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(最多只允许输入30个字)[分享] iOS7 字體修改:簡轉繁字體 HiraSansGB 系列
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Update: 1.1 版更新
1. 軟體源上的字體修改適用 iOS 7.1.x
2. 原字體與 iOS 7.0.6 時期並無變動,可直接套用
補充說明:Facebook 即時通的字體不顯示問題,我找到解決方法了。
請「移除 Facebook 即時通」並且去 App Store 重新安裝就可以解決字會隨機不見的問題,看起來是因為即時通會記憶你當前字體的屬性,去改變它的顯示設定,一旦你換了字體,就會有些字隨機不見的情況,我看這根本是即時通的問題….
另外,如果你下次又換了不一樣的字體,又出現字不見,那就再來一次,反正 FB 的訊息也不會不見,我試了很多種字體都可以這樣解決,請大家再試試看。
Bytafont 2 版本可用的字體,已在我的源上架
加入後到 Cydia 的分類找「LuLu Font iOS7」資料夾即可。網站文章內的下載版、iPhone4TW 的安裝替換版,後續也仍會保持更新,請自行選擇慣用的方式即可。
Update: 已知問題 ( 解決方法請看
補充說明 )
HiraSansGB+儷黑 ( 簡轉繁 ) 字體,在使用 Facebook 訊息時會出現部份內容空白的情況,已在設法解決中,如果有需求的話建議先換別的字體使用。
本篇要分享的是簡轉繁字體,一樣是 HiraSansGB 系列,前幾天一直都有在處理關於 iOS7 字體的問題,目前字體的狀況算是穩定很多了,在 iOS6 時期應該也有不少朋友偏愛使用簡轉繁的字體,在使用簡體介面的 App,或是看簡體字的電子書時都很方便。
1. 日文環境使用者:由於有部份漢字與簡體字的 Unicode 編碼是一樣的,所以就會有一部份的日文漢字被強制轉為繁體字,如果你使用日文環境,就不建議安裝
2. 部份簡體與繁體共用的文字不會被轉換,例如「后天」「注冊」… 等等。
3. 電信商名稱 ( 例如台灣大哥大的「灣」仍是簡體字 ) 不會變 ( 應該是有別的方法改 )
1. HiraSansGB + 儷黑 ( 簡轉繁 )
2. HiraSansGB ( 簡轉繁 )
( 文章標題有寫 iOS7 的才適用 iOS7 )
iOS 7.0 ~ 7.1.x
( iOS 6 或更早的版本均不適用,請注意 )
適用 iOS 系統語言:
iPhone / iPad / iPod Touch 全系列
iOS7 字體路徑:
如果你看不到上面的字體路徑,請打開 Cydia 搜尋 afc2add 這個小程式,安裝之後再接上電腦應該就可以看到系統資料夾了。
要備份哪幾個檔案?共有 4 個:
Win 系統:iFunbox ( 推薦 )、iTools
Mac 系統:iFunbox ( 推薦 )、PhoneView、iTools
iOS 系統:iFile ( 推薦 )
好人做到底,iOS7 中文原生字體備份也給你吧!預防萬一:
7z 壓縮檔:/
(一) 適用於 iOS7 的 HiraSansGB+儷黑 字體 ( 簡轉繁 )
7z 壓縮檔:/
(二) 適用於 iOS7 的 HiraSansGB 字體 ( 簡轉繁 )
7z 壓縮檔:/
解壓縮之後會有 4 個與原生字體同名的檔案,注意不要放到搞錯了,另外,我是用 Mac 壓縮的,如果解壓縮之後有出現其他不相關的檔案請自行忽略。
1. 將下載的新字體 4 個檔案都丟進去,覆蓋原本的檔案
2. 重新開機,或是 Respring 就可以了
現階段 Respring 不方便的話,就重開機,或是去 Cydia 安裝一個叫 Respring 的小軟體,裝完會在手機桌面多一個 Respring 圖示,點一下就能 Respring,很方便,等之後 SBSetting 可以正常使用後,或是等皮樂大把快速開關替換成 Respring 按鈕的套件釋出後,就會更方便了。
以下均簡體介面的 App,如威鋒網、百度輸入法、風行、優酷
( 直接點圖可以開啟新分頁看大圖 )
by LuLu總裁
一起到 LuLu總裁 的 Facebook 專頁按個 讚 吧!
