance, one person is) of the person that guess, meet by compere next write the idiom that wants a show or term on a piece of paper, the person that let perform an act does the person that guess to look, when performer the performance is over, the person that guess can when what dope out performer makes behavioral idiom or term, calculate reach a standard. (Attention: Move an author to be able to explain with the language, but the word in cannot speaking a movement) (independence of in a dilemma, be all-pervasive, golden pheasant, a cornered beast will do something desperate, gaze around, out of thin air, joyful, have a well-thought-out plan, the hen has flown away and the eggs
in the coop are broken, humbly) . 8, phrasal in rapid succession, say an idiom first namely every group or everybody receive idiom with the last word. . . . . . It is OK to do not receive those who go up to look at punishment, quite interesting.9, come a BINGO game. .100 of a piece of paper problem 10 × 10. Answer group above all or have reward. The problem is the description of pair of class member characteristics. Describe object autograph to just be please answer sb’s question a.10, fellow student that allows your class says a paragraph of dialogue with home town word, more classical better oh for instance: Boast swims on the west in that once had a paragraph. . . . . . 11, in a lot of string are pulled among the assembly room, choose a few people to let them cannot touch cord to wear the past next, next the eye of these people blindfolds eye, be in a cord take out, the wonderful show that sees these people next, can use only nevertheless, everybody knew uninteresting 12, dance, before me two days of education outside just following “ palace turns a dance “ (occasionally oneself name) suit everybody to jump together very much, won’t skip enlighten can learn. 13, precondition a few scrips, all sorts of professions had been written above, or athletic sports. Let everybody smoke respectively next, do not let others know. Perform respectively next, cannot talk, letting others guess is what profession. Cent becomes 2 groups, prepare a few small scrips likewise, name of a few films is kept above, had better be a movement piece, or it is distinctive, next in group ballot performance, let the other side guess. MATRIX, SPIDERMAN, SUPERMAN is very interesting 14, grab a chair, branch group, every groups 6- - 8 people, the chair is less than the number, next everybody turns round the chair, hear sit down to grab seat, every rounds eliminate one person, ordinal 1/8 final. . . Finals, remain last person triumph, have award, the person that lose must perform a program, or it is.15, OK to play next game pick two people, ternary, among them two cover an eye, feed food of the other side with the chopstick, remain that person director that can look. Buzzing ~~16, plan an issue above all a certain number of, newspaper a piece. Regular: ? ? of capture of ㄖ of impaludism of badge of subcutaneous ulcer of ? of barren favour confused ? begins to answer a problem to answer complex issue, newspaper reduce by half continues to answer sb’s question problem, when asking below one men and women is answering a question, the body cannot contact the thing beyond newspaper gross 20 problems, when asking, when the men and women still can accord with a regulation, award of game knot hairdo 17, understanding cent becomes 2 groups, individual of every groups of 3~5, the platoon is become cannot talk between two vertical row people and person, can rely on a movement to convey a meaning only 18, iron man-a person of exceptional physical and moral strength is finished 3 times continuously eat hamburger + drink beer + blow explode the balloon shuts an eye to rotate 15 rounds even finally rate is the rapiddest person have reward 19, small 99 game, quite amused! For instance, person of the circuit on the station, from among them one begins to say, 49, the next answers rapidly 36, she says then again 68, next answer 48, with this analogize. . . Whose missay, was defeated with respect to be punished: ) 20, step on a balloon. One group gives 2-3 individual, every are bound on the foot only have a balloon, let them come out to walk each other together, the balloon of the remnant on the team member foot of which group after seeing proper time is much. 21, open-armed word takes a risk greatly. Ah, feel good game. 22, 10 people two groups of people use interval of a group of men and womens the mouth passes playing card the victory that passes first 23, meet X, the multiple of X, the number that contains X cannot say, want to come down in order to crouch to express. For example: X=3 so a few people discharge fine line, say one by one: 1, 2, (Crouch) , 4, 5, (Crouch) ,
7... 11, (Crouch) , (Crouch) , 14... I am guessed before inside those who play, “99 multiplication
