i5i5 4590配什么显卡带的动gta4吗

配显卡gtx750ti 玩gta4有几帧?
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配显卡gtx750ti 玩gta4有几帧?
配显卡gtx750ti 玩gta4有几帧?
配显卡gtx750ti 玩gta4有几帧?
福州电脑网 版权所有闽ICP备号-3请问这款笔记本电脑带的动gta4吗?华硕-中国学网-中国IT综合门户网站
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来源:互联网 发表时间: 8:00:03 责任编辑:鲁晓倩字体:
这里没写显卡。你用WIN键+R 打开运行窗口 然后打DXDIAG 回车 看看显示里显卡是什么。 按你这CPU的配置运行GTA4是没问题的
你也不看看GTA4是哪年的游戏, 都可以玩, 只要1500以上去年买的
应该可以运行 但是效果肯定不咋的
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There's no component of your PC working harder than the CPU. It's running your operating system and programs as complex as Battlefield 4 and as simple as Notepad. Today's desktop processors can handle just about any game you throw at them, and can even be overclocked to better multitasking performance. You don't have to buy the most expensive processor around to have a great gaming experience. We've researched and tested the best gaming CPUs around, and these are the ones worth putting in your next gaming rig.
Handles even the most demanding PC games
Great performance for the price
Powerful overclocking potential to 4.4 GHz and beyond
Lower base clock speed than Core i7
Lacks the Core i7's Hyperthreading, useful in very demanding multithreaded applications
Intel was due to launch a brand new desktop processor line in 2014 called Broadwell, which has unfortunately been pushed back to mid 2015. In its place, we got a refresh of the existing Haswell chips, codenamed Devils Canyon. The biggest difference with these processors is much faster clock speeds across the board, which will make a noticeable difference to gaming performance.
The fastest of the new Core i5 processors, the&
, is our absolute favorite. It’s a quad-core model that runs at 3.5 GHz, with a Turbo Mode frequency of 3.9 GHz. This is exactly the same speed the previous generation’s Core i7-4770K runs at, and is enough to really drive gaming performance.Update 11/6/2015: With Intel's Skylake CPUs out, we're working on a full refresh of this guide with performance and price analysis compared to the previous Devil's Canyon and Haswell-E CPUs. Coming soon!
Number Of Cores: 4
Hyper-threading: No
Base Clock Frequency: 3.5 GHz
Turbo Clock Frequency: 3.9 GHz
L3 Cache: 6MB
Thermal Design Power (TDP): 88W
PCI-Express lanes: 16
It does this while being far better value for money. Although it isn’t the fastest CPU available, the Core i5-4690k is $100 cheaper than&the Core i7-4790K, and offers nearly the same gaming performance. You miss out on hyper-threading, which is restricted to Core i7 chips, but that feature is mainly useful in heavily multi-threaded software, and doesn’t particularly benefit gaming performance.
The Core i5-4690k is also a better buy than anything else you might consider around this price point. For a start, the “k” at the end of the product name means it carries an unlocked multiplier, and so is easy to overclock. The i5-4690k happens to be a great overclocking CPU.Overclocking the 4690k
Hop into the PC’s BIOS and raise the multiplier slightly to add another couple hundred MHz of performance. For even more speed, you’ll need to modestly increase voltage. When you reboot, hopefully your PC will be stable at this new speed. If it’s not, that’s okay: you can lower the multiplier or feed the CPU a bit more voltage. Anandtech was able to overclock the i5-4690k
. We don’t recommend going that far, and you don’t have even to overclock the i5-4690k at all to get good performance out of the CPU; it’s just an added value for
CPU that starts at a speedy 3.5 GHz.
The trick in overclocking is not being too aggressive and having an efficient cooler, since the increase in voltage means more heat will be generated. Different motherboards offer additional settings to tweak and push speeds further, depending on the manufacturer, and some further research is definitely recommended, especially if you don't know what the settings do.
In the case of Asus and the Z87 Pro we used, the company produces an awesome series of&
,&superbly presented by their resident PC expert.
We had a quick go with our Core i5-4690k and had the PC stable at 4.4 GHz, with a voltage of 1.28, and an Arctic Cooling Alpine 11 GT cooler. That’s a big, free increase for little effort.&Pricier coolers, such as the Corsair Hydro H105, will allow you to go even faster, but it really depends on a lot of things, including the specific batch your CPU comes from.
If you’re sure you’re never going to overclock, you could save around 10 percent by opting for a&
, which has a locked multiplier. It’s such a slim difference, we’d prefer the unlocked chip though&you never know when you want to change your mind, and you could overclock three years down the road to breathe new life into an aging CPU.Great performance, great price
We think the 4960k is also a better choice than any of the other Core i5 chips. You don’t save a lot of cash by going for a Core i5-4460, for example, which costs&
.&That chip can't be overclocked and is 300 MHz slower out of the box, which could affect gaming performance.
Dragon Age Inquisition's&3.0 GHz quad core recommended spec is just that: a recommendation. Certain games, like 4X strategy series Total War or physics heavy sim Arma III, are&as demanding on the processor as the graphics cards, and their recommended specs are humble compared to their maxed out demands.
