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你可能喜欢String handling methods of the String object
Here are the string handling related methods of the Stirng
object, in full force:
Returns the character at the &x& position
within the string.
Returns the Unicode value of the character
at position &x& within the string.
concat(v1, v2,...)
Combines one or more strings (arguments v1,
v2 etc) into the existing one and returns the combined string. Original
string is not modified.
fromCharCode(c1, c2,...)
Returns a string created by using the
specified sequence of Unicode values (arguments c1, c2 etc). Method of
String object, not String instance. For example: String.fromCharCode().
indexOf(substr, [start])
Searches and (if found) returns the index
number of the searched character or substring within the string. If not
found, -1 is returned. &Start& is an optional argument specifying the
position within string to begin the search. Default is 0.
lastIndexOf(substr, [start])
Searches and (if found) returns the index
number of the searched character or substring within the string.
Searches the string from end to beginning. If not found, -1 is returned.
&Start& is an optional argument specifying the position within string to
begin the search. Default is string.length-1.
Executes a search for a match within a
string based on a regular expression. It returns an array of information
or null if no match is found.
replace( regexp, replacetext)
Searches and replaces the regular
expression portion (match) with the replaced text instead.
Tests for a match in a string. It returns
the index of the match, or -1 if not found.
slice(start, [end])
Returns a substring of the string based on
the &start& and &end& index arguments, NOT including the &end& index
itself. &End& is optional, and if none is specified, the slice includes
all characters from &start& to end of string.
split(delimiter, [limit])
Splits a string into many according to the
specified delimiter, and returns an array containing each element. The
optional &limit& is an integer that lets you specify the maximum number
of elements to return.
substr(start, [length])
Returns the
characters in a string beginning at &start& and through the specified
number of characters, &length&. &Length& is optional, and if omitted, up
to the end of the string is assumed.
substring(from, [to])
Returns the
characters in a string between &from& and &to& indexes, NOT
including &to& inself. &To& is optional, and if
omitted, up to the end of the string is assumed.
Returns the string with all of its
characters converted to lowercase.
Returns the string with all of its
characters converted to uppercase.
At first glance, the above methods can appear a little
intimidating to some, so let's go over some of the more commonly used ones,
method by method:
charAt() simply
returns the character at the specified position. For example:
var message=&internet&
//alerts &n&
-concat(v1, v2,..)
A &redundant& method, concat()
combines the strings of its parameters with the calling string. Here's an
var message=&Bob&
var final=message.concat(& is a&,& hopeless romantic.&)
//alerts &Bob is a hopeless romantic.&
The reason for this method's redundancy is that it's often a
lot simpler to use the &+& operator instead to combine strings. The choice
is yours, of course.
An extremely useful string method, indexOf()
allows you to search whether a particular character or
substring exists within a string, and if so, where the first character of
the character/substring is located. If no match is found, &-1& is returned
The below demonstrates using this method to determine
whether the word &George& exists in a sentence:
var sentence=&Hi, my name is George!&
if (sentence.indexOf(&George&)!=-1)
alert(&George is in there!&)
Since it does, indexOf()
will NOT return -1, but rather, the
index number of &G&, and subsequently, the alert message will be executed.
If we were to tweak the sentence ever so slightly, so it
var sentence=&Hi, my name is Goerge!&
Running the same indexOf()
code will return &-1& instead.
-slice(start, end)
As the name implies, slice() extracts out a substring from
the string as determined by the starting and ending points of it's
var text=&excellent&
text.slice(0,4) //returns &exce&
text.slice(2,4) //returns &ce&
Simple enough, right?
One of my personal favorite, split()
cuts up a string into pieces, using the delimiter as the point to cut off,
and stores the results into an array. &Say that again?&, you say. Consider
the following message:
var message=&Welcome to JavaScript Kit&
Let's say I want to extract out the individual words
(&Welcome&, &to&, etc) from it. I would do the following:
//word[0] contains &Welcome&, word[1] contains &to& etc
var word=message.split(& &)
Variable word
instantly becomes an array that holds the individual words. This is so
because we used a space (& &) as the delimiter, which also is what's
separating each word.
