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The Ripple Effect: Near-live Clipping Scores Another Victory
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"YouTube beats Facebook!"&was the WSJ headline -- but I think the hidden story here is the huge victory for something that hot analytics firm Visible Measures called "The Ripple Effect".
Visible Measures released a new study and found, among other things, that YouTube is -- today -- a better platform for enabling a longer, more viral and vibrant life for sponsored and branded video content because of the platform's 'search & discovery nature'. My read? YouTube&is a public, video watching & sampling post with an enormous volume of general interest&content. Therefore, when new clips are posted, they&reinforce past clips that have been watched, and video views&experience an extra lift because of this self-reinforcing nature&of digital&/&social.&
From the WSJ article:
"Research from video content advertising firm Visible Measures says brands enjoy a so-called “ripple” effect when they share a new video on YouTube that drives views of the brands’ older videos, an effect that does not happen when they share a new video on&. As a result, videos on YouTube are watched by more people over an extended period of time, the study claims."
As my readers know, I've been obsessed with the growth of the 'near-live window' for content, sometimes also called "in-progress" highlights, from the idea that the&live telecast of the game or event is still in-progress. So naturally I&am excited&about the idea of an awesome, data-backed&social&buzzword like The Ripple Effect to&push more media companies to invest&in&near-live content rights.
Now, to the other point of the story, where "YouTube beats Facebook".&&Both platforms are impressive video sites. They're also different, and evolving. YouTube has a massive head-start.&Facebook clearly has a powerful native asset in the power of that social graph. Facebook needs less social,&more mass, and YouTube needs the opposite. Which is&interesting. Because it means that both of them could probably benefit from&acquiring&Twitter (and&SnappyTV.)Looking for more of the latest headlines on LinkedIn?}


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