The other Core i5 processors aren’t bad products.&Most Core&i5 CPUs are going to handle modern games perfectly fine at all but the most extreme settings without issue. But for the highest performance for the relative amount you’re spending, the 4690k really stands out.
In our benchmarks against our high-end Core i7&choice on the next page, the 4690k put up nearly identical framerates in Tomb Raider (84 fps average vs. 85 fps average) and saw only a 2 fps difference in Civ: Beyond Earth.&
show that the 4690k can't quite keep up with an i7 in heavy duty non-gaming tasks, but in gaming performance,& There's currently no better performing gaming CPU for the price than&the .
Extremely overclockable
Dual-core (rather than quad-core) hurts performance in a few high-end games
Needs to be overclocked to reach potential
One of the oft-cited downsides of gaming on a PC, compared with gaming on a console, is the cost of the hardware. There’s certainly some truth to that, since a single high-end component can cost as much as entire console, and in some cases, more.&But by carefully choosing components, you can shave hundreds off the price of your gaming PC and still enjoy most up-to-date games in high resolution without having to keep the detail settings on the lowest possible level.
Enter the&
, a truly affordable chip that can slug it out with the big guns of the processor world. Every so often, Intel brings out an affordable CPU that’s trivial to overlock to higher speeds. You might even think they’ve done it on purpose, since the G3258 carries Intel’s Pentium 20th Anniversary branding.
Number Of Cores: 2
Hyper-threading: No
Base Clock Frequency: 3.2 GHz
L3 Cache: 3MB
Thermal Design Power (TDP): 53W
PCI-Express lanes: 16
Both Intel and AMD sells a wide range of other affordable processors, including the Core i3 line and other Pentium chips. But none of these even approach the value for money of the Pentium K G3258, given how well it does in tests.
This dual-core chip runs at 3.2 GHz stock, but can easily overclock towards 4.5 Ghz without needing an exotic cooling system, or even increasing the voltage. It costs&
, a bargain by any standard. While it’s a no-frills processor, as it’s only a dual-core model, and lacks Turbo Mode or hyper-threading, this is still enough to drive the majority of games at playable resolution and detail settings.
The Core i3 processors may be marginally faster, equal, or even slower in some cases, but nearly all of them cost more.&Since the G3258 is all about saving cash, it makes little sense to pair it with an expensive modular 1000-watt power supply, water-cooling setup or a deluxe motherboard that costs three times as much as the CPU. This is a perfect budget chip for a budget rig.
The same goes for the GPU. While you could pair an all-singing $349 GeForce GTX 970 with a $68 Pentium K processor, if you’re going down that line, it makes more sense to spend just another $150 and get a Core i5 for much better overall performance in a wider range of gaming and non-gaming tasks. If you’re trying to save cash and build the best gaming PC you can on a limited budget, a more modest graphics card will save hundreds, and also means you can use a less expensive power supply.
What would we recommend? A Micro-ATX Z97 motherboard such as the Gigabyte Z97M-DSH3 and a nice-looking case such as Corsair’s Carbide Air 240. 8GB of memory will be fine, and there are a new breed of affordable SSDs to consider, such as Corsair’s MX100, or Samsung’s 850 Evo. Buy a 512GB model and you can squeeze in loads of games from a bulging Steam library, leaving a hard disk off the shopping list.&As for a graphics card, the Pentium K G3258 is a great partner for&
, which can be found online for as little as $170.
So with these affordable prices, you can get a processor, motherboard, memory and graphics card for about $400. Although this doesn’t factor in a display, PSU or case, this is the guts of a gaming PC for around the same price as a PS4 or Xbox One.Budget limitations
As great as the Pentium chip is, it does have some limitations. As we pointed out earlier, it's much slower than the i5-4690k and i7-4790k when it comes to demanding multi-core applications, like video encoding. That's because it's a dual-core CPU. Because many games don't take advantage of every CPU core, it can hold its own even in demanding modern games.
Pentium G3258
Core i5 4690k
Core i7 4790k
Tomb Raider (avg fps)
Metro: Last Light (1080p V. High)
Civ: Beyond Earth (avg fps)
Unigine Heaven 4.0 (fps)
Handbrake encode
Overclocked, the Pentium G3258 puts up some truly impressive numbers compared to the beefier chips.&
, punishing multi-core games are the only ones that give it problems. It's not a great CPU for Battlefield 4.
So how does the Pentium G3258 compare to AMD's budget price chips? Intel's been outperforming AMD in the high performance arena for several years, but still sells some chips at attractive budget prices. The strength of AMD's current APUs is their onboard graphics processing. They still beat Intel there, but that graphics performance is irrelevant if you're going to buy a graphics card. Our budget recommendation has this in mind. You could buy the&
, or buy the cheaper Pentium and put that $40 you save towards a much more powerful dedicated GPU.
AMD does have some cheaper desktop CPUs under the $100 mark. But they're just not as good for gaming, or don't come close to offering the same bang for your buck. The Tech Report&found that the G3258&
. Anandtech found the G3258& in some non-gaming tasks, and& that it beat the same AMD A10-7800 in dedicated gaming benchmarks, too.& is the best budget CPU.
