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热门新闻排行本周本月&&(0)&&(170)&&(0)&&(0)&&(0)日本高压7.000v等余中国的电压10kv吗_百度知道Dolphin Emulator - Frequently Asked Questions
What is Dolphin?
Dolphin is a GameCube and Wii emulator with high compatibility across the majority of titles for both platforms. It was first developed as closed source in 2003, and as open source since 2008.
What is Dolphin's License?
When Dolphin went open-source in 2008, it was released under the GPLv2 license. However it has since been
. According to the license, you may use Dolphin and its source code for any purpose, but distributing Dolphin requires that the source code be released and attribution given. For more details, see the .
Who Made Dolphin?
Over 200 people have worked hard over the years to create Dolphin. The list of contributors can be found .
Dolphin is not affiliated with Nintendo in any way.
What operating systems are supported?
Dolphin is a cross-platform emulator that runs on Windows (7 and newer), Linux, and Mac OS X (Yosemite and up). For their ease of use and additional graphics backend options, Windows is generally recommended for most users.
Other Unix-like systems (such as FreeBSD) may work but are not officially supported.
Operating systems are required to be 64-bit to run Dolphin.
As well, Dolphin runs on Android 5.0 and up on 64-bit Android devices.
The Android version of Dolphin is in alpha and should not be expected to work as well as the PC counterpart.
Which CPU should I use?
Dolphin is a dual core application that relies upon IPC (Instructions Per Clock) for performance. Additional cores will not make Dolphin go any faster, though an "extra" core that Dolphin isn’t using may help slightly by keeping background tasks from using the same cores as Dolphin.
Intel: Newer Core i5 and i7 processors such as the i5-4670K and i5-3570K are extremely fast and very affordable considering their relative power. The K series allows for overclocking, which can further improve the performance of those CPUs. Core i7 variants yield almost no benefit in IPC over the i5s they are based on, so save the cash if you’re building a Dolphin machine. For laptops, you can rely on the i7-4700MQ and i7-4930MX for the absolute best performance. Most games will run very well on any of those processors.
AMD: Due to very low IPC, AMD CPUs are poor choices for Dolphin. The FX8000 line of processors is the best they have, and even then most of those processors will be around half the speed of the 4670K’s performance with Dolphin.
Note: For more information regarding CPU performance, please checkout
that contains results from tons of users. Just remember that Dolphin is a console emulator: it does what the games instruct it to do. Every game has its own needs and requirements.
games run well on most modern processors, while
won’t run full speed at all times on even the most powerful of processors.
Which GPU do I need?
Compared to processors, choosing a GPU for Dolphin is a fairly simple task. The more powerful the graphics card, the more pixels and enhancements you can throw at it before you’ll see slowdown. However, the biggest thing to watch for is making sure the GPU supports DirectX11.1 and OpenGL 4.4. Dolphin emulates a console that functions very differently from a traditional PC, and uses the latest D3D and OGL features to reduce overhead. If you do not have those extensions, performance will suffer.
NVIDIA: Due to the importance of the OpenGL Extension “Buffer Storage” no NVIDIA GPU before the Geforce 4xx series can be recommended. Despite being a bit old, the Geforce GTX 460 will handle almost any game you throw at it in HD resolutions. Older NVIDIA GPUs will still be able to run the games fine, especially within the D3D backend and in OpenGL with older builds still using the “Vertex Streaming Hack.”
AMD: Unlike the processor battle, AMD’s graphics cards actually manage very well at Dolphin. As of
, AMD video cards see boosts around the board because of the addition of integer math. As such, the AMD HD5770 and should run most games at HD Resolutions.
Intel Onboard: Intel HD3000 and HD4000 can run Dolphin at reasonable speeds, and can even run many gam but they will struggle with demanding titles. A full fledged graphics card is highly recommended. IGPs older than the HD3000 are not officially supported.
How much RAM do I need to run Dolphin?
2GB or more is recommended. RAM speed or the amount of RAM generally has no affect on emulation speed.
Which version of Dolphin should I download?
The latest stable version of Dolphin is a good choice to start with: it works with a lot of games and is well tested. Development versions have the latest fixes and optimizations, but their constantly changing nature means that little testing has been done on them and unknown bugs may appear.