To hammer down the point, here's the same message again,
manipulated by split() using a different delimiter this time:
var message=&Welcome to JavaScript Kit&
//word[0] contains &We&, word[1] contains &come to JavaScript Kit&
var word=message.split(&l&)
The split() method is often used to parse values stored
inside a cookie, since they are by default separated by semicolons (;), a
set delimiter.
-substring(from, to)
Last but not least, we arrive at substring(). This method simply returns the substring
beginning with the &from& parameter (included as part of the substring), and
ending with &to& (NOT included as part of substring). It behaves just like
the slice() method seen earlier. For example:
var text=&excellent&
text.substring(0,4) //returns &exce&
text.substring(2,4) //returns &ce&
Exhale. We're at the end of the tunnel!
String handling methods of the String object
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NEW YORK, April 20, 2016 & After more than a year of campaigning to convince the U.S. Treasury to replace the portrait of Andrew Jackson on the $20 bill with the face of a female American hero, Women On 20s is celebrating the Treasury Department&s decision to accelerate production of a new $20 bill, revealing its design in time for the 100th anniversary of women&s suffrage in 2020 and working with the Federal Reserve Board to fast-track its issuance into circulation.
Secretary Lew&s choice of the freed slave and freedom fighter Harriet Tubman to one day feature on the $20 note is an exciting one, especially given that she emerged as the choice of more than half a million voters in our online poll last Spring. &Not only did she devote her life to racial equality, she fought for women&s rights alongside the nation&s leading suffragists.
We are gratified to have sparked a conversation about the symbols and historical figures that define us as a nation. And we are heartened that Secretary Lew, U.S. Treasurer Rosie Rios and Federal Reserve Board Chair Janet Yellen are committed to including women in the portrait gallery of paper currency in the near future. Our work ahead will be to make sure the next administration makes this happen in a timely way.
&We are delighted that the parties involved in the decision are united in their commitment to the goal of honoring women in this &most visible fashion,& said Women On 20s Founder Barbara Ortiz Howard. &It&s high time to get the party started.&
Women On 20s Executive Director Susan Ades Stone added, &We had been looking to this Treasury Secretary to put a woman front and center as soon as possible and powerfully inspire the quest for gender equality going forward. Today&s announcement is an important step in moving us closer to that goal.&
Ades Stone also noted, &This is just as much a victory for the millions of American people, young and old, who cared enough about women and their worth to rally for this historic change.&
Sunday, April 17 -- We’d like to take credit for what seems like a great victory for our cause to get a woman on the $20 bill. But we’re not there quite yet. Two minor bills -- the $10 and the $5 -- with barely discernible images of women on their back sides, and the promise of replacing the slave trading, Indian killing Jackson with a woman on the $20 fifteen years down the road is not the suffrage centennial celebration we were looking for.
This affront to Native and African Americans on our most visible and used bill simply cannot continue. What we do in the next 48 hours could make all the difference in the world. But we need your help to turn this into a momentous celebration.
We still have a chance to influence President Obama and Treasury Secretary Lew to fast-track the change to the $20 so women can at last have a bill all their own. And we will continue to apply pressure to get women better billing on the two bills that will come out first, the $10 and the $5.
Why are we insisting the Administration get this right and commit to it now?
Because the nation – and young people most importantly – were promised that women would very soon get the real respect they are due. Fifteen years is not soon in anybody’s book.
And the backs of two bills in the meantime will amount to an insult. Time to take the reins away from the men who are calling the shots in this influence game and give women a shot of their own.
To make this the shot that’s heard around the world please
to share our message on Twitter and Facebook. Or share directly from our
Please do it now!
& & & & & &
NEW YORK, April 15, 2016 -- Women On 20s has confirmed with reliable sources that Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew plans to announce next week his design for the new $10 bill. The decision, formulated last fall, is to keep Alexander Hamilton as the sole portrait on the front of the bill and place a scene depicting women on the back side. While sources say the $20 bill will be redesigned in the future, and could feature a woman’s portrait replacing Andrew Jackson, it could be 2030 before that bill would appear in circulation and no commitment will be made to bring it out sooner.
As the organization that started the national conversation early last year about the importance of elevating women to a place of honor in the all-male portrait gallery that is our paper currency, Women On 20s considers it deeply disturbing that Secretary Lew would renege on his public commitment to prominently feature a single woman on the next new bill.