table “ 24, deliver two pieces of paper. Write down the happiest today thing and happy least of all thing each. Read aloud next come out. . . Need not keep a name. Read aloud like coming out very amused say! 25, 3 half! ~ tradition is pithy, the effect is outstanding 4 people cooperate the 4th person half (make the finishing point actually a word) should combine this unit circumstance to write a speech 26, write good term with paper first, can divide a lot of kinds, next a person is facing appearance what meaning, but cannot take that word. Another back to guess. Hey, said to understand, and lucky 52 same, what I upstairs did not leave is like having, it is a proposal anyway, help you support. 27, both ends of a table, respectively upend does obeisance to on 3 bowls, the flour of 1/3 is packed respectively in the bowl, put a table tennis ball each in two bowls that rely on desk edge respectively, next both sides stands each a person, who to see play the table tennis in the 3rd bowl first who calculates win. This game can move solar term atmosphere very much, also very give others a hard time. . . . 28, male when the wounded, become a nurse femaly, with web (his hank) wrap up, cap-a-pie, become mummy state, what who wraps up is the best, most severe win a prize! Space of equipment of frog big fight: The field of evenness of room inside and outside all but, 16 people of 12 ~ a group (even number is beautiful) ball of the half that cushion is total number, wool 16 (as equal as total number) attrib border rope two regulation: (1) is in apart the position of 6 ~ 8M, with start of line out of attrib border rope and terminus (2) asks associate to be collected according to foreword 1, 2, 1, 2 means number off, will whole constituent becomes two team, by one group is attacked first and send one person a cushion, another group is adopted defend and send one person 2 wool ball (soft ball) , at the back of start of two respective fall back on and score (3) attack just sets out after start line, when advancement must bipod simultaneously frog jumps, cushion replaces lotus leaf, if stand to go up in cushion, criterion the other side cannot be atttacked with the ball, additional and usable cushion will block a ball (4) defends just must stand online outside atttack with the ball, online retrocession is attacked invalid (the personnel that
5) is hit must return start to come again (6) times 5 minutes, statistic shares a few people to be amounted to successfully blast, exchange equipment next, attack and defence crossing-over shares a focal point: A is your maniple to take bushfighting or party battle? Why? B is attacked differently, defend strategy, what to bring about a result to have to differ? In C task, are you acted why to plant part? Is the element that decides the part is arranged? What is different role respectively to the contribution of the group? D was your need noticed? Whether was the individual’s demand ever put forward? What assistance did the group provide? Is the job when this peace, life had identical (or different) place? The show that says you see group or individual in ~ E process for example how? What is very marvellous? Is what appearance there is at ordinary times group oversight? Can the expression of F competitor cause an effect to the group? What be? 29\ this game suits the evening party finally, lift a climax. Requirement: Join a number 30 people - 50 factitious beautiful, cent becomes 4-5 group stage property: Music of Disco of tray, setting, award can be elegant candy (can divide) it is good that compere asks everybody sits in group (must have male have female) tell game regulation everybody every groups single out a receiver first, hold tray to stand stagewise. Other panel staff offers article to be put in tray according to the requirement of compere. Most first the group of market neat goods wins victory. Background music rises, compere begins read out article, proper time gives each be apart team member preparation, accelerate slowly. Collect article to come from daily for example: Glasses, watch, leather belt, sock, lipstick, money, it is more difficult to must have the compere that if money of pill, candied, one wool is clever,is put finally is OK still choose something temporarily.
We had been done, the sliest chair a choice finally is a white hair, the head of result manager met with disaster... . The task: By captain director team member the ball in will red bucket is carried entirely in blue bucket. Attention, the hand of the team member in whole process to cannot move bucket, can use the article inside field. Regular: (It is with 15 people exemple) 15 people are selected 1 factitious header, the station is chooses 2 people to make assistant team leader, the station grows 10 mete the others in space fleet 12 people, s is in every 3 people be apart from assistant team leader 5 meters of positions, face team leader, horizontal setting of types stands two pa together, blindfold double eye. After every groups of person 1 meter of place is placed fizzle out bucket, it is of 30 ping- in the bucket before side of every groups of people 1 meter of place lays two groups of tools. Two blue barrels are laid in the position among assistant team leader and header. Be all set of all team member, the task card gives captain. The activity begins. Prop: 4 paper cup, 8 spoon, 8 pairs of chopsticks, 4 fork, 1 piece of tasks get stuck. 1 piece of titles get stuck (the interference project that can serve as assistant team leader) 30, seek stage property of treasure big move: “Treasure “ (it is brief note commonly) join staff: Collective game is regular: Get ready first “ treasure “ (can write on brief note namely “ performance program, obtain award to wait for) , distributing treasure in the place that concealments each each next, then, the person that each find treasure begins to search “ treasure “ , find “ treasure “ the person that find treasure must not be opened at will “ treasure “ , be opposite by compere award. Compere basis “ treasure “ content gives “ treasure “ host is right award. For instance: Writing in treasure “ learn meow 3 times, promotive apple two “ so “ treasure “ host had be toed press “ treasure “ content goes doing, next, compere gives corresponding award
给南瓜贴眼睛:小朋友蒙住双眼,在白线以外的地方首先转三圈,然后向正对方向的黑板上的南瓜画贴上眼睛。整个过程中都是蒙住眼睛的。 海盗抢南瓜: 带上眼罩,用最快的速度踩爆1个气球并把大南瓜抢到指定地方说一句一句:Happy Halloween!Happy!Happy!Happy!