Our buildbot provides each revision of Dolphin in four variants on the main site:
Windows x64 for 64-bit Windows operating systems
Mac OS X for 64-bit Mac OS X computers
Ubuntu for Debian-based 64-bit Linux operating systems
Android APKs for 64-bit Android
Dolphin . To check if your version of Windows is compatible with 64-bit applications, open the Start Menu, right click on Computer and select the Properties option. A window should appear, showing "64-bit operating system" as the System type if your Windows version can run Dolphin x64.
If you are running a 32-bit operating system, you should upgrade to better utilize the abilities of your hardware.
On Android, Dolphin also requires 64-bit (ARMv8 AArch64). To see if your Android phone has the necessary requirements, simply run the APK, and Dolphin will alert you.
Do note that sometimes the buildbot is not always around for a build, and various revisions may not have built correctly for all OSes. If this occurs, it will be fixed in a short time.
&This program can't start because MSVCP120.dll is missing&
If you are getting this error with a stable build, try to reinstall the application. Check that your antivirus software hasn't placed files in quarantine or deleted some of the files Dolphin needs.
If you are using a development build, extract the files from the archive to a folder on your computer instead of running Dolphin directly from inside the archive.
&This program can't start because MSVCP140.dll is missing&
Dolphin now uses Visual Studio C++ 2015 for Windows compiling,
Windows users must have the
installed in order to use development builds. The runtime has a minimum system requirement of Windows Vista SP2 and Windows 7 SP1.
Also, remember to extract Dolphin's files from the archive to a folder on your computer instead of running Dolphin directly from inside the archive.
&This application has failed to start because XINPUT1_3.dll was not found&
You need to install the latest
or make sure you have the latest
&The application was unable to start correctly (0xc000007b)&
This type of error usually only happens when trying to run a 64 bit Dolphin build, with 32 bit builds working perfectly fine. When people see one of the error messages about vcomp100.dll or xinput1_3.dll missing they often download 32 bit builds of these files from the internet and expect them to work fine with 64 bit applications.
If you're suffering from this issue, make sure to delete any manually downloaded DLL files which are stored in your system paths and in the path where the Dolphin binary is stored and reinstall them with the proper runtime installers instead. Refer to the two questions above for further information.
My Laptop / New GPU is not performing as well as it should
Laptops and modern GPUs use a variety of tricks to reduce their power consumption and overall temperature. Underclocking, reducing voltages, using integrated instead of discrete graphics, etc. Sometimes these tricks get in the way of Dolphin, and the system needs a little help to use it's maximum capabilities with the emulator. Use the links below for assistance.
I configured the bindings for the second GC pad but it does not work
Make sure that the emulated GameCube port 2 is configured as a Standard Controller in the GameCube tab of the main configuration window. If the pad still does not work, check that your game can actually use a second GameCube controller.
How can I use my PS3 or PS4 wireless controller with Dolphin?
Install the
to get Windows to recognize your controller as a bluetooth device, or to connect a PS3 controller to your system. They can then be used in the Dolphin GCPad and Emulated Wiimote configuration.
My audio is stuttering!
HLE Audio emulation has always been an issue for Dolphin in the past. Glitches, crashes, missing audio, volume issues, balance issues and more plagued the emulator. In an effort that eventually fixed 99% of the problems, audio emulation was revamped to be synchronous to emulation speed. This acts more like the console itself would, and prevents thousands of audio issues and crashes from cropping up.
What can you do? Well, if you’re running well below full speed, setting the frame limiter lower will get you time stretching to that framerate. The OpenAL audio backend also has the ability to timestretch regardless of what you have the framelimiter set to.
Other than that there is no solution other than to run the game full speed. If by chance you prefer buggy audio, use a version before the audio improvements, such as Dolphin 3.5.
Game &X& does not run correctly
Even with a decade of work, Dolphin isn't a perfect emulator.
This means you may encounter various issues that range from minor sound or graphics defects to game breaking errors and crashes.
In order to provide users with as much information as possible, the Dolphin website hosts a
with thousands of pages dedicated to games and various features of the emulator.
Game Specific pages often list problems a game has, solutions, and what settings are needed to make it run as accurately as possible.
If you find a bug in a game that isn't listed on the Wiki, please checkout the
and see if it is reported there.
If it isn't, feel free to report the bug you found so that the developers are aware of the issue.
Be aware, one of the rules you must follow before reporting an issue is make sure the issue isn't already fixed on the latest development version.
Dolphin speeds up when I open the graphics menu?