追蹤必備對 3C 科技資訊與 Final Fantasy 遊戲有著異於常人的熱情,經常文章一寫就是三更半夜,在 Final Fantasy 的遊戲攻略上,喜歡以超長文章、方便的目錄與詳細的流程說明來編寫。除了對 3C 資訊的持續關注之外,也希望能為 Final Fantasy 系列遊戲的繁體中文攻略盡一份心力。
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I solved it by setting valid archs to armv7 armv7s and setting build active architectures only to YES in release and then doing a new "pod install" from the command line
Given an iPhone 5s and not yet having received a 64 bit version of a third party library, I had to go back to 32 bit mode with the latest Xcode (prior to 5.1 it didn't complain).
I fixed this by deleting arm64 from the Valid Architectures list and then setting Build Active Architecture Only to NO.
It seems to me this makes more sense than the other way around as shown above.
I'm posting in case other people couldn't get any of the above solutions to work for them.
I had the same problem after upgrading to Xcode 5.1 and fixed it by setting Architectures to armv7 armv7s
Had been stuck on this issue the whole day.
I had multiple Schemes, it was compiling fine for Demo, Internal, Release - however Debug scheme just would not compile and was complaining about the libPods.a missing.
The solution was to go to the Project -> Target -> Build Settings and change "Build Active Architecture Only" to YES. Clean and build! Finally hours of head itching solved!
Setting -ObjC to Other Linker Flags in Build Settings of the target solved the problem.
This might be related to libz.dylib or libz.tbd, just have to add it to your targets for the linking binaries, and try to compile again.
The following worked for me to get GPUImage compiling without errors on Xcode 5.1 for both the 64-bit simulator and retina iPad Mini, without needing to remove arm64 from the Valid Architectures list (which defeats the purpose of owning a 64-bit device for testing 64-bit performance).
Download the .zip folder from the GitHub page:
Unzip, and navigate to the 'framework' folder. From here, add and copy the 'Source' folder into your Xcode project. Ensure 'Copy items into destination group's folder' is ticked, and that 'Create groups for any added folders' is also ticked. This will copy the generic, iOS and Mac header/implementation files into your project.
If you don't need the Mac files because you're compiling for iOS you can delete the Mac folder either before you copy the files into your project, or simply delete the group from within Xcode.
Once you've added the Source folder to your project just use the following to begin using GPUImage's classes/methods:
#import "Source/GPUImage.h"
A few things to point out:
If you get an error saying 'Cocoa' not found, you've added the Mac folder/headers into your iOS project - simply delete the Mac group/files from your project and the warning will vanish
If you rename the Source folder (not the group in Xcode), use that name instead of "Source/GPUImage.h" in the #import instruction. So if you rename the folder to GPUImageFiles before you add to your project, use: #import "GPUImageFiles/GPUImage.h
Obviously ensure arm64 is selected in the Valid Architectures list to take advantage of the A7 64-bit processor!
This isn't a GPUImage.framework bundle (such as if you downloaded the framework from ) so it may not the correct way to use GPUImage that Brad Larson intended, but it works for my current SpriteKit project.
There's no need to link to frameworks/libraries etc - just import the header and implementation source folder as described above
Hope the above helps - it seems there were no clear instructions anywhere despite the question being asked multiple times, but fear not, GPUImage definitely works for arm64 architecture!