吹南瓜球 :主持人要准备好八个等高的杯子。每个杯子都要装满水,竖排。每四个杯子排成一排。每排的第一个杯子都要放一个乒乓球。参赛者要将乒乓球从第一个杯子吹向另一个杯子,一个一个地吹,不能跳杯子。若乒乓球吹落了,则不能得奖。若一次性吹完则得数字章过关。每次参赛两人。
双人顶气球接力:两人一组只能用脸部贴着气球从一头跑到另一头,中途气球掉下重来,到达终点读Trick or treat
联想ABC:主持人事先做好书签,由参赛者抽签选择,并对所抽内容进行联想,如果能正确并连续地做出三个算闯关成功。如:主持人在说出run 这个单词后,参赛者就要做跑的动作来与run这个单词联系起来。
“杰克灯”相呼应的橙色与黑色是万圣节前夜的传统颜色,黑色的代表有黑猫,蜘蛛和巫婆,橘色的则有南瓜灯 (Jack-O'-Lantern) ,这些都是常见的万圣节象征。
范文五:Halloween party 简要活动方案
一、情景导入及表演————Shawn Dave Antony Eti
二、Review(万圣节知识复习)——Shawn Dave Antony Eti Cassie 所需物品:单词卡片,实物
四、集体游戏“Apple bobbing”———Shawn Dave Antony Eti Cassie Parker Daisy
(前期拍照:Sherly Tiffany)
1、Hungry Jack———— Eti
Angela Cassie 门卫
2、Touchy and Feely————Shawn Lilian Jennifer
3、Sponge toss————Antony Parker
4、Pumpkin bowling ————Dave Daisy Smile 拍照:Tiffany
注:第一轮分组游戏班级安排————游戏1(BB-1 BB-2 KS-5 KS-6)
游戏2(KM-1 KM-2 KM-3 KM-4)
游戏3(KS-1 KS-2 KS-3 KS-4)
游戏4(KB-1 KB-2)
范文七:活动主题:捣乱无罪,狂欢有理活动小游戏1、 面粉吹乒乓球两个人一组,准备三个碗,每个碗里有适量的面粉。一字排开,两边的两个碗里分别放入一个乒乓球,中间那个不放,然后两人站在两边,谁先将乒乓球吹进中间那个碗里,谁算赢!可获得一份奖品。2、 寻宝游戏预备2-3个教室,关灯,落窗帘,事先把气球、糖或其他东西藏好,要参加游戏的同学在门口排好队伍,以小组为单位,进门前必须说 trick or treat(不给就捣蛋),否则就不能进,进入后自由找宝藏,时间1分钟,找到的宝物归参加游戏的同学。3、 击鼓传礼物把礼物用几层包装纸包好,放音乐或击鼓,音乐停时礼物在谁的手里谁就拆开一层包装纸,直至礼物出现,就奖给最后拆开礼物的那个同学。4、 群魔乱舞放一段搞怪的音乐,同学们可以自己做一些搞怪的动作,主要就是好玩,这个可以放在开始,主要为了调动活动气氛。备注:我觉得我们应该准备一些万圣节的饰品,比如气球,南瓜灯(不知有没有卖的),或者让学生自己准备一个面具。那样才有点意思。浏览本文的用户也浏览了如下文章