Better multitasking than a Core i5
Hyperthreading speeds up a few games and tasks like video encoding
Very fast base clock speed
$100 more than a Core i5
Negligible framerate difference in most games
, which costs $330 on Amazon,&is the best high-end gaming CPU money can buy for one reason: out of the box, its base clock frequency is 4 GHz, which is the highest of any desktop Intel processor to date. In Turbo Mode, it goes up to 4.4 GHz, a mighty speed that usually wouldn’t be a bad achievement when overclocking.
CPU clock speed contributes greatly to a graphics card’s overall polygon-pushing performance, so for the absolute best frame rates at the highest possible detail settings, you want to pair the best GPU you can afford with the fastest CPU around, rather than the CPU with the most cores. It’s why people spend hours overclocking, tinkering with BIOS settings and installing large and expensive cooling systems to raise their CPU’s frequency as high as it can go. And it explains why the Core i7-4790k outperforms or equals Intel’s eight-core Core i7 5960x Extreme Edition processor in games, despite the . Triple the price!
With the 4790k, you don’t have to bother with overclocking or even understand it. You’re getting a chip that runs exceptionally fast without having to lift a finger.
Then, there’s hyper-threading. This feature makes a quad-core processor appear to software as having eight cores, or a dual-core chip as having four. Heavily multi-threaded software can then make full use of every spare ounce of CPU power, running two threads on a single CPU core. Although in reality, the chip hasn’t gained any additional hardware, the improvement can mean tangible benefits in some software.
Not all games take advantage of hyper-threading, but it offers enough of a boost to non-gaming tasks to make it a desirable additional feature, especially if the chip is already blisteringly fast in gaming. And this is the reason the i7 is our high-end pick, rather than our general recommendation. When it comes to gaming, there's usually little distinguishable difference between the 4690k and the 4790k.&
and barely makes a framerate difference in most cases. Outside of gaming, though, it has a bit more muscle to flex.
This is especially evident in our video encoding test. Both the Core i5-4690k and Core i7-4790k are quad-core chips, but the Core i7 has hyper-threading, which contributes to reducing the total encode time by roughly 25%. Very useful if you’re interested in converting videos to smaller files for use on a tablet or phone. And it’s here where the dual-core chips really come under pressure, taking hours longer than either the 4690k or 4790k.
If you’re building a heavy-duty system for processor-intensive tasks, which includes 3D design using tools such as Maya and 3Ds&Max, audio editing, photo processing and video effects, the i7 is a nice step up from the i5.
For gaming, as we mentioned before, more GPU power usually makes a bigger difference than an extra few hundred megahertz. If you take a look at our results, the extra performance of the Core i7-4790k means a very slim improvement to average gaming benchmark results. It seems that in some of the tests, the GPU, not the CPU, was the main performance bottleneck.
Pentium G3258
Core i5 4690k
Core i7 4790k
Tomb Raider (avg fps)
Metro: Last Light (1080p V. High)
Civ: Beyond Earth (avg fps)
Unigine Heaven 4.0 (fps)
Handbrake encode
But the minimum and maximum frame rates are notably improved with the Core i7-4790k, in particular in the Metro Last Light test, which has a variety of action-packed sequences.
Pentium G3258
Core i5 4690k
Core i7 4790k
Tomb Raider (min)
Tomb Raider (max)
Metro: Last Light (min)
Metro: Last Light (max)
Civ: Beyond Earth (min)
Civ: Beyond Earth (max)
So while we’re looking at the best CPU for gaming, nearly everyone will use their PC for other tasks as well. Improved performance in multi-threaded games and media software is a nice, if not essential, addition to having the highest out-of-the-box clock speed then, that only strengthens the Core i7-4790k’s position as the best chip to go for in a premium gaming PC.
However, these extra features aren’t essential to gaming, and given the additional cost of the&,
it isn’t a clear leap ahead in gaming performance over the& to make it the best overall CPU.WHY NOT HASWELL-E CPUs?
The X99 platform and Extreme Edition Core i7 processors, like the $1050 Core i7-5960x, come with six or eight cores, great for hardcore non-gaming tasks. A Core i7-5960x can chew through the same video encode test in just 45 minutes, about half the time of the 4790k.
But its clock frequency is lower at just 3GHz, which means worse performance in most games. Even overclocked, it's ideally suited to video editing, not gaming. Factor in the cost of DDR4 memory and an expensive motherboard, and the Extreme Edition chips just aren't cost effective for gaming.
They do offer one advantage: multi-GPU support. The Core i7-4790k only has 16 PCI-Express lanes, so a single GPU can utilize the full bandwidth of the 16x PCI-Express bus. Two GPUs will each run at 8x.
The Extreme Edition chips have more lanes. The Core i7-5820k has 24, which means either one 16x card and one 8x, or three GPUs running at 8x. The pricier 5930k and 5960x both have 40 PCI-Express lanes. But does that matter? Only if you're running triple GPU.
shows that there's no performance loss with two cards running at 8x. Don't waste money on a Haswell-E processor for a dual-GPU gaming rig.
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