Dolphin is configured to run as fast as possible by default. However, for some games, that will cause a lot of problems, and they need more accurate and more demanding settings to run properly. For user convenience, many games have had these settings preconfigured in the "GameINI", a file with custom settings for each game.
By opening the graphics menu, you are overriding the GameINI default settings and instead using the settings within the graphics menu, which will be the global defaults or whatever you last set them to. If you are playing a game that needs accurate but demanding settings, opening the graphics menu will disable those settings and result in a speed up. However, you will then be subject to the glitches and problems the GameINI settings were protecting you from.
for details on what games needs which settings to run correctly and why.
How can I build Dolphin on my computer?
The build instructions are available on GitHub:
What is the best way to follow the development progress?
Builds are compiled for every development version of Dolphin and are available on the .
All of the Git commits are also available on
where you can comment on changes and view new
to get a jump on upcoming features.
I've got an idea to make Dolphin better, how should I tell the devs about it?
Most of the Dolphin developers read the . Posting a thread there might be a good idea to get some feedback from developers but also from users.
Dolphin developers also communicate via IRC, which is better for instant discussion than a forum. Join us on #dolphin-emu @ irc.freenode.net.
Even if your idea is very good, note that developers are doing their work on Dolphin on their free time and don't necessarily have the time to implement everything people suggest. If you can, implementing a first draft of your idea might be a good way to get developers attention.
Couldn't Dolphin use more of my CPU cores to go faster?
CPUs do not work that way.
Every core on a CPU runs in parallel. Two tasks can run very well in parallel if they don't need to communicate often or to run at the exact same speed. For example, compressing files can be run on separate cores because compressing one file and compressing another file are two completely independent tasks, which do not need to communicate.
In Dolphin, the only demanding tasks that can run well in parallel are the CPU, the GPU and the DSP. Breaking up any of these tasks into smaller tasks just to run it on more cores is very likely to make the program slower. That's why Dolphin only runs on 3 cores and won't use all of your 4 or 6 cores CPU.
Why do I need such a powerful computer to emulate an old console?
While it's true the GameCube and Wii hardware is a lot slower than what you need to emulate the console using Dolphin, the hardware found in these consoles is also very different from what you can find in a gaming PC. For example:
Instead of an Intel or AMD x86 CPU, GameCube and Wii use an
CPU. Games are programmed for this CPU: when emulating, every basic instruction a game runs needs to be translated to something a PC can execute. Depending on the instruction, this can take from 2x to 100x clock cycles, which explains why you need more than a 486MHz CPU to emulate a GameCube.
The RAM in these consoles is , smaller but faster than the
used in a PC. It is also shared between CPU and GPU, which makes operations like texture uploads (CPU memory to GPU memory) or framebuffer copies (GPU memory to CPU memory) a lot less demanding than they are on a PC.
The GPU is not using shaders: every graphics effect and every computation done by the game is executed directly by the hardware without an intermediate programming language. This does not match how a PC GPU works at all. Dolphin uses shaders on the PC GPU to translate what the GC GPU can do directly in hardware, causing it to run a lot slower.
A PC runs an operating system in order to be able to run several programs at the same time. A GameCube or a Wii does not have the same requirement and can directly execute things on the hardware without going through the operating system, making a lot of communication between chips faster.
This list is not exhaustive but should give you a good idea of what exactly makes emulation require a powerful computer.
Where can I download game ISOs/ROMs ?
Short answer: You don't. Buy games and dump them with a Wii.
Long answer: Downloading commercial games is illegal and thus strongly frowned upon by the Dolphin developers. To prevent legal issues, this includes gray areas like downloading games which you purchased earlier. You don't necessarily need to own a gaming console by yourself because you can buy a game disc and dump them with a friend's console. On the other hand, copying a friend's game dump is considered illegal again.
For dumping games with a Wii, you'll want to install the homebrew channel and run an application like .
What dump formats are supported by Dolphin?
Dolphin supports playing games dumped in the following formats:
GCM/ISO (uncompressed dumps, should be 1.4GB for GameCube games and 4.7GB for Wii games
GCZ (Dolphin can be used to compress your games to this format)
WBFS (not supported in Dolphin 3.0 or earlier)
Note that WBFS and CISO are lossy compression formats: they remove some of the unused information stored on the discs to make files smaller. As such, we recommend you try dumping your games as GCM/ISO if you get issues using a WBFS dump.}


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