This issue occurred for me after installing a pod via Podfile and pod install. After trying a bunch of different fixes I finally just imported the Pod manually (dragging the necessary files into my project) and that solved the problem.
answer pointed in right direction, a little tweak in his answer solved my problem for iOS8.2 .Thanks to him.
I solved this problem by setting that:
ARCHS = armv7
VALID_ARCHS = armv6 armv7 armv7s arm64
In my case, I had to look for
C++ Standard Library and make sure that the libc++ was the one selected.
This worked for me:
ios sdk 9.3
into your build setting of app.xcodeproj
valid architecture: armv7 armv7s
Build Active architecture : No
Clean and build , worked for me.
For me, I use opencv 2.4.9 in xcode 7.2 for iOS and the errors above occurred, and I solve the errors by using the opencv through pod install rather than offline opencv framework.
You can have a try by adding the opencv pod text below and delete the offline opencv framework if you have used.
pod 'OpenCV', '2.4.9'
You need to just remove arm64 from Valid Architecture and set NO to Active Architecture Only . Now just Clean, Build and Run. You will not see this error again.
This solution is the only thing that worked for me:
go to CordovaLib settings and add arm64 to Valid Architectures.
I have facing the same problem after installing the AWS framework to overcome this issue,I have update the POD config file from your project which get created after installing AWS POD. Check config file as below
OTHER_LDFLAGS = $(inherited) -ObjC -l"Pods-AWSAutoScaling" -l"
AWSCloudWatch" -l"Pods-AWSCognito" -l"Pods-AWSCore" -l
"Pods-AWSDynamoDB" -l"Pods-AWSEC2" -l"Pods-AWSElasticLoadBalancing"
-l"Pods-AWSKinesis" -l"Pods-AWSLambda" -l"Pods-AWSMachineLearning"
-l"Pods-AWSS3" -l"Pods-AWSSES" -l"Pods-AWSSNS" -l"
Pods-AWSSQS"-l "Pods-AWSSimpleDB" -l"Pods-Bolts" -l"Pods-FMDB"
-l"Pods-GZIP" -l"Pods-Mantle" -l"Pods-Reachability" -l"Pods-TMCache"
-l"Pods-UICKeyChainStore" -l"Pods-XMLDictionary" -l"sqlite3" -l
"z"-framework "Accelerate" -framework "AssetsLibrary"
-framework "CoreLocation" -framework "Foundation" -framework
"ImageIO" -framework "Security" -framework "SystemConfiguration"
-framework "UIKit" -weak_framework "UIKit"
if your config file not working properly then Set your Other Linker flag to $(inherited)
Go to target Build Settings.
set BUILD ACTIVE ARCHITECTURE ONLY = NO for both Debug and Release
Build and run
If the architecture and linker settings look good, check your h files.
My issue was the same error, but I had restructured the h files and I removed an extern statement.
Other m files were using that variable, causing the linker error.
Adding "Security.framework" did the trick for me.
I know this is an old branch. However, the same problem started happening to me after migrating to the latest CocoaPods version (1.0.0) and trying to reinstall all pods. I encountered the "Missing symbols for armv64" linker error.
Oddly enough, I solved it by performing the following steps:
Remove all pods (pod init,
pod install)
Rewrite the podfile in a reversed order (instead of:
pod "Mixpanel",
pod "Intercom",
pod "Intercom",
pod "Mixpanel"
Pod install
Reversing the order of the dependencies in the podfile and rebuilding the pods has solved the problem.
None of the solutions fix this error in my case(Xcode 9), with TesseractOCRiOS. After hours of trial and error, I came up with a good solution. I just delete 'pod 'TesseractOCRiOS', '~& 4.0.0' in the Podfile, run pod install. And then, add pod 'TesseractOCRiOS', '~& 4.0.0' back to Podfile and run pod install again.
Bang! It works!
"The OPN [Debug] target overrides the OTHER_LDFLAGS build setting". This was the main issue. After adding $(inherited) in new line in other linker flags solved my issue.
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