范文八:还为具办什么万圣节活动而烦恼吗?下面一些万圣节的活动可能适合你哦。活动虽小,但却能很好的制造气氛哦。1、兔子舞,首先带动全场的活跃气氛.2、万圣节活动-打南瓜。南瓜头在空中漂,把他打下来,笑脸的...3、吹面粉 这是一个整蛊游戏,而且能同时整蛊两个人的。 道具:面粉适量,乒乓波一个,匙更一个 玩法:先找出两个被玩者(如之前游戏的输者或赢家,告诉他们赢了这个游戏便不用受罚/有奖),面对面站在一张桌子两边。把乒乓球放在匙更上,放在二人中间,要他们蒙着眼向乒乓球吹,若能把球吹到对面便为之赢。 待他们蒙好眼后,便迅速把乒乓球换成面粉,一二三,吹...4、游戏名称——我吹我吹我吹吹规则:每组派2人参加,把气球吹大、系好,并分别在每个气球上依次写上一个字—万、圣、节、快、乐,规定时间内最先完成四个或进度快的一方取胜,比赛时间为一分钟。5、心心相印,我来比你来猜 道具:游戏题目(可以是具有可表演性的成语或词语) 参加人员:两人一组,可多组参加 游戏规则:游戏开始表演的一组两人先要面对面(一人为表演动策划,一人为猜测者),然后由主持人会把要表演的成语或词语写在一张纸上,让表演动作者做给猜 测者看,当表演者表演完,猜测者能猜出表演者所做动作的成语或词语时,就算过关.(注意:动作者可以用语言来解释,但不能说出动作中的字)(左右为难、无 孔不入、金鸡独立、狗急跳墙、东张西望、无中生有、眉开眼笑、胸有成竹、鸡飞蛋打、低声下气)。6、在会场中间拉很多绳子,然后选一些人让他们不能碰绳子穿过去,然后这些人的眼睛蒙住眼睛,在把绳子去掉,然后就看这些人的精彩表演吧,不过只能用一次,大家晓得了就没意思了.7、咬苹果 在水里放一苹果,在不要手的条件下用嘴去咬苹果,谁先咬到,谁就是优胜者。8、写纸条送祝福(各自以匿名方式写在纸条上交主持人,然后叫大家轮流抽取,并大声地念出祝福内容。)9、抢凳子、急口令、估歌仔.戴上古怪的面具,穿上五彩的衣服,晚上大家一起出去闹万圣节!10、举办涂鸦大赛,或讲用外语鬼故事比赛。万圣节奖品多多。
范文九:万圣节游戏的搞笑活动方案  1、万圣节活动-打南瓜。南瓜头在空中漂,把他打下来,笑脸的...  2、心心相印,我来比你来猜  道具:游戏题目(可以是具有可表演性的成语或词语)  参加人员:两人一组,可多组参加  游戏规则:游戏开始表演的一组两人先要面对面(一人为表演动策划,一人为猜测者),然后由主持人会把要表演的成语或词语写在一张纸上,让表演动作者做给猜 测者看,当表演者表演完,猜测者能猜出表演者所做动作的成语或词语时,就算过关.(注意:动作者可以用语言来解释,但不能说出动作中的字)(左右为难、无 孔不入、金鸡独立、狗急跳墙、东张西望、无中生有、眉开眼笑、胸有成竹、鸡飞蛋打、低声下气)。  3、游戏名称——我吹我吹我吹吹  规则:每组派2人参加,把气球吹大、系好,并分别在每个气球上依次写上一个字—万、圣、节、快、乐,规定时间内最先完成四个或进度快的一方取胜,比赛时间为一分钟。  4、兔子舞,首先带动全场的活跃气氛.  5、吹面粉  这是一个整蛊游戏,而且能同时整蛊两个人的。  道具:面粉适量,乒乓波一个,匙更一个  玩法:先找出两个被玩者(如之前游戏的输者或赢家,告诉他们赢了这个游戏便不用受罚/有奖),面对面站在一张桌子两边。把乒乓球放在匙更上,放在二人中间,要他们蒙着眼向乒乓球吹,若能把球吹到对面便为之赢。  待他们蒙好眼后,便迅速把乒乓球换成面粉,一二三,吹...
2、适合人数:10人或以上,五人一组,两个组进行比赛 3、时间:20分钟
1) 老师先准备游戏用具,画好两个缺少眼睛的万圣节南瓜图;


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