It was particularly disingenuous for Lew to invite the public to participate in the redesign process and then completely disregard the overwhelming sentiment that it should be the $20 bill that gets the facelift by 2020 to celebrate women, displacing the disgraced Andrew Jackson and preserving the popular Hamilton on the $10.
Instead, by refusing to redesign the $10 and the $20 SIMULTANEOUSLY, Lew is sending a resounding message that women and their accomplishments are not worthy of equal representation. We hear you loud and clear, Secretary Lew: the back of the bill is not good enough for our male heroes, but it’s fine for women.
With this decision, Secretary Lew is proving, once again, that in America it’s still a man’s world.
It was a chorus of mostly men who implored him to keep Hamilton on the $10, and he listened. But he was tone deaf to the second part of the message, which was to change the portrait on the $20 instead. What we’re left with is the same old, same old.
What is particularly alarming is: if we can’t get close to equal billing on something as simple as our currency, what hope is there for the bigger challenges ahead of equal pay or overall gender equality.
Hamilton may have thrown away his shot, Secretary Lew, but you’re about to throw away yours, too.
With this decision, you’re teaching a generation of schoolchildren that women don’t have the same shot as men.
Maybe when today’s grade schoolers get to college they’ll finally get to see a woman’s portrait on their money….if there is, indeed, any paper money in use by then.
To celebrate our one-year birthday, on March 1, 2016 we redoubled our efforts and launched a new social media strategy using the hashtags: #TheNew10, #TheNew20 and #DitchJackson, in tweets, posts and emails along with the special money changing graphic GIF seen above. We encourage you to keep the momentum going and continue to send this message out during Women’s History Month.
With a united voice, we aim to send a strong message that a woman deserves to be on the $20 dollar bill. Find us on Twitter
where we hope you'll retweet our graphics & posts to help the message go viral! And don't worry, if you aren't on Twitter, we'll still help you get your voice heard all the way to the Treasury Department. Check the "Join In" tab in the navigation bar above for easy ways to write your senators and post a tweet.
Today Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew announced he will delay his decision on the redesign of the $10 bill until 2016, after having earlier promised a decision by the end of this year. He says he needs more time to consider the input he's receiving from the public. Having started this national conversation with our campaign to have an iconic American woman replace the now infamous Andrew Jackson on the $20 bill, we at Women On 20s are hopeful the Secretary will come around to adopting our idea of a women’s suffrage vignette on the opposite side of the Hamilton $10, while honoring a woman on the $20 bill, as petitioned by our 600,000 voters. Surely the Treasury can push for both by 2020.
In the months since we launched this effort on March 1, 2015, momentum has been building from statehouses to college campuses and beyond to change the way we remember our nation’s history. While we can’t erase the misdeeds and injustices perpetrated by some of the leaders we once revered, we can change the narrative we teach future generations in powerful ways. Our paper bills serve as pocket monuments – everyday reminders of who and what we value. It shouldn’t take decades to remove a slave trader and Indian oppressor from the ubiquitous $20 and replace him with the freed slave and freedom fighter, Harriet Tubman. If you agree, let Secretary Lew and President Obama know. Apparently they’re still listening.
Last July Women On 20s presented U.S. Treasurer Rosie Rios with this artist’s rendering we commissioned as a concept for the opposite side of the $20 bill. It is a vignette picturing iconic figures who fought for women’s rights, leading to the ratification of the 19th Amendment to the Constitution guaranteeing women the right to vote. We later engaged the public in a contest to name the figures in the scene. The answers can be found under the Join In "The Other Side" tab above. How many can you identify?
Women On 20s: Continuing to Lead the Charge for the Twenty
Op Ed - August 26, 2015
By Susan Ades Stone & Barbara Ortiz Howard
Despite generations of inclusion in our democracy, women have a lot of catching up to do as of today, the 95th anniversary of the date we were at long last given the right to vote. Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew had a golden opportunity to move things in the right direction for the 51% — by deciding finally to put an unsung female hero on our male-only paper currency. Unfortunately, he’s on the road to blowing it.
This is a national movement we’re proud to have inspired — holding an
that attracted more than 600,000 votes to replace Andrew Jackson on the widely used $20 bill. In a stroke of poetic justice, freed slave, freedom fighter and suffragist Harriet Tubman was the people’s choice to replace the slave-trading, Indian-killing seventh President. Schoolchildren pumped about being a part of historic change and minting some new role models were among the most enthusiastic participants in that campaign.
From the beginning, we were under the impression that it was the $20 bill that was
it said so on the Treasury Department’s own website. Overhauling that bill would have made perfect sense. For too long, with Jackson’s image spewing from every ATM, we’ve been sending the world the wrong message about what we value.
What’s more, the 100th anniversary of women’s suffrage arrives in 2020, and issuing a new $20 bill in time to celebrate and value women’s contributions to our democracy would be natural.
Imagine our surprise and disappointment when in June, Lew revealed his plans — with barely a mention of our half-million-strong grass-roots campaign that had taken social and mainstream media by storm. He said the woman he chooses will go not on the $20 bill, but on the far less circulated $10 — and will somehow share that bill with its current occupant, the revered architect of our democracy and financial system, Alexander Hamilton.
By not evicting Jackson (who, ironically, despised paper money and Hamilton’s central banking system), diminishing Hamilton and giving women shared billing, Lew managed to please almost no one and offend many. By any calculus, half a ten hardly equals a twenty.
#TheNew10 Spawns Controversy...and Levity
EDITORIAL - July 4, 2015:
Take Jackson Off the $20 Bill, Put a Woman in His Place
There is no question that the United States should put a woman on its paper currency. But the Treasury Department’s plan to put one on the $10 bill, which currently has the image of Alexander Hamilton, is the wrong way to do it.....
.....A better idea is to remove Andrew Jackson from the $20 bill and replace him with a distinguished woman from American history. Jackson was a slave owner whose decisions annihilated American Indian tribes of the Southeast. He also hated paper currency and vetoed the reauthorization of the Second Bank of the United States, a predecessor of the Federal Reserve. Jackson is in the history books, but there’s no reason to keep him in our wallets.
Where Women On 20s Stands Today
The last few months have been an incredible journey for Women On 20s and we are grateful for the tremendous public support our mission has gathered for ending the male monopoly on the national monument we know as our paper currency.Together we have made an historic impact, bringing important dialogue about valuing the abilities and accomplishments of women to schools, dinner tables, legislative halls, social media forums and editorial outlets. It has been an unprecedented 4-month coast-to-coast conversation. More than a half million people cast votes, not for pop stars, but for historic women who deserve to be celebrated and held up as examples of what young girls can aspire to become – agents of great change who will be recognized and respected alongside influential men who move our country forward.What began with one person’s dream to celebrate the 2020 centennial of women’s suffrage with a fitting tribute grew into a call for action that couldn’t be ignored. And on June 18th, Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew announced a plan in the works to put a woman on the next bill up for redesign – the $10 note.Frankly, the choice of the $10 and not the $20 was a surprise to us. We targeted the $20 because it is a ubiquitous bill bearing the image Andrew Jackson, known more today for his mistreatment of Native Americans, involvement in the slave trade and hatred of paper currency than any other aspect of his legacy. We had no desire to unseat the exemplary Alexander Hamilton, a visionary founding father who designed our monetary system. But we were just as surprised to learn along with the public that Hamilton would not be going away, he would just be sharing the bill with the first woman on paper money in well over a century. And while the new design would be unveiled in 2020, the actual bills would not be circulated for several more years after that. It seems as a nation we can do better job of celebrating women and their worth and do it in a timely way.Since the announcement, we have been paying close attention to the public reaction and debate. We also have partaken in private briefings with the White House and U.S. Treasurer Rosie Rios to learn more about the rationale for choosing the $10 and the seemingly overstretched timeline for its redesign. The answers, so far, have not convinced us that more cannot be done. While we are pleased that a woman will take her rightful place on the new $10 bill, the intentions for the more visible, more numerous and more internationally circulated $20 bill should be announced as well. And perhaps an interim portrait change can be fast tracked, even if a more comprehensive security redesign cannot happen for another decade.
Secretary Lew
that his mind is made up about the $10, but it is his intention to stimulate national debate on the redesign. With all due respect, what is the point of debate if there's no room for a change of mind and direction? Nonetheless, we're taking up the challenge with some
on the $10 vs. the